The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 15, 1918, Image 5

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umtmMir. mi MMijmm imiijulip
J'ts L Y sl is liDim- from wint u.l
K L. S'tu'loi was lit. ic futn tmvulr i
Mm ilav .
Mf O.lur Sutton of ImivuV win i
the I'ity Monday, j
Ki?'h Ilu-,1 iiijs bi end dully at Piatt's
Uinc'cry tf
rims, hhnrcr was u busins visitor
at Lincoln this week.
Good meals pood service moderate
prices Powell & Pope's cafe.
Misses Vera Hatfield and (ileva
(J.iin ure homo from St Jo'cpli, Mo.
Fred Slcbrass of Ulue Hill has en.
tered tialninp campntLlttle Uock.Ark
We want every voter to read nuri
heed the Chief's editorial supReMlons
this week.
Kltfhteeti men nre to be called for
Camp Funston; to entrain during the
last week of August.
Mrs. Mary Poleulky Iihs received an
ofllclnl government card notifying her
that Paul has arrived safely oversea.
Mis. J, E lleeyer ba9 returned to her
home ut Seattle, Wash., after several
month's visit. yvith relatives nnd friends
here. it billot ft r Heche
.See Dr Warrick Wcdtienday. Aug 21
Mrs Paul MuDo.vull Is home from
Kut and dilnU at .Powell & Pope'.s
Cafe. tf
Hello, 11211 Wo nre missing jour
preseuce today.
Freh Hastings bread daily at Platt'n
(Irocery. tf
II. J, Brown goes to Wnuueta, Neb ,
Sunday evening
Eyes teeted, glasses fitted. J. C.
Mitchell, the Jeweler.
Geprge Holt, of the Cowles Auto Co,
was a Red Cloud visitor Tuesday.
Mrs. J 11. Wisecarver is visiting her
daughter Mrs Geo Kailey at Omaha.
A. O. Arnold candidate for County
Treasurer, was in the city Wednesday.
Farmers' Uulon meeting at Kellogg
Hall every Thursday night ot 8:30. tf
f C. II. Kelley, of Campbell, was a
ploasaut caller at this oillce Satur
day, 4
A. E. Nolan made 'a business trip to
KntiSHB City the last of the. week. Mrs.
Nolan accompanied .him. .
FOR SALE Good, Improved quarter
section 2 miles east and 7 miles south
of Inavalc. For terms see H. J. Won-
lerly. 32tf
Attorney H. S. Foe and his brother
(llenn, Ivan Stout and Harry Robinson
entrained this morning for technical
training at Lincoln.
Hon. A. C. Shallcnberger delivered
a pntrlotlc address to a crowded house
Sunday evening. He speaks tersely,
right to the point, and aroused great
If you enjoy getting a little aloof
from tho world and Its troubles attend
one of those opcti'uir Sunday evening
services at the four corners. Tills is
not a paid adv. It's the Chief advice.
This is your last, chance to read over
our "Political Announcement" column
and pick out the ones you are going to
vote for. They nro all good. Take,
your choice
Four Guide Hock pastors have or
ganized n Ministerial Association that
is pledged to support only ''dry" can
dtdatcs. And a irreat man onco said,
"Keep chinch and state forever sepa
rate." Mr. George Pllley nnd wife ha7e re
cently returned from Wyoming where
they visited two weeks with George
nnd Al Smith at Gillette. ,Tlie Smiths
were formerly Red Cloud boys who
went to Wyoming h few years ago to
engage iu farming. They nre getting
on famously have good crops of grain
and potatoes, and one. of themis to
come to Omaha; market next Monday
with k carload of fine fat cattle, of doubt many of the older inhabitants
their own raising. will remember him.
The young niqn who have reached
the age o.2l since the 5th of last June
will be tUed irpon to register on Aug
ust 81.
The voices of Gen. Pershing and Kx
Ambassador Gerajil can now be heard
on the Columbia Grafonoln at Cottiug
and Mitchell's. .11-1
V. 11. Thomas, Si, until quite re
cently a resident of Red Cloud, died at
Lougmont, Col., last1 Thursday, aged
nearly 78 years.
Ed Olmstead, Ralph Vaughn, Wm.
G. Scplt and John It. Farquehr, also
Lewis Helu.from Clay Center, eurralc
ed this morning for Auto School tech
nical training at Kansas City.
