ltD CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF 1 ta I j ' ,i h ti c. a ft C u 01 a w 1 u 1 5 mmirain iHHmfflWlflW hmmmmmmmummmmmmmmmmmaammmmmm ..-71 about a fast race for the prize. The republicans say "We will support the administration" and there is no question as to their individual honesty or talent. But what did LaFollettc do? What did Norris do? What did Lodge do? At a critical mom ent they failed. .The only safe way is to continue the majority on the Wilson side. At least five democratic senators are called for. Voters; sec that Ne braska sends one of them. RANGE COMFORT t The Tentative Ideas of the Fashion Artists Have Crystallized! THE experimenlal slage in trying out the new Fall and Winter fashions has passed and only the mosT: successful ones remain. You find the best efforts of the New York, Cleveland, London and Paris fashion artists here in Red Cloud. We lake a great deal of pride in our showing of women's and Not one of us but knows of some son of German born par ents who is in the ranks should er to shoulder with our Ameri can boys. And that there arc a vast number of German-born citizens who arc just as true Americans as our own native people. In the roseate light of a dawning peace let it be re- imembered that the birthright title of German is not in itself cause lor condemnation. Thou j sands of these people know now Jand thousands more will realize , that America's part in the - world war is for the benefit of 1 the fatherland. Ours is not a war for conquest but for liberty and enlightenment. Every German-born American has rela tives or friends over there who will benefit beyond measure ! when the final settlement comes. JklSXiir 't'TT-JCX-l Jm ni. yj ri jfj ,TVl III!1 Irlil'' i W m ipiii liiniTi I'lfilWUBV That will Last a Lifetime EOR the sake of a few A dollars HOW why buy a range that in a few years will need repairs and in a few years more will be worn out entirely? Add a few more dollars and buy a The SMa!ieaDblcd Range Always Preferable The Range that'll give per feet satisfaction in every way and with a will last a life time. When buying a range, buy Come and sec it and let us tell you all about it. It is a beautiful range It is an excellent baker It is a great fuel saver A r Ay l 5P XI WP little the care best. 5H hk 0 tVM .v. t Si M J&J fi :hins for the best mkw rnnrc- nv 1, is the result or montlis or searenme lor uie in the market: a market, as you know, that has been none too well supplied and has been getting "thinner" day by clay. You can buy here with confidence that you are receiving the best obtainable. gr- Go T (amiraiiiJOiTBBSBU3nra.iminiu!ffluHiiiiHDUffl!BBi .' 1 wiii'i,,,, ,.n ut irate Red Ootid, Neb i&n iT 3013 9 jffli 'ILU UWi j ziin& . tianChurch rHE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska i43ftC4i Sunday 9 Oct. 27th NO SERVICE On Account of Health Conditions i; iWAVVAV.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V-V.V.V.VAV."AVj t"JULIbHED 13 VERY THURSDAY rfutcred In the I'oHtofllcc at Hid t U i.rt, Nob tin Second Clius Matter F. L. BROWNE. Editor r.d Mn.St rUB ONLY DKMOUKATIU i'AI'KH WKIJSTKU COUNTY Lincoln I eiepnone and Telegraph Co. We have heard it said that some democratic votes will go to the other side because of the administrations war bond and selective draft policies. Bless your hearts, dear friends: ad mitting the argument for a moment, such action would be a discredit hard to live down. GEO. J. WARREN. Manajtr .nj, ?eve Greatest Value from The Telephone There is no commercial service or home necessity where so great a value is given as in the telephone service. A telephone costs a few cents a day. The SERVICE it renders could not be duplicated for many dollars and in some cases hundreds of dollars. The daily cost of this valuable service is measured in a few cents and is easily within the reach of everyone A telephone installed at once will pro duce n maximum of results. Visiting and shopping may be enjoyed without leaving your own fireside. From time far back telephone controversy has been world wide and the present is no ex ception to the rule. The latest breakout shows the Nebraska State Railway Commission by legal process made and pro ided for such cases, questionir " the right of the ( to make rules and regulation ; con cerning the line., over wH.