BJSD CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF m 'i !l! i ft S n i ISf. IS 1 I ; wiiitnroiniMiW! u; Jiiiw1, i :i!i:i , i nrtin,. .: iitim MMiraiiiiMiiiiHPira'araiiraranra ' MBmnrair . . ansnuBnr nu raw 1i,!li1,",i.:,"!iii,i,;i!Wii,iiiiii:i g Wr ; ta ZPf f &'fz . - - sz. 2r4 L ll deed, when the adverse condi tions arc taken into consideration. Some time since we noted the coincidence of German "peace talk and American Liberty Loan drives. Another instance is now in evidence. With the I added item that the Central f Powers are in a precarious sit e uation militarily. So precarious j a situation thai, "peace parley" I 'seems the only way out. The I allied armies under the direc I tion of Foch, Haig, Pershing, t'Save set and sprung a great trap. Germany is within. It is patent to patriots that she will not be permitted to sneak out under cover of parley for peace. Messrs McKelvic, Andrews and Taylor devoted an hour or more to Red Cloud last week explaining clearly how it is not necessary to follow party lines in the torthcoming election and explaining with equal clarity how voting the Republican ticket is the only way out of ' world troubles. See the point? It is clear as mud. ' '''V 'Elli'lK X., Hi i!1 .IF 1 i : f f The Tentative Ideas of the Fashion Artists Have Crystallized THE experimental stage in trying out the new Fall and Winter fashions has passed and only the mosT: successful ones remain. You find the best efforts of the New York, Cleveland, London and Paris fashion artists here in Red Cloud. We take a great'deal of pride in our showing of women's and misses' coats- for it is the result of months of searching for the best in the market: a market, as you know, that has been none too well supplied and has been getting thinner day by day. You can buy here with confidence that you are receiving the best obtainable. F 0 wmiauiiin uwor , u, o. Turn ure $ ed Cloud, Neb. 3 9 Wii'M 4 Germany is trying the "peace talk" came again. Strange, al most inexplicable, that she still labors under the delusion that she may cry "kamerad" and be immediately restored to her former place in world-society. Strange, almost inexplicabl e that she should expect the civi lized world to accept her prom 1 ise after having thoroughly es tablished a reputation for mak ing promises only to break them. The Allied world is with Wil son when he says, in effect, what Grant said in 'fil. "The price of peace is "Unconditional surrender." ' ScnatorsHitehcock andNorris missed the opportunity of their lives last week. The wheel of 1 Fortune placed in their hands the power to give women equal political rights with men. They , had " opportunity to ghe the ' mothers, wives and sv, ecthearts 'a merited compliment and a J slight reward for'their unselfish 1 devotion, .untiring effort and .heroic sacrifice in war work. iThev could have' made them selves famous as the two men who freed much of the popula tion of the United States from political shackles. Two votes were needed to do this. With their votes Senators Hitchcock 3. 5? , DAY'S SALE OF Duroc Jersey Swine Will be held on the farm 1 mile south and 1 I -4 mile west of Nora, Neb., and 1 2 miles northeast of Superior, on TUESDAY, OCT. 22, 1918 Commencing at One o'clock, Sharp 40 - Head of Swine - 40 20 Spring Boars. 1 8 Spring Gilts 2 Fall Gilts DIG TYl'R, BIO HONK, EASY FKBD1NG and PROLIFIC. They huvc till been given the tloublu treatment, imd wo consider them immune. In piosuntlng 'ills, offering wo have selected 'JO hoars hiuI ' ollt.s. tho tons of this year's crop of pics. They hnvo been fed nml grown for future usefulness und we bellevo they will go I nut and make good for the buyer. The blood lines, wo are sure, ' 1 Hro us good as the breed affords. For further Information write for catalogue. Come and spend tho day with us and have dinner. whether you wish to buy or tiot TKUMS-Csish or nine months time on approved notes beniing 7 per cent interest. FKKK LUNCH AT NOON. Sale in tent, no postponement on account of weather. CARL DAY, Owner Allots -Cols. A. W. Thompson, V C. Henderson. 1 V John Yung, Clerk w, I Christian Church fl'THF RFn nnim PIIIEE and Norris could have placed IHL iLU LLUUD LlilLi themselves in the limc-liuht of ed louu, Nebraska. I will offer at Public Sale on my farm 6 miles cast of Red Cloud and 4 miles west of Guide Rock, on 14 Commencing at 10 o'Clock. Sharp Monday, Oct. - " r- 26 Horses and Mule w I :iv. v. iv W'W&r'K' t'UULISHBD KVBKY THURSDAY intcred In Uiu I'oMoilko at Hcrt i. d.'Neb ai Second Class Matttr F. L. DROW NE. Ed.loi nd vn: only iii:.ioeitAXiu pa cut WKIlrtTKHCOtrXTV IN SUNDAY Sunday School at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p.m. Service at Indian Creek at 3 p. m. 5. The public cordially invited to attend these services , VWWMV.VANVAV.ViViVV.VWW.V.ViVAWAWAWW What Is The Liberty Loan? It's succor nml life for a IiIcoiIImk world. It's, tlie Kliniiiior of Peace ntdn.wi. It'o tho strength of 11 mighty .urn to strike. It's tin? Klenm of r creutsorl drawn. Uut, more than all, it's the pledge of love To the liuls whom we call "Our Own " To the boys on land, afloat, on high. It'b the t:o(l old ''Money f'f''" home." -Ity n.u.i'H B. McM'iun. a popularity mat wouia nave covered, as with a mantle of charity many acts which have aroused criticism in tho past. But alas! Partisan prejudice was too strong tor them. Rather than appear to yield to power ful and wise advice, they let the onnortunity no by. They voted "No." Shame Mr. Hitch cock! Shame, Mr. Norris! G man', from ." to .'