The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 01, 1918, Image 8

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Inavale Items
A largo number (if Inavale people
attended ttie Hud Cloud Chnutnurjuit
uml wore much pleased with It.
W. II. Cloud has again Bturlcd
threshing whout. after n fow day's
C. II. llmgcss Ik IiiujU in ttn postof
lice, after ii few weeks In the harvest
t John Uurgoss roturnod Monday from
u two-week's visit with his uncle, Rail
Mr. Ulnilys Hooper mid sister, Orn
Maude, from near the Kansas line,
visited ul the U. K. Hunter lioiuo
A. 1) Smaller moved to Red Cloud
V. 12. Hean moved Into the Strong
residence, 'Iiiavnlc, Tuesday.
Geo. MeCltiro nttcndod the Stale
Democratic Convention at Hastings
this week.
.lab. Sllvey, Thos. Jones and (Jeo.
McCltn'c were delegates to the Demo
erutlc county convention at lied Cloud
last Saturday.
Oarold Leonard, brakemr.n on the 0
13. A- C. at McCook, was hero for a fow
days visit with his wife and son
R. U. Hill mid family are here this
week visiting rolntlvos and frlendh
Mr. Claude Stlokuoy and daughter
Vivian, who enmo hero t visit his
.father, whose health Is poor, returned
homo to Houston, To.ns,Wcdiiosday.
Win. Tabor was a business visitor
at Omaha Tuesday. Ills wife accom
panied him on the trip.
Mr. E. Oates has chnrgo of the pool
hall this woelc.
Mrs. Charles Rotiklo and daughetcr
DeEtto spent Tuesday In lied Cloud.
Mr. and Mrs. Hay Mayo and Mis
Jessie Carpenter visited with the .lor
gorson family Tuesday afternoon.
Bladen Brieflets
Fred Householder, Fleming Snyder
and Joe SUrdlaudt autoed to Grand
Island Sunday.
A goodly number of Bladen folks at'
tended the speaking at. Ulue Hill Tues
day evening Sgt. Jorgenson of Hie
Canadians and discharged becauso of
physical dUnbillty, gave the lecture
and dlscribed vividly t ho art of hunt
ing the Hun.
llov. and Mrs. 11. G. Wilcox visited
their son at O'Neill last week. XPH
Win. Copley was In lied Cloud Fri
p h ww., i u..i,.etv nin.. u
C. U. Fit, ol Uulverslty Place, Is
visiting at the homo of P. H. Larriek.
D 11. Larriek of lied Cloud, visited
at the home of his sons A II. and I
II. this week.
Myron Rlgglns was In lUtie IIU1
Gilbert Woodslde of Lincoln, visited
relatives here the past week.
Missc Laura and Dorothy Koon re
turned Friday from Peru, where they
Hpent the summer at school.
A M. Donor of lied Cloud, was in
Hidden the first of the week.
N -I Tlionvis of Covv!ea, vlilml tela
lives here Sun laj
at the
Schultz El Schaai
First class portraiture
enlarging, copying,
new work, amateur
finishing, etc.
Dr. R. V. Nicholson
CarOpincE Ovkh Ai.nniniiT's RionB
O. II. Minor
Dr. K. H. Hetudorr M,I.(
Yulirlnnry In Clinrce
C. H. Miner Serum Co.
Anti Hog Cholera Serum
lied Clouds Nebraska.
Wire or Phone ntOur Expense
U, S. Veterinary License No. 45
Hamilton - Cathtr
Clothing Co.
Everything a Man
or Boy Wears
ltd Cloud Nebraska
Defiling the Flag
, Mil wnviTonn iind thorasuiiUv
list brings home our losses, wo vend ing day of the Omaha Full Mnikot Problems of Mankind and
of mobs' fo.cing pio-Gcrmnns to kiss' W will bo n speuat hhow at the1 Conquer tio World,
the flag. The crowd laughs and Ak-Sm-Urn den for tlm men vWloi- nW7n"ov? Wl.v If nnv
cheers nml tho moh disnorveVwith a 'The ladies will be (riven u thentoi . ow to I.tilw n Ilo ? li. If nn
tncois nnu me mo mspoiscs vun a . ,. . ai c body knew how to raise n bov he
smug feeling that it has done some- imrty 1 the lobbora. II o Ak-Sn.- wm( w lu, wor Uq
thing finely patriotic. Miow is recognized as the host of ,,.,, m ,,,,. ,u lh(, ,lcmJ of nll
In leality it has done the meanest many good ones and the Dems very philosophers and stand ns the most
thing a mob" can do. The poor fool popular with the l,itmg officeis and exulted of men! If there could be
that it has manhandled is not cured mon from r,)lt 0nia"a and Foit written rules of roaring children, nil
r i.j ,ii0i..,.w.. ,.ni,.. i . Ciouk. I problems would be solved There
,.,,! in If 1- bnvln.r e,,rr,.,..l .!.,
lenee at the hands of American cit-
ixon.; but that is the least of the evil
that has been done. To thoio of us
who are loyal that flag u-prconts all
thai we hold dearest and mdst sacicd
in life. It is the visible emblem of
our right to worship God as wo please;
our right to free speech and a fieo
press; our right to put whom we
choose into office, and to hold, our-
!, ,., n(rin n,.,f i,n,.n ..l.iiu..
