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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1918)
T "v ; !" fff j I '-1W ait j.'i j vjh ramamHiCTW ggwum iimp inmrpinwts . ..- . AS TOLD TO US WP Mcrti.s ;-, a Stiite t'nlr pitroti .Ii M i; nj. .ikum N i KMt... l-Vii vl-it r. S ct. fi..i M. t ;: M. the V, i : at !'..wll A P..tV U' i ti'i nnd ii!ei,i .ircjinu' 1 1 i i 11 Mi Kay Pitt- r i n I Mi, W 'i I'-i'isii.s I (ilO !.,. Mi ii M II ' ; - i . i '.114 'he i lit;.'. Ml- lit"! Spin. Ynr Ii i-mi.-,- C! -tfo. Eye ''.id, gl.'-eV u'tud.-J. C. Mitchell, too Jcwi-'i'i Mm. Cine Wojrl, if (tr.ind l-jland. was in Red Cloud S iiiirdny. Mis Myrtle Donner hn gone to Win ner, !i U., to resume teaching. Miss Inez Bonner has gone to Frank I'm where ho lias a position as toucher. Mr uml Mrs. K, Stevens went to Line :lu Monday to attuitil the State Fair. Mrs. ll.ury Cininer mid .son are homo from a viiit with relatives at Osceola. Mrs. .laeob Ijotci'ion and daughter lane wont for ii vLit with relatives at Hustings yesterday. Walter Marshall of Omaha was heie visiting his mother, Mr.s. Ida Marshal), Saturday and Sunday. L. I!. MeKimniey, Mrs Jake Kinser and Ivan Wright are visiting the Kd MeKintiney family at Geneva- Miss Margaret Plult wont to Cowles Wednesday for a visit with her grand parents, Mr and Mrs .. T. Lney. Miss Leona Uuiik who litis bton the gaost of her cou'iln, Mrs. M A Al bright, returned to her home at tengle, Saturdtty. FOB SAI.K Uood, improved quart r seetion 8 miles oast and 7 miles south of Inavule. For term hCt 11. J. Won dolly. :i2tf The uii-iouiuy meeting of tin- Unit ed Cluiotlan church will ie iu-l.i at the home of Mra. N. It. Uuali, Frid.iy after noon, Sept lith, at threo o'clock. Qeorgo lliitehiusou Ifas pureha-e.i t io interest ol A. H. Siilndmi in tilt attract, real estate and loan husine&s heretofore conducted by the two gent leinvu In prtuerlnp. Ira M. Lituvitt, with his wife and little daughter, and grandson, Uootl YunWinkl, is visit lug bis father J. iU Hewitt. Tim party are on their Way to Miuatur, Neb., their former home, making the trip by auto. (Jio. W. Trine, the genial hard wart merchant, who u'tk advertising both prufitiortl and profitable by 'dueling cvo:'..i.-tlngly at it," old to Koutli Uend Malleable ranges tast week. SuMi Bill-", so eurly in th" season are - idt'iiee of tin- f.iet that 'vh ii a pmsp.'i tivi CiistomiM' Is in the uui kii li is l".'k. Dig l.iriiifiiitn.Hioii an I is attracted towmd the aeo that guv i it. to hiili ORPHIUM Friday and Saturday Sept. 6-7 John Spurlach Prodigal Admission lie and 6c Monday, Sept. 9 The Man Without A Country Adapted from I'd ward Everett Hail's Immortal Masterpiece-. The Sensation of the hour Seven Reels. Admission 17c and Sic. First show at 3 o'ciocl;, sharp Tuesday, Sept. lO The Ghost of Rosy Taylor From a Recent Saturday '.Evening Post Story. Admission lie and 6c Wednesday, Thursday Sept. 11-12 For the Freedom of the World A Timely and Thr.Mmg Narative in 7 Reels One ot : v Best Ever. Aanvss. n !' "rd lie. Fi'st Show . I o ' -fir sharp , 1 .1 "x , tiTt imwwww 1 1 1 Hi 11 w rw MIIII'JIW Ilo Fi it vpondM the wei I, ir Mneidii Cuit llrts-sellmcher N attei d;ng the State Fair. I)r. Nellie Maurt was a Hasting) visitor, Monday. lVeh l!atlitn !r.1dti' At PIrttt'a iiMPrrr ' ' M " I i,r ' 'iKn 'pent lnf--. day mi IiiivtingK. Or. Mi(iU and ti Uobeit a.'u lion1 from . ' 'I !l ' II I ' ' i: Kl ' ( U ' ' '!l i -i ' '-'ll' t J' ici lit ,1s -ei v!e' - mo lei-iti plleel - l''i'ell iV l'op' iife. Ml-s .Minnie K.