The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 26, 1918, Image 3

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tSSOsAJl " ..ri.-ril fcBMy
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ffiw,J4''mlS, A 6if?piSKBv' $w$ aWiji4s ,
1 First photograph received showing American troops In Vladivostok; they are follow Ins a hand of Krlltsti
marines. 'J -The bridge near St. Quontln. n hotly contested point. 11 Members of a tank crew examining u cap
tured antl-lank rllle, one of the latest devices of the Hun.
American First Army Wipes Out
the St Mihiel Salient East
of Verdun.
French Aid In Attack That Threatens
the BrHy Iron Fields Germans
In Plcardy Trying to Halt Re.
trt Approximately on
Hlndenburg Line.
The American First army, General
Pershing commanding, started the first
great wholly American ofllenslvo
Thursday, attacking on hoth shies of
the St. Mihiel salient southeast of
Verdun. The French assisted by at
tacking on the point of the salient, hut
the operation was planned hy the
American "tuff and executed hy Amer
ican ollleers and troops.
By Friday night the operation, so
far as the salient wns concerned,
seemed practically completed, for the
ltlg wedge had been ilattened out and
Ihe new line established hy the Ameri
cans ran from Pont-n-Mousson down
the. Moselle to Pngny, thence across the
Wocvre plain to llattonvllle nnd along
the. heights of the Mouse to the old
line In front of Verdun. The fact that
fully 20,000 prisoners were taken
and that the towns and railways nbnn
doMMl by the enemy had not been de
stroyed made ridiculous the German
nfliclnl statement that the retirement,
which had been under consideration
for some years, was completed without
This American drive threatens the
Gorman possession of the great Iron
tlelds of the Brloy basin west and
northwest of Met?..
After n terrllle artillery preparation
which for four hours smothered the
entire r.glon within the Oerman lines
with shells, the Yanks went over the
top exactly nt five o'clock, following
a rolling barrage timed for an ad
vance of 100 meters every 40 minutes.
Grent numbers of tanks supported
them nnd cleared the way by crushing
numerous concrete machine gun shel
ter nnd breaking down the elaborate
wire defenses. Amerlcnn aviators In
flocks quickly drove nway the few lluir
alrmon In sight nnd thereafter dl
WRod the enemy supply centers, mu
nition dumps anil hangars with
bombs, while the observation planes
directed the work of the nrtlllery.
Everything moved like clockwork and
the troops hpeedlly gtdned th'dr ob
jectives and went on to the next ones.
Village after village was "taken and
by Frldny the cavalry hnd advanced
far Into the center of the salient nnd
occupied htrong positions,
Having given up nil the ground they
won In their great spring drive, and
finding themselves hack on the old
Hlndenburg line, nnd In some places
well behind It, the Germans decided to
stop their retreat for n while. Marshal
Foch did not fully nssent to this deci
sion, but powerful concentrations of
Hun artillery and reserves In strong
positions, coupled with torrential
rains throughout Plcardy, brought the
nllled offenslvo almost to n temporary
standstill. Not that the lighting by
nny means ceased, for the French and
It.ltlsh kept preying forward, though
wore slowly, nnd the Oermans deliv
ered desperate counter-attacks, which
In almost every Instance resulted only
Mi soore !ocs for them.
It Is the opinion of expert observers
Mint the halt of the Huns npproxlmnte
'y on tho Hlndenburg line will be only
temporary. Indeed, It Is believed they
cannot stay there long If they
would. For many weeks they have,
been hastily building new lines of do
fenso farther east, and Mnrcel Hutln
In the Keho do Paris says they arc now
ionstructlng a supreme lino from Ant
werp to Metz and nre putting tho Ant
werp forts In defensive condition.
Their presont line depends on Doual.
Cnmbral, St. Quentln and I.unn, and
farther to tho southeast, on the Chemln
dm Dames. Dnunl ulrondy wus be
I a El -S-
. -'-v vj B 1.