to attain.- It stands for ou'r right to
make our own laws, and to repeal J ago over bum, it tolls the story of ,, t 0 wth ,, JlU nmQ -f
them when they no longer please us. the golden age of Ivanhoc, llobin ,hl,in fnmv procoI)ts or mlvIoo. Nono
It is an omnipresent and indestmet- lIo0(' !l"' M"S Arthur. An entire 0f tu,, develop ,,iong lines they are
iblc memorial to the faith and cour-' tiainload of scenery is enrj-icd. The taught. None of them turn out exactly,
age and selfsacrificc of our fathers ' cast numbers 1.250 actors and there ns 'those who have them In charge ex
who died for it, nnd of our sons who is an entrancing ballet of 300 dnncing' pect them to turn out.
arc dying for it now. It is dear as a K'rls. A thousand atonic sensations "It Is-this way: A mother has two
sister, as beautiful as a mother. I follow the spectacle on the main-tent' " They receive the same care and
And into the presence of that
Iml nf iiiii-liv nnil nnliln oniitimnnf i-nii
lend ., tmltoi- ami force him to press tteht roK ami rldo honobnekf holds
his fll 14. .0 IU lnncu,a,o Idsi.of olophunts h ,, o,v ficKs; i,o,-
'liio flag cannot resist, but how every , national athletes in feats of amazing
fibre of it must .shrink and revolt! It -strength; slides for life fiom tent-
cannot repel assault or protest against top to the ground by men suspended
the insult, but forever after it must l' the hair, and one the great Ilil-
float a littlo less proudly, must carry buy who "jumps the gap" with
itself with a littlo less loft vronqf-iniis.' skates attached to his head. Thn'
To be allowed to kiss that flag is
tub it um.iih,u, uui, it piivilfgu U1U
jm-ivucku, 01 luuriots, pairiois oniv.
It is not for traitors.
-Youth's Com-
ihe StQte Fair
uo in receipt df a bulletin'
fiom the Nebiaska State Hoard of!
Agriculture requesting that farmers
of the county plan to make exhibits
ui uiu cuuiu (nun io inane cxnimcs
of their best products at the Nebraska '
State Fair which opens at Lincoln, '
September 1, and that work be under-!cn'
taken bv some eoiintv ni-fr.-inir.-ifinn in
assembling nroducts for n eniintv rnl J
--.- .... w. n.i......vv.wa. ...
lective exhibit of farm products. I
A campaign is being conducted, it houll find an answer in every Amer
is stated, to secure for the State Fair' jcans heart. The recent great events
the finest agricultural exhibits that in Europe, the successes of American
the state can produce. The Fair this arms on the fields of Fiance should
year is to be made a powerful f.tlm-,smu' oveiy American to greater effoit.
ums to increased food production.
,.,. .. ... XT, .,, ...
in bigger variety llan ever before, is '
iiu wudi ii iii l nuijuina Liiii iaiMJ ami
the order. Such exhibits will afford franco. Every death on tho field of
farmers a bettor means of study of ,lonor in the lino of duty and for our
those food products, they will bo the ' count tys cause should be a call to us
means of interesting more people and fo1' CV01'.v sacrifice and every exertion
in developing a heightened enthusi- to aid the cause for which our soldiers
asm in thy? most necessary work, are lighting, for which our soldiers
Nebraska, for years, has had a farm ' have died.
