The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 10, 1918, Image 10

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0 H I E r
r j
I c
In 1
The Kaiser as
1 Knew Him
For Fourteen
i snirni
V. V.V?Vr'rV.VV.V.' i
f i yrlffht, IMS hv Hi MrClur tf?Tpa
It BynriU'Mc.) I
A pbul-cnnl plctnro of tho knlwr, '
hi :ncl by litis own linnd, v'n8 In his I
own cKtlniation oiu nf the most price
liss Rlfl lie could billow. I rotiipm
hr li! donnlliiK our of thorn to tin
Amcrlfnn charity bazaar In Horlln to'
bi auctioned oil'. I thought that the
fart thnt tho curd enmu from bin 1 in
pi jmijit.v saw It n valim which
could not ho inonsuml In dollars and
cents. A pleco of Jcwolry or n sum
of money might lisiyo boon duplicated
or oven excelled by n lft of similar
character from any American million
nln, for whoso wealth the Inilsor fre
quently expressed tho utmost contempt
but what could surpass the value of
nn nutoi;niph of the kaiser!
No doubt tho royal banquets were ,,rl, ,,.w... 4lif. ti,, lit ft1,i
Jlllfiaill! IIIII1.1I llfJ(I lliu t,lliv r,.,t-i
clnlo. for It was a common paving
ntnoiiff tlio fJorniim nrlstocraev that ono I
bad bettor fool well beforu irolnir to ill
bampiet nt the palace.
I happened to mention to the kaiser
tho reputation hlb banquets held amonR
bis people. Uo wtai not ut all taken
111 iU-k".
"That's Rood 1" be eommentvd. "The ,
(i nnnns are t'Mi fnt, anyway, Tim mn
Juuty of tho people eat too muh."
Long nflcr utifomolvlUnir boenmo
i -it or lobs Rffuiiil, tlie kaiser still
ilovcd n hor."e and enrrlnce fr
f-uimry travel, nljlng tipon hl t roe
ii . of thu'r.t.Iwr.s foe lonL'cr 0!
t..M-1'H. hen, li.w over, the HchUii:'
j ..ism A n luw coiufH mng royalty to yny (
i : their rnllrord travel, tho kaiser,
t i to automobiles. They charged i
J i i 11,000 nmrks. he told me, for the ,
ii - of a Imln on t.n of Mb shooting I
Inps, nnd tlmt apparently was uioro
thiiu bo could stand.
"Atitou aio expensive," bo declared,
"but they don't cost mo thnt much !"
Tho kaltw ypeaks lJuglKsb with but
tho slightest truco of u foielgu accent.
Ills diction Is perfect TI upenkn
l'cnch, too, very fluently, and, I bo
lleo, Italian. Uo Is widely road on
almost all aubjecta and kno,vf tho lit
erature of Knglaud, rrunco and Amer
ica as wi '1 as that of ficrmuny. Marl:
'J'ualn wab ono of bis favorite Amer-
lean authors and Longfellow his eholco
of American poets.
llts m'ldcs himself on his nequuln -
tanco with history and has little re-;
i-peet for the political opinions of oth
ers whoso knowledgo of history la lowr
complete. i
Shortly uftor Carnegie bud donatod
five million iiHirkv to Gerr.iany to fur-
thi.r world-peace, I bappeued to bo
r: lklng to tho ka scr of American mil-
llonnlrcR and tho stcelmaator
"Oi CDurse, Carnegie
n nlco old
I U, of couruo, ve Intend to coutlmjo
As'nn art
In clnhus lh. ' i
tm '.Jard to f '
it . ultfl )
:o hi i irr.
lll'lt Hi'f r.