-lh-tt will aft'n.. .iii-itif-s cdlwge at It iiling-- Mis i Ua Haker and Norn "M4 iu !! Iiu ii fiom Fall C'ltv. llou-c f r rent, 'mi" bloclt norfli of IImmI lt..t.d .'J-i-l II. A. SlTTitN Mrs. ('. A. MflMmry an I cblldrvu liav. rrtuinvd to fhe'r hmne at Haven in L h Yost went to Exeuliior hlpt iiifi- sJatunlay to toke treatment for rhen inat'.sni Mr. and Mrs. Will Parmer, gnosis of Mrs. Emily Wi'.wor, have gone in Wray, Colo Wilbur Hamilton and son, Oordnn. wont to Lincoln Sunday to attend the State Fair. Mid, Alice Meyers was called to Liiii'olu S.iluiday by the serious ill ness ol her aunt. Miss Opal Woesiierand her father, Win. Weesuer, are visiting in Lincoln also attending the Fair. FOK SALE-.') good milch cows and 1 heifer calf. Inquire or C. M. Smith, lied Cloud. Uii'J Miss Elsie Cither has gone to Alber quenpio, is'ow Mc. , where she has n seliool for the ensuing year. Miss Hazel Sheldon is ugaiu gteet tug customers iu the 'i'liruuro btore, having returned from a brief vaca tion. The voiees of (ien. Peisdiing and E. Ambassador Genud can now bu heaid on the Columbia Urafonoln at Cotiing and Mitehell'n. .'Ill Mrs. Hattie Cary is visiting bet daughter Unsio at Linoolu and will go to Oiniibn, before returning, to soe her son Uiovtr, ulm is in training there County Coiniuihsioii'-r Jan. llulnitkn. uf llladuu, was due at tho Huiird Tueday IU arrived WediieUay .Jim always grcots you with u smile .iuil is noted for bis good nature but nuus things about ttui luads Unit wouldn't look well iu print. Mr.s. .1. A. Jtradfoid and children wont to Hastings SKturday and Mr. Uradfurd followed thorn TuoMlny morn ing. 'J'liey visit Mr, lirndford'sbroth iir, J. E. Krolitieu, who has been tu .umititf special training and is oon to leave for frauee, d.s. E Elliott, inan.iger of the ttirni- ;i Union Co-operative elevator ro .Kits slilpnipiiti aggregating a.V'tXi 'ustieU slneu the season oponod, about ax weeks ago. At a rough OHtimalo cti-it would mitko 9,.viu,ti(jt) loaves of ici'J. Do you eatch the Idea of big. lll'SS. Canvass of the soldier vote gave .1 Ij IJeebu four majority over his opponent, Dr. 1 A Pace, for numlna 'Ion as Kepresentatlve from the -Kith Jistriot. Tho vote stands, Ueebo :3U1, Piieo '207. There were noother changes affecting results as heretofore pub lished. The City Council met In regular ses sion Tuesday evening nud transacted routine bnsinass. Messrs Bessc, Sala den and Trine were appointed to in vestigate the matter of opening Fifth Avenue east from the Overing marble works Superintendent J. A. Hrad ford was authorized to procure n half dozen now water meters. 1 4li j ( s Cash. Scrlviler, expert carpenter and builder, returned from Ilegler, Colo., the later part of last week and reports sunn record work in Ills lino. With on" helper he erected a six. room house with basement and two porches com pleto in l.'ll hoursnc.tual wniklug time. Mr. herlvner inaiiimcs to keep busy. He bus two contracts for buildings in home territory. 