RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF f DEMOCRATS 1 MEET IN REPUBLICANS MEET IN LINCOLN AUDITORIUM, AND DEMOCRAT GATHER AT HA8TING8 STRONG SENTIMENT EXPRESSED BY BOTH PARTIES FOR PROSECUTING THE WAR TO A VICTORIOUS END Prohibition Party Also Foregather In Lincoln and Ho,ld Convention In Ltndell Hotel Building and Adopt Platform The Democratic Convention Hastings. Tho democratic state convention enmo to a clone shortly attor midnight, following speeches by a largo number of tho candidates. After tho flurry In tho nftornoon, whon a voto on tho mothod of appoint ing tho committee on resolutions gavo a test of strength, tho convention sottlcd down. Tho report of the reso lutions commlttco was adopted with out dissent. Tho resolutions pledged unswerving support to President Wilson in tho prosecution of tho wnr and praised his administration, condemned profiteer ing, approved woman suffrage and commended Senator Hitchcock and the state administration. They endorsed tho constitutional convention and adopted tho followllng plank oir tho ratification of tho federal prohibitory amondmont: Tho resolutions adopted follow: "Wo, tho democrats of Nobrnskn, as sembled In convention In tho midst of tho supremo crlslH of tho world's civlllzn tlon, know but one duty, recognize but ono Issue, accept but one lender. Tho duty Is to offer our blood nnd treasure, -without stint or limit, to crush the beast of German autocracy. Tho Issue li whether tlmt nutocracy, booted nnd spurred, shall rldo the world, to tho de struction of all human liberty, happiness And proKress or whether It shall be made a fit and safo placo In which free men may live, build their homes nnd rear their families. Tho leader Is Woodrow Wilson, the president of tho United States and commander-in-chief of our armies and navy. Into his keeping all that wo prize and all that wo hopo for has been en trusted. In his bands we have placed our heroic sons dearer to us than life Itself. Thoy nro his instruments. Their bared bosoms are tho shields of our homo and our womenklnd. ThrouRh blood nnd agony nnd tears tho world Is moving to wards Its coal. Wo are solemnly Im pressed with tho truth that If wo unsel fishly and to tho uttermost sustain our leader, who Is nt tho same time the leader of tho world's forces of morality nnd progress, of honor nnd law, that goal -will mako tho triumph of our cause and tho eternal glory of our arms. And we aro ns solomnly Impressed that If we fall In united, devoted and self-sacrificing support wo contribute to palsy the arm of him who Is the hope of thn world, to mako vain the sacrlflco of multitudes of our dearest nnd best, nnd to open tho agates through which tho foul beast of Berlin will soon or later ndvanco to crush our womanhood under tho snme Iron and polluting heel that 1ms crushed martyred Belgium. "Fellow countrymen, of Nebraska, of all" parties, from tho depths of our hearts wo oall to you, how, In such a day, Is It ?osalblo that free men should hesitate? low Is It possible that they should stop -to quarrel nnd quibble over mole hills -when tho majestic mountains of human .achievements nnd human rights aro trembling on their foundations? How. In such n time, can sane men think of playing for parties nnd advantages! "Wo can win this wnr, wo can nerve our.sonB In arms only by support of our superb president, Woodrow Wilson. We can support him by giving him the bnck Ing of a friendly nnd sympathetic con gress. Wo cannot support lilin by elect ing a congress seeking to supplant him. Neither can wo sunnort him bv distract ing the attention of energies of tho American people from wnr dutloH to other Issues that In happier nnd serener days -might well bo of great importance. And o wo say In solemn earnestness that there is but nno Issue nnd but one lo-.ider, and that bcsldo our duty to them other duties nnd other desires fado to nothing ness. Tlmt duty includes tho protection of our sons nt homo as well as abroad, and of tho free American Institutions for which they right. Wo must perform this duty by putting down the odious profiteer, by planting our heel mercilessly on sedi tion. By sustaining the constitution nnd tho laws by giving our wealth, our labor jind our energy to one end. Wo feel con strained In tho dlschnrge of this supreme duty to call tho nttentlnn of tho people of