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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1918)
' i 14 i A M m H , i, fc v . ft r . ' c I ft ' it . W) ru i N ,1 a PI f, t: 3M l"s I liVtt j; f J 1 fc f l?l A 11 fr KJ 'r r, s K' P I r h i jKvmnrMnrrrwvTtminvvturmeTxtajmiamsa Inavalo Items n . 11.... i 1. fio- . ! .i M !; 1') be out again fu r i.uU a long illncw. Miss Ihunirc J'nonflom war vis'thR. -a Moor Saturday. ' Mr, ami Mrs. W. H. Cloud arc tok m m the state fair this wrok. School 0.' "mi iw :hIh. Every child vow out, each wonting U lie Aral U"ret Hugh Carter left on the Sunday imirnintc tiTtltt for Lincoln whore lie will nltcml irhool. Mr. and Mrs C. H. IIui'kosh v willed to lied Cloud Sunday morning by the illness of tho former's father. .Mr?. May Harmon has accepted a po.-ition in the David vCole cicam station. Mr. and Mrs. CJlon Olmstcnd of lied Cloud spent Sunday at the Ilalph (tiosiiman home. Ml', and Mrs. Unlph (irossman aic the proud parents of a fine baby girl. All doing well. Mrs. Jane Farky and daughter, Kthclda. spent the last of the week with their aunt, Mrs. Minnie Watson. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Waldo and daughters, Norma and Margeriae, i ited in' Uloomington Sunday. Wm. 'I'abor left for Lincoln Men duy morning to attend the state fail'. Mr?. Geo. Matkins and grandson, Alio Jloyers have returned home fro-n an extended visit with relative and friends at Powell, Wyo. Mm. W. K. Wotulorly and tluugb- Uin, Dlnnche and May, returhctl from I Chardon, Kant, where they liavo been spending the' summer. Mrs. Sadie Itldmlge and duugh te., Mint. C. K. Joyce and her child nn, returned to tnftvalo Sunday after a wcqk' outing in Dmver. An Ice cream and watermelon si,, a1 will be glvctj by the W. C. T. I. i.( .1 Friday ovenlng, Sopt. Oth, on tor. lawn at the residence of lrs. (ii"HU. II took two fine pigs for exhibition Miss Nellie Rutledgc went to Riv cton Friday night for a few day' m. it with her fiiend Miss Bohrer. Mrs. Jnmcs Silvey was visiting ii. Hastipg.4 last Thm-bday and Fiiday. Mi'd. Claude Stlckney and children left Tuesday morning for their lionn in Texas. Mrs. Halph Hunter and little son, Hoborl, accompanied them and expect to ;emaiu for the winter, with the hope that Mrs. Hunter's health will be benefitted. Jlrs. C. II. Burgess is on tho sick list this week. Mrs. Geo. Jorgorson and daughter, IMrs. ilano Farley and daughter vis ited relatives and friends in Kirwin, Kansas, last week. o Silo Tour The first lour tinder the auspices of the Webster County Farm Bureau was a success. The pil.emi-pit, and above ground silos were inspected, an;! the sentiment of the owners were that the pit silo is tho most piacti cal one where conditions wore favor able. Mr. Steward, who has an above ground silo raid it was just as cas to climb down ae it was to climb up in a silo, and if you fed a large amount of s.lago you had to have a team to haul it so you could use the ; nine team to pull out the silago from a pit silo. It cols lets to build and fill a nit silo. Farm buildings aiid equipment (r inspected and last but not least live stock was Inspected. Wobstei k'i.mty has as fino live stock Jib i to ho found in the state. The bene-' tit received from a trip of thia fcindj were many and those that took the , timo to niaho it felt that It wa tinifl w '.'II spent, and arc ready to. go again. Vs tho Hum Bureau Woil: through the County Agent becomes, familial in tlto county thee agriculturul tours 4je tho .leading events. As farmer can sou what other fanners aro do ing, th? live stock they have, methods of feeding and handling their live stock, modern farm buildings and equipments, field crops, etc., and host of all get acquainted. . o 'Should Have Written Him A young man from Hooks county terving in France wrote