The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 22, 1918, Image 1

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There is hardly a
of us are called upon to draw upon our
j: reserve, either physical or financial.
: Have you some in store?
j: ' This bank is a good place to start a
: financial reserve, and it cannot help but
p be of service to you.
j DEPOSITS in-this bank are PROTECTED by the
! Depositors Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska
Websler County Bank
Capital and Surplus $35,000
I J ' H '.,
Licensed Emba Inter in
Kansas and Nebraska
far -
Comolcte Line
Open Day
day parses but mosl
Red Cloud, Nebraska.-
of Ub-to-dae
Slugs, Etc.
and , Night
& Pope
Pay You
k Newspaper That Gives The News
9i iiwm i uuirai m i "m mxu a ruuw Jt u t J jwuHwr f x
Red Cross Memorial
In jvr..,iy of a hco f o a .-ohlhf
dead !. o-.f a 'i. o ptoph- of Rflfp
Cloud assemb'.t.l (ti".n . ut the Qfi-
phci'n Str'day evening for u sorvieej
Ml I.OIior Ol l III! iCCOIlll S01UII I' irOUl
I Wclii tr county who has made the
"willed in action" Somowhoie
July '29th, 1918.
Rev. .J. L. Rccbe ptesidrd. and
closed the program with uifMoquent
biographical sketch of Mr. Suther
land's life and the home of his foster
patents, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Stunkatd.
Miss Inez Honer was in charge of
the beautifully rendoied patriotic and
sacicd music given by a full choir
of tiained voices.
The Home Guards of Inaale and
Red Cloud were present in full uni
form and under amis.
Taps were sounded by Lieutenant
James Silvcy of the Inavale Home
j Rev. A. Schaal offered the opening!
prayer and Rev. C. Hewitt of Fuller
ton pionounced the benediction.
Attorney J. S. Gilliam in a twenty
minute address dwelt upon the uni
fying effects of the great struggle injCmp
which deceased had taken part. That
as his brave life and heroic death had
brought the assembly together U3 a
family might unite that evening, like-'j
wise the final iosult of the great war' above referred to Is worthy of reprint
would bo to bring all civilized nation'1 lug as an intensly interesting and
into closer and more brotherly asso-jgniphlj recital of personal partielpa
ciations. ! tlou in one of the notable battles of
Rev. D. Fitzgerald gave a mastei! jibe world-war.
and eloquent addiess which drew in- I saw a German plane brougt down
stant applause. He pictured the glory the othor day. It was tho strangest
of battle for the greatest democrat sight I believe I over saw, Tho light
the world has ever knownand referred whs up too high for us to see but we
to history of the Aztecs and ther eould hear the machine guns and after
custom of offering a living sacrifice n while down came the plane, It land
in which the finest of their youth L'tl about a mile from where I was but
vied with each other to teach the I got over tlu-ie in time to see the men
altar of stone. He used this as a hev took out of it. Cannot attempt
comparison with the present time in '" letter, to describe the sight. Am
which the dead soldier is a saciifice
on tho altar of freedom.
Tho audience were quick to catch
the significance of his earnest word-
and to siiiiiroclnto bis liihofn in Hn
Key. V. C. Finnell Coming
Kev Virsil ('. Finiiol!. (he State Sef
ilay Si-hn.d S- ci entry of ilie Church f
tile lilellil'l'll. wlil spunk at tlio lltetl
leu ehuieli Siitiuday eienlng, at b:'M
Also nt 11 o'clock Hmnlitv morning
Rails Avenue Nv, L)i s Moines, la ,
bujs, "Kinnell is one td I ho livestof
live wiles,"
.Sniidiiy School wm hers hruihl hem
Kiuuell if they want to leeelveholp
nud Inspiration f..r their fiUuie work.
Remember the date, Saturday mid
holiday, August '-'J and !!'.
Don't fall
to hem him!
R-. C V. lUkvi, f
... . Hi'i i'l . v'i ill the R
1 l litis V.-jiil,; An te'
'list eh uuli
ires wouh
i s-
Flfh - tno Weeks Each Year For $1.50
. AIXJUST 22, 10 IS.
