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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1918)
i .V )& r ;F KJ5D CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF rttiijuujOTiuiAtuwncgiwwJiii "f"-1!-."4' "" "y nmrir, ir illli rtiu'n. VI 'Uu ,iU' niiiiraiMJiii :i, iil'IM' 1 ' TW i 'li aln. V, ei one's load will ho lighlu- en though there maj bo no lii'liler,- m of the load. It v. ill be o.T-ier "or ?$ EKEraBSPESaaS 22 4 i i '! when it appears that there i, a it.iinly of victory at tho end of th - N 1 i ,'ht. It hm been a long, discerning-j ? ami di' heartening fight for thei 1 'I, but happier days nro now in W if i? II "H01 . rMTm um !( T )i f7ft ?T IM BT rf"TflR? !4Al Ljt V9 iV" F fp I t i K I I'. W ft v, l(v ' I" 4 SS I i WEBSTER COUNTY Thurs MmJi fa 53 On the above dale al INAVALE, MEB., we will sell at public auction, to highest bidder, regardless of price, the following described real estate: The southeast quarter of section 26, township 2, range 1 2, west of the sixth p. m Webster county, Nebraska, containing 1 60 acres more or less according to government survey. Located one and one half mles from Inavalc and six miles from Red Cloud. TERMS: 25 per cent of the purchase price cash day of sale, purchaser, to assume a mortgage of $4,000, due December 24, 1921, bearing interest at 5 per cent. Remainder of purchase price October I, 1918. Good and sufficient abstract of title together with warranty deed de livered to purchaser day of settlement. Poscssion March 1 , 1919. IMPROVEMENTS: Good 6 room house, nearly new, with cistern; good barn for 8 head of horses and large hay mow; granary for several hundred bushels of grain; hog shed; chicken house good well and windmill. 1 00 acres in corn; 40 acres pasture, 1 0 acres of which is fenced hog tight; 10 acres alfalfa; balance hay. Place all fenced and cross fenced. Buildings hive all,bcen built during the past 4 years. SOIL: Good black loam with clay subsoil. Land lays level to gcnlly rolling. The owner's share, one third of the 100 acres of corn will be sold to the highest bidder the same day. r efesla CENTRAL CITY, NEBRASKA C. E. T0LLEFSEN, Owner Kearney, Nebraska h jf iii tuh:,ia e For a good Mouse $rurU6rTi House Drosei and Aprons. TRACE ttPK Kti. ui pa; cr. o P Buy ll'W AXKlllllltViVWfnUtft rWi'''''ffl-Fliullul V ; v- -5S te i ii uiyr v " True Worth Dresi Forsnlc by Irs. Barbara Phages i Auto Hearse - Horse Hearse ED. AMACK UNDERTAKING i i d ADY Plno, I.uJ. Slow 158, R- , day, 2 p. iw. :rn ffl SpST For mrtlter information"address Rea 14" V m'4 ifc,r li i . !. . L' '"J. . 'i '. ' well made Dress dSi uJ iVW S ASSISTANT) 3 IX CI QUO, NI'D. a j n . ') u ,L fi ) J.U V XJLttUUUi.JL UUlil i i w i m t i l i x i 9 h biBttaiMH . . J&HiT JjL mm WJ&JL n?Tl Mil Mark Carrahcr, Aucl. M. A. Larson, Mgr. iu'k r. ..iWi'll. l'm n-iE RED . CLOUD CHIEF Ket! Cloud, NebrMUa 'I'BUtiHED UVGKV TJI'JL AT Nob '.nttred In tie l-nftnit'cp ftl Ht1 i : as Suronil i lace Matter r. l. hrownc Ua .nd v UK ONLY DBMOCUATIC I'AI'I K IN WUUSTKUCOUNTY The l.-nlser couldn't j;et over , thaV rurlsian bicakfuht. Now he get ting hungry and is trying to coax -omeono to biing the meal . him. That's what Geman "peac talk amounts to. "Nothing doing, I! 11." Hao ...ou noticed how Cmian pi offers of "jieace" coincide in date with Allied success and Libcitv Loan campaigns? A beaten cur will fawn at your feet for favor. Hut don't for get, he will bite again as soon as he gets the oppoitunity. Another crushing blow is djr tho kaiser and his mihled cohoit.. And this is to be given by the ciii'.