tho follow ing letter to his parents It merely ;hoys the way, tho kaiser misivprc rents things to his troops: "Two or throe week ago one of the boys was miking to a German pri oner." The Ijoche mid that American coulden't do much harm in Fiance because she ouldn't i hip troops across; that New York Philadelphia and Baltimore wore in ruins, and that tho Oerman navy had all our poits blockaded. also said wo needed all our troops in the States to fight tho big German army which had como up from Mex ico. That is all news to me! Why didn't you folks write and tell mo this news instead of leaving mo to find it out from the German prisoner? That i. tho kind of stuff tho kaiser ?eems tn bo feeding his mon. Another one vf tho boys was told tliat we were British diostotl up in American uni- foims," , mrMsvvTXrrMnrrr c-nMrr tirwrtfxM.'m wi mi Bourds o Registration Tin i mi? i th- iivc as i ," jnocincts ol m i .d j Wfibgll c untys viuldt . A. F. Howell W. Bailey Beaver ' ek- M. V. ttJckard Johr f. ftifuilton Stillwater Chu. Guthrie W. K. .Johnson OukCrnek 0. J. Boos II. C. Wright Garfield Chas. Aileii K. Shipman Pleasant Hill W. C. Cox B. !', Harrington Cowlcs S. 1). Long Horace Morse Klin Creek W. II. Gei lack J.B.Finneo Potsdam Kd Funke, Jr. W. C. Frahm Line Alex Beulley Lloyd Melntyreo Ued Cloud 1st. Ward Kd Piatt J. L. Beebe lied Cloud 2nd Ward B. W. filewnrt Geo. II. Overlng II. R. Tlumus t Ued Cloud It. Bowen Jas. Ilubalka Batin Frank Bean V. A. .Hall Glrnwood F. A. Boom Joe Ourney Walnut Creek H. E. Chaplin Clyde Pitney I naval e Rob't. Newton Catheslon W. R. Brooks K. F. Lovejoy Harmony J. ! Scolt C. V. Fulton Farmers' Institute The il.aos for l-'aunors Institute have liei'ii sut-Oct VL'd tn v'.ltb. ('ominitti'H a ro us follows: Purn.le-F. W. Omwlen. Miss Ger trude Coon. P. M. WhltnluMid. SolicUlnt: Tnrnure. GelUitly. Kiitertuiniiinnt Fiuisuh, (SltliHin. Whitelieiul. I 'iHiniums Stewart, Fittisch. Job ri sen. Buildings Kiliuger, Crow, Gilhiun Superiuteiidouts Ciow, hoise-: Stewart, cattle: Johnsmi, lines; Butlei, poultry: Hen Pei;. farm proilucth- Smith Bros, of Superior are prepnr ing for their annual sale of Poland China stock hogs. This vonr they will .ell fof'tv stnclc Imc-i and 'Jo pills Tin Kilu will lie held Oct. .!, I!16 Full pal ticuliirs will nppenr in later issue of this paper. Conserve Your Money It i .just as vital that the wealth of the citizens of this conn try be conserved ns that any other neecidly bo consent i to aid in the winning of. the War. Money is tho greatest requirement of the Government ; the absolutely paramount oo'iimtnlity. the essential tlihy which, we can all have n part in providing. The Capita! Issues Committee Was Created to Help Conserve Money Tiie Capital Issues Comiuitte liss h-cal jurisdiction over all issue.'? in occes.-, of $100,01)0 and ha requested that all issues of $100,000 or kss be submitted to tho District Com mittee for approval. It will bo rogurded ns nn unpatriotic nut for any stm-lc to be sold which litis not reueivud the. permission of the Cap ital lsues Comiwitteo, and all citizens tire asked to co ope! ate with the Committee by refusing to buy any stock which has not been submitted to the Committee and received the provr permit. Insist Upon Seeing the Permit Before Buying Any Stock , "Wli. .i pnt: . Com- it is ; nuny. ittee for it lv. ;I light. tl:;M thi' 1)0 NOT 1.1 Y mit u produced lur your inspection Do not trade your LIBERTY HOXDR for any sto '; matter if a permit for its salq has been issued or not. hoys at tho front have enlisted for, the duration , r War. Suroly you should enlist your money withoi t lie ervntion. You qwo to tho Government your co-operation in providing tho money needed to carry on tho 'ur, and the Capital Issues Committee helps you to avoid noii-essontial invest ments. Please