Nebraska to certain facts of record. "To tho boys In, tho trenches nnd camps and at sea who nro offering their lives in their country's ciiuso we send loving .greetings. While wo remain safelv at home they nro fighting our battles. They aro suffering untold hardships nnd mak ing: the greatest sacrifices It Is possible for men to make. Their cause shall be ever our cause, nnd In pledging our support to their commander-ln-chier, wo pledge It nllko to them. And such n commander-in-chief! Never In history tins there been time when tho strnlnlng eyes nnd throbbing hopes of civilized mankind turned to ono man as thoy turn today to "Woodrow Wilson! Serene, strong, patient, firm. Ho towers above the statesmanship of tho world. In his wisdom, In his de votion, In his superb moral courage, in Ills fervor for democracy and human rights he stands matchless nnd thorough. All time, all nges shall call him blessed. To his support, to tho end of his great task, wo Dlodgo our lives, our fortunes and our snored honor. "Wo commend tho rocord of our demo cratic stnto administration nnd nro proud of It. It hns kept its promises nnd pledges -with scrupulous fidelity. . It hns been clean, courageous and splendidly patri otic. It has enforced tho laws. It has beon efllclent, Ijuslnessllko and strong In building for Nebraska's prosperity and credit at home and nbroad. "We favor tho proposed calling of n constitutional convention, equal political rights for women nnd legislative action consistent with tho people's will on tho foderal constitution." The Republican Convention Lincoln. At tho republican conven tion held hero tho speeches of Chair man Dovoo and of National Chairman Hays wore tho high lights of tho con vention oratorical program. Tho national chairman is a youghtful-look-lng gentleman of most agreeable man ners and a forceful talker. Ho varied Denounces Mob Spirit Washington Forcefully denouncing an apparent growth of "mob spirit" as emulating tho "lawless passion" of Gormany, who has "disregarded sacred obligations of law and mado lynchors of her armies," President Wilson has appealed to tho country to "make an end of this disgraceful ovil." Lynch Ingo, ho said, constltuto "a blow nt tho hearts of law and human justice," and contrlbuto "to Gorman llos about tho United States what hor most gifted liars cannot Improve upon by tho way of calumny." REPUBLICANS STATE CTK considerably from tho copy of tho spoech ho gavo'out to tho newspapora In ndvanco of Its dollvery. Mr. Hays was tho recipient of a. splendid ovation, tho delegates rising to their foot and cheering him unani mously. Ho declared in opening that ho brought tidings of groat news, that tho pnrty was again reunited. Ho waB cheered when ho said: "God bless tho boys who have eomo back homo and God bless thoso who stayed around tho hearthstone and kept the homo fires burning." Another great ovntlon was given Chairman Hays at tho con clusion of his speech, tho delegates rising, cheering and waving their handkerchiefs. Tho commlttco on resolutions pre sented ItH report through Chairman Kelly. It was adopted without dissent. A brief summary follows: Alllrum xi lid iilpilirnn nltnL'tntipp nnd lov- alty to tho country In this perilous hour. I ni stand behind thu government ror tuo prosecution of tho war until tho uncondi tional surrender of our enemies. Sends cheer nnd encouragement to the men and women In tho uniform of tho United Slates nnd pledges to protect and provide for the dependents of those who fall or aro disabled In our country's service. Favor tho men In tho military service having tho Hist opportunity to homestead public lands. Denounce criticism of pub lic ofllclals when prompted by partisan ship, ninllco or disloyalty. Declare for non-p:irtlsau conduct of the war. Parti san issues which would Impede or ham per tho successful prosecution of tho wnr should not bo thrust Into tho campaign. Pledge tho party to a program of sane preparation now, for the solution of the problems which will present themselves after the wnr. Iteatllrm belief In sound money and a protective tariff.. Denounce war profiteering. Pledge tho pnrty to a program of economy nnd efllclency in this stnte. Knvor Hie ratification of tho pro posed nmendment to tho federal constitu tion prohibiting the manufacture nnd sale of Intoxicating liquors. Knvor equal suf