The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 03, 1918, Image 7

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Why Dread Old Age?
J ''.ocen't matter how old you are, If
ytu 'xeep well nnd active. Lota of fol!(n
ore younger at TO than others are at CO.
Lame, bent backs; stllT, achy, rheu
matic joints; had eyesight and deafness
are too often duo to neglected kidney
trouhlo and not to advancing years.
Don't let weak kidneva ago you. Use
Doan's Kidney Pills. They havo
rnado life moro comfortablo for thou
wida of elderly folks.
A Nebraska Case
Mrs. Earl Curtis,
805 K St., N. Auburn,
Neb., Bays: "I had
swelling beneath my
eyes. I paid little at
tention to It nnd tt
trraduallv betrnn tn
b noticeable In oth- $
or puria 01 my Douy,
I had nervous heart
aches, backnrhoR, In
fact, my whole body
waa In nnln. Flnnl.
Iy I boKan UHttiRSy
Doan'B Kidney I'lllsStV
mil wuo Clllll Cl 3ir
cured." """
Gel Doan'a at Any Store, 60c a Box
Unusual Candor.
Tr, following ninrrliige notice,
clipped from nn English newspaper, la
delightfully frank In It.s cllninx:
Married On the l.rtli Inst., nt Stoke-
upon-Trent, Mr. Joseph Farmer to
KHz. Wulkliito, both of Cobrldge, In
tho l'ottery, nfter n tedious courtship
of nbout twelvn yeur.
A New Way to Shave
Tender skins twice n duy without Irri
tation by using Cutlcurn Soap the
"Cutlcurn Way."' No slimy mug, germs,
waste of tJme or money. For free sam
ples address, "Cutlcurn, Dept. X, Bos
ton." At druggists nnd by mnll. Soap
25, Ointment 25 nnd GO. Adv.
Old English Holidays.
In the list of old English holldnys
CnndlcmaR win February 2, the date
on which we now look for the ground
hog to forecast the weather, and Old
.Candlemas, February 14, which Is now
observe at SI. Valentine's day.
Wet and Muddy.
Ono flay vMille the soldiers wero
hiking on a -country road which was
watr In soim places and mud In other
plnces one o" the officers said, "I'll be
darned If I'm not getting tired of be
ing a duck rue minute and a mud tur
,J the nex,"
Introducing the "Yumka."
The officiating minister at the Welsh
chapel In Jio hills was of English ex
traction, but he did his with the
Welsh nmies In the Intimation given
to him to read from the pulpit. This
was the Conclusion of bis announce
ment: "And, dear friends, on Frldny night
thero will bo the usual meeting of tho
Tho congregation was mystified ns
to thi Identity of the Yumka all ex
cept the author of the document, who
know he had written "Y. M. O. A."
London Chronicle.
Sounded Big to Him.
An old colored man, whose nnme
might well havo been Old Black Joe,
wns standing on front of (lie district
building the other day, says tho Wash
ington Star. Ho was bent with age,
but was singing as he walked slowly
Just then a young colored man nnd
woman walked by. They were talking,
nnd Just n phrase of their conversa
tion wns to bo heard as they went by.
"I think that Mr. Johnson," tho
young colored woman said, "has a pre
monition "
That was all, but It was enough for
Old Dlack Joo.
Ho straightened up, grinned, and
said :
"Whnt wns dnt Mr. Johnson hnb,
always goes with
health.and health
making is the big
reason for
A delicious food,
rich in the vital
No Waste. You
eat and enjoy it
to the last atom.
Health making,
4tf, ' n
snares a txeason.
ffj 3ttk3uj"
?ig??5?Sirv.hf "MS
lAiisif r
rftttf i
tr&WZ"'''?!???!? 55j5J"K2-N-
liT-'i. rf,s. t,u -.a. f i rAiwin j'.'U). .iKU'.t.-vs .-.ia5(.4viraM,if(rw,.s
General Hnnn of the American army reviewing French and American
German guns captured by the Canadians. .1 King George of Great Drltnln
Fiench soil for distinguished conduct ou the firing line.
