The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 17, 1918, Image 8

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1 1
t &
Northeast Pawnee
,., " " . , . ,. ,,
Oni Prill, wife and family ml y.,1
bin1 about u wo ok iio from Hupp.'-
v.Mo, Colo. Tb,y OH..., by way of
v ........ ,.l,.,l1w.v vUil.x I i.. I liHOl) C. .
Mr. .iii.l Mi August Prill. While1
lion? thny vMteil former mlK'liimis
iiinl friends. Orn says that every! hint,'
limUb- uooil out in their ooiiiiliy uiid
that "IiIkIi cost of living" uutf no
lluiivn bnimnse. tho funnels ale rulsitlK
bumper crops of all hinds. They re
turned to Yuma county last Monday.
Fred Urown met with a serious tic
itleiiloiio day last wool', belin? lluree
ly iiltHoltod by a vicious anlnml of liH
herd. Many I'oiitusluiiu woio inlliuted
on varioux parts of Ids body Modluiil
us-damnee was iniiuodhitoly btiuiniiined
i'mm Smith Centre and It Is hoped and
o.spoetid that rootivoiy will bo rapi I.
Uumol Uush of FWboii, was hole
visit itijf ids brotlior, licit and family
or a low days.
.tnhii Itiown, who was horiously ill
for soiiii) tlmo past is now giudually
Kverott Movers, Oliver Nublu and
tho Kyan Bros, did their thresh inn the
forepart of the weelc. Thoir wheat,
whleh was of tfood tpnillty, made iiboul
1 1 bnsliels to tho acte. The worlt was
very nicely done by lirowu llros.
A baby f,'lrl was born to Mr. mid
Mrs, Kuss .lohiiston last weoU, and
inotner and buby doing line.
Miss Nora Dunn arrived from Lin
coln last week. She intends to remain
hero for the winter.
Kay Davis, from Ytiuiii county, Colo,,
purchased 1(50 ucros from Charley
Unrrolt. Con&tdunitlon 53,200.
.lay Leadabrand hauled u load rf,
hogs to Hod Cloud last week uud keep- j
ing In line with the conservation l
time and labor idea, brought a loud of
potatoes on tho return trip.
K I Kiln )lt an 1 wife and James Uvan
uud wife autocd lo lied Cloud fui a
d,ij s shopping and a Hiug trip.
Frank Kyan went lo Inavale Imt
Snitii'iliiy with oi'i'iim and ejfgs win
Mrs. Ryan st.iid hmuo painting th u
U.r.r of their .esl.louce. She ,s u..t..l '
as a skillful artist. ,
Olirrr Noblo an I tho Meyers Uros. ;
uro tniy working on their new bum.
Hurt Class is assisting Miner Moliue
in oi outing a eorn erlb and granary.
Mrs. M. A. Ijoudnbrand aild son
.lames autocd to Lebnuou last Satur
day to tiausact business. Melba, the
lady's d.viightor, who is. attending High
School theto, came homo with them
for a week's vacation.
J. C. Williams has gone to Colorado
for the bcnellt of h's health The puo-
p o of lids vicinity wish that the!
change of climate may bo beuolloinl
and that ho may lottirh hero soon in
the best of health.
Ill iiior .Spurrier shipped a carload
ofe.itllo to Kansas City ast week, ae.
o itupanying the shipment ill person.
Ilnrv Moler, Omaha, Neb . . ho eatno
born to attend the funeral of his broth-
or. Uaymond, is visiting a few days, r, amimu:kc(l fevpr mQ m,
with Mrs. Leudiibrand and family. l,..,j .sudden apeaiance of both.
Ho and .lay Letuliihruud p'Ud it visit to -i. Prostration Profound, sudden
tne McOonle IJrothors last Sun lav. i"'" ''O'ltiued, out of proportion to t!-.-
9 other symptoms.
"" " I 1. Coryza Water discharge be-
Inavale Items 1 Kj"a 'I-1 oncp UU1(J 0l' no vecogius-
I able dry stage preceding appeal ance.
, ,, I 5. Sore throat Not such a con
Mr and Mis. CIihs. Ilmitor and Mr. star.t .symptom, unless complicated
Mis. Kvortt ll.'an icturnod to their by tonsilitis. General sorenc.-s or
home after a weeks vi-it with fiionds diffuse redness..