Dale Ellis Under Fire I
following ollk'iiil commendation
iiCl'ic.'lU tloops U lU'tioil C. iilllii
i-hlngtt.n. An,. 1 -Tlii' Foit
I (rainbow) division purtieuln-U
nguished It-i-l f in lighting east nf
nis on Julv lli-lii, whfii the Gel-
unu direuslve wus launched on both
bl.'i". of Unit city. A gonoiul order
i ml by General Nauliu, command
inK' tho Twcnty.fitst, aimy corps h
p;ul nf tho French m my under General
G.mud commends the Fwty second
for 'its valor, ardor and Us spirit." in
tin cMiitsi! of Uih biitllii when the
'I'oiulh imiiy In olio the (icinioii of
fensive on the Champagne." The text
of 1 im order issued on July 'JO when
the (vision wus leaving to Join the
Aiueiiunn iiriny corps in tho drive to
the Vcsle, follows:
l. Its vnlor,,urdor nnd Us spirit, it
hs very purtleulnrly distinguished it
self on July l.'i and Id in the couise of
the meat buttle whete tho fourth army
bioue tho Ucimuu olfensive on vho
Chiinipugnu front.
I .mi proud In have hud it under my
onleis during this period; my mayors
uenmitmuy it m tne great struggle
engaged in for the liberty of the world'
(.iniunnding tho Twenty-first Army
In this connection the subjoined
letters from Sergt. I)nle Kills, son of
ti 0. Kills, of Red Cloud, describing
ins expeuence in the military notion
afraid I could not describe it anyway.
I novel' beloresaw an nreoplano act in
the wuy that one did. Hut would llko
to see h lot u ore If thoy were the same
kind From what we tend I guess tho
Americans are making themselves felt
n the air now. Itelieve me, the Liberty
motor sounds good going through the
There is plenty of action for the boys
iver here now. Of course there is no
citing how tins thing is coining out,
Out we havo grvat hopes, (iuess the
OiOA-ii I'tince is getting liisilllofit
From a later letter we get the gra.
diio deserlptlon of tho big buttle. '
After altVotiotiuto greetings to his
tome folks, Sergt. Ellis speaks of "ills
ypawrltiiig machine not working just
isht, and goes on to say; -
I don't understand why this machine
-hould take a notion to write red. I
now I am not seeing led oven though
ve did just got an order to wear our
i'iis musks at the "alert." Some one
ays wo will get a cloud of wis right
i way and no one seems to want to see
us tile, bo they tell us to wear our gas
nusks, It is a lot of fun to wear them,
1 hope the attack don't conio because
t is a most Inconvenient thing to have
j run around breathing through a gus
rttsk. Wo are just wearing thorn at
vhnt is called the "alert." that is,
eady to put on in not more than six
eennds. 1 have heard nf fellows put-
lug them on In one second, but don't
now whether to believe suohu state -
nont or not. I do know,
t fellow can put one on in mighty
-hoit order when ho knows that It
really means something to him to got
t on quick.
I nover saw a cloud gas attack so If
'his proves to bo one 1 will be seeing
-omethlng new.
I suppose you tiro reading those days
low the Germans got licked on their
tist big dilve. Tills Is the Hist one of
he five diiws that I have been any-
svhere near, but this time we got pretty
,-lo,e up A fellow in the ofllce hod
There is a Difference in
Just as there is between a piece f pure gold nnd that
containitn; alloy. The lenses used by me are tho lliiest
that can be hud. These come in the rough and are
giouud until they exactly meet the tequiitimeiitK of your
particular ,se trouble. One cannot bo too careful about
the eyes The matter of u dollar or so should not entur
into the calculation. This stoto refuses to ask for your
puti'oiuiKo by price alone the cure is tLlio thing desired
by me or well as yourself. Even ho, you will Hud the
charge unusually low, taking into consideration the
will be to the interest of your
eyes to have them examined here
J owe (fir and Optometrist
tlTC H. & Q. Watch Inspector
letter from some girl back home asking
him when he got, his; bomb-proof job,
but if stie hud been, around tho otlmr
day sho would nave thought about
moving back a .shott distuuee ai.y
way. Tlfo night of the Uth-lrith, at exact
ly midnight by my watch, I woke up
with a start We had been cctting
awakened uiuhts, bur this time it was
a little iliiferetit. We usually went
right buck to sleep, or else got up to
seo the sight If they were shelling
enough to show much This tlmo
there wus no question about it. The
sky was all lighted up as if thero was
