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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1918)
i RED CLOUD, 'NEBRASKA, OHIEr , ft in' IT I i ! I . h.i 'i v l-i I t m Vi lit , i i) :K If. Ifl. im ill i ' w : Inavalc Items Mr. and Mr. Chu. llenkel made n hn-incss trip to lied Cloud Monday. A illinm Mitchell has tetuined from V.voiuing, vvhcie he cpait the turn .n for the benefit of his health, which is much improved. .Mrs. Kiln Ciuprntrr gave a pnrty PaUirdn." night in honor of her son, A Mo, .ho loaves in a few days for Colorado. A latgc a-wnihly was pres ent and all repoit tin cnjoyahlo tiino. Mr. Chuff. Hunter spent last 'lliumlny in Iiastingi. The Misses Schneider and ScrtitnplT v. e Hod Cloud shoppers Snlmdny. . !!.-. Nnllic Ja'v:-. ppent Sunday v . h MIhs Mable Carpenter. Mr. Claude Couley and family re t i ni d homo Iiial Saturday after a v lt"'i visil with friends and relatives tn Arthur, Neb. Mr. and Mir. Joo Tophani spent' Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ' 13ot Leonaid, parents of tho latter. Mrs. AV. It. Wonderly and Mrs. Geo. J Matkin spent Sunday afternoon with Mis. Donie Haitwcll. Mr. C. II. IHirgesB was a lied Cloud vi.itor Monday. Mr. and ?.Irs. Aran Negly voreseun on our aticets last Friday. The box supper held in the school house last Fiiday night for the bene fit of the Junior lied Cioss was very successful. Receipts $:tl.OO. Hillie llenkel returned Sunday morning from Colorado where ho lias been looking after his farm work. .Mrs. Z. Sticknoy and son, Carl, aie visiting Italph and Hoy Stickncy at lluskin this week. Mrs. Carrie Irons returned Tuesday from several weeks visit at Valley, Nehr. Mr. Hellin and family are moving inio the hotel this week. Mis. Geo. Matkin and Mrs. W. 11. Wondoily wore business cullers at INil Cloud Monday, Mi i. Jane Failcy and little dau??h t , Klhelda, ppejit Tuesday evenirg i't tec Issador Hroaul'. homo. Northeast Pawnee i lie fanners have finished seeding aie now biuy cutting and heading , ( i . digging potatoes and hauling 1 ;u to the barn. John llallard and Kollie Ulair made a ' ig trip by auto down into New Mimco with the intention of purchas-j ing land and locating there. Uoth ar-; null homo n few days ago.' Their, quick return is sufficient evidence that they consider it best to stay hero a little while longer. They expressed the oponion that they believed thoy t can do better heic on a rented farm in their own home county and state than by owning a farm down there, j Hay Myers of Salem is putting in about a bundled acres of wheat on the Theohold Spurrier place, lie boaids with his father-in-law, llobeit' Stone. j Theie in a giealer acreage of vhcat I it in this year in this pa:t of the' iwi'ity than for many years past. He dvs planting all the wheat and out e-'ound they have drilled in a largo liut.on of tho corn fields. What nro going to do for cam, com meal' id corn bread? Tho people in gen-j 1 1 a' nave acquncu sucn an nppctuo u the latter that cuvtnlhnont will bo himi on their mental faculties as well v ' their physical wellfare. 