i'.' iu jc loit v,.i ni. llo :s..'. ix-
.. '.11. llo
j-ouHi very iuuco the r.r.u'l ult i b
Ann-rlean million .ir of art tro.i-ur. s I
imd uuibjnlileH w'iU'Ii their wtallU on-i
tiblotl them, to buy, but wbUb their
liiMltod nequalntuiioo with history und
Ibi'lr lack 'of culture itml refincuout
made thorn tumble to appfcUito In
thp V.ttHor'n ostlmotlon,
Ot his own Insto In art lltllo need be
wild. The monuments which he rained
to bo erected to his nncostors nn) tllr
advisors and which adorn IJiu kii
Alloe, tho street be had opened through
the Tiergnrten especially for thorn, nve
ut the bumo time u liiouumont to tin
halhor'ii Ideas of art. Thoy tfo the
laugbbig-stoek of the artistic wniM
'Ilioy K.ivo boon no froqui'iitl.N d ' un
by ar' Is wboM' ariWtl' tuv. i'u
olTdide! thut It was noci ."y 1 i :'
. mi iuiu UU-U.W c,i. if-n.u.hwt. uiu theec uimmns lme money r
...Isor. condor-ending ly. "but bo Is lo- Tf f, ta fl ,n(M, (,,0 Amrr!raR
tally Ignorant of world history, lie's pnvtmXXv for v.vyakU, he was
jut advanced us five uUllon or Jcw aln, t0 wtv
Moild-oeuoo. We accented It naturally. ......,. '
A.. ...! ..(... ....till ... -1..1 Jl..k
PWn 8trc' . , J made frm New York to Hamburg re-
imccd, there Is hard! any mibjcct Bultol tnjlwfwr,ns ., ,,,, tr. ,
... which tho luilwr bu duvoM any, Amertt. ta c," ',sKl . .. .,.
. eran. a ntnunn in vnK-n im aidt,d .,Wr, . , t9 .
.. , . .... ,. ...... .. , r ..,.. j,.,. , ,
,or -r,d aat'.Mi-.I.m t .. .,-....,
CUlth us
A J lU FU3 1 B
'---J" J,Jtnmm "- MMtf "l
lion in .. men jit mo ftuvw .vneo li
Kiuird t iMi. Not lotij: i,r'o a butjjlrr
cecum d In tho vicinity. The biii'Klar
wrt Miser 1 whliv at tt.itk and i
Mnttlii ilvlllmi ni bed t. tl. Slcjri
Alloc I' MiiliH'ioti one of th" 'nl!Ic'i
who v (" fcrjpun to bo on rr.nir! J,
"If j on hurry," exclaimed the civil
Inn', oxdiodly, "you can cnlch thorn
burglar red-hundod."
"J'm Mury," reiilled tho policeman
"Hut J i.innot leave, tho statues,"
ltenMmi Is tho lailsot's Idea of what
Is nu'-t doFlriiblo In dramntle art
Win n be put on "Snidannpiil," a Clruok
tnu-oly in pantomime, tit the llerlh
opera house, liu Hent profPHHorn tc
the Hrltlsh museum to .secure the mosl
dctiilled lnformntlon uvallablo rcrfimt
In? the costumes of tlio period, livorj
iHuitll, evory article of wrurliiK up
1 ut I, every button, every wapout b
f.!(t, every property lined In tbe plnj
wen'1 to be faitlifully tvproluv' rir
tbnlnr pains bring Libia to rt.'.uro i
ti o'-t tealWIr efft In n fu.ioral rw
wetv In which M: ir rndotf bis lift.
Th" ki'Ner evv.t me tlrltot to fcue It,
Kir.- Kdwnrd uttpr.dwl the perform
unco nt the Berlin ltoynl ojiora nnd 1
aT;'d the ltnlHOr how the king of Hug
lulu" enjoyed U.
"Mv imbni." t'.,, hi.Hor replI-H
tin 'Vm If repiv -s hi-- .iil Tin lion n'
"nt- tin' p.iiilon if. bid bad oi
bis roynl uncle, "why, the IiIiik wa
very much alarmed uben the funeral
pyre scene came on. Ho thought the
wlmlo opera 1ioiii wa on Urol"
Perhaps the kaiser's love for detail
luhtlit bo allrlbuted to bis keen obser
vation. Nothing, no matter bow triv
ial, escaped his attention.
A couple of years before tho war 1
had. the empire furniture In my wait
ing room reupholstered. On the very
llrst occasion of the kaiser's calling
my olllco after the chiuiRo he noticed It,
"My ""V. w beautiful tho chairs
look '." ho exclalineif. "(iood enough foi
Napoleon himself."
On another occasion, between two ol
tho kalsor'B vhlt, I bad had put ur
la the watting rorni a new inirtralt ol
Mr. Dals. Tho UaWor noticed It tin
moment he enmo into ihe room and
mnde bohir complimentary remark
nbont It.
