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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1918)
"i BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF It r W' I h r h 8' h . i!; L. LI r h V, lu: ?r. s THEWmS. Ml IWASHINGTON IS FORMALLY AD VISED OF FORMATION (OVER QUARTER MILLION MEN INow Holds a Portion of the Battle Front Somewhere "8outh of the Marne" Washington. Secretary Baker has 1eon formally ndvlHid by General (Pershing that tho ilrst American flold army had boon croated. The dispatch added nothing to details of the army organization already made known from Paris, Formation of tho army means that the Americanization of a definite por tion of tho front 1h completed. Tho only statement of tho location of this front given Is that It Is "south of tho Marne." Presumably this means n part, at least, of tho long line from St. 'Mihlol to tho Swiss border whero American troops have beon put In at Intorvals during tho last few months. Tho extent of that front has not bcrn disclosed, nor has tho definite strength of tho army been given. Tho advices indicate that It comprises, howovcr, flvo full corps, which means approxi mately 250,000 inon. Tho American sector includes what already hnB been considered tho logi cal road to Berlin. It was across Hues now hold by Americana that tho French struck in 1014 beforo tho plunge of tho Gorman nrmy through Belgium localized tho war in northern Franco. While tho onemy Is Btlll In northern Franco It may bo that no major attack can bo attempted through theso gate ways. Tho campaign In Picardy and at the Marno, however, aro aimed at forcing him back until tho opportunity comes to drive back at him and it is regarded by officers here that It will be over the American lines that the real thrust at Germany will bo driven home. Again Urged to Intervene San Ffanclsco. A committee repre senting international labor unions has called nt tho White IIouso nnd left a memorial nsklng Prosldent Wilson to Intorvono again In behalf of, Thomas J. Moonoy, under Bontonco of death In California for connection with tho Preparedness day parado bomb ex plosion In San Francisco In July, 191C. In tho event of n refusal by tho govornor of Callfornin, tho president 1s urged to compel Moonoy'a release ns, a war measure, under authority of his power as commander In chief. Moonoy's execution, tho memorial do- clarps, would bo n serious obstaclo to fulfillment of tho president's plans for aiding tho Russian people? Man-Power Bill Reported Washington. With a broad "work or fight" amendmont designed to pro- vent strikes and a provision for edu cation of youths under twenty-one serving In the military or naval servlco at government expense after tho war, the administration man-power bill, In cluding all men between eighteen and forty-flvo, has been ordorcd favorably reported by tho senate military com mittee. Ono amendment provides that any person placed in deferred or ex empted class shall not bo entitled to remain there unless ho shall con tinue to work and follow such occu pation. No Desire to Stop Knitting New York. Tho action of war in dustries board in halting the produc tion of yarn for knitting in order to conserve wool for army uniforms may rumm in mo nea uross getting loss wool thnn It noeds, but docs not moan a comploto stoppage of knitting in American Red Cross work rooms, ac cording to officials of tho Atlantic di vision. They interpreted tho board's order to mean that after an inventory of tha country's wool supply had been made production would bo resumed nnd tho Red Cross would recelvo Its nllotmont. Prisoner Exchanne Aoreement Wa8hIngton.Formal acceptance by Germany of tho American proposal for a conforence on treatment nnd ex change of prisoners at nemo, Swltzor land, "the middle of Soptom'ber," has boon transmitted to the Btnto depart nient through tho Spanish forolun office. The United Statos has appoint, ed delegates beaded by Minister Gar rett at tho Hague to attend the con forence. Questions relating