frage In tho stiijto nnd nation. Present employers liability and workmen's com pensation net should be improved nnd perfected. To encourngo the maximum production nnd efllclent distribution of products from fields nnd factories of Ne braska. Congratulate the farmers of Ne braska for their patriotic and unselfish efforts to Increase tho food supply of tho nation. Favor legislation fostering the greatest possible-uso of tho waters of our state. Favor the calling of a constitu tional convention. Kndorso the emphasis placed upon tho exclusive uso of the Knglish langunge In America, nnd favor legislation ns will Insure to tho stnto the development of Its natural resources, that will rcservo tho feo title with adequate supervision and control. Favor enact ment of a civil administrative code whereby nudlt over expenditure of the state may bo established, and the con solidation of tho departments nnd agen cies of government, eliminating useless ofllces and positions nnd avoiding over lapping functions, nnd tho creation of nn effective budget system that govcrn moiilal functions may be more efficiently nnd economically administered. A resolution of sympathy for Daniel McLeod, of Schuylor, a delegato who in tho morning had received word of tho death of his son In France, was passed and tho convention stood In silenco for a moment. A resolution congratulating tho national commlttco on tho selection of Chairman Hays and thanking him for his attendanco was adopted. B. D. Bench, of Lancaster county, was unanimously chosen chairman for tho following two years, and tho now commlttco met for tuo first Vino im mediately after tho convention. AH except two of tho thirty-threo commit teemen wero present at tho meeting. After tho election of tho chairman, E, 11 Guornoy of Fremont was named treasurer, and M. L. Loarned of Omaha, vice-chairman. Tho chairman was given authority to appoint his own sec letary, and to namo tho exeentlvo com mltteo to assist him in conducting the campaign in Nebraska Aftor tho otllcers wero elected Chairman Hays spoke briefly on party organization. Ho had no part in tho formation of tho organisation, but con ferred with tho committeemen on what ho thought would provo the most effoc tivo mothod of carrying on tho cam paign. The Prohibition Convention. Roafllrming their belief in national prohibition, particularly ns a war meas ure, delegates representing tho prohi bition party, of Nebraska hold their convention at tho Llndoll hotol. A doslro for national bono-dry prohi bition, and bellof In public ownorshtp of public utilities and monopolies was voiced In,, a platform adopted during tho aftornoon. Attontiou was called to wastes in food and mon occasioned by tho manufacture and salo of liquor, and tho convention ondorsed efforts that nro being mado to bring about prohibition as a war measuro. At tho closo of tho convention J. A. Murray was roeloctcd chairman of tho stato central committee, with author ity to chooso his own commlttco mem bers. Millions Have Been Wasted Washington Wasto of millions ol dollars In experimenting with air planes will bo reported to congress by tho fionato military BUb-committoo in vestigating nircraft production. Othor findings of tho commlttco will bo that 1,200 training pianos costing ?C,000, 000 recently wero "Junked" because thoy wero too dangerous for uso; that sovoral aviators had boon killed In flights with dangerous typos of planes and that amateurs In tho engineering, and administrative Boctiohs havo con tributed to tho delay" In production. CftN POOD AND PRESERVE- THE NATION ' "iuuiijwwjgCrTHTWffwyflBBt V ' U.-S.DBPT. OPRICUITUREC ' GOVERNMENT ADVICE ON VEGETABLE MIXTURES Attrnctlvo and economical vegctnblo mixtures to be served In snhuls. with omelets, escnllopcd dishes, and gar nishes for meat dishes can be canned nt home. This by-product may be canned often when biiiiiII quantities nre left from packing different vege tables whole. Any desired combina tions may bo made. Vegetables ma turing In the sumo season should be used. A good combination for the spring would be carrots, peas, string bonus nnd onions. A mixture which could be Hindu from the full garden might consist of peppers, celery, on ions nnd Kinull limn benns. (Uuets can not be used In Mich mixture becuusu they discolor tho entire contt nls of the Jar.) All these