Th knber frcnuently nenited the
nterlcs'nm of being ilollnr-worMhlpprs
-' the i:nallb of
Mamm i. but th.itbt
Doing ruiea uy
bo blmsclt wan not
ft-n"y uanilndfnl f the Milue an-1
pnwor if inoner was clenrly revealed
hf W n.tnnor In which he rntorea to
0Ie o! wealth In recent yearn.
Thf J" hwt mnn In flerlln nnd one
of the ri ,ic8t In Germany was a H
brew c il innsmnte nnracT Fried
loader, '"'m knlstr ennobled blm nn-I
mnde hi. i Von riledlander-Kuld. An
other ilthy Ilelirow to whom th.
kaiser t frcd was Rrhwubneh, head
of the Blelehrooder bank', ono of tbc
strongest, pilvuto banks In Gormnny.J
and be, too, was ennobled, becoming
Von Schwnlmch.
A number of oilier weidlby Hebrews
In Germany were ulxo honnrod by tho
kalBor In another way. AUhoush he
was averse to vKitlng the homes of
private Individuals who lacked social
standing, bo departed from bis rule In
, their favor and vNltetl their mairlots
ostenslbly to view their art collections,
but actually to tleklo their vanity.
Shnrtlv after LoUhraan became nm
baR".dor to Germriy, the kaiser called
on mo.
Yonr nr-',v niri'wi' ndor'n laigbt"r Is
il(i test Iookln ,,, who ,,.
(;oml0(i oor cmrt la mnny a dny- he
declared. "Half a dossen o' ray yr-.r."
' ttfiff 4f11finCi ni.i .!( itnrlj'iiiu t- t ?iV.
IV- lttfcl kft i VU4 4 U'ttt j
Lor. Cnn you toll me, DavU, whct'ir
( - I 4 1 . X I I "i .-i 1 I , i I i
, , . , .
Ol "-'lK HHWI O. ill I1H o..iir.n
t!.m with Kio we usurtlly vn.i)defd
from tibJo"t to Mthjoct In the most
h rpb.t'.'ni n. it 'o r. aud ho tnvarlr.bly
d'.Kj'bi.1 d h mi ,.11 lug atoro of lmr
iiiatlo.i mi'voii topic vo i I'lohoil n"d
1 nu not vtilu 1 1 1 .iph to boliovo ib t
ho was so tuixii i. to io.'1-o n f,ui. .i.
Impression upon nio that he prep! red
for those dHuisxions In oiivnuov.
Indeed, tlio k:ilKr (UscuKed so fro
ly almost cverv subject thnt suft:- t0
itself that 1 of(.n wondered what bis
advisors would bnvo said had tlnj
overboard our onvoi-satUii.a. Ill-- r .oi
Iness to t.illc to mo wus nndoubt- .lly
duo to a tondi'.iy bo had to trist
every one with wlom ho cniuo In Inti
mate contact. !'"! man who wi. ajit
to have so man;, i ati.iion, ho wo less
Mifijilolous than uiiyoiio 1 ha 1 over
met. Uo Hoemeil to trust eery on, uud
I bis h-iiho of f, i mlty unloobiiH I Ug
Rboat I
"4; t UU1IUIL
TTn 4n1rl nrtA nniu 4til- AtiAiii t,t 4f
sutnmer In connection with the porce
lain tooth I had patented i
"Well. It won t be nee ii-ary now,
tbivls," be c. iimentid "W- can ne'iil
the Deutxelilnii'l over and bring bnk
n boatload f teeth!"
"Pit ny tutl, ,A, Dnh," bo do-,
elarotl on another occasion, "so that
can bite There nio lot of people I
would like to bile!" and he napp' d
his Jnwa together In u wfly that would
have boded III for tho victims bo htul m
mind, tillbougb bl remark wai o l
dontly mrre tneetlous than vicious.
Th" cotirlov anil usability which
the knlner almost imnilubly dlMp"ln.'d
In bin lelatlons with tnu did not p u
vent blm on one orcnnlon from nlir w
lag his ludlgnuilon when I touched hint
upon what wns evidently a very fore
poinitho part thnt America wiu "o-1
log to piny In th" wjr, although Bo .il- j
wnf? ctciuied to be unpertijrtwid ah ,ut j
th American rltimtlon. v i
Ho hud poliUtl out thnt America nt ;
thnt time bad only atwo men in
Franco 'and be believed that th U
boats would effectively prevent any
great addition lo our forces abroad, ir,
indeed, troy over loft out' shores.