toTiitcrn d civilians also will be discussed. Westminster Abbey Bombed London. Westminster Abbey was truck squarely by a bomb dropped durine,a Zoppolin raid ovor London August 1, but the bomb failed to ex plode. Five Zeppelins participated In the raid, two of which woro brought down in flamos. Gompers Will Head Mission New York. Amorlca'a mlBslen to tho Hrltlsh trado unions co"hgrcsa which moetsdn London, Soptombor 17, 18 and 19, will bo headed by Samuel Gompers, presldont of tho Ainorica'n Foderatlim of Labor and will tour Eng Jnnd, Franco and Italy to confor with labor lenders. Mr. Gompers conferred recently with Prosldent Wilson con cerning tho mission. Socialism, ho do dared, would occupy no part in delib erations of the American dolegatos. Ho addod thoro would bo no socialist representation. I U-PIRATES USE GAT Has the Same Effect as Muttard Gas Now Being Used on tho Western Front Washington. Gas from oil dis charged on the water by tho Gorman submarine- operating off tho middle Atlantic coaBt ovcrcamo six men In tho coast guard station and llghthouso on Smith's Island, North Carolina, tho navy department was advised by tho commandant of tho sixth naval dis trict. If the attack was deliberate, as most ofllccrs bollovcd, It consti tuted a new nnd Ingenious form of "frightfulness" nnd, bo far ns has beon roportod, was tho first direct effort of tho Gorman raiders to harm persons or property on American shores, Tho gaa was said by tho commandant of tho coast guard station to have much tho samo effect as tho mustard gas usod by tho Germans on tho western front. The men wero laid out for inoro than half an hour, but appar ently Buffered no serious nftoroffects. Tho dispatch relating tho gaa at tack was ono of a series concerning German submarine warfare- ort tho At lantic, coast received during tho day by tho navy department. Ono told of nn attack on a siibmarlno ono hun dred miles east of tho Virginia coast by an American destroyer, which dis charged seventeen depth charges whero the raider was seen to sub mergo. Tho result of tho nttack was not determined, but aftor oil had ap peared on tho surfaco of tho water, two bombs wero dropped on tho spot and tho submarine was not bcch again. U-Boats Sink Fishermen Boston. Two submarines raided the finning flcot'on Georges banks nnd tho crows of tho fishing schooners Old time nnd Cruiser probably wero lost when their boats wero sunk by gun fire without warning. Tho Scnnott was also sunk by gunflro and shells wero flrod at tho boats when thoy wero putting away, tho fisherman said. Tho Sonnott, Oldtlmo and Cruiser wero fishing in tho samo neighborhood when tho Sennott's lookout noticed two submarines several miles away. As tho underwater boats apparently woro paying no attention to tho fishermen at tho tlmo, tho Sonnctt's crow con tinued fishing after putting water and provisions in tho boats as a precau tionary measure. Tho first intima tion tho fishermen had that tho sub marines woro hostllo was ""hen a shell suddenly crashed Into tho sido of tho 01dtime. Sho turned over nnd sank so quickly that tho Sennet's crow wore certain tho men could not havo es caped. Remains Mystery of the Sea Now York. Loss of tho American naval collier Cyclops remains' tho mystery of tho war. Secretary Dan iels told newspaper correspondent!! when asked regarding reports that n nessngo saying tho Cyclops had beon captured by a German submarlno that ho navy department had no Informa tion regarding such a message. Noth ing in this war is Impossible, tho socrotary sald when asked If tho Cyclops could havo beon taken to Germany ns a prlzo, but ho added that it did not seem within tha realm of probability that such a craft could havo passed botweon tho cordon of British and American naval vessels. Prisoner List Very Large London. Tho contrast betwoon tho number of prisoners taken and tho allied casualties is regarded as re markable. For Instance, tho cas ualties of tho entlro allied forces wero considerably loss than the total