RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF ORPHIUM THIS WEEK Friday and Saturday Oct. 11-12 Eva Tanquay, the famous Vaudeville Oun and Star entertainer In THE WILD GIRL "The Wil.l Olvl" written especial lv for Miss Tiiuqimv, kIvos her ex ceptionnl opportunities Miss Tun rjuny brings to her Interpretation of the title role sill tlmt youthful zest nml iibmiilon which stumps her work on the stuge, ami her picture of the little heiress reared by rov iK gypsies, is mi appealing one Miss Tauquiiy's entrance into the (Urn world U a notable occurence. She is without doubt the most pop ulur public entertainer on the boards. A stattliiig costume rcvuo pre cedes the showing of tin 'Wild Oh-I." Iti it, Mij Tanquny appears in the .seik's of odd niiil daring cos. tume natir.ns whieh are indis solu'ily nt-ornitori with lior Viiu deville triumphs. The extravagant bi-uuty ami richness of this particu lar featuie i-, more than entertain ing, especially to tin ladies. The program will also iucluilo a rattling good enino ly, Ropi ing Her Romeo Adtntulon 17 and lie Matinee, Saturday at -l P. M. NEXT WEEK Monday and Tuesday Oct. 74-1 5 Official War Review PICTURES OF Tin: cbbat dbivk A.MBIMCAXS Cil'l'l KB v ( I1ATB U THEIBKY s BRITAIN BATTKBS THE IIL'N ITALY DOES HElt PART MARSHAL l-'OCH I'li-stMit' ii tiv Committee on I'md'u-Iiit'oi-iii ilioii through tne Division uf Fi'nis. Program Includes The Catspaw Cartoon & American Travel Comedy Reel Hands-Up Admission J7 and 1 1c Wednesday- Thursday Oct. 16-17 Constance Talmadge in Good Night Paul '',.i.i; .;.. "CCIC& NIOH i.i'AUL!" 4 " M iLtZfeSs o AFOTHER DELIGHTFUL B COMSOYIDKAMA I AJmi sicn 17 and 1 Ic ?, - " C'(jMlNli-:et we.-k. IV. v ami Safnrd'iy, Mary I'ieU'.rl In Am .1 !lla ii' '!i)'li s Bine Ally. t'n.MINU - A H'M'-i.t Kitimiiifi. FIRST SHOW AT 0 SHARP NOTHING ELSE LIKE IT IN RED CLOUD There hns never lien anything 11 lied Cloud with the INtiTANl' aeth n of simple buckthorn liar!', glj-cerino etc. as mixed in Adlcr-i-lni. ONE Sl'oONFL'B Hushes the ENTIRE bowel tract so completely it relieves ANY' CASE sour btoroueli, gas or con btipation and prevents appendicitis. The INSTANT, pleasant action of AC-ler-l-Uu surprises both di ctors and patients. Cluis. L. Cot' ing. 8(5 Thft Ffll K5 AT ,!0ME EXPECT YOU iriC rULlVd TO TELL 'EM ALL ABOUT "OMAHA'S FUN thnf1t? VISIT CENTRE," THE Q$&M$ ,?" Exhilarating Burlesque; Vaudeville !li!Alti!iFllli(lltiPri1lrGlrltiFui!nrClcu,Gergioiii EijuIjij. Btllllmt Scielc EnilcnminT LADIES' OIME MATINEE EVERY WEEKDAY a Everybody Goot Aik Anybody v U'MS THE BIOQEJT AIO 6HI 5H3W KtiT OF CHICAGO kx-x-:::::::"X"w-:mX":X' AS TOLD TO US Hat and drink at l'owell it Pope's Uafe. tr Mr. and Mrs Win. loturned to Lincoln Sunday evening. Fre-h Hastings hreud daily at IMntt's Oroeery. tf Fresh HabtitiRS bread dally at Piatt's Grocery. tf Dr. Creinhton and .1. C. Mitchell aie reported on tlio sick list. Onions for sale. Inquire Uhus. Nas ser, Incl. Phono 13 on 3. , .'HUf Mis. J. 11. Bailey Iscontlned to her homo witli an attack of lagrippe. Miss. Kathrru Burke returned from Walnut, lown. Sunday nltflit. The Farmers Union are expecting another carload of nice potatoes with in a few days. Wo ask you to pay up because wo think we honestly deserve It. Come In and talk it over. Mrs. C. II. Miner is liome from Lin. coin where she hns been spending a week with her daughter. Mi John Pottor is critically ill at tldh wilting and her children haw bo "ii Mimmoned to hoi' .bedside Mr-. Lulu Fuller of Tulsu, Ok In , Is hero on account of the illness of her mother, Mr.s J. U. Potter. Bold. Potter of Okmulgee, Okla., arrived hero last night, called by the Illness of his mother, Mr.s. .1. 13. Potter. Bov Garner tnought his father, John Garbcr homo from Kullorton, Neb.. Sunday, wheio he has spent the sum mer. Mrs Geo. Lindsey of San Iliego. Call., arrived here the tirstof the week for an extended visit with relatives xaud frieuds. Mrs. I. Frisbic of Lester, is moving to l'nl Cloud, this week and will, for the present, make her home with her sister, Mis. .1. J. Gnrher. 