-ns of these United Stale- the unt nined soldiery of . Amen'ca. It's i i. big drive that is to aid in all othor drives mccossful. The I'ourth Libeity Loan. "Aio you on?" When the holdiers come hi are going to iule this big c ours, doing nway they f Coming back they will be iv "wihed up" in a .school of e--uch as was never dreamed ' they ry of boys. i. SIcn rlonce oforo. .-, this 1 will This experience, this knowlu1 iMlom. will be honored ii iule "When tho soldiers con liomo." 'lhe Huns bad no s-entiment f pity when they lavaged IJelgiui ; they bhowed no pity when they i ik the Lusitania; they weio devoid of pity when slaying defenceless wonon and children. Don't let an iota of pity creep into your system when sugges tions of "pence" como fnnn tho warring Germans. The turn of tho tido luu come in the grcnt war. This means much to this country, but it is not within tho innge of possibilities to tu.dorstand what il means to the wai trlckon people of lluropo. The MitTci.i , 'ho d -. ation. th actual v. , the ii ,.... -i . , , , i ht. Carl Brown, the pa, t . doi, of tK- I Hchinaon Globe, saya h is nM h"v 'd ftf -h- rlanm;ion: ."Why 'ort ' o I,d "i'mit thin fvrlWe wn, "' ili ' I oid hasn't nnytlh jr to do v- ilh 'vai'," Blown mip. "It'a mu doing. The Lord created man with i "-dom of' choice. Man eah choo." ' ;! or p(od. T'i kahcr and h clk " ch-iq -to n : ' Iicll nnd ft ji now d'rtv of the ollfea to knock 1HI of that rlifia". A good stmt is L-o. made :n direction. 9mmmmm iii.Wmpiiin A lot of tiouMc it being caused in i-t rnei; l.o uif by MIo ftiMAin With icronee to the notion of tho W-il raft board t in ceitain case?. It la cry easy for mi.U' y to bo plaited hieh do great injtu-Mre to tln-so bonids. H is wise, when -torie- of llirt kind reach one's ear, to ascertain from someone with knowledge of the facts what the situation leally is be fore discussing tho matter at all. Humors of this kind grow in repeti tion. Let's all be careful not to do either the boaid or the registiant any injustice by talking too much. If there is one thing above all others for which a man deserves credit it is faithful service, especially when his time and labor are given free and more especially when the everyday duties for which he is paid aie all-suiriciently arduous and are doubled by volunteer work for which ino rcmuneiation is asked. There are ! men of this class in every community men holding official positions who aro doing double duly and who a.e ' not allowed time, .to get before the public nnd state their cac.. Th" d-aft , boards aro fair examples in thi-si class. Bring the situation right ho.m and it standi out clearly. Look at j tho local choft board, Messrs. Pen--,! Bueker, Dr. Damcrell, and their able assistant bheiiff Huffcr. They dtive on' steadily, silently, patriotically, and taniaf In tit .. :H ,. 1 i-1..!.. I '" w vjiv i'ui.i ivtiiiu ui uii'ir coii- ' "tituonts for appreciation. They .T-k liltlo and should bo given much. Webster Comity's Fair Food Prices Flour, 2d lb. sack $1.G0 Flour, 48 lb. sack ruo Hyo flottr, 12 lb. sak 00 ,9r Gmham flour, 12 lb. sack 80 Corn meal, per lb 06 Corn flour 7i Coin crackeus, per lb 20 Gniliam crackers, per 4b. .20 Smla crackers, per lb 80 Rice, No. 1 13 Rice, No. 2 12S Suprar, White 10 Sujrai, Brown r 10 Bread, 10 oz. loaf 11 Butlov Olcomugailne, In cartons No. 1 Creamery butter . No. 1 Country butter . . . .10 .5! .4.. .37 ..'0 1.00 .IS .23 .33 Tub 1-liter Daik corn syrup 5-lb can Daik coin syrup 10-lb can Beef, shoit ribs Prime rib .roast Standard steaks Pork Chops Poi k i oast 80 