The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 08, 1918, Image 3

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V.t ntil ill ink at Powell A-
I'M Kellojre; went to St I.oui- Sun
lny i
.lames Tutiqiinry wont to Stroinbeij;
Monday. I
A. II. Pierce was a visitor at Snpei lor !
Mrs. Sarnli Hard visited relatives in
Siineilor Saturday.
Miss lhnina Hardeman was u Monday
visitor at Hastings.
Fieh Hastings bread daily nt 1'latt's.
(iroeeiy. tf
Miss Doris Casler, jrne-t of Mabel
HoH'man, left for Supeiior Saturday.
Mrs V H, S.iHday and daughter,
from McCook, visited here Satin day.
Mr. and Mrs Wm. Hunt visited
relatives at Kivertoti Sunday evening.
Farmers' t'nion meetintr a, KeiloRK
Hall every ThtiiMlay nlgbt at s-3). tf
Iteit Clink, wife and daughter, were
Sunday visitors, until MeCoolt. nt the
Tony Clark home.
Mrs. J. Lamborn and son are home
from Fleming, Colo.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cramer are spend.
ltiR a few days at llladen.
Mis. Naney Waddell is the Rtiest of
her mother, Mrs C Moler.
Ollis Walker, son of Mrs. Geoitia
Walker, bad the misfortune to fall
and break his arm Monday
Mrs. V II. ISouer Is home from Kan
sas btic lias been cariiiK for lier
lotber who was seriously ill.
Mr. and Mrs, A. U Kale.v and How.
nrd, are home from Carey, Ohio, where
they have been visiting relatives.
LOST Hub cap. OldMiioblle ear.
Finder leave at this otllee or with
Shcriifllufferand receive reward. 31-2
Howard Simpson has returned to his
training on the 'Louisana" at Norfolk,
John Fulton, of Riverton, was a Red
Cloud visitor Saturday, meeting old
Miss Lizzie (Juthrio visited here
Sunday. She has completed her study
nt Halstead, Kan., and is now a trained
J. L. lleebe, candidate for State
Representative visited his parents at
Alma this week.
Mr, Ralph Merry, picture operator
nt the Orpheum, was made happy
Tuesday by the arrival of his wife Hiid
son from Orleans.
Hon. A. ('. Shallenbpiyeruill deliver
a patriotic addiess upon 'Government
war Activities at the orpheum, ..Sun
day eveiiitli: at V.W.
M'- William Hunt left Mondiiy
lor a vimi wuii ner parents hi uijsscs
iii il .l.l ro on a business trip uit
In 1 e ii'turn'itm hut c.
Mi and Mi"-. Claud (ionrrow left I'm
Dfiiwr MHuii'uv evening. They lime
lifct jin's'-of Mi and .Mis (J-orce
Cliin-ni. tin hitter beliiy .Mis. Gear,
low ' inutlier
Mis. tti'ardslec vlvted her daugh
ter wlio is musical diiectorot the Hill
man sstocU ('ouititm. during their on
gam'tnfnt here. Mis lleardsleo is
district deputy if the Royal Neighbors
of America at Lebanon. Kun.
II. S Foe, Gli'iin Foo. of Red Cloud.
Ivan Stout and Harry Robinson of
llladen, are the four men selected to
enter government traimiu: at Lineoln
Tliey entrain next Thursday.
If"1 "'. A
. J5' 1WJ&WI ilwy cv 3, ji. . "
' .. f f . l-l . ii. , tf-i .: 'l ' ,.wamm
Wednesday aid Thursday
ugust 14 and IS
k,3$fo -
W."k. k
1$ WWWC.' )
m1 iTr k rwwn
v'A 1 Kl
r rFr93.'
What Our Boys are Doing in France
The Amcr'csn . in Front Line Trenches
The Truth About the War
To Tho Public These official pictures will glvo the people of this
city the first opportunity of seeing our boys In notion in France: to under
stand just what these mouths of preparation have brought about In com
bating our common enemy, to enablu tho worker in munition factories,
tho toller In the tlld, in fact, every man, woman and child who is doing
his or her put to visuall.o the losultsf their labor to the present time.
They will show those who so generously subscribed to the Liberty War
Loaiis, Hel Cross. KuL'hts of I'.ilutntius. V M C A.. Salvation Army and
other campaign ju-t what Mich- money has necwniplished
An Eye-opener (or Those Who Listened to the Lies o( the Hun
25c and 50c, no higher None can afford to miss this
Afternoon at 3:00 and Evening at 8:30
Ilev A Seluinl was at Nap mee un
K iy Hass'tigor went up to Hastings
Ralph Newhouse was a Hastings
visitoi Saturday.
lives tested, glasses tilted. J. C.
Mitchell, the Jeweler.