prlsonors tnken. When it Is understood that this battlo has not beon waged for tho purpose of taking prisoners, tho casualties Inflicted on tho Germans must havo reached a largo flguro. Check Put on Hand Knitting Washington. Hand knitting for tho soldiers and sailors Is to bo checked until tho war industries board can survoy stocks and ascertain whothor thoro Is enough woolon nnd worsted In tho country for winter uniforms nnd overcoats. Tho board directed apln ners to dlscontlnuo manufacturing woolen and worsted yarns for hand knitting nnd tho shipment of yarns or wool until further notlco. Slxty-SIx Killed by Villa Bandits El Paso. Twenty-six passengers and f,orty Bold,ors of tno traIn Bunrd of - '!fty mon wcro UllIed nnd 80Vcnty sol dlers nnd civilians woundod when tho northbound train on tho Mexican Cen tral railroad was hold up at Conseulo, Chihuahua. Tho bandits wero Villa followers under command of Martin Lopez. Tho passengers left alive and thn hndlns of thn ,lnn,1 .. ...I.... ot tholr clothing and val J1U clothing and valunblos. No More Liquor on Trains Washington. Salo of liquor in rail road Btatlons or on railroad trains is forbiddon by Director Gonoral Mc Adoo In an order offoctlvo Immedi ately and applying to nil lines under government control. Suffrage Parade Broken Up Washington. Another woman's par ty demonstration In protest against tho senate's dolny In acting on tha fedoral suffrago amendment was brok en up by tho polleo Thirty-eight women participating, bannor-cnrrloM and spoakoro, wero arrested as they assombled boforo tho Lafnyotto statue in the square opposlt the whito houso. Whan tho women hnd boon released at tho polleo headquarters on their prom ise to appear for trial, thlrty-slx of them murchod back to tho Lafayette statue and were rearrosted, PUN RATE TEST CASE Suit to Determine Power of Federal Railroad Chief May Bo Tried In Court at Lincoln. The first test case In tho federal t courts to determine whether Director General McAdoo posess-m eonstltu- ! llniiul power to fix Intrastate railroad rates and to override state laws or railroad commission orders, mny bo furnished by Nebraska. Steps aro 1 1. ..!... Iii1iii liv- Mm nnllmiiil ns """ "' h. :.",,' Mi..i..i, Kfll'llllMMl m lllllii. ....... .mi,,,... ... I to Intervene In the Bock Island and Missouri niCilie -.-com. uiru rase.-. I .... n, . Iti llwk frfwlirnl nmitvf tit ',i. n.l In other milts' '" ' . . nil Mm ml rnn is of Xobrnsmi nro litigating. A circular letter has been sent out by C. E. Klniqulst. Washington representatives of the na tional association, to the state com missions of twelve states, propositi'-' that they prepare to participate In the Nebraska eaes, for the purpose of maintaining tho right f n state to fi.v rates within Its own borders. Governor Neville has appointed n committee of nine prominent Nobrn kirns to aid the National nnd Stnto Council of Defense In dealing with the problem of Americanizing people of this state of foreign birth and their children. "The most Important and perplexing problem demanding solu tion In Nebraska at this time," said the governor In making the appoint ment, "Is Hint of Americanizing n con nltlcrablo number of our people of for eign birth. It Is of even greater Im portance, If possible, that we Insure the thorough Americanizing of the children of such parentage." Preliminary estimates of Nebraskns prlnelpnl crops on August 1 made by the stnto board of ngrlciilture nnd the federal bureau of crop estimates are winter wheat, ri.S.'H.OOO bushels: corn. 200.78-".000 bushels: oats. fiS..TT0 000 bushels: ryo, ft.fl.'S.OOO bushels; bar ley. -l.l-i:t,000 bushels, nnd hay 7.1."1, 000 tons. After ndmlttlng ho hnd secured iwgnr with n false Affidavit, Frank Pulls, Madison county farmer, sub scribed -$100 to tho Bod Cross and $."0 to the Y. M. O A and agreed to nny tho spouse of having a big food enn- sorvntlon sign painted In n con spicuous place In Norfolk. Governor Neville has appointed P .T. Cleland. Norfolk; IMwnrd Me.ov. Orleans: Geo. P.r;ndes, Dun Gellus nnd II. F. Motz. Omnha. to repre-cnt Nebraka at the annual convention of the International Asosclatlon of P-h nnd Game Commissioners In New York, September 12 nnd 1,r. Itentals of state school land hnve Increased 95.S04 in the Inst eighteen months, which Is $17,501 more than they grew In the previous ton years, according to Lnnd Commissioner Shumway. Income from sales nnd rentals go Into the permanent state school fund. Food Administrator Peterson of Jjlllll linil'l villllll,) urilini iv. pie nn extra nllownnce of sugar to accommodate state fair visitor. Too- pk, over 'he Btntc wlio Intciul to visit , Lincoln oik during the fa I must bring their own sugar, he announced. I Tho Mndlson county drnft bonrd will tnke about 74 farmers out of the fields to fill tho August draft call. Tho board plans to draw tho 1018 class 1 men nfter the farmers go and then fill tho subsequent cnlls with the class 2 nnd 3 men of tho 1017 list. A rumor Is current that nn aero plane factory Is to bo established at Omaha to cost In the neighborhood of n half million dollars. It Is understood that liberty motors will bo furnished ni- Hia r.1tiw.0 ...TitMi ...111 tin l.nllf frr. -I. '""'"" ,"""" . " elusive, v for the government. r' William A. Fagnn, member of the Hall County Council of IWcnso. pkndod guilty to painting tb. front of the office of tho Grand W mil In- dependent. He was given n n.untnnl fine nnd resigned ns a member of the C0"I1(,II Placards bmrlng tho admonition, "Cut Out tho Kaiser's Tongue. If You Cnn't Speak Kngllsh, Learn It Keep Still or Move Out," have been placed In the store nnd office windows by tho honvo gunrds nt Fremont. Work Is progressing rapidly on tho new $00,000 consolidated school build lng nt Lewlston, Pawnee county. A moonshine still discovered by stnto officials nenr Broken Row has been ordered destroyed. The man A1.nMn.A.1 ...1.1. nnnMnl l... .lltl 1A.i.l- "" i'" mm Iiif'.w- cd S"'1 nnd w.ns flned ?100' WhlSy was being made out of corn at tho still. Tho second annual convention of the Nebrnskn Potato Growers' asso ciation will he held nt Scottsbluff No vember 13 to 10. At that tlmo full plans will be made to handle the big spud crop raised In tho western part of tho stnte. A campaign Is now on In NVbrnska to secure 700 girls to enroll in the United States student nurse reserve. Recruiting stations uro In ewry town In tho state, nnd Miss Man Cogil, chairman of tho nurses de partment of the Nebraska woman's committee urged nil who can to offer tholr services. .Stnto Auditor Smith has rejected for registration $18,000 of bunds Is sued by the ISushnell school district In Kimball county for the reason that thn bonds or.cced tho legal limit al lowed by law. Wm: resignation of tho uthenin church lit Stnplehursl because he could not Hprnk the English language well enough to conduct services In It, Is taken by the state coun:ll of defence ns nn evidence of the patriotic desire of the DmiMi people nt that place to conform to the recommendation that nil church services and public ns- tiilll1i1nirna f 1ii-iitff1iiiif itm ,. Iir romiiic - tMl In English. The Bohemian bazaar to be given for tile benefit of the Ocho-Sloviik army nt Omiihn, September 1 to R, Is exported to be the largest affair of the kind ever held In Nohm.ska. Gov ernor Seville will open the bazaar. i"nntlniw amounting to Wfi.OOO nl- ready have been made. A firm nt Morse Bluffs donated an automobile .vi,iph ..., Iln ,,, Tho Rtat" f0(,.' "dmlnlstratlon hns' amtiwiiul ti it(ii,nt... j.. x . " " " " '" .onnisKans to go slow with lee. Ten suggestions are offered for living Ice. among them being lee should not be um1 In serving food, don't detain the Iceman nnd don't put mere Ice than Is noces snry In tea and otlu'r drinks. Ton serve or go look, says the warning. The state food administration at Onwilin has been advised by Washing. I ton officials thnt tnnll nrilnr lmiiuiia 1 shipping sugar Into Nebraska to bo ( used for cunning nnd preserving pur- ! I