The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 29, 1918, Image 5

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. -..-::.
: as told to us ;:
S. V. B.ii'.py wviif to II. ist i iii," Mot
Hut :ml diiuU ill Powell A t'opuV
Crtfe. tf
MNs Minnie K-llett.wus n Hustings,
visitor Montlsiy.
Mrs Hoy Cramer wub n wet-lt-eml
Hastings visitor.
Fresh Uastiucs bread daily nt I'lnt t"s
(Jrooory, tf
Miss (truce Doniiliou bas- volunteerod
us ti Red Cross nurse.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McCall went
to Kansas City Monday.
Kesler line of suit, coats and dress,
cs August 30 and 31. M. A. Auiniairr.
Mrs. Alice Kgclcston nud laughter
Opal are guests of Mrs. Audrew Sala
din. Mis, Jolm Petrio of Lincoln is the
puc-t of her uneles, A. P. and John
The Wotnans Council of Defense met
Monday night nnd trrinsacted routine
Miss Klsle Tinner went to Nelson
last of the week for a visit at the
Roby homo.
Will Xorris nnd wifo started on a
visiting trip to Kansas City the- first
of the week.
Dr. U. V NU'holson rocidyed military
call Saturday nnd left Monday morn
lug for Umaha.
Jas. McUridc, iniK-fnligable worher
in the war activities was in from
Covvles Wednesday.
Mrs Hussel Amael: has gone to Ft
Leavenworth Kan , wheio her hus
band Is now located.
Mrs. A. A. SchulU entertained Mr
nnd Mrs. Andrew Sennit?, and family,
of Muiiic Rock, Tliursdav.
Mrs. .). L. llccbe, who has been
visiting lelatives in Almn for the past
two weeks, returned libme Tuesday.
Don't fall to see the Resler line of
ready to wear, Aug. !10 and 21.
1)5.1 M. A.
Klleii A. .laekhon, widow of Jamos
Roberts Inn been granted a widows
pension. Fred Maurer was her attorney
The X U. Mush family have teturned
from thoir visit to Oberliu, Kan. And
the depot scenery ueo anin lookv
FUR SALH- Uooil, improved qnait-i
section 2 miles east nnd 7 unlet south
of Inavalc. For terms hoc II. J. Won
derly. Silt
lleturtis not yet olliol.illy counted
give J. L. Hceuo a lu-ul of two in the
contest for Statu Representative. This
is the soldier voto.
Services wil beheld in Grace Church
iie.t Suudny and the Sunday follow
ing, at 11 o'clock, a. in. Kev. J. M.
Dates will preach.
Miss Josephine Richards who has
been visiting her sister. Mis. 11. C
Letson, left for Tecumseh Monday
Mis. Letson accompanied her as far us
Hustings. The Farmers' Union Picnic of Webs
tcr county is in progress at Cowles to
dny. It goes without baying that a
large crowd is at the heighth of en
joyincnt. Rev. Mrs. Mary Mitchell will hold
Borvices at the Congregational enurch
next Sunday morulng at 11 and even
ing at 8:30. Sunday school at 10 n. m.
The public cordially Invited.
Chas. Sherer and wife left for Louis
ville Ky., this morning, where Mr.
Sherer will enter ofilcerb' training
Bchool. A farewell party was given
them at the Trace Sherer homo yes
terday. A community church service isbolng
held in the Christian church nt (luide
Rook today. The object thereof is a
closer affiliation of the Christian
-'elements and 'energies of Webster
county. A lnrgc delegation from Red
Cloud is in attendance.
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Hewitt mid son
Mervale, who visited Mr. and Mrs J
M. Hewitt the first of the week have
returned to their homo at Chirks. Mrs.
W, D. Edson and son Herbort accom
p mlcd them to remain for a few day's
A. C Feaiu, foreman in the job de
partment of tlio Hastings Tribune,
visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. C A.
Fearn, tho first of tho week. lie
took his first lessons In "the art pre
servative of all arts," right here in Red
Cloud not so very many years ago.
Mr. mid Mrs. M. A. Albright and
daughter Helen returned Sunday evo.
ning from an mi to trip to Rod O.i':
lown. They were absent soveral d.iyf
nnd had a most delightful outing dip.