Word has come to this otllee that
Mis II. M. Waller, of Cowles, who
was taken to the hospital at Omahn'
last week for an operation, pussed the
ordeal safelytind Is rapidly Improving.
Mr and Mis. J. W. MeCraeken of
Rod Cloud,,vho have been absent for
uncouple of monYhs enjoying tho in
vigoiaUilg air of Colorado's mountain
regions, ic'turned from Denver Tues
day morning.
Lost in the city. A most charming
young lady in faultless nttlie" was
seen wandeiing up the north end of
Webster street the other day, very evi
dently realizing she was not where she
desired to be. Kindly neighbois set
her right. Sho came from the depot
uud was looking for the schoolhouse.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Noble Sauford, of Ax
tel, Neb.t are visiting, at the home of
Mrs. William Richardson. Mr. San
ford is a civil war veteran, cnl'sting
from Galena, III., nnd serving under
U. S. Grant, lle tells many a good.
war-times story. Atone time-ie was
a resldent.otUlVobstar cBHty tjnd no
M ss Jo .phlne Cast ir Is home from
I-1 a i U I.iohjiidhon mine In fr.m
C loyuiiii to M'lt Ins faiul'j tho List
put of tho itl
Mrs. Nellie Castor, who has been
v .siting her brother Win West ami
f imily at N'apoiiee, returned linme last
Women's Relief Coips will meet
Satin day afternoon ut 12:110 o'clock.
Every member be picscnt for a busi
ness meeting.
There is a report that (Mih. Fred
Sohult. was quite severely liijmed In
nn n.ito accident out toward Cowles
last Filday evening, on the way homo
from Hastings,
Dr. Warrick, the speclulist, will
meet Eye, i2ar, Nose and Throat pa
tients, and those needing glasses tit
ted, at Dr. Dammerell's, Wednesday,
August SI. Hours 2 to 0. JVM
J. E hlliott, who Is ln'onargc of
the Farmers' Union Elevator here, Is
now listed among the happy folks Ou
account of the arrival of his wife who
came In from Des Moines, In-va, to
malic Jim's home seem like home.
The eastern farmers have learned
from experience that it pays to stack
grain. There is a little more labor
involved but the safety from injury
by unexpected rains more than offsets
this cost.
Curtis Friday now li'membcrof Uncle
Sam's Aviation Corp, 'visited here this
week. Curtis was formerly tho oblig
ing clerk in Cutting's drug store, nud
eulUted about! a year ago. You would
hardly know the btalwart "blnlninn'j
nnv. 'j
There will 'bd a patriotic meeting
at the Pawnee Un!on Church. in Paw
nee township over., in Smith 'county,
next Sunday afternoon at 3:80 p. m.,
conducted by Rev.1 F. M. Rico; pnstto
of tho Christian Church a SnYith
Center. t' 1
If 'tho local nows sections of'th
Chief strike you as- somewhat OiieJ
this week please consieer polities as
In thte Coast Artillery
A v ' 'ilk, iinfllivMi nlftit cis
for tu s tt 1 ,i int hi 'ml v
HnKli'v I u In (n tiing m
'tlietii rJ fro:i 'ns ecMu
Clms I .Mundeis, Inn vile.
Win. l Hanks llhuleii.
Lstu (, McCoy, Illuden.
Leo I Ituby, Iiinvnlo
Wm 1 Piedtnore. Mi-Cook.
liny A oris-, Guide Rook.
responsible This ' Is the Inst Umi'
proceeding the' prlan'ry cletlftn'jiiil'ji
our political patrons di'iiw heavily on
the Chief's columns and the "Wliror'i'
Wednesday and Thursday
August 21 and 22
Afternoon and Evening
Over the To &
See what America is up af awt 0?tr There
That is what Serf eait & fctw:jri. ii this
Grrat Patriotic Picture
p. .k.
wo uays.umy
Wednesday : Thursday : Next
AUGUST 21st and 22nd
Afternpon and Evening
X i'
' fi
rrni umi i in ii mi nnii i Mi,nriiiiiiiH'M.Vn
Noted Speaker at Co. Fair
Dr. Clurles I). Iliiylls of Now York
City, wl.u made a personal tour of de.