.. ...1 relatives at A rthur, Neb. I . . ?a,ahc-JhUfu v "TV0' r ,if"
., , ., ,, , l ten in tho eyes or at the back of the
Mrs and. M.s. (,eo. .losgoison wore i,cn,i. iau t0 control; often descihed
Kod Cloud shoppois Saturday. I as a "tplitting headache."
Mrs. Mike Kennedy gave a birthday 7. P.achncho Nearly always pros
put ty in honor of her son, Watter.Sat-! Pni' st?vo.n clmnictcristir.
, ,. ., .. .1 , i ,i i ' o I1'" i" the legs 1 sually mar-
nrday. It was his soveuth birthday j;e(j amj sovcl.,,t
uud all his school mates were present . ). pajn jn thc bones A charaetei-
Mlss Ola.lvs Colo spent Sunday with
li friend. MissIIeruicoS.iiindors. I
, I
Mrs. :. II. llurgess and Mis. barley (
spent Sunday af ton oon at tho Ksldoro .
llrouult homo. I
... .. , . , !
Mr. and IMulsger Sunday,
ed with tho duo. llntledgo family.
Miss (Jladys Cole spent Sunday with
her friend Miss llni-ulce Saunders.
Mrs. C. 11. llurgess and Mrs. .lane
l'u ley spent Sunday
,t Sunday afternoon at the
Isidore llreault home.
and Mrs. Cluis
I'liulsfjer Sun-
dayed v,Uh the John Itutlu(lKu family
Mrs. It. Leonard and Mills Lyle and
Clllford spent Sunday with her datiKh -
er, Mrs. Joe Topham of Uud Cloud.
' , ... , , P. m .
Mrs. Wm Tabor left Monday morn
int: for lvetitueky. where she will
visit her mother.
p T
IKalone-Gellatly Go
I V II Miiip'SHivturn HiMin hW Irlp
I In tbo uoitbwoMorn put f tin statu
hiil M..m1. Ho imports crops In thul
" ...
T.,n IIMII11 was euU,,l to Mlsto...
"'"V IMinii.v tin nm Mini - ".. ...... .
111 nepbew
who .11' l in a training
Mr. and Mrs. .Joyce of Alma, weie
vteltlnir their, son (Jims, and fatnilj
last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. (.'hurley Waldo ami
duuuliteis Xoruiii and .Murgrctte, call
ed on Win. N'onis last .Sunday.
(June a number fiom liore wont to
Itlveitoii .Sunday to see tho oil well.
T-ul Hiiunders is working for K. K.
Iluti'er tills week.
(iiMiid-pa Kutledgc leit .Salurdnj
iiIk'Ii! for Californiit, wlieio he will
spend iIim winter.
Mrs Kiuuiit Smith leturned fiom
littiielleli, Neb, after spending the
summer with her daughter, Mis. Dr.
Mis. Mnolc Pulton is lieie after a few
mouths visit with her sen and daugh
ter of WnshiiiKtnn
Mr. Dlsley and daughters and miii
woio In Hastings Sunday to see Mrs.
Dlsley, who Is there for !r treatment
Symptoms of Common Cold
1. Onset Not so sudden; usually
p:i-se.H through a warning stage.
2. Chills and Fever Chilliness
rather than definite chills; fover not
.so marked or absent; so-called In-
aid fever.
:i. Prostration Not so profound;
merely a general weakness, just a
general "good-for-notlilmr feeling.
I. Coryza. Comes on gradually,
preceded by ri dry stage lasting a few
hours to several days
.77 "
f I. MM i It .11.. ....!..
;i-js.h,,. Mav begin with slight ton
silur soreness.
(3. Headache Not so profound;
eyes not so affected; usually in fore
head or more to back of tho nos".
Not alwavs pre.-ent. May be bcncral.
" 7. Ikie'kaeiie Not usually pteseht
only a feelin of veuknes in back.
8. I'nin in the leirs Not usually
i i). I m tio iJones ire nones
' do not e -pecially arhe in colds.
' m"j - c o.moiv
mwhm'iv and runs from D'J to 101
il. Snulum Not clmrnctcristlc
may vi . in color and form yellow,
white t: mixed.
12. l.tmg complications Lungs
often i; l involved.. Lung complica
tions a'-pcjr later. Tho third stage
of a co' !.
13. TT "vous Symptonv Not s-o
prominent as a rule, not so profound
Patient often rests and sleeps well
if nose is not completely stopped up.
