The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 03, 1918, Image 4
' r i ' i lfeV x ,-' 4 I 1j t Li f iMnmrnirM iwniiwiwwi iiiin', , nmiiii 11,11,1 j.- LfA-i f at a! jN.JL.FMr( x - J wiwrm fel t" '&4 " JMa0 Bum Tie Tentative Ideas of the Fashion Artists Have Crystallized I THE experimental stage in trying out the new Fall and Winter fashions has passed and only the most successful ones remain. 4 You find the best efforts of the New York, Cleveland, London and Paris fashion artists here in Red Cloud. We take a great deal of pride in our showing of women's and misses' coats -for it is the result of months of searching for the best in the market: a market, as you know, that has been none loo well supplied and has been getting "thinner'' day by day. You can buy here with confidence that you are receiving the best obtainable. F, 9 aawmmmsMM.WMmiE i1 1 WW, Uu t Christian Church SUNDAY Sunday School at 10 a. m. Preaching at II a. m. Liberty Loan Service 8 p.m. Service at Indian Creek at 3 p. m. The public cordially invited to attend these services AVVUSVAVV.VVV.".V.V.V.V.V.V.V.VV.V.VVVV.V.".V.V Lincoln Jg an s$p LTn:t,tf S.'.itt nil C5 Gi:o. .1. WARRKN, Maiuscr The Telephone Builds Business "The first requisite for doing business is to be able to get a customer. The more customers you can readily get at the more business you can do." As it is "the mind that does business" and "the telephone gives the mind wings" you can do more business -by telephone than (any other way, because you can reach more customers and you reach them in a personal, voice-to-voice man- , ner, that builds business? Do You Make Full Use of the Telephone in Your Business? w imgffait BMBBa ammil .w , - ,li!IWl' wmiiiMffiJiiiiiiiiiPRMJiiSiiii.iiiiimTiiiwi iwirwiiiiri!11' a. vi, ""m, !"'" v . a V V5k - V "-" V t i B J 'i x I lui o Jed Cloud, Neb. 5 Telephone " . !r,it! n A Telegraph Co. AD CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF . aHaM.a. M !! ! MIIIM ! II liM V nA 1 ' I .. k. li 3 "v v; ; ':i-A-r' ' i i j fi 1 011 9 " 'to,iii THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod Cloud, Nebraska. r'UULISUKD BVERV THURSDAY intertd In the rohtolllco nt Htd .otid, Neb ns Second ClaHS Msittir F. L. BROWNE. Cdnor .nd l rtlK UNhY UKMOUHAl'lO 1'AI'EU WKHSTEK COUNTY IN Our Liberty Loan Quota The quota for Red Cloud for the Fourth Liberty Loan isappr'mntely 8125,000. That is tho amount our peo plo arc to buy of the total w I ich niut be sold if the government Is to success fully lltiancL', during the next few mouths, our ptirt in the tetnble con tlict the lsaiher and his hunles have brought upon the world. Of course the people of Roil Cloud aio going to buy that amoui.t. mid the only ijiustion is liow much aore ami how quickly mo wo goiug to I.) it? It-il l loud people am goitu' at thih buid.biijing proposition in iut the s.iino win that our Ited Con I t)0ys arc going at the llcinlo-. tn Kinie. Wc arc not going to wait until t! .. light Is over hi-fore i- i;nt into itiu tint going to stop at the IKe,1 of c 1 .'.") oUo any moie thin st"p vvhon they tt licit tho lii tienchor German imiuhiin We mo going to put lted l.i buck ii f Iti- I Cloud ho them work- together io Unit tho "wmld tn.i. be ii dtcoii live hi ' ve ill's hjectivc ur boys (term nn mi nest doU and let the cud place to Naturalization Law The ii'cent tunoiidnient to a nattir aliation laws, approved Ma. 0, 1 0 1 -w , pinhibits the ishuanco or illn 4 of nnv Uiitiiralliition papets and tho llnal heating 011 petitions for natuialtatioii during the thirty days preci ling any election Tlictefore, no Duel Intention will be issued 01 Hied from October the 5th vember the tub. Also there nutiitallziition hearing at tit. term of tho Dlstiict com 1 ration of 'otitions tit.Il No ill bo no October in this county. All petitions now m flio may bo heard on tho first date set for inturiiliziition in lOll), proi ng tue department files 110 objections. Emm (, Mcluicnux, Cleric of the Dlstiict Court lull