poses, must comply with the eer- j , tlficnto rule, which provides (bat sales j can be made only on certificates Is- I sued fo the purchaser by the county i food administrator. ' ! Government exhibits nt the State fair nt Lincoln September 1 to 0 will occupy the entire Arts nnd Textile building. The exhibit will Include thousands of objects of patriotic In terest such ns captured trophies, Browning nnd Lewis machine guns, gas masks, trench periscopes, hand grenndes and depth bombs. Lnncaster county has adopted n 1 sugar card system. The cards are nr. ranged so thnt It will bo Impossible for householders to get more than two pounds per person per month. This ruling has been evaded and so much trouble has been experienced with It thnt the sugar cards had to be adopted ns a last resort. The war department's call for 1II0. 207 men for military service Issued August 8 will take 1.500 white Ne- 1 braskll rnirliitrntitc im,l 1 TO nnt.-..l Tne mpn w ,, ,)(lforp (he nf (Jle Ill0(ll w)hi r0R,sr1s , to Camp Funston and the colored men to Camp Pike. Deuel county has bad six Inches of rain during the past month mid pre- I motions ore being made that the , county will have the lurgoM crop In I Its history this year. Threshing of wheat has commenced and the yield per ncre In some fields In ns high as forty bushels. All four of the sons of Ashley Londrosh of Winnebago nre In the service, according to a letter received by Governor Keith Neville in connec tion wlt,h the record which ho Is com piling of Nebraska boys In the service. Justice F. G. Hnmer of tho Nebras ka supreme court died nt Kearney nt the age of 75. Justice 1 lamer warn . SCTVlnir bis seventh vnnr nn ln su- ,)rp,ne bencn nf t)p 8tflte Up took Qfm ncc jntlU4iry j joo s,x or .; wi rtIcl. fo , s maneuver oypr Hio Augus 31. The flyers will show what n real combat In the nlr looks like. Tho western coin root worm Is damaging corn In some fields In tho Plntte nnd Klkhorn valleys, nccordlng to Agricultural Agent Chrlstlo of Dodge county. The first two volpntcerB In Butler county to write up their applications for army nursing were Misses Nellie nnd Henrietta Lanspa of David City. Thursday, September 5, has been sot isde as Omnha day nt the state . r, ,. ,, , , .. ,. iuir. 'J housaivds of folks from the big cltv nrp p,nnnc f0 nttend. , N,lirJy n n,mi0ll iIPnrt mnro of Pnf. tie, hogs and sheep readied the South . Omnha market during the -past month ( tnnn ,irnK ,-v of jst vonr, i Vwm jimnry 1t mis. 'to August 1. mis. 705 automobiles bave boon-stolen nt Oninha, eompnrod with 427 during the sumo period last year. Thousands of buffalo, entflsb, carp nnd bullheads wero killed In Inkes In the vicinity of Fremont during the re- i cent hot spell. I Fanners In Holt county expect tho lnrgest corn crop this yenr In tho his tory of the county. Tho war has created a great de mand for straw. Thousnnds of tons are being shipped from this state to nrmy cantonments. The demand lo so grent thnt It will well pay farmers to bnle their straw and load It on cnrH for shipment. The Interstate Commerco commis sion hns ordered the railroads of Ne braska to lncrenso tho minimum on carload lots on flour from 28,000 pounds to 40,000 pounds between points In Nebraskn to meet tho Inter state rate. Tho national food administration has asked tho state office nt Omaha to suggest to tho farmers of Nebrahkn the Importance of marketing their wheat nt tho cnrllest posslblo dato. Tho word comes from Washington, not as a demand, but merely as a sugges' tlon. Desplto tho fact that tho Nebraska potato acreage this year Is 15 per cent below that of 1017, present iudl- , cations aro that the crop will equal ! that of last year. Prospects aro bright for an enormous yield In tho western J part of tho stare. 