The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 17, 1918, Image 2

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Not Disposed to Propooo Cessnalon
f Arms to Allied Nations Whllo
Armies of Central Powers Hold
Conquered Ground
Washington. President Wilson nil
grossed to Germany an Inquiry design
ed to test tho sincerity of Oormtmy
iu her peace offra. Ho nerves nollco
on Germany that no armistice la jkis
plblo whllo the armies of tho central
powers uro upon allied soli. And, ho
uddod tho good faith of any discussion
would depend upon the willingness of
jttao Teutons to withdraw their forces
tit onco from invaded territory. Tho
jaiossngo was olllclally designed as an
inquiry, not a reply to tho Gorman
6aco note. It asked tho German
nanccllor for tho exact moaning, and
.questioned whether ho meant Ger
many was rady to accept tho fourteen
lenns nnd discuss only practical do
Mis of their application.
Tho president also made n subtlo
pianouvcr when in his mesuago he In
quired whether Prince Max spoke for
(Germany's war lordB or was tho peo
ple's mouthpiece as well. If ns gen
erally believed 'horo, Germany's pence
ptter was hypocritical, tho president's
answer Is designed to put tho masters
pf Germany into a diplomatic hole.
fThey must now accept President Wll
Ron's peaco terms as a wholo in good
faith or stand before tho world cou
"vlpted of deceit.
His quory ns to tho exact meaning of
Prince Max's proposal was Inter
preted as leaving tho way open to
further Teuton concessions. Ills next
paragraph -tho predicted refusal to
deal rMth tho Gcrmnns whllo still on
allied soil was tho distinctive Amor
loan responso to tho German offer.
Autarkies bcllovo that Gormany can
not Answer the queries satisfactorily,
ind henco there will bo no peace no-
cottatlons at this tlino.
Oho president's reply was taken as
fully squaring with advanced predic
tions of n refusal to accopt tho Teu
ton offer now. Dut tho fact that tho
president loft an opening for further
dealings camo ns moro or less of a
surprise. It was gonornlly hailed,
liowover, as an ingenious mcana of
discrediting tho kaiser nnd his asso
ciates. Tho text of tho president's messago,
as incorporated in n messago Secre
tary of State LanBlng delivered to tho
Swiss charge d'affaires, follows:
"Sir: I have tho honor to acknowl
edge on behalf of tho prosldent your
note of October C, inclosing n commu
nication from tho German government
to tho president, and, I am instructed
toy tho president to request you to
mako tho following communication
to tho imporial German chnncollor:
"Botoro mnkiug reply to tho rosucst
of tho imperial German government
and In order thnt the roply shall bo as
candid and straightforward as tho mo.
mentouB Interests Involved rcauiro,
tho president of tho United States
demB It necessary to assuro himself
pt tho exact meaning of tho note of
(the imperial chancellor. Does tho im
perial chancolior mean that tho im
perial Gorman government ncccpts tho
(torms laid down by tho president in
Wb address to tho congress of tho
(United States on tho 8th of January
last nnd In subsequent addresses and
that Its object in entering into discus
alonB would be only to ngrco upon tho
practical details of their application?
"Tho president fcols bound to say
with regard to tho suggestion of an
nrmistico that ho would not feel at
3Iberty to proposo a cessation of arms
lto tho government with which tho gov
ernment of the United States Is asso
ciated against tho central powers so
long as tho armioB of those powora nro
upon their Boll. The good faith of any
uiisuuBMiuii wouiu iniiniicsiiy uopenu
upon the consent of tho central pow
ers immediately to withdraw their
forces ovorywhero from invaded ter
ritory. "Tho prosldent also feols that ho Is
Justified In nsklnR whether tho impe
rial chancellor is speaking merely for
Aho constituted authorities of tho em
pire who have no far conducted the
war. He dooms tho nnswor to these
.questions vital from every point of
Panic on Boriln Exchange
Goncva. An Indsscrlbnblo panic,
without precedent, broke out on tho
fBerlln stock oxchnngo when It tocnmo
iknown thnt tho government naked for
an armistice, according to tho Noucsto
Nacurlchten of Munich. Shipping and
armament company Bbarcs especially
wore affected.