1 Miss Blanche Bjiucr who hns been teaching at Fairbury, Nek, is home, the sfi-uols at that, plseo having been closed on account of public health. Will Pouts of Scotts Uluir. uhohn. been visiting his father, Gun limits, and other relatives here, returned to his liumu Wednesday. II. .1 llrown who went to Wauueti jiot long since, was in the city the llrsf of the week. lie re'.iu ued to hK em ployment Wednesday evening. Geo. J. Warren, mnnagor of the Oipheuiii theatre was among the River ton visitors tilts week. He showed us sample of nivcrtun oil and it sure looks good. Geo. McMnrrny, a prosperous farmer oil the Kansas line spout the forepart of the week in Ued Cloud, meeting friends and looking after business matters. Someone was mulicl"iis enough to indict damage upon machinery at the 'Big Chief" oil well. Messrs Patter sou and Dysod are both hero now and work is Is bo resumed shortly. Dr. Bobt. Mitchell mid FI. Gricoinade an overland trip to Ft Kilay and Camp Funstoii the last of the week. The doctor took examination for service in at my medical corp. J. H. Bailey who underwent an operation at the Wesley Hospital in Kansas City tho latter part of last week, is recovering nicely and will soon be able to return home. Mrs. Julia Warren received, last week, a flue camp photo showing por traits of '200 soldiers in a group. The picture is four fcot in length and Mrs Warren's son Carl very easily rccog tiuablc. Sain Liuiloey went up to Blverton Tu -sd iy and brouuht bad: 11 bottle of oil f 10m tho new strike. Sm snyj Il'verwiu Is oil wild. Where it camo In m and how union MiTe is of U are th- Uudlng town topics, ll'-pair and improvements dim to bo m ule on the road between Red Cloud an 1 Inavulo. Go .Ovdring had tho surveying and the work is to bo push ed ahead lapldly. This is commeuda. bio for tho highway Is a much traveled one and a few serious accidents 'might cost the county much more than tho lepiirblll. Albert V Ducker drove over into Kansas Sunday to look after farm and crop Interests. Few people realize how bu-y u man is witli local'dutails of war work, or how largely the wnr rests up on tho accuracy and efficiency of those men right hero at homo. .Messrs Per ry, Ducker ami llull'or aro carrying on tt tremendous volume of this work giving thoir time nnd eirort freely. Don't forget this. J. E. Elliott lias resigned his posi tlou as elevator manager for tho Farm ers union Cooperative Co. nud lias gotio to Kansas City to look over a wider Held, preparatory to a chaugo of locution. Dan Gurbor has a largo clrelo of friends who will bo glad to lciriitlifa ho has accepted the posi tion and is on the Job ready to incut all and give them tho vquaie kind t 11 deal. Uncle Sum asks you to pay yum sub Hcrlplinu to tho Chief becaui-e he wants his newspapers supported. Live Stock Tour Plans and arrangements have rmeli made to hnvo a second tour In Web ster county. This time we are to visit the farmets and live stock In the north ern part of the county. On this trip wo will inspect almost every breed of live stock, furiii buiHlings nnd silos. The date of this tour is Tuesday, Oct. IS. 10H. Lenve the court house at Ied .Cloud nt'JiHO sharp All those going from the southern part of the count should trv nnd meet at that tluu. Tims coining later should follow and will llnd us It miles north and '-, tulle mllo east of Bed Cloud at the Thos. MoMahou farm. Parties from tho northern part of the county should meet at this place at 10 o'clock. Dinner at Blue Hill. The route and stops arc as follows: Thos. McMahon Shorthorn cattle and lioopless silo. Chas. Robinson- Chester White hogs Erin Buschow Red Polled Cattle, Poland Chlra Hogs and pit silo. Louis Bori'herdlng Ilolsteln Cattle, Duron Jersey Bogs and pit silo. Marshall Lewis Hereford Cattle and tlh solo. James MeClnri Poland China hogs. John Ciirr-Dnth Belted Cattlo and Hampshire Hogs. Mattock Brothers Polios Hereford Cattle and Poland China hogs W. K. France- Shorthorn Cattle. W V. Thnrne- Annus Cottle. Gurn- oy Cattle, A vershiro Cattlo. Berkshire Bogs and farm liulldiia's. Frank Krall-- Angus Cattlo and Po land China Bogs Artie LaiTlok--Farm uuiMiuirs. Frank llean-lloroford Cattb'.