"As u maltvr of fact, however," he
added, "jour countrymen would be
very willing, no doubt, to (''lit for tbotr
country to protect It from lnvnxiiri,
but I don't believe you'll ever gel tntmy
of them to leave homo to light abrud.
America will really 1 o n very .small
factor In the wnr, Davis 1"
"Your majesty Is undorostlnmtinft
the power of Amotion!" I replied.
Uo turned lo mo Indignantly, nnd In
bis most Impel Ions manner exclaimed:
"Wo underestimate no ono! Wo
know exactly what we are doing!"
How horlously bo was mistaken in
tills respect has since been sulllcluntly
No mal tor bow gloomy tho outlook
for Germany, tho kaiser reldoin show
ed concern. Tt Is true that whenever
things wore colng wrong, us when the
Russians In the early part of the war
wore sweeping everything before them
In their advance on the OrppthliuiB.
ho and the rest of the royal fanllj
kept as far In the background na pnV
jtlblo, whereas when the German cause
was triumphant, ob In the case of tin
offensive ngalnbt Italy, h t i dd not
make hhuticlf too cou ;lc'''i at .'..
Hut oven wb. -i 0 .-ii" ' '-t : "
was gn ili !, t'l.- i.o!er ,-.!. w . , ;
a brno frost. At stRh t, I ;
seen hint slop In the strtol afror ! "'
lag my otHce, and , for" tl.c hitnu
ot piMpn w...tiii'; fitsttd ti i;r-et ! ir
ostentttttonly put u ctr.irttie In lo
mouth and tt, that eveij jne t. ,g!
notice how hu-udy his fcai.d wbh ni
hvv little ho was worried by the 111;'
things were taking.
At the same time, on one or two o;
enslons after the war startod, I notle
that ho noted differently when In tl
dental ehah than bail been his custo'
when everything was serene.
Tho knlor once boasted to mo t' if
not a building was erected In " rm..1 y,
not a bridge built, not a stroi opo . d
i. nt a park laid out, but what pi ij
ect was first submitted to 1. . Hi
kept posted on everything t." wo
going on, not only In German.' . ' t In
the world nt largo, nnd, as fr , he
was able, he oudoavorod to b his
finger In every development oi orlfl
wide lu(iorUtUee. I cannot r . :iue
that he v.os In Interested In hU
count r in u were doing In c lor
with tlio v ar t!. m he was t. ioIi
achkv. m"nt i'i time of pumv.
tongue and mo-lo him u Ivc,
perlutpa, tlmi vmis always div. .
The i-iiscr i" . very Jnd rf i ten-
Ins to trir .: stories with i ont
and uould fronu-atly luvtto i- tell
mm any new ono that I rnl'ir have
heard. Some of tlie stories
changed were more or less rl.--.,
would bo out of plneo-tn; UlChe j
but I do rot fl'iwia to tntlian.
there ttif anythlun Vtvy iam'
with the.!.. They always mv.-
ry n-v.c' and l.o was Quick t
Hie pont.
- itdi
me itn-
Tlio In; or'- p .,i? of hu1
fl-o'iitly e.i '.; ; , ,f. n. '
of a i .afc, i -. l, iCe-n tv
tlve-s -: alt 'N. ) a .-is iy.r"
j;!ot:(n of ii I ' ."or All.
toe j . v. i. Sv of tho
tttOK'.'- the 1..C.1:
Cutbo'.to, othoii l.
Catholic wns i s
tualr.t.tlnod tjyjfr a
ifrspO;vht i
i lid tb..t -i
tiai, ' am
t re-
. tant
l him
DO inott torn!.
It seemed quite i,i possible t
to any ugreonicnt aa to JiM '
llglon the bins of Albania tdm
fos, and tho knlser bad enCcI i
etisHlon, ho .ald. with thy aw,'-
"Woll, gentlenion, If a I.-o
won't do, and u Ibu. nn Ciitlo
do, nnd a Duddhlst la out of t.
tlon, why not select a .low nnd .
JneoJ) tho First? 1V11 have h:
out, itnVwey, In thru) months'"
The powers did not select n l
tho prince of Wled, tho knlsi-'-nee,
was put op the ihrono, m '
a month or tvo alt. iwtirda lu. .
fur hi- nfo.
I.i t fi-viiiiic to I" uii-ovelVi
, bill
. the
w on
6 did
r'". i to imd aa 4"..!' la l .
