The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 15, 1918, Image 4

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ST . i
n i, ,.) i ... -, xcnx
cieamUp U pnronnnrp ( n '
Kurat Up ;-' ' - - ApA
Hotl Cloud, Nobrnokot
Batorcil In tho roMolliro fit Hcd (loud. Neb
as Second Claw Mattir
QUICLLY t rrtOWNK, Ktl.ioi r.d Pulliihot
The lamps that paint your
home with LIGHT.
Just as tho outside cf your house 13 made spark
lingly clean and attractive by the application of well
selected paints, so the inside can be made even more
Inviting by " painting" it with the clear, bright light of
Everybody and his wife went to
the elicits Friday.
Don't be a Blacker next Tuesday.
One vote has ere tliiH turned the
scale. Perhaps your vote may" be
that one this time.
A vote that supports the adminis
tration is a vote for your country, for
your flag, for the world.
Before the Chief acain rocs to
press the story of the primary will
have been told. The Chief expects
every man to do his duty.
Political Announcements
A lie of j.nvlll lie lliirntdl rnll 1 rtli j
mini tu.rliiK tliclr c nn V' cv liti 1 ihu 111 II, ,
cu Mil i', h tin r r ).i 1 llr 11 or dci i.criu,
mid win lie run mail the 1 riumr I.Illmcii
In Miimt.
For County Assessor
I hereby niiuouiico myfcelf us 11 cii
dldHtu for tho ofllco of County A..fc&cr
of Webster county "ubjeut to iho ap
proval of the Kepubllcnn votcis lit tli
pr.mary election to be held in August,
A F. H.umvr.i.t,
For State Senator
In nccordnnco with the wishes of
many frltnilsl hei oby announce niyself
us 11 candidate for the olllcc of State
Senator, 20th District, subject to the
approval of tho Democratic voters at
the August primaries,
J. 13. WisecakverU
Mazda Lamps
Resolve, therefore, replace every current-eating
carbon lamp with an Edison Mazda and by so doing
"paint" your home" with three times as much light
or "paint" three times as many rooms for the same
current cost.
And If your homo la not wired for electricity, don't keep on
wishing for It havo It. (WIrinKlsBOeasy nhd Inexpenslvothat'
you will wonder that you 'didn't havo It done before. Just
'phono or Bond u card and our representative will call, "at yoUr(
convenience, i
Plumbing Heating Everything Electrical
Of course it is right and patriotic
to rejoice over the Allied armies ad
vance on the enemy. "Steady," says
Lloyd George, and "steady" is exactly
tho right woid. We must still work
to win, conserve for the combat, save
while we sing. Rejoice, but keep
There is a story of a Nebraska (log
whose first impiession of the auto
mobile was' that ho would head the
thing off, but he gradually grew out
pfstliat (ftca on account of things that
happened to him. The Kaiser started
out with the same1" idea about the1
Candidate for County Judge
1 hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the ofllco of County Judge, at
the primary election to be held Aug.
20tb, 1018, subject to the will of the
electors of Webster County.
A D. Ranxky.
For County Treasurer.
I hereby announce myself as a
cnndldato for the ofllce of County
Treasurer of Webster County subject
to the wishes of .Demotratlc voters at
the August primaries. 1
- . : 5
' For v CoVnty'TVeasurer.
1 hereby announce myself as n
candidate, tor the- ofllce t of County
Treasurer o,, We Inter County, subject
to tho npproVfiF'of the- Republican
voters at the primary, ejection in
August. ' ' ", " -v
1" " . Frank Starr.
-1J P'Aii lWX ' bSfw.'rVr,ir,?'J-Nl-?y1
For County Treasurer
C Is for County, Webster you lmow
'L Is "for Living In it just so
A is for All the voters &o grand
R is for Rakestrnw, the right U,lnd of a man
E Is for Election, tho primary you know
N In for Nothing, to let us all go
C Is for CtndidatO", one and all
E is for Election, we hold in the fall
R is for RiiUestnuv, the man you all know
A lb foiAU other candidates, go slow vv; 1
K h for Kaiser, tho Beast of Berlin'
E Is for Everybody toNlick H 11 out of hitu ..
S is for Standing the'hest in the race '(
T is for Treasurer, the right man In the i)hico-f,f
R Is for RaUentraw, the man that will do
A Is for All tho voters to say so '4
W Is for Will we elect him or not
Turn out at the Primary and give him a shot
l a : l
i " . ' - 1 ' '
Jr A..
