KtiV OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF MJ , M , nTl ...,waTTOmmW' inawaiiwiJUMJ iuixu.i"-.iiji.' j.inj.n-u.'Tjj'yBvaJni'iraa m m m m i.&ri bv tiiji A i a !l y . a V a ) r !': II l! i 1 I I iiiiihi-i 11- W. . m, ! .1 niiLOiiiiniu i. . miiini ,'u.u , , i uu ili...ulUltHr: . . 1 .HPnKIUI'.n1 II Wlli'i 'I.. II jMHIMlWll '' l I'liilli ii hi HI Hi ,ccMiiiUiii!iiiiimin.H!i a I .T r . - ""-1 3TT VitCn!?- " V "s IV Mr ',;.? .Bar, ' i-'WL v --'7 vtrjifnix'' .. jiaiKiAfiuwt r jrf ja. m t w.".f 'Bam-m&hm -msmimw ;; aifir fafltf J29ff ' of those in its office, and refer I ing again to the S. tonal lakes natter I man who had the Lord 3 printed and framed said "Lord, thems fl ments. ; I Speaking of "Fourteen Yearn ; With the Kaiser," which is now J I being featured in this paper,! several outside exchanges sug-i 1 ' idmi lw.l T.. i-,.:.. ,.l.....'.l ul . I entitled his story "Opportuni-i ties that I Have Missed." A ad! tho suggestion has logic in it. Read the narrative and see. i .-.r.. ,'i; . mpgrreaM: "rrer r.'narTty.rrt r-rr.,rz.i t.r . ':ttt. .'n ri'JTV" . T"r ... ?!. Printer" cdi- aaCKSS?S3S? n from the' m immm.a ;a ir . ;: s Prayer f?? K tfeT'd ri J fl d VsT U ' l?M: and retiring eS I. Sja,: 54'wrfjft. :iJUO.t'3-aV.'5i M r my scnli-, lllMWKMmiU .??y a?3i. Su$m fssi -s?Laj a wiMiMsJi 44lilBII UuJ ,::rS KUWJ$& Aw ws 77ie Tentative Ideas of the Fashion l Artists Have Crystallized THE experimental stage in trying out the new Fall and Winter fashions has passed and only the most successful ones remain. You find the best efforts of the New York, Cleveland, London i and Paris fashion artists here in Red Cloud. ;j We lake a great deal of pride in our showing of women's and ; misses coats- for it is the result of months of searching for the best in the market: a market, as you know, that has been none too well ; supplied and has been getting "thinner5' day by day. You can buy here with confidence that you are receiving the f best obtainable. p. or i UMuurcp t Red Cloud, Neb, jT O .. r &wi9. Every democrat running for Congress, this fall will be an out and out supporter of Presi dent Wilson's war policy. Hence a vole for a democratic con gressman is a vote to support President Wilson's war aims. It will serve notice on Berlin that this country is going to push the war to the limit and will not accept any half-way compromises. oMiiniiinf i laMUHii.jtt "i iie; ivi'! laiiiui! ' m 'i Tl ilPlii.il,' W Christian Church ME RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod Cloud, Nobrnslcix t'UULlSHKD 13VERV THURSDAY wm4 SUNDAY Sunday School at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Service at Indian Creek at 3 p. m. inttred In tlu Posto.'llcc nt lied i loud, Ntb us Hecond Olnst Matter F. L. BROWNE. Ediloi nd M.nase rilt ONLY IJKMOCUATIC i'APKH l.N vi:hsti:u county The public cordially invited to attend these services W.W.ViWViW.V.V.V.V.V.V. Art I V av .v kiwM. n a&j(fl"aMHe h i8S.U.'4yiUlL & eiepiione and Telegraph .(frj GKO. .1. WA;riU:'.Mnr..i,vr owe Conservation comes easy to the one who pays the bills. Germany sowed the seeds of hatred and is reaping a harvest ot Hades. During the Spanish-American war political leadens (republican) shouted from the housetops that any change of administra tion would be construed as com fort to the enemywould be looked upon as disaproval of McKinley's war policy. A re publican congress must be maintained intact to show Spain that the nation was upholding its president. The republican clamor for votes at the coming election sounds queer when lined up beside their own argu ments of twenty years ago. Nebraskans in general, which includes Red Cloud in particu lar, may be proud of the fact that they live in a stale where fundamental