. jears old, ut frum 1'0 to liOo, all in foal to jack. Draft Ouliling.,fiMni .'! to'n yis old M hf-ud of ijiulos, ranging from, snejiling-i to 1-yi olds, including 1 e.x'ra good span lyr olds. 40 Se Foiled Durham Cattle 1U stt. from l to 3 yis old. 10 young milch eoit. 10 head of yearling--. - i.-. lifers and calvi'H. 50 Ducks and Geese Lunch Wagon on the Ground .1. II. RLLINGER, Auet S. R. UM.OlUXCIi, Clerk. TERMS Cash or 1 2 months time. Ho A. Johnson. RVNGE COMFORT LrOil Strike At Rjverton SO) 1 Lincoln 1 elephone - and Telegraph Co. L'nitt .SA.'.a GEO. WARREN. Mafic cr The Telephone nam xt n n exm t n$ 5? 4 i? ti ipH 0 ffvei Si'l 3 a: W U tf f -2 jSi There is constant -trort toward checking the upward trend of cost. An er.-ctual remedy is "Win tho Wat. ' Turkoy is .v.vakeninrt faet that thanksgivhi'. dra weth nhjh. You k no happen? to turkey abo date! , the time what that "The Hrst requisite for doing business is to be able to get a customer. The more customers you can readily get at the more business you can do." As it is "the mind that does business" and "the telephone gives the mind wings" you can do more business by telephone than Jany other way, because you can reach more customers and you reach them in a personal, voice-to-voice man ner, that builds business? Do You Make Fall Use of the Telephone in Your Business? It's getting along rap. ,y to the time when all pnp i will be high-priced. Drop in, or write, and renew your su ncrip tion while the price is lo . Now is the time! The way Americans wage war- A soldier line man import ed that his telephone li"! was shot down 2'1 times. " ,.at did you do?" "Why. 1 put it up again, of course!" Republican office seekers are saying in effect "We will stand squarely by the president" but we should be elected because the democratic congress stands too squarely by the president. Their game ofpolitics is a queer bug. Government experts Svjt the mark for a billion bushel wheat crop. Harvest is compl te and report shows 918.920.000 I .shels. This is coming pretty cise to the mark. Very gratif mg in- Tlie Shito .Tourniil says Rlvertou lias struck oil. The discovery was iniule lute S'lturduy while worUineii were en giweri in dipKiiiK a cess pool in the inldilli! of Mill street in tho northwest part of town Kvery post anger uvnil alile tins heen rushed into the service ami today land owners rre earnestly lti seat en pi tne iiiucien treasure. The (low was struck at a depth of t.veuiy feet and tilMin,uLrli apparently a uiei-u clnitiiiel fnuii Hi1 main t runs one gallon, in Mneo iniii llt"t itinl is const. int. l'lirei huuJivd gui.iP". nirrRiiy nave ii-n ihlii. i ;ie oil ! st (S per neiit pure. A pait M?5 the nl lias been utietl iu auti'iunbilo1. and (ins proven sutUfuctory. . i .oi in jaru na inj imvn ufi-n u v Stir-el over hii event of this ort, Foiu i-xpotts here Sunday pronoune jil the oil of exeejlent quality. ( 'hei oxpi-rts liavu been called for co is.ln. Hon. In the liieautinie eirorts Uf 1. oate tho maiu hiuhwny aioln progress. Tlio IUeovcry was made at the but'om of a lull. Prospecting is bulnu done along the slope.' This is not tho Hist inkling of v.tlua ble nil deposits hero Several years a,M haae Slieplierdsnn, now dot-eased, due a number of wells5 befoio lie could Hint one d'Jiii whJeh he could uso the wa'er. He told his neighbors that the wiiiti' from the others was thick with oil Mr. Shcperd90(i,.however, did not attempt further investigation. ggBgg3jgggJ3Sif vftiCEii SI"--ririJrv -' v-fl"! IwJ.Vp'' That vill Last a Lifetime EpOR the sake of a few dollars HOW why buy a range that in a few years will need repairs and in a few years more will be worn out entirely? Add a few more dollars and buy a TiL South Bond DM. ' line Naik-ubio hasige Always PrfiTcraHc N I 1 .The Range that'll git? per fect satisfaction in every way and with a little care. will last a life tinr. When buying a range, buy tho best. Come and see it and let us tell you all about it. It is a beautiJul range It is on excellent bnker It is a great Iu.eJ savor HEAT Stockholders Meeting i The annual mooting of the stock holders, of the Farmers Independent Telophnuo Co., will be held Oct. 12, l'.HS at3 o'clock, p. m., at the Court llniso iu the city of Red Cloud, Nob. A full attendance is desired Dated at. Hod Ulo'ud.Xeb ,Oct. 1, 1D18 2w O. C. Tkki,, Secy. INfi SATISFACTION The Big Value In a Heater that you have been looking for. Economical in the consumption of fuel Handsome in appearance Strong durable in construction Burns any kind of fuel The SLINOY HEATER (iood meals good -ervlee--motlerato jjj is one that will give you entire satisfaction. Let us show you all its points of advantage. Come in now. GEO. W. TRINE RED CLOUD'S LEADING HARDWARE DEALER P prices -Powell Si l'opo's cafe. Offi'J 35igaiame3a?n7ifiCTRragaB 4 H f A K ' I r