Ferdinand a Broken Man
Amsterdam. Kormor King Ferdi
nand of Bulgaria, accompanied by
Prlnco Cyril, his second oon, two Bui
garlan genorals and a large suite, has
pacsod through Budapest to his ostato
at Erenthal, lower Austria, says n
Budapest dlsptach to tho Colongo Ga
zette, Ferdinand's . formerly atntely
nppoaranco had undergone a change
through the stress of recent events
nnd ho walked sadly up and down the
platform at Ordka loaning heavily on
his stick. His head wo bowod and in
his haggard face wero doep furroughs.
Hysterical Demonstrations Follow Re
celpt of News that Government
Would Make Proffer
Amsterdam. Excited crowds In the
etrcota of Ucrlln toro special editions
of tho nouspapors containing the
speech of Prlnco Maximilian, tho now
chancellor, from tho hands of the
news doalcrs, Evorywhero shouts oi
"Peaco has corao," "Peaco at last,"
wero heard. Theodor Wolff, In Per
lln Tageblatt, thus describes the
scenes in tho German capital, nnd
adds: "One would Hko to cbaro this
hope, nnd yot for tho proscnt, at lcnBt,
ono has to bo dubious and skeptical."
This note of doubt pervades n large
section of tho German press, nparl
from tho pan-German lrrcconcllablos.
Horr Wolff continues:
i"Surely if an honest world could
today oxorciso the war frenzy, Presi
dent Wilson ought to bo won by the
puro lovo of humanity which fills
Prlnco Maximilian's breaBt. President
Wilson ought to aay to himself that
poaco by annihilation would only exalt
chauvinism In tho entente countries
and thnt thcroforo continuation of the
war would not servo his ideals. All
this tho president of the United States
ought to do, but whether ho will da
it is uncertain. Therefore ono should
not Indulge. In prematuro hopes,"
Ilorr Wolfr declares that tho powers
of yesterday le, Gormany nro opnly
hostllo to Prlnco Maximilian's speech,
whllo socretly rejoicing thnt theirs Is
not tho responsibility in this most
ililllciilt hour. But, ho says their re
sponsibility will nevertheless not be
forgotten by tho nation.
Enroll to Fight Epidemic
Washington. -Mobilization of the
full forces of tho American Red Cross
to combat tho epidemic of Spanish in
fluenza, which la rapidly spreading
over the country is determined upon
and Instructions sont to all chapters.
In co-operation with tho public health
scrvlco and tho atato board of health,
tho ned Cross will enroll nursos nnd
will freely uso Its accumulated hos
pital supplies to fight tho epidemic. A
call will bo mndo for volunteors to go
into tho homo whoro mothers nnd
housekeepers nro ill and assume the
management of the household.
In n further effort to curb tho Bpcod
of tho diseaso, Surgeon General Blue
of tho public health scrvlco, suggested
to all state health officer's that schools
and places of amusement bo closed
nnd tho public health scrvlco sug
gested public meetings discontinued in
all placos where tho malady becomes
prevalent. Importance of roportlng
cases also waa urged by Dr. Blue.
Grocers to Display Prices
Washington. By tho display of fail
prico certificates in tho windows ol
loyal retail grocers, tho public will bo
ablo to dotcrmlno what stores aro co
operating In tho enormous food-saving
progrum which tho war has imposed
and which America Is obliged to fulfill.
All rotall grocers in tho United States
aro asked to sign a plcdgo to conform
to tho rules nnd regulations of the
food administration and to cooperate
fully In tho conservation program. All
dealcrB who sign this pledgo will ro
colvo direct from the food administra
tion attractlvo certificates, which aro
to bo posted In tho grocory windows
Substitute for Radium
Golden, Colo. Dr. Richard B. Moore
of tha United States bureau of mines
horo, nnnouncos ho has discovered a
substitute for radium, which ho has
named mesothorlum. Ho will explain
his discovery to tho American Institute
of mining engineers, which meets in
Mllwuukeo soon. An thoro aro only
throo ounceB of radium in tho world's
cntlro supply mesothorlum will at
onco come into wldo uso as a substi
tute for that oloment In luminous
paints, noroplano dials, compasses and
gun sights, according to Dr. Moore.