'ihe Meyers Bros, are. hauling lum- - from Injivftle to build a barn. ir corn erop this yoar, as Ufunl, ,i great incentive to nwk' 'irop'rove- -t3. Their corn this season aver-' -. il ab bufhflB to the acre.' ir. ana .' . Jin Kan and Mr. ' . Gouldle went to Hod Cloud Uvt uulay wtt.h a lai-ge amaur.t fl i. au and eggs. Ma. M. A Lcadabrqnd, Hon and. . .ihtor, anl Mis. Will Ryan autoed .. Camp Funston lut Saturday to vi-1 i he fonner son Edsmr. They re-, iiicd home Monday nil oppearingf' '. iipy and well pleased with every1 '!''", , ilttllio Dlnir and wito and family. pint Sunday with Ilarvo Blair, wlfoj and family. J. C. Williams and Thistle Francis j fien-lwil haying on tho Jorry Dunn! i-laco Inst Friday. Thpy sstild the crop' as cscellent. -v j llverett Myors and wifo wero visit-, mg their folks, Pat Gouldio and wire j -d family lu.t Fiiday. The latter a ,wnw nm ii n im iwiwwt w'wi'W "" "' r-n, . , m 1 jii im -inn 11 ViiVVpV.V.VV.VVVV-Vi.VV.VVV.".V.VV.V.".V., u x "i k t wHniwy " u i d i r j i w ir i " lain uiui ub auuiii:; ItUfllBEft I Halone -Gellatly Go AVAV.V.VAVVV,AV.VAVAVVVAV-"-VAMrt kept them busy duiing tlicir vhdt pupciing moms. The .1. C. Williams' wu'c visiting the MeCoule Uros. ln-t Sunday. The Bti.un thrcshcin aie fctill bus in this if.. t of tho count" y, even Sun days. Things 'e niidied thiiuigh and victories Rained in the Kast on Sun day, so vny not rush things through In the West on Sunday and pile up malcn:i for Vic.toiy Hi end while the weall.i i ih good ami prospects fine' 'lli llev. h. S. Tony fiom Chase count, Neb., is to begin a serins of meetings at the I'awnee Union chinch on Oil. 2nd. Our people in general (are io?t nnr.iou? to give W" di'tln- qui lied theologian and noted lectin or u j,.od reception and hearing. Die Kaiser as us v. tnew nim & f'i ror Fourteen Y ears -By ARTHUR N. DAVIS. D. D. S. (Copyright, 131. by Hip MoCIuro Newspa per .Symlli nt(j ) ".Mid then," die l.nlser went on, "when their gionl offensive wits within ii week of being launched we bro'co through their llii's mill slope !!, 0 feet high, coven d with snow, where they couldn't hung up their rcserveu or new guns, nnd we nurrotiml d themt "Vie to"k practically everything tin j pojKsfi.l fowl enough to feeil our ("tire Hi-niy tvttlnnt' culling upon our own su.iplle nt nil. Not or before lia.l (.ur nn ilea seen ml h im necunmlntlon of nmrnr.iit:. I :: u. t certainly go hmu t r '. it. "We (nil, u mlltU, Mi the. f the .1 enr:1 t!i"tu c-t o'V tlrfr northern retr." they swung th; Ir tinny to the e raptured 00,000 of them ;i i.iicrii In the rice field s. ()t.. wit mistakes thoy innde wtif 'X their elvHInn r fugen wHh ! egging tin ii narrow roads ui.d , the letres.t f their holdlerx. Imped. Wo hn i t-iken possession of their nm"t productive regions, nnd their retre'it wns through leiHtory which ylolib'il them nothing, .lust thlnl: of that re treating army thrown upon the already liiipiiverMteil tiihnhltnnt of tlntt sec tlon. Why, they'll taive to death! "Everywhere we went we found their big guns nlmndoucd. In one small village we enine upon u gun dec uriiled with llowor.N mill surmounted wltli ti porlrnll of lanperor l'nin.-.lo-'ef. It had been put there by the Ital ian Inhabitants of the village to show their hnt'pluos at being leleuseil nt last from the juke of the Inlolerahh' It'l'r.n hiner ;-,.i..inmcnt! How ter- ill.Iy th" ltnll.