14. Colds may bo contracted at
any time; they arc more local, al
though they run through a family or
a school.
lo. Sequalae Recovery from a
single attack it more or less com
plete. More largely affects tho nose,
throat, lungs or the sinuses. Repeat
ed attacks usually required to pro
duce KcrioiiB af tor-results.
Symptoms of Spanish Influenza
1. Oiifol Suddon, without warn
ing or previous hint. Strikes as by
an unseen hand.
r"Uiiu .....l I.... .... t. ",:,.
istic iain of influenza.
10- Tompeniture Fever higli for
several days from 100 to 105 de-
Krees or even 10G degrees in severe
Ai Sputom Usualy a characler-
8tic woenish yellow, containing many
coin-like lumps.
12. Lung complications Lungs
' usually involved, bovoro comnlica-
tions often make early apcaranco.
HI. Nervous Svinnloma Vow
marked. In some forms resembling
? VmF fl l ftVcnl usuall' n" (
and slceplcj
In severe
caj-es, (lo-
11. Influenza travels more in 'eni-
, ""A i ,.' n K" i 0V prC8cni
Wit II OS. II l'tmu T lil'fiiirrl. .1 I. ...... r...
a nation.
' 15- Sequelae Leaves its victims
Prostrate. U folowcd by bun.-, kid-
I110?'1 h'nrt an'1 Nervous disoas-e... Ue-
I Milts cf a aim ! atttack may be lii'e-
lonjf. i'ntlont u ntally remains weak-
i etud two or u n-e week.
IflltD us about
Spanish IjifliU'lmt Precautions
1. Kt p in mind that like mo. t
contagious di-ea-e, influcnrr. i.i
spread by contact, ll-nt i-, by Uv
transfer of the poison front one pr-r-on
to another. It is spread by sue. st
ing, coitf-Hng nd spitting, ut vh:cli
times tho di charges from the
and throat are scattered in tho all-.
'1. When sneezing or coughing
place your handkerchief before your
nose and mouth.
,'i. Make sure that you arc prop
erly clothed, in accordance with the
varyin changes in temperature pre
valent at this time of the year.
4. Fresh air is nh5 good. Keep
your bedroom windows wide open,
and secure as much sleep a.i possible.
B. Keep the digestive organs in
good condition.
(!. Drink water freely.
7. Avoid common drinking ei ns.
common towels and similar utcnui j.
8. Wa.-h your hands fieciuontl; .
!l. Use a mild antiseptic as a f
spray or as a mouth '-urgle, espec al-1
ly if your throat ! sore or there i , a ,
t'endencv to snooving. i
10. If von have a "cold" use titen-1
sils for your personal use exclusive-1
ly or if you arc in contact with one i
so alloclcd. ho careful not to use the
utensils handled by them. I
11. Consult tho family physi -inn I
at tho first onset of rymptoms --ug- j
gestive of influenza.
111. Spread this information a.
much as possible in newspapers, pic
tare shows, schooliioue-, churches ,
etc. F. O. Pernoud, Medical Ad 'sei
Southwestern Division American IJpd '
Cross. i
- I
Red Cloud, Neb.
The Physician on Chron
ic Diseases, will
Visit Our City '
And wil! be at the
Royal 'Hotel
Until 5 P. M. One Day ONLY
Dr. Potter, of 3108 Garfield
Ave., Kansas City, Mo,, who has
treated thousands of patients with
electricity and medicine, vill give
consultation, examination aul all
thc medicines necessary FREE.
All parlies taking advantage of this
offer are requested to state to their
friends the result of thc treatment.
Treats DEAFNESS by an cn-lircly'ncw-
Treats catarrh, ihroat and lung
disease, eye and car, stomach,
liver and kidneys, gravel, rheuma
tism, paralysis, neuralgia, nervous
and hcait disease, epilepsy, Bright's
disease, diseases of the blulder,
blood, skin, goiter, stammem. and
Piles and Rupture without
detention from business.
If vou arc imnrovinc und. : vour
family physician do not take up
our valuable time. The n h and
the poor aie treated alike. Idlers
and curiousity seekers will ,ilcase
stay away. Our time is vt'uable.
Remember, NOT A Pl.NNY
will be charged for the n Jicine
required to all ihosc taking treat
ment this trip.
Office hour 9 a. ni.