Confession from Knlser
Washington. Evorywhero In Wash
ington ono hears tho comment thai
tho trcmondous military success ol
tho allies havo forcod tho cry for peaco
from tho lips or tho Teutonic rulors,
and Emporor William's proclamation
to his troops comes ns n full confes
sion of tho fact. At tho same time II
Is noted that tho kaiser has mad6
"olTers" of peace, ngaln speaking of a
victory, and officials hero seo little
pacifism In tho tone.
May Extend Daylight Bill
Washington. Indoflnlto continua
tion of tho "daylight saving" time
schodulo 1b proposed in a bill Intro
duced by Sonaror Caldcr of Now York
with tho endorsement of Chairman
Baruch of tho war Industries board,
who bollovoa daylight saving should
contlnuo ns u coal conservation meas
ure. Undor tho prosont law nil tlmo
plocos will bo turned back an hour on
October 27.
Has Left Two Warships
London. Austro-IIungnry hna nt tin
most only two modern bnttleshlps loft
Sho has lost sf largo numbor of small
craft and now Darnzzo, tho advanced
boao of her deplotod fleot, has boot
rondorod useless.
Hindenburg Quits His Job
London. Flold Marshal von Hln
donburg has roslgnod ns chief of the
Gorman goneral ataff after n hotted
Interview with tho emperor in which
tho Mold marshal doclarod that a ro
troat on a larno scale was Impossible
to avoid, according to a Genoral Nowi
dispatch sfrom Amsterdam.
German Police Chief Shot
Zurich. Tho chlof of tho Germai
pollco forco la Warsaw, Poland, hat
been shot by an unidentified porson
The assassin flod.
News of Nebraska Told In
Condensed Form
While excavating for u cesspool nt
Ulvct'ton, Franklin county, workmen
Mi tick n vein of oil. The oil Is snld to
be of good quulity.
The Spanish "Flu" hns made Its np
pnriinco nt both tho Lincoln hospital
for tho Insane nnd tho stnto peniten
tiary. Since tho new potash plant began
operation ntf Antloch u total of about
TOO tons of potash n day Is being pro
duced in Nebraska.
Box Butte county's potato crop this
year Is estimated nt about 7"0,000
bushels, or nn average of about 100
bushels to the acre.
Figures compiled by tho State Pub
licity Bureau hhow thnt Nebraska will
rulse enough sugar beets this year to
produco 120.000,000 pounds of sugar.
Tho sugar campaign haw been start
ed In factories of western Nebraska
and, owing to tho splendid beet crop,
It probably will continue for ubout
four months.
Several cases of sickness have de
veloped In and near Edgar recently
which weru thought to bo Spanish In
Uuenza, but investigation proved thut
the cases wero smallpox.
Tho session of tho grand lodge of
the Degrco of Honor, scheduled to
meet at Hastings last week, has been
postponed Indefinitely on account of
tho epidemic of Spanish Influenza.,
A. 11. Backhuus, for the past ilftccn
years editor of tho Pierce Leader, has
retired from tho newspaper gunie. Ho
has disposed of tho paper to W. 11.
Brown, n well known newspaper num.
Following tho death of Lawson
Sheldon, 18, son of former Governor
Sheldon of Nebraska, tit the Students'
Army Training Cuiup, nt the State
University at Lincoln, from Spanish
Influenza, the camp was placed tinder
Tho Nobraskn State convention of
tho Bnptlst church, which was to be
held nt Oiiiuhu Oct. f to 10, has Been
postponed for one month ns the result
of precautions taken by Oinnhu health
ofllcinls to prevent an epidemic of
Spanish Influenza.
If plans of the University of Nebras
ka Extension Service do not go wrong
overy county in the state will have u
sorghum mill next year. The Industry
has been revived In several counties
this year nnd In all cases the demand
for the product Is fur in excess of Uie
In reply to nn Inquiry from Govern
or Neville regarding Nebraskans In
Uncle Sam's service, C. A. Nlppcll of
Nlobrnru, reported to tho governor
that he had five sons In tho service,
two in France nnd three In tills coun
try, nnd that ho was rejected because
of his age.