Reorganized Serbian Army Starts
an Important Offensive on
the Saloniki Front.
Franco-British Forces Closing Down
on St. Quentln Despite Strong Re
sistance Americans Shelling
Metz Austrla'o Peace Sug
gestion Promptly Re
With a regenerated and reorganized
army, Serbia took the lead last week
in siniiMiliig the Hun and his allies.
Aided by French and Greek contin
gents, the hard-lighting Serbians struck
at tho Saloniki front held by the Ilul
garlans and certain Germnu units.
They struck hard, too, and within three
days had advanced 12 miles ou a 20
mile front, taking 50 towns, including
the strongest of the enemy positions.
At first the resistance was stubborn,
but by Thursday the Bulgarians wero
reported In full rutrcut and tho Ser
bians pursuing them dny and night.
The enemy threw in fresh divisions,
but In vuln, for Uiey too were coin
'plctcly defeated. So swift wero tho
flight and tho pursuit that the Serbians
had not had time to count the great
number of prisoners taken or to esti
mate the quantities of material that
fell into their hands.
This Serbian ndvance by tho end of
tho week was seriously mennclng tho
city of I'rlllp, ono of tho chief bnses
of the central powers In Macedonia. It
Is not beyond the bounds of possibil
ity that It may later bo connected up
with tho operations of tho allies In Al
bnnln, of which little has been heard
lately. A good many authorities long
havo held tho opinion that tho wnr can
bo brought to a successful cud soonest
by a great offensive In the Bnlknn re
gion, cutting off Turkey and Bulgaria
fiom their allies nnd threatening Aus
tria from the south.
With the Franco-British pincers
slowly but Burely closing down on St.
Quentln, tho French nnd Amerlcnns
tn possession of the western end of
tho Chemln-des-Damcs nnd steadily
pushing toward Laon and tho Yankees
firmly established on their new lines
In Lorraine, shelling Metz and threat
ening tho great Iron nnd conl fields of
tho Iirley basin, tho German high com
mand Inst week wns still clinging to
tho Hlndcnhurg line through most of
Its length. Tho Huns hnd massed vast
numbers of long-rango guns nnd wero
resisting desperately, but their Increas
ing dearth of man power was becom
ing moro evident dally, nnd tho pris
oners taken, though well fed nnd
clothed, wero despondent nnd tired.
After several days of preparatory
operations Field Marshal Hulg on Wed
nesday attacked on a 10-mtlo front
northwest of St. Quentln, from Gou
zeaucourt south of Holnon Wood. Be
fore nightfall tho British had smashed
nhcad to a depth of three miles, taking
I'elzlere, La Vergulcre, Epehy, Rons
f.oy, Vllleret nnd other towns and bag
ging moro thnn fl,000 prisoners. Tho
primary object of tho drive, which was
made In a hard rainstorm, was to gain
possession of tho old British trench
system of Inst March, running nlong
an important ridge. Many of the best
fighting units In tho Gorman nrmy wero
opposed to Hnlg's men, hut the lntter nt
talned their object In tho mnln nnd at
sorno points went further thnn had
been expected. Tho artillery work of
tho Gcrmuns, especially with high ve
locity guns mnssed behind tho St.
Quentln cnnnl, wns moro severe than
for n long tlmo before.
Simultaneously with Hnlg's nttnek,
tho French hit tho Boclies on n ten
mile front south of St. Quentln, udvnnc
ing more than u mllo and taking four
villages nnd hundreds of prisoners.
Military critics express no doubt of
the ultimate, fall of St. Quentln, but
tho enemy Is sure to pnt up n long,
hard fight before ho evacuates that
kejstono position.
Stubbornly hanging on to tho west
end of the Chemln-des-Dnmes and Im
proving their positions there, tho
French repulsed many fierce attacks
last week and advanced toward Laon
nlong the southern edge of the St.
