The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 15, 1918, Image 1

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f J
A Newspaper That filves The News Fiftj-two Weeks Each Year For 91.50.
There is hardly a day passes but most
of us are called upon lo draw upon our
reserve, either physical or financial.
Have you some in store?
This bank is a good place to start a
financial reserve, and it cannot help but
be of service to you.
DEPOSITS in this bank are PROTECTED by the
Depositors Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska
Webster County Bank
I President Wilson
: i .
l I Jinn for tho time,
l Man of the hour,
Master for seivice,
i UnmnHleiod by power;
Muster in deed,
Master in thought;
Leader, the spirit
Or Freedom has nought.
Ann that is strong
Eye that is clear,
Will that's determined,
Ilcatt without fear;
Armoiod in tiust,
Dcmocincy's knight,
Leading thiough blackness
With beacon of light.
Dedication of
. t
Capital and Surplus $35,000 Red Cloud, Nebraska. JJ.
For a good well made
House Dress
Uouit Drtstts and Apron,
JP 'urn
WW iiii
u& p or. CCV tC til I U
fefSij ii i' I1 w
V "-'-A !(!n
-MMM .suM' '
.WWY .. ,
.jfnsM - .v
-t j-
fr True Worth Dress
Forsnlc by
1Kb. Barbara Phares,
Monday evening, in the Oiphcum
the tenchcis of Webster county and
citizens of Red Cloud enjoyed an ex
ceptionally high class music lccital
given by Edith Lucille Robbins of
Lincoln assisted by Ilvti Pollen of
Hastings. County Superintendent
Coon has been lcceiving congiatula
tions upon her success in bringing
fetich talented musicians to this com
munity. Miss Ilobbins, Director of the Rob
bin Voice Studio, Lincoln, Nebraska,
returned lecently fiom an exetensive
study undor Euiopean masteis,
notably George Fciguson the Scotch
aitist. She posbesscs a thoroughly
trained coloiatuie soprano vlocc of
wide lange and exceedingly lich
quality. Her singing to
her atti active stnge piesenco and
winning personality chnimed the
audience fiom the very beginning of
the lccital.
Miss Robbins rang a program en
titled "Songs From Many Lands"
that inrluded groups of Englirh,
Scotch, Iiish, Italian, Swedish and
Noiwogian foil: ?ongs selected in such
a way as to display their vuiiety,
beauty and quaintnecs. One group o"
American eongs was especially. well
leeched. In the dosing number, a
Notwegian "Echo Song," Mis
Robbins appealed in a beautiful co
tume piesented her while she wn in
Norway, 'lho dress is that worn !;
the peasants of the Voss-Havdtinge! '
Mus Boiler, pianist, is a grariunt.
of the New England Conservatoiy of
music. In the difficult role of accom
panist, she suppoited the singer with
a sympathetic skill laiely'seon. A al
soloist, she gavo evidence of aitisti
skill and faultless technique in a
grouiv-of'-fourrpiano oelections. !
As a pail "of the piogiam, the Web
ster County Tenehers' Scivico Flag
with .12 stars was dedicated. Nettie
Red Cross Memorial
' iblic inemoiinl ccimcp in honoi
''it Sutln ilund will be held m
'or.d Suiulu eu'iiing Auku-1
I Mini the Oiphenjn theater,'
the aiupicies of the Red Cio.f.
d 'nnt Sutherland was bom Maifh
iv."i at Covinifton. Kv.. nml ciinii-
lo .- Inaskn in Nov. t!)lG and at the
Ah)i In- entoied the war was making
,jli home with Mr. and Mr?. I). It.
'Ftii.kaid south of Red Cloud. Mr.
tiii . .laud legisteicd for war seivice
YHni "ill MI17 mwl -.'rint In r'....i
V ' ' " -.' iiihi "viii Kr ',iiif
j)un-M) Sept. 20th, 1!)17, and Maich
lf i v nt to Fiance for oversea duly.
jjtvli, ( ather of IJIadon was the first
ntiil Air. Futheiland second to be
(kilt' 1 m action on the battle field in
J' lam fiom Webster county. I he
.totuv men who die for their countiy
iShuuld bo individually dionoicd. All
chu ehes and their pastors aic urged
o )ie piesent at this service to aid
the Homo Seivice Committee in this
memoiial event. A piogiam will be
onangod, sevetal addi esses riven and
gncied and pntiiolic music sung. All
Home Guard and G. A. R. oiganiza
tions aie specially invited to attend
In unifoim. All people aie urged to
oxpiess tncir appieciaiion ot uur
Heioic dead by attending this memor
ial seivice.