5 CHAIN FROM ARCTIC TO CAUCA SUS TO OPPOSE HUN OFFICIALS HAVE SOME HOPE Millions of Russians Sec the Danger to Their Newly-Acquired Freedom Washington. That tho establlsh mont of nn eastern front that will bo a BorioiiE menaco to Germany Is serious' ly considered by officials here, becatna known when the full text of tho procla- ' inatlon of the supremo government ol I the northern territory was made pub- lie. Tho signers of tho proclamation aro with two exceptions, members of , tho constituent assembly representing 1 tho provinces of Novgorod, Archangel, Volgodn Viatka, Kazan and Samara n chain of provinces extending from tho Arctic to tho region of tho lion Cos sacks in the south. This chain Is In the form of a crescent making a complete front of peoples strongly pro-nlly in senti ment and representing the best ele ments of tho Busslan population. The signers of tho proclamation announce, that "the people's representatives, elected by universal suffrage," are now forced to take Into their hands the government of tho northern region be cause as yet there is no legal nil Russian government. They pronounce themselves unqualifiedly opposed to Germany and dcclnro that tho new government Is "convinced that Rus sia's and tho allies' interest in the struggle against the foreign enemy arc ono nnd tho same." Officials of the state department ad- mlt that there Is reasonable ground for hope tnat tne eastern iront win uo re-established by this new government extending ns it does from the Arctic to the Caucasus and embracing mil lions of Russians who see the immi nent danger of their newly-acquired freedom, sought for generations. In the domination of rheir country by the German government. Automobiles Only for War Washington. Yielding to numerous telegrams from officers nnd men of tha national automobile dealers' asso ciation, tho war Industries bo.ird has set Friday, August 16. for a hearing of tho board's recent suggestion that they convert their plnnts to 100 per cent war work by Jnnuary 1, noxt. "Tho war Industries board," says the statement, "wishes tho automobile dealers and everyone to know thht tho letter to automobile 'manufacturers was prompted only by labor and ma torial conditions thnt make It Impera tive, if the government's war program is not to bo interfered with." Merchants Must Pay License Washington. Proprietors of all bus nesses and professional men with only a fow exceptions will pay an annual federal license of $10, nnd heads ot wholesale concerns doing a yoarly buBineBS of $200,000 or more will be required to pay an annual fee of $25, according to n schedule inserted in the draft of tho revenue bill by the houso ways nnd means committee. Farmers, mechanics, ministers and teachers will bo exempted from the $10 occupational tax as will concerns doing an annual business of less than $2,000. Raise for Western Union Workers Now York. Announcement of a gen eral Increase of 10por cent In wnges to all employes of the Western Union Telegraph company belonging to the association recently organized by tho company, havo been made. Tho in crease, rotroactlvo from July 1, applies to about 45,000 workers. The advance Is subject to approval by Postmaster Gonoral Burleson now in chargo of telegraph and telephone lines under proclamation of the president. Stars and Stripes In Italy Romo. Tho American flag waves on tho highest peak rising In tho middle of tho Mediterranean, on tho Gcnnnr gentu mountains, 2,000 feet high, In tho center of tho islnnd of Sardinia. Tho Amorlcnn flag, together with tho Italian, wavod around the gigantic statuo of tho Redeemer, erected on that mountain, during the inaugurn- tion ot tho summer colony for sickly children, founded In other regions of Italy ns in Sardinia. Urges Miners to Maximum Effort Washington. Coal minors and op erators aro called upon in a proclama tion by President Wilson to give tholr maximum effort to tho production of coal to tho end that tho threatened Bhortago noxt winter may bo nvcrtca. Tho presldont asked tho miners par ticularly to work full time nnd urged those who aro essontinl to tho industry to accept doforrod classification In the draft. Bolshevlkl Chiefs Flee London. Premier Lonlno nnd IiIb chief assistant, Leon Trotzky, have fled to