-ni must have treated them! Italy will never wl over (his difeat. This win n ul'help from Cmd ! Now, wo've pot the allies!" and he Mi-ink his 1. ft hiin ! with IiN rlht w.t1 t "it force to ein:.htisl'.e his tippnrent eniivk'tlun that the turning point H the war laid been i etched with Italy's i culh'pe. That tho lsnlscr now regarded him self nnd his urmU'H an lnvlnelbio I Ml, I :md I feared that the Huccvbs In Itnl.v would be followed nt the first fnvorn- bl opportunity b a gigantic offtulvv oa t'aa western front. Indeed, on n rl."tqunt oecn. Ion, when ho called ot niy.idTiee for further treatment, nnd nnuln referw-d to th Hall in triumph, If re narked: "If 'u nn ie cowld capture " VXlO ii(i tl e ; m.OSH) , just ... w . 11 1. Wi rs pir as It:.!vi . iicuimI v.i an ! i h s.iije ftm, a.'ah.M on. iv n.K von iw w -s !" 1 lit - v . . . .1 r.i.".l u , t.f " I ""' o.'v to r. tn i. ' i t t n .;. "i' it i '?' , i.i ( '" i s " i rived In. thai elty, I related It In great detail to thorn. I remained in Copen hagen eleven dnvu nnd during tho greater part of that lime 1 was being Interviewed by one or anollu-r of the represent,,! Ives 01 o ir Intelllgunco de partment. HMictly two mouths later, on March 21, the western offensive broho out as I had feated. I called at Potsdun a day two la ter to attend ihe kaiser again, and found hint still In the same triumphant mood, and so iiiilous was he to get down to Italy that he culled at my of- flee three times that week to enable, me to complete my work on his affect ed tooth. On November W th Kaiser called ut my oillce for whin proved to be bi lnit sitting. I bad wielved word on the 'JOth that my pa-s for Atneii''ii been granted and that 1 e-uil 1 lenve mi the :)lh, and I m rordlngly told (Ik 1 elver thai It tvnsmy intention to Iec .r Copenhagen o i that dny. I cxplulnwl tl:.t X wns eonipletely run down nnd 1 certainly looked It nnd thnt II wns iieiery for me to g t lu f'openhii"in anyway, so that I could got In touch with America n giirdlng a poroelnln tooth patent which hud been grunted to mo In July, 101.,, bul vvhhit a large dentnl company Wng seeking to vvret from me. The patent nuthoiit'.OH hud dehiel netlon bwni of the fnel that I rewMwl In n entu.iy country. On the HStli I received n h Iter fr rn the court ehutnbeiialn stnMng thut fie piexhh nt of police had made It known to the kuNor that I had applied for a Pums to America and deumndlng nn ev. plunallon an to wily I had told the kul sir Mint I had planned to go to Copen hagen and had not mentioned Atner ha. I a( onei' leplled that it wni indeed my Intention, n 1 hud told the knN, p, to go lo Copenhagen, but tint 1 applied for the pass to America be cause I wanted to be In u position to go there If my patent affairs demand ed It and 1 expressed the hope that nothing would he done to Interfi re with the pass which had been prom ised me Tor the Mill. Novoiiholoi. the J'.Oth enme around mil the pass didn't, and the boat which sailed from Copenhagen on December 7, which I had planned to take, .sailed without me. Again the weary weeks followed ench other without the slightest inti mation from anyone that I would ever be allowed to leave. Indeed, I had fully made up my mind that tho au thorities had decided to keep me in lietlln for reasons of their own and thai nothing I could do could mend the situation, when, early In .Tnniriry, I