A. D. Scott, editor of the Edgar Sun,
lias received n letter through the mall
written by a pro-German licensing him
and tho associate editor, Dr. Cncl or
itur, of publishing articles against Ger
many and threatening both men with
personal violenco If tho practice is
Spanish Influenza linn mndo Its np
pearnnco In many counties in Ne
braska and drastic measure's have al
ready boon taken in scores of cities
nnd towns to halt tho spread of tho
disease. While the situation In some
parts of tho state Is serious, health au
thorities say there Is no cause for
alarm. A number of deaths have al
ready resulted from tho malady. In
1 the vicinity of Geneva, where the tils
I ease ilrst made Its nppenranco In tho
j state, throo deaths have occurred. A
largo number of eases havo been re
ported In Dnilgo. county In the no'gii
! horhood of North Bond. Both Lincoln
j and Omaha are In the grip of tho ,ik.
i ease. In a further effort to curb the
sprend of the epidemic, Surgeon ft, n-
crai jjiiio or tno puiuie lieaitn
at Washington suggested to nil stnto
health nlllecrs thnt schools and pl.ioos
of amusements bo dosed nnd pt.h'lc
meeting lie discontinued In all pi eis
whoro the malady becomes prowil-nt.
All chapters of tho American U.-d
Cross havo been notified to co-oporito
with state nntl local health author 1 .-s
and to freely uso Its accumulated hos
pital supplies to fight tho epldcinio,
Tho Nebraska Telephone company
hns made application to the stnto rail
way commission, asking for a 2o per
cent inerciiBH In revenues. Whether
this will bo n straight Increase on
both toll nnd exchange charges Is not
After deliberating five hours n iiry
at Norfolk which hoard tho com- of
tho Rev. William Wlndolph, past-.r of
tho Catholic church at Crelghton. who
was charged with making dM-.ynl
statements, disagreed and was iis
charged. Women In u number of Nebr.-.-ka
counties, and especially In Ilinnnf n.
Lancaster, Howard mid Butler, uro
doing splendid work In the V ni-th
Liberty Loan campaign.
Otoe, formerly Berlin. Otoe enmity,
suffered u disastrous Uro tho - her
day, an entire square block In tho
town having been destroyed. Th- loss
Is estimated nt $75,000. Mislonino
has lnld n heavy hand on the tow, in
tho past few years, It being m-m-ly
wiped out by tho 191H tornado anil
severely dumugeu by flro
I months ago.
account of the scarcity of help,
sugar factories In tho western part of
Die state nro using u good many wom
en this year.
After n campaign of ono and a linlf
days, Burt county went "over the top"
In the Fourth Liberty loan drive. Tlio
county's quotu Is 5070,000.
Prospecting for oil in the vicinity of
Potter is to begin about Nov. 1. At
least one well will be drilled by the
company bucking tho project.
Much ngltallon Is manifest In Slier-
Idiin county over the question of coun
ty division. Petitions are being circu
lated for u vote on the proposition.
Plans are already under way for re
constructing the National Potash com
pany plant, which was destroyed by
flro at Antloch, with a loss of about
Nebraska's football tenia wont down
to defeat before the Iowa eleven tit
Llii'-nlti by it score of 12 to 0. It win'
the Ilrst giiino of the Cornhusker team
has lost to Itiwn since 1 SOD.
Nearly C.OOO.OOO bushels of jmiln
wore received In Omaha In September
--nn Increase of nearly fl.nooooo bush
els over fho receipts for tlio corre
sponding month of last year.
The Custer County Council, of De
fense has been petitioned by the Far
mers' Grain nnd Live Stock associa
tion for permission to construct u ton
thousand bushel elevator nt Comsfock.
Stale University authorities aro con
sidering the reopening of the serum
plant nt tho state farm near Lincoln,
which furnished virus to farmers at
co-t until the last legislature fulled to
make the necessary appropriation to
iiinlntiiln It.
A Crete nutomoblle deuler In order
to live up to recommendations laid
down by tho government as n war ne
cessity, has notified his patrons that
ho will close his garage on Sundays;
will rent no cars for Joy riding ond
vill sell no high priced pleasure cars
until lifter the war Is won. .
Two Nebraska enlisted men, Ed
ward Kellv of Maxwell and C. I.
Johnson of Itnciin aro reported to !
havo lost their lives when the Amer
ican patrol boat Tampa was sunk
near England by it German U-boat.
More than 100 persons uboard the
M-sscl perished, reports say.