products exhibit unequalled by any
fair in tho country, but tho plan is to Ihiying agencies for foreign coun
Uiis year outdo all former exhibits, tiles have expressed a preference for
Live stock exhibits will bo given a return this fall to lighter weight
the same encouragement as the farm hogs. .1. P. Cotton, Chief of the Meat
products. Each year .shows improve- l'Msion of the Federal Feed Admin
ment over tho preceding year in this' '-Nation, and who buys meat for the
dopaitment, and tho coming year, it nrmies mid cbi! population of lho al
ls proposed, shall show a great in-' lios. lia notified Z. T. Leftvuh, St
ereasc in size. Let all breeders of Paul, Nebr.. vice president of tlv Fed-
, high class stock ''write to the
jlaska State Fail, if they have not
nl ready done so, 'and secure a piem -
ium libt of the fair and, entry blanks. ' will had decided iavor on the market.
Pull information will be given upon o
request. 31-1 ' Si-veial gaiden vegetables may bo
mm t. , , I ""-scvPsafu ly grown during August and
I lie farmers are getting their plow-, .September. Among them are turnips,
mg well staited; the recent reins oncllvP I(lltllw aml ,,!.,. rurnil)S
have put the ground in fine shape for vill ,, wc wmLlll i)ro.M!i;i,tt nna
plowing. Kxpeiimcntsi have M.own White Clobe is a good vaiiit-. Kn
tlmt ground plowed early produce the (liv. muy bt, SOWL.(l bioadcsut u d then
largest yields per acre. Deep plow-1 tiimi)lantcul or mnv bo drill. .1 in row.
lng is also preferable if the ground is 12 incllc8 apail aml Mnwi to o ln.
packed aftetwanl. .jt.hah aimrt in lne U)V.i.i yM)v may
Satuulay, August 10, is tho datojJO USU(ifr .salad and greens. Iladifhes
when all Pure Rred Live Stock Breed- UIMf iottucc wJn ,io well if sowed in
e.rt wm meet, nnu organize. .Meeting oarIy August, especially with favor
will ho held in tho Court room in the aj,c yveathor.
Court House. ! ' '
A ioLcd bulletin on sugar conser
vation has been issued by the Exten
sion Service, Home Economics Section.
Tho bulletin contains directions for
piinnlnc withnul Kmr-u fm flir tier, nf
corn syrup in canning, l. jellies nnd
. .wi p 4i. c,.i.m:4.,4!. c
syrup, honey and molasses, for sugar
in making cakes, cookies, puddings,
cake frostings, nnd frozen desseits.
The bulletin may bo obtained free
from homo demonstintion agents or
fiom tho Extension Service, Univer
sity farm, Lincoln, Neb.
Tlio Stato Council of Defense is able
lng Nebraska farmers to sow a max
imum wheat acreage this fall. K. A.
Hurnett, chief of tho Agricultural .tour in this county. On this date all
Section of tho Council, has issued an tho different makes of silos will bo
appeal in which ho urges an increase ' peon and tho owners will give tholr
of from a half million to a million '.experience. On this trip wo will sco
acies. One paragraph of the appeal .Pure Hi cd live stock, self feeders, etc.,
reads: "Plowing should bo done early that is of Interest to the farmers,
and tho lnnd thoioly woikcd down in J Tho County Agent is, organizing
July or early August. With good Hoy's Judging Tennis in" tho county
tillugo and good fall rains, ideal con- to represent tho different towns. A
ditions for sowing wheat are likely i final contest will ho hold at Red Cloud
to obtain. If the spirit of Franco can. this fall in connection with the Web
bo put into wheat production thi3 year, stor County Farmer's Instltuto to do
it will romovo tho bread restrictions.
which, tho necessary now, can bo re
moved by glowing more wheat.
fall Market Week
The feature ot .opt. :un, tlio open-.
. .,.!.