foods are cheaper than in any other state. This is due to keen direction over food prices by count: Food Ad ministrators, and ithal the fact that profits permitted dis tributors are fair, reasonable, and often greater thin before the war is another compliment due this hard working body of men. Nebraska is lowest on Hour, hominy, cornstarch, corn meal, corn flour, butter, eggs. crackers, rye flour, barley flour, oatmeal and corn syrup. There's another little item. Mr. Hohenzollern, In the matter of the damage suit The World vs. Germany: You are debtor for twenty-one million tons of shipping destroyed by subma rines. Atler you nave settled for wanton shedding of inno cent blood, for desolation of happy homes, for destruction of urban and suburban property, we shall require your attention to the above item and some more of the same description. Don't get the idea into your brain pan that you can cry "Kamerad" and wipe the whole account off the slate with one swipe of a sponge. w O yoi know that you arc skimming awn. dollars if you pre using the gravity methods? Come nnd :-ce i.!v Viking Cream Separator at Farmers' Union Co-operative Co. and wo will show you how th Viking skims to the merest trace and makes every cow you own woith $20 more in butter fat. We will show you that the Vilr'r is the tnobt scientifically ob structed machine, mr.de oi i j finest mateiials, in the lhr.it ,t separator factory in tho wnvl. We will show you that the Viki:; is the ea-jicut running, has greater, capacity, nnd is hy far the eniett sepr.rntor to clean. Yet th? pries is Iocjc: Pee it tGv'.iy-vc will be Rind to show it to ycu! Sail" """..r.hftfcv MWfa. tSJy-iwIi m (s...-,TVISSii SHVtimr IffrM LW'" --ZitSi 'A a ,& MU.T7t'C-.( Ta&s ;. dfef- -vwrnmur -! T m itv ic.vft .w " v vr w ""ITj'Tk 7T , & Wfc lTt l-.-ll,' rt " l-S .'1 . .. . IK. J . 7 J .- 4j 'iik'iofor.."i-ij. rrz-ji z.ri iinTrir '-t i:r rj-Ji-..-rTi Wl Uif- C A" -t Wltfttv.'-u'Vl-!'?!;''" m "W 'ri M as. v.- ' EISJCEP W I'-'Jir'- TTSiXZ a vvziC: 'riCIZ3ES3r ""l ty PA ?J UwMM i ,tl-l. illll vwagrmrM0x&f3Kwsm , y yd.. rjKxrji2EBXHEcrwi t 0F' JTh 3&, M ui .jfSSw PT?x HK 11 S! ft i.i fyso p..n m A l '( R Sv -i WIS SWH W .wj .m1 " q . j n.tfjsi Every subscriber to the Liber ty Loan helps feed and clothe our soldiers. Cold weather is coming niijh, yet I will not abuse it, tho coal, I fear, will be so dear, we poor folks cannot use it. Published by request. A hit? story tersely t the start of the batik mans were three t the finish ilv Ameri three to or.o." Extr letter written in the t. '.'d: "At ' o Gcr- e. At :i3 were t from :ches. Teieph Sf &utt CD- n Business 'TtX iJ "The iirsL requisite for doing business is to be able to get a customer. The more customers you con readily get at the more business you can do." As it is "the mind that does business" and "the telephone gives the mind wings" you can do more business by telephone than Jany other way, because you can reach more customers and you reach them in a personal, voice-to-voice man ner, that builds business? You Make Full Use of the Telephone in Your Business? Just as a record f future reference ir te that r hly es timated. Germany h. , looted thirty billions of dollar ,:nd de stroyed property to th amount of eighty billions. Th , s mere dollars and cents value. Lives lost, bonus desolate, families broken, and a thousand and one acts of merciless savagery are outside of and beyond .my es The Nebraska Priut r speaks in high praise of the patriotic women who are assisting in newspaper publication in vari ous offices over the state and country, classing the work of these as a part of necessary war activities. This is meet and proper, All over the world women arc carrying their share of war