do nil that you can to assist the Government in thia direction. ASA 1-3. K AM SAY, pimtnnon nntrlot Commute on ewm.'i isiifs, Kir Hjo Trntli lMr UcMMVe Uisin t, Kaunas Ctty, .MUsourl. RED OLOUD, NEBHASKA, OHIEP gamiWT.'wtxJuw mrair xJMJTwwityTTrgT.TWwtgTJcv'' Farm Exchange i We arc ti. i '- t ;r!mnge list dn'iig gi t t .' nn September. f l.m via.Ia nut n Yiiftlncr liuf of ftvaH farmer in lh county and have over 1D00 names on the lit. TTim mUv .sheet or exchange Hit w-lH be :r. to every farrier in tho country frrt -f charge, and I will to jw', lout exchange lifts every two month' 'during the winter mths. What ve now want i for every fanner to ll.-t his surplus slock, seed, hay, etc, with lhf County Agent before Sept. 15. Farmer having horses, cattle. hogs, sheep, poultry, grain, seed, hay.i farm machinery, farms to sell, farm to lent, etc., snoum send a nst oi to the County Agent. Also favinei wanting to buy any of the abov. items should send in their wants-, a? a want column will also be printed. Many rounties have been putting out an exchange sheet and in that way bring the buyer and seller to gether. We have been so busy and tho farmers have been so busy that wo did nol attempt to put out this list this summer. In the past the farmers have listed tlteh surplus with tho agent and there wanting to bin have called at the off ire and in thi way over $1000.00 worth of stuff ha been exchanged. Send in your list n once. TEAM WOr.K. It ain't guns, nor armament, Nor funds that they can pay, Bur the close co-operation Thar ninko.s thni win the day. It nln't tho Individuals, Nor the army nn n whole, Hut the overlastln' team work (K every hlwmiln' nnu!. UUDYAHD K.7PLrNO. "-ST UG HAVE PEACE," A ttir-nster Is slowly raisin.1? Us hervl throughout this country which, tinier beaten down Imnierflately, wi'.l beeom, Ibo most dnrii;orot. ui my that Ih enuse t-t eh juration I ;i.s yet be . called rjwiu to face, TMs vll tl i' threatens is to be found In tbe itoyV for pr.-uv nt cot. Tt tsv!" old "pearp nt any price" canker l&b.. to the Nth power. It Is e."sy to dispose of this, as . furtive but siembl,i Increaslns, ijes.n for pearo by pinning to It the .so1! Geriiinn iirr piignndu. But this will r. sulllee. That the world Is war weary Is qi:' too true. France nnd Knglnud ha. hud this blood blckncss on the part their people to contend with for n'ioi . time. Its effect' on Bussla has bi-n demonstrated. We, in America, liavo but com menced our share of sxifl'erliiK nnd tJC rlllce. If this revulsion of feelln; 4-s allowed to spread before the ron-1 Is half traveled there can he iu doulit as to our destination. Open Inutility to KriKlaud, frank sympathy wlh Ger many, "conscientious" or other objec tions to war, are as nothing In their effect upon our part In the m.nijgle and the destiny of the world v hlch now admittedly rests upon our shoul ders comvared to this desire f.T the war's ending simply that pence may relrn. Peine todu, with Germany un defeated, would he a living inennce to America as a ii.'i'lou and to eiery ninn, 'votnaii and child who wish to contlnuo o he known a- Americans. urn are s!ii! to buy stock or bonds in any ijoin hihfst upon seeing the permit of tho Capital KsueS Po not fu-eept uuy stntetin i permit is in the ol'tieuH of tl ANY STOCK tmhs tho nroi. that ooni' per- , no The , the ' rcs- r WMtntm w i- Official Election Returns The total vote of the differ, nt inrtit.j WR-;: Democratio C31 liepnhliran G95 Prohi'i.'tion r? The total voto received by the various candidates was m follows : DEMOCRATIC Suffrage amendment For 2-15 Againat 21fi Constitutional Convention- For Against 222 iss itjj' g Senator Howard 41 IS 23G 20 295 417 217 019 260 IMetcalfe Heed Morehead Governor Neville Uryan Lieut. Governor Banning Slnlt Secretary of State Schaal 05 Shields 181 Walrath t. . 