re ceived the joyous things that 1 could lenve .JniHimy Ul-'5. I left on the '2$r nnd as far a 1 have since been tb- V. r.i of..iln 1 was the lint iMner--as svfj.; :c lenvo (Sermuny with the soasent of ti.t olnV.als. CHAPTHP. III. The Kaiser's Dual Personality. If I had come away from Germany in .Tanuary, 1011, Instead or In January 3U1S, and hud wtiti.n the Impression 1 had gained of thv- kalsier In tho ten yea is I had Known him, what a falsi picture I would have painted of the ni.'ti as he really is! It would have been a picture of tl man who In general appearance ant! bearing was every inch an emperor am' yet who could exhibit all the courtes.v qlVabllity and gentleness of the mo'' democratic gentleman, a man l't ot eye and kindly In expression, a man of wide rending initial iniuuu n;s p :h:ips the most veiallle man In the w.mJ.I, u man who jiosscssed a most alert i ..nil, a remarkable- memory and the ho nest obnci'vathm; a man who was nm uen emus In nature and yet was at i ie:'. con-hlenile of others; a man of ih lin ing personality and amlnbllll.v It wouid have shown a man of ti..; m allele.! e. iltsm, u man who wa im patient it correction nnd who v iid hroel: no ;.: sltlon. Them mlgln .e been In the pliture a suy.'"'tloti ' f iho dire lengllii to vvlileli the man v . id go to have his way, bul It would li ive. been o.ily a ug'i"i.tlon. As far as It vent, tho plcturo v. .aid Iiuvo been nei.urate, hut II would have been sadly incomplete. with all the lights worUed lu foul lachlug till tho shadow 8. It t..a!s ll.o war nnd Its ntti .. mt horrois to ivvcl Iho bdtsef In his trm- udors. Toe. did not cl i 'i his oltr.1 r ; il nn. 'im1 It. Kmly lu -. '.if new J happci Bdi'l. .i to f.e -,'. r th' t I a. elated the ii. . .! . s In shown to 0' me in inv ; '. Ij , : h. h. al rt US ho.l a s. il ! ti -v; wh :i w: V. ajuod ilh, Titi,,.'. i "IV- n C""d nth " .enient f r : Ofy Dav! V he i"lu. ".. people t- i.j wovitir; t ynnuiid ii .. iuwwi. .4 no ft goou ru';.i or i vvtn urc come to you. Il win help your ' 4 ne:" 1 1 ovtvy ucl, he wus con,. u$ of ttu 1 iiUlle. - During thuV period of my err. In llerlln, ho showed tho utmost in. eat In my progress nud freiueatly liiip. t-ul how my prucUeo vvab developing. Tho llrt bill I rendend him. . s 1 lnivo mentioned, ho doubled. i a number of KUbuciueut oceaslo'. , bo ptdd me maro than my hill calli -' tor. Thesv" overpayment', never um ted to v ry much, hut they Imprc , mo heeause they were r-o out of lj. mu with the stlnglnera tho Unlser dls pht"ol in 'thcr i.nvitlons. l''r.;-. IP .e to th ie tho Unisei 'nl er ! 1 r. lit u t autographed p'eft , at htm 1I1 01 1 th'i's. At tlw ti:r,e t tUo one liiii.i'reli!t anniversary of ! U" eile'; tin- he :avo mo a p' nrc of tint it.iauch. On an ther o"' m, 1 pr s.'ied j. . 