The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 26, 1918, Image 5

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I ' 'WIW1WIIII HIIHiiMbM,M,,m- -,--,
y :
Kre-h IlasMns bread daily fit l'!utt'
ISroeery. tf
Clms Hilton wus R Week-end xisi'ur
in Kruihlln.
lona Funk vla'.ted relative In Su.
pot rr Satnrdny.
ttev. .f. M. Hates Went to Kearney
nnil Adrorn Saturday.
Letter A mack was home from Hust
ings college over Sunday.
Airs. P. L. tlliifs, who has boon on
tliu slek'list the past wetitt, Is able lo
In' out again.
Mr. and Mrs. II It. Logpctt !
danihtcr visited iclativcs In Ki titik Hit
hist oT tho week.
Mr. and Mi. .1. K. ChiuiHy are home
ftorn Superior, where they have been
vl-itiiitf i datives-.
FOR SALI1- -flood, improved quartet
section !' miles cast and 7 miles south
of Inarale. For terms II. J. Won
ilerly. IJStf
Miss AHce Fojrgor Alliance, Is the
yuoat of her parent), Mr. and Mrs.
K'nier Fogg-, who rexlde just witiMi of
t lie clly.
Mr. mid Mr Xalo I'latt and tlatiKh
tor Margaret tiulced to Cowles Sunday
whore they .spent tho day with Mis
I'latt' parents, Mr. and Mrs. .J. T.
Goo. Ilollisler, while ciigtiKcil in
trimming a tree Tuesday, fell and
broke his ankle, lie is out on eruehe
now and glnd the accident was not
AvL P. M. Whitehead tells lis this
niK'nine; that theie is a dearth of newt
around the Washington school but in
side everything is settled Into routine
ouler and going smooth.
The ilrst frost of the season enmo in
strong lnt Friday morning thin See
fotmed on still water. Although
early for frost the crops with excep
tion of some Into garden growth, were
generally out of harms way.
Mrs J. J. Garber visited her lius
laid at Fnllorlon ivr Suuduy and
Monday. Ilev son, Dr. Roy (larber ae
eompauleil her home. Mr. Jnrber,
who went thoro for hlo health, is so ire.
what Improved wild l expected home
in a few days.
I B. Htaliser, ono of Nebraska's
pioneer citizens, dropped in at tho
Thief ollleo recently looking after sub.
scrlption matters and entertained with
.several most interesting icellals of
early day experiences. Mr. Stanser
is,pieparing to K') into the country
where ho will spend the winter.
Mr. L. Clark stopped la Bed Cloud
Tuesday enroule from Wheatland,
Wyo., to Lincoln, where ho expects to
answer call to the war service. Ho Is
a brother to Mrs. S. C. Kills and spent
his short visit here with his sister and
her family. Mr. Clark Is a typical
American and enthusiastic- about got;
ting into the war activities
.Speaking of the Lone Treo district
war savings society of which mention
is made elsewhere, it Is a matter of
pleasure to note tho amount of Intel
ligence and talent in evidence at their
entertainments and in tholr social life.
This is the place whore there is an ac
tive branch of tho Baptist church, Rev.
V. M Harper of this city devoting a
share of his time to their interests.
STM)C1KUH.M'J ML MUV1t7!NtttT3tn i fcfflD
Friday and Saturday
The Law of the
Great Northwest
A 5-Red Picture
Screen Telegram
Admission 17 and lie
Monday and Tuesday
Sept. 3Q Oct. 1
A Goldvyn Special in
Baby Mine
An Entertaining and Phasing
Comedy Drama
Admission 17 and 6c
Wednesday- Thursday
Oct. 2-3
The Whirlpool
With Alw-i Brady
Admiss on 17 and 6c
Floyd Tuiniire is a Lincoln visitor.
B.irl Fountain hastetatued to Grand
Fivbh Hastings biead dally at i'latfs
(SniPery. tf
I'd A mack is rislllu.,' his brother and
family at Merlin.