I i l . . r . i T1iJ l r.i''.JJi :v
&tajtffiavjmuuuiMs ukuu.vkm ? t w&9.ftMK&nu tv?i
Ing evacuated last week and the air
drome moles cast of It weie being dis
mantled. The Hrltlsh, llglrlng tierce
ly and repulsing heavy counter-attacks,
were advancing steadily through Hav
rlncourt, Pczlcrcs and Gouzcntieourt
nnd forced n crossing of the Canal du
Xord, thus taking the main defense of
Cnmbral on the southwest. St. Quen
tln was the goal of a race between the
Hrltlsh nnd the French, the former
winning Vermand, Attllly nnd Vendel
les and closing In on the Important
city from the northwest, while the
French southwest of the objective
crossed the Crozat cannl nnd took a
number of vlllnges. A little farther
south the French forces enptured
Travecy on the Olsc, Just north of La
Fere, and from Its heights were able
to dominate the latter town, which was
reported to lH9e been burned by the
Germans. This operation, together
with the French udvance eastward
from Couey-le-Chateau, threatened to
Hank on hoth sides the forest and mas
sif or St. Oobain, the chief defense of
l.aon. Withdrawal of the enemy fnuu
that forest, which Is full of guns In
stiong defensive positions, might tlnn
he compelled without direct attack,
width would be expensive and dllll
cult. At the western end of the Chemln
des Dames the Oermans were lighting
furiously In the region of Lall'aux,
wheie they were trying to regain pos
session of the dominating ridge which
the French and Americans had taken
from them. Many fiesh troops were
used In these nttaeks, but their efforts
were all In vuln.
Although the stupendous German re
treat of the past eight weeks has been
conducted skillfully and the enemy line
has not been broken through, his nr
mles maintaining contact with one an
other, It hus been In every way n most
expensive operation for tho Huns. In
addition to the loss of grent numbers
of guns and Immense quantities of ma
terial, captured or destroyed, they
have lost more than 1100,000 men, the
majority or whom, fortunately, were
killed. Tho morale of tho nrmy Is
being gradually broken by relentless,
continuous and .successful blows de
livered by the allies, the supply of
lighting effectives Is getting low, nnd
the people at home are becoming dally
more dlssatlblied and restless. Cap
tured orders reveal that the wounded
men nre put back In the ranks before
they are cured, and prisoners released
by Russia ure not given time to re
cover their strength und health. Aus
tria has reluctantly responded to the
call for aid and In the quieter sectors
Austilun divisions nre placed between
German dlvlblons, or Austrian soldiers
nre used to fill out depleted German
regiments. This Is taken to mean that
there will be no renewal of the Teu
tonic offensive u Italy this yenr, If
The war department announced thnt
Americans have been lnnded at Arch
angel to take part with the other al
lied forces there In fighting tho bolshc
vllcl and re-establishing order In north
ern Hussln. These troops are from
some of our northern states and many
of them speak Itussian. Hitherto the
only Americans there were marines
and sailors.
In Petrograd, Moscow and other
cities of Hussln proper the bolshevik
government Is snuggling desperately
against the over-Increasing counter
revolutionaries, slaughtering the latter
mercilessly whenever they fall Into
their hands. Petrograd Is reported to
ho given over to massacres and llames
nnd to have been captured by revolt
ing peasants; Yaroslav and Vologda
have been burned hy the soviet troops,
and Moscow Is threatened with the
samu fate by Trotsky. Two attempts
were made on the life of Doctor llelf
fench, the new Get man ambassador to
Moscow, but he Ihd hack to Uerlln.
The soviet rulers, persistent shout
ers ror peace without annexations and
Indemnities, hnve Just paid to Ger
many U.'iO.OOO.OOO rubles, the llrst In
stallment of the Indemnity exacted
rrom the unhappj country by tho
In Siberia the allies, with tho
Czecho-Slovnks, Cossacks nnd loyal
Kusslnns, hnve been making satisfac
tory progress, but the Austro-Gurman
ex-prlsoners and tho bolshevlkl ore
putting up bo obstlnnte i resistance
that .Inpan Is contemplating sending
a much stronger force In order to In
sure tho safety of tho expedition and
Its allies before tho winter seta In.