Day of Xotn, Nidi will hold saleof ."0 Uiiroc Jeiscy IIogsTitosday Oct. 2-J, 11)18, thirty 'boars and twenty gilts. Watih this papor for,' 38 1 'J i :. "WM&m . -.4(f&.1fy fr Brewing Trouble Will II. Mays, chairman of the re publican national committee is trave ling over the count y poi forming such lulies and suyinp such things of thr dpmocratic pnity aa is expected of him and which is a pait of the pol itfeal Kam nt ovety congrefesionul election. He fools no one fl" evei; reading and thinking tnun know what wo'ndetful thlnu have !) done am' aie lM.injj accomplished by this gov ernment for the good of mnklnd ami for the future of. the world. Om politi cal system lias made Mr. Wilson presi dent of the entire nation, republican and democrats alike during this time of world war, and without doubt he will continue our president until peace is declared, unlets the pio&ecution of the war is hampered and delayed by political dissension. Chairman Mays is expected to bring about this political dissension and delay in bringing this war to a speedy close by doing his utmost to change a demociatic to a republican congiuss, thereby creating strife be tween president Wilson and the leg islative bianch of our government. He commences his duties as chair man by dunging piesident Wilson and hi.s administiation with "inexper ience, inefficiency and vacillation," and tints he stalls out to fulfil his duties, not as a patriotic American, in this time of terror and of war, but as national chairman for Mr. Wilson's political enemies. In plain wouls, merely for temporary political gain he is tiying to sow. the seeds of dis sension, suspicion and dissatisfaction, not only in his own country, but al.-o in Fiance, Hngland, and Italy, and most contemptible of all in our be loved army in Fiance. If this is chair man Mays' conception of the duties of a patriotic American citizen, then we are thankful that we have so few of the kind. lie talks glibly of "Inexperience." in iiods name wheie would he go to find experience unless lie finds it in Wilson, Daniels, Hakcr and lVrshng who have 1-rn there since the bur ning of the war, unless it h - in Uoo.m'- velt with his San Juan ncoid? He then rpeaks of "inefficiency. Xo such lecoid for almost iiciftct ef ficiency hns ever been made as lu - been shown by this country since the war, and this efficiency has won tho astonishment and admit atinn of thr entile world, even that of German and which will tedound to her defeat and humiliation. Chairman Mayn' snail and whine would not be hend were it not that a congressional fight is at hand. Would France, England or Italy bo glad of the tidings that the United States had become dissat isfied and defeated the war adminis tiation, and elected a cong'oss polit ically opposed to and icady to fight our piesident? What wonderful en couragement it would bring to our .-oldier boys in France lighting and dying that we as a nation might live. Imagine how encouraged our boys would be to hear that finally the re publican party had succeeded in div iding this country into two camps, and merely for political gain. It would bo glorious news to Germany, and she would rejoice as we here would re joice if we could hoar that the Kcich tag had decided that the war was a failure and that the Kaiser was re sponsible for it. A long time ago a fight was made on secretary Daniels and his imme diate resignation or removal was de manded. This demand died long ago as now we have the most efficient na y in the world under his "efficient" management and as a consequence the sub-marine peril is pat, and 1,7."0,000 soldiers have been "sent auoss" th sea without the sinking of a single tianiort, together with an arming co-'plete .supply of food, gun-, amitni tii n and, war. matei ials of e". ry kind and natuie. V like demand wai made later iV tin- removal of secietiry Baer, and it i nnswoied by pointing to um gn-it American nnjjy in Fiutuv wnh it- almost perfect "ei7icienc" and JUker at onco