Miss Lone Den, of Lincoln,
with thorn on the return trip.
Floyd Derr has instituted biiit against
Delbert Uuckles for damages caused
by an auto collision which uccuied
on July 'iS, on the highway ndjonlng
tho furnnv'i farm north of of Ki-il
Cloud. Derr olnrlud out from Id-prouil-en
hil Duclih'h was ooiuiu
'Bt on the hlglivtay. T'w auto, i-,
llded.' P-n- hucpIi 1 1 t Uuckles
atttna, a. 1 1 i-irfiioh H'U'Ml Itmi.lit-ii
dolUt dW" -' i ' Com i
will diiolde
i fi i,
Pin- -
H.'.t HatlUdd Riid daughter VeM me
iiome from Colorado.
Mis' Rftttt McDowell Is assisting at
the Webster County Hank. '
Kves tested, glasses fitted. J. C.
Mitchell, the Jeweler.
Miss Lydia Truut went to Mllfoid
Friday to visit lelntlves.
Miss Liioile Stroup is nssisUnt Bt the
SchulU A- Schnll photo studio.
Rev. D. Fitzgerald was culled to
Omaha by the death of a friend.
Mr. and Mrs Henry Ilanl", of Litch
field me guests of Mrs. Norman Phil
lips. Mrs. Owen Lnlly wcut to Lawrence
tho last of the week for a visit with
her son.
Mr. and Mrs J. B. Throne have re
turned to Shenandoah to resume their
school work.
Mr. and Mrs. Chits. Drubaker enter
t lined Mi&s Vera Urubnker, from Mc
Cook Sunday.
Mi's Dlanche Pope lias gone to Cen
tral Citv where -die has a school for
the coming year.
Mis Fre 1 Wnlkor, who has been
visiting relatives heie, returned to lid
home at Pnullne Friday.
Tin- Royal Neighbot'H of America
will dedicate n serL'e tt,g at Odd
lllo'.v' Uall this evening.
Mrs fitiy Hnrtvood ami .Miss Jose,
phiue Shcivr, her sister, wont to Ulue
Hill Friday for a visit with relative?
The voices of (Jen. Pershing and Bx
Ambus'iulor can now bo heard
on the Columbia Grufonolu nt Cot ting
and Mitchell's-. fll-l
The Red Cross Auxiliary will hold
its regular monthly bushiest meeting
at the Court House next Monday after
noon, Sept 12.
Owing to the advancing cost of eveiy
thing u-quired in the business the bus
fare will hereafter be 15 cents each
way. W.m. UaYi:s, litis Line
Mrs. Hainmackor of Smith Centre,
Kansas, formerly Mrs. Foi-guson of
this, city arrived hero Tuesday to visit
with friends mid renew old acquaint
ai:ce. Three special service nu-n are to go to
Ft. Riley sometime between Sept. .lit
and Cth. One special service man will
ontrnili at Oiiiulm Aug. :50th, for Camp
Fr.tnlc hibeit and family who have
beim enj ylug an auto trip to Colorado
leturned last' week. Frnuk repot ts
they liad a most enjoyable trip mid
tlint crops and vegetation in Colorado
til'' western Nebraska uro looking tine
The watermelon sooial given by the
Dlhtrlet Junior Red Cross at tho rest,
dence of Nelson Iltyes last Thursday
--vetiiritr was an enj lyablo and success
fill airair. .". was rcali.t-d. Mr
Hayes )rcstMited the prlzt" melon mouv
tU'liig .Ix'll Inches and weighing 80
pounds. It was sold cheap, SI S2.
Dr. and Mis. Creightoii and .Mrs
Miner Sherwood returned Wedneslaj
night, fioin a trip to Omaha, Camp
I)ode, In., and Camp Des Moines, la
While in Omaha Dr. Creigliton enlisted,
passed the examinations and was rec
uuineuded for for appointment us
ju army surgeon and will await call
for sendee.
Rev. J. L. Reebe and Ed. Overing,
Red Cross secretary, uddressed a large
assembly at the home of Jess Reigle
iu tho Fred Copley community, Tues
day. The meeting was for the pur
pose of furthering the interest in War
Savings Society which has a large
membership in that section. It is their
aim to enroll every resident nnd make
the precinct 100 per cent W. S. S. In
addition to the speaking nn appropri
ate and Interesting progrnm was pre
sented by local talont.