burdens, quietly but none the less effecthely, pat riotically, patiently, persistent ly. Too much cannot bo said in their praise, and it ih no more than right that the printer lady should have her share of com J'l'l '.MIWW . j:i m- iv:'mMimmF,m32SMa3immM!tsm That tiniest a Lifetime COR the sake of a few dollars HOW why buy a range that in a few years will need repairs and in a few years more will be worn out entirely? Add a few more dollars and buy a The s!!iaBbc.nod Range Always Preferable Six months ago the Germans in massed battalions started a drive which was to result in victory for them and end the war. Today they are fighting a desperate battle of defense and it is not much exaggeration to add malting a race witn tlie fl Allied Armies to see which I j shall get to Berlin first. Day id after tomorrow another big s ,i-:,. ,..:n ,.t i.,. :., d, la UilVU lll Bl.ll L IIUIU 111 LilVif. United Status fcr funds neccs-ie sary to cairy on the war to make lasting md complete 5v.c- cess ol our light for freedom of tho world. Let there bo no I hesitency. As the drowning $i man grasps at straws, so is the i . r v enemy looking for signs of a q L weakness so the ltai&er and.W vJJ,Jl iks The Range that'll give per fect satisfaction in every way and with a little care will last a life time. When buying a range, buy the best. Come and see it and let us tell you all about it. It is a beautiful range It is an, excellent baker It is a great fuel saver HEATING SATISFACTION The Big Value in a Heater that you ! consumption durable in r.c ' een looking for. of fuel -Handsome in construction Burns any Economical in the c. appearance Strong kind of fuel The 1LINQYHEAT& REW, S&a , is one that v.!l give you cntiic satisfaction. Let us you all :'$ points of adva-ilage. Come in now. W. TRi sl 10W N RED CLOUD'S LEADING HARDWARE DEALER his war lords seek something with which to bolster up the weakening morale of their peo ple. Don't Jot them have even 1aKxr mmasmamaEi wwwtranoKsmisauft the semblance of a straw at w',Mwa,Bttw:H"M"K" which to grasp. Do your bit. iwuracrMEtisssra Lending a Hand On'J'ue-iluj-, Sipt. ii.h thejlililuml Loeal I'liruu'i'i Union n ithfrcii at tho fiutii of Win. Copley " inik-s south cf lihuleli and put In K'O aeieK of hu;it. Soino of tin ground h:ttl pievlnusly been plowed, tiunnwcd and drillud nnd homo was put in by htalk dillln. Ulnner was served by tlie Indies of the poinuuinlty at tho homo of Mr. and Mia. Clias. Cowley. Tho nfleriioou was spent la Itcil Ciois worlt, about 75 persons woro prefcut, 21 tuoii doing tho Hold work with 78 IichiI of hursos Wo aroglad to add that Mr. Copley luis been removed from tho hospital to the homo of his brother In Lincoln and Is rapidly linpiovlng. Mr. and Mis. A. J. Kraut and Oival and Gladys eatno in from Walnut Crook Sunday, for a visit with Mr. and mendation. The Chief has onci " McCioukcn.-tiio lmiy-b i.a.pnts. Septernber Bulletin of Excursion Fares To tho Ksust The otitiru sohiuic of Knbiern fare will be available dining September Those nro probably the last reduced faies of the years to tho East. To Western R.esorts You fan go to '.Colurudo and Kstoh Tark on roduoed fares dining thla month Colorado in September U lde.il for a short vacation and a rapid-health-comeback. Reduced faros from Wyoming for tho big Statu Fair at Douglas, Soptetn. bor bth to Hth; ul.o from Colorado for tho Colorado State fair at Pueblo September 22d to Mlh. - Got in touch with us for wliatover kind of a tour you dostro to iiiulca dur ing September. We will b) p'o:i.o I tj inf )r.n you m 1 sarvo you. L. W. Wakeley, General Passenger Agent limi I-'huliih St. tnualia. Nobr N. B. BubIi, TicJwe Agent. Red Cloud, Neb. (a-!aiiswMBMaaTaaa3ixarastttara ' y A I i u tit L