-ii it tins assumed control. l'i it mildly isn't the Comm running risk of getting it wet? j Our esteemed republican con- temporary the Advertiser dis J plays a noticeable streak of Missourianism a desire to be shown in a recent issue. Time and space are inadequate to the task in its entirety but with de sire to accommodate we essay a few items. The Federal Re serve banking system inaugu rated by the present administra tion has stood the test of the heaviest strain ever put upon a financial institution and is a 'peerless example of govern ! mental success in public activi ties. Wilson "Kept us out of iwar" until the time came when I entry into the war was a neces sity was demanded and com I petent critics do say tint he "kept us out of war" too long then he organized, launched and has carried well nigh to successful termination the greatest war activity recorded j in all history. For this the i world commends him. For this a million voices shouted praise a few weeks ago in New York City. For this the freed people of Belgium weep tears of joy. Arguing that republi can control of Congress will place a check upon expenditures the Advertiser implies extrava gance and files charge of colos sal" war cost "twice as high as it is any where else. lhe ab surdity of these misleading as sertions is plainly evident upon comparison of per capita figures which show that among six leading nations in war the United States is highest in national wealth and lowest in national debt. Latest availa ble figures, compiled during the present month, give the per capita standing as follows: Nat'l Nat'l Fre War ' Wealth Debt Nut'l Debt GrptnUrltinn-siOltf.oOS3l7.0o 3 77 r.O France ir.15.oO C15 30 H58 00 Italy OTw.nO flaSSU 71.10 United States 21 r.O 00 Vi 10 .'11 Co Germany 1233.80 117.70 80.00 Austna-Hun. 112110 103 10 So.00 And in closing we suggest that the Advertiser arguments may be, made to weigh more by cutting'out the personalities. The Big Value in a Heater that ' you have been looking for. consumption of fuel Handsome in durable in construction Burns any Economical in the appearance Strong kind of 'fuel The I LI NO Y HE A TEM is one that will oive you entire salistaction. Let us show W you all its points of advantage. Come in now. W. TRINE CLOUD'S LEADING HARDWARE DEALER ,firK3i3&ZE!Hti qz:'jcxi!m?iiA3wmiXJvjKirn tnmtifiiui iiiwihiiiiimi MyMWMCBHmiB'TS.'aicva.sfcj.iinng wznrak jmrsrm GEO RED Ti ill 11 I.N ting sion feet We will sell at the Miner Ranch 6 miles south and 1 1-2 miles west of Rladen, the following described proper ty. Sak' t ' c .-'.n at 10:30 A. M., on PHM "N 1a 90 it mMr I Lav J.WV. 3 U 'hlTl-B'EProtff 1 R1UI &U 1918 HEAD OF ea 3 Victory crowns the iiliod arms on every battle fisnt." Walter Duranty. w ar uorrevjon- dent in Belgium writes thai the J rejoicing ot people freed irom the oppressor is almost patriotic, lie repeats entreaty heard hundreds of times "You will not give them peace?" Peace by sictory is the only thing that will soothe their memory of suffering. We owe some thing to Belgium. It has been truthfully said that but for Belgium the kaiser's war-mad soldiers might now be sweeping the United States. The defiant slogan, "They shall not pass!" was a potent factor in making possible the victories of today. There are eight democratic Senatorial chairs to be filled and it takes but five of tlum to establish a Senate majority for either party, It is admissablc that a democrat may be install ed in sjmc of th6 six or eight republican seals out mis is Reliable Ken: Fmiili lluhr, candidate for Shorifl, Fum'.v Monday .'KHilidttta for County AMoruey, A I lUmiyy uandilate for Co invy .' ih1r, 