'vi'.ii n -rf iv. ; urc if Itlmsclf nsi-otind d ly his .Hy . I i' I 1 m 'ember III i br i ' to n I ";e uufi'.inud pliture In ,q- bratlon of his silver wedding. It was about twenty-four by eighteen inches In size. Jt showed the liulscrln nnd himself In u sort of cloud limiting nhovo a blrdseyo view of Ilerlln, wlih tho palace and the cathedral ijlmly seen lielovv. "I don't know Just what this m ster piece was meant to signify, but I h u( it framed and placed II lu my oflW , . Jt evokid fi'uiu a little boy who 1 .red tho roMin with bis m..tber the 1 i,,w. Ing nh onlshed rioin.k: "Oh i 'r, look at the kith i li heavin' . . SheriffR .Soln 111 9 On, 18 a 1 ! oyers dtocR dale I; www 'irBvraniwLiiiTHtiCTyi8iMiiTMiacjnc-jrnerwfnig'-inCTi'l.4,L mu'3gnr&ga 1 ill e I til IMii.lie Auciloii nt oiv f .1 hi II mil. of Lcimtioi'. I .i.,ic ms of Ueliuiie, and Conii i . smith f .. mty, K iiisa-. on rwiv II aursday. Commencinj- at 12:30 p. m: Sharp, ihe Following Slock trdHf ea(1 Registered CWl-rr'! V . Shorthorn V0.IXA1C? 1 ro:in ow 7 yrs old, vt 150), with hoi for rulf hy side. 1 rod oow G yrs old, wt 1400, villi bull calf by s'clo 1 red row 5 yrs old, wt 12J0, with heifer calf by side. I red cow 5 yrs old. wt 121)0. with bull calf by side 1 red cow 4 yrs old, wt 1100. with bull calf by side 1 red heifer 2 yrs old, with heifer calf by side 1 red heifer two yrs old, in calf My herd bull 3 yrs old, red with white spots, extra good, a grandson of Avondale, by Whitehall Sultan 2 red bulls 14 months old, extra good 1 extra good roan bull 12 months old 3 regislered, red Shorthorn heifers, 1 yr old 1 nicely marked Holstein bull 15 months old, eligible to register, from an extra heavy milking Holstein cow. I reil Polled Ciiado iMlllc (Joiv, hosli in ,IU days t stUt-r cilves, I baby calf. 1 Sorrel pony smooth mouth, wt !)00. 1 Shetland Mute l'oiiv I yrs old, wt MM). These cows mo of th Vieloiious Strain not divsed up, but in condition to give the best servien to purchaser liRse enlws and yearlings are all sired by my herd bull All bulls guniHiitced breedeis. Should any bull in this olferitig prove, after atenounblu trial peiiod, not a biecdor, will refund purchase prh'oon leiuru of bull in as goo'l condition ns when purchased All cows and Imifcis in eulf or with calf at foot are considered ineeders and no further guarantee given. Lebsuoti is on the iimiti Hue of tho Hook Island, lu Smith County, Kansas, 00 miles west of Holleville. He with n- if you can ot. suii- (lay. If impossible lo eomo send bids to auctioneer or myself anil thev will receive honest tieatnient LUNCH AT NOUN AT i'HK l-'AUM. TKUMS Cash or biinliatile note. No property to be removed until Ihe terms of sale aie complied w ith Itiddets responsible lor stock alter bid oil'. If inleiibted vviile for catalog DViP o w s j COL .IAS T MeCULhOCK Allctl') wm& awwfncCwH"ii" "W1 f'- foment , 1 rcasurcr .I.iyor and City Council, Cily Hed Chitid. Nflb: (ieiitlemeu: I Nttbtil.t herewith stuleniviit eovei mg receipts and dis.nir.s'tneiitn of my ofllcu for the period fieiin fciopr :i, l'.'B to Out. l. IMS Occupation Fund W.J. BYEJ Amt. on hand Sept. 3, lhlS... S :tTl il Dibiirsuments t'-l :!" balance 5ii)T 11 Water Fund Amt, on baud Sept. ", 1013... llfl nisbui.suineuts 1MW i linhtuce Water L'evy l-'unil Amt. on hand b'epl 3, 10IS.... No receipts or niaburseineiiis. I till mice (.cncrnl ltiud Anil, on hand riept. !1, 1018 Disbursements TO 1)0 1 1 75 21.1 10 Uahiiicu. :il ii Electric Light Panel Aint.jii hnud Sept , 1019 Receipts Dlsbiiisi'inmits .... 1S01 G3 0.M .1? 