Gobnln forest. The entire plateau
southwest of Laon Is under the flro
of their artillery, and though they wero
moving forward with duo caution, they
showed no intentions of stopping.
On the new Amerlcnn front In
French Lorraine the Infantry nctlvlty
during the week was confined mostly
to operations for tho solidifying of po
sitions, though tho Yankees did push
forward along the Mouse for a con
sldernblo gain. This brought Metz un
der the fire of their artillery nnd tho
bombardment of thnt great fortress
city begun at once and vigorously. It
seems thnt tho allies are now In n po
sition to keep up the shelling of Metz
during tho fall and winter, If neces
sary, nnd thus its reduction, virtually
Impossible by direct attack, may bo
accomplished. Tho Germnns now ad
mit tin Importance of the American
drlvo on the St. Mlhlel salient, but tho
deception of their people through tho
filllcial reports continues, ns exempli
fied by tho stntement, one day last
week, that American attacks on Ilnu
iiiont had been repulsed and the Yan
kees also had been beaten at Thlau
mont. At that time Haumont had been
safely held by tho Americans for three
days nnd Thlnumont wns already five
miles behind I'ershlng's lines. Fresncs,
nn Important city, also was taken by
the Yankees Inst week, und tho lino
built by them now runs parallel with
Oio Hlndcnhurg line nt nn nverngo dis
tance of u mile and n half. Every day
the German artillery has been deluging1
the. old salient with explosive nnd gas
shells, and tho American gunners havo
replied most effectively, battering tho
towns held by tho Huns and scvernl
times breaking up attempted lnfnntry
uttacks, with severo loss to the enemy.
The airmen on both sides were extra
ordinarily nctivo nnd tho Americana
curried out a number of highly suc
cessful bombing expeditions over en
emy territory. In one of these, how
ever, n superior forco was encountered
and five of our planes wero lost. Inci
dentally, tho British reported that In
tho St. Quentln sector tho Germnns
wero using' n new typo of plane thnt
carries eight men and bombs 13 feet
long and weighing 2,000 pounds.1.
All along tho west front the air
fighting wus most Intense. In one
day the British brought down CO enemy
planes nnd lost 10, which Indicates tho
fierceness of tho struggle for tho mas
tery of the air. Tho Independent Brit
ish air squadrons kept up their fine
work In tho bombing of German cities,
notably Mannheim, Metz-Snhlons,
Treves and Frankfort. This brings
howls from tho Huns which aro music
to tho allied ear.
Tho bolshevik forces In Russia, for
which some victories were claimed
early In tho week, later were reported
to bo retreating on both tho northern
and southern fronts. Tho Czecho
slovaks along tho Volga continued
their advance, nnd the fact that they
captured Perm, capital of the govern
ment of that nnme, Indicated they wero
in a fair way to effect the Junction of
tho forces which aro fighting In west
ern Slburu with thoso which have been
engaged In southeastern Russia. As
was predicted, the Japanese censors do
not permit much news to come from
the allied expedition In Siberia, but
what does come Is satisfactory.
In Russia the reign of terror Insti
tuted by the bolshevlkl to suppress tho
counter revolution continues and un
known numbers of the opponents of
Lenlno and Trotzky have been mas
sacred. The American government last
week Issued a scries of nrtleles expos
ing those two precious rascals as tho
paid agents of Germany, giving the
text of many secret documents ob
tained by an agent of tho committee
on public Information. All this mado
Intensely Interesting reading, hut no
one In America except n few highbrow
"Intellectuals" Is surprised by tho facts
revealed, and thero doesn't seem nny
way to got those facts beforo the Rus
sian people whom Lenlno and Trotzky
and their crew have tricked and betrayed,
troops n Alsace. 2 One of the large
dccoruuig an American soldier ou
All the allied ministers who former
ly "'iv at .lassy, Roumuuhi, Including
Chnriis Voplcka of America, have
been nrrested In Petrograd, according
to n report reaching Tho Hague.
