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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1918)
r lttttoiw,lUl' i i,. ... --------- - "" -v.?' -- '4MA7 i J.'.'i'. . .." - J Hi fe tit: Sh3 . 'XiH.-ii 3g3&ffi&l ,-vr"" rfrf .h 1 1 h 'JT-vl z?w x&i ) ftr - ' 85 nH tot. 1 S ' 8 s: " ' irv . Jr . - IL., a... 1 fi r a la ;f &- -, "- a rjrs fj.s iff i - ni t m- v iv.-TA - . vincTMii -mi run rj it c v 'ii .v. fj f'w tw. - . - -r v. jj' k it "m t - - -a jm -An"lrir2rr.K.. .. -.,,-.,t.A-e i- . a .sjsaasii i"3.' a -v iv:tt- Ki s,, is io" ..m ui" ; i "' , i (i(i'"aa Aii 1 rTagggfiaKgr JSf.)irv ' - rsswKsrasr't jsRiig3WSfiEffikS 1J1S?PWS JIM v. S -Ml iifH V, 5 $ jsjfe ;si&immsi?: -ssiff .ii'KWr-v3L-&xVrt'S-o-Ll.l'-iii5iJ 1--. r" 'Wi'- i - '-i:? iiJsftiSa " . i' i""JiSlSS f-aiS-j'-Trf .-r- dC2i3;VSL,iK:. VUHSi--Ml ? --ifc:. 'ST' -d? - -W, . ff- -- . -Wi:- - ---r--- --'--- C- fe -'...JZZM -. - --V -T?f ' '- - - "S9, 4 Newspaper That Gives The Nnws Fltlwmo WtcKs Each Ytar Por M.50 VOLUME 17 HEI") CLOUD, NEBRASKV, AlMU'sr S, )!MN NUMHHR U'J nraiinTiinnnww wn nmi iwi row iiimi iw in jimwum whi w KHIIMHU-W . -mrwjwmirmji wwwwuMwiiinwnmmiani fcmwfcfc ixm-ow Financial Reserve 1 here is hardly a day p isses but mosl arc called upon to diaw upon "01 Death From Accident oynty Lecture Course sa3ammaamxaias 1 our ol us arc called upon to diaw i 11 r i reserve, eiiner physical or nnanciai. Have you some in store? This bank is a good place to start a financial reserve, and it cannot help but be of service to you. DEPOSITS in tins ban!: arc PROTECTED by the Depositors Guarantee Fun-J of the State of Nebraska (In tnii- I. t inliiivr. ;t, i lnr oiran foi,inil of London. Hn -u mitional lutmi'i and :i U'iii .( ork"i will kivo fioo lc ruin's li-ttT county work of Anr. JO to 17. Slu will Irrtuio ut Ina:il' lay, Aiijr 10th, Bladen Sunday, . Uth, Rod Cloud TiM'xduy, Au. i p. m. at tho opoiit limiso, llluo Webster County Bank It i-ii ! hnii! w t ... 1 1 tc, itntiiin roll i n mi I tr-iftit' "tiil itp on a ! iiri: unit wi'il-poti' lid- It In ' iluiiti y Mni vvIiim. tli sittmiinn f.iines . hu.ll.'tily am! in tii' mliKl l t if o " i. Ill tllrt IttttT ellVht IS lilt' (Itllttl of i.' .Mn: It U (invin, u lit Ii iH'i'iu r.'il til .- SiiMiiii'ro III , Wim1iu'mIh, July Hist, from iiijorii". sitsinlnuil wliilu al'i'inl- f iiitfto liis duiie hs fro'trbt lomluotor JMi. Aug. 15th S p. m. at tho Stoilint?, on a Chifm Uieal Wostdn tuiln iif f.- U . Fiidny, Aujr. lfith 8 p. m. Hoi tlmt plniv tu i UK lectures will bo on "Wmnlnjt Jihi Iniw dm accident ocean od will : iiuvr lio ktiDWii Caf woie bin( .switched und u brakutunn dioordre(r.,'l Mi (jiivIii under tho trtln and uuoon'!', SI llUS I p. , lie wn miUiii ImlUHfliutdy li siilnl :d Syciiuiort wuct'c id me l.i'ul iittLMiti ill wiih K.vctl, tiut lO i ui Hv.til ( oiicioiiucs retained anil t . . . .. . - i ivivmtrKemi&mfiimdii There is a Difference in Lenses Utf.,J to uic.t tli" btttl Cv Capital and Surplus $35,000 Red Cloud, Ncbiaska. For a good 'well made House Dress ??&iH!ert& UoustDressu ondApronM, . IL li TRAOEHMWRlfc TVVX 11 uawiof. yCCvwV W.LH U A t A "in ygrni f 2;p H 'Wft'lVV I imii lined vviili Idm uulilNhioily bffoto'll( J (Uutli w tin.