Fresh Hastings bread daily at Piatt's
Oiocery. tf
Mr and Mrs. Chris. Zeiss arc home
from Lincoln
Mrs M. Waskuin is employed as
billing clerk at the depot.
(iood meals good service moderate
prices Powell fc Pope's cafe.
Miss Constance Koubal visited with
friends in Ulue Hill Saturday.
Mayor Dr. Robeit Damerell made a
business trip to Superior Saturday.
Mi's Lorraine Hansen has returned
to her school work in Cherry county.
Miss Vet a Hatfield and (Jleeva Cain
started Monday on a trip to St. Joseph
The Home Guards drill with their
new rllles now, nnd appeal teally mili
tary Mes-is IVter Eastwood and Geo
Artinpof Riverton, weie here Monday
eve nl tig.
F. W. Cowtlen made n trip to Hast
lugs Monday, to accompany his daugh
ter home. ,
Mrs. Roy Robinson, of Cheyenne, Is
here visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs.
P. A Jernberg.
Mr and Mrs. Carl Morrison andMik
Geo. Scott were here from Grand Is.
land visiting relatives.
Miss lUanche Pope has gone to Cen
tral City where she has a position as
teacher in the public school.
Mrs. L. A. Porter, who has been
visiting relatives here for some time,
returned to Chicago Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Walker and son
returned yesterday evening from their
summer outing trip to Colorado
Isaac Smith, an old soldier, died at
the home of his daughter, Mrs. Chas.
West, near Guide Rock, Tuesday.
FOR SA LE Good, improved quartet
section 2 miles east and 7 miles south
of Inavalc. For terms sec H. J. Won
derly. :i'2tf
Miss Allison Cowden who submitted
to an operation a few weeks since,
came homo from tho Hastings hospital
the first of the week
The voices of Gen. Pershing and Ex
Ambassador can now be heard
on the Columbia Grafonola at Cotting
and Mitchell's. 31-1
At last Urother Smith has received
his new Intertype and the question
arises, which end of worry is he
now at ending or beginning'.'
j F W. Cowden leturneil from River
t n Miturday evening having complet
ed another of his very successful cloth
tng s.i'es nt that place.
Dr 1. A. Pace of Guide Rock. a in
t'.e city Tuesday. T)r P.icc is look tin
nl'tei the interests f.l his campaign toi
."state Repusei ta'.ive.
Clarence Wilson anil son. and John
j Wilson, a brother, wero Saturday vi'tt
ois lure t'rem (.'athci ton Precinct. The
Wilsons in of Nebraska' plane?!' class
1 and Mi Clarence was at one time
'eountv commissioner
1 Lee DeTour of Guide Rock, was in
Red Cloud Tuesday looking up old
friends and perhaps lining up the po
litical fences. Mr. DeTour is on the
t 'cet for rid District County romniis
s jner and no ono can say but what ho
ts a good mau for the ofllee.
Over Here and Over There
Taken by L' S. Signal Crrpse and Navy Photographers
and tho French General Staff,
Released by tho Committee on Public
Information, George Creel, Chairman
The C hiefs pnge sin es failed in-
r ve this week and we aie olllged to
print a four-page edition
All workers on stnvical dressings
will please be on hand Ftiday, August
nth, as we have a large quota for this,
month. Miss Pi:aiu Hti rm.
The Hillui in Stock Company p'ayed
three nights fairly attended engage
nient ut tlieOrnlieiim last week. Their
plays are spoken of as very atti active
but the iutensly hot weather kept
many away.
About Ho of the I'.MH legistrauts pass
ed exatnlnatioi before the County
Hoard Doctors Damerell ami Hosey
physicians -last Thursday. Four au
to go to Lincoln, and tive to Kansas
City training schools some time this
Mr. Carrie Nctter and daughter
Kaddy of Omaha, and Mis Francis
Fish of Waunotn, Neb , are in the city
visiting their aunt and uncle, Mis
Ilarbaia Phares and E. H Newhou'-e,
and other lelatives
At a regular meeting of the Hoard
of Educat on hel 1 Monday evening,
Alice L Coombs. Esther Pel kins. Mi-s
Sitiiius and Mrs Stewart tendered
resignation as teachers The Hoard
refused to accept resigua'ion of Miss
Simins Mrs Miner Sherwood was
elected teacher of geography and his
tory in the Junior High: Mr. Hogue. of
Edgar, teacher of agriculture; Mis
Hogue teacher of second guide. Joe
UartH elected janitor of Washington
schools. School will begin on Mon
day, Sept. Uth tor fall and winter
terms Tuiton fees were llxed at 8:2
and SI per mouth for grade and Junior
Welcome Rain Tuesday
The much needed rain came in about
7 o'clock Tuesday evening copious
enough to give the dry ground and
thirsty com a good, refreshing drink.