Au-Trla's suggestion of a "nonblnd
Ing" inference of all the belligerents
to make clear their wur alms and peace
demainls met with the promptest kind
of rejection by the allies, President
Wilson taking the lead In refusing to
consider the idea. In two sentences
he replied that America's terms had
been repeatedly and clearly stated and
therefore no proposal for such n con
ference would bo entertulned by It. In
this Mr Wilson wns heartily supported
by the cntlro nntlon, and his position
was also thoroughly approved by the
allies of the United States. Austria's
suggestion, mnde with tho consent of
Berlin, admittedly was merely n
"pence llyer," and there was little ex
pectatlmi In Huuland that It would re
ceive fiionihlo consideration.
No better reception was accorded the
German offer of peace to Belgium.
With unblushing effrontery Berlin
asked the nation the Huns have rav
ished to drop out of the conflict, not
even suggesting that they would make
reparation for tho horrible crimes they
have committed there, and making the
Insidious proposal that the "Flemish
question" should be considered and the
Flemish minority that aided the Ger
man Invaders should not be penalized.
Belgium, of course, Bald "No" to all
thli 'elnptrnp.
The political situation In Hungary
Is becoming extremely critical nnd tha
opposition to the government Is grow
ing holder. Its leader, Count KnrolyL
Is quoted In dispatches as declaring
that tho central powers should accept
President Wilson's 14 peaco points ni
a basis for negotiations and that the
treaties of Brcst-Lltovsk and Bucha
rest should bo abrogated. The pope
seems to havo scented chances of
pence once again, for It wns stated nt
the Vntlcnn thnt If n diplomatic repre
sentation should bo received by him
from ono of the parties, ho would usk
the other party If It desired to re
echo such a representation.
Substantial support for President
Wilson's penco plans woh received
from the labor conference of the allied
nations In London when tho Interna
tional relations committee recommend
ed that the conference subscribe to tho
14 points formulated by Wilson, "thus
adopting a policy of clearness and
moderation ns opposed to n policy dic
tated exclusively by changes on the
wnr map."
According to figures received up to
dnte, the total registration of the coun
try under tho new drnft law was nt
least 12,800,000, or 100,000 above tho
estimated total. Of these the govern
ment proposes to call to the colors
2,700.000, to be added to tho 3,200,000
men alrcdy under arms. It Is planned
to have 80 divisions In France beforo
next summer, and to finance so grent
an undertaking tho wnr department
has asked congress to provide it lm
mediately with an nddltlonnl $7,000,
000 ono in ensh. Ornntlng this, the nd
ministration nnd congress has tho
chi'ti-o of Increasing the amount of
taxes provided by tho revenue bill
from $8,000,000,000 to $ 10.000 000,000,
or riming nil the nddltlonnl ?7,000,000,.
000 from tho snle of bonds nnd nbun
don ri' tho plan of raising one-third of
tin- "st of the war by taxation.
'I In- various features of the revenue
ffill wero swiftly approved by the
hoi " of representatives, ono nfter
nm'r. Representative Moore of
Pen -vlvnniu proposed n tnx of $3 n
bah on cotton, but the Southern member-
rose In a body to the defense of
the mnln crop of their part of tho
rou i ry.
Th t there is no abatement In tha
streeiii of Amerlcnn soldiers being sent
over to France Is shown by the stnto
niM.i Hint 313,000 embarked for Eu
rope last month. Of these, 180,000
wen ' nrrled on British ships. Ono big
success by the U-bonts from tho vlow
poliu f tho chlvolrous Hun wni re
port' 1 Inst week. The British steamer
Onlwuy Castle, carrying disabled sol
diers returning to South Africa nnd
many women and children, was tor
pedoed. Ono hundred nnd elghly-nlno
persons wero lost, of whom 120 were
civilian passengers.