vasted ltelhun and Friuice Ihroujjh
1000 in Us of territory, traveling on a
Herman passport, was invited to dine
with the emperor and refused the
honor, it such it could ho called, was
on three ships that were sunk by the
German submarines bikI wa9 tho last
cIvIIIhii to travel on u German passport
will tell of lils oxpeilence9 at The
Conntj Fair ou August 22, at 1:30.
timo. Koto, that wo' are no'f "rejfrotM
ting" about it.'' ' ' I
Mr .1. A. Thompson, Mr WillNeally
and his brother, came in 'from Paibons
Kansas, anl .were 'visiting relatives
and friends In Ked Cloud Tuesday. and
Wednesday, Mr. Tliompsoujs a cousin
of our neighbor farmer G. W Shannon.
The visitors report the corn prospects
as unfavorable iu Kansas. They left
for Hastings Wednesday evening.
Last year six auto loads fiom one
neighborhood in Gage county came to
the Thayer County Fair for one day
and stayed for three days. This year
twenty care arc coming for the cn
tire four days from that neighbor
hood. They enjoyed the shady park,
pure drinking water and . excellent
program. Four "Big Days and
Nights, August 27-30. '
Lee DeTour, who is a eandldate'for
Commissioner of the nth District, whs
in Red Cloud the last of the week look
ing over the political ground and
shaking hands with many friends. Mr
DeTour is too well known to need anv
Introdnotion here, havlug been a resi
dent of Webster county for 40 yearf .
His life has been mainly devoted to
agricultural interests, though ho was
at one time in the ofllclal circle, as
county clerk. He is democratio and
American, nnd qualified to fill the
oillce he seeks. For many years he has
resided at Guide Rook, and has a large
circle of friends who would rejoice to
see him win at the primaries next
The subject next to be considered by
the J-mlnuto u en Is ".Mobilizing Amur,
lea's Man Power."
Tho dates and speakers are
Friday, Ami. 10, Kev. I). Kifirernld;
Saturday Aug. 17, Atty L. 11. Hlack-ledge
Red Cross Entertainments
Provis.ons having already been made
by pledges and otherwise for lied Cross
funds for tho immediate future, no en
tertainments of any character will be
permitted ut tho present tinio in the
name of the Rod Cross.
Perm ssion must at all times bo
obtained from the officers of the Web
ster County .Clmpjer beforo any enter
tainment or benefit Is glvq'ti,
The aluivo action was taken at tho
last meeting, following instructions'
from headquarters'. . . ' ' ;.,' i , 'i
H m rM , k, n
' Brethern Church Notes
' 'iJu'uday iiiornlrigAug. 18th,setvic(J
a9 ilsiVul t Sunday School at 10;Pre'aeh
loir at II Rev. J. H. Wnunnor wi
fpfbHoji Suhdija,' morning. Everybody.
welcome 10 uicsc services.
.Rev It. andMiV Esholnuin wUl at
tend the.Jtrotiiarn Chautauqua Assemb
ly hdhl :ii''Heatrico'tlie balance Mf tin
week it 1 1 1 over next Sunday.
(AIr. an I Mrs. It. V. Eshelinin and
fiiiiilly -tt?lrted Monday evening ford
trfp to.lilbvojs', via auto !
. Union set vices Sunday evening. '
' ' Property Lost
'j Lost between Ked Cloud and Illation,
sit of auto chains iu sauk, net Keen
rKuttor wrenches, pair pinch plyers,
music stand In leather cao, and other
small article. Kinder leave at this
otllee oi notify Claude Cramor, Uladon
Nebrnska 33-'J
A Bargain
1C0 acres 7 miles from Illrd Cltyall
good level farm land except u few
acresL b acres of breaking to bo sown
to vheat this fall one third to the
purchases, price J3J00 00. Will carry
Stood (X) for & years This Is an excep
.tiounl bargain. J. W. Stockman has
just returned from Bird City with
31200 Oons his one thjrd share of 84
acres of wheat fiom Ills farm, which
1b Hi 00 per acre. No further com
ments are necessary.
32-tf J. II.