( l.'iM.r mniTrr&Kivtt f.-u-nii!' ill Wobsti'l- County slum d go on this trip, also business men wlio are interesieu 111 better farming and Live Stock ill Webstor county. This is n busy time and farmers have more work than they can do but at tlin sumo tinio a day oil', spent In visiting farmers and live stock men will moan much toward hotter farm inir and live stock. Remember the date and bo ready to start with tin crowd County Agricultural A iron t. Henry 15. Fnusch Elect Officers 'The Red Cloud homestead of the Biotherhood of Ameiicati Vouuiott mot Tuesday ovening und selected of ficers for the coming year. They also voted to buy a Liberty Bond, the Semi annual repot t uf tho com -pondeut showing tin; treasury to bo in condi tion to pei mil such action At the close of the mooting tho company went to the Powell A Pipe,,cntV where iu cream and wafers weio ti-voiI. 'I ho local homuslead was orgunl -d in lOM. It now has forty-lour niemiirs in good standing. The Billowing Ulcers were chuaen: C. U. Carpenter, Foreman. W. D. Edson, Past Foreman. L. B. Rust, Master of Ceremonies. , Mrs Ella Hunt, Correspondent. Mrs. Lois Edson, Chaplalu. A Budding Romance 1 The shades of night were falling fast were, in fact, securely fastened when homeward the weary penman wends his way. Passing a residence of which a co porch forms an attractive portion the thought camo that a strolling slrntiKer would never realize tlieio was a porch In prox'inityso shndy the shadows, so silent the stillnes You hnvo doubtless noticed many times how one can often sense a souu 1 before it actually arouses the auditory nerve to actionwithout hearing u sound you know thore Is one. We won't attempt any description Horn things nre indescribable. This is one of them. Take a kiss, for example One can say "I heard a kiss." But to describe it, is impossible. And one is not always sure thoy even heard it One hears so mauy things nowadajs that are not true. But wo assure you it was all ru. t and proper. A sweetly feminine gig.: came through tho darkness and a 1 miliar voice foll-jwed witli "IB Broivne!:' So wo know it was all n' . Uthurwiso silence would have K 1 strict for fear n .tory might eet In paper. There will be no preicjilug ei in the Congregational church u Sunday.' .h'ablmth School as usu Onnccomitof the prevailing In' dnzu the memorial service for V1-1 . Taylor which whh to have been he!' the church next - . day eyeniiig, is postponed until fur'.! -notice. Century Edition of lOo Shoot M11- is sold by Cotting, the Druggist. (. A for catalog. ll.'2w Advancing cost-prices arc an inc. 1 tlvo for payingyour subscription wli.i. the bargain rate lasts, : You Are Losing Money j If you don't sell your cream to the Farmers Union Co-opcr-: tlvo Company nnd receive the dividends. 40tf Farm Loans I am ready to make farm loans in any amount at lowest rates, be-t terms and option. Absolutely no d- J UIIU MU 4lt3J'ViMWUI U.IUtOVt O agent rov Trevctt, JIattis and Bu! Some private money. J. II. BAILKY. Democratic Nominees NATIONAL TICKET t tod States Senator John II More-head. C icressman, nth District A. C Hiall- leiiberger. STATE TICKET G ernor Kelt 11 Neville. I-' itenant Governor W. II, Banning. Si letaiy of State Hugh L, Cooper A itor Public Accounts Eugene P. Mum ford. Ti surer J S. Catiady. A" 1 iioy General George W. Herge C r. Public Lands and Buildings- G. L. Shutnway. Il. way Couinilssiouor--Edward C. 'Simmons. COUNTY TICKET C .t.ty Clork-B. F. Perry. C nty Attorney F. ,).. Monday. Ci mty Tieasuror A. V. Ducker. ' SI t-.tir l.'ranU Huirer. A. -sor C. C. Stout J. II Hamilton, No. 0 R' eentntlve -J. L. Ileebo. S' -eiintor Goo. Jackson, 30th Dist. Non-Partisan F ounty Judge -J. I). Katifioy. V ounty Snpeiintendeiit -'ell.i. Ducker, O'-sie M KeLogg, Bladen Brieflets i'.aud Mis, Rudy Strict eruiveil ti. ilarmiiig news last week that tli . son, Ei nest, stationed at Camp D. i.