The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 22, 1918, Image 4
I 1" .' I I M ti V ' I? f ) (f 5' n M f H I1 in tf iwmmaiumum"'"' New Fail H S are in New Fall Suits are arriving daily Indications point to the fact that early buying is the safe and sane policy Young Men! Our Campus Togs Suits are the very latest breath !n style, combined with first class quality and workmanship Come In an 2 13 Look Hamilton-Gather Cloth'g Co. KJSD CLOUD, NEBRASKA, OHIE P Primary, Vote Webster Co. I THE RED CLOUD CHIFF K3jtivmat&cunuiwiiuxKtaanzuvrvtar?KazjMiis TUaravrxsT.TwrMa mwwmixrrm3marnr?r)ifn-n"i .n GumwuJMM-ii.MaMinBucmtmtjuuiiuiaMVfuum i F For a g&od well md House Dress I UoiueDrctstJandAproni. V. 5f( I All IBABE KARK Rtk yvCXV III I II u tlSW'J WF22' TMra li i P1 iikVw'srsK 0 IlllfflSg wFsiPJL .?sUM lli i irffl mm fflsal &y True Worth Dress Fortalo by & pifs. Barbara Pharesj lflWVVVlftftWAVAV.SV.V.V.V.VV.VV.V-V.-AVUVAVAW i Christian Church Ihu. otc was ight lust Tuesday and plainly fails to reglater tho will of the people who evidently do not realize that the primary is at very least of as much Imporlanco as the legular clce ton. Following hi o the tutunm from thu eoliuty: di:moui:.tic U S. Senator- Keed '-'8 Morchead 21)7 Howard 41 1'rloe H Metcalf -,3t (jovernor Itrjau 211 Neville 410 Lieutenant Governor Slutt 2r,l Manning 318 s'rerctary of State Coooper 130 (latewood 100 Schall CI Shields 101 Walrnth 8.1 Auditor of Public Accounts Ayres '.'Ol Muitifoid 2.T) De France 10.1 State Treasurer Canaday &22 Attorney General Barrett :.....-... 120 Campbell Ill) Borgo 262 Coinmlhstoner I'lihllc Lands and Uldgs. Shumway 5.1:2 Hallway Commissioner Ilarrop 120 Simmons 2 Hi Knyat t 100 Congressman .1th Dlst. Shallenborger o'O State Senator- .lacltson MO WiBcearvor aC-'i State Representative lilth DM. Heebo 58 Pace .7 ','!).l Count v Cleric Perry 17.1 County Treasurer Ducker 312 Arnold ..2H Kalust raw ; . . l:i ;ountv Sheiift' HulV.u- .ill Clnisty 100 County Attorney Monday 510 County Commissioner Hid Dlst. Wiekvlie o2 Stratum '. 1 Luunt.v Coinmi'-siouer 5th Dist. Hamilton DeTour H" Ur.PUBLICAX ' IT S. Senator Sloan U'! Ilammoiid 7,' Norils 11 ' M aditt 0' Meioor 1 (ioveinor MeKelvle W lohusou 1M Lieutenant Governor Utirrowa lt.' Page 2'.'.1 Ziegler .1V Fries 07 Secretary of State Amsuerry ..U Auditor of Public Accounts Mfiton 'Ji'ii! March .'. ami State Treasurer Cropsej r.S0 Attorney Ueneral Dowling 2.13 Davis .'i- Commisbloner Public Landsund Uldfc's. Swauson 2.1S Cowles IJGU Hallway Commissioner Taylor 301 Cook 2S2 Congressman 5th Dlst. Andrews 3.13 Gilham k.!J22 State Senator 20th Diet. ErlcliBou 358 Pierce 21)7 State Representative 40th Dist. UicUard C17 County Clerk Hoats 247 Carpenter 108 County Treasurer Starr 442 Cox 238 Rod Cloud, Nebraska. ULISHKD RVKKV THUItSDAY Jntrred In the t'ovtctlirc nt Htd ( loud, .Vcb f.R Second Class Matter QUICLCY & BROWNE. Ed.tort .nd tUH ONI.V DKMOCUAXIC PAI'KK IN WUUSTEU.COUNTY The returns from the primarleh In dicate that voters are not awake to the fact that voting for one's eounf ry is of equal importance with t-liontlng for it. Illustrative of the spirit, of American boys who aie "across the water" one of them who had been over a year in the heavy'worh, and who wai previous ly addicted to soft cafe lights, late suppers and uncomfortable mornings, said, "It has been the greatest thing that ever happened to me, and 1 want to stay to the finish." Thousands who went away boys will come back men. In another column we print n letter from Sergt. Dale Ellis wheicin he foisees an end of the war nt an early date It is evident that the brave and patriotic Red Cloud soldier U fully1 Imbued with the American energy which is to bring the war to hu end as soon as possible without losing the objects for which it Is being fought. Pel haps Sergt. Ellis Is a little over sanguine, but as a matter of fact men liiyh up In military circles are fore &eeinir the end of the war In 1911) Have you ever thought to think what a country you live in? The whole ot jny one of thu other warring iriuntilcs would make hut a fair sized dot on today'- map of t he United States. Wiseacres of fifty years ago predicted fn-ely that the war debt of about a half billion dollars could novel be paid. Today the government quietly nrrang-c- for an eight billion dollar 1 1. And the Arni'riean people will as quietly arrango to piv it. Ours Is a country almost boundlos, with resouiues r.' inost unlimited. And a good large Motion of It is named Nebraska. J i ftHUI'lirti' '.Mfmamagu- S Clean Up Faint Up Light Up i wnmmmmmmmmmmj ft H H L J The lamps that paint your home with LIGHT. Just as the outside cf your house is made spark lingly clean and attractive Vy Iho application cf well selected paints, so the insid J can be made even more inviting by " painting" it with