Weather observer Chas. S. Ludlow
makes the following report on local
weather conditions during July:
Average temperature 85, highest 100,
July II, 4, and 7, lowest IS, July 1st.
Total rainfall HO'.' inches. Clear days
1!), cloudy 5, partly cloudy 7 Some
hail on the 2!Uh. Thunder storms IHMi
15 tli, lGth, ,'Gth. Pievalling wind S.W.
S days.
Rainfall since January 1st, It" or.
Average 10 years July rainfall 2 '.ill
Inches. July P.ils rainfall 0.0!) above
Rainfall July 1017, Old inches.
Taken to Omaha
Mis II M. Waler of Cowles. daugh
ter of J. H lliu'.ey of this city, and
who Iihs b"en in poor health foi a
number of , ears, becatue seriotiily til
sonic two w ks ago. and Sunday as
I'lOiiglit Ik-i i to tin liomo of lu't Iritn-I
r. She will be taken to Oniiliitn
n.lit lieie sl.e ' .11 uudeiv'n "n ""i.t '
t inn to; I'ninp li at. "ii of di-ea-,1 s , i
I un uid and -is'ei I,siJIi'iI U i . e
wi.l accompany Ii-m.
The Four4-P!inute Men
The subject next to be considered by
the 1. minute n en is "Mobilizing Ame r.
ica's Man Powei."
The dales and speakers me
Ftiday. Aug. '.ah. Arty II. S. Foe:
Sat in day, Aug. 1). Atty .las. GillHiu;
Friday, Aug. HI, Rev. I). Fitzgciald:
Saturday Aug. 17, Atty L. II. Mack
This is a subject that deals with the
latior piobiem.
The addresses will bo delivered at
the Orpheum.
A. Bargain
1(5') acres 7 miles from llird City, all
good level farm land except a few
acres, b7 acres ot breaking to be sown
to wheat this fall one third to the
.urchases, piice JU.iOO CO. Will carry
SKIU0 00 for o years Tills Is an excep
tional bargain. J. W. Stockman lias
just returned from Ulnl City with
cflL'Oo 00 as his ono third share of SI
acies of wheat from his farm, which
IsdMloO per acre. No further com
ments are necessary.
3'J-tf J. II. B.ui.m.
Verlin Taylor Recovering.
A letter from C'oiporal Verlin W.
iTrtvlor. dated .Tune, . states that he
I is reeoveling nicely trom two Seveto
w i ii. Is. one of wfiit'h was cspcciallv
i ........ I.. . ' :.w.
-, llllii'lj 1 IJ U7ltlHM.
lie speiKs Veiy highly Jf tllp tiled i
tl ittciition, an 1 epec!ally of the
! 1 i i'.s servii'i1.
i I' . 'j 'Cinir to be tut n a ccn-iles-
i t veiy long.
' 1 Ms is welcome lie vvs to his :. ,.s
h i irU'iids liere. .
i Nebiaska' allotment of sugar for
the month of August is 4,153,000
pounds, one-fhird less than theamount
wc received in July. This cut of one
, thiid means tl at Nebraska consumers
! must reduce their consumption one-
third if everybody is to have sugar
throughout the month, The new reg
ulations are:
Householders may buy two pounds
this month for .each person in their
house hold. In cities and towns they
can buy only two pounds at a time,
no matter how largo tho family. Cus
tomers living on farms may buy five
pounds at ono time.
Public eating places may buy 2
pounds for each ninety mals served.
Ler.s essential manufacturers may
have one-half tho amount they used
in tho corresponding period last year.
For canning and preserving pur
poses housewives may have what they ,
actually need. To get this sugar for
canning they must secure a certificate
from tho county food administrator or
his representative aftoi complying
with tho requirements of tho admin
istiator. "Thcio are no exceptions to these
rules," says A. C., deputy fedtl
administrator, "and any tepoit to tho
contrauy must be given no considcia-tion."
Red Cross Help Needed
Tin '.uirg ist'tut fiom a ! ii
recci. I fmm the Cent-nl IIimmoii
sltOWs e must have lllOIP blip to g.t
out tin uoik.
'To make the thing cnllid for h,
this - natc will mean that nunc
women 'l.m over heforo will be in
quired .) devote their tiine to this
work, s;,,,,,,, 0f tlirsc articles ate for
our own soldiiMs and for tho who
will Fomi he called to the colors, others
arc fot tho hospitals of our Allies
abrond. both civil and military, while
still otln s a u for tho tinfoitunat"
pnpulatmn in the actual war zone of
our A!'.-, where they will sno to
allovia -1 far as possible the suffer
ings of ,i, men and women and of
childii 'i ,,nd at the snmc time scire
as a x r nder of this country's inter
est and -,'iipathy nt a time when such
cviricne - of sympathy mean so much
to the .. ale of those sorely stricken
countii' .