K .
r-rr.,.... T1 r-r-1nTTnT-rTT B
is a
?ence in
.lust as thete is butuoen n piece nj" pure gold Mini Hint
(onlulninir iitlny. The lensis imodb.s me aie the llnest
that eun lie hud. Those uumo ill the roucli and tuo
Krimnd until they euetly meet thi ienuijiinent. of jour
puiliuiiliir eye t rouble. One eiinnot be too c.ueful about
thooyci 'J'hu uiiiltor of a dollni ri so should not enter
into the I'tiluulatloti. This store itHincs to iihU lor your
pntronugu by prleo iiloitu Hid eui(U8 tthe thing des'.red
by me or well us yomself. Even so, you will llnd thu
chaise muisimlly low, taking into ooiiblilenuioii the
will be to the interest of your
eyes to have them examined here
E. H. N;
Jmweler and Optometrist
Ore. B. Ml Q. Watch Inspector
' Strong Endorsements
Hon. A. C. Shallenboigor, Dr. C.
W. Doty, senator fiom Seward coun-
lll n.lfl WnHn. 1? IVtlrt rC 1 ilinnlii .ti...
ether with I? "" ....... K.
j. li. iiecue a snong endorsement lor
State Repie-entatie.
Shiillenherger Sas:
"Hoebc I hope jou will win
Christian Church
C. W. Doty Says:
Mr. J. L. Rcebrs
Red Cloud, Nibraaka.
"ly Dear Mr. Ucebc:
I noto with pleasuro that you ato
n the, lace for State Repioscntalhe.
1 lore's hoping that you reach the
Dal as we aie in need of such men.
1 wish it wcie possible for me to
siit you in -ome way in your cam
paign but 1 don't fear the rosult.
Your people, like ours, ate wanting
a man as their icpiosentativo who
dl'at all times oppose the "Special"
Uofosts for the benefit or the "Few"
id my acquaintance with you
1 ads mc to beiieve that you still have
i'ic "STAMINA" (and it leally le-
""iies this often) to icpiescnt the'
will, of the people.
, Jthe people.. of Webster county vatchorl your" pi ogi ess a-? I have
matched it and if they knew ou as
I know you the lank and file of all
Auto Hearse - Horse Hearse
Phone, hid. Store 1 58, Res, 93
i i . . . .
Spiinger icad "Tho Service Flag." l0llcn' panics would laliy to youi
Assistant State Superintendent Alice1 l,!ort.
Floror led in the singing of America1 8 .vcnr' of a11 'C!iV3 shoul(l bo
and Superintendent Coon made the'"'10 " which wo should lay aside, as
dedicatory address. After tho oven-,,m,ch- ns I03sib!c ou' political belief
ing's exeicises, all teachers and the aml. ttnchmcnts and vote for the
patents of teachers in sen-ice re-i51" u'l J a" strong in my convie-
paiied to Ego's ice cream pailors upon t oii Hint you aie that man in your
invitation of Miss Coon, wheic a so- hftiict.
cial hour was enjoyed and led, white wth ki"(,-i't of Pfrsonnl good
and blue ice ei-enm nnil-u-nfm-a .,' wishes and with faith in your ulti-
Webster Co. Tenehers
in the Service
11:00 a. m. A Sermon of Interest to All.
Chief ads Pay You
W. S. Dellzeell
J. W. Kinginger
McKinley Kuglor
Alvin Rathjen
Homer Fetty
Webster Ray
J. E. Moigan
Finnk Delahoy
Joe Springer
Homer Foutz
Millatd Stevens
C. A. Rowers
H. E. Baird
Harold Fox
Elton Rope
Howatd Foe
Fied Stebiass
Ralph E. Pope,
Ed waul Cionin
Iia Sides
Fiank Ktoiscnbae
Asa Wolf
L. R. Giegory
Guy Dunbar
Evan Hutchlns
Walter Poi tenter
Mine Funke
Howard Yost
Ilowuul Sheppaid
James Teachwortj
Geoige Overlcese
Eail W. Honor
Glenn Foe
Wheat Record Hooks
Any fat mors who are wondering
what it costs to miso n bushel of
wheat can get a wheat tecoid book
f i i,A tho county ngenl. These books
ire p it out by the Farm Management
a.-A ate ftiath. They arc not haul to
' ,i n",d Jn-,tiuctIon3 for keeping
t' en ate piintcd in them.
.1 ji.Ja..
Qlith us Aboat
jUalorie-Gellatly Go.
mate success, I am,
Veiy tuily yours,
lleaVcr Crossing, Nebr. C. W. DOTY
Walter F. Dale Says:
J L,: Reobo,
Red Cloud, Nebr.
My' Dear Friend:
I am glad to know that you aic a
laudldatc for Repiesentative of the
Lfgsatuio. Having been a mcmbei
of the State Senate for two tcims,
aiuPfor many yenrs intoiestcd in
worn along that line, I think I know
something of what a man should bo
who would assume the duties of that
office.! Knovingv you and your wotk
for over thitty years as a Teaclver,
Speaker, Public Official and a citizen
I feel, voiy sure tho voters of your
district will not make a mlstako in
electing you as one of the Law-making
body of this state.
Wishing you success, I l omnia
Your fiicnds,
Open Day and Night
Powell & Pope
Show the "Chief" to Your Neighbor