becomes tho man fot tin- place and tho hour. Tl.ii. chall enge is out to the wot Id to hhov. another such example of efficiency a-ha-, been shown by the United States iiiue we enteied this war. How puerile and contemptible do the wouls of Mays sound as we listen to the rattle and roar of our American guns in Fiance as the boys rush on from ictory to victoty and all because they have the supreme "efficiency" of our government behind them. The na tion is insulted and "humiliated to know that we have an American who would use the words "inexperience, inefficiency and vacillation" in the sense used by republican national chairman Mays. o A caucus of the Democratic voters of lied Cloud Precinct will bo hold Saturday, October 5, 1018, at 8 p. m. at tho Commercial Club rooms in Ked Cloud for tho purpose of nominating a Precinct Assessor and JJond Over seer and such other business ns may properly come before tho caucus. ' J. W. CROW, Precinct Commit teenmr. WSgjf- mw?mMmmmmmmmm&m iysrev'4 Farmers' Union Co-operative Co. "JPjiO you know that you are ski m mi ng away Jt- (i)lhrs if you arc using the gravity methods? Come :.d s?l the Vikuijj Cream Separator ?t and we will show yon how the Vikilirr ol-imo tn tlin mnwet tronn and makes cverv cow vnn nwn nnu mak-es every cow yon own worm v more m ontter tut. Wc will show 5'on that the Vi!-n i3 the most scientifically u-i.- stmcted machine, made of n o finest materials, in the st separator factory in the worid. V.e will j,hovv yon that the Vikinjr is the easiest running, ha greater capneJMr, and is by fnr the easiest separator to clean. Yd ilia price is ioivcr. See it today-we will be $ri'd to show it to you! IWW "lcw. -r w . ffV7S,lU",Tr",'l Jt J nt "tjri'iii. wp!.m . jn -eau.iK-1 Ui --.,iA. . -i:lJLLllJ.ZiZZFAK iissiizszixizriicsi nj-rj w? fim IiffiKS3.,2U2SKVJei?AeK 5! A 1. 7 rl IT"! wa .ti MhAMJzm . m Vmwvr mi wnwLi fm4wW way and with a little care will last a life time. When buying a range, buy the best. Come and see it and let us tell you all about it. It is a beautiful range It is an excellent baker It is a great fuel saver HEATING SATISFACTION The Big Value in a Heater that you l.a.c been looking for. Economical in the consumption of fuel Handsome in appearance Strong durable in construction Burns any kind of fuel The ILIMQ Y ME A TE ft is one that will give you entire satisfaction. Let us show a . you all is points of advantage. Come in now. ti m -i YT-' x-v VST t m - -sr tv tti I UKU v RED CLOUD'S LEADING U yjK3S3THEKg33g5Ega unauaaaUMJCuiuitmuruviKBaiujaauaimuu September Bulletin of Excursion Fares To the East The entire scheme of Eastern fares will be tivallublo during September Those tiro probably tho last reduced fares of the year to tho East. To Western R.esorts You can go to Colorado and Estes Park on reduced fares during this month Colorado In September is ideal for a short vacation, and n rapid healtli. come-back, Iteduccd fares from Wyoming for tho big Statu Fair at Douglas, Septem ber bth to 11th; also frour Colorado for tho Colorado State Fair at Pueblo September 22d to L'Sth. r Got in touch with us for whatover lclud of 11 tour you desire to make dur- iuibuiituui. nu win uo iiuaiu IiWrhRH I Hi III III iBllllll 1 Hud&jApBHA mm AmwMwK ,ir-- HTp. JvM$ rjOfti. WfRWtc JjffifflcVA j?J2ifis VlPsi&i ' JPSSigaiKMP' mmMr ?m&ij'3xm .r ftlsr'.'' zz&f . 5 . . X . S5 -. . " JLT?g.TnnixagrTJsasi3zg 1 IhatwiHlcst a Lifetime COR the sake of a few A dollars liCW wliy buy a range that in a few years h will need repairs and in a few years more will be worn out rntirplv Add a few more dollars and buy a The 'Malleable RaBgC Alwas Preferable The Range that'll give per fect satisfaction in every JL . I i&iJT- 'U i- G&l Iff ti 11 F2Ui I & W. IKIiNh HARDWARE DEALER - 1: t i.'j utionu you aim servo you, L. W. Wakeley, General Passenger Agent 1001 I-'uriiiuii St. Omaha. Nobr. N. B. Bush, Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Neb. , ; i . A 1 1 I I S v U 1 . I L i ' invKytv wiiW WSV