Positively married ladi
be accoin)iinied by tin
Remember the dale,
Sunday, Oct. 20
At the Royal
Red Cloud, Nebr.j
1. Every pledge nmdo to thc jicople has been fully
and faithfully redeemed.
2. He has given whole hearted support to the Federal
Government, and his experience is an asset in the prosecu
tion of the war.
3. lie has made It possible for Nebraska's heroic sons
in the service to exercise tho right of franchise, and has
protected their property rights in their absence from the
4. lie will exert every effort to protect thc people
of Nebraska.-from organized profilorhiE.
.5. He has vigorously opposed all things calculated to
embarrass' the Government in the prosecution of the .war.
(i. His administration has been clean, honest and
businesslike, free from graft, favoritism and ostentation.
7. The General Fund levy for 15)18 has been reduced
to three mills, and the amount raised in taxes for the Gen
eral Fund, will bo the least raised In thirty years.
5. Hundreds of thousands of dollars were saved to
the farmers through the embargo placed upon seed coi'n
in 1917. The price per bushel in Nebraska ranged from
$H.OO to $5.00, while in Iowa and surrounding states, the
prices reaped by seed speculators ranged from $5.00 to
9. He appointed a committee of prominent stock
feeders to confer with the Federal Food Administration,
and a market for heavy beef cattle was created, averting
disaster to the stock feeding industry of Nebraska.
10. Thc State Hail Insurance law has been adminis
tered in an efficient and businesslike manner, and all losses
sustained by policy holders during the past season will be
paid in full. No other State selling hail insurance has ever
paid 100" per cent of its losses.
11. The Seed Analysis Branch of the Pure Food De
partment has, during Governor Neville's administration,
made more than 5,000 seed tests, without cost to the fann
ers of Nebraska.
12. Being advised that there was a shor'ae of hog
cholera serum and virus, and that Nebraska boj? raisers
were experiencing difliculiy in securing prompt delivery of
the prnducl, Governor Ni ville recommended to thc Regents
of thc State University, that the state serum plant 1 re
opened. The Regents acted favorably upontho Governor's
rtroir.nioridaUon, and immediately directed the reopening
of tho plant.
:. Prohibition has been oner-pot icnlv enforced
throughout the State. There 1- ive been '1.527 prosecutions
and flii! s have been assessed a'-av3atinc $125,000.00.
I i. He was born and reared in Nebraska, and under
stands tLa neetb of thc pjo;.!e.
15. It' is unwise to change horsqs in the middle of
a stream.
Nebraska lias excelled all other states in many phasos
of war work endeavor. Tho re-election of Nebraska's war
governor will mean a continuation of effective co-operation
in this work. .
"Each of thc undersigned has served with Jiulno Charles B.
Letton on the Supremo Court. We are familiar with his ability,
Integrity and industry. WE BELIEVE IT WOULD BE A DIS
JACOB FAWCETT, Former Acting Chief Ju.'itiee
September Bulletin
of Excursion Fares
To the KsLSi
The entire selu'tne of Kustern faie, will be available dtirhiR September
! hese uie piolmbly the lust red need f'ues of the years to the Hvd.
To Western R.esorts
Vou fun co to Cotonido mill Iv,tus I'nilc on reduced fares durln. tbN
month Colorado in September Is ideal for u short vueatlon and u rapid.
Itcdueeil rates trom Wyotniiii; for tho hip; State Fair at I).iUi''u, Spteni
it Mb to llth; ulho fiom Colorado for tin. Colorado Stiuo ''air at l'uoblo
Dtitni er 2-d to ,.,th.
' t in t. neb .lth iih for vbutover
K' 'ui) Wo will In p'01-.o
Dr. S. S. In nnlurf M.O.C
Voltrlnary In ' nrye
C. H. Miner Serum Co. i
I'lt'lMfl i;i!S - i
A., i Hoijt Cholera Serum
li:d CtoiitI MrUrosKa j
n or Moiuf a Our Esiicnsu i
U. S.fVMerlnnrv Ucbiisb Ho.Jr
E. S.
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and
(Work Guniantced)
1 . clrical Goods of all Kinds
Vill Wire Your Ilouso And
i-'urnish You thc Fixtures
kind of n tour vou dcatre . i tnihe dur
I ti uifijr.n you and Hurve you.