I-'!-"-.- !. daiod !h.H ln ndt'o
i r hi.-, tt unxyo -d ti'isl. .
"riH.u-.'' bo-.:.'. "tl,.it be I
LI'S vty tilt,'-. Tt is too I
u '1 pc tpono our oljctiwive tli
! wo h'l.-e eapiu
V uidii't Toddy look funny i
i.i -'.?"
H. .rlly ufret' tho U-bo-it 1
I.Hi'l 1HI lo itS 8UCCessfllltllp I
bin, tho kalwep eollod on ur.,
,i gas
w..h In a vi ry Jo; til. r fi.ime of i 'U,i
I I" ! p md to li" !iM .ii to li'i'i Ji'iuit I
I i KC- to ,i
i n iL.f'owJiiu
1 )?i , JaWfifcfe,-.,rw5 V(t;ihy)") "
jij! V s&ziy 1
!le Owners of
Mr!ffr fL
WfiB. WL
(Nw Over 2200)
Porha-ps it: has not occurred to
you that you can participate in
Swift & Compare's profits, and
also share its risks, by becom
ing a co-partner in the business?
It is not a closo corporation.
You can do this by buying- Swift &
Company shares, which are bought
and sold on the Chicago and Boston
stoclc exchanges.
There are now over 22,000 share
holders of Swift Si Company, 3,500 of
whom are employes of the Company.
These 22,000 shareholders include
7,800 women.
Cash dividends have been paid reg
ularly for thirty years. The rate at
present is 8 per cent.
The capital stock is all of one kind,
namely, common stock t'rfcrc is no
preferred stock, and this common stock
represents actual values. There is no
"water," nor have good will, trade
marks, or patents been capitalized.
This statement is made solely for your
information and not for the purpose of
booming Swift & Company stock,'
We welcome, however, live stock
producers, retailers, and consumers as
We particularly like to have for
shareholders the people with whom
we do business.
This leads to
Year Book of interesting nnd
instructive facta sent on request.
Address Swift Si Company,
Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois
i r3B33S
Ljt. i .itf.'i , .TjJi,,.
:.. ! vmhub w.iwwMfiawBCBigmr,iaiawBiiinBswwwwatt:tfjci' '
aus! atsaaacracaKBUai!gaBWi
of Excursion S'ares
To "n K&.st
'1 until-' fi'do in- '! Lvib'.oro iuic wi,l I..- iih liable d'trlog K.-ptembtr
'1 ar probiibly Hi. lust u'duoort' mi's of tlu- ye'ii. to tb E' '
To Western Resorts . '
'in'n Ifo ti Cii.f.(i hh'1 V.-u-f V i on reduced fare. uiiotf thU
i -Mb Culor-ido in rpti'iniiv- is l.tit foUtt liurt viljatloU no I rapid
i 'ili c- irin..tiucU. h
(hi, (nun Wyoming f.i iho btjfKt-te Ifiiir at Dung) .-t, Sptom
.ii to 11th; hIm) fmrii Coionido for the Color tdo 8tatt Fait aj Poblo
ml 2JI lo -Jsih
n imii'ii wlib lis for wbutevvr k.odof n tour you desire to ni'lko dur-
i,'it 'in') . Wil .VI. l u p H isd I . I Ulf.Jl'.ll y.Lt III I Si'l'VO iu.
W ,?tWl3H'3ji
N. B. Bush,
Ur h -. Hi'irdort M.n.f.
Wlcrlnary itrVhurisc
C. Ii Miner Serum Co.
thi Hog Cholera
fitid Clou'b I5ff,lo
Win ur Phone ttt vxpnn8i!
Jerliwrv Ucettst: H,4$ t
f .." S Geurfaer
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and
(Work Guaranteed
EUctricai Goods of all Kinds
ill Wire Your House And
I .irniah You the Fixtures
tiflaHB&t , mil' tfffilt i
a better mutual
' J S 1J-Sltt,13Pli'!
L. W. Wakelcy, General Passenger Agenl
Piifiiuiii "si. umaliii, ..'Oi
Ticket Agenl. Red Cloud, Neb.
So. i osor to f); C'losh
Hamilton - Gather
Clothing Co.
