nt M r ",. ff- W ,.. JBfQ s i8 m 1 i hi a) I ft t I' . - - vVJW v)iSM ju?vjun: " - -- J".;.: "w .-. gaasL j-w .... rft :- - -. M rjm m m- 0-w. F . - iftprJ -: ,, ---- - m & . - ra w .. y . tf . iM. n r a. . - w-. - ii ..: i- ----v. -v: Bv - fiJiU Ji J WN T1 1S - ir-dff -V:fc t. IHT TTiNUfc. 1"K . 1XV . - - . . - - :?.- " 4 -jT-y. K L? A Newspaper That Olvcs The News Fim-two WccKs Each Year For 51,50. VOJL.TJML: 17 aunKaBSKsavsKX.nsKwacunrnifr UIJJl) CLOUD. XKKUA.SICA. IJPTJiM Kl .',, 1 1 S. wijmmimiHmnwiJtnimmt yjjuni'Mijiramniiwwiniiiim, NUMBER :3U i J'iMmTVtmfrarjro0Mmuiivsurjirtja "wt'n wpwmfwuwww mwwm Death o Former Resident ) he Supreme SacriHce j gfiBSEKsraMBafflraaaja Do you know a single 'prosperous man who docs not carry a bank account? Do you know that money in the bank is a friend ir: need? Do you know that a bank account is the first step to suc cess? If you know all these things and are not a patron of our bank, why not call .today and be come one? DEPOSITS in this bank are PROTECTED by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the Stale of Nebraska w n eosfter Count bank Capital and Surplus $35,000 Edward Fiorance, President Red Cloud, Nebraska. S. R. Fiorance, Cashier ! ii wnwimiM.MW tM iiittiiuii inn iiiiirin finintiniMun'fiw in' n r t ' ' MROYSATTLEY I WIW W M M I ! IIW III ! WMPWW WHH HHimiH llfH WW ! II I1WI ItMMMW WW I 'I J Mrs li.iiliua I"i iti tins iiiImm! !l tt'li i him finni V , it luii 1, On . ii. stltt- jj iiij.' ilmt tier I i.it!ur ui-iiiw. honls Which, ilicil 1 hm luj , Ancur mil. ' Ttn older eitiznm or Iti-.l CI. ml will niii mb.f Mi. V inert ooiiiltn ng iv r" Kilr. store wliHiv llio Kmiil. HuUli l hhoc htoro t no.v IocnWtl, Hi .(IK u j" uhurtiT iiKmliir or tin- lied CI.hiiI vol a uiitivi' (iiv iippittiiiniii mill wlion lia f Urn i i-iiiin- horo vun-ltHil in tilt- Wnllnou H jiMVolty More, ImIhh oilltflllto ImilliSaH ajft llilUHelf Iluiiry Hill IhMllh't XW' H ! Iioiio ii ! Iii miicns rs in Hi bust J Hi's- In- ustiililibhud. I Mo I'liinimiitilci tliu rosped of his ,j ihiiow riii.ctiH Hurt iticU no nut m part! a jlll I'tlUlli ItlUll'' OOnnHCtOll VVl'l Cfllll. , muiitt. up(nilrlni(r ai,d Hflvitii . tuut. Jr I Ahum iliivi-yonrs iio. hi!c n'ting . city H mati it Houtliorlurnt, urogon aj lo loolreil iiijiitlt-. fiimi w1! cli Ito Jj ' IIOMM' Ill'ilWtOll. ". j lip in Ninvivnl by lift, wltV anil ts ,1'liHilren' Mi lri u SnacH-in .11 nifflM . IVI'.. liulli llviiif lu Oregon; AiOairt, ," ' In the omi.; Ijciip, Dorothy nn.1 Mi. ion, iu liuiiif with their mu'.i; aful . lifMilos Mr-. I'litircs tlieif i,.- -i-vernl ' relHtivus in or pi'iir Wi-IisUm hkh.Ij. j Tliu fiim-r.ll was held Sunn av. Undertaking , Licensed Embcilmcr in Kansas and Nebraska Horse Hearse Auto Hearse Complete Line of Up-to-date Furniture, Rugs, Etc. Opeo. D ay an d Night a.aaiaaila: ' lJalajfl)l.haalia4p.taaaw,aa I faaWm aauail Mi AT OUR CAFE owe. Jrop e 5 rli will Ii irit ton, son of Mis. iiii In. .ii of thU citj. is the Hiittt lor ooii'il .mil i r Ii t tins in nlo i pi Mill Mlllilloo. llonlli I iiiiio to uw-ihi Dili, i:lS. from llio pfrcuU minis r"cciVHil "In uclioii" sonic previously. i liorenved fntnil.V too tint nlnne ir hour of jrelf. Kvcr-oni- in l-r .'omity Jnln in their Kormw j niilioit lioiKiit. tlic holclior who .ill for its oausu-the Supreme ' npeiit the iIhoih of ev.rlnstliijj