'has. S Ludlow in ikes tho folUmiug rep 'lint weather conditions duiiug Aiigu-l. Mean tiinpeiRture, So! high est, Ids on the (illi; lowest, Vi on the :iltli; total r.iinfad o 01 Inches ' ol d iys clear, 23; partly cloudy, ,1; cloudy, I Dates of hail. IWth; thunder-torms 7ih. 10th, lith, Uth, lath, isth. .'ioth. Prevailing wind southeast 13 days. Uiinfall since Jan 1st, 1!)0U inches. Rainfall dining August 1017, lio In. Italiifall during Aug. 11)12, 0 US lueliei. Average 10 years August rainfall, 3 80 Inches. The Hoard of Education met in regu lar session Monday. Tho following teachers have been selected to 1111 va cancies: Alison Cowden, history, high school; Marie Pope, assistant, sub primary,; Mario Hell llusslnger, grnde; Jennie Minor, junior high, history and geography; Mis. J ll. Mason, ' high s'-uoiil, Euglish; Eltinii Ulukard. .-,m mei. .'; Htlnd Qwen, iuisn J ,. .h. ' s is. . 'hutliorixHil to dliitnH k i .i i I mi i! lotving svliriopiug in'b ' '' I 11 'l In .li ..I ', t , I , w I' M, fp, ,,l, RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF Pan I Pope is a Mate I air patron Mr mid Mr.s I. II. Holnn-s a'l-uded I ho Slate Fair. BMrs. Emily Wltvverwasn (tiiide Uoak visitor Saturday. Messrs A. and c. Scholia wi-re ill ffirt llntil.l n.uOr " ' ' lr and Mrs. C'li.ii .i'i ' are numbered among the Mute I'm ii- torn. ", The genial I naval DjuUer, vl. M i M, . . . - K.'d Cio-nl ,HUtf M ! !.., v'.ii n tin-4.lvai.ii.v k ' i "y j iilmj Hqiiin.l m the kin-due I. bu i are will bcreai ! r be !," ct-iits efteji way. Wv. H WK3, Bus I. ue The Willing WoiU'ms of the :t,ipttt liuu'h uiil yive a p'Kiipkm pi Motat it Mrs. N'. M fiit-i n t 'tnoiMi , (PH- his 1 i'V. ulng Pi' with Hei- i rani- menln ,vlll be served Troni 0 to " p. (n, Foiir-niiuute men fur '.he l'i i : .;, ami Saturday talks are i.s follos: l-'nday Sept. 0. Atty. i. W. tJJewait: s.i'iirdnji Sept. 7, tter. A. Svhaal Puic . th Ornhenm. Suhjeu': "Where .hi yoU got tlieie fftc'sV l?ev. Drullner in his foul'-miiiuto ml dress ut .the Orpheuin Friday dwell upon (he dangers of Insidious Coi'inaii propoganda, pnlnlingout the f.'et that many rumors and stories are set atloat with no object other than weakening or discrediting the forces wnikiug and lighting for world democracy These gain In being repented as truths by innocent people whose patriotism is uiKjiiestlonable. Uet the. truth was the beginning, the middle and the etui of his eloquent address. State Hail Insurance Mr. C. A.- Hertick, Ucil Cloud, Nehr. Dear Sir: Tho Hail Insurance Law is working out in a, most satisfactory manner. I Ceol that its success is, in a large measure, duo to the faithful and con scientious work of the Adja-dora throughout the State. Los e . have been satisfactorily adjusted in a grout number of counties of the sl.ite, and if your county in one in whuh losses have boon sustained, your v. -in ant ii herewith enclosed. ' Again assuring the Adjusiors throughout Nebraska of my apprecia tion for their offorts in making Ike law a succtw, I am Yours very truly, KEITH NEVILLE Governor and Chairman of State In surance Hoard. Lewis Stock Company Theso favorites opi-uod under theii big tent on lower Webster street. Mori day night with a good play and a fn! holme. "Tho CI rent Awakening" wi tho bill niid with live vuudeville 1" Mveon the arrt aenl the audience lion., fully satUfb'd with the evening's e. fertainmont. "Tlml Printer of Udell- I'upsdav nnd "The Warnius" Wodn. day were good, drawing plays. To night "A Knight of the L'udcrworl.j Friday their feature piny, "The Shei herd of tho Hills," Saturday nnuiin 'The Tramp Detectlve,"Saturd:iy nlgl.' "Tessoflho