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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1918)
RED OLOUD, NEBHASKA, CHIEl TBMCTUl.lWJUP10IJlJUlll.lMJiia sa.iiunmimaunMrvtmnMB&MiKMit!xma!rtztazuMiMwurxn3aAimtttmiia mwiwimiiM.ninmmmM.i.-mwnauaMimjui: ' 8 ! 1 I V I 1 i I ( B r i Wi p, Vi I f L wi ,K !)' fr! if L i Y I n &i S Harold R. Berg Not Killed There s report around that tlnr 'd It. Hortf ot Inavale, Wrbster Co. wic killed in notion. Tlmt (Mb l en-one ou Is amply proven by tin1 no'ij-uned hare benti ic delved later one of the-f dntd Aug. lth, There v. a ii MitrnH 1j Hoik killed In notion in tin- early sinnniei. Ills address was gtv.ii ns one of the eastern states. July f Mi, WIS My l)oar Mother: Toduy Is it fine ilnv but it h very t'ool. I foul bud to dny, but I tun getting along lino. As 1 whs coming in to tin- V. I .saw two lilies living from u window. Ono was u French (lug, the other wus ''Old Ulory;" thu llag wo love so well. This pun does nut work very good mill M) I will Mluingo to puiell. I guos you won't euro just m 1 writeif you mo like me. Just .so I get u lot ter. 1 want to write very much beeaue I ntn gottiiiK sick. J do not t hiiik it will lust long. 1 have just, boon working too hnid. 1 inn Th n l Instiuclor. I hnvti charge of u Tank mid ns the now uicii conic in, instruct them how to drive it Ami I am doing ox tin work trying out fur Ali-cliunic Sergeant. 1 do not, know if 1 will succeed but mil working luird to mnhti good. I will close, Your loving son, T. 1. Huigl. II. U ilurg. July SI, l!ls My Dear M oilier: I toeelvod u letter ftom you the other day und wobMiiu glud to hear rt urn liniue. It is hot over hero now. And wo have lots of woik to do. I whs nr.ule Mechanic Setgeant, 1 liuve sure got good job. And I iiiii going to work huril mid try to keep it. I don't luive to t-tiind uuurd now, and there tire iiiimv other things I do not liuve to do Unit I will not try to toll you of just now. 1 am glud 1 do not have to stand guard, for that ivui no hind on my feet Did my i-0 u inoiitli btup coming to your I do not know, but 1 think it did This Is till for now 1 inn feeling Hue. Your loving on, Sorgt. II K. Hoig. 32(1 lin Tiink Corp. Co.O. A. 12 F France (Mr.s. V. II. Tuber, Inuvule ) In pieparation for the contemplated extension of draft nges Governor Keith Neville has issued a bulletin to all local boaids requesting them to secure the services of voluntary rcg ibtrars jn qvcry voting precinct, in this statjC. Nebraska has achieved a very enviable record in the adminis tration of the selective service law. Nebraskans have given freely of thpir time in tho transaction of this work. ,In the, 1917 registration vol unteer registrars were secured forthc vast majority of counties. In Omaha 100 registrars volunteered their ser vices. The registration in that city of 20,01)0 men cost the government only $9.48. The record attained in some of tho rural districts of Ne braska has been equally as good and in some cases better. The 1918 reg istration was conducted with no ex pense to the fedeial government, it is Governor Neville's desire that the titanic task of conducting the pro posed new registration lie accom plished with as little expense to the government as possible. He is, con sequently calling upon patriotic No brapkans to communicate with tho local board having jurisdiction over their territory offering their services qn registration day. The New Hi-Way The newly touted highway between .. , . . . . ".. . uxtom ami euraMm.uty is entered 411 tllU iliUU 1JVILM llllltUl KUU UUU "Golden Rod Hi-Way". Gold and black I Mr. and Mrs. lilen Walker ofjled markers with on appropriate emblem ' Cloud, were plenum visitor- at tho will be used. ' !'' H. Hure-o home Sunday ovenlnp. A permanent organization to look' Mr