The old reliable V. F. Lewis Stock
Co., will visit u ngain on September
2, in a week of fun and entertain
ment, as per announcement else
where in this paper. These people
have been visiting Red Cloud for a
number of years and arc known by
most every one in this sfoflj Kv
cry one who knows them knWTS'that
Mr. Lewis always gives them their
money's woitli in a clean, honest, up-to-date
show, and every one who is
connected with the show must be
ladies and gentlemen or they are
fired from tho show. True, the wnr is
with us, but it is also true the people
need a certain amount of clean en
teitainment and relaxation to keep
thcro in good spiiits. All work and
worry and no play makes Jack a dull
No Trespassing
Trespassing will not be allowed on
the Minor ranch during growing mid
grazing seasons, under penally of the
la.v. C. II. MlNBR
i 110 rULCtO -ro ItU. 'CM ALL AHOUT
"OMAHA'S FU!I ffC,n tjiTtVtf VISIT
Exlulai stint; Bnrleso; Vaudeville
.ICC Jm,H!l t't-i ?rlly ti- ,Hr(,iirr. Jo ,MCI
' vitnt - n.'il 5-i ' lin"ti ri
li'OlIS' BIME r.if.TI!lEC EVERY Wii3AY
O Kvf-ytody Osoa; Ah AttyboUy
i'.mi THE g'DtESI m EtH SfUH' Vfftl OF CH!C16
M s Mt. ih.i i ojo .
H t
r s ii is ii's t ii' 1 1 t
'lov'i ry
v&tnarm-.-UMiBrtxuJiuiiiniirMLMtir'iim iuiiv.trf"rwi
Ll'ei II v tor I. I
fi-i in t htm-
b il-.i i, s D
u l, .1 ! en's ,. .(. i . nV i n 1 'rote i
p tecs - imwi i. a rope s i-ait-
G. It McCrar,of the Hunk of Inn
Vale, was a n lied Cloud visitor Mon
day. IM. Seiilott and family iif IMiickwcll,
Oklnlinma, weif in the city leiiewing
old iteqiialntnnoi's to day.
Mi s.Joe Delnney was taken toOma
ha lust Thursday nnd submitted to an
operation Saturday, Last repot is state
that she is improving nicely.
Mis. taster and -daughter Josephine
left for home, Dlackfoot, Idaho, this
morning They have been tho guest
of Mrs. West, the lady's mother, for
several months.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscnr Teel nnd daugh
ter, Mrs. Frederlch "Wells, leturned
Wednesday eveulng from n two weeks
auto trip east. Ihe family visited
friends tu the old home town, Jackson
ville, 111.
Pope Dros. had their hardware store
front improved this week by h new
casement underneath tho big plate
glass window.
"Hector" the beautiful Scotch Collie
belonging to XL K. 'Julgley disappear
ed Friday night atnl no trace of his
whereabouts was obtainable, although
search In all directions was Instituted.
An olTi'r of toward for information
brought him homo yestordny nim-uiug,
in euro of Clms Uurnoy, n fanner liv
ing north of the city. It Is ill til -nit to
say which wt re Hie most overjojed at
his return-tho family or the dog.
"Hector" is ti fine thoroughbred with
recorded oncost ry.
Going to Camp
Following nre the names of tho 11
men who me to entrain for Camp
( i rant some time between Sept. Ild
and 0th.
tins. A. Kranan, Red Cloud
Jos. Jeliuek, Red Cloud
Amos Dillon
Adolph Svboilu, Lawrence
RaenhaltSchuliz, Ulue Hill
Lewis A. Harttnan, Iliuo Hill
John W. Worley, Campbell
John P. Buck, Ulue 11111
Victor (). Peterson, Ltavalo
Claude P.. Men-it, Dlue Hill
Floyd J. Moiilfon. Guide Rock
Farmers' Institute
The dates for Fiiiinms Institute have
been set Oct :,'d to 21th
Commit tes are as follows:
Pmade F. W. Cowden, Miss (ler-
tiule Coon, P. M. Whitehead.