" " " I
, KHIgllUfi Bros. CircUS '
Word comes that Rlngllng U.otl.,' ,
mammoth ci.cus is to exhibit after-'
noon and night at Hasting, Friday
August ' , i
Always the leaders in introducing
tl,e " and greatest features the
famous showmen this season announce
tlle most lemaikablo program of their
caieor. There is a biand neuv siicctacle
of L'iirantic nronoitions onlitlorl "In
Days of Ohh" Reduced on the biggest
itirniri-fim. T invn nrn trwnt t,n,,n,. r
svm-M'rogram. Ihcrc
SOals. (loiTS and 111
lonkevs that wnlk on
"" VltUfl.O 111
. ' skates attached to his head. The '
I world's greatest stars, such as Mnv'
, Virth, who leaps fiom the ground
,'to galloping stood with baskets tied
l" h"""I""t. otttu otitt uanuuiti iii-u
lu ' it-n, mu jucsuiucii in gicat
number. Iheio arc twice as many ur(iierc ucAxrrn uitu (MmAir
clowns as before, a menairorie of 1.00!)' nOUStS HcATED WITH SMOKE
splendid animals-and, to intioduce the
holiday, an all new street luumlc three '
miles long. I-il
' I
nc!fai'0 I,(lllct;. grease con-
Mimption, save and lend to the Gov-
' w",v- " "" - "" ".-
crnmonl - Every cent lent to the Unit-
0(l States is used to support, strength- J
nmi aul om' soldiers in franco,
Erom the battle fields in France
there comes an unspoken call that
o.n- nennlo nf homo Kl,m,i,t ...
-- f---j-. ...... .,...,, ..m iwv
on the laurels of our soldiers in
Ne-'c''al Meat Pioducer.s' Ass.oi-iaiion, of
this desire for light hogs. Tin- piob-
.nhly means that light weigh hogj
Tho vcMilts of feeding five lot3 of
lambs at tho Nebraska Experiment
Station have been s-ot foith in a
bulletin for free distribution. Exper
iments were conducted on thn follow-
'" "f l ' l U
fall: 'lho use of silage in fall feed
tho cornfield anil dry lot; clipping
lambs for cornfield feeding; the addi
, tion of oil meal and eotton.ced nut
cake to thn cornfield ration; lamhs in
the cornfield and on blue grass. Tho
I bulletin will be font on request to
tho Nebiaska Agricultural, Expori
imcnt Station, Lincoln, Neb.
Tuesday, August 27, Farmers who
,aru intciestod in silos will make a
torminc which town hns tho best team.
Prizes will be offered for the best
team and also for the best individual.
r.i -
IfYou Did You Would Solve All the
WOlilll ',0 nr dlStle,S 111 till World. tlO 1
f" ' JhJ
of J J . , P
J " w. "
ninnner of ridmonUlnn. They have
showered upmi them more hitman loe
than any other creatures that are born,
They have more care and intention
d pay less attention to It than any
"thor things that come Into the world.
'' then one develops Into a
auentioii. 'liieir ouvironiuent Is idenll-
ai,c-v cat t,le SI1,no f,,0(1- TllL''
i"!' "K,"'f l0l?r"llyVl,',ro'
rXSrSX S2."K
slmjy uniiCr them. Theoretically, they
ought to make the same kind of men.
for they have been brought up to-
geUier. Hut they don't. They are
nothing nllke when they are grown,
One Is good, the other bad. One la
llu is C01'' tho other bad. One la
sl,ldlo', ,llc "thor refuses to study.
llL!8 rol,Il,b,e' lho otbur unrollr.jlu.
j o "
)(),. ol)gJ,
Inhabitants of Korea Have Ingenious
Way .of. Mak n? .? . Floor
ocrvo a. amjBo ovc.
TIie rigorous winter of Korea, which
(lot , Jananesc from settling
,(,(C1.S nmny Japa
ti1(.,.0( is ;mi0 0,
Herald of Asia, by
endurable, says the
means of heating
contrivances called ondol. This Is a
very Ingenious way of heating a whole
room by making smoke nnd heated
'r pass under the floor. In fact, the
Hour serves as a huge stove.
A floor Is first mndo of mud and Is
Intersected by three or four Hues
which spring from the fireplace ut one
side of the house and converge Into
the chimney at the other. Large slabs
of stone nre laid over this mud floor
with Us parallel Hues. The Joints are
made airtight with clny, and a layer
of clny Is added on the top. Flnnlly
tho whole Is covered with thick oiled
paper. Tho flreplnco is outside of tho
wall at one side nnd the smoke passes
through those flues In the floor on Its
way to the chimney at the other end
of the house. In this way the whole
room Is effectively warmed. Neither
stove nor hlbachl is needed In such n
room, even during nn exceedingly cold
day, nnd It Is a real comfort to sleep
In It, feeling, as one doc, tho soft
warmth enveloping the whole body
from beneath.
Paintings and Tapestries.