vegetable. nro pre pared sepni-utely ns for cnvmlng nnd packed tu layers In previously boiled jnrs. Knell lnyer should be packed us tightly ns possible before the next Is ndtled. When the Jur Is filled, cover with brine C-ii ounces of suit to ono gallon of water). Partially seal Jnrs. Processing with steum under pres sure is recommended. Process pint Jars 15 minutes under pressure of ten pounds. Soul immediately nnd cool In u druft-frce plnct. When cold test for leaks ami store In u cool, durk, dry plnce. If the intermittent boiling process In used, boll for 00 minutes on the first day, and CO minutes on the second nnd third duys. Before each subse quent boiling the covers must be loos ened, nnd after each boiling the cov ers must be securely tightened to muke sealing complete. Cool, test for leaks nnd store. If a single-period boiling processes used, plnce Jars In the canner and boll for ut least three hours. Seal, cool, test nnd store. United States Depart ment of Agriculture. GREENS OR POTHERBS A large number of cultivated nnd wild greens nre edible, nnd when can ned mako succulent and valuable food for the winter and spring months. Among the cultivated greens are Swiss chain, kale, Chinese cubbnge leaves, upland cress, French endive, cnbbngo sprouts, turnip tops, young, tender New Zouland splnnch, beet tops, dande lion, young, tender dushecn sprouts, native mustard, Russian musturd, col Inrds, nnd tender rape leaves. Among the. wild greens nre pepper cress, himb's-qunrtcr, sour dock, smnrtweed sprouts, purslane, pokeweed sprouts, dandelion, nnd milkweed (tender sprouts nnd young lenves). Can greens tho snme day they are picked. Wash clean, sort thoroughly, allowing no foreign weed lenves or other vegetable matter to remain. Hid the greens of all sand, dirt, nnd dry, decayed or diseased leaves. Place the greens In n crnte or cheesecloth and blanch in live stenm either In nn Improvised homemade steamer, or reg ular commercial stenmer, for 15 min utes. Remove tho greens nnd plunge quickly into cold wnter. Remove to n freshly scalded pnn or vessel nnd cut Into convenient lengths. Pack into lint Jnrs, add hot wnter t fill the container, nnd seuson to taste. If desired, a few strips of bacon, chipped beef, beef, or olive oil may be ndded to the greens. Pnrtlnlly seal Jars. Processing with steam under pres sure Is recommended. Process pint Jars 40 minutes under stenm pressure of ten pounds. Seal Immediately, cool In n plnce free from drafts, test for leaks, and st i"e In a dark, cool,' dry plnce. If the" Intermittent boiling process Is used, boll for one hour on each of three successive days. Loosen the cov ers before each subrcquent boiling, ami after each boiling senl completely. Cool, test or leaks, nnd store. If tho one-period continuous boiling process Is used, boll for ut least two hours. Senl Immediately, cool, test for leaks, and store. United States De partment of Agriculture. PEAS Green pens are among the most dif ficult vegetables to can at homo. Ab solute clennllnTss, quick work, atten tion to every detail, nre essentials to stieccKS. Only young and very freshly gathered pens should be canned. Peas are best gathered In the early morning vihen cool. Work rapidly from tho mo ment they nre gathered. Peas should not stand after being shelled., Got them Into tho previously bolted Jars an rapidly ns possible. Shell nnd sort, putting only peas of the samo size nnS degree of ripeness together. Do no use hard, mat tiro pens among tendef ones or big peas with very small ones. Rlanchlng (dipping Into hot wnter) Is very Important. If well done, It pre vents cloudy liquor, makes tho peas tender, and also removes somo of the gluey substance which coats them, Rlauch by dipping tho shelled peat In n clean cheesecloth sack, into boiling water ono to four minutes, depending W FOOD-SAVJrD, sl 53 4HI EXPERTS' HOW TO CAN on the nge of the peas. Put Instantly, while hot, Into cold wnter, (ono ten M'ooiiful salt to one quart water) and remove after nbout 30 seconds. l'rnln nnd pnek to within one-half Inch of the top of the previously boiled Jur If the Jar Is filled too full, n few pens ut the top may burst and mnko the liquor cloud. Add seasoning (otiethlnl level tcuspooufut salt nnd two-thirds level tenspoonftil sugar to tlie quart) and fill with hot wnter and I'-i'lille well to remove all