K 21) CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF iiuuiuiluJ-MIi i iiiiii ii in iw ii mi nan uMBiiirimmmiJUJUi.HLnwtw'i .Wi'tuw' rrwsvCT.-crrirMwt-. .tic MntJir-nat3.u.o-. MMvjur.. ucjr w. .- , -.n. j.'jjttwM?arai.iwa-ayrtM.afere'nirniTgnuM?ti 'Ull 'II IIPillH I ll'IIMII I IIIMIII'MWTH 1 i !. I. fa V 1.1 i ? , i r. H F tf , r ! N. K ff vr r 'l i r , p- i .' K'p y m r '. i w " Pi r Imr; fi 1 J K 5' Packers' Cost t and Profits How much do you think it costs 1; To dress beef, cure hides, and prepare all the numerous by products ? 2. To cool the meat for two or 0 three days before shipment? 3. To freight it to all parts of the country in special refrige rator cars, iced daily ? 4. To carry il .'.: !:::.iivcds of branch houses, ech with its refrigerating plant? 5. And to deliver it to the retailer sweet and fresh in less than'iwo weeks after dressing? Swift & Company did all this for you in 1917 at an expense of less than 2V2 cents per pound of beef sold, including an average profit of Va of a cent a pound. Figure for yourself how little effect, this cost and profit had on prices you paid for beefsteak. Swift & Company, U.S.A. tiiiiiini iF Fota good "well made fJfuJfSrtA. eML . M House Dresses una vlpron. TRADE HAM True gfs. Barbara Phages WW, 5 Christian Church I 11:00 a. m. A Sermon Sermon in the evening I i t mi 1 1 ii se Bjpress r5wi iiilW Worth Dress For sale by of Interest to Ail.' al 8 o'clock V.W.V.V.V.V.WA THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Ked Cloud. Nebraska. HUUMHUKU BVEUV THUKSDAY Jnturcd In tin l t II t e nt l!i d i loud, Nob as Second t'liws Matter QUICLEY d rPOWNE. EifitNi ml lUKilirn ONLY PKMIHHATIC I'AI'EH MlsfKlll-OUNTY IN This is n war lo .stop wars. There is no deferred classification in Food Conservation. We arc all in Class 1, all in camp and ready to go over the top in conservation. The Allies keep hammering the Hun. "Do your bit." Keep right on taving the wheat, the meat, the sweet, so he Allies have plenty to eat. And the kaiser will surely get beat. There aie twenty-five nations in the camp of the Allies practically all of the civilized nations of the woild. It goes without saying that the four na tions united under the title of Contial Powers have forfeited right to be termed civilised. The Woild-Ilerald reporting a wedding in Omaha Eajs: '"fh" ceie mony whs very simple, the brido b"- ing nianied in a suit." Is the fact -if It -UlC ' the bride having a suit no imcontwon , . in me niciropuiis uiui sihxu.i i.n.'i.tn.i hn to be made of it? A well-known good preacher ov i J in lova says that if compolled to. choose between Oermany und Hell a a jilace of resilience tho latter would be hi.-i immediate selection. It' there i ' anyone qualified to judge on such ; ijue-tion it should be a preacher. . local i j rail uonnl. mere are many Are you aware of the fact that on1"1"0 scattered over the country who vmurli p.tim.itp thei are '200.000- -i'"0 J oxartly the fame situation. 000 rates in the United States1.' Ami that thev destroy a billion dollars', woith of food annually? Just make a note of these facta and then "do your bit" by destruction of the rodents on your promises. If each family does this continuously the rat pest can be obliteiatcd. "Swat lh' lly" has been of gtcat- benefit to tlv country. Wo suggest "Rout the Rat" as a .slogan that ought to iual: equally frond. ' TIki1 are a number of peop' H-atteicd over tho country who ve :it one time devotees of what we v. ' erm "middle of the road" phlloBoph Po you lfmember it? Tt must be . -ource of amusement for them t watch tho gold minors of the coa ImiMiig expedients such as asking ihe government to arhitiarily doublo the market pn'co of old in outer fiat hey, the gold minors, may be naMed to make a living out of their i"l i.