Tho relative value of pnlntlngs nnd
Inpctrlos at tho wry time that tapes
tries were bi'lng produced In large
numbers the flUeeuth century, when
v. envoi's of Arm Lille, Tourna!, llrus
si'l. Hi'tige and Paris, to say nothing
of tliix-e of Italy and Spain, were turn
ing thorn out In profusion mny sur
pri'se some unacquainted with the his
tory of weaving. I'opo Leu X paid to
Raphael the equivalent of $10,00;) for
the ten panels of the Apostles, and
l'eter Van AeUt, tho Rrusels" weaver
who converted the design Into cloth,
received ?in0.000. This suite, us now
pri-ired In the Vutlrnn, Is vilued ut
a million and u half, although much of
Its f iilor has faded. Hut while Raphael
probably executed hjs paintings In six
months, It took ATun Aolsr, nnd his as
sistants, four years to llnlsh them on
the Innm3, while, of course, tho Intrin
sic value of the gold thread and other
loom materials wan eoiNderable.
Light in Sugar Crystals.
A soft Mulsh light has occasionally
lieen been when a .scoop was scraped
across solidly caked sugar In tlio bin.
Loose Migur does not .show this glow
nor doe.s granulated. A scientist Niiys
that tho tfuuse of the peculiar light
Irt In tho fracturing of tlio sugar crys
tals. Luminescence of this typo ac
companied the breaking of eryMals of
a number of different siibstniices, hut
In none I It more pronounced than In
rock candy. To get the best effect
place lump- of rock candy between
the Jaws of nut crackers or forceps
and suddenly crush the crystal to frag
ments. If the room hns previously
been darkened the flash of light may
he seen at a distance of 20 yards or
Had Experience,
A lecturer was touring tho country
giving travel talks to school children
on tho Interests nnd Industries of their
country. "Now, children," ho said,
pleasnntly, ln leading up to bis sub
ject, "I wonder how many of you have
over seen a ennebniko?" Silence,
"What, no one? Ah, there's n little
fellow, wny back there. My boy, bavo
you seen a enneurnke?"
"Well, I didn't V.actly sco II. IJut
I was right under one onco't when It
The following proposed nmondmont
to tho constitution ot the State ot
Nebraska, as hereinafter set forth In
full, Is (submitted to the doctors ot
tho Stnto of Nebraska to he voted
upon at the general election to bo
hold Tuesday, November Oth, A. D.
Section one (1) of Article seven (7)
' of tho Constitution of the Stato of '
Ue It Resolved by the Legislature of '
the Stale of Nebraska: ,
Section 1. That l-ectlon One of Ar- '
tlclo 'Seven of tho Constitution of the
State of Nebraska be and the same
hereby is amended by striking out tho
following words:
outturn. i ui buu;i ul iaiiujii uulii
who shall have declared their Inten
tion to become cltiens conformably
to tho laws of the United States on
tho subject of naturalization, at least
thirty days prior to an election."
And inserting in the place ot tho
words so stricken, the following
"Second. Persons of foreign birth
who shall bavo becomo citlzons of tho
United States by naturalization or
otherwise conformably to the laws of
tho United-States at leaal thirty days
prior to an election.
Sec. 2. That nt tho general elec
tion nineteen hundred nnd eighteen
(1013) there shall be submitted to tho
electors of the ctato for tholr approval
or rejection tho foregoing proposed
amendment to the constitution relat
ing to the right of suffrage. At such
election,-on the ballot of each elector
voting for or against said proposed
amendinont, shall be written or printed
tho words: "For proposed amend
ment to tho constitution relating to
the right of suffrage," and "Against
said proposed amendment to tho con
stitution relating to tho right of
suffrage" i
Sec. 3. If such amendment shall
bo approved by a majority of all
electors voting at sucii election, said
amendinont, shall constitute Section'
One (l) Article Seven (7) of tho Con
Btltution of the State of Nebraska.
Approved, April 9, 11)18.
Attest: Governor.
Socrotary of StatB.
Succoshor to Dr Cross
Aigust Bulletin
ItOClCY MOUNTAIN N.VTIONAL-IJSTKS PARK Is proving Its popularity as
nn attractive tourist locality. Colorado resorts are quickly and economical
ly leiichud.
TUB CODY GATEWAY Ol'RNCD; Yellowstone l'.irk tourists' vlil bo pleased
to know that the Cody scenic automobile road to Yellowstono Park Is In
'operation. Autoi, in connection with the "Permanent" Camp Way," leave
Cody eyery morning at eight o'clock for the Canyon.