Hills." Evening curta.r it nine o'eloek sharply. Matinee ear-, :ain at 2:.M. No reserved seats at 11.. nut I nno I t matinee. Entrain Tomorrow Morning 1 lie eleven men called to Camp (Irant will entrain tomrrow morning A faro well banquet will be given them at tho Powell & l'ope cafe this evening. . They are: Ruh. A. Ivrauan, Hod Cloud Jos. .lellnek, lied Cloud Amos Dillon Adolph Svhoda, Lawrence UnnnlialtSehult., Mine Hill Lewis A. Ilartmati, Iliuu Hill John V. Worloy, (.'amphull John 1'. Hock, Ulue Hill Victor O. Peterson, Inavalo Claude it. .Murrlt, Blue Hill Kloyd .1. Moulton. (ioido Hoek Nothing Else Like it In Red Clou! Theie never has lipou' anything lied (Jloinl with tlu lN'STANT net . of simple huokthcru hark, glycern etc, as mixed in Adli-rddca. ON SPOONFUL Ihuhes tl.o UNT1UK b. el tract so uomplutely it relieves AVi CASM sour Htoinaeh. gas or(ioiiHti.i Hon and prevents iippenilleiti.s. 'J I INSTANT, pleasant net inn of Adl . 1-ka surprises both doetors nnd pation C. Ij. 'Jotting, drugylHt. High School Registration StudentH of grades In, 11 nnd la wii register at tho auditorium of the no ' High School biiildlngat '.' p. m Frida' and Saturday. P. M. Wiiiii.iikaii, Suit Tho FOLKS 1 .9"? .C-xpncT voi SHSatiil ........ iu .' r-i ALL AUOL I r Extiilaraling Burfcn; VaurJov;!1 Jilts AImjj fc, F..r t , "rtiowit. Gjrr niiimniiwuin iummoned Suddenly (llSlll I. Slls folllld sll-i i g Hit t mug s! ,'p nt her In itn- (m ti will' I I. .si Mod. las I'Mllin h?ii ii;p i' imi' Is l on in . for o'" .. ln-r age. bii j-il likht C'lll'd ihr 'I tO"v,.itv ( Vf' ..r (l i a m .i il Ui i' -h ,-...1 l ot I'l'ior ' he fi M. Sc P'i- lo.SII H , i i o sident ' o Hie in : and '!. ,i M.' ;! .'itu" r. !: I 'his w i- rm, n I mi . iv ntion a ! I irpo e j i.lng "ll llllU'd ! lint I M) ' . I" I III I i et ,h ! If ilit'lsii III .!. I Ul lab Ti th tn u b. id I S 't tin- I ! 'id I.I.I) Vis 'nullj d". rtiil-sjof i. j i ' t ; i childi'.'ti to n mill I 'i i ni tu.-r J''.e I. Oil , L i s i "i .(. 'Ii, luiii,,' ot lif i i . 1. 1 ,, , i.'n I fi I 'ipe i i- to . Frl lay in. .noil. - iptist Church Notes S I . Soliool ul i l ,i in tili'ir Snn I iy at 11 i'o j, m im 1 I 8:. i ant ... Ti th. gl. II," u l);n i law , Star' Kf.l i hi. e wai an autobus load and an mil of members and friends oin tho ehurdi out to the Ijiiiic i-liool houso Mnpbiy to attend irtiiiig services and to give the nile mid a cm dial welcinie to members, just come Into the t fold. After the baptisinal ser- ' tho creek, tho visiting m-sombly iskut dinners on the beautiful f the Seborg homo, and then I on th return trip, arriving in loud just ahead of the rain. All enJH.d the services and trip Thf Willing Workers will give a puiii.l.iii pit social at Mrs. M. X CJi-i in's Friday evening. Pie with iici iipanlnients will be sei ved from U tin I !) o'clock. All ore cordially lu 'i I. Must Register Thursday 1 'r the new war legislation whn Ii ' ui'o elleet this week nil main r. r- So, ha H all ag - I'lis. tho'age of piglitreti an 1 wlnJ i. nt yot atiaint'd tlu age f .itj. '.ust register, unless the lnvi y done s", under the 31 to :il is-u I ai ion rnfflkli'iillrtn .will I.m K..I.I 1.. tl...' , vAn,,nt,iwn TV... uJ III'l., IU III. ir vo'ing pla '"s of each preeiner enimty, on Tliuridv, S-.ti-in. , UM8 (next week Thursday Hrotu ok a. m to U o'clock p. in fe. In b.. ii- penalty ror fillure lit i glutei Is ni, e y,'Mi-'s linpris niinent, and no .m in i-mi exnnorHte himself br imv ro. nt or n Uno. nai't forgot tl.o diitf, Thursday. S pt. lUth. ' V. at. C. A. War Workers Wanted t Mr. K. Merle Adams, a war wovkei in the Y. 31. C. A. visited Red Cloud ecently ai.d a meeting of several eit- ! ZQit wa , held at tho Commercial j Jlub to di cu-s plans for enlisting. f. U. C. A. War Workers. 