and Mis. Jno lliemond were after tho interests of this new cross-, ii visitor In Red Uloud last state route was effected with K. L. , Tuesday. Ih own of Chester, piesident; J. G.i ., . .. , ,. Scaly of Alma, secretary; and M. M.lfl0 u,,cs No",lJ nud J16' Vaughn of Nebraska City, treasuier.1 N lo Mjeut several days ut Donaphou Viee-prosidents will represent the as-!1 ,l n"t'1" sociation at each town on the route. ' Miss llelen Morrow of Uivortur, Starting at Oxford the III-Way i tins spnt feoletal days with hor brother through Orleans, Alma, Republican! (Seoige and wife at Iuavalo. City, Naponce, Uloominglon, Frank lin, Inavale, Red Cloud, Guide Rock, Rostwick, Superior, Hardy, Byram, Chester, Hubbel, Williams, Reynolds, Bairbury, Jasen, Ilnvbinc, Vesta, Tecumseh, Giaf, Johnson, Auburn, Nobraska City. ' This makoB a outo offering advan tages that will undoubtedly attract hundreds of tourists annually; being a direct cross-stale lino with a minimum of hilly or sandy sections,! nougoholrtera ,n l)Uying heat flour and directly connecting with the pop-L1IlB, ,,., nillin,i.folunnnill, c,i;!,itfa iruuioioaiibi:v.iiuiiu.HWtuiii mi uni. oiii -u.Hn ou wu i AVaubatisie trail across Iowa. A Bargain KJJaeresT miles from lllrd City, nil good level farm land exot-pt n few acres, 8" acres ot btvaking to bo sown i to wheat this fall one third to the purchases, pi leu frflsOo 00. Will etrry JIOOU 00 for ,r years ThU Is an excep tional bargain. ,1. W. Stockman has Just returned from Ulrd City with SfjOO.Oi) as his one third share of Si :ioros of wheat frein bis farm, whleh ItifltoO per aere. No further coin. mentR aro neeesanry. 324f J II. Inavale Items i .. . i Mr. mid Mis C A W i' ! children Vi-liol Hi iSiooiiiiiigtiiti Sitday. Miss llHiin'nli JoiVfixnti hn been nn the serl'iii hick list but Is bettor at this uiitiiifr. Mr. titid Mis. Iloinor Dully mid Mr. T. A. .l-ue bft UViliiesduy for u visit, with Mrs Daily's relative" In Missou ri. Mi. I''. I'm nam purchased tin. Colsnn faun south of the rjver one day lust week. Mia. Oorald Leonard spent Tuesday evening wit Ii Mrs. Jane Farley, Mia. Dorothy Wilson of I'.etl Uloud spent lust week with her friend Miss Inez Petty. Jno Hurgiss mid E.irlOrrtii are work lug for lUy Mitchell this week. Charles Arnold .mil Ml-s Lucille Up ton are hero, visiting at the Arnold home. Charles Is lioro from Citnp Ftinston. i An lee eroam supper for the W.O.T.U wus held on Wlckwlr's luwn Wedno.s day eyoning. Mr.s. Charles UeiiUel and daughter Di-Ettu spout T'nosdny evening with Mr.s C II, Harness Mrs. Kill th Miller sp.uil Monday evening. with Mr-. Link Daily Mr and Mrs D Ilurtwell loft Sunday evening via Uurlliigtnii for Colorudo. Mr and Mrs Herald Leonard wore aMendimr the county Fair at ltliulen Wedno.sduy Mr mil Mrs Jack Hnrkor, of Hod Cloud, visited tholr daughter Mr.s Hoy I'liliner the first of the week Mrs Nell Hunter spent Sunday even lug with the Tad Saunders family IX. K. Huntor commenced ploughing this week, nselng his new trnutor Little Mahlo Lockard is spending this week with her friend Ethelda Firlej Noise Nelson tltresliod his wheat last U'iiomIiiv ( Too Lute for Lust Week.) 'Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McCracken, of Itl Cliuid, are visitltur their daughter Mis. Jck Kraut. They have just re turned from a summer outing in Colo rado. Mr. and Mrs. Upton melioro visiting Mis. Clus. Hunter, the lady's aunt. Mr nnl Mrs. Goorgf Jergersnn and Mr. Jane Farley spent Snnday ut tho C. II. Hurgess home. Mr. and Mr.s Bltner Robertson made a start for Camp Dodge, Iowa, Tuos day morning, but found at Iuavalo a card awaiting them stating that their sou bad left the cump mid was then lu Chicago enrottte 'east. There was nothing to do but give up their trip and return home. Miss Jesslo Uittledgc visited at tho Betty home several days this week. Mrs. William Tabnr was in Uladen Sunday. A. 15. Pierce of Red Cloud visited Inavale Tuesday. Mrs. Uessio Norrls and ohildroti uto home from a two week's visit ut Keiu- saw.