Just as I had completed arrange
ments to make a personal campaign
ovqc tho county, to meet you face. to
'fadi and to telPvoli lh&llV 'would
L. Jtl-- l ..J' ' i !i ),J '
ujiyrLxiiHu your swmiori (u vijpconj
ing primaries for the nomination as
County Clerk, I received an urgent
business call and must leave at once
bo will not be able to Bee 'you .at "the
present time. On (his account I 'trust
thatj you will not censure me for sot,
making the 'rounds and paying you a
friendly call.?". . J.'' ".'V
To those r of t "jrou Twho, .. arcj vtun;
aoquainted" with ,mV T wish lo say
Many young ladies; graduates of
the well known Giand Island Business
College of Giand Island, Nebraska,
are now holding positions with Banks,
Lumber Companies and other busi
ness firms in Nebiaska, Kansas, Col
orado, South Dakota, Wyoming and
Montana, drawing salaries of $100
pci month $1,200 per year. Do you
know why they arc able to diaw such
salaiies? It is because they had a de
siio to be of service in the woild, and
po.-essed the couiagc and energy lo
equip themselves with a business
ti aining above the average. If you
am ambitious and would like to qual
ify for Civil Service, Banking or
otlii i business positions, write today
foi free catalogue. The school has'
been a leader in business education
foi more than thiity years and ennnot
supply the demand for its graduates.
i was bom ia ibis county ahd
b BBfltaUmyrentir Hfe'lfo. I'hWvg
never held public, -of iec .bVtv I-liaVe
alwaVs Ueen Mctlt'ctyTaW'le
affaire oi coosty. state aad" WUohTI
received. toy,. ;eductioo In th?.JMuV
twki a- cj(rsivasjjusss ctt
arid .am MMidared fa success & the
karidliirf ;lanre arta' oi latid-rattd
tMkfy ft mt4lfctT WfrSJWmm KS'inLiiM mm .;-.... . ...l. ... ..,.
ti;. w faM y:hmwmUtw'lm ttirKCCt '
, in-.rMtMMon mrmrrnrruhmmi
port-at ikt. ytM&L aufrt"j.K
A Clock
To fUI your needs is
;. jbere for you
But ytu ikild CAU-,
fir;ikt CItk SUriipt
Vft.'iW to' fwu 'llkl;
.jwtaterv ' - ':'
t UAH !... .,
h'.'iVTr, '' v;vv5 .'" '
BAf KmAliMmtUm. ' "'
Wftvpv WWCftOT iHWH,
' . i.aJ
nTil...i,i .,- .
mj j-, ci i obcc.
iNtrnntomtni mmvi lU'inwrnivi
i ne Naiicnbio Range
Al i VVAV'ji flLI-EIRAQi F
Y7HEN you are in need of anything in
VV the HARDWARE line bear in
mind TRINE can supply your every want
His stock is complete and his prices will
please you. A guarantee of "Satisfaction
or Your Money Refunded" backs up every
sale made. A trial will convince you.
cifKA m r HA torn
You always get the very
best at our store because
QUALITY goods are the
only kind we sell. The
brands we carry in stock
are recognized by the
housewife as the VERY
BEST of their kind.
Chase & Sanborns Coffees
Itens Crackers and Cookies
Batavia Jams and Spices
Sunflower Canned Goods
Lincoln Telephone
and Telegraph Co.
i GEO. J. WARREN, Manager '
The Telephone
Builds Business
, .. The firstrequiflite for.,doing business is
s.wvk .C-Awoyuapie .to geia9 cvsiomer. . ine more
customers 'you tan reidily get the .more;-
. business you can"do
iriT'' 'A; .. . t . ?m V ' V ,
pfi .,. v vg"the mind ttapt does business" ,nd.
JM i . .rUitcnSphone gives tkec ratad wifi'gs". you. '
.?r-;, i
., . . 4 :i. .a - ..
eantao more bufmess by ttiettione than
nyjother "way, becaute ytai dk. reach more'
cttetonaer and you reach'thVm ina person
ah.v,QievicmarHwJtfea.t buiidsvhu-
Bess. v
m )
Adtnissicv f 0c" .njJ T25 s-ar 1 ax
Afternoons 25c and 1 5c, Plus War Tax
' vi' v"vj, -
t .-
'- 'tf' K ..
Republican candidal1
'ttri Crtl
Adir!' "tJferf 'tff WclBi(Ji
, . - ,.,,r
.K'fUV v.vVVV''".gr'-iT "
', VfrV. !& ,'
j-y ycL-tf jsgaggji
k. "
IlWln.- wt
uPb'v. -