Tho Japanese government U convinced
tv Jl
rfS 1
that the
American government will
Its opposition to such n
The London Impress says It has un
questionable Information that the for
mer empress of Hussla and all her
children have been murdered by bol
shevlkl. If this Is true, the entire Im
mediate family of Nicholas has now
been exterminated. The dowager em
press and her daughter and son-in-law
were nt tucked hy bolshevlkl at Ynlta,
but were saved by men from the l'lack
sea licet after two weks of lighting,
The progress of the Czecho-Slovnks
of Austria-Hungary toward the Inde
pendence recognized by Great Ilrltaln
and America Is encouraging. The ex
istence of the fVecho-Sl'ovak state was
declared hy all the Czech deputies In
the Austrian parliament and has now
been Indorsed by all of the clergy of
the ltohcmluu dioceses.
Union Ilurlan, Austro-IIungarlan for
eign minister, who still Is at outs with
I'erlln because he Insists on an Aits-,
trhm solution of the Polish problem, '
nevertheless was employed mice moro
last week to start a Teutonic pece j
offensive. This, aimed directl at Presi
dent Wilson, was a suggestion that tho I
central powers and the entente get to-
get her for an exchange of views and to
consider all the things which nre keep-'
Ing the belligerents apart. He lntl
niaied this might make further light-
Ing unnecessary. Though President '
Wilson Is not quoted In reply, Wash
ington dispatches mnkc It clear that ho
holds unwaveringly the position thnt
the only tolerable peace will bo, not
negotiated, but dictated to tho central
poweis by the allies, and that thnt Is
the kind of peace which the allies will
achieve. In this, It is needless to say,
he Is backed up hy the entire nation.
No one In n position to predict pre
sumes to believe that such a peace can
be attained this year, but no one In
tends thnt any other kind of penco
shall bo accepted by America. We
hnve gone Into the war to tho finish,
and we propose that tho finish shall be
In accordance with our high alms for
the future safety of civilization nnd
freedom, no matter what tho cost.
At a most opportune time cntno the
registration day for nil Americans be
tween the ages of eighteen and twenty-one
nnd thlrty-ono and forty-five
years. Gladly, with patilotle exalta
tion, some 111,000,000 youths and older
men enrolled themselves for military
duty, and from their number 3,000,000
more trained soldiers will soon bo
rendy to move forvvurd to tho hnttlo
lines. Millions of others, not so fit In
one way or nnothcr for nctual lighting,
will be listed for other work directly
connected with the carrying on of the
wnr. In a few weeks the relative
standing of tho 111,000,000 will have
been determined. According to Pro
vost Marshal General Crowdcr, tho
llrst to ho selected for (ho cantonments
and camps will be those between nine
teen and twenty-one and between thirty-one
and thirty-six.
The matter of granting deferment
to registrants because of the work In
which they are engaged Is of utmost
Importance, nnd tho aid of nil employ
ers In this hns been enlisted. Tho gov
ernment Is especially desirous that no
essential Industries shall be disturbed
by the draft, but enough men must be
selected to maintain u steady How of
registrants to the training camps.
As had been ioieseen, hero and
abroad, tho Germans have begun an
Intensllled U-boat campaign directed
especially against tho transports carry
ing American troops and supplies. Up
to date this has resulted In the torpe
doing of tho Mount Vernon, formerly
the Kronprlnzessln Cecelle, which was
bringing homo wounded nnd sick sol
dlers, and of the Persic, carrying 2,800
American troops to Kuropo. In tho
former case the casualties were con
lined to men In tho engine rooms nnd
tho vessel put buck to n French port
under her own stenm. All the men on
the Persic wero snfely transferred to
the convoying vessels, nrter which tho
steamship wns beached on tho Kngllsh
coast. Tho Mihmniinu which attacked
It was destroyed hy depth charges. In
both instances the utmost bravery nnd
coolness were exhibited by tho crows
nnd the soldiers aboard.