poi ,. Jo iho whita don! nf mio who f . '.' nntl died fur th rluht. I o 13. Unii-etAon whh tioru near Ok ' i.i, Miiy 5h, 1806. He ivaa n mem. Ik i of the National Uuarrii nl Vhii Tu i. Wyo., in lilT, Iftier rocnivlup 1" i i blt illHohurpu on aoe 'lint of pt' il dUnbllity. L V wont from this city with a draft m i ntfont tij VI. Riley .V.nrcli t, and I l ovorsouK Hi.oiit Jnne ln, be !ih third son of the fmmlv to (r.i I ho soldier scivIoh of IiIh oouiitiv There is a Difference iii Lenses .lust hi there In hulwuon pfcue f nitf jjold tmd Unit coinainliio, iilloj'. 'I'liu lonoun used hy me uro tho lliu-,t MinU'un ho luitl. Thof-D i-oin in tho i-qnli and nro Urntind until thoy e.vuully inuol the requirements of jour ni lieultir eyo trouble. One imunnlho too enrefnl nlmut Iho eyeH Ths mutter of n dollitr or io nhuuld not inti i into tlu ciilculiitioii. This htoro refuses to hs1c for .iour putronnjje by pi lee hIoIIu the uiiio Is the thing de.fnd by nieor soll ah jtnuself. ISvon ko, you ivll! Hud t lio chtu-Ko iinusimlly low, tiiUtit" Into oouidr.iUon tin highqimllty. It will be io Ike iuterestfvw res to Itaie thcwtXii mined I , re Report Red Cross Auxiliary following articl..s weie shippi d t; the month of August: ' 1018 Iirixnlion paper-pneked W. C. T. U. Cop.Yenticn The Wehstcf County C. T. U. will meet, in convention in the Gou i;i edition church at liluc Hill, Nol., Tuesday, Sept. 10th, 11)18., at ton o'clock, a. m. The present oil leers aio Yr. W. II. Tabor, piesidcnt; Mis. S. K. Logan, vicc-piesident; Mis. Claionce tiuy, tecretary; Airs. G. M. Albin, ttunsuror. The juoKnnn is as follows: Session Opens At 10 A. 31. 3Iusic Sciipture Hearting by 31r5. Marie wo TM...J.... ,,,,, ,uu,eu Kxpenso of drive r,i Sentence Prayer t'lnntor "f Holt Call Of Local Union.-ny '1 he ' Jun0,.- Ua c Delegates Standing fumuK & So 3g .,2 Appointment Of Commiltoo On Kos-,jjISt xUiares 5-1 olutions "' ' Itcpoits Of Local Unions My Pies-; .llanco 0, I)am, $1020i;!8 irtcntrt i " --torile diessingd 1 i'il pairs so. 10 hclmclH !-i pairs boys drawers . I 17 petticoats i o0 boy undershiits s" "3" suits pajamas The following is tho treasmer's rc poit for August: On hand Aug. 1 '. $!I(51.13 .Monthly suh.-criptions lOo.'.'S Miscellaneous 12.23 Iri! iAEuS Y"" 7 Y KI ZZTnr UJiCM fCC !'" a A. a a JL . .mT IsLa A. - A s vV w 1 Jowclor and Optometrist tTTC. B. & Q. Wutch Inspector qat&)SEI22S3I2XHmnxmTKrK Total $10S2.fl8 Chief ads Pay Yoii County Secictary j County Treasurer Superintendents of Institute, Army And "Navy j County Pi"irtnnt Election Of OJTicers My fiullot Noon-Tirto Prayer 1:00 p. 31. Question Mp Conducted My Mm. 31. 31. Claflin. For Local Presidents 1:30 P. 31. Piogiam For Afternoon 3Iusic Dedication Of Sen-ice Flag The 3Iortern W. C. T. I'. Mrs. Clailln Antt - Narcotics 31 1 a Paul, Cowles 3Iusic Prohibition Mm. la Diultoi'Aon, Guide Ivoclc Teinpoiancc And 3lis sions 3Irs. Grace Sut ton, Inavale Ameiicanizalion 3Irs. Lena Atkinson of Indian Clock Prohibition As a War Measure 3rs. Minn Maker, New Virginia Alcoholic Drugs a 31 en nco to "D;y Nebraska" 3rrs, Alice 3Iyers of ?ed CIouil BIblo LesKons From Gid eon 3ii. Claflin Motion Pictures Essential i'.itrnns of thu Orph"iiui "silent dinmii" will be pleased to learn that the war iudiistihil Imnrd lots ilcelan l the motion picture business in nil it