15. V. I'art'Vi can lidnii for ronuty (lcrlt, AltuTt V. l)UQkr, can lldate for I'ounty Treiunrvr, J. W. Hamilton, oandhlatu for Conn ty CoiumiMiloiier, Mil District. C. L Wli-itwlie, candidate for Conn' ty Uominisni.uiiT, .'1 1 District. .). I., lleobt), candidate for Statu Hop ivsoiitailvo. loth District. Death By Accident Jud Wldnur, of Ulno Springs, a young man of about 20, employed as brakeiuaii by th C. W. & (J. while en. Kagud In his duties at this station last Thursday night, in some way fell bo ncath tin) moving oars and suffered In juiiei which resulted in death. Iiotli logs were suvured and his head severe ly crushed. Ho lived an hour nnd So minutes and was conscious most of that tlmo. It was the young man's first as well us last trip. The remains won sont to Blue Spi'liiR Friday morning. 26 Head of Horses Consisting of one registered Pereherou stallion wt lSuo, 17 yrs old; 1 bay mare, smooth, wt 1700; 1 gray mare 8 vrs old wt 1700; 1 black mare G yre old wt 1000; 1 bay mare smooth, wt 1300; 1 gray mare 8 yrs old wt 1500; 1 brown mare 8 yrs old wt 1300; 1 black mare 1 yrs old wt lOjt); 1 pair brown geldings 5 yrs old wt .1000; 1 blaclc gelding 5 yrs old wt 1400; 1 bay family driving team 7 yrs old wt 1200; 1 pair 2 yr old black gelding-; 1 bay 2 yr old gelding; 1 Iron gray 2 yr old fllley; 1 bay 2-yr old Alley; 'J yearling geldings; 1 yearling fllley; 1 weanling horse colt, 1 span gin mules 0 and 7 yrs old wt 2.00; 1 span jack mules 1 and 2 yrs old; 1 boys saddle pony. Ill Head of Cattle Consist l"g of 30 head of milk cows f) just fresh, some fresh soon, some dry; ,''' I'n'l tock cows, 2 two-year old heifers; 1 registered Short horn ' n i. "'' voarllng steers and heifers; l."i early .spring calves; !i Inter cnUt'-i '.' b.o, calves. 68 Head of Hogs Consisting of one I'tdand Cblna Imar; 7 brood sows, nil immiinf; 55 head of pigs aud hliou's, wt 'i0 to 70 pounds riutniillalfa hay, !J0() bu I'.tl7 oats-. FARM .CHINERY Couxixtiiig af 1 .lol.n Uteri disc, 1 i.ft ili-.y, l ui-ft diHg, I harrow curt, 1 Uet Kver 1 1 in vann, 1 '-' row .Jo in Dcuni lulei, 1 Deere Ai Jhlati Hin planter RnI idi jln, l l' a- O jo-(Nil 'I I'.-atilee 'i row eul tlvatorst 1 va'Wo ir, I .1. 'in Ot-HH alfalfa i-tiiiU.Ltur, ill InsUn-liig plow, I lOdti stirring plow, 1 vib-surfac. p.elci'i', I tf-ft MeCormlck binder, 1 MoCoriuiek corn bin'ir, 1 .lay U.i.vlc hi,.ekr, 1 D.iuo sweep, 1 4McCor mlck sweep, I l.'.ft .MeJ irmiolc ruki. i (J f MitfJorimcIc mower, I Oft MuConmcU iiiowit 1 lifiitdulfy stalk drill, t John IJ.'oro spreader, 1 Itello C.y Ml ige cutter. 1 Inturnitloii'il foi-d grinder, 1 Monitor fneil urlililur. 1 Kairbauks Morau pump ougiuo, 1 CuHhinan en. giue, wooi I pulleys, lunigurs Una shafts, I block and taeklo, 22S ft rope, 1 lllai'ksinltli's drill. 1 top buggy, 1 firm wagon wide tire, 1 farm wa gon naii'ow tiie, 1 hnv wagon, (5 se-N iioavy work harms'., '"sots chain harness, i sot slngl driving harno'S, 1 Uwitrice cream separator, 1 Home Comfort raiw". I Ivalam t. io liiMtlnsj stove. 1 kitchen cabinet, hiiiiiii canned stull', other household goods, I wagon cook shick, l do., chictiens, numeious other articles LUNCH SERVED BY HIGHLAND RED CROSS CtMtury Kditlou of l(o sheet MuMo Ti:ilMS OF SALH-AU sums of 810.00 and under cash. Hums over that amount 10 months tlmo will bo given purchaser giving approved note bearing 10 jter cent Interest. No property to be removed until terms of sale aro compiled with. Miner & Stewart J. H. Ellinger, Auct. W. A. Sherwood, Clerk. A patron furnishes Information show ing how it piys members of the Farm ers Union Live Stock Commission to deal with their own house In shipment of stock. Not only do they get mark et pric tut afterward there is a divl- Is soul by Cottlng, the Druggist. Call slon oC i1l0'u which adds considerable VSOHMUAXm merely possible. No question f(n' cUu,0' ll-Sw j to tho iiicomo from sale of stock Dr. W.H.Mc Bride DENTIST Succe3sor,to Dr. Cross OVEK "TATR BANK RED CLCUD NEBRASKA JfC- m T