-e, Iowa, was seriously 111 and not ei eted to recover. They loft iiu m hiitoly for the camp and were pies ei 'or some time before the sickness ti' . a turn for tho worst, but death en- ied in a few days, despite all that w.- done for him. 'The body was si. jied back home and set vices held at .. e Danish church south of town Ta deepest sympathy Is extended to th 'larciits In their bereavement in tl. los of their soldier son. C 11. Raksstraw, S V Dutican. J no. 0 1 it ml J. A. Denton, returned 'Sun. d. tfotn tho western part of the slate w! e they spent the wook hunting "' gHtne" in the smid hills. The oar wi tilled however witiiprarie chicken, K- 1 rabbits, showing that a lit tn si it was Indulged in. ' 's8t Blnuuha Rath aud Until West. 0.' Naponoe are visiting with the (11 'inn's parent, Mr. nml Mrs. El Ki Ii and family southwest of town. V.ord has been recoiled recently that Theodoro Davis had been serious ly wounded in action. It has been known for the pist two weeks that he had been wounded in the hand, but it a- thought that he had recovered and had since been on the fli-linr lino " . nsatu. 1 ! ' Baptist Church Notes 1 Prcachliig at 11 a. in. and n p. 111. " Sunday -vlnad at, in a. 111. J.Mr. Harper preached at tho Lone Tree school house last Sunday at 11 a. m , nnd preached the funeral sermon .at the Bed (loud Christian church at l'2;IJ0 p. m returned to tho school house and addressed the Young People's ' meeting. Be also preached in the I evening, A well Illled day we should 9ay for an old veteran. Exoinplyfying ' the spirit of our blessed Master who camo not to be ministered unto but to minister and gave his life 11 ransom for many. Mr. Harper received 11 message stat ing that one of his daughters was hi the hospital in quite a critical condi tion'. Household Goods Sale About to roiunve to California I will sell all tnv household goods at prlvale sale. Also hive about 'DO chickens to sell A ! SpiiIK-, Minor Si rum IMunt, In-I I'liouo, 7-101. 10- t T nri : To fill your needs is here for you But you should CALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE for the Clock Shortage is sure to come this winter. EARLY BUYING means BETTER SERVICE and Better Satisfaction. ' Clock Materials are get ting low and it is neces sary to act at once. J. C. MITCHELL A ps! F TfX AH L THE JEWELLER ZVHM Dependable ROCERIES w" ' miiMiniiiMiiiiiniimiianMuwmiwmiMiunji,,,,!, You always get the very best at our store because QUALITY goods are the only kind we sell. The brands we carry in stock are recognized by the housewife as the VERY BEST of their kind. h i5?rf,y4foihjBiucr Chase & Sanbonis Coffees Itens Crackers and Cookies Batavia Jams and Spices Sunflower Canned Goods fcE&TOi'rssnreJs latiiBai mmi IWWIHI M.MJmll Qm;ti. .. m KJMSJtlM U( U9. CjttS. U 11. OF SIG TYPE OLAND china trrM tm,iiTwim-w a air- . 45 Boars and IS Gilts To be held at Orchard Grove Stock Farm, 9 miles northeast of Superior, and 2 miles southeast of Cadams, Ncb., on ednesday, Commencing at One P. M. This is the best lot ever offered by this firm and have been raised in the usual way with lots of exercise, and are in excel lent breeding condition. Some new blood lines have been added to the herds and we will be able to supply you with an outcross. These are those big, stretchy fellows with lots of quality and are excellent feeders. HAVE ALL BEEN VACCINATED We invite you to spend the day with us, see the pigs, and get a free dinner. And don't forget to bring the boys, too Sale Under Cover Free Lunch at Noon WRITE FOR CATALOGUE SMITH BROS. A. W THOMPSON, W. C HENDKUSON, Auits. JOHN YL'NG, Clerk jPMMf inmwMWWnwwiiTniriinrTr-irrrii-iiii i i i i 1 1 i i i 11 i i n i m iTm"rr f - BUY A FORTUNATE PURCHASE I Have Two Table One Piece at $1.25 a yd One Piece at $2.00 a yd i . t tawitaMWarigMiaOTiMtti.'PW ps. Barbara Phages, l1! - i mi in- i .ii in n--j .miiiMtwiniiiMwwMliwiiMriin-r mr "u"! II II II 1 " " ' " Fresli and Pure 5S32?EKV2E'2a - j A Sale 1'WI"ltl',W II?"! I Oct 23, 1918 Superior, Neb. Pieces of SK PIGS AH X i . il N. saga