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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1918)
A ? 5J2S f 4 A ftngtrtt'.iJJU'iaFWL'MLiCT..'mjUi;t.xjnfzju'JiiijmukuuA lj.jhw.iwmw' ..: 9. AS TOLD TO US :!: ;:;: Uossu Ci iult is visiting lit Konni".v. Mi-s Olive nielumlvm lifts i ('turned to Hasting. Cut mil drink nt l'owcll & Pope's C.ifo. ' tf Mrs linker lis vIMthiK relatives nt Gntud UlnuJ, Mrs .Myrn .loy nud iliiughters nip home from Smith Center. Frush Huntings brcud dully fit l'hi't's Grocery. tf Mr. tuid Mrs Will Aultz litive Konu to visit relatives In Ciilifornin. Eyes tested, glasses fitted. J. C. Mitchell, the Jeweler. 'There is Knottier important "Biy Chiof" meeting called for Saturday. Mrs. Lynch and daughter have re turned to thair home at Council Muff's Pried chicken social at the M. E, church parlors tomorrow evening, 5 to 8:30. The N. B. Bush family went to Oher. lln, Kan., Sunday, for a visit with relatives. Opening day nt the illation Fair was highly satisfactory ns to both entries and attendance. Tho Petty home near Inavalo IsgraO' ed with a new Lyon &. Ifealy pitino, Roy Sattley installed it Geo. Frost of Mauford, Okln., wns the gtiest of his brother, Claude Frost, the latter part of tho week Mr. nud Mrs Chas. Ilulfer and Mr. and Mrs Ernest Davis and family, of Ax'el, visited in lied Cloud Sunday. Volunteer registinrs fire wanted to handle the now registration under the 19 to . law, which is to take place in September. FOR SA LB Good, improved quarter boc'jon '1 miles east and 7 miles south of Inavale. For terms see tl. J. Won derly. ;J2tr Miss Miirgaret Roper, of University Place, who has been the guest of her mint, Mrs. S. C. Ellis and family, re turned homo Friday. Tho voices of (irn. Pershing and B. AmbasendorGortiid ean'now be heard on the Columbia Gritfonola at Uottinc and MltchellX 11-1 Prior to tho lnemorial services for (illbert Sullivan the Home Guards of both Inavalo ami Red Cloud cave an exhibition drill on Webster Street. The Ited Cross, as an organization, mot not enter politics. This is oill- chilly announced by Ueueriil Manager (ico. B Scott, under instructions from 'the War Council. For goodness sake wont somebody t get busy and cut that bunch of Weeds .iti the foreground of thu Washington school grounds before the pupi s ar. j rive and catch hay fever therefrom. K. T. CIRCUS Wednesday and Thursday August 28 and 29 The Biggest Show On Earth FEiTURINiG JENID EEtyreTT The World's Greatest Lion Tamer. They Eat out of His Hand. Also the Most Marvelous Aggregation of Natures Wonders and Monstrosities Bennetts Colosial 3-Ring CIRCUS The Biggest and the Best FrevH af& "Br'ft-wAV sF'i'ra'w wwcs" at III Maiinee WedncsJay at ill t M '.It. 1 .ni.i Mr- t i 'uy P'iil llli.., h i (n" i 1 fi ' Alma. R y Robinun is visiting rela tives at Orleans. Freh Hastings bt cad dully tit Plntt's (iioci-ry. tf Bdlth and llurdon Zeiss are vlsltinc their sister Violet tit Lincoln. Hood meals good service moderate prices Powell & Pope's cafe. Mr-. ,Joo Mhsoii nud sons are visiting iclatives at Ml. I'leiiMiutoti, lown. Mis-es Ora Baker and Nora Mitchell have gone to Falls city for u visit. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kobinson of Guide Hock, wero Sunday visitors in Red Cloud. fleitr Rev. Virgin C. Flnncl at the Urethern church Saturday evening and Sunday morning. John Koenlng entertained his broth pr-lnlBw Ovenr Johnson, of Kanaratlo Khd,, the last of tho week. We acknowledge a pleasant call from edldr-Humphroy Jones of the Blue Hilt Leader, Monday; MrtfTJ. ArWisecarver has returned from Omaha accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. (5eo. Kailey. Miss. KuthwynTait who. has been the guest of her uncle, Dan Gnrber returned to Lincoln Tuesday. Mrs. Will Sunberry and son return ed from Republican City, Monday, where they had boon visiting relatives. Mis. Frank Owen and Miss Reese Farmer who have been visiting here returned to their homo nt Clarence. .Mo., Sunday. Owing to the advancing cost of evry thing loquircd in the business the bus fare will hereafter be . cents eneh way. Wm. H.vvrs, Bus Lino L. A Plorcc and family of Oceola, Xeb. are making a two weeks visit with tho-S H. Johnson family near luavnlo. Mrs. Pierce is n nelee of Mr. Johuson. Remetnber, young men, you who have attained the age of 01 since June Stli must legister next Saturday. Ap pctr at tho court house between sou a. in. and 0:00 p in. Mrs. (loo. Coon and daughters I .In. Jennie Mae, Snnih Bllen, and theii brother John, left Monday night for Nnthrop and other mountain points In Colorado. They expect to remain about two weeks visiting relntives and friends. Two other daughters, Btlte' and Alta, who have been In Colorado 8 line time will return with the party Farm Loans I am ready to make farm loans in any amount at lowest rates, host terms and option. Absolutely no do lay and no inspection expense. Sole agent for Trcvett, Mattis and Baker Some private money. J. II. BAILEY. 2 Days ONLY Admit ;ion An rii.,on li ((!( Lvwnilig '."Jl-U j Mn M el NT r H Br S' i BvH nifiUMKnmMnran h , 1 i' H.i 1 .s 4.ih 1 y lfoly H.I , .S .!l 1 I lillC u (no c 1 1 ilte Uii t' 1 ii't 1 tt s .1 L " ! vlslM"l 1 Jst witk R. 1j CutniiilngH and wife u' River, ton were Red iMotid shoppers Moodily.' Miss B Rust is home from ti sum liter's visit with relatives at Uillette, Wyoming. Mr. and Mis M. A. All tight iinti daughter Helen are vMting lelnttves in Retl Oiik. Iowa. Miss llitibara Phares has gone to the CHstern maikels to pttrchuse fall uud winter merchiindlse for her store Julius V. Stiekney died at his home in Inavale Sunday. He was a vetcrnu of the civil war and 75 years of age. AU.iti Ciitnmlngs hns gone to Strouis burg where he will' be etnplojed by the Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Company. t . Watermelon soclul under the aus pices of tho Red Cross society ut the Nelson Hayes farm north of Red Cloud this evening. Mr. and MrH. Ftcd Kuehu mourn tho death of their six-mouths old baby, which onssed away at tut early hour this tiioi nleg. S. 11. Johnson, of Inavale, was u pleasant caller at thu Chief olllee Mon day. Ho wts showing Mr. L.A.Pierce the sights of our city. Ho repot ts the ei ops iii-oiiinl liwivtilc looking lino. Clevo Loy is now otllcial mail carrier between the poslotllce and depot, hav ing signed a contract last Monday morning Ho was previously acting as deputy. Colonel lieS'j wandered down the Chief stairway otto day tills week look ing for information. Wu disiouiember exactly what ho wanted but it was equivalent to how iniiiiv pancakes could ti man eat If it takes !sT fliingles to get him into ollice. M. II. Corner mid family of UiU ulty and George Comer and family ol t'Jhiu Hill made a 1200 utile unto trip ilnotigli tho west lust week. Thoy visited Will Routs at Seotls Mull" and Fred Wall In ut Wray, Colo , both former residents of this city, mid found them on,j lying good health uifd proyierlty. The war veteran ti. A. U., Samuel B Kisser miiilu a pleiisant call at the Chief ollh e yeiterdny and announced that lie was celebrating his 71st birthday aiinlversuy bum looks liali and liearty, ljibor-i at his trade, earpenter, evety day and bills fair to oe many mote lectin enees of the day. Attend tho big Thayer County Fair