-try. nd at the same time note thai -d'-er, 'iiibol.ti'ud, i above par. ''I imos change and men chang them." uly, w ith No worse condition can In culcd in the financial world tha.i is i;. s"d by the hoarding of money. A- the human body depends for its lif and strength, upon continued blood cir culation, so community prosperity, ability to meet the demands of tho times, depends upon circulation of money. Keep it moving. Don't squander or waste, but buy wisely and continuously. A single five dollar bill would pay all expense of community maintenance if it could be kept mov ing rapidly enough. Prosperity i.s not a question of tho amount of money, its a question of the circulation of money. Medical authorities agree that never since Grecian times have women worn so heathful a costume as at present, bull someone is ever bobbing up with a frantic cry of "im modesty." If" the" cheap advertising and the easy dollars were eliminated from tho program probably there would be less of this. When the writer was a youngster there were societies that lived and fought for tho adoption of short skiits as a proper attire for women. Reference to lateeditions of Webster's Dictionary show that a half century ago women's costumes were not only uncomfor table , unheathftil, unsanitary, but actually grotesque. Where is the woman of today who would toVrate the "Grecian Rend" stylo of dross? Where one who would go sweeping the icfuse of the street with long trailing gown .' Costume is a matter of ctiolnm; modesty purely a matter of mode proper dress a question of geography and climate condit:ons. Speaking of modesty, Hiram Rowers' statue of tho "Greek Slave," m the classic "Venus do Medici," are I typically moiiest. inc proli,c"mi is borrowed from imagination. The en or is in tho observer not tho ob ei ved. Farm I.oann ready to make farm loi.ng in ount at loweat rate-. bct md option. Abaolutolj r (li I ii any i tf im-i lay an no inspection oxponbe. Sjht a.n;eiit for Tjwvett, Matti nnd Some i ivat money. , raker, - ' J; II. BAILEY; Reason for Light Vote 1 lici-in Tor Lif.ht Vow I Captain Wultot H. Aiu'imm.ii. svt- I "g pioot mnwl a' op Wiir.'ka, fnrnishe one reason for the com paratively light vote at the recent primaries. His letter which is in pait as fol lows, is self explanatory: To Local Hoards: I am in receipt from several boards of suggestions, icqiiosts and appeals that I let up on them a little bit during the next few (lays, so that they may have some little opportunity to see a few of their constituents before the approaching Mate primaries on August 20. I sympathize with you but I sec no chance to accommodate you. Know thc kind of work that the local boards of Nebraska have done and are doing, many of them serving the federal government without pay except that derived from their county office, it seems to me that it would be a very ungrateful and unpatriotic group of constituents who would fail to re nominate a local Loard member of his (or her) county office because of his close attention to duty which prevents him from properly presenting his claims of lc-elcction. I wish it were so that I could ic lca?e for the next few days the board members who are candidates before (l.f, ni'inviri'os. lint il in tmnri Ji-ili1r fn,l I, h- .,,,,. ..., ,,, r,,. ,n '-- -a.wa.u i . ill.. Elllll .I...1 W trust to the patriotism and good hard amnion sense which the American people certainly post-ess and 1 hope vill use at thin time. WALTER L. ANDERSON, ' -'apt. Inf. l S. A. Acting Provost Marshal of Neb. Sheriff IIulTer is Chairman and County Clerk Perry secretary of the lllcir absence from active political with the mar- W"'K compliance -hal instnictionn, accounts in a large degree for the apparent lack of in terest shown in the light prima-'j vote. Speaking of the personnel of the local boaid Dr. Robert Damerell is the third member Medical Advisor. thereof ami acts a School Will Open Sept. 9th Never has theie been a ti ie wh mi ho training of tlv mind ef youth as so important a at thi- i; iour. Never were the advanlai" .'