You, Mr. Candidate, having done
all that is possible for your candidacy,
make a note.of the fact that only one
mnn can win. If you are not that
one bo a good loser. Take the losing
end. philosophically.. Jump right J in
with both" feet 'find help elect the rflan'
who got the most ballots. That's tin.
American idea. "Just pack up your
troubles in your old kit bag and smile,
smile, smile.
It's up to you, Mr. Voter. Nejt
Tuesday is the day. Theic never
was" 'ail election day more important
as regards public welfare world wel
faie. It is of vital impoitance, that
you make every duty secondary to
the aiding in the selection of men who
arc to handle public affairs during
the cominc terms of office. From the
highest to the lowest the importance
of putting the right men ito office
cannot be overestimated. Don't neg-'
lect your personal duty in this matter.
Don't think vour one vote ib of little
consequence. Don't leave ' it to "the
other fellow." Don't fail to go to tho
polls.. Don't fail to VOTE.
For County Treasurer
I hereby announce nivself as a can-
ditlate for the otlleo of County Treas
urer of'. fcbsteV County sublet t the
wishes of tho Democtatic voterVat tho
Augttst'piiuVafic-s. .
, ". . O. At.A'RNt)i.r.
DO you know that you are skimming away
dollars if you are using the gravity methods?
Come and see the Viking Cream Separator at
Farmers Union
Co-operative Co.
Red Cloud, Neb.
and we will show you how the
Viking skims to the merest trace
nnd makes every cow you own
worth $20 more in butteriat.
We will show you that theViking
is the most scientifically con
structed machine, made of the
finest materials, in the largest
separator factory in e 'World.
We will show you that the Viking
is the easiest running, has greater
capacity, and is by far the easiest
separator to clean.
Kef the price is lower.
See it today we will be glad to
show it to you!
- Fbr'Ciunty, Treasurer
l lierebrUlin'o.unce'myelf ns, ncaii
ill. late for tle"jafllce of County Treas
liter or' WuiJSter-.Cqunty subject, td thl
wKhes of the Demociatio votcis at the
August primaries. . .
.C. R. Rakestiiaw, Hidden .
ijiiiir-imiwm 'iK:.'iiWiii ffli ir ni ." ii!:1! tiR'nin'TiNirjiffliiiiriitniiiii'iiirffliiiiiiiBrarairaiiifl! laaw 1
" per Ton
Highest Price Paid for Brass, Copper,
Lead, Rubber, Rags, Bones Old Autos,
Auto Tires and All Kinds of Junk.
For County Clerk'
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for tho oflieo of County Clerk of
Webster County subject to the wishes
of the Democratic voters at the Au
'gust primaries.
B. F. Pr.itRY.
For County Clerk
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the otlice of County Clerk of
Webster County subject to the wishes
of the Republican voters at the Au
gust primaries. II. A. Roats.
4mK" '!w.
1m .
,..! 1 I 1 i . I It in .1 ItllJ llin
Frank Starr's Barn
Ind. Phone 3-1 84
Editor Matthews of the Riveiton
Review, dropped in for a' moment to
see us Friday enroute to Hastings to
well, everybody knows what people
went to Hastings for, last Friday so
it is useless to waste space explain
ing. And, besides, that is not what
we started in to say. Editor Mat
thews devotes about two columns of
the current Review to his personal
ideas regarding Franklin county pol
itics, and, believe us, the rcadr m
thereof must know that Lorcn is a
true-blue demociat and right on the
job. His idea is that it's bettor to
keep cattle out of the corn than to
For County Assessor
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the ofllce of County Assessor
of Webster county subject to tho ap
proval of the'Republican voters at the
primary election to be bold In August.
C. A. Heiihick.
"Jtiiir flints mil nffni iVir linvrt Innr
3 1 '" """ "'"-' " ""'- """'
iuft8i5K'i,!lui,l.iui..iliiJiiiiiiiiiiiiaiilr,,rw"iiBriiiii nv i' i iU" ," tUA'ywVA"" l,m '?KtWl!n damage. Shake, bi other
TEmiiininwii!!iraiiii:i,'TNriTiis,"1 ' i" m nwi "
' ' .i!a:i'lllSll. '.I ilUHUIt " iH
A Message to Nebraska Democrats
) Mayor Ed. P. Smith UrgesKeH -,
Nomination of Richard L. Metcalfe
For Sheriff
I hereby nnnounce myself bs a can
didate for re-election to the ofllce of
Sheriff of Webster County, subject to
the approval or the Democratic voter?
at the August primaries.