Mi-s Viola Spiers m n Htturlay
visitor at Hastings.
Onions for Bale. .Inquire (Jha Ita?
aer. 1ml. Phono 'l oil i. ' TOtf
Mi. .Itoie Medulre la numbered
am njj the sick thi week.
Mault Arnold of B'uo Hill, Is report
ed arrived safely over snas.
Good meals good service- moderate
prices Powell & Pope's cafe.
Mrs. Anna I'otm'nln went lo Grand
Island Monday for a short visit.
United chuieh market at the Frank
Smith shoo store Saturday the '.'Stli.
Dr. Hobt. Mitchell was a Hastings
visitor on professional business Mon
day. Mr. and Mis, Fied Harris of Bloom
It'gtnu, visitdd the McUulro home
Arthur Saively. member of Co. K.
from Hue Hill, is reported from France
as missing sluce Aug iith.
Ra-ki-t supper and .Junior Red Cros
program at tho Mill School tomorrow
night. Kverybo ly Invited
Mr. and Mrs .1. T. Laiv. of Cowles.
acre in the city today, gn-sts of their
(Uugliter, Mrs. :, J. Piatt.
Message has been received announc
lag tile s;ife arrival in Hngland of Ray
mond Turnurcand Kenneth Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs H. G. Lindsey and son
are home from a visit with relatives
and friends ut Atisolmo unld Broken
Red Cloud is to have an apple sup
ply. P. G Tariuire has gone to east
eru markets looking for tho staple
Report comes in that wheal in the
north east part of tho county runs 10
to li bushels to tho acre, Jnaliry
Traeey Druliner and Lloyd Harkoi
have gone to Lincoln for enlistment,
and purpose to enter oUlcor's training
cum p.
Pot sale, n first-class Price A Teeple
piano. OnU caio and as good a3 new.
Call at or phone Chief otlloe.- - Mahu.
Bailey, tf
Tho voices of Hen. Pershing iu I Ks
Ambassador cm now bo heard
on the Columbia Gr.ifunoln at Culling
and Mitchell-. Ill-l
Wo are told that Cliet Sheely has
sold ids barber shop interest to Win,
Hunt and accepted employment at the
round house.
Karl Honor, in training camp at
IlurUloy, Call , came home on a fur
lough last week for a visit with Pleas
a tif Hill friends.
Horace Prisbic who has completed
his course in an Illinois olllcers train
ing school, was hero this week, leav.
lug today for Missouri
Carl Hay of Noia, Neb., will hoHd
sule of iJO Duroe Jersey Hogs Tuesday,
Oct. '22, 11)18, thirty boars and twenty
gilts. Watjh this paper for ndv, US 2
Harold Moranvllle, who is visiting
here had his furlough extended on ac
count of illness in the family ami is
taking special instruction in geometry
preparatory to his return to war ser
vice study.
In answer to special request Rev. J.
L. Hcebo went to Iloldredge Tuesday
whore he oillclated in tho funeral ser
vices of Mrs Honline, a pioneer Ne
braskau well known over a large sec
tiou of the state.
(ieo. Llndsey, of Pasadena, Dili., is
it Red Cloud visitor greeting friends
and looking after business interests
t!eo. is as hale and hearty us of yore and
claims that bet -oen Red Cloud and
P.i-ndenu there is not much choice as
to 'vk'ch Ik best.
Wi.ul camo tn relatives li iln of
tl.e death of Mrs. Dr. Myers, who whs
a' Kin- time i rfsidoutof (vua'e later
moving to Kansas City with b-r bus.
bund. Mrs. Myers will be remembered
aa Misa Lucy Oarber, duMghter of tile
1 ite .Joseph Garbor, au old pioneer of
this eouuty, She. wa also M-ier to
I)..u liarber of title city The body in
expected to arrive lierc tonight
D S. Crawford Unvoting1 in ihe In
terests of tho W. N. U. of Lincoln, was
in Rod Cloud Monday looking after
buslno's inteiests. Mr. Crawr-Jid was
but recently transferred from tho Den
ver Draneh of the business and Is
bound to meot with success in his new
Hold because of his pleasant and biiol
ness.llko methods of looking after the
interests of his patrons and because of
the fair ami sipmre house ho lepro-
It's a trifle early in tho season, but
among many, thoro three names that
wo particularly desire you to llx in
your memory as worthy of your sup
port nt tho polls, II. P. Perry for conn
ty clerk, Albort V. Ditcher for county
troasnrer, Prank Huffer for sherilT.