L. W. Wakclcy, General Passenger Agent
loul I'uioiiiti St. Uniaba. Xebr
N. B. Bush, Ticket Aent. Red Cloud, Neb.
Dr.W.H.Mc Bride
RiiectsiHir lo i'.. C'ro-h
Hamilton - Cathor
Clothing Co.
Everything a Nl&n
or Boy Wcaro
Kari Cloud Nettraaha
Tho following proposed ninendmont
to tho constitution of tho State of
Nebraska, as hereinafter sot forth in
full, Is submitted to tho electors of
tho State of Nebraska to bo voted
upon at the general election to bo
held Tuesday, November Gth, A. D.
1013: '
Section ono (1) of Article sovou (7)
of the Constitution of the Stato of
Ho It itesolvcd by tlio Legislature of
tho State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That Section Ono of Ar
ticle Seven of tho Constitution of tho
Stnte of Nebraska bo and tho same
hereby is a. n muled by btiilMng out tho
following uutdt.:
"Second. Personi of foreign birth
v.lio shall lno declared their Inten
tion to becomti cltions coinfurmably
to the luv.s of the rnlted States, on
tho subject of naturalization, at least
thirty dii.s prior to un election."
And Inserting in thc place of tho
words so strlclton, tho following
"Second. Persons of foreign birth
who shall have hocomo rltleus of the'
United States by naturalization or
otherwise conformably to the laws of
tho United States at least thirty days
prior to an election.
Sec. 2. That at the general elec
tion nineteen hundred and eighteen
(101S) there shall ho submitted to tho
electors of tho st-ti far tlielr approval
or rcjoctlon tho for'-"!::- proposed
amendment to the constitution relat
ing to tho right of suffrage. At such
election, on the ballot of each elector
voting for or against said proposed
amendment, shall bo written or printed
tho words: "Kor proposed amend
ment to tho constitution relating to
tho right of suffrage," and "Against
snld proposed iiniendmont to tho con
stitution relating to tho right of
suffrage "
Sec !!. If such amendment shall
bo appioved by a maJnrPy of nil
electors votiij at sucii election, said
amendment shall conailtu'e Section
One (1) Article Seven (7) of tho Con
stltution of tho Suto of Nebraska.
Approved, April 0. 11113.
fittest; Ooveinor.
CHAIlLls V j-oo:.
Scrto.ary of SfU.
hcttcs of Administrntion.
In Hip County t'ourt of Wj.ijstur conuty.
.N'oliniHka. " "
to tlio matter orthc entnle nr'T.uuntiuii.
Mceliy. lUei'iuetl.
To all pcroift InttTfsU'rt In nl.l eittt'e.
Sotlre is iivroby lven Dial vSllnm I. Mtus
has Oils i:iy ill-d a iii'tltloti In tile county
eourt, pr.iyliii; that :ulmlnisir:ulii of mtlil
("ttilu in.iy t)u uranleit to An. uml-I Sinn lli'.it said jietltloti lll
l)u heard lieloru the court on tho llthitay ot
drtobur. 1U18. at tlio hour of to o'elucl:, a.
in., at tlio county court room In the city of
ltnl floiul. In s:ldcottnty, when all persons
InicriMcil In Raid matter tuny appear anil
show e.ittso why the prayer of petitioner
should not be urunU d; and that notice ot tlio
mini; of snlil petition, and the liearliiK there,
nf, bo nm by publlshlui; a copy of this
order In the Kod Cloud Chief, a loi-al wccUly
nuwRpapor printed and of u-encral circulation
in nald count v, for four eonuoiitlvu weeks
prior to said day ot hearlnir."
Dated this Uth day of M-pieiulor. 1018. '
-.K.M.J A. II. UAN.NI5V,
a.M cbuitiy Judge.
r fe
at the
Schultz & Schaa.
First clas.. portraiture
enlarging, copying,
new work, amateur
finishing, etc.
Whetv the
Firemen Appesxr
the tniured man't first thought i or.f ol
lliiiklitlii tint l i tHow nUoj
your thoughts ti o fiitrmau tiioutd op
pr at youniome?
The Day
Before the Fire
is the day to iaiuic. As that day may
lie to-morrow for all you can know or
do, it fellows that prudence would im
pell you lo stop in our office lo day and
have usjwue you a policy.
R. elicx-ble Insurartco
. """" r'Tr'1T '
3 Whetv the
- gitu-i'r''wtn4n'?i.-J -"r,"itr r"""'kv"-"'
jl" ITftll J,-I-W -