- The W. C. T. U. met with Mrs. C. Wick war Tuesday afternoon. Bloc tion of new otlleeis was a part of the program. -( ( The Shepursoa brother?, of Rlverton aro seen on our htreets quite frequent ly of lute. Mr. and Mis. II. B. Hunter were Ued Cloud shoppers Monday. ., uinvretu't) rieiee c.iineu me man rfor hu hnnht,r cliimK, Tnesluv. Mr. and Mis Clius. Hunter and Mrs. Upton were lusting visitors lust Tuesday. -John Rlemotnl and tiW wif; Mrs. (5. II. Hurgoss; Mrs. Barley nud daughter attended thelltllman show at Itlvertou Wednc-day evoniitg. The Use of Substitutes am, uso.thcm during the floui. is UBC(l Householders may buy not lo exceed G pounds of flour for each member of the household for the month. Farmors in exchanging wheat at the mill for flour mav do so after thev liavo signed two pledges ono that they raised tho wheat on their ground, owned or rented by them, and tho other that they wil) uso pound-for-pound substitutes covering tho flour. It is not necessary for tho farmer ex changing wlu at to buy tho substitutes at the mill but lie must got them soma placo and uso them while he is using tlte flour, . Kansas Pickups Utile fSieii S in et f on In 1 t. Elsie Harbor vixiled with with time and Lout lli'uwo Mnimnv. MiiMHhUii'vUiaiwtiMiig8few duvsin Med with her sister Mi-. Maude Mr-Clur. Win ItOh'tirlli Mini family wetv pies mitly 'ti'oituiiifii ut the E E Spur, rier home Sundav .Mi-s Ueatiioe litewell stuld hei sister, Mrs. rlthol Upp, lusf week mid , assisted in lueoiiiff iuo iiurei, nop . , , - ,, - m i Chairman, who so successfully orgnn- Mi's Lonetu Atkins, of L.bunon. ,z0(, thJ AuiiHQry an(l so efficiently Bj.ontM.e week end with Miss B.lith , can.,cd on thaAvoi.k durng the ycar Orewell. . j f0 tjlc CoUnty Commissioners for John und Myrle Tweedy, of Smith the use of tho work rooms. Centre, are visiting relatives in this ' To all those who have furnished vicinity. 'equipment for the work rooms. , It. V. I'uync and family were Sunday , To the Lincoln Telephone Co. for visitors at tho J. C. Peterson home. (placing phone at disposal of the The patriotic speiikinj; at the 1'uwiimo , workers. Union Church Suuduy afternoon whs To Mr. 0. J. Kailey, who has had well attended Bldor I'.ice, pastor of, extra duties because of work being the Christian Church ut Smith Contio. done at the court-house, delivered the uddiess, ' To the editors of the Argus, Chief Red Cross Service Committee ' Red Cloud, Nebr., July SO.'IOIS. To The Relatives and Friends of tb ..... . . Webster County boldlers: J. W. Auld, B. G. Caldwell, Dr. J. during the year. V. Stockman, J. L. iJeeb. and olhr To those who are donating each have been appointed as the Ilo-iv montli and thereby enable the Auxil Scrvicc Committee, for the Red Cros- itiry lo ca,.ry on the work steadily, of Webster county. The business of, To those who do the delivering of this section of the Red Cioss is to sr- the materials and hauling of the ship cure a record of each soldier boy, vlio Incnts, has cntcicd any department ot war Resolved, that we express our high service, to give comfort ind aid to the cgt res,)CCt and sense of obligation to families whoso sons and boys have i the 1,200,000 soldiers wlio arc fight gone to the war sen-ice, and to help jng our battles on foreign soils and in maintaining tho morale, and pre- to the 1,000,000 who are serving their serving tho man power of the people nat;on ;n th0 various training camps at home. 0f our country and that we feel A committee has been appointed through the Auxiliary we are able to for eacli precinct to servo as; un in- be of