air bubbles. I'm i hilly senl Jars. Processing with steam under pres sure Is recommended. Process pints -15 i mites under pressure of 10 pounds. S'-il Immediately, cool In it draft-free l mv. When cold test for leaks, and sire In a cool, dark, dry place. If thv Intermittent boiling process Is UmmI, boll for 1)0 minutes on the first d!i nnd 00 minutes on the second nnd 11 n days, liefore each subsequent li'"Miig the covers must be loosened, nt l after each boiling the covers must be securely tightened to muke sealing ci-mplete. Cool, test for leaks and Mure. If u single-period boiling process Is Used, place Jnrs In the cniiner nnd boll for nt least three hours. Seal, cool, t mil store. United States Depart ment of Agriculture. 0KRA To enn okra select young tendei pods Remove stem without cutting the sied pod. Rlauch by dipping Into boiling wnter from three to six min utes, plunge Immidlutcly Into a cool salt bath (one tenspoonftil salt to one quart of water). Remove nt once. Pnek Into previously boiled Jars, cover with hot brine (two and one-half ounces suit to one gallon of wnter). Partially seal Jnrs. Processing with stenm under pres sure Is recommended. Process pint Jars HO minutes under stenm pressure of ten to fifteen pounds. Seal Immedi ately, and cool In n placo free from drafts. When cold test for leaks, and store In a cool, dark, dry pluce. If the Intermittent process Is used, boll for one nnd one-fourth hours on the first day nnd one hour on tho two succeeding days. Loosen the covert on the Jars before each successive boil ing, nnd senl completely after ench boiling. Cool, tost for leaks, nnd store. If the single-continuous boiling period Is used, boll for nt least two hours. Seal, cool, test for leaks, nnd store. United Stutes Department of Agriculture. BABY BEETS "V Tho following recipe for cunning baby beets Is applicable to carrots. Only youngs tender beets should bo ennned to get n high quality product. (Tho best variety for canning Is tho i Detroit. ' Sort the beets, putting uniform i together. Cut the steins oft', but be cureful not to cut off too closely or brenk the root. This will cause loss of Juice, color and flavor. Roll In nn en ameled pnn until three-fourths done, peel, pnek hot In layers In previously 'boiled Jars, fitting the second luyer Into the spaces left by the llrst layer and repeating. Cover with clear hot wa- Iter; partially seal tho Jars and 'boll ; them In a water bath for ono hour con tinuously, counting from tho tlmo tho wnter bolls again around tho Jars. Do not allow cold Water to touch the beets after they havo been cooked, i If beets arc packed In tin tho cans used must be liisldc-lucquercd. Beets Inch In diameter and over should , ho cut or sliced before packing Into I ars. When a stcam-pressuro canner is used, process pints B0 minutes un ler five pounds steam pressure. Unit- I ed Slates Department of Agriculture. TOMATO SAUCE OR PUREE If n moro economical utilization of space within the Jar Is desired, a moro concentrated mixture of tomatoes can bo packed. This also provides for tho uso of stnull or broken toMutoea and largo tomatoes unsultcd for can nmg. Cut the tomatoes and add ono largo sized onion chopped and ono cupful I of chopped sweet red pepper to ench gallon of cut tomatoes. Cook until tender, put through a slevo and add n third tenspoonftil of salt nnd two tlilrds teaspoonful of sugar (mixed) to each quart of pulp. Cook to tho (.onslstency of ketchup, stirring con stantly. Pnek hot in boiled Jars and I process ns for tomatoes. United ! States Department of Agriculture. ttWWWWWnWrtWrfrtWrto i RHDW VnilR COLORS. RED Rcrrles. WHITE ChcrrlcB. RLUE Plums. jj nomc-ennned for winter use. JWWMWWSVWMWWWWKW . ,tonFj?1mltMr tttfc. MV.A. . t- v nirLf" a ter i-ftZ- (fjf4iauMKXiHm ?C?ino juivgo jhvcu j v mKCMmm ihhsw, v & FUEL SUPPLY U.wiu Part of Western Production to Be Diverted East to Supply Ships Washington Increasing ilcmandB for coal from overseas and for the emergency fleet, army, navy nnd othor govcrnmont operations threaten tho Now Englnnd fuol supply for noxt win ter. Shipments to Now England nro now behind tho schedtilo figured on tho ratio of production necessary to supply tho needs of tho district. llltumlnous conl production In Pennsylvania, Maryland and West Virginia, tho threo states assigned to supply tho Now England