at Deslilor August 27, 28, 21), & 30, "Nebraska's Fair Beautiful"; shade, drinking fountains, fish ponds, day ami evening programs, rack your baskets, load your family into the auto and come to the show. Biing tents and camp. A Ford car was stolon Saturday morning: ftotn tho baru of John Colby, a farmer residing out in the Imivnli section. -Notices were sent in all di. rections, Monday, by sheiilT HutTer It was discovered standing beside the road not fur from Mr. Colby's home Wednesdny. Evidently tho 'borrower" became frightened and made mi an nonymus return of the missing propei. ty- Webster County Teachers' Institute was in session here nil of lust week and proved both interesting and lit structive. There were eighty-6eveu names enrolled and itljs BlgnSQcant to note that only five of these were young men. Miss Alice Florer, AbbUtnui State Superintendent was in chnrge. The lecturers were Miss Christine Tin ling, W. C. T. U. worker from Norfolk Va.; Wm. Dellzell, head of the Peru State Normal, Miss Joy M. Higglns of Natloual Labor Mission, receutly home from overseas; Leonard Trestor State Director of Junior Red Cross; J. II Slpple of Kenruey State Normal; MUs Rose Shonkn nnd C. A. Fulmer of Lin coln; iin impressive nrrny of tnlent which goes to show, without comment Whntttie lu&titutcjwifr-g , Baptist Church' Notes Preaching at 11:00 a. m., Sunilay school at 10:00 a. m.; prayer meeting at 8:30'each Wednesday evening. All I are invited to attend each and all of' these services. j To avoid the confusion of so ninny i bells being rung at the same time tho I hell at the Baptist church will be i rung at 9:25 and at 9:55 a. m. fot Sunday school and at 10:55 for the! church service. ' There is a wonderful work of grace being wrought in the meetings being conducted by Rev. V. M. Harper neat Riverton. Some eight or ton conver sions willi eighteen or twenty askng for prayers null Christian sympathy are" vcpoitcd. " ,1"J'r1'-5iT "- ' Rev. C. W. Fisher of WollsvihY Kansas, will preach at tho Bapti-' church Thursday evening at ,8:no. Subject not announced, hut Broth' Filler is a live wire and you will In pleaRcd to hear him. o Slim vS?lT Exhilarating Burfestji!; Vaudeville $UgAIMi Flllri lti tn, Blrii.t-j 'Clir,, Btiieu.;. . ...-I"it,Hl"",,'' li-l t'Hltaiwtl MUM tm MA1IKE tr-.tit ftCEKMY .. CCvOF-ytiorf ai.: Av.. Atwubdy M;t inftHi m tm im f o " cwmo A, CHIEF BMMmwmunv Firo Near the Depot " e '! . i, K i , ,. '1 lit' ti ' ' - . ,11 v 1 i- I ' . . iu-r nli lit I Miumhly by p uks from u pniiig 1m' t Ivo lire whs started in a p.le of tel , 'iuiiu poles voveral eurlu.uts -n! iricont to the truck west of the di Tliey were the propei ty of the Lit In Telephone Co. and weie a total lo -burning llercely on account of ben j coHted with u tiii-iiresi'i-vntivi.. 'I fire department responded ft 'ut could do nothing on account e being too far from water sup oii tlf ply I ,r irts weie made to remove some of 1 o poles but the tire wns so hot th- could not bo accomplished. A few des were moved. A i engine waiting to tnke the even itu! as-enger train on its' westward tri wns pressed Into service to re nin, sidetracked cars to places of sufttv, nnd no dimngc resulted out slile he pile of poles. Good Neighbors Am Instance of the tine neighborly spi i' characteristic of Nebraska was cm-i I'lllleil last week In threshing on the McArthtir and Weesner farms, Thi I'.iz threshing out lit was thilng the ,itk ncross that section, and after win -. Mr. McArthur and helpers wero to i." to the bottom lands wheio he had acres of wheat, ami ineot the Mel Msh outfit to do the work tltoie. Oi arriving tit tho lower farm