service to those who arc giving formation committee and keep in their all. touch with the families of soldiers in each community, and to cooperate with tho Home Service in Civilian Re lief. The following named persons constitute the precinct committees: RBD CLOUD CITY Clark Stevens Bd. McAllister W. R. Smith Wilber Hamilton CO'VLBS C. K. Putman J. T. Lacy BLUB HILL W. C. Fiahm i F. T. Hopka GUIDE ROCK I. A. Pace Lloyd Hunter BLADEN S. M. Hall D. O. Bennett INAVALE Clyde Pitney A. F. Hartwell WALNUT CREEK Fiank Stokes Harry Chaplin CATHERTON Clarence Wilson Otto Skjelver HARMONY C. W. Fulton Bail "Patterson HATIJC Alex Buckles James Hubatka RBD CLOUD TOWNSHIP Ted Harris Joe Crow - LINE Charles Steward J. W. Mclntyrc JiL.M CREEK Horman Gerlach B. T. Boe PLEASANT HILL Heniy SomerhultlcX' J. 11. l-.Uinger garfu:ld Bi-auk Ailes B. E OAK CREEK E. A. Oatman D. Houpen - r ' STILLWATER ' -, C. J. Chum Adam Alber BEAVER CREEK John Hamilton, Jr. ' J. II. Portenier 'I ho relatives and friend- of the soldiers in each precinct should aid the precinct committeemen and give them such information as uill best carry out the designs of thU section of tine Red Cross. Any aMancc in this work will be appreciated. Yours truly, J. L. R.-cbc. Homo Service Cimmittce, Rid Cloud, o Directory of Nebraska Dairy Cattle Ilreeders In leponsc to numerous ntiuiries, "Where can I purchase daii . cattle?" the dairy Husbandry Depait ent pub- lhJted a directorv of Nobia-kn Dairy, time tho'Calt!c 'ceders. This is put out for. " v "I the purpose ot getting buyers oti account, unu mpon ui meir auutiiua dniry cattle in touch with Xebiaska ' ation, and a petition for tho final Dairv Cattle Ilrceders before tlroy buy i settlement of such account ami report, of tlw hichlv ndvortlscd sietlons of tno st. T' department of Dairy Hus bandry will gladly give such informa tion as it may possess concerning any dealer or breeder and wherever pos sible will render assistance to any one desiring to bufld up a bettor dniry herd. Any one wMiing to see tho di rectory mny do so by calling at the county agent's ollice. Red Cross Appreciation At the first annual nieelinjr of thci Women'd lied Cross Auxil'piy of the Webster Co. Chupler held .in tho Court-house in lied CJoud July 7, 1DJ8 it wus resolved to extend a vote of; thanks to all those who have aided in the work of the Auxiliary during the year and by their untiring eirorts have made it possible to accomplish the large amount ot work that lias been done. Resolved, that wo extend our sin cere thank to Mrs. Dora Kalcy, our and Commercial Advertiser, who have been so generous in donatingspace ' for Red Cross notices and work, cs- ,,o,.m11v- dm-imr tl. mnmliw-nlilti .lrlvo ' " ' "' O "- -- ....,. ........ To those who have given the pro-j ccc,is from entertainments and social3 Resolved that wc commend the pat riotic sacrifices of the loyal women who arc proudly and courageously bidding Godspeed to their loved ones who are going "over there." Respectfully submitted Mrs. E. M. Ego Edith L. McKeighan Mrs. Nellie Grimes Speaking in English "Applied to religious instruction, -it intended that the Sunday School is and all other services shall be con ducted in ENGLISH, excepting that for the old people unable to read, write, speak, or understand our lnne-M-nro. AND THOSE ONLY, a special service shall be arranged. Toi tins end, any hour may oe set agree able to the pastor and congregation, any day or place, in many lorcign- language churches over the state where, for mstance, the regular Sab-1 Data services are neitt at il ociock. the old people referred to above are given a sjiecial service at 10 o'clock.1 I'hen follows tho main service in Eng lish, which those who do not yet un derstand English are especially urged to attead in order to familiarize them