Soliciting Turnure, Gellatly.
Bulertuiuuiont Fausch, (iithnm,
Pi emlums Stewart, Fiturch.John
son. Jlulldings-Bllinger, Crow, (Jllhani
Siiperlntendeiits Crow, horfies;
Stewart, eattli", Johnson, hogs:
Dutlei, poultrv; lien Peg, farm
' --
Baptist Church Notes
Preaching Sunday at s:io p. in.
Tho meetings nt tho Lone Tree school
house have resulted so far in about l.
conversions with about lo others vh"
have been forward for prayers mid
counsel. 11 have been received foi
baptism while others have expressed
a desire to bo baptised.
After tho morning services the people
will repair to tho water where the
ordinance of baptism will be adminis
tered A large delegation from the
church expect to be present to welcome
the new members nud to bid them,
and all whose hearts arc turned God
ward, Godspeed.
The willing workers will meet with
Mrs. Oliver Hedge, Friday at 2:30 p. in.
Registered August 24
Following are the names of the young
mon who came of ago since Juno fit!),
and registered at tlie'Cofirt House-hist
Charles Orlin F.dgorton.Red Cloud
Earl Forest Fishel, Guide Rock
Orvlllo C. Stutesman, Guide Rock
Henry Frickel. Campbell
Orvlllo O. Riokurd, Guide Rock
Georgo Richardson, Guide Rock
less Richardson, Guide Rock
Ladik Prochaska, Lawrence
Floyd H. Ilolmgraln, Guide Rock
Cluistopher Lcmke, Lawrence
Rny IUIph, Guide Rock
Win. Alice Harrington, llladen
Louis II. Anderson, llladen
John Anlone Rose, Dlue Hill
Francis B, McCartney, Rivorton
Silas Gregnrt, Dluo Hill
Thomas R. Cunningham, Red Clou 1
Walter R. Llppincott, Red Cloud
Guy B. llurp. Rod Cloud t
Charley C. Jones, llladen
A Bargain
lGOncresT miles from Illid City, nil
good level farm land except a few
acres, 87 acres of breaking to bo sow-i
to wheat tills full one third to the
purchases, pi ice W.'OO 00. Will ennj
1000 00 for ii years Thi- is mi excep
tioiial bargain J. V Mockiiuin Ii..
iist tcttiriied from Rinl City with
tl.'OfHXiiiN hi on' thud share- of -.
net os of wheat fr.-m Id- 1 cm, whir'
in 11.00 per iiiro Ko mrUiot' cum
in-'iitu nro mochhnry.
V( Stock Inspection Trip
! I
an I
I 1
I, ! i ,,
stock in-pt-etinii Hippie, usiy
need by Cninilt Agt-nt I him-Ii.
interesting trip was the t .Lot.
the fact Hint dint an.1 heat
little the Upper hand ol i-mii-
itineray took hi the snntlioi-n
if the county and, for link of
i number of stock farms in this
i were not visited. A Inter trip
lined which will cover the not Hi
nt of tho county.
following farms were visited
o high-grade cattle and modern
slli proved interesting nud lnstruc
tlvi Men to the novice.
C is. Stewart, Shorthorn eattlo nnd
Poi'M China hogs; John Olmsted,
Slu -'lorn cattle and Duroc Jersey
hop Ralph McCallum was absent so
th flirty did not see his Hereford
cat- - and llerkshiro hogs; the comity
Hg" - model farm was the next stop-piiu-
'ncc;and,thence to. I II. Hamilton
t v s, breeders of Shorthoin cuttle
mi I i llniid China hogs. Chris Statke's
bh: md barn, large silo and Holstciu
caf ere the next objects of ntten
I'heso were the pioniinent points
irty-iuile trip.
t ' is equally good nre Clarcncfiiuil
i lohnson, sihoi'tliKin cattle and
!' fofsey l.ogsj llnyd Ilaiiiiiglrm,
f " Durham cattle: Conrad Marke,
Hi liiie hogs; ''Itus. S.vnrl, Short
hoi itMontid DuincJi iscy 1hks; nu,l
Ht-i Joln.s u breeder -jf hoises,
inn and cattle.