br.inehos, mi essential industry. Oneo moie tliti "ui()7iis" tiro ondor-ed us of real vulde and in this in&tiuice Hie approval eouies from hih authorily. The only pruhihUlvo osc.'ption in the uiliiiK ih that no ne Hie lis bo Lnut ...ii . n, tin' .n oo. JJii'.i of O.ilofc tni'i lO'tjil li.l lu htl tVirt lotltiy. r At the Library Tho following is a lepoit of the irculation of books for tho s.ix month., since the opening of the Aulrt I'ublic Library: , ' Adutt .luvonllo Total March 4S4 417 !)01 'Prll 848 SU4 1712 '.ny 771 810 1GSI 'mo 607 719 122G 'uly 574 CS1 1105 Uigust 012 57.1 11P5 Totals SJ05 3(Gi rs70 1 : 'ij ii juul wWm " c " "i XiA SV I tv'v IV wi v J . . f I ' Vs. Nc Ktl,ir I Is- " "vi f Yi&V.'x .rii3M&ii J .-a .- .-4111 l-r-' wen - ywm Omv ".:: 's&rsm1 find know o Of tho 1401 volumes now ncces- 'iiynli 803 havo boen purchased and iQ Jiavo been given to tho library. During the month of August ll!" "liuno? were drawn fiom tho library. "f thoi'Os5'Jl were fiction, 22 non-' t ctlon, 4S war books, 574 juvenile and 0 magazines. Tho September magazine, aio now, to bo found at tho lihiaiy. Among fiom aio tho Century, Atlantic, American, Woman's Home Compan-' i hi, Ladiosi Homo Journal, Outlook, I torary Digest, Med Cioss 3Iagazine, l opulnv 31echauic8, etc. They contain any interesting nnrt helpful articles' d worth whilo blciies. A nunibci- of volumes of lalo Action vo been o'dored. When theso ai o they v ill ho placed on n "ja; olf" and a charge of five cents a ek made for tho piivilege of tak j them f.om the libinry. Thote . ill the latest books of porno of the st popular authors. fill . a . t inoro arc among tlio uooks iucent: ' ceived at tho library: "Nappied - 'mo of Tholr Lives." 31 ilior; "A Mis. Win. Hanson and son, llaiohl'1 Minstrel in Fiance" Lauder; "Face of PJIuiuIhIo, N. Dak , uirned in Mud ' Face with Kuisorisin" Goiaul; iloud Sunday nnd are guosU at the Iho Return of a Soldier" West; I'M. Hanson homo, and of her brothers V Country Chronicle" Showormnn; liiohnrd and Clyde Hmviiu. I he Doctor's Lass" Uooth; "Stella I aris" Locke; "Med ' City" 3M- i Mrs. M'sti Davis and son arrived . iell; ' "Story of Thy Iza" Drown;' horo .Monday, froni Arkansas, enllod iUjf Artventure" Hull; "Anno of 'by the tllnetsi. of Ilunry Wllmot, the .edge tare at your service. Wo want to render Rreater service than the mere selling of electric current. Our experts will plan every detail of wirinR, lighting and arrangement of electrical conveniences for the home, office, store or factory. We nro ulways f;lad to ndviso you how to net tho most out of tho current you use for example, how you can enjoy 3 times us much light by rcplncinj; carbon lamps with Kdlson Mazdas. Our liRhting exports will confer with you or your architect and holp dutermtno the best plan-a for running wires and tho bust pubitiuns lor lit;liis. Thisudvi'. irvat-rvwo 13 without cost to you. 'Phono for it today. M O ML T Arrn -O TB VBN rv .. jp O 4t-J? M. f f J f JL V Plumbing Heating Everything Electrical i'c Ifjuntl" Jfonlgomery, liulj' fathor. Farm Loans I I am ready to mako farm loans in any amount at lowest rates, best 1 terms and option. Absolutely no do j lay and no inspoetion expense. Solo i ncont for Trevett, 3Iattia and I3nker. ' Rnino iit'ivnln mnnaiv , J. II. BAILEY. Ml v H 1! i! 1 .;; vol ww r WESSJXk.-mMn!M