19.10 ti'2 Uahineo , r. lWli! 03 HI "etrle. Light Tiory Fund Amt on baud Sept. 3, 1918 U7 No Ueceiptb or DUbnrwmont'j 78 Oaluuce 27 78 1 Ubrary VntiA Amt. on haiidsj pt. 3, 101 Disbursement 7f. 0 6s 05 h-) :it! Httlaiiui So0V Fond AUlt. on liailUSopt 8,1018 .... No tttfee is or Dl3burmn' Hahi P.iviiiK Dlstrliit No. 1 Fund Ami. on hnnd Sopt. .1, HH6 ... SJ357 No Ueeeipts or Disbursements tltshiuue Firemen's Fund Amt on baud Sept.!!, I01S ... No leeelpti or dlubtirsenioiits S317 S.1 11)1) l!0 Hiilaiu I'M liO liccapitulnlion flccu, itioul''und ". Watei Fund Water Levy Fund 111)? n 70 t)0 I 75 131 01 Kleoliio Light Fund lOl'J SIS Klcctrie, Light Levy Fund.. Paving Dist Library Fund, Sevvei I'm ii(l Flrem 'u'b Fund 7 i !3:7 'j:i us '.). 10!) oc l'JtU 00 lleglstercd Warrants Outstanding Water Lew Fund H!)l ,10 I'j L Levy 77rf 11 Paving , I.'t747 71 R L Lovy .Special li'Jll 00 K. C.iftl. Fund "" Pill 1:1 e.iriOU 7S S. It. Fl.OHVMi:, City Tu in. vfs ni.ii I mile l'-. en t, ul south Soliitli Oct 10. Prop. I'lT A LCLL.CIerh. wiwW SURPRISE TO MANY ffl RED CLOUD i Peop'e tire smj., S!'NT tieti,..i oi ! Inrh, t'!,ve"i me. e'e .d ot the l. ieipl.- iiitcUtbo'i ns mix (J in .vi. , ier-i kiiDNK s-l'OONKUi. Ih.-bustb iliJvTIIlrJ bow 1 titie- so eninpiotely it i-Blieves ANY CAM- stiur stomach, gas or eous'.ipiitioti and prevents appendi. eltis. The INSTANT, pleasant action of A'Mer-l-'ia, suiprise.y both doctors and patients It lemoves foul mutt' i whiedi poisoned .your stomach toi mouths. Clins. Ij. Cotuiig. PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL j AMENDMENT j Tho following proposed amendment to tho constitution of tho State ot Nebraska, ns hereinafter sot forth In full, Is submitted to tho electors of tho State of Nebraska to bo voted upon at tho general olectlon to bo held Tuesday, November Gth, A. D. 1013: A JOINT RESOLUTION to amend Section ono (1) of Article sovon (7) of the t'cnstitutlpn of the Stato of Nebraska. IJc It Itcsolved by the Legislature of the Stato of Nebraska: Section 1. That Section Ono of Ar ticle Seven of tho 1'om.titutioa of tho Stato ot Nebraska be and the samo hereby ia amended by striking out tho following words: "Second. Persons of fore! n birth who ahall lnve declared then Inten tion to bocoii.o iitiioiis coin' rmably to the laws of the I'nlted S. itos on tho subject of n&turallzaUon, ut leant thirty days prior to an elect . ,u." And inserting in tho phim of tho words so stricken, tho lollowlng worda: "Second Porpona of for. n birth who shall havo brcomo citl-- ms of tho United Sti-Us by nutttra' at ion or otherwise conformably to tie lawo of tho Uoltod Ktates at loat thirty days prior to an election.. Sec. 2. That nt tho general elec tion nlncteon hundred and eighteen (1018) theio shall ho Ruunii'ted to tho electors of Ihe t,tnto for theli- approval or rejection tho foroKolnt? nioposed 1 nmondment to tho constitution rolat- ,, I ing to the light of hultrngo. At such I olectlon, on Iho ballot of each doctor voting for or against snld proposed nmondment, shall bo written or pi luted tho words: "For proposed nmond ment to tho constitution minting to tho light of suffrage," and "AguinBt raid proposed nuioudment to tho con stitution relating to tho rlcht of buffrago." Sec. 3. If such ainoad.ucnt shall be npprovi 1 by a omjnity of all oloctors vn'ilng at nucli election, Haid, nmondment t'lall constltuto Soctiou i uno (1) Aitnle Seven (7) of tho Con Btltutiou of the Stito of Nebuiska. j Approved, April 