This - a war not of the soldier and
sailor .I'etio, but of the whole people
and tli. '.loiale of the civilians behind
the lin- - is quickly reflected at the
front. 1 1 people falter, the soldiers
will no: light so effectively. You will
see the .line that what we are doing
for the tiviliutis in France, Italy and
Belgium i- just as truly for the fight
ing man as if it weie done for him
self. The same disciplined efl'oit which
has nut the needs of the past year
will nn-wor the new demands. The
women of the country must expect to
respond to sudden change in orders
and to accept irregularity in supplies
as these are a necessary outcome of
war demands and war conditions. It is
precisely this ability to respond to the
situation be it what it may, no mat
ter how confusing to previous plans
and ideas, that makes the Kcl Cross
a dependable and efficient force for
winning the war."
Of course, it is hot and uncomfort
able lo woik these days but it is hot
and uncomfm table for the boys in the
trenchc-. "They'll do their pait over
there all right if you'll do your part
over hem."
C. F. CATHFR, Chairman.
Council Meeting
City t i uiicil met Hi IciMilai session
Tuesday . i.liiir. 4' i"t Utineie'l III
the Chi.'.! ii. I ah nieiiit. i pr s.-nt i
Minn' s i July me. i .n 's w i.'.nl'
I and ti i - '. and i.'j "i r ..t .' H
Ftorai'i . '. a-.. I i .' 1 on li e i
I A li-i ' ' i n i. i i'ii a:,.l 1,,'l.t
SUb-Cl." 'is j' lit. i .11 I 'lie
clerk r'i i't.1 I'M iva'et melt is out l
eoiidltiuii it! 'ast teadintr.
Frntiis .iiid Mary lVteisuii weie
granted permisinri tu elect a In cU
toie e npositlm unit bmlilinndii l.ot
I. UiOi a i, Williams A-blltluii
lUquest of W. A. fatten tor la se or
snbuy from $'"0 to Slis per iiinnMi
was granted.
Finance Coni'idttee inisentel the
levies and App'opnat t u Ordlnnnce.
wh'e'i after I 111 1 1- I Villi 'iv vmis ii lulittd
Mipf. Uracil ii I "vs instfiie'e'l to
ordel one tloZell water meters
A long list of e. a. Ills were ullowe.l
Surgical Dressings
A quota of si'O pads and .S"o sterile
dressings has been received to he made
heie in the two tvorktooms before
August Hist, .surgical dressings work
isd lie in the Library on Monday and
Friday aftei noons, uml in Jie (Joint
House on Monday. Tuesday and Thurs
day afternoons
The shipment for July was as follows
P.M'I. HliLL-
rn paper-backed pads
inn sterile dressings
V.'i oaper-hneked pads.
".II i sterile dressings
:' ' paper-backed pads.
' 'io" to '111 I '. '.' 1 I ..'' , '
tl'Il I' IJ'lr - 111"' ! t 'l.ltlns.
Mn N'i Mi s O V Ji.iiNs ..
A Clock
Cardof Thanks '
'In those win) so kindly assisted
dm ii.' our weeks f trouble; to those m
'i heartfelt sj'ini atbv was so freely fi
-si, .ed in onr li')iu'-"t k't'?if; totbose I
w!. endercil tlie iiynnis uml tl.uso 1
V'l "ill iiarui iiiii'i'iti 's i ir i lie isi i
To fill your needs is
here for you
But you should CALL
for the Clock Shortage
is sure to come this
Better Satisfaction.
Clock Materials are get
ting low and it is neces
sary to act at once.
The Mi'iiicaiiie Range j
YYHEN you are in need of anything in
VV the HARDWARE line bear in
mind TRINE can supply your every want.
His stock is complete and his prices will
please you. A guarantee of "Satisfaction
or Your Money Refunded" backs up every
sale made. A trial will convince you.
You always get the very
best at our store because
QUALITY goods are the
only kind we sell. The
brands we carry in stock
are recognized by the
housewife as the VERY
BEST of their kind.
Everything Fresh and Pure
Chase & Sanborns Coffees
Hens Crackers and Cookies
Batavia Jams and Spices
Sunflower Canned Goods
'j XJi
51 and Telegraph Co.
GEO. J. WARREN'. Manager
The Telephone
Builds Business .
The first requisite for doing business is
to be able to get a customer. The more
customers "you can readily get the more
business you can do.
As it is "the mind that does business" and
"the telephone gives the mind wings" you
can do more business by telephone than
any other way, because you can rench more
customers and you reach them in a person
al, Vjoice-to-voice mannerjthat builds business.
kcoln Telephone