The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 24, 1918, Image 1

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A Kfiusiiaticr Tliat Gives The News Flftj- io Weeks Year 'cr .?f.50
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BL-B Ti - ssswa m-mz&.- -m- a i - i;i,,i-f a wi:..-;
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VdBtfKf .-f .- femV4L?Uroi4 'tK' fcJSt1?TtJBI3TT -VE. J r.-.A.ts' T .., ?JairfAw,;,,3Sflr5;. .kSiSWfc iSF''"' OOfSSS, ' :- V..i!-ffl
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Lay up for a rainy day. Money in one's
pocket is often spent on the spur of the
moment, while you think twice before
drawing on your bank account. The one
sure .way to save money is by depositing it in
a responsible bank. That is the only way to
prevent it from burning holes in your pocket.
Web&er County Bank
Capital and Surplus $33,000
Edward Florance, President
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
S. R. Florance, Cashier
Licensed livibalmcr in
Kansas ami Nebraska
Horse Hearse
Complete. Line of Up-to-date
Furniture, Jugs9 Btc
Open D
ay and Night
Powell & Pope
ef ads Pay You
Death Ends Brief Mness
Tlipcniniiiiiiiiiy was ,hooWotl b nuws
of Hip ik'iiiii of Mi.Gho. IIiii tiitifher,
vnIiU'Ii (iLH'iiriod at her Iidiiiu suiilli of
Keil Cloiitl uhout noon Monda.v, after
an illiuss of tcr laj.
A lioitot relatives ami friends mourn
her untlnielv deimture. A sorrowing
luistiaiid and .sou of '!; year.s look
with teir ilimtnod eye1-, upon the vii
e,tit elialr whuie but jehter-weel; the
wilu and inoiliersiit.
IUhel .liimmiu MeConUej was horn
at Oneida. Kan, .1 miu U:i, b'M, and
eauie to .N'l'Iii;iI;m with her purentH,
uhon u little ctjtld. Her school days
ended with raduatmu from the lied
Coud hi'h h. -In ol. and liuie a'so he
was u vniiieil employe ol tlie Indepen
dent I'l.oue ( o , umkiu&r " 'not of
fi lends wlio knew lier ns u" indiihtii
oils and lnMihle iiirl.
Oolobcr r.uli, V.HS, In till- eit, who
tnurriud UeurKe liiihselbauhor mid lor
1 Tcais they ri'Mdcd on a, fiiitu " inila.s
suiilliPust ot the oily. The past 'Jye.irii
tliey have oeeupltti the Harris faun 7
miles .-oiulicnsi
The esteemed lady's death was duo
to iUi'iiinoiiin and oeeutied uit"i briuf
iiluest, duiiiiK wliieli tune Iter motlu-r
Mrs. C. C. MeCoiikey vu buried, thu
duuKliter unable to atteml.
Open air fiuieral servlees were held
at the UasselbrtCher home Oet. '.'Hid,
Koe. J. L lleelie ollluistlu).'. and'inter
iiiuut was in Hed Cloud ueuiotery.
Crr fressmen Shallenbercr I S8Stoska
Lewis Bright Gives All
Another golden star, emblem of su
preuie biiciiilee,Js added to the Web
ster county pilnxy. Some where In
France, home time last month, Lewis
Uright gave life for the cause of Lib
erty. Deceased was Si years of age and
left here in AuguM, 1!M7, going fiom
Camp Kuiistou to the war front early
last spring
Airs. A. II Uright, the widow motli
er, ha" !'.!. heiutfelt syn )ithy of the
Deserving Men:
Albert V. Ducker, candidate for
County TicHSiirer,
U. .F. l'eriy, candidate for County
Frank Ilutl'er, e.indidate for SlioriU'.
Fiank Monday, candidate iorNCounty
A. I). Hiniiey, candidate for county
Judge, i
J. W. Hamilton, candidate tor Coun
ty Commissioner, . 1 1 1 District.
C. L. Wiekwlie, c.indidute for Conn.
ty Coininisioner, ',) I District,
.f. I.. Iteebe, (vindldate for State Hep-
lesentatlve, 10th Distitet.