-li cmiiu at six o clui k, about time bntirs after tho ac.d lout. I o-cui-e of distuncu fiom CIiUmii ihe be ivawd wile was unable to u.idi ber lnisbandV bedside before the summons iMinf. Mr. iiitviu was a youiik.' iiiiiu, just en teni)(,'(lio pi inic of life. .'IS tart of B(:e, highly res ueted I y a Imyo circle of fih'iids, and an imlintiiotiq audio spoussible employe, having hold his ihIIiohi position for fifteen years He was n devout Uallndic anil died fin ti tled by the sacraments of his oluircb. He was a natUb of do Daviest, eoiin- iy, Illinois, out torn number or years past had resided hi Chicago, th uu&t. eru termiiiHl of his railroad division. Besides his widow, Anna anil two children Mark, aged 7 and Faye aged l years ho U survied by the follow ing brother anil bisters: Jost-ph 11, .John J., Thresa Gavin, and Mrs. Curl Lasas'-o, of Denver; bls'er'M Hstrel'a of the Doi lnican Order, Minneapoii. Mae H of Mitchell, S I); ami Mis M IC Qulgley, of Ued Cloud. o.vini: to ineplieable delay in tiiuiMuts&loii of iiit'-siges Mr-. 1 lU'b was unable to leave in time to uaili Dllbllipie fur the I u nut a 1 Illid ) al an lone 1 the ne-lre to be pieselit I'lim-ial -n-rvices weie held Stturbn iu I'll in n st Patrick's ohiue'i Du) (pic. I 'rt. Itet Tatliei llanlry i tti .it lug in So'. -m:! Hurii p't'l In lllfl S Wile life com! ' liijS.l lb tli pin t ii an! Intel an ivaio Mt (Jih I, DnSiiii io V at." She will nto lectins at thot i. ;. Iiwtiute for Teacher., on i .School A I'owoi for .'ism." Thosp who ajipioriuto a 1 lectuir .should not fail to bear "iat and talented ppeakir, who " to us highly iccoinrpcnd"d by ' V arned men an Dr. I .1. riaxton ii Stutcs CommiMxioneV of J'M- n) who snyn Mibh'Tinling is not .i talent eel nnd nblr speaker hut ' i ivm' of leuchoi'. Mi-i Tinbng .-pulton in sexoial Nationnl Cou rt iv on-. Kho has locturril in r.nglund, Jjcr'and, Switzoiland and .t" statot of tSe I'nion. To liear such a Icaincd and able sprakci a-i Mips Tiuliug in a in -til at. B7 True Worth Dress For sale by jfe. Barbara Ptoes, Notice! To tho Domocratlc Voters of Webster County I am taking this method to let you know that owinU to sickness in my family and the duties of my office as Deputy County Clerk I will not be able to make a personal campaign to each voter, but I assure you all that I will appreciate any and all favors extend ed me, at the Primary Elctiun. for l lie office of Count v Ti a Mirer of Web ter County. Thankini! vou m ndvnnn for an ! ; shown. I re ma hi. Yt.'i- s tiuly. AUiciu' v. ducki:r. .Iiiat ns tliei'C is holvtoon n ploce i f puio goal and ili-u contalnim: nlloy. The lenses ti&i-tl by me arc the lli.e-t I bat can bo had. Tht'sti oomo ill the ioiikIi and me ground until thev exnetly meet tlie rcoilrtMiit-nts ol mum piiilioulnr eye t rouble. One cannot bu too careful about the ejes Tim mallei of a dollar til po -lioulil noi i ntn into the calculation. This stuie rcfiut-s IohsU f oiu putronao by pilco mIuiic the cure 1 the tiling iKmh! bj me or Well tut yjiiiholf. ICtuir o, you will llnd tin charge unuHually low, inking Into cousidi nt .u tli lilgbqunllty. ,. ri'7 1'iio the interest ej your i'i s ti' h ." (; 1 i iimineii In i E. H. NEWHOUSE Jeweler and Optometrist HrC n. fit Q. Watch Inspector'fmmmmmV.nmm.VmmmUVfmmfttmmAmfJS . Auto Hearse - Horse Hearse ED. AMACK UNDERTAKING Pi tone, lnu St ore (LADY ASSISTANT) 58, Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB. Talk - , I I I HI . I Monday, August 12th Monday, Aurfiibt I'Jth, at tho (Ji pheum, lMitli l.ueiUe Uobbiiis, Uiiec iorol tlie Ilobbins Voiuo rftuillo, Ida coin, ami toimer pupil of the emiticni voice tn.istei, Ceorge rergusson, .. Ileilin, it Se otch baitloiie, who uflu "itypusot studio and concert woik in Uerlin, was tin own into n (ierui.m pii-nn He was de:ninod there 4yeni sniveling gicat ituligiiitifb while iu tin pi ison camp Ho bus been recently made iiee and is now in London, Mis pl'itis now are to come to Aiuerioi af tor the war. Miss Uobbiiib is an unusually skilful and sympathetic intetpieter of bongs ol lileiary quality .She sings a gioup ol song-, ftotn the lititish Isles, a gioup from ICut ope, an Ameilcau M JlTm W1'0"! ""'I In'1' dosing iinmber Is a hristian Church sr jr .- iiotiluiis while hhe was iu Norway, 11:00 a. m. A Sermon of Interest to All. 8:30 p. m. Hon. A. C. Shallenberger will deliver a Patriotic Address at the Orpheum Theater. Chief a j. LliS Pay Youi -" J I t?ecd Surprises Convention1 "The chai ge of ft out on infringe ad piohibition was cuu.ul b Willi- l . Heed, whm he surprised the con- nlion by making a rienn-cut deniand l r a suirmgo and jnoliibition plunk m tlto platform. ' " 'I am for woman Ruirnigi',' he aid. 'Women aio entitled to vote, not 'dy as their light, but hr cause of tl.c p leiv,Ud self sactifico thry have made i i tho war.' "The applause fiont tho conven-, lion jirovontod Kced from continuing' ti't' a tinio. " 'Ratification of the national pro I liition amrndment ought to be tlio ( l thing tho next state legihlatute dues,' paid Heed, "Delegates ion to their feet cheer-! i g and waing their hats. Almost at t'o ?amo time National Commiltee-; i m Mullen, James C. Pnhlman and 'icr h-adeus tohl I. J. Dunn, A. A.j i imoieaux and other men that they 1 d urged tho loudutionfl committee include sull'iage and piohibit'on in i platfoit'i I "Licked, And Knew II." j ''( hoy saw tlie handwriting on the II, said Lnmoroaux. 'When tho rnn v ntlon cheered both moaatu'cs as it d i, tho last ounce of fight wont out o'" opponents of ruifingo and pio-1 I intlon.' 'Thoy were licked, and knew ii,' said I. J. Dunn. i I ho foregoing Is taken ftotn the ir- h.nno spotiol rato have boen sveu I"'1 f lllc Omaha Daily News, of rimnlng about lately and nttrttolod at- J"'' ail respecting tho notion of the it ! i . ro i uo f thi r ucnui'il cil i U mocratlo state convention, and is of !" -""i t n.' ub'v wbiti 1 lrt ivn ns sh cial intorcft to the public, In i w i' li -i' o i a, eu'toiio roietii of tho fart that Willis K. Reed is a , Giith lis flboatf MlfflBER 1 Ma lone Gellatly Co. stud) nig the hongs of that laud and c.imbiuir tbu mountains to learn the mountain calls which she giveolii Itei Noiwt-ginn Hubosang. This free coneoit Is well worth colli, ing a distance to hoar but it It free I ectuiM. it is to be tlie dedicatory pro. gram for the Sei vice I'Tag of our W'ob. ster County tu.icheis who nro in the set ice Red Cloud, Nebraska, Orpltoutn, August I'.'ih, IU16, Monday. - - pen Day and Might AT OUR CAFE P owe 11 Pope mimiwiHiMiin iiinw n nitij wl r 9 :i i 'p-1. ".it i. .., , .ptv.'iMi o demooralic candidate for United . r ' i . .' ' ', S'a'os henatoi. Show the "Chief" to Your Neighbor TiXTZfJlT ?3?&I&A