A puMenger train airlMug nt n Na
tion In Oklahoma with i-uitc two hun
dred soldiers, many of wlmm were mil
ccrs, attracted the utt-ntlon of two
negroes as they paraded As the offi
cers walked by "Sambo" nnd "George"
would exclaim, "Dat's a captlng," or
"He's a lef tenant," as the case might
At Inst n French soldier In his blue
gray uniform passed by.
"What's he, Sambo a kunncl?"
asked George.
"No, George, dat's dls yere General
It's not the backsets that s-t a mnn
back bo hopelessly as tho upsets.
Milwaukee Is demanding homo mlo
by leglslntlvo enactment.
What is Castoria
C ASTORIA Ii o harmlcsa substitute- for Caatxv Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is plcasan It contains neither
Opium, Morphino nor other Narcotic Bubstancc. Its ago is Its guar
antee. For moro thnn thirty years it haa boon in csiStant uso for tho relief
of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Ditirrhojn; allaying Foveriih
neso arising thsrefrom, and by regulating tho Stomach and Bowels,
aids tho assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural Bleep.
The Children's Panacea Tho Mothor'o Friend.
Tho Kind You Havo Alwnys Bought nnd which has been in uso for over
80 years, has borno tho signnturo of Clm. II. Fletcher, and has been mado under
his personal supervision sinco its infamy. Allownoonetodcceivoyouinthie.
All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd "Juat-ns-Good" aro but Experiments that
trillo with and endanger tno neaun or lnninui unu -
Children Kxperienco against Experiment. SjJ sj&rfl'?- m
Gcnulno Castoria always bears thonlgnnturoof -u&ry &CCA4A
Odds Too Much Against Her.
My little daughter Margery plays nil
dny long In the open nlr. She Is en re
fill fur n youngster nnd n few days
ago I noticed that she ployed nenrly
nil day long In the houso with her dol
lies. Presuming thnt she hnd a reason
for staying In tho house, and Just
to try out n suspicion I entertained
thnt she hud been In n childish scrap,
I asked her why she did not go out to
play. Her reply was slow, but finally
she said, "Well, I can't fight two kids
bigger than me."
No Regard for Nothln'.
Not content with smashing records
nnd Huns, the American soldiers nre
even going so far as to up-et the laws
of natural dynamics puttln' the push
In Yank.
Bell How did she cut him dead?
Stcll Looked daggers at him. Chi
cago Dally News.
United Stntcs has .1:10,503 nrmy
horses nnd mules.
When you're fifty, your body begins to
creak a little at the hingcu. Motion is
moro slow and deliberate. "Not fo young
I used to be" is a frequent and unwel
come thought. Certain bodily functions
upon which good health and good spirits
o much dopcnil, are impaired. The weak
pot is generally the bladder. Unpleasant
symptoms show themselves. Painful and
snnoyinc complications in other organs
rise. This is tiarticularly truo with el
derly people. It you only know how, this
troublo.can be obviated.
For "bver 200 years GOLD MEDAL
Haarlem Oil has been relieving tho in
convenience and pain duo to advancing
years. It Is a standard, old-time home
remedy, and needs no introduction. It is
now put up in odorless, tatttcleas capsules.
These are easier and more pleasant to take
than the oil in bottles.
Each capsule contains about one dose of
aUa A 1V4M I"!! 41m hm-4 it aA lafA kfnil lunltli I
any pill, with a small swallow of water.
They soak Into tho system and throw off
the poinons which are making you old be
fore your time. They will quickly relieve
Don't Get Hung Up I
With an Acid Stomach
'moat of them starfrd in a bad atonudT
jMirfiiLj -!iix
lafeSS fcS-Slai
Is No
1iM Are
ml You?
H rvtifw D fft ently.
"A mini eniuiot .m-rvo two mastcrh
"The dickens he can't 1" Interrupt
Gap .Johnson of Itumpus Hldgc, Arkv,
who W blessed with a helpmate and
II children. "I'm serving fifteen of
'em, and doing u mighty fair Job ot
It." People's Home Journal.