Call has been made upon Nobraskn
for 420 Class I, Group A, men of
grammar school education, and who
have some uptltude for und some ex
perience as truck drivers und repair
ers, tractor operators and wagoners.
These men nre to be .sent to the State
University nt Lincoln for Instruction
in such trades.
When the nppor branch of congress
refused to sanction the woinnii suf
frage amendment to the federal con
stitution, which had previously been
approved by the house, our two sena
tors voted, Norrls, republican, for the
measure, und Hitchcock, democrat,
against it.
-Governor Neville has issued n proc
lamation calling the next general elec
tion for Tuesday, Nov. f. The procla
mation does not Include the proposi
tion for n recall of the partial woman
suffrage law enacted by the last legis
lature which has been In tho courts,
and thus women will be able to vote
for all but constitutional offices.
The State Hallway Commission has
asked for nn Injunction in the federal
court nt Lincoln, nlleglng that the act
of congress authorizing the president
to tnke over telephone companion con
fers no authority whatsoever to In
Klnte rates for services by telephone
companies. The suit Is Intended to
test the right of tho postmaster gen
oral to establish charges for Intra
state service for telephone companies.
Arrangements havo been made to
havo Dr. Anna Ilownrd Shaw, the
noted suffragette, and member of tho
National Council of Defense, speak In
Omaha, November 0-8, before the Ne
braska Stnto Teachers' convention.
Tlio musical futures secured for the
meeting are Mine. Helen Stanley, the
prima donna soprano, nnd Jacques
Thibaud. tho noted French soldier vio
linist. These notables will
only onco In Nebraska this season
Tlio llrst ballot to reach n soldier
....., h ..." ,, ,., h.. ,1 nr i,v
unit uv luiiiiiivi " fc..w -v. ... ...... -..
the secretary of state for tho genoral
election, going across the water, was',
received by Secretary of State Pool j
from Lloyd B. Moycr, who formerly ,
lived nt Alnsworth. He is u musician j
on tho battleship Ohio. The secretary
of state has mailed abroad U.730 on- j
vnlnnntt wintnlnlnC tllO llllllotS. Prol)- !
ably 20.000 ballots will be mailed out
to soldiers of Nebrasku In tho U. S
Hebron is the first town of tho
stato to report to Washington on Its
home garden project. Twenty-seven
bovs nnd girls completed the gulden
project tills year. Tho twenty-seven
boys and girls received a total of
$294.20 for their garden produce. Each
luudo u clear, profit of $0. All gardens
wero In bnckyards.
Tho Stnte Council of Defenso hns
endorsed the United Wnr Workers'
campaign to raise funds to carry on
their activities, which will take placo
from Nov. 11 to iu.
Tho big drlvo to rnlso Nebraska'
quota of 70,000,000 of the Fourth
Liberty Loan started off with n
"bnng" Inst Monday morning. When
tho eampnlgn closes, Oct. 10. It Is
hoped our Htuto will bo near tho top
In subscriptions.
Pender shoved Thurston county
"over the top" In tho drlvo for cloth
ing fur Itolglnn relief conducted by
tho Red Cross. Tho quotu for tho
county was 870 pounds. Ono thou
sand six hundred and forty-four nrtl-
des wore shipped, weighing 2.0JS
Note Prepared With a view of Testing
Sincerity of the Central
Following aro the fourteen noccs
lary elements of world peaco as out
lined by tho president:
1 No secret diplomacy.
2 Freedom of the seas.
S Equality of trade.
1 Such armanionts only ns aro
consistent with domestic
C Impartial adjustment of colon
ial claims.
G Evacuation of Russian terri
tory. 7 Evacuation and restoration of
8 Return of French territory and
Alsace-Lorraine wrong right
ed. 9 Readjustment of frontiers of
10 Autonomous government for
11 Rumania, Serbia nnd Monte
negro exacuntcd and terri
tories restored.
12 Soveielgrity for Turkish Otto
man empire and freo passage
thru Dardenelles.
IS Independence of Poland.
14 Political independence to great
und email states alike.