Party lines .should not be considered
in the question ol votes for these men.
j Their service reconls gi-0 overwhelm
ing reasons. Tho line of .ucunieni
elhovvheu- in tlii-4 Umu fop f.iipp'nt of
Piesidout Wilsou, If ti.insfoi u. l io lit issues applies equally well in
j their oases,
Mrs Janus Peterson Is seriously 111.
Harold Ludlow visited at Lincoln
last of the week.
Attorney H. G. Caldwell icturiied
from Lincoln Friday.
.Mrs. .Joe McCiittnui and
spent Friday at HttlltiRs
Sehultz ,v Schaul have opened ft
photograph studio atGutde Reck.
Rev. A Sehaal olllelnted in serrlpe
nt the Minion festival at . iavd SllB
dy, 1'ilvate less ms on violin, pi mo (Old
ukiUle -Mi- Ktiiici. Owcv. titd.
Pin ne 'J2V IK'-flt
Clms. Punk and son from Superior,
were week-end visitors of Mrs. Nettle
John Hutchlus and family stopped
bote Wednesday, onroutc from Cowles
to Franklin, via auto.
Orville Rlckard of tluide Rock and
Miss Anna Roubal of this city, weie
married at XeKon Saturday.
Mesdames and Murray, of
Grafton, guests of Miss Kate Fitzger
ald weie Hastings visitors Friday,
Rev. and Mrs. Turner of Hastings,
are coinWtiiiir lnteretlng revival siir-1
vices nt Dlstilct No. .') svImoI ltousc
this week. i
Dr Moninvil'e who was taken lo I
Hastings Saturday and operated on for '
apppudlcitis was getting on nicely at j
last report. I
Forest Mouutfoid who Is .it tending
Hastings college, I'aiiio down to spend
Saturday and Sunday with his parents,
returning to Hastings Monday.
Samuel Temple, a former resident
of Rei Cloud, whs calling on many
friends here the of the week. He
will bo icmemhcrcd as a stock buyer
with X. Richardson in earlier days and
is now in the conimissson business in
Kansas City.
Evan Hute.hin'j having Ik'U granted
a furlough from tho U. S. Navy, is
home visiting his parents, John Hut
chins and wife, who reside ;ist south
of Cowles, Dewey llutuliiiis a brother
came home from Rayuier. C dorado,
for a few days v'sit.
The Y. P. Missionary Voluntary So
ciety of the Advent church, meals
each Wednesday morning with the
Advont school thin asm mbly taking
the place of tho usual opening exer
cises. Tho utllcers nre lrs .Martha
Moler leader, Kllon Ilideen treasurer,
Violet Holvei-MJii organist. At. their
llrst assembly Miss IMythe Holfmau
gave an aildicss on "Tobacco."
If you delight lu real stories of real
life, ami would witness the beirlnnlmr
of history in the Lone Star State, at
tend the Orphoum tonight ami see
"The Man of Power " It's a recital of
Intimate chapters in the life of Hus
ton, the man, leader, governor.
column writo-up would fail to do the
picture justice in oil her its art, its
scenery, or its tender, thrilling and
terri He, wordless story- See it! Tin
Is NOT a paid adv.
Special Program
Next Sundny morning, Sept SDth. a
special program -will be given at the
Congregational church, through the
kindness of some members of the Fac
ulty of the Franklin Academy.