selves with tltc language of the coun try. This plan is being followed quite generally with gratifying results, ami if the ministers will make their an nouncements accordingly, they will thus guarantee the constitutional right of religious worship, and give due response to the popular demand of our citizens for tho exclusive use of the language of our country. This plan in no wise interferes witli the religious liberty of any one. "Applied to tho use of the telephone it is manifest that one unable to use our language cannot be denied the right to converse in his native tongue, ami hero tho rule must bend acroid- ingly; igly; but those who r.peak English! iu.t not be given this privilege. The tate Council assumes, that the County m St Councils, boint: conversant with local conditions, can best administer tho . li-iiin of the iMoclumaliun, tlealit.g' with the infractions therof a in othci , nur-er-3 pertaining to tho defcw.e work." i Franklin County Farm at Audit) i On TUESDAY, Sept. Brd, l'Jl a 160-aevo farm ono mile eatt of Blc-om-itiMon on main county roail will bo sold at public sale. Purchaser will be 'J von good term. Ceneral farm sale the same day. A fine crop now in field will also be i-old. For particulars write for large bill. Try to see this farm and crop be fi'' dny of sale if interested. L. E. HOLMES, Owner, S. Y. Ilartt, Clerk Wm. Dunn, Auct Notice of Final Ueport s In the. County Court of Webster Ceunty, Nobiaska. In tho matter of the estate of .!;..nes Milton Stewmd, deceased. All persons intere:;Trd in wild cs- l-i'e, are liereby notified that the Executors huve filed therein a final H' d for a decico of distribution of the residue of taid estate, and for the assignment of tho real estato be longing thereto, and a dischargo from their truat, all of which said matters have been set for hearing before said court on the 30th day of August, 1.H8, at tho hour of 10 o'clock, A. M Hhen all perhons Interested may ap- nv and contest the same. Dated this Mil day of August 1D18. iSl) A. D. KANNEY, County Judge. raOI'OSLD CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT The f dlnwlnjc proposed amendment 'to the elm-tltution- of thu Statu of Nebraska, as hereinafter set forth In full, is subml'ted to the electors ot the State of Nebraska to bo voted upon at tho general election to bo held Tuesday, November Gtb, A. D. 191S: t A JOINT RESOLUTION to nmond , Section one (1) of Artlclo seven (7) of thu Constitution of tho Stuto of Nebraska. j Ho It Resolved by tho Legislature of j tho State of Nebraska: Section 1. That Section Ono of Ar tlclo Seven ot the Constitution of tho Stato of Nebraska bo and tho same hereby is amended by strikiug out tho following words: "Second. Persons of foreign birth who shall havo declared their Inten tion to become citizens comfonnahly to tho laws of tho United States, on tho subject of naturalization, at least thirty duys prior to nn election." And Inserting In tho placo of tho words so strlckon, tho following words: "Second. Persons of foreign birth who shall liavn bcintnn eitkenn of tho United Stales by naturalization or otherwise conformably to tho laws of tn? l',lltCl1 H.,all,.n ,lt ,(-,a3t thlrtV d'3 Scc , T,mt nl- t,JC BPnpra, c,pC! n,.in,. ... .... r,l,,f,,lrt,. tlon nineteen hutiured and eighteen (101S) theio shall ho submitted to tho electors of tho state for thoir approval or rejection tho foregoing proi oscd amendment to tho constitution relat ing to tho right of suffrage. At such election, on the ballot of each doctor voting for or npalnat said proposed nmondment, shall bo written or printed tho words: "For proposed amend ment to the constitution rolathiK to the rlRht of Biiffrago," and "Against said proposed amendment to the con stitution relating to tho right of suffrage." , Scc. 