Note 1 These prices are for cash over the counter. Note 2 An additional charge may bo made for delivery or ciedit to cus tomers. Bread prices are for cash and carry or ciedit and delivery. '" 'RI R. McRKIDH, Fcdeial Food Administrator for Web ster county. Mr. Dunn of the Giand Island Busi ness College, infoims us that war con ditions aro gieatly stimulating their attendance. Tho govoinment is mak- Int? fiofiunnfc (loiiinnds flinf tlinv lim-iv inS-dSLit?1 potent office and commercial help. The eollege is having no summer va- j cat'iiu this year but i.s concentinfintr . ee-v effprt to help thf young men and vomoii through intensified train ing lo engage at the oaliot possible minute in fcomo branch of office work that is so necessary to the commercial and economic welfaio of tho nation. Mi. Dunn t-ays: "No acation pr me lhi rar. I can heive my country best by keeping our school open while competent help is so much in demand. Afti-r victory, and we've reached Ber lin, well, then it's time tothink nbou re-t, but not now. It's our duty to take care of the largo number of splendid young people who nro daily entering our college and volunteering foi this voiy important part of pat riotic service." Grand Island Daily Independent. No Trespassing r'.'spi'-slnif will not li i uli.iwvil uti '' M'n r i i i-'i .1 irh ' c ''sin; iinl K' - ii' n , I l'v f .- (. ' " ,' l A I LAN v tmwwii$9mmvM hv ilu i ' ravii' i.- $100 fh?t mi$;ht be added to Conn- in and set us tndav you tan pet $20 more out Farmers Union Co-operative Co, We will show you the Viking Cream Separator. We will show you how the Viking skims the cream to the merest trace and saves you good dollars in butter fat. x WiMvill show you that the Viking is the most scientifi cally constructed cream separator made, the easiest to run and by far the simplest to clean. And because the Viking is made in the largest separator factory in the world, the price is lower. Don't throw money away! See it today! S2BXS2&5nZSSSSftc4 OMSEStSB23S13 Hm$h mifjSm m fax1 inYw i&W ViTfflfcmW W$ ttrr'rvyv rJHJi. cJfflTO Wf BWr Iffi fik?i v, WX IWi .i 1 Wy hmommmmm Christian 11:00 a. m. A Sermon oH Sermon in the evening; at Talk OUth ItUfllBEfl Ifflalone-GellatlyGo.ij VmV, '---'-------- Wfxxzsvvmamw fsmtFwamjmBSxmssmassassssuamsgsu ncmtzK&WBeszssiZMaxmizixaiai Septenciber of Excursion Fares 1 o the Ii,&st Tin iitiru bi'bciue it Kiisterii faiiis will lie ttvnilablu dining September Tbeiw in o piobubly Uio lust reiliiceJ faros of thu years to tho East, To Western Resorts You can go to Colorado and EM us PaiU on reduced fares dining this inontb C dot ado in September is Ideal for a shoit vacation and a rapid bciilUi ' ntie.baulc. lu-diiciJil ftue f roin Wyoming for bur Sth to llth; also fioui Colorado Sopioiubur '22 to Stiib. Get in toueh with us for whatever lug Se()tombi3r. We w.ll b plo.iso .L. W. Wakeley, General Passenger AgetH jooi N. B. Bush, I I Slit2AtSXHZXf3XV.&KkUVai&&ZiKi2 TaAtKatT.VMtWnwea bU rl? C a? nLims!smMMmmi m ill kr.'Uiung yourcrc.tni Hi '.nr .way vcar. yem iK'i, i "!M anil wewni -ho. cf ev y cmv, cc iw f. 5cn ; a n xw S3fr V - -i ysrn WBffi&m! i Interest to All. 8 o'clock .w Us About I .u iiow V car. tkm ' m1 jSwjv.i imm. r- ' 's wtJt ..B 4 m Church WV.V.V.V.V.V-W.V-VbV-W-VWW Bulletin tho big State Fair at Douglas, Sptum for tbo Colorado State fair at Pnobl o kind of a tour yon desire to Jiuiiko dur 1 to Inform you uil sorvo yon. I'lirnum St. Oinahii. Nour. Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Neb. l T H v , 4 l I U i i s 731 me unei it s u 0l VhV, ,v i i ' i I i