Mr. M'itlinr was surprised to find the eitlii work completed. The threshers hail .it lived and ti number nf neighbors knowing of the work on the hill had ttir 1 in nud helped without waiting or . ,ng a word. Another pleasant Itet .as that, Mr. Weesner had the tin 'i-rs come over to his place for dim. i instead of leaving it for Mr Me i luir who would have had to send thei" into town for that purpose. M is AbelJelph, Flunk HtillVr. K lln.. I'meher and Chas (Ittrnoy furnish ed - teams to do the hauling Severely Wounded M Luella (iiirretson of this elty reei Kid nfllelnl notice from Washing ton ti itifying her that her son Private Jes.( K. (iiirtetsoti, was sewivly worn, Ii I Aug. 4th, in action. No par. liciil. us were given. Two other sons, Ray mil Andrew, arc also in tho set--viei . tho former some where in France, thi' li'terou the (iieut Lukes. Council of Defense Meeting Tin-to will bo u meet lug of the Wom an's Council of Defense nt the Coutt House Monday evening, August L'lith, nt einltt o'clock, ( There is business of Importance to ho transacted uud a full attendance is desired. .Mils. Fkaxk Smith. Chnlrmtin. Farmers' Institute There will bo a meeting of the Fx-'-entire Board of tho Farmers' I its' 1 tute, at the state Bank nextSaturday, Aug. 21, at .'l:''(l p. if. Hr.xitv (iilham, See'y. m Appreciates Support Albert V. Ducker highly uppreciates Kenerous support given him nt tho polls Tuesday nnd takes this method of conveying thnnks to the many who voted for him. Notice Red Cross Knitters All knitters doing work for the Red Cross Auxiliary are requested to hand in the finisned articles by Wednesday' August SB. . Property Lost Lost between Red Cloud ami Bladen, set of auto chains in sack, set Keen Kutter wrenches, pair pinch plyers, music stand in leather cne, and other smnll articles. Finder leave nt this jotlico or notify Claude Cramer, Bidden ; Nebraska 33.2 A Clock To fill your needs is here for you But you should CALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE for the Clock Shortage is sure to come this winter. EARLY BUYING means BETTER 'SERVICE and Better Satisfaction. Clock Materials are get ting low and it is neces sary to act at once. J. C. MITCHELL - THE JEWELLER Spring v Summer S$c$ Both Oil and Coal or Wood can jfZr $$gbe uicd at SAME TIME 4Zf Autumn In hot weather, cook and bake with Kerosene Oil. In the cold seasons, use Wood or Coal. Have a comfortable kitchen all the year 'round and always get perfect results with UoTWO RANGES IN ONE Let Us Demonstrate It To You. G. W. TRINE, Red Chad EfflSEBSBnSSRSB&EESBE You always get the very best at our store because QUALITY goods are the only kind we sell. The brands we carry in stock are recognized by the housewife as the VERY BEST of their kind. Everything Fresh and Pure Chase & Sanborns Coffees Itens Crackers and Cookies Batayia Jams and Spices Sunflower Canned Goods M. A. ALBRIGHT i Lincoln and Telegraph Co. GEO. J. WARREN. Manager You Receive the Greatest Value from the Telephone There is no commercial service or home necessity where so great a value is given as in the telephone service. A Telephone Costs But A Few Cents a Day The service it renders could not be duplicated for many dollars and in some cases hundreds of dollars. The daily cost of this valuable service is measuree in a few cents and is easily within reach of everyone A telaphonh installed ,ae once will produce a muxi mum of results. Visiting and shopping may be enjoyed without leaving your own fireside. wtuuirmmiawiMii.iBrw.nMun ItflHVmQfHft Winter vmnummira uarwvvMiKmior.mnsivir usovtxMwn Telephone rd m u I V- i if lprtrTPTITTTrTTTTrTMIilllliiani