' life of the epidemic wh'rh now
lia ',( ptnte r it gtip and the or-
ilo f the .State Hoaid of Health
pi'i niting all meetings Web-tor
coii wna ilou'ivoil of the bonofit of.
tin 'sit and speaking trip of Con
gi'i man .Shalleiihergor which vn
pin nil and ndvoi lined at the dif
fei"t points in Webster County for
Oc'n'ipr 22.
. trust, however, that this will
in i way le.-en the interest or on
tht .ini of the friends of Mr. Slmll
onl gor. Tho only thing that mieht
del him at this election is the
ov onfulonro of his friends who
tbi ' that lie is fuio to ho elect od and
do -iot need special help. This is
n '' "erouT tlii'U's and we liopp tha'
ou. adeis will discord any iu'Ii t
fe " and ret to woik (o co Hint
W '(' ronntv gives oi" Cnmrros'i-1
nm bamlsmri" vote. Ho bai don"!
mn Mil tea t( tiA"Utit i rt .Irt inntii. nn
Mi" ! in in iw -i'ivii tu idJ iiiuil' I VI
otJi mly and for tbN pait of it thf-n
hu 'h.r ou the ticket. Wo rannpf-
lot war Pt the front mnko u? lose
nig' f th ti'i-l that Fiie'i ino"nCon-
ffrr 'in Pbullenlrre" two tho ln-in
nto f our eountry in suniiovtinv the
moi it tho front. Ho ban lud lontf
ot at Washington ami i fully nc
qu: 'id with the nerds and remi Iro
nic of tho tiirrr and much bott"v,
abb ' ) rendrv good orvico to tbo
cov ' v Hum any other man who;
mij i ho elei'tod, no difloronro Inw
goo m- c.'inablo ho if. Kven those who
con i!t tho abilitv of Mr. nd'ews
to l tho equal of that of Mr. SliuHon
bori ' numt ndmit. that the former
has ti en out of touch witbthesotbings
duiinc tbo whole war period while
Mr. Shallenbergor has been ami is
liupi'v engaged in the bcait of things
in Ciis country and it would bo nn
thinr less than a calamity if ho should
be lntired at this time and another put
in Irs place.
A. ptated bo believe that such a
r'fiknilty could only happen because
of the over-ronfidenco of his friends
and wo hom bi'j frionih will wake up
ind pec that this shall not be the
i aso.
i There is a Difference in
.lust as theie is betwen a piece f puie gold nnd that
containing alloy. The lenst" usol l, me are the finest
that can lie IihiI. These comu in th rough ami are
giound uiilil lliev CMiclly meet the ri'iiuliMineitts of our
piiticulai inc trouble. Oiui liuiiliot bn too direful about
tlu c.ics I 1 1 mattor ol a difllni or m. slicmUt ma ciiti-i
into tlie ea'culiiiloii. Toll sun a refu-is inHSk lot oui
pxtroiiNvrv ny pilcn nloue- thu cuie Is the ildiifr desired
Uy mo oi well an yourself. IfCjm i-O, yftu wtll find tint
chitrKO unusually low. iiUljj Into 0ttii'lrrHtion tin
It Xiili be to the ffierhtofyur
eyes to fiarc them amiufd e
Jeweler and Optomutrl&t
C5TC. D. t Q. Watch Inspector
Tlio public bchools uie huiuby clos
ed until further notice.
Pool halls and Picture Shows until
further notice.
All public places where people con
gregate. School children arc prohibited fiom
being on tho streets or absent from
All persons must report tho pre
sence of'Inlluenza in their family or
elsewhere in the city to tho City
Hoard. A penalty of $10.00 will be
imposed if same is neglected.
Dr. llamerell, Pros. City Hoard.
Dr. Jlonry Cook, See. City Hoard.
A. n.'Saladen, Proa. Citj, Council
Homer Doner, City Marshal..
N. I). Please dioinfeet your homos
Formaldehyde, and Soap and Water.