The Talkative Golfer.
l'nrko I see jnu have been plnylnf
golf with Perkins' wife. Is she a good
I.une Fair. She goes round In about
n hundred strokes and u couplo at
thousand words. London Tit-Hit
Millions of particular women now uaa
and recommend Kcd Crou Hall Blue. All
grocers. Adv.
Host on barbers now charge GO wtnta
for a haircut.
Fall Run of Distemper
'QDftHIM'Q" A imtU outUr of money brlnrt T"7 P)
Oruilll v5 result!. It la mrr curs ind a pretrntlT U
you une It tt per direction!. Simple, gate ami ante. The lari aUa
la tnlcr tlie quantity ami an ounce more than tlie amall alte. Oat
your lu.tprn tu beat condition fur late fall ami winter. All dro
data liamiaa dealers or manufacturer!.
Spohn Medical Co. Goshon, IncL, U. S. A.
Quito True.
"Why Is It that wisdom teeth glv
people such trouble?"
"I suppose It Is becauso they are
Australia's manufacture of motorcar
bodies bin received enormous lmpetoe
from the wnr.
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 39-1918.
those stiffened Joints, that backache, rhe
niatisin, lutnuago, sciatica, Kail stones,
gravel, "brick dust," etc. lliey are aa
effective remedy for all diseases of tea
bladder, kidney, liver, stomach and aHli
GOLD MEDAL ITsarlcm Oil OapsvJea
cleanse the kidneys and purify the blooat.
They frequently ward oft attacks of tke
dangerous and fatal diseases of the kiW
ncya. They have a beneficial effect, asi
often completely cure the diseases of tke
bodily organs, allied with the bladder uwi
If vou are troubled with soreness
the loins or with "simple" aches and pales
In the back take warning, it may be the
preliminary Indications of some dreadrai
malady which can be warded oil or curec
if taken in time.
Go to vour druggist today and get a
of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsule.
Money refunded if they do not help yea.
Three sizes. GOLD MEDAL are the pee,
original imported Haarlem Oil Caprata,
Accept No Substitutes. Adv,
It's Just Acidity
That Makes Millions
Sick and Suffer
It's truo. Thero aro millions of
peoplo all over tho land whoare weak,
nervous, all tired and dragged out.
who aro trying to build up their jaded
nerves and wuukencd bodies with drugs
and stimulants; and many of them
also KAT ana EAT but (all to set imywher
near tho full amount oi strength and nourlib
tnent out ol their (ood. Why? Simply because
o( too much acid la tho etomach-iuperacldltr.
Get rid of tha rzceia acid. Vour stomach la
all riaht Just jglvo It a chauco to work eaallr
and naturally. Then see how good you will (tiel
your pep coincB back, and yourtloolTannauBJ
Anew method truly a wonderful discov
ery caueu
fctt CFORVOUrt
h positively guaranteed to clear the txooat
acid out ol j our stomach and bowels.
It h mado In the form ol plcusunt-taittui
tablcts handy to carry around with you.
Oct n Mn box o( EATON 10 at any drae
storo und sco how quickly Itbanlahes the Im
mediate eilects ol acJd-etomach. Away wlur
heartburn, belchjiur, (ood repeating, Indira
tlon.ietc. aud then see bow your general btaltit
Ho again we tell you-lnslst upon It if ro
aro ailing cctablirbox KATON10 iroro yoa
druggist todny. Tho coitla n trifle only KM.
You havo faith In your diugnUt. Wo authorke
him to absolutely guttrunteo KATONIO to rv
ml you can truat yourown druggist to rati
this guarantee good. It KATO.N'IU fulls In tr.r
way, Uko It back he will refund your money.
It your drurclstdoeanot keep KATONIO.drcs
us u postal card aud wo will send It to you tt
once; you can end us tho 60a after you set ft.
Address: II. I,. Kramer. I'rcs., Katonla KcmrOr
Oonipanjr, iui So. WabMh Avo., Chlcuco, li
i A