The Hrltlsh stcnnuhlp .M.ssnnabi.
nlso was torpedoed while in her ,
to Amerlcu for troops ani supply
Magic I Peel them off without
pain or soreness
lout sutler I A tiny liottlo ut l''iccz
otu coats hut (i row cents ut nny drug
fit- re. Apply n few drops on the
to aliened calluses or "luinl skin" on
Dor-om of feet, then lift those painful
pots right off with lingers, thorns also 1
-ntllMM.-M" .... ...-
When you peel off corns or calluses
with Freezono tho skin beneath Is left
pink and healthy nnd never sore, ten
der or even Irritated. Try Freezone
sure I Adv.
Women'o Rights.
Tho suffragettes of the bnrnynrd
held n meeting. Mine. White Wynn
dotto presided, nnd there wns grent
expertutlon when she roso to muko n
"The purposo of this meeting," enck
led Mine. W. W., "Is to protest ngulnst
the prnctlco of roosters who crow oy
ery time we lny nn egg."
Whereupon tho discussion heenmo
Soft, Clear Skins.
Night nnd morning bathe tho fnco
with Cutlcurn Sonp nnd hot water. If
thcro nro pimples first sinenr them
with Cutlcurn Ointment. For free snin
ples address, "Cutlcurn, Dept. X, Ilos
ton." Sold by druggists and by mull.
Sonp 2o, Ointment 25 nnd fiO. Adv.
Little Boy Also Observant.
It was Immediately after supper that
a visitor camo to see father. Little
boy, four, climbed up In a big chulr
nnd looked nt him. The gentleman
smiled ut little boy, and, pointing to
poino very noticeable marks nround his
mouth, said: "I know what you hnd
for supper raspberry snucel" Little
boy examined tho visitor's fnco nnd
llndlng no remains of his Inst repast
no exclnimed, "You didn't hnvo any
thing for supper 1"
1 J nCTm
Are You Bloated After Eating
With that gassy, puffy feeling, and hurting near your
heart? Fsr Quick ReliefTake ONE
You can fairly feel it work. it drives the GAS out of your
body and the Bloat goes with it. .
Removes Quickly Indigestion, Heartburn, Sour Stomach, etc.
C( EATONIC from your Druggiit with the DOUBLE GUARANTEE
n.nd far U 'llt" Bock. AMrM EVittl lUu.dr Co.. 1011-24 So. Wb,h Amu, CUan. 111.
Milling Corn Flour.
It hns been found possible to uso
much of tho whetit-milliiiK inuchlnery
of the United States for milling corn.
In this way tho output of cornncal
wan almost doubled within five months.
Instead of using eight million barrels
of whent flour each month, America
can now depend upon corn products
for all brendstuff demands.
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle or
OASTORIA, that famous old remedy
for Infants nnd children, und see that it
Bears tho
Blgnnture of i
In Uso for Over M Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
Tralnlno an Oriental.
A Canadian womnn wunted to idiow
her Chinerio Korvant the correct way
to announce visitors, and one after
noon went outside her front door, rnnj;
tho hell nnd mndo tho man usher her
Into tho drawing room.
Tho following afternoon the bell
rung, nnd not hearing him answer It,
t-ho went to tho door herself. To her
surprise, ho wns standing wnltlng out-
"Why, Sing," sho nslted, "what are
you doing there?"
"You fooleo mo yesteddy. I fooleo
you todny," was his reply.
Extreme Test
"Smooth, eh?"
"Smooth I I've known him to talk
u trufllc cop out of a pinch."
Like Old SI.
Jiuiies Hopper, the war correspond
ent, who broke nil war correspondent
records by going "over tho top" with
the doughboys at Cantlgny, has n
hatred of faking.
At n llsb dinner at Prunler's In
Pails, a faking corespondent denied
that lie had ever wrlttn any fakes.
"Well, George," said Mr. Hopper,
"maviie you're like old SI Peacham.
"'I'm eighty-nine years old,' said old
SI In the general stole 'and I don't
remember ever to have tld a lie.'
"The general storekeeper gave n
short, rasping laugh.