ULAOII2R NATIONAL PARK, sconionlly famous, tho climax of Rocky Moun
tain grandeur, will bo open throughout tho Summer, K
The usual resorts aud Ranches In the Dig Horn Mountains, the Black Hill8
and along the Cody Road through the Absaroka .Mountains are all open ai d
will give you n most hospital welcome.
Choose your locality and lot us assist you.
nn flxH
Hum nisunn
!J 01?
When the
Firemen Appexr
the iiwuted rnati'a fiut thought ii one ol
ihar.kfuIrKsi that lie ii so. How abou
jour thoughts it a fiiremin should ap:
pear at yout heme?
The Doty
Before the Fire
is the da) to irttuie. Ai that day may
be to-morrow (or nll you can know or
do, it fellows that prudence would im
pcll you to stop in our office to day nnd
have us isiue you a policy,
R.eli5xble Insurance
Notice ol Administration.
in llio t'ounty Court ot Webster county.
In tlio inntttr of llio estntu of DavUl A,
Iiluuclljn, ilccL.iscd.
To nll pcrsoim IntereslLil In snldrtlnto.
NotlcolHlicroby alvcn that Mary II. I.levvcl
lyn ImH this day tlkd a nctltloii In the county
court, lirnylnu; that atliulnlstratlon ut h.-Ud
eitatuiiiay lioijrantcd trrMitry 1.'. Muwcllyii
nsndinlntitratrl'c and thatsntd petition will
hohcnrd before the court on the UtU day of
August, 1018, at the hour of io o'clock, a.
in., at tlio county court room In the city of
Kul Cloud, In Mid county, when nil persons
lull rcHUd In said matter may nppcar nnd
show cause why the pinycr of petitioner
should not be urnntrd; ami that notice of tho
lllliiKof snld petition and the lic-ni liu there
of, bo tjlVfii by pulilMiliii; n copy ol thin
order ln the lied riwul t hlif. a Icsnl weekly
ncwuparcr piinltd and of cciicralclrciilntlon
In said county, for four consecutive weeks
prior to nli! day ot licarliii;.
Ulted this Kith di ol July. 1UIS
sum.) A. D. It.VNMV,
-'l county .Indite.
Notice to Creditors.
In Die county Court ol Webster County,
In the matter ot tho estate of John W,
Tlcrncy, Pcccistil.
Creditors of said estate will take notlco
that the time limited for prcseiitntlou and
llllng of claims ai;ulii3t snld estate Is Novein
berlltli, 11)18, nnd for the pnvinent of debts Is
December 1st, WIS, that 1 will 'xlt nt tlio
county court room In snld county on tho nth
day of Aui?usst, 11)18. to oxnmlne, hear mid
allow all claims duly filed which nre a llrstor
second lien upon mild estate, ami on tho 11th
ilny of Nuvcinbcr,,l!il8, to examine, henr,
allow nnd adjust all claims nnd objections of
KCiicrnl credltorsduly (lied.
Dated this Oth day ot luly, A. I)., 1918.
(Seal) A. D. Kannbv,
'28-3 County J iiiIkc.
Notice To Creditors
In the 'oimty Court of Webster County,
In the matter of tho estate of Alfred II.
Hrlnht Deceased.
Cndltorsof said estate will tnko notice,
that the time llmltod lyr prc-nitnttoii ami
HlliiK of clnlms :i!;nliist said tstait Is Novein
bir'22nd. I'JIH. and for the pay men t of debts Is
Dicimbcr'2lth, lUlb, thai I w 111 hit at the uouu
ty court room In snld county on tlic2.!ril dny
of A stii5i b)l, to exnmliu, licar nudnlluwnll
claims dulj il led which are a llrst or.M.ond
Hen upon nmd estnie, nnd nil the 23rd day of
N'oxinibei. I.US, toe.:imlue, hem, allow and
adjust aUcliiIiiiK and objections of uenirnt
criilltorsdnly tiled.
Dati.l tbl, luth day of luly l'.'lw.
ie:il) A. l. KNNr.Y
JS'i - i ounty JihIko
E S. Gerber
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and
(Work Guaranteed)
Electrical Goods of all Kinds
' Will Wire Your House And
' Furnish You the Fixtures
t.,YKnry;KtSA ''. 1.. fIW.!
of Summer Tours
L. W. Wakeley, General Passenger Agent
1001 Farnuui St. Omaha. Nuur
N. B. Bush, Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Neb.
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