district, wna on July 13 at a ratio of 77,000,000 tons for tho coal year beginning April 1, whllo production on that data should have boon at tho rnto of 91,000,000 tons. Out of the allotment for Now Englnnd coal must como also for tho omorgoncy fleet, army, navy and over soas shlpmonts. Part of tho produc tion from Ohio fields probably will bb dlvortcd to relievo tho situation. Thoso facts wore brought out at a eonforonco nttonded by Chairman Rnrtich of tho war Industries bonrd, Chairman Hurley of tho shipping board, repreaontntlves of tho railroad adiutnlstrntlon nnd Fuel Administra tor (Inrfluld. J. J. Storrow, fuel administrator for nil of Now Englnnd, Is suld to havo represented at tho meeting that tho situation In Now England would not pormlt any cutting of tho nllotment. This wns In responso to n suggestion that his territory had been grantod a grcutcr allowanco than noedod. Call for Student Nurses Lincoln. Tho nrmy and tho country face a shortago of nursos. Tho nrmy nlono will require 25,000 nurses by tho first of January. Wo havo secured about 13,000, and need 12,000 moro. Wo must havo thorn or tho army will run short, nnd this would bo Intolor nblo to tho American pooplo. Only graduato nurses who havo boon through tho full course of training nro nvullublo for this high sorvlco. These must bo taken from hospitals and from enro of tho sick at homo, which means that we must recruit our full quota for tho army tholr places In tho civil communities must bo flllod. Honco' this cnll for student nursoB. Young women who want to do their country tho greatest sorvlco Bhould go nt once to tho nonrest recruiting sta tion of tho Woman's Commlttoo of the Council of National Donfonso and enroll In tho United States Student Nurso Rosorvo. This enrollment will at onco mako you n candldnto for tho Army Nursing School or for ono of tho civilian training schools for nurses. Air Planes to Carry 100 Men Paris "Airplanes, carrying a hun dred men and equipped with engines equal In power to thoso in a medium sized stoamshlp will bo dovolopod within threo yoars," said Gianni Cap ronl, Inventor of tho Capronl bombing planes. "Tho bombing planes now in uso," Slgnor Capronl contlnuod, "will bo moro dwarfs compared with thoso to bo dovolopcd. Thoro Is a surprise in storo for tho Germans. Instcnd of tho forty nnd fifty machines necessary to start on a bombing expedition, It will bo possible to do tho samo work with a now mnchlno ns poworful at tho wholo squadron." First Woman In Parliament Tho Hague Tho Dutch Nation is now ropresontcd in parliament by nlnoty-nlno mon and ono woman. Tho woman representative is Miss Suzo Grqonowog, forty-eight yoars old and for many years a school teacher. Sho I bolongs to tho social domocratlc labor party. Tho social democrats through their leader, M. Troolstra, havo do clared that their .party will bo In opposition to tho govornmont and will dovote Us energies to tho warding off of famine conditions and to tho main taining of a strictly neutral attitude by Holland. Ill Omen for Germany Amstordam Tho famous "hungor stono" In tho Elbo rlvor. near Totschon which, according to popular belief in Germany, predicts a famlno whon scon, Is vlslblo for tho first tlmo slnco tho beginning of tho war. Tho stono lies In tho bed of tho rlvor and has novor been visible save nt exception ally low tide. On tho stono is chiseled In. old Gorman: "Whon Yo See Mo 7o Will Weep." To Control Cape Cod Canal Washington. To protect tho coal mpply going Into New England from Bouthorn ports from tho monaco of submarine operations off thn Mnur I England coast, control and oporatlon of the Capo Cod canal Is taken over by tho govornmont. President W.llson has issued tho formal proclamation, Women Walters on Ships Seattle. Women waiters for steam ships Is tho latest plan suggested for roloasing man power for war work. Tho stoamshlp companies owning vessels plying In the Pacific coastwise trado aro considering this movo. Auto Thieves Were Busy Omaha. During tho period that has elapsed from May 1G to July 25 of the current yoar, 2S2 automobiles, con servatively valued at $150,000, havo boon stolon. Of theso 107 havo been recovered and thoro aro still 145 cars valued at 180,000 missing. Of tho cars recoverod 70 bolongcd to Omaha owners, 15 to porsons In various towns In Iowa, and 1C belonging to