"'Well. SI,' he said, 'nobody expects
you to havo much of a memory at
your age.' "
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Curctl
by local niilliutliiiH us tli i muni lentil
thn tllHniHO'l poitlon of tli" ii 'i liore Is
only one w.v to iun Cut rri i' I't VfnriH,
ntnl thnt In liv a miisMtuti ii t-iuody
IIAt.lH fVfAttltll MIIU'isi: nets
thr 'ii:h "n l'looil on the Jt'ii nrrncen
of tho K.VKtoiii. Cnlurrhnl liiimrss- In
caused bv nil Inflamed i-ondltli i of the
nnienus Ittitnij of tho l'niiuhlnii Tube
When thin luhe Is Inlbtni d jou hnvo n
uiinhtltiK foiiti'l or Itupi-rfis t hrnrltm. niul
whi'ti It Is c-ntlreiv lonoil. fipnfnoss in the
result V'nlPPd flip liilliiinniiitton can ho ro
tlureil niul this tuhe restored to Its nor
mal condition, heurlni; in.iv ho dr-itroyod
fnrovrr Main- rnspH of llrnfiipss nto
cnil!C(l by Cntnrrh, which In nn liillnmud
condition of the Murium Surfaces
oni: iiUNnni:i hollauh for nny
enso of Catarrhal Doafnois ti.nt cannot
he rurrd by HALL'S CATAUUH
Ail DniKKlsts 'Pc. Circulars free.
P. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo Ohio.
Ancient Hl6tory.
.Tuck wus unusually keen and quick
witted. All of the young women of the
store In which he worked teased liltii.
but seldom with prollt.
"Oh, .lack," said one of them one
day, "It Is a good thing you're only
llfteeii whllo I'm twenty-three, or I'd
set my cap for you."
"Yes, you're twenty-three 1 You were
twenty-three tho year milk was 5 cents
n qtinrt."
Don't worry about old nge. Don't worry
about being in other people's way when
you ore getting on in years. Keep your
body in good condition nnd you can bo nn
hale nnd hearty in your old das as you
wcro vvlirn a kid, nnd every one will bo
glad to tee you.
The kiilnrvH nnd blndilcr nre the cnuses
of senile afllictions. Keep them clean and
In proper working condition. Drive the
poisonous wastes fiom the system nnd
avoid uric ncid accumulations. Take GOLD
MKDAL Hnnrleni Oil Capsules periodical
ly and you will find that the H.vstcm will
always be in perfect working older. Your
upmts will bo enlivened, your muscles
mndo stiong nnd your face hive onco
more the looK ot youin aim neaiiii.
New life, ficli strength nnd hc.ilth will
come ns you continue this treatment. When
your find vigor lias been restored continue
for awhile taking a c.ipeiilo or two each
dny. They will keep you in condition nnd
prevent n return of your troubles.
Thero is onlv one giinranteed brand of
Haarlem Oil Cansilles. GOLD MKDAL.
There nre many lakes on the market, lie
suro you pet tho Original GOLD MKDAL
Imported Haarlem Oil Capsules. They are
the only reliable. For sale by nil first-class
druggists. Adv.
United States mint coined 500,000,
000 pennies In 1017.
Wasted Brain Work.
"Isn't It u grand und glorious feel
ing to write a long-winded editorial
on tho town's needs und then havo
half tho business men tell you they
didn't rend it?" demands tho Illlllam
This quetlon moves tho Arrow
Itock Stntesmnn to philosophize n bit :
"My dear brother, it in astonishing
and you will be surprised, after you
have been In the business a little
longer, to find how few of tho people
really do rend.
"Many, even In theso war times,
never loolc nt n paper, n few sketch
tho city dallies and rend n pleco here
nnd there, a few others glunco ut thu
hendllnes nn tho first page, over somo
neighbor's shoulder, nnd many othors
merely sit nround nnd catch tha drift
of tho news from tho conversation of
others nnd nro then fully posted nnd
reudy to nrguo with u Kentucky law
yer." SL Louis Republic.
No, Mr. Grocor, tliat's mostly water.
Slnco tho war started it'B more nearly
all wator than evor. Give mo Red
Cross Rail Blue, that's a twoounco
packago of real goodness. You should
boo my clothes. I Just can't keep
from Broiling out loud. Adv.
A Different Parlor.