Miss Sara Marshall, Doan of Music,
will sing and Miss Ruth Dennison,
head of piano department, will assist
Mrs. Eugcls, who will give the ad
dross, has been lu charge of p'aj
ground work in Chicago the past year
and during the summer spent the va
cation months with her husband at a
military camp in California. Tliis
program is one in which the children
as well as tho older people will be i
pecially intererted and they are lnwt
ed to attend. In addition to the
gram Mrs. Mitchell has promised Hi m
a story and all those who have In-n I
Mrs. Mitchell's stories know th1' i
treat is in store for them.
Tho public is cordially invite !
hear tlr. quaitetto f talented w. i
nt 11 o'clock A. M , Sp'. Uuth.
Petit Jurors
The following' men wrro drnwn
serve as petit jurors for tho Oc
torui of court which eonvenos, Oct
Mill, but the jury lu not summons
appear'nntll the bOcond.Monday ui
term, October 21t:
V. II. Na,rris Jaso.i Shuck
Chns.atroh Phillip DopU
Goor&o Wells Clms. 5tow.11.
N. It. I'ayno Everett llean
Chris Waoohter Alfred Nolan
John Lnoas Chas. Daselc
.lames (iieeiihaljjh Frank Gnilm 1.
N.13. Rush Millard Fran--
Henry .Somme; balder James Mj i
I. II. Tliomas John Hdiistti
Henry Fies John Uishop
J. A. Riadfonl John Marker
Tepee Theatre Gone
Tho old theatre interior is bi-mtf
olourod and is to bit occupied by 1. "
Oarbor, wliose business In wall paper,
paints, oleotrical jjoods, etc, has gr n
to require more room Mr. (Jarbei - to
bo cor Krai ulat ,-d mid altho i'ic
Orpheum has t-upp. '! tlie T- .
many will .r.'t s. .'.,' tlin id.j.i no
playhuiih.-vau'i-ih. M .lW. j. H. 1 1
millinery parlor will oocupy p,, uf
the bulUiii,'.
Music Galore
Announcement was made at the
i in eh Sunday evening of a c ill for
Misiuiaiis to moot nt the ( nngrega
"tial eliuioh next Friday evening,
pt. U7. for the purpose of oivatdleg
, -
immunity Chorus The i.iii is to
tlvute the musical habit m .1 pio
'p available musical talent f.n imblie
-inbilen such as the mnt i i l mum !
of Htiuday evetiinit.
The Four-WinuU Men
I'idlowillir (lie tli nnmPM of the
tlnutu speaker announced for the
arlh Libert) Loan Bund campaign.
I'hice of speaking, tho Orplieuin
' .'.itre. Dales
Friday, Sept. 'J7th, Prof. P. M.
Nituiday, Sept ilSth, Daniel Garber
Friday, Oct. lib, Attorney Pred
Saturday, Oct.fUh, Attorney ISeriiaid
Goes To Cedar Rapids
'V. 11. Tabor, of innviile, will attend
National SaIiic Show and i'vposi-
i at Cedar Kapitlc, Iowa, Sept. .'In
cl .Mb lie will evhibit bis liikili
le pig ' Tabei'.s Grin." Prize win-
i ir liogs from every section of tho
iledStaton will bo on inhibition.
sinw is under auspices of the
Motml Swine ltrowei Association
1 is promot'iig tlie lalslng of better
sMiicnfull breeds Ham, bacon, corn.
.or among the exhibits mid Iiiiku
pi es are offered.
Live Stock Census
I'ndar direction or the Food Admin
i'taliou the school children of Web
"it r county are instructed to take cen
si - of tlie number of hogs and cattle,
a their respective districts, Oct, loth
i- the dulosct for this work, and teach
ei" iire rcipiired to see thiit. it is dune
i iptly and pioperly and repoits im-
uie lliitely forwardctl to tho county
lo 1 administration ollleo. The gov.