. of mental training so apparent a.i now. Tho great need of the government at nils, time is lor trained men ai woman. Tho unskilled are plentiful. Tho highly trained aro few. Tho government is seeking out tlv college and high school giaduate for positions of largest rep-pondbilitv. Ev iy younir man and everv vouim lady is eager to do tho mo4 imi'o - tant thing in the serice of tho country. Everyone old or ei.ng. owes it to self and to our coun try to pieparc to fill the most im pel tant place tho world has to offer. This preparation can come only thru training. The war may last many years yet. If it does, positions of great respon sibility must be filled soon by people who now have no thot of such bur dens. Dining these times the nation is conceited with but three things, food production, war service and ed ucational training. Tho crisis of food shortage having apparentlypassed for tho present, there remains the two major tasks for our people. With the opening of school this fall every per son not engaged in war service should be in school. The boy who stays away from school on the theory that he will be drafted and hence it will be of no use to enter school, is making a grave mistaken In, fact) it is highly prob able that tho government will send him to school as soon as ho is called. Tho more education a man has tho more useful soldier he will be. The schools of tho city of Red Cloud will open Monday, Sept 9. The new high school building is now com pleted nnd accepted and there is a prospect for a larger attendance than ever tliis year. The work of the high sclvool is well adapted to tho need of these strenuous times nnd no boy nnd girl can afford to let pass tho op portunity for tho best of training. I shall bo glad to talk with any who are considering the questions of ed ucation for the coming vear. r. M. WHITEHEAD, Sup't of Schools. Franklin County Farm at Auction On TUESDAY, Sept. 8nl, 1013, a IGO-aero farm one mile cast of Bloom- inglon on main county road will bo sold at public sale. Purchaser will be given good terms. Gcncial farm sale the same day. A fine crop now in field will also be sold. F. parlioulnrs write for Inige bill. T to see this farm and crop bi foio . ,y of aah? if imVre-trd. LK. HOLMES, Owner, S. Y. Hartt, Clcik Wm. Dunn, Auot. E3 GJSSZZiSSWmnSSSSSSA B2 HSX22EBB35H0ii3HE3ntT IF yon ov, n five cows and arc still slcirnming your cream by the old gravity method?, you are throwing away $100 that might be added to your bank account every year. Come in and see us today and we will show you how you can get $20 more out of every cow, every year. Farmers Union Co-operative Co. We will show you the Viking Cream Separator. We will show you how the Viking skims the cream to the merest trace and saves you good dollars in butterfat. We will show you that the Viking is the most scientifi cally constructed cream separator made, the easiest to run and by far the simplest to clean. And because the Viking is made in the largest separator factory in the world, the price is Murr. Dor.'r throw money away! See it today ! ISaSKiJSSSS&SJgSSSSSiSB il&OCTT?I! mk msm m em ?: m a w. iW tMCtiteim: m?. '3& M&ve? y yb jy. m$ zsi feskSsaas 53Essm3S5sa"S3reisai WITH YOU AGAINTHE EVER POPULAR . .TT IB7I n a ?h jto w mwg; v'S'VFft.ASfr or fitfifu u saovtrwsf us? wavra Sn 3 Big Tent, Red Cloud, MlP& f5t . S- ?. SI? Sk &ay9 &epemaeF ! ... . mmlL.'u.y' . .irjm-rtimMammm FRANK COBURN Don't Fall to See Our Big Matinee Saturday, Sept. 7, 2 p. m. Auto Hearse - Horse Hearse ED. AMACK UNDERTAKING (LADY ASSISTANT) Phone, Ind. Store 158, Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB. WW I Talk fflith liMBEH Idloiie ri WAW.V.'WAV.WiV.WV.VWAV.VAVAWAVAV.'AM "Xi Xn53aBESSmJS5l K MWMmwwxsmBi m itT--'' iw5' Tew ?rtvivf smm m m rAJ v? r t .-,:- m One Week, beginning ?P& & AS !Wr?!l Sh Sh 3 g) s . n pl.iv; Sixjbig dianmiii' tiHiit.; s i x nightsof ftrti nndatnusc incit. Rveiythliig new this -e;soii but the liHinc and luputatioii. l!ik' in-v vim dttvl 1 1 o nightly. Opening piny the hi and new four act comedy diiuiiu of today Tin; Gi:r.r Awai;i:nind This plav is one of tho very best oiierings Mr. Lewis bus been able to secure for this territory Prices during this en gagement will be the same las beretof ore Adults -luc, Children 2oo Reserved seats 50c, war tnx included.. Season tickets good six nights: Children 81.10, Adults general I ndmisslon SI. 75, rcserv- beats S2.4r, war tux in cluded. i ruwwi SS 3 Us flboatl iS3M vgaja H&MVli tmwhS. M1"" in i niiHiV inn n i t n in Gellatly Go A J a