Government Ruling
To conform to tho ruling of the
Federal Government your subscription
must bo p'lid ahead. If you (Ind this
item marked it means that your sub
scription is in arrears and should be
attended to at once. This is not a col
leotion scheme. We aro undor abso
lute ordora from thu Federal Govern
n cut with a punalty for illsiegard. In
this uniitoi out' btht fib lid must u-
i-nt d lb num.' us u u-tnl rtrargei
(V. I .wo no choice. we are putrl.
' , ind oVj chuurfully. Wllj you
i1 Mkewlmi "
r T
Wo have a'' often heaid from Gon-
al Pershing and other high author-
that' the man behind the man bo
' nd tho gun t- as impoitant in u.i.s
' .ir as nn.i'Nlxic else and when we
top to thinh we know that it is so
h it too freipn ntly wo lose slight of the
man that is faithfully and quietly do
ii" his woik at homo without any
inding of t'ur pets or even in some
i.i-cs, a just appieciation of his work.
It is even the case sometimes nnt-
hstanding the gieat service they
I i c rendpiod, such a one leceives
i ticimn foi -omo real or fancied mh
t ile which Vould amount to nothing
i n comjmii d with all tho good thry
ha'c done.
This apjiiies pailicularly to tho
n mliQi's ol tho Local Hoatd of Web-
'"i county, two of whom. Frank
l'-ffor the M'leriil' and H. V. Perry
'i County ( leik, are candidate- for
'lection to theoirices which they
' hi. Of course their duties on this
'I'uud ave no part of their o'eial
itioji, yet tbie public ofTieeiv at this
in of need have taken upon thorn-
'vor tho work jiertaining to lb"
' 'cal Iloaul and they have"
i thfully, ((.rotly and fffieiont'v
'nut it in m eh a mnnner that tli
I opal Hoard of Webster county
cognized as one of tbo most efficient
i tbo 'fitate. Thev hae worked in
-ason and out, and office hours have
at mightly little figuie with them.
They might have asked nay for this
i' i vice und had they been selfish
inikol grabbers looking out for theni--I'lves
alone, would have done so; but
liy wore iiatriots and soldiers out-
ido the ranks and freely gave their
- i icos to our country. They may
i i o made some mistake'? but thev
! i c miirhtv few. Tho vnlii-a nf Wnli.
' county have n chance at the com
i election to lecogniVe and to some
ent icwaid this service by rcelcct-
these mi j to tbo offices they now
'I and we believe the y will do so.
Efficient Ken:
'. L. Heebi' candidate
for .state liepresuiitatlvo, ICtb
It. F. Pony, candidate.
for County Clerk,
Albert V. Ducker. candidate,
for County Treasuior,
Trunk Hull'er, candidate
for Sheriff,
Trunk Mnnday, candidate '
for County Attornuv,
A I), rtauuey, candidate
for County Judge
I W. Hamilton, candidate
for County Commissioner, .Itb Dist
C. L. Wickwire, cundldato
for County Commliiloiiur. 3d Dist.
jj Sons of die conveniences I
I electricity brings
9 3iv 1
vSmi (Fssw
n u.Liyim iv ffi
While the wirWcam0
ffi is n&
YOwrhom&J,ssn.d sstake
How many times have you re
solved to have electricity in your
home "some day?" Now you
can afford it.
Mot only have special v&lca for wir
ing been arranged for this campaign
but the three-fcld economy of EDISON
MA"ZDA Lanipu which cvc three
times a3 much light as old-style car
bon lamps will help you pay the cost.
And the whole family will enjoy the
benefit of electric service that make3
possible innumerable comforts and con
veniences such as the electric toaster,
flatiron, table grill and vacuum cleaner.
Let U3 explain the saving you can mako
by having your house wired now.
lEV -K- TJ J jT 7y-1 Tr-s vr y ?f- m j jjv 1
K - ttM fi 7 H E f V 'SSV
V v y M .. . v V Ms J. v AJP
JtL o
Heating Everything Electrical
Auto Hecirse - Horse Hearse
Phone, Ind. Store 158, Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB.
t ii
, v