residents, of Nebraska towns. Of tho 145 cars still missing, 108 bolongod to Omaha owners and tho balance to ownors liv ing In Iowa and Nebraska. f'ASTHMADOR AVERTS - BELIEVES 11 HAY FEVER II ASTHMA Begin Treatment NOW ah Ufutguu c.uarautea Calf Encmigs, WHITE SCOUR8 BLACKLEG Your Veterinarian can stamp them out with Cutter's Anti-Calf Scour Scrum and Cutter's Germ Free Blackleg Filtrate and Aggrcssln, or Cutter's Blackleg Pills. Ak him about them. If ho hasn't our literature, write to us for information on these products. Tho Cutter Laboratory ( Berkeley, Cal., or Chicago, III. "Thm Laboratory That Know How" Kvery Woinnn Wants FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE Ditiolved in water for douches stops pelvic catarrh, ulceration and Inflam mntion. Recommended by Lydia E. Pinkharn Med. Co. for ten years. A healing wonder for natal catarrh, oro throat and sore eye. Economical. Hm eilHncdinary duniina and scmudtM powef. laamel Fra. 51V. all dnigguti. or postpaid bf VjuiL Th Pattern TcflM Company, Dnrton. MaM. WHO IS Women tia well as men nro mado mlHernble br rP kidney nnd bladder trou- a. vr bio. Tliousnnds rccom- RT.AMP mend Dr. Ktlmor's pijiXlVlLj Bwamp-Unot. tho groat kldnoy mcdlclno. At druggists In large nnd medium nlzo bottlcn. You may re eclvo a tmmplo nlzo by Parcel Post, also pamphlet telling about It. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., UlnRlintnton, N. Y., and enclose ten cents, also mention this paper. Why Lose Tke Csbsc is Dandruff ud Itching; if ...... U? The Remedy iuurnau Cutkura AlldratrljU; 8oaptS,OlntnMntnBCn,TaInn Sample fh f rw of "Qatltara, PTt , llw Kill All Files! "MS" ruoadanjwhara, Daisy Fly Kllltr attract and MM all Ola. Waat, claan, ornamntal,oQDTnlnt and chaajy 'Vb.u1. fu'i miTi m 'tSsraxBi!?'- Ud ...ffl will Mt Mllaa Daisy Fly Killer oy awan. m aaai f anaa. rMld. 11.00. MMUa SStWSS. MS 8S KAU AVE BSOOM.YN.N.T. PARKER'S m . . HAIR BALSAM A tollat preparation of mart!. Ilalpa toaradlcata dandroff. Fm RutArtnar Color and BaautrtoGrarorFadcdltaJr, WM.anaai.wim. ,jrucai.,a. W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 32-1918. Too Much for Ananias. Undo John of tho Excelsior Spring! Stnndnrd hits lost fnltli In the Baying thnt mnn wnnts hut little hero below, He writes: "To my mind, this Is tho statement thnt choked Annnlus to deutli. It wns reproduced In this coun try nt n meeting of tho Ancient Order of American Skinflints us a sort of poultlco to their consciences. It seemed to work fust-rate. I wns a firm believer In tho samo theory, until I studied the American profit hog ut close range. Then I realized tlmt an other prop was gone from under mo." Kansas City Times. Important to Mothers Ezamlno carefully overy bottlo of OASTOItIA, that famous old remedy, for Infants and children, and sco that It Bears tho Blgnaturo of ( & In uso for Over 80 xears. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria His Specialty. "Ho's nn Infernal liar and a stut tering fooll" snarled Constablo Sam T. Slackputter, as ho Bat nlono on tho porch of tho Petunln tavern. "Ho's a thief, a rcprobato and " "Here, Snml" exclaimed tho land lord, appearing at the doorway of tho hostelry. "What in thunder aro you doing cussing along that-a-way, all by yourself?" "I am running down n criminal I" ominously replied tho sleuth. Kansas City Star. RED CR038 8T0RY. Red Cross Dall Bluo and -what it will do seems like an old story, but it's true. Red Cross Ball Dluo is all bluo. No adultorntlon. Makes clothes whiter than snow. Uso it noxt washday. All good grocors sell It. Adv. The Proper Spirit "Buy a flower, sir?" The very prosperous looking gentle man stopped and permitted tho very pretty girl to fusten a carnation in his buttonhole. Then ho banded her n quarter. "What is this for?" ho asked. "You havo fed a Belgian baby," was tho reply. "Nonsense," snld tho other, adding a $5 bill to his contribution, "you can't do It. Here, tako this, and buy a regulnr meal for tho baby." A Tactician. Stella "An ofllcer has to know how to handle men." Bella "Huh, I know how to do thnt myself." When Your Eyes Need Ctrt Try Murine Eye Remedy No Binnrtlng-Juol Mre Comfort. Wcenu at brusulita or idaIL Write (or ores Kjo Uook. MimiNE EVK HKMUDYOO.,CHIOAUO m ,i 1 1 im jaaViaSBEylfcStTOMEfiXjaV m orftt-caTaaKNC-e-Br-uv wmmnammw?. Klj3jljjH MM i I reBggwBcaSg