' inuienl requires this dntn in order to
pi i pare estimates of resource, and i
I - upon the patriotism of the schools
i assistance in quickly obtaining the
A Quiet Wedding
U nine o'clock Sunday evening at i
i ie Parsoiiiigo of the Christian clnircli,'
Rev .1 L. Ueebe proununced the wonN
t'uit mado Miss Griiee Harris and Mr I
U ve L03' man and wife. I
Tho happy couple are both well !
liiown residents of Red Cloud; the
bride a sister of Chas. Harris, and the
"room a mail carrier working for
Uncle Sam."
Tlie Chief together wit li a large cir
cle of fiiends joins in wishing all pros
perity an I happiness for Mr. and Mrs.
Cleve hoy.
They will resida in this city.
A Model Society
One of the most active War Saving.
Societies In Webstvr County Is out in
District IT, meeting regular in the
Lone- Tree school house. O. M. En
yart president, II. P Leonard secre
tary. A special program was given
last Thur-day evening in whlcti J. L
Beebe of this city delivered an address
upon the subject of "War F.conotny
atul Reconstruction." A unique fea
ture of this organization is that any
member declining to take part in tho
public entertainments must buy a war
stamp. Their records show an accum
ulation of over StfoO 00 W. S S.
Piano at a Bargain
Wo have a used piano In good con
dition that one of our customers was
unable to llnish paying for. We will
place it fieo of charge lu tho home 01
any satl-tietory party in tlie vicinity
of Red Cloud, who will pay tho bal
ance in cash or easy payments. Ad
dress'on Music Co, Ha-tii '
Nebr. ' :!' -'t
To fill your needs is
here for you
But you should CALL
for the Clock Shortage
is sure to come this
Better Satisfaction.
Clock Materials are get
ting low and it is neces
sary to act at once.
, ' ""switrTr - wj-wjj,-. , -. . , M-J..irretm--MrOT-r, -r. K
I a' f
You always get the very
best at our store because
QUALITY goods are the
only kind we seM. The
brands we carry in stock
are recognized by the
housewife as the VERY
BEST of their kind.
Everything Fresh and
Chase & Sanborns Coffees
Ileus Crackers and Cookies
Batavia Jams and Spices
Sunflower Canned Goods
w-vwumi WMMtwiifaww, 11 urmf'mtnnfttr.nuaUESxHnMtTV'tmiruirmMvrvmfuainriv'amt
Pile mi, li r-i(,"u-il (m' c.tTcr f. r mlo at I ibl c ui t ! ti at
S nils at lii'H.ili'. . rn 1 1 u t 1 1 r t: at 1 . if',, hhaip
Tliursday, October 3d,
The l''dl inc; Dccilbul f.i'o Stock
riead of Cattle
18 Yearling Steers,
7 2-year-old Steers,
2 milk Cows,
3 calves,
A credit of 10
approved notes
E. Carter, J. G. Reigle, J. R. and B. F. Copley,
A. L. Grossman, Owners.
.7. II. KI.MNUKR Anct. (JEO. McCRARY, Clerk.
Wkadm Man m w HI
u U Hj m W
I M m &k m 4!
I Have Two
linen Table Damask
One Piece at
One Piece at
fto. Barbara Pbares
Apples for Sale
Grimes Golden, Blade Bon Davis
Wine Sap and Delicious. Sale begins
Sopt. 2(!th. No orders taUon or apples
s ild boforu that dato No sachs lodn
ed or boxes furnished.
'; ,'t l 11 v S. Llulow
I Pure
At Auction
Ihe s ,
, on
8 Yearling Heifers,
9 stock Cows,
3 Durham Bulls,
1 Hereford Bull.
months will be given on.
bearing 10 per ct interest
Pieces of All
a yd
a yd
"OMAHA'S Wk&rijurtW. VIST
centre," ihe sarlr "T
Exhilarating Burlesque; Vaudeville
Stage Altm FUtad with rrillr Glrli. rannrCloi m Oortnim
EqulpiK. Btllllinl Settle Eidroommi
f Everybody Goat Ask Anybody W
13. ji
) ji