Washington . President Wilson's
note of inquiry to the Imperial Ger
man government was received by con-
Kress with mixed feelings. It camo
i as something of a surprise, many sen
ators and representatives having an
ticipated that tho president would re
ply to Germany with the same blunt
rejection to which ho treated the Aus
trian peace propoBal several weeks
Some members viewed tho presi
dent's note with disappointment, but
the prediction was generally made
vhat his final nnswy to Germany would
equal all expectations. Admlnlstra
i tlon leaders pointed out that the noto
1 must not bo regarded as a reply but
merely an Inquiry. They explained
, that It was prepared undoubtedly to
test the sincerity of the German pro
posal and to nullify any advantage tho
German government might have gulned
with its own subjects by appearing
conscientiously desirous of peace.
Senator Hitchcock of Nebraska,
chairman of the foreign relations com
mittee, mndo this statement:' "Tho
, president's preliminary answer In well
calculated to dovelop tho Issue. It
! will prevent Germany from concealing
1 or disguising the real issue. I believe
it to havo been a wise step on tho
I part of tho president before replying
i to the noto of Prlnco Maximilian to
j obtain exactly the intention of the
German government before framing
j his roply to Prince Maximilian's
' communication.
Crop Report Sounds Better
Washington. The indicated wheat
crop is 918,290,000 bushels, the depart
ment of agriculture estimated. Tho
total us given In the flnnl figure for
1917 waa 650,828,000. An Improve- J
mont In the corn crop was noted In
the report of condition as of October ,
1, which gave the condition 08.C, as :
ugalnst 67.4 a month ago. The Indl- j
catcd corn crop Is 2,717,775,000 bush-1
els compared with 3,150,494,000 as tho
flnnl figure for 1917. A' year ago tho
condition of corn was 75.9. The ten '
yenr nverago for tho month is 75.0. j
Tho Indicated oats crop Is 1,535,297,
000. Tho final for 1917 was 1 .587.280,
000. Tho lndlcnted yield a month ago
i was i,4i7,uuu,uuu. -me inu:caicu
spring wncat yioiu is uiiu.iuo.uuu. a
i montn ago mo innicaieu yicin was
' 232.758.000. Tho indicated .-orn yield
232758.000. Th" lndlcnted torn yiold
per acre October 1 was 23.9 bushels. A
month ago tho Indicated yield per acre
was 23.5 bushels. Tho final for 1917
waa 26.4 bushels, Tho ten year aver
ago yield is 20.4 per acre. The indi
cated yield of spring wheat per acre
is 16.1 bushels. Tho final for 1917 was
12.6 bushols. Tho ton year avorago la
I jg.i bushels. Tho Indicated vlold ol
nil wheat per acre Is 15.0 bushels, com
pared with a ten year average of 14.7
Increase Artillery Pronrrffn
Washington. Hugo Increases in tho !
artillery program havo boon decided
on by the ordnanco department, which
asked tho houso appropriations com
mittee to add $1,100,000,000 to Its esti
mates of $2,607,000,000 to carry out Its
part of tlio enlarged army program,
Tho wnr department has decided to
provido moro big guns for each of the
, c,ghty divisions that America expects
Vo havo In Franco noxt year.
Washington. Tho stato department
was officially notlflod of tho abdication
of King Ferdinand of Bulgnrla on tin
night of October 3 nnd tho succession
of tho crown prlnco Boris. Tho new
ruler, ns woll aa prime minister Malln
off and two other members of the
cabinet retained in offlco, nro regarded
as friendly to tho United States and
tho allies.
London. Gorman gold Is nolni
spent freely in Spain in an effort tc
prevent that country from Jumping In
to the war on .the sldo of tho allloa.
Prince Max Mur-t Stand On Side of
Military or Socialist-Liberal
Washington. An early response tc
President Wilson's note of Inquiry to
tho Gorman chancellor is expected by
American olllclals. While realizing
that nn answer to tho threo perttnent
locations put to the prince of Baden
tvill be very dlfllcult If tho original
proposals of the German gorernmunt
wero not sincere, oft.Vmls here aro
confident that internal conditions iu
Uennany and the tremendous exig
encies of tho military situutlon will
force speedy action by tho chancellor
If he hopes to prolong tho existence of
his cabinet beyond u fow days. So
far as tlic hold of tho government
upon tho people' la concerned, condi
tions Iu Austria aro even far worso
than those In Germany. This fact is
calculated to strongly affect the Ger
atnn government, which Is understood
to entertain grave doubts of tho
strength of purpose of tho dual mon
archy and to fear that Austrlu, or
perhaps Hungary, acting independent
ly, will follow Bulgaria in seeking ar
unconditional peace. This would lcavo
Germany to wngo tho war alono, toy
It Is a foregone conclusion that Turkey
Is already lost to tho Central alliance
Loan Is In Danger
Washington. Tho treasury depart
ment openly admits that tho Blow pro
gress of tho Fourth Liberty loan
towards Its six billion dollar goal Is.