Kronstadt, tho naval baao near Pot rograd, according to a dispatch sent by tho semi-official Wolff bureau of Ber lin nnd printed in Zurich nowspnpers, 4,000 Canadians to Siberia Ottawa. Canada will bo roprcsonted by a military unit of approximately 4,000 mon In tho expeditionary forco which tho allied governments will Bond to Siberia, is announced by tho domln ton government. W a 11 1 I ALL won WHO ARE ILL This Woman Recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound Her Personal Experience. McLcnn, Neb. "I wnnt to recom mend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable- uompounu to nil women who Eudor from nny functional disturbance, as it has dono mo moro good than all tho doctor's medfeino. Sinco taking it I havo a flno healthy baby girl and hava gained in health and strength. My hus band and I both praise your med icine to nil sufTerimr women." Mrs. John Koppelmann, R. No. 1, McLean, Nebraska. This famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's VcRetnblo Com pound, has been rcstorinp; women of America to health for more than forty yours and it will well pay nny woman, who suffers from displacements, in flammation, ulceration, irregularities, backache, headaches, nervousness or "tho blues" to rdvo this successful; rumedv n trial. -r For Bpccial 6upp;estion8 in repnrd to your ailment writo Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Tho result of its long experience is at your service. Soldiers Soothe Skin Troubles with Cuticura Snn. nlnfm,, T.Imim 9 U.L Stmpltiof"CUcBr,Dpt E.BmU." A Meadow Stunt. Nebuchadnezzar was eating grass. "I hope to make n bit with Maud Muller," he explained. Smile, smile, beautiful clear white clothos. Red CrosB Hall lllue, American made, therefore best. All grocers. Adv. ONLY ONE CAUSE FOR WORRY Decoction Put Up by Obliging Chem ist Removed All Other Troubles From His Customer. Riislinns was feeling uncomfortable as he trudged home In the rain. Sud denly he beard u laugh behind him and. curious to know who could feel hilarious In such weather, he turned around and recognized Simpson, who was keeping dry with the aid of an umbrella. "Suppose you're laughing because U've forgotten my umbrella?" growled Rashuns. "No, no! Come under and I'll tell you," said Simpson. "I have Just heard about Mason. He went to a chemist and said to the man: 'Glvo me something that will banish from my mind the thought of sorrow and bitter recollections.' That chemist .must hnve beon nn obliging chap, for he made up a dose of quinine, epsom salts, wortnwood and a little castor oil for Mason to take, and the poor old chnp can't think of anything now ex cept new schemes for getting the taste out of his mouth." WATER COLORED BY PLANTS Interesting Discovery the Result of Tests Made by Scientists of Harvard University. Thnt many mnrlno plnnts cause sea water to become nlkallne when ex posed to sunlight Is definitely proved through Interesting experiments de vised by W. J. V. Osterhont and A. IT. C. Haas of tho laboratory of plant physiology, Harvard university. These gentlemen hnve found n war- to measure accurately the Increased alkalinity. Without going Into details, It may be said that this consists In Im mersing u green senweed In n glass tube of snlt wnter to which n few drops of phenopthnloln have been add ed. After exposure to sunlight, the water turns pink, nnd the degree of plnkness, measured by matching against the colors of n series of tubes containing the samo concentration of Indicator In n series of "buffer solu tions" of known alkalinity, gives the qunntlty of alkali produced by the no tion of tho sunlight. The Candidate. "I nm n candidate for your hand." "Very good. How much nllowanco do you propose to allot me, who Is to do the cooking and whnt Is to bo your nttltudo toward my family? In short, what's your platform?" Saving Wheat is only one good point for Post Toasti es svs(fio($y IIIIIIIIIIIIJMIIIIIIIII tiy A fm0tl ,- J W.-5"W-K.-MMca,-w-. '-wsr wmnwiiiw-ifc,-!- wvtu i,rliii6im.n, -.,