the clear, bright light of It is almost impossible to look ovrr a newspaper nowadays without find ing some lcference to "man power." Did it ever 'occur to you what the "woman power" of the woild is do ing? President Wilson and hund reds of brainy people acknowledge with gratitude Iho importance of woman as a factor in war work. If you want evidence of what she is (loinj? look into the lied Cross work rooms at the comt-housc any. time during working hours. Look into the homes from which mothers have scut beloved sons to the battle fields. Look up the young wives whose husbands nic "across the water." Look up tho younger women whose sweethearts are in the ranks. Think of what thousands of Red Cross nur?cs are doing. On every hand is found evi dence of woman's practical patriot ism. The spirit that sent foith Jean d'Arc inspires them. They do and give and give and do, not "until it hints" but while it hurts. "The hand that rocks the cradle moves the world." To that hand, and to the heart and soul behind it, all honor. DSSON .Mazda Lamps Resolve, therefore, to replace every current-eating carbon lamp with an Edison Mazda and by so doing "paint" your home with three limes as much light or "paint" three times as many rooms for the same current cost. . .. , q And if your homo is not wired for electricity, don't keep on wishing for it have it. Wiring is so easy and inexpensive that you will wonder that you didn't have it done before. Just 'phone or send n card and our representative will call, at your convenience. E.W. STEVENS Plumbing Heating Everything Electrical rcKzxnxxajc vwv Auto Hearse - Horse Hearse ED. AMACK UNDERTAKING , (LADY ASSISTANT) ;: Phone, Ind. Store 158, Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB. tftV.V.VAVAV.V.VV.V.V.VNV-V.V.VV.V.V.V-VA,lAiVI c WW, '------j 1 The State Fair is not an amuse ment enterprise. It is an agricul tural institution with plenty of amusements added to make it attract ive to all. The Nebraska State Fair stands without a competitor in its hog ex hibit and with the added encourage ment this year of a new $100,000 barn in which to show the hogs at the fair. This intcrestng exhibit should outdo itself. Talk (Kith lis At)0Ut I ItUfllfcER 1 JHalone-Gellatly Go. I 5 IrtrWWWVWtfWArVWAVAWUWWAW 11:00 a. ra. A Sermon of Interest to All. ".'; Sermon in the evening at"8 o'clock ; WWAVAV.V.V.V.V.VV.V.'.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.WA'.W.VSVW County Sheriff Wallace 2.15 Hedge 12.1 County Attorney County purveyor . Ovcrlng . .118 County Assessor Merrick Iiutler Haitwell.... County Commissioner 3rd Dist Waldo Cather County Commissioner 5th Dlst. Shlndlor 414 NON-PARTISAN County Judge Hanncy 7.T) Stewart 382 County Superintendent DueUer 7.'ll Kui logg , asa ...28!1 ....237 ....108 . ...71 fll Are YouLoing ?qur Butter Fat Profits in the Skimming? ARE you throwing away good money every year in j butter fat, by using the old methods in skimming your cream? Stop that waste now! Come in and see the real money-saver we have to show you. & We will point out and demonstrate the many improve ments and merits of the - L IHffiiKfl.MYI 'i'iiW '"1 .M'WWVI ,:mhmw,juwsu",'iMi taiMiMiniwi I imniiu.iiiiiMinnMaiMMrau $11.00 Per T&n Highest Price Paid for Brass, Copper, Lead, Rubber, Rags, Bones Old Autos, Auto Tires and All Kinds of Junk. Frank Starr's Barn Ind. Phone 3-1 &4 nNNxnwui, : mil.. ..ijhhkj wsiiHr.k'u z&, a ,mrn O LsOlf ""i..1 mxw 'TrnSa StutUtics prove that all over the United State's advertising is steadily increasing. .Make a nolo of that Mr! Merchant. And note further that those who do not advertise wi 1 ho the ones to malio a noise about business being dull. Thebublness wll- bo there jusi tho same people liavo to oat, have to weui clotlHH, have to use luel, have to hate working tools-hut iho firm that advertises will bo gettli, it. Ad vertlbing steady advertiliu not tho "im.iiMHlic kind Is thotoHd i sucuk Whethni it he for flvo d-,i ,rj or for live bundled doliais worth- ,. up your name and btiblUi-ss btttoio o i patrons if u would rtiUiu tlioir injuayi'. IJvfiy lime you uiu Hi) x 'v iitf mnll iin'er hotiM cuts n satl mto roiir buiiivkUttid. IJdiuM.tht' i. itilotnler iimi ov nuver let up on uuvei thing. W CREAM ih smtims&S 1 m Rjf-' You will learn that the Vikinj,' in ir. '.Jo of the finest steel and materials in the largest separator factoi-y in the world. That the Viking has greater capacity than any other "separator, sizefor size. That the simplicity of theViking gearing makes the operation easier. That the new discs make tlic Viking the easiest separator to clean, that is made. That the Viking is the lowest price I high-gtade standard separator made. Come in and see it. Farmers Union .Co-operative Co., Red Cloud aaaBBSiiiisHiBagag fitPfOi --- j'ljJB In i . V J "" svts "III MMII1 1 1 i S N UWi r.w,