FnANK flurFEis.
. !,.,';.,',! 'ii :, s'.i" " Hii..ii i;i m. hi i.n," i, .: a'iiiti'iiHiuuiiiiiini'titiBiww
The " Kaiser ties" and the" Bolsheviks"
. are trying to defeat
Richard L. Metcalfe
for the Democratic Nornination for
,T '-S
United States Senator
1 . Til
Omaha, Nebraska; August 14. " " t. 'V-'-
The Democratic party toust go into the jenatpsrgtfith! v . v
a candidate whose genuine Americanism has alwe Wcid lOO-jicrpent. -i.nh' '
t There mustb no question of hbW he stood 0fw asv,eiiuM'., )):
AftorluStixin events. -i .' -.r. ,'j ,
In iVmhA muRth itafft.' ah"fl '"and RAiinll.Lkih iht ri
qucstiois that rM ariae when peace yylidUurd. WuiiS diieWimP"'
tke oualiftcatioris of othera who are" oSbes fcr this 'fromiiiatJoBM.--;.,?! t
.V , rfi lJI it i. T- - J I .i),'! i i",itl'1"'
iuiuk. au- w tw kic M4ia v rucimru 'l.;
quireeriU f rom mry standp'omt. .".
i i ...
For Sheriff
I hereby nnnounce nivself as a can
didate for the ofllce of Sheriff of Web
ster County subject to the wishdfi of
tho Democratic voter at, the Aut'Ubt
nrimarles. GRANT CHRISTY.
For County Superintendent
I hereby announce that I am a can
didate for nomination as County Su
perintendent on the non-partisan tick
et at the primary ejection August 20.
I will appreciate your support
For County Superintendent
I hereby announce myself aa a can.,
dldatefprtho olilqbyof C.ounty Supor
Intendent at tb'p primary election to
he held A'tiKUitt r26tb, 191B, suhject to
the will of the voters' of 'Webster
county. jKSSiK.KKM.oaG.
Tr State Representative
rU: 46th District
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for. re-election, to h ofllce of
KLatfi RebrmenUtUe. 4Ctb District.
NebntBha, aubjetb to the wibdcb 01 tne
JtMublieao voters at the August pri-
tairlaB., , . M. FRICKAUD
Every one-hundred per cent American
regardless of birthplace or blood
should help nominate Metcalfe
at the
Primaries Tuesday, Aug. 20th
' i 'r mwwiam a winwii uxiiiicdji iiiiiiiii'iiEiiiiiiiiiiixiiiiiiirii'iraiiii'Jiiiiiiiaiiiiiii.rjiiiiiiiiiiraiiiiiiiiiiri
If meaaures .ip, to the. re- . uj.
.NeliraiaiajWpuld honar herself arii'renier a srvicte trjaiiJjMa! '
erecti.Wtn natr. . ,. ... ., ,1 W tffa-Vkmti
r .'State Rt)prfnUtiv
t! : 46thmirict ';.'
, ,-A hereby fttaBQUBoo myself tm tl co
nWEte forlectlon' ' W 'the ''o'kU o!
li-rMiutif, '4hojBit;
VebrMkW, iWjeet to the Wi o-tW
(DVarVttebfcfeVt'tKe AVgimX tJri-
JiMKrlee.7 W1 'r
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.TUe.lUlUf AdI0te tlwra'taWUP '
tiHiri'ir tbeuUM jert
for the 4tBM of HUM
'tfM tmmt ,
.Bsem.ii-akA 1 rmiMiniBii
MtlBmMAi tV:Uktim ind. Cijtl.
tyfOtbrMnimfufi'6l.-t)ir county
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Licensed. Emhalmer in
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4 !,-. "frbffl
.Ml fJ- ' 53N.'1
-& Hor's-Hars
f 8toirMiK,elceitollyblde
'jto, Xjqlda BooVf.Webr.
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Auto Hearst.
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rf;'ii-is-iiAi't.'i. t.sNt
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Furniture, Rugs, Etc.
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