"Looky here, Austin 1" severely snld
tho landlord of tho 1'etunla tavern, ad
dressing one of tho prominent and in
fluential loafers cocked hack In their
chairs In the shndo of tho hostelry, "I
can't hnvo you telling that sort of yarn
out here, Tho window a behind yoii
nro open nnd tho dining room girls
nro working right Inside."
"Thorn wnsu't anything tho mntter
with that 'tin I Just got off," aggrieved
ly retnrned Austin Anguish, "it was a
regular pnrlor story,"
"Yes 1u tonsorlal parlor story."
Kansas City Stur.
After Being Rclioved of Or
ganic Troublo by Lydia E.
Pinlcham'fl Vegetable
Orecron. III. "I took Lydln E. Plnk
hntn'o Vegetable Compound for nn or
ganic trouulo vvhlca
puilou me tiown un
til i could notputmy
foot to tho lloor nnd
could senrccly do mjr
vvotk, nnd as I lira
on n, bii nil fnrm and
nils e six hundred
chickens every year
it iuud it very buret
for me.
"I anw th Com
poui.d advertised ia
our paper, and triml
it. It hns restored
my health bo I enn do nil my vork nnd
I nm bo grateful thnt I tim recommend
In!? It to my friends." Mrn. D. U.
Ai.Ti:nn, II. II. 4, Oregon. III.
Only women who linvu suffered tho tor
tures of such troubles und hnvo dragged
nlontj from dnv to day enn roalize tha
relief which this famous root nnd herW
remedy, I.ydlnK. I'inkhnm's VepreUbla
Compound, brought to Mrs. Alters.
Women overywhero in Mrs. Altera
condition Bhould, profit by her recom
mendation, and it thuro nro nny com
nlicntiona wrlto Lydia E. Pinfcham'a
Medicine Co., Lynn, Mnse., foradviea.
The result of thoir 40 yeora experience
is at your service
Small Pill
Smalt Doso
Small Price
have stood the test of time.
Purely vegetable. Wonderfully
quick to banish biliousness,
headache, indigestion and to
clear up a had complexion.
Genuine bears slcniture'
Generally Indlcato n luck
of Iron In the II loo J
Carter's Iron Pills,
Will help this condition
A tollrt prfpu-atlon of mtrtl
For Rettorlnc Color and
Daauty toCray or Tad ad Hair
too, and tl M at DrumcUH.
Every Woman Want1
Dlitolved in water for douche stoM
I pelvic catarrh, ulceration and InfUa.
roatioo. Kecommeaded by Lydia t.
Pinkhaaa Med. Co, for tea year.
A healing wonder 'for natal catarrh,
ore throat and tore ayei. Economical.
rlA axllA.riJiiiArv rlrAnitno arwl ..JUiirttiil HMff.
ISampla l-'rco, 50c ail druvguu, or paitnVi if
maw. TliaPailnnToUfl Company. Dotioo. Mata, J
Kidney trouble preys up
on tho mind, dlscouraco
nnd leuiena ambition
beuutv. vliror anil cheer
WfllVIRW fulness otirn dlsappajur
" vyiTAiwi-M wi,en tjI0 lujneyo are out
of order or dlseiifecl, For kooi! result
uce Dr. Kilmer's Hwninp-ftoot, the prtai
kidney modlclno. At iirui;gtta tn Tare
and medium slzn bottluu, Sample Ua
bottle by l'arcel Post, pninphlet.
Address Dr. Kilmer Ac Co., liliinlmmteB.
N, Y., and encloao ten cents. When wit
lug mention this pfaper.
Dept K, 1217 O St. Lincoln, Neb.
" ' ' ...... .1
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 38-1910.
An Undersea Episode.
Mr. Fish You sny your son is ba
disposed? .Mrs. KIsh Ya he was blf
ten by a mud dogtlsu I
Some men nro always looking for tin
hundle that will cuubla them to puajy
When Vour Eyes Need Care
Try Murine Eye Remedy
No huiurUau J' ty Cuinfwi to rani at
I)ruUi ur mull N rltn fur tie Ufa tluok.
'urn '
i' 5
MmW m CoiUaCeat I
wQfllJiy or Tw Day I
I )