78 Cooper 141 Gatewood ill Auditor of Pub. Accounts DeFranco 105 Ayers 209 Mumford 240 Treasurer Canaday 532 Attorney General Berge '. . . . 28(5 i Uarrett -. . . 141 1 Campbell 352 .Commissioner P. L. & 11. Shumway 542 , Railway Commissioner ; Enynrt 121 ; Harrop 122 i Simmons 285 ' Cougrdssman oth District ! Shallenbrrger 586 State Senator 20th District Wisecr.rver 264 i Jackson 336 I Representative 46th District ; Pace 297 j Heche 801 1 County Cleric 1 Perry 533 County Treasurer Rakestraw 103 Ducker 321 Arnold 206 Sheriff Iluffer -. .. 516 Christy 103 County Attorney jIunday 561 County Assessor G. V. Hutchison Henry Gilliam C. C. Stout Commissioner 5th District Hamilton , DeTour Commissioner 3rd District Wickwire 8 7 14 63 10 )o Stratton 41) REPUBLICAN Stiff ffraffe amendment For 267 Against 228 Constitutional Convention For ''15 Against 231 U. S. Senator Norri 4181 JIadffott 70 Mercer 16 Sloan US Hammond 73' Governor Johnson 1S7 aicKelvic , 504 Lieut. Governor l'ajro 235 Zeiftier 133 Fries 9S Harrows 169 Secy, of State Amsberry 270 Jay 355 Auditor Marsh Eaton 36S 262 tft Trciufer l Cropsey 5S9 Aati.rney Gen. D.ivia 279 Bowling 255 Co niniRsionor P. L. D Crvlcs Sv.anson R. R. Commissioner ' Cook Taylor 371 265 262 299 Congressman 5th Dist. Gilliam 322 Andrews 334 Senator 20th Dist. I'oircc 299 F.rickion 362 Representative 46th Dist. Richard '. . . . 542 ao&KMr.MMnMusm.xiiwJvmMzmffK County Clerk ( iiriK'ntn1 dl" Horn L'o'i Treasurer Cox Stan 446 Sheriff Hed?e 401 Wallace 256 Attorney v Foe G1S Surveyor Overing 582 Assessor Butler 237 Ile'rrick 234 Ilartwell 148 Commissioner 5th Dist. Shidler 117 Commissioner 3rd Dist. Waldo 72 Cathor 66 NON PARTISAN Supreme Judges Corcoran 4 19 Aldrich 600 Letton 476 JIartin 43 Rose A?,v Perry 61") State Superintendent Clemmons 362 Sutherland 417 Whitehorn 9L Stewart , , . 241 Regents State Uni. Judson 3-15 Webster v. 427 Evans 469 Sams 439 Carrikor 256 Dist. Judge Dorsey 995 Co. Judffe Stewart llanney Co. Supfc. 419 795 Ivcllogo; 416 Ducker 794 o PR3P0SLD COWSTITUTJa.iM. AMENDMENT Tho following proposed amendment to tho constitution of tho Slate of Nebraska, as hereinafter set forch In full,, Is submitted to the cKctors of tho Stato of Nebraska to ho voted upon at tho general election to bo held Tuosduy, November 5th, A. D. 1D1S: A JOINT RESOLUTION to amend Section one (1) of Article seven (7) of tho Constitution of tho Stato of Nebraska. Do It Resolved by tho Leclslaturo of the Stato of Nebraska: Section 1. That Section One of Ar tlclo Seven ot tho Constitution of the State ot Nebraska he and tho satno hereby Is amended by striking out tho following words: "Second. Persons of foreign birth who shall have declared tholr Inten tion to become citizens comforntahly to the laws of the Called States, on tho subject of naturalization, at leant thirty days prior to an election." And Inserting in the place of tho words so stricken, the following words: "Second. Persons of foreign birth who shall have become citizens of the United States by naturalization or othorwiso conformably to the laws of tho United States at least thirty days prior to an election. Sec. 2. That at tho general elec tion ninotcen hundred and eighteen (IMIS) thero shall ho suhuilited to the electors of tho stato for their approval or rojectin tho foregoing proposed nmondmont to tho constitution rotat ing to tho right of suffrage At such oleetian, on tho ballot of each elector votlnir for or orpinst hiiid nronn-od amendment, shall be written or printed tho words: "For propos'd amend mont to tho constitution rotating to the right of suf'i:i:;o," and "Against said proposed amendment to tho con stitution relating to tho right ol suffrage." Sec. fl. If ruch amendment shall he approved by a mnln'py of all oleytors voting at such