3tr. Adam- j explained at length something as to ! "lie wqum . nt: and the importance' f Rich vuik ai'tl qxprcs-sed a de iie Uinfc Webster county furnish as many is possib'e without InU'iferinsr itlH my who e: in the aimy draft. He ! told of tlte good work being dono .ilonjj this line, stating that man must jo of good character, in good pli.vicai condition, etc, and loyal to our (Jov- n-nmont and the winning of the win H(J Btalj,f, t,mt QW of th,; ick(?st iQ p fts ., . . .... i voulil probably take nhout a month to train a man for .such work. Ho left ';ome liteiaturo with the committee and asked that we take an active in terest in tin's along with our other war work. The Committee chosen for this county were: E. G. Caldwell, F. V. Cowden, C. A. Herrick. The No braska representative is W. S. Hoth cry, 1707 Harney St. Omaha, Nebras ka, who can give further information. It is the intention of the committee to visit the other towns of tho county and present this matter soon. (Will tho other county papin please copy.) To fill your needs is here for you But you should CALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE for the Clock Shortage is sure to come this winter. EARLY BUYING means BETTER SERVICE and Better Satisfaction. Clock Materials are get ting low and it is neces sary to act at once. 1 1 ii ssixismiriirszssu-jssrSisssi J. f. MITCHELL - i j: .j 'j--( jpi injj sS5S5buwJS?Js ' Iffl m It ) SfT Wr-ltj id Coa! or Wool can Jtf vsvjx ...w at SAME TIME JZZS Autumn -wp In hot wcnlhcr, cook nnd In the cold seasons, Mav. n comfortable kitchen get perfect mmim:MMM v N , TWO RANGES Let Ui Demonstrate It To You. G. W. TRINE, Red Cloud r?l-riatI? You always i . E I WlflliG I H ri I B wff.itww fwm wtmt tmimmwmum nwanrjwwwwiri r ixttm iBwummm i best at car store because QUALITY goods are the only kind we sell. The brands we carry in stock are recognised by the housewife as the VERY BEST of their kind. Everything Fresh and Fere Chase & Sanborns Coffees Itens Crackers and Cookies Batavia Jams and Spices Sunflower Canned Goods M. A. ALBRIGHT Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Co. m r.n c& GEO. J. WARREN, Mnnatfrr A Great Convenience At A Small Cost A telephone in the home promotes companionship and a feeling of se curity, permitting you at all times to communicate with neighbors and friends and with members of the family who are away. It should banish lonlincss and bring a sense of comfort. You Need A Telephone for shopping and for social purposes as well as lor emergency calls in case of fire, sickness or burgalry. It may not cost as much as you think iwwiwiinnwnmiwjuiiii,,!!,,, , w m yn, Summi Winter bake with Kerosene Oil. use Wood or Coal. all tlie year 'round and always results with IN ONE get the very IS ni Hif m m ?M m m it m ! i p. VI. J nwsr,n iiu t J 'pirv :r.F r'Bi r js - a, ' n ,1 T 5 mus 51 JIM u.r i 'fliHit V KEtr , t Of C " Kzroessm xrauGe;inKHBUKu.TieuscKnin ss t I iuuw 9. uAwmsmuanuuxTMixnurenura EiynnrwiTrianrwymritx M'MJKE3BTii P?CTS5aEgq