Everything a W!sm
or Boy Wears
Vfatl Cloud Nattrttalia
jmnumjiimmnii..jim cjhuj.. -un . rrmmranuM
Tho following proposed nmendinont
to tho constitution or the State of
Nibraakn, as hereinafter set forth In
full, 1c submitted to tho olcrtora of
tho Stnto of Nebraska to bo voted
upon nt tho general election to bo
bold Tuesday, November Gth, A, D.
101S: i
Section ono (1) of Article povon (7)
or tho CotiHtltution of thu Stato of
Uo it Resolved by tho Legislature of
tho State of Nebraska:
Section 1. Tlmt .icetfon Oud of Ar
ticle Seven of tho Constitution of Iho
biatfl of Nebraska be ntrl tho uaino
h r-by la amended by fctrikiua out Ilia
following woiUsj:
'"-.ooorJ Percnt of foreign birth
Mio have declared tliolr inton
tli.u to ; otwiiuo oltucnB (jnii'ormably
to tho lnWB of tbc United States, on
tho subjtct of naiurallratlon, at least
thirty da'-a prior to nit election." '
And 'itmertlng Jn tho placo of tho
words so stricken, the following
words: ,
"Second, l'erf ( ns of forelKii birth
win i Lull lune broomc cltioin of tho
United States by unturaPzation or
othorwNe conformably to tbc law- of
tho United Sinto3 at loa3t thirty days
prior to an election.
Sec. 2. That nt the Roneral elec
tion nineteen hundred and eighteen
(1013) there Hhnll bo submitted to tho
electors of tho ate'. fot tl.olr approval
or rejection the fore." I. proposed
amondment to the constitution rolat
Ins to the rlRlit of surfraso. At such
election, on tlio ballot of each doctor
voting for or against said proposed
amendment, shall bo written or printed
tlio words: "For proposed amend
ment to tho constitution relating to
tho lifrht of suliraso," and "Against
said proposed amondment to the con
stltulion relating to the right of
Soc :'. If such amendment shall
bo arnrovi'l by a tr.atorpy of all
olectrra vo'lig :f anon rleotlon, said
auiendinpt "ln'i tonstltMe Section1
Ono (1) Article 3c vn (7) of tho Con
stltutlon of tho Sttte of Nebraska.
Approved, April 0. IMS.
Attest: Governor.
CHAHLMs v.' l'C;'
..; -la. j i . .
Kotioo o -..t
liiThu I'ohn'.x nun uf w(i ' i ..y.
In iho nrvtiif nl tif td'jitc o N.o'iunnit
UtU.y. dici'ttEnl
To all persniiH IniiicsU.l in nalil nxnto. '
Xotlre l liercby gi'.u tlmt Willam p. lms
liau Ui4 il.iy ill 1 n i: il.iou In '.lie county
court. itIii Hint administration ni snlil
unto iu.i lu yranitd to Am niiul Ulnw
n!i.tinoiUtrator:iiul lhuVialit liotttlon will
tiv lieanl beforu tlio court on tho lltliday ol
October, 11113, at tlio hour of 10 o'clock, n.
in., nt thu county court room In tlio illy ol
l!nl ckiuil, In s:l,l cuimly. wlini all rmrxonx
luttrostcd In unlit matter may appear ami
show ciuso why the juaytr of patlllnucr
should not In1 ftr.uitiHl; and that uoilccol thu
illlnol Hiild putltlon. and the heatlm; thorn
nl. ho t;ltii by lmiillshloB a copy ol thU
order In tlu Ited Clou 1 Chlut, a legal weekly
niwipapor pi luted and of (.vneral eitculatlon
In said county, for four comit'ctuise weokH
prior to Rnld day of hearing.
Iiaiod this litli day ol Hipiemhcr. WIS.
(SKAl.J A. U. ItANKliV,
i-1 i ountj Jmt)0.
rep in.
ut the
First clas. porfcraiturc
enlarging, copying,
new work,, amateur
finwhiag, etc.
VVhorv the
Firemen Appear
the intuied man' fint thutigHt u on of J
thanklulne tlil lis u to. Ha,w abeu
your lliojghu if a fiueman iKnuliJ ap
pear t our lieme?
The Qocy
Before tlie Fire
U tlie dsy to insute. Ai tlial day may
be to-morrow lor all you can know or
do, it lellowi that prudence would im
pell you lo lop in out office to-day .nnd
have ui iMiie you n policy,
jlR.eliai.blo &rvsureuce
ifmii irmm-titt im