election, said amendment "hall constitute Section One (1) Article Seven (7) of tho Con Btltutlon ot tho State of Nohraska. i Approved, April 9, IMS. KEITH NEVILLE, Attest: Governor. CHARLES W. POOL Secrotary of Stato. Sherifl's Sole Nollre Is hereh) Klvon Hint !' vlrlucut the decree ut tin Mlstrlet roiiri mi Wehstur i-nnii v, Nclirnslsn. icmlcrcd March Si, tuts, tn tin ensu Ni. :h.s.l wherein (iiiiileH T. liiinil Ih plillnllll nnd r.injnililli A. On sol ot nl uretli fCluluntM I will mi Ui-tohir T, (IK, lit tin o'eliM'U, fiiuulanl tlim m tlio lioiti tloor unhe court leiiue. tn U 1 cloud, WutMtor county, Nui'iasUn, oiler in puliih' nuc-tlni' iimli-ellto tin hlicliegt hKlitt-r, (or cash. I" natUIy uald rtienc, tho 1'iliuivlnK (teNcrihril real tUUe kliuau-d In mxlit nuinly of WcbhU r tU'Wltt , Tho sout heu-,t (jtinrti-r is u Mr ol Xortuwuhi t nutter (N W i-n nnd thu tjautlnr(ht.t(uiirter (S W Mr ot tho Noi thonnt iimi tcr l.N K M of Section hlxtum nil' Township Tin io (3)lltumo Ten (IU) DuiudSeptenilierlt, 11118. I'ltANK IIUlTKlt 80-& rtlioilll' ol Weh5ter County. Pessimism From Oscar WlldB. Thu ( niy way In which a woman onu rfaforiu a man it by borlpj; lilm so com pletoly that ho Ioboh all posslblo In terest In life. lido. iwtiPJ-.iJimmiggMuiiMjntgf Notice ot Hearing i i in ) i 'mm j ii . . i i , , i , I,, (i n ll'. I I 'I ..f Hi t. I I -,,, s , I,,., S, ,, j NtOuiikit. tuitli perroni t"ter . i"ttot I" "ftld CHmirtOie-l'mrx Mii.t i.iim iiUo 4li ii )i(.,j f,,nt !,j( llnrliT !in I I. .1 M .,..11. i.,.. " "i- il-itliyil n'lrlnu tleii i hfl 1 1 n 1 1 r .lit I in-ctnti In Wui ''imiitv, Nebrni'.H. en ot u'otujnae X IW7. t-iiiM n I'f-nicieni niid iiiluiiiitnnt ot ott" Comiiy. Ntbrnnkn.nml tltemrner ol th fo: IowIiik dr-riW'ii tent citntr. umtIi; riidMiiniiotiDhRiiul thcwct one halt of tile Snuthnctt one iiiariirof Hrtiuthlrte n 'imvniliit I. norili of Kmutt tuolvo, WelMirr (inuity. NenriwUn, ienln tw lllx nolo Hint citily liclrnnl law the loltowlns nmncit pei SOlll. tu-wll Mary llnrtcr. whlow. win, itted Mttu-h i l'wm. nt Ni'liawhit, i ins ('mii'ty, .Volirnshie .lolin llartir. son. nnd In ill tlnrtur. son" nnd iirnylnu f-r n decrtu bnrrliut lalnisjtlmt s'lld iluoili.iil died Inli ttiiie: that no nppllrn. mm inr iiiiiuiiiiiii iition iiiM l c t a iiindc ami tin1 estnteof HUM .teeedilll hiH not litcn nil. tiilulMeri'il In Hie Stnte of Nelirnikn, niul that tliohelrtol liuvof Fatitdecuttnt in here in s t forth shall he rii ereeil to he the owners In fee lmplc of the above ilescrllMd real estate, which has been set for liearliiu on tho StiUlay of heplembet, A. i).. lias. Iiateitat Iteil lioud. Nbr:MUa, thN iimi day ol Aumisl. A. I. l'.HS. IVVI A. I). ItANXKV.l o.Mlty. Judge. ut the a v. fcz & Schaal DC STUDIO fur First class portraiture enlarging copying, new work, amateur , finishing, etc. Y0UI! PAilKJMACE APi'BS&UlED .O" Whcp. the j Firemen Appcixr the insured man's first thought is one ol thankfulness that lie i so. Mow abou our thoughts if a fiitemin should ap pear at your home? The Da.y Before the Fire is the day to insure. As that day may be lo-morrow for all you can Lnow of do, il fellows that prudence would im pell you to ttop in our office lo-diy and have us istue you a policy, ftC.JjEjEL R.elia.ble Insurance Tho Hamilton - Cathor Cf of ting Co. Everything a Man or Boy Wear fled Cloud Ncbraakm C. II. Miner M:iu.l. r nr. s. s ticirilorr M.D.l. Veterinary In Ours C. H. Miner Serum Co. I'U'JlHTiatS Anli Hog Cholera Serum lien1 Clout). NubrasKii Wire, or Phone at Our Expcnsi; II, S. Vetr.rlniin Llccnso No.45 E. Gi.rber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work (lunrnutccd Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures Dr.W.H.McBridc DENTIST Successor to Dr. Cross OVKU STATU HANK RED CLOUD NEBRASKA Prop im 1 m"r .!.- - "."((.. . r-w Tl