0, 11)18. KCITH NEVILLE, i Mtost: Governor. CIIAULFS W POOL Secrotary of Stato. Th Hamilton - Cmthor Clothing Co. everything a Man or Boy Wears Rd CloutS Nebraska IK Notice U hereby ulveii that by virtue of tlm 'iri. of tiio District i ourt it Wi-lxturcoan-" Ni bras' a, retnicri'd MiiKb 'ii. uns. In the i 'im o. :niM. wherein i litirip- i'a uiuid U liinii.tlft ami Hi iiliuiiln IImuI el nl iircde tcii.huiii I v III on iictnlicr T, litis, at liii o ii.Kk r.;iii.. Kiiiuttrdtluie, nt the Irnntiloar ! tin tourt bonne, in Hid ciouri, WulHtor i. Minty, Ncbuinkii, oiler tit public nuutluii nnd-i'Mo tli.i hbiliest liUMtr, for cash, to niisij xnlil drcrce, the following ilescrlliul rial claletsltuntud In said county of VoIntor to-ttii: The qiittiemil ijitartur (S 12 t-t) of Northwest ijuurtur (.V W l-n and tho southMest'iJimrti'i s w M ol tho .orthesl (liiHrtor N U l-l) of Stotton sixteen, (10) Township Three (d)rtnngD Ten tltn l':iuiacpteml)er!l. imp. MtANK IirKKFIl i Hhotlir if Wptisur con ii i jt Nfttlea of AdmlitUtrnUnn. in ttiO County loan of vvbntr county, Ni .riibl.n. in the mutter of the i.tutc of Loannna .Siecle,v. deci fined. To .'ill piiniis inierestid In mu estate. Noilce H iici'ohy given Hint W'lliaui P. Sinn low UiH day ill hIii petition lu tho county court. prnyhiK that aduiliilstrniloa of said estate ni.ty he urantut to Aniiiiiiiel SIiuh as ndnilnlstfitor and s.ild pcitlon Mill in heard In fore the coin t on tho nihility of Oitobii. IlUS. at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. in., ut the county emit room In the elly of ltiili loud, lu 4.1I1I county, whin all pa wns inn ri stud in paid aiatttr may appuir and show i uisu why the prajer of jutltlouer should not be uruntid: and that notice of tho tlllii'4 of said petition, and the licnrlni; there of. he (jlvea hy publKbioit u eopy of this order lu the I ted l"i ud Chlof i b-it'il weekly newspaper pi luted annul general cir illation In atd coimtv, for four iuiiih utlvo -vecks pi lor to said day of bculim. liaied this IJth daj of sepieinlior. 1!II8. hi" ) A. I). It V.N.S'UV, ;l I ountv.ludi'e. rop Sm. ut the smltz DOt $z tfCMa. fS? v . vSTi li 8 'W f.r First '.lass portraiture enlarging copying, new wcrk, amateur finishing, ck. i'idV. VXVv2SA.Z AEPi;"'.:ilE wmvii When the Firemen Appeser the iniurcd m-n's fiMt thought is one of tliankiiiluesj lint lie is to. lion" abon our thoughts if a furetnan fliould ap pear nt your home The Dcy Before t e Fire u llie diy to 'uie. As dial day may 5 ho to-morrow lor all you can know or do, it f;l!o jt pru lencc would im pel! you to 'i 11 our ofFcf to day and U.y.'i us .ut ) j u policy, O. C. TEEL' FLelia-ble Ensure.rie 4M44HirimHli tfii w4i fiawi4iww i'. II. Mln 1 Dr. 5. st. Meardurf M.n.t. Maiultfir Veti rlimr In l.'lisirm) C. H. Miner Serum Co. I'UOlH'e'l.Its- Anti Hog Cholera Serum l(;d Cloud, nic.hrniikti Wire or Phono nt Our t3.p::nsu L. S. Veterinary License Ro.45 E. S. GeLrber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures Dr.W.H.McBride DENTIST Successor to Dr. Cro&s OVCll STATE BANK RED CLOUD .NLBRASki allT w'it tw'Vfm$9t W HMtiiayjM A &1H.? Vb.Mml jiw MlwmA"i"fi matfttXK (. Mr-wtiii M-Mt. jnmmkffilJA'-umstm. wiwit m,-muiiiMu.tfafeirn "w.t ,. iHyotwrvT w mftmiw.fc, j" tjwtwt intiw) ic, tr