3. If hucIi amendment shall bo approved by a majority of all electors votlnt: at sucii election, said amendment shall constitute Section' Ono (1) Artlclo Seven (7) of tho Con Dtltution of tho Stato of Nebraska. Approved, April 0, 1918. KEITH NEVILLE, Attost: Governor. CHARLES W, POOL Sccrotary of Stato. FINE, FIRM AND FERTILE Should Be the Condition of the Wheat Seedbed to Insure Maxi mum Yields. A line, firm, fertile enrly prepared seedbed Insures the laigest crop of hour nnnllt't- wlinnf Wlitm Vv1i.i rl- lows oats, barley or. other enrly har vested crdp, plow the hind from 4 to 0 Inches deep as soon as tho preced- 'ns crop Is removed and work down each half day's plowing before leav ing the Held. - Harrow or disk the Held after every rain or as often ns cruse fornw untl, ceding tlm et o kill weed ,. to .., . t- M. ino,Rhlp ... I I(k'ul etlbed preparation consists, In dishing, plowing, again disking und i narrowing. up-to-uate larmers uro following this system especially when there Is considerable organic matter to be plowed under. Always cut up coarse material before turning it In tho furrow, otherwise It interrupts tho movement of moisture upward, mak ing an air space which allows drying out. I5y plowing early and maintain ing a soil mulch, moisture Is retalued which favors quick germination. From one to several weeks will he gained In the sprouting and growth ny n thorough soil preiutratioit. The Kan sas experiment station found a gain of as much as lil bushels of wheat when grown on laud plowed 7 Inches deep July 15 and then kept well worked until seeding time, over laud ; , . j u ,.,... -,r' tcmu01 1,t- same depth Sep- NORTHWESTERN COLORADO SOUTHWESTERN NEBRASKA WYOMING HAS ment ditch -'-'O yeai-h tn eay watertight, no interest. Ten thousand free (ill) Hero homesteads, Take wmo of tills excellent laud and keep your protlts in sttad of turning them ovrrto a landlord- Let me help you locate. irso.ifcin-fcu " """"" J-ftJiaarausamofUsx-cvaii .H&xMsaiEJSiEJEaaEHi We solicit a share of your patronage during ipi8 PL ATT & FREES Show the "Chief" LOrop fa ut illS Schuibz & ScSiaal ST UP SO lor First class portraiture enlarging, copying, new work, amateur finishing, etc. VCtli PATRONAGE APPRECIATED Use U a Fs?ee Trial KILL off tho worms and get yourlioca fccdlntrriclitaml they arotnflnoshapotowlthstandonj, disease. They'll fatten fait find M AKE YOU MORE MONUY. 1'lnoforprce cast sows. Wo want you to treat all yourltocs with HOG-TONE FRUEforeOdays. Corao In wo will clvo you sutllclcnt IIOG TONK(theiffuyVormKlllcrnndHoir Conditioner) to truat vour entire hertt Eior 60 days. I! its results fall to satisfy pVou. it will cost you noUiIaj. C. L. COTTING THE DRUGGIST C. II. Minor Dr. S. S. Duardori M.I). C. Manager Veterinary In -hari;o C. H. Miner Serum Co. IMIOPLVKKS- Ariti Hog Cholera Serum CJoud, Nebraska Wire or Phonr. at Our Expense U. S. Veterinary Llccns!'. No. 45' E. S. Gerber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, and Varnish , PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of al Kinds Will Wire Ypur House And Furnish You the Fixtures Dr.W.H.McBride DENTIST ' Successor to Dr. Cross OVEU STATE BANK RED CLOUD NEBRASKA f , is a iiouderfitl wheat country and a ig sn 'eef- with Itenns, Sugar fleets and 1'otatoe.s Corn, Alfalfa and the native Krai-e-, enrich tho dairy or livo stoel; man. ranehe- neau more than u grazing place for cuttle Coin, Cits, Hyerilatiey and Alfalfa are grown to a tluihh for "top ping" the markets. ( unexeolled deeded Irrigated lands, also Initiated hutncHteadh under Coveru- 3 S, B. Howard, Immigration Agl C. B. 6c Q. Ry loot Farnuni St. Oinaha. Nobr N. B. Bush, Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Neb. S!iE23aTai2BSSI2E3JESES3 to Your Neighbor te ""j '-r" 4 J V 2f wawHvwwtnn jim q-l