a bunch of big (lre.s all along the front
and the big guns wore mnklug close
and blight Hushes, like Humes leaping
up fiom tho lire beneath. From the
diiectlou of the trenches came u sound
Dike that of a heavy wind end thunder
storm. And tho Hashes and thunder
seemed mighty close to us. Then the
shells commenced to whine over our
heads. Shells Unit were not going to
hind anywhere near us would sound
much HV a'i elevated railway train nt
some distance oil, and there would bo
whistling n de ahead of them. When
(hey were going to burst pretty close,
the noi-o they inula; is dllllcult to ties
cribe. I have lu-anl many say they
make a sort of wnhldimj nole, but
tlifit don't iiiean 'tt ' t w nnd I swp
poie it means les ! , j..,i llowcvoi
a fellow lc iow. what is coining i.fXl
when he Iiohi's Uni' noise, whi'cvi-t it
ftO'HuU ii. ie,
Xo one around headquarters wns
killed or injured; In tact no shells hit
closer to us than two hundred yards,
Hut believe me, that in close enough
for a fellow'u good health. Tho shell
were landing within two or three
hundred yards from us forabout forty
eight hours, aveiaging abontoiij every
eight or ten minuted. The big bom
bardment lasted from twelve o'clock
until about live o'clock the next morn
lug. It was the heaviest during the first
two hours (or else we were mot o scared
' then and noticed it mme. I don't know
' which) and then about three-thirty It
got heavier again and came in ut an
.awful rate lor an hour and a half
j The French who were with us say
they never heard anything like It, nnd
j they were with the troops, in tho big
battle of Verdun, so you may imnglnc
it was some bombardinont.
j When the Germans came over the
, top they attacked with three men to
our .one, and they never gained tin
inch of ground.. Whcio they would
make a llttlu Impression on our front
lines the Americanswoiild immediate
ly counter-uttact and th enemy had
nil theii trouble for nothing
I gut-ss the lossos wore oon worse
a f' tho Germans than Ithe odds they
hail against us when they attacked.
Tnoy wore laying around In heaps
the (icjtnnrH weie nru!,tlic pllos wcrox
not so small either.
Taking every thing in toconsideration'
we were mighty tickled over the out
come, and my peisounl opinion is that
it marks tho end of the German offen
sive. The pnpers say they have beeu
held all along the Hue the same us
they were in the sector that thisdivis-
Ion occupies, and that siiresoundstino.
This Is the first time 1 have ventured
to make a guess on the length q Uiet
war but I am beginning to have hopes,
that pence will tie declared before
Christmas and a Kind of a hope that
poiluips I may eat my Christmas din
ner at home, too.
Of course I may be a little optomls
Ic, but I can't liolp but think the Ger
mans got the worst licking of tholr ,
career when they started out this time.
Their attack was sine short-lived.
The night after the big doings you
would not have leOognizcd tho place
us the same partol the Hue before tho
heavy artillery lire.
The big battle or something else
seems to have made rain a little more
frequent of lato, but it hasn't run us
out of our te'nt as yet. Don't know
how much longer we m.iy be able to '
stay in it though. However, wo aro
about two inches olT the ground and
i well drained,. so it will take q lite a
j ruin to inn us out
Tli eiwsinj- p uMg iphs nt sergt.
K in letter are persona.' to His relativ
es and thercforo omitted.
Sergt Dale Ellis.
Reg Supt. Sergt care of Dlv Ajt. ot
lice, Jlud 1) W, A E F.
Each One Has a Duty
Fiom the best people and the high
est authorities ever land again comes
endorsement of tho moving picture as
an educational factor.
This angle of the "silent drama"was
never better exemplified than in "Tito
Gown of Fate," presented nt the Orph
emu by .Manager Warren, Friday and
Evidence of its attrictivo power lies
In the fact that tho nudlonco was lnrg
er at tho third presentation than at.
tho preceding cues.
The title Is misleading. It suggests
lovo, laces and lingerie, while as a
manor of fact the picture is a high
grade war story, replete with patriot-
Ism and tin 111.
Its strong lessou is that everyono
has his or her part to perform in tho
great world war. That we cannot all
be soldiers at the front, but we can
perform duties here at homo which
aro or equal vuluo. That each otio of
us can do foino necessary part In mnk-
lug tho world safe for democracy.