a matter of serious concern. With tho
threo weeks' subscription period halt
gone the loan Is only 30 per cent sub.
scribed. The total reported to tho
treasury Is $1,791,463,200. "Thoro la
no use In denying or attempting to
camouflage tho fact that Liberty Loan
committtees throughout tho country
are confronted with n serious situa
tion," said the treasury statement. "If
the loan is to be subscribed, a daily
average of $407,000,000 must bo raised
between now and October 19. Cog
nizant of the fact that tho loan never
can succeed at Its present rate or
speed, canvassers throughout the
country are statlug plainly to all citi
zens that they must buy bonds in.
larger amounts than heretofore.
Wealthy persons, particularly, must go
deeper into their capital or oxtend
their credit nnd not depend upon
their current Income to pay for bonds.
People of moderate and Binall moanB
must pledge their futuro earnings In.
greater degree."
Prepare for Soldier Vote
Washington, Regulations under
which ofllcers and mon of tho navy
stntloned In home camps may voto la
primary or general electlonB of their
state, arc announced by acting Secre
tary Crowell. The general staff has:
arranged to penult election ofllclala to
co into tho various camps nnd establish,
headquarters for registering tho men
and taking their ballot and stuto rep
resentatives of political organization
have been asked to designate repre
sentatives for tho purpose Literature
designed to Instruct tho voter In tho
manner of casting his ballot may bo
distributed from enmp olectlon booths,
but distribution designed to influence
him in regard to his choice 1b for
bidden. Chile Fa ore League
Santiago. Boltran Mnthlcu, tha;
new Chilean ambassador to Washing
ton, in a statement regarding tho re
lations of the South American repub
lics with 'tho United Statos doclarod:
that nil the republics should have
worked togothor from tho beginning ol'
tho war, as such a group would havs
been n moral forco demanding con
sideration from tho first. "Today," h
added, "tho only things thnt remains
Is to sympathize heartily with tlio nt
tltudo of tho United Statcn which can
not but benefit us. Regarding n league
of nations, if tho United Statoo under
takes to form It wo may accept it as
an accomplished fact. A league wllJ
bo the best guarantee for amall na
tions." Hindenburg Line Gone
Paris. Tho Hindenburg lino no.
longer bars tho path of tho allloa. The
doflnlto rupturo of It was aohlovod on
tho first dny of tho fighting in tho now
development north of tho Itornut. To
Anglo-Saxon forces wont tho honor ol
Etormlug tho last rctunnnts of the ex
trnordlnary mnzo of dofonsus, between
Cnmbral and St. Quentln. Tho day'?
fighting was nntnblo also in thnt tho
enemy's losses must hnvo ran into tent,
of thousands of men in tho various
soctors of tho long battlo front. In
addition important strategic objoclt
wero attained.
Turkey Disintegrating
London. Tho surrendor of Turkoj'
within tho noxt forty-eight hours will
not surprise well informed qunrtors in
London, tho Evening Standard says
today. Tho British authoritloB, It adds,
aro in possession of information Hhow.
Ing that a procoss of disintegration ox
Ists in Constantinople.
Forestalls Depredations
Washington. Tho Bolgkin govern
mont, according to an olllclal dlspatcb
from France, haB boon In oonsuItatloE
for tho past week with tho allied
powors regarding meamiroa to be nd
opted In caso tho GurmtuiH oontlniu
doprodatlons In Bolgiui and northers
Franco. A demand in roudo thnt tin
Oormans bo warned to stop thoU
cruolty and dosmictlon whllo ovacuat
lng tho country. Arabc.endor Sliarp
tho dispatch says, has vkiltod tin
ruined districts of Franco oXlootlni
proofs of tho devastation.
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