'1 o men will exhibit at 'he Web
stei f unity Farmer!,' Institute at Red
Ch Oct. U3 ,:.
i'Zarried at High Noon
'I - Kvii . Stella f)crr and Mi lie im.
M.I "ssler, of Tiiimbull, Neb. weie
un'i I in mat i lng. Sunday, August M,
attl homo of the bride's niothei, Mis
Mm Derr, who lesides near the towi -ship
I no north nndn little east of Red
Clou I
'I ceremony which uiado these two
livis 'o ho hereafter as one was per.
foiiu. 1 at high noon by Rev. .1. I .
Heel p pastor of the Chi istiau church
of tii s oity, Miss (liaro Deri- and Mr.
Flo 1 Derr noting as attendants to
the I mm- eonnle.
l'ln giooiu'.s parents and u few In-1
viti-I 'iiests t'omnrlsed (he iiss,.iii.v '
whi'-h wiiii sorved with
h ti.iuiite his
telv afii-r the
wed 'ig dinner Imm.'dlnt
oor-'Pi my,
I!- ititlfut and appiopiia'c dieomt.
Ions nlianecd tho barnj'iPt ami milled
to th nu-Dtcioiis ooenslon all sigiiiil
cant of hearty wishes for tho Imppi
ncss unit prosperity of Mr. and Mrs.
HCOvge PrMHhjr.
They will icside nt Trumbull.
Cut Them Now!
The besiut; of lawn.s, i'.hm uis and
ticcts drpi i.i . intinl. upon thrii ,
Icanlinosh. 1 ho state law m th.
eeds nnii-t be cut. The alue and t-1
activeness of your piopcity depend
iiuch upon the weeds being cut. The
ucasuve of your civic and personal
pride is di.sphiNed in keeping the
.voeds cut. Hay fever and other
diseases can he conti oiled and elim
inated by keeping the weeds cut.
Actual financial loss may be pre-
entcd by cutting tho weeds. Cut
Over the Top
The many friends of J. L. Beebe re
joice over the news that official count
and the soldiers vote have given him
the lead in the race for nomination
as State Representative from the
Jfith District. This is scmi-oiTicial.
The offical canvass of the vote will
not be completed until tomorrow.
QUlcn Anderson, of Franklin, npw
at Camp Mel'herson, fia,, was in Hfi
Aloud Saturday.
To fill your needs is
here for you
But you should CALL
for the Clock Shortage
is sure to come this
Better Satisfaction.
Clock Materials are get
ting low and it is neces
sary to act at once.
A Clock
u jux..?rRie0irTFcmi
m inmn zlm i tn MiwvmnrYfiimiM
opring y Summer
S Both Oil and Coal or Wood can JyVf
3NIe uicd at SAME TIME Zf
In hot weather, cook and bake with Kerosene Oil.
In the cold seasons, use Wood or Coal.
Have a comfortable kitchen all tho yoar 'round and always
jtot perfect results with
Let Us Dcmontlrale It To You.
G. W. TRINE, Red Cloud
nsnr g3JwiiicuM.wwimtfuaifTinrCTwaiKmiurigw. r
You always get the very
best at our store Ijecause
QUALITY goods are the
only kind we sell. The
brands we carry in stock
are recognised by the
housewife as the VERY
BEST of their kind.
Everything Fresh and Pure
' ft
Chase & Sanborns Coffees
Itens Crackers and Cookies
Batavia Jams and Spices
Sunflower Canned Goods
Lincoln Telephone
and Telegraph Co.
GEO. J. WARREN. Manager
You Receive the Greatest Value
from the Telephone
There is no commercial service or home necessity
where so great a value is given as in the telephone
A Telephone Costs But A Few Cents a Day
The service it renders could not be duplicated for
many dollars and in some cases hundreds of dollars.
The daily cost of this valuable service is measuree
in a few cents and is easily within reach of everyone
A telaphonh installed ac once will produce a muxi
miun of results. Visiting and shopping may be
enjoyed without leaving your own fireside.
ijwt,. iiva iu'ji nit uam uraramywiraui.
Szj:! Winter
V l
mmin iri xBOUMmtirmTrMvrwtumaaOBnznirrimtnmtuuttnmaiii