The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 01, 1918, Image 3

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7n "
Men Without Dependnnts Wanted To
Comb Deferred Class for In-
dustry Workers
Washington Tho draft ago limltt
uro going up as well as down and
tho govcrnmont Is preparing to in
crease tho. army to C.000,000 or COOOV
000 men. Thcso additional men will
'bo largely without depondonts and
ovoryono of thorn will bo sent t
(Franco, If necessary, to vanquish tin
Hun. The government does not con
Itomplato tho invasion of tho deferred
.classifications of tho draft for nt least
two years, If at all.
Thero will be, however, an Increas
ingly rigorous combing of the deferred
classification for men to take places
'In essential war industries. The work
or fight order will bo oxtonded to
many additional occupations within
tho next year. Tho plan for tho 5,000,.
000 army will bo prcsontcd to con
gress within tho noxt six weeks, ac
cording to the war department.
Secretary Baker said ho would rec
ommend deflnito ago limits, lowering
tho minimum bolow twenty-one nnd
ralsing.tho maximum above thlrty-ono.
Secretary Baker 'provlouBly recom
mended nineteen as the minimum as
well as a maximum short of forty-flvo.
Hun Conspiracies Uncovered
Now York. That Teuton conspira
tors planned, even nftor this coun
try's entrance Into tho war, to uso
Gorman reservists to invado Canada
nnd Mexico, Is Indicated In tho seized
correspondence of Dr. Frederick
August HIchard von Stronsch, accord
ing to federal officials. Von Strensch
when arrested was described as n
former protege of Bismarck. Now ho
la described as a relative of tho Ger
man emperor. Tho objects of tho,
proposed Invasions, according to tho
authorities, were to hamper tho dis
patch of Canadian troops abroad and
to Join armed Mexicans for tho pur
poso of making an attack upon tut
United States.
Hlndcnburg Seriously III
London Field Marshal von IHndon
burg, chief of tho Gorman general
staff, is seriously ill and has taken,
no part In military operations of tho'
present year, according to lnformo-'
tion from Berlin, says a Central news,
dispatch from Borno recently. At great
effort, tho message adds, the field
marshal was presont at a few of tho
imperial receptions, but wont thru tho
functions without speaking. Ho is
quito lncapablo of writing, tho advices
The Danger of Break Is Past
Now York Expressing tho hope
that President Wilson will declare his
sympathy with Finland and his inton
tion, on behalf of tho allies, to seo
that Finland is allowed to retain full
indopendenco after tho war, H. Mon
tague Donner, president of tho Finland
constitutional lcaguo of America, Is
sued a statement hero in which ho
said all danger of a break between
tho Finnish government and tho allleB
seemed past.
Mystery Surrounds Report
Nantucket Mystery surrounds tht
roport of a vessel Jn distress off tho
island of Nantucko't, brought hero by
an unknown aviator. Coast guard
crews woro unablo to find traco of tho
vessol. Marines wero Inclined to
doubt tho story, as many unfounded
rumors had boon current elnco tho
sudden appearance of an onomy sub
marine off Capo Cod. Tho aviator did
not stato whether tho vessol has boon
,wrccked'or attacked by a submarine.
Prices that Govern Flour Sales
Washington. Fair prices to govern
tho salo of flour and milling products
throughout tho United States arc an
nounced by tho food administration.
Tho prices which generally will gov
ern throughout tho crop yoar of 1918
19 woro mado on a basic price for
Beaboard points. Jobbers' prices nro
required to bo not more than 25 to 50
conts a barrel over tho delivered cost
nnd retailors' prices not moro than
11.20 a barrol over his cost prlco.
Spruce Output Growing
Portland Output of spruco for air
planes Is rapidly approaching the 30,
000,000 feet monthly avorago set for
tho cpruco division of tho signal corps.
Forty-ono cars containing 900,000 foot
dreescd and kiln-driod spruce, suffic
ient for 500 to 1,000 airplanes accord
ing to typo woro shipped fromv Van
couver in ono day.
11,533 Trainmen In Service
Cleveland Presldont of Brotherhood
of Trainmen, has announced that up to
July 1, 11,533 members of tho organ
ization nro serving in tho army nnd
.navy. During tho past month moro
. than 2,200 mombers of tho organlza
tion entered tho sorvico.
Five Children Die In Fire
Grand Rapids. Five children rang
ing in ago from 2 to 12 years, wero
burned to death, ono other received
fatal injuries and sovon woro less se
riously hurt in a fire which dostroyed
tho Kent county Juvenile homo here.
Nebraska Still In the Lead
Washington SaloB of .war savings
nnd thrift stamps havo Increased rap
Idly during tho month of July with tho
result that tho total valuo of theso se
curities placed to dato havo reached
$447,820,970. Detailed figures showing
tho sales by statos on Juno 29 shows
total sales of $308,151,175 for tho en
tire country, including Hawaii. No
braska, according to tho detailed fig
ures, is leading in per capita Bales
with an avcrago of flG.Gl. Tho District
of Columbia was socond with per cap
jit t of $7.52.
Concerning School Frocks for Fall
All the long procession of maids,
from kindergarten tot to college girl,
will be fittingly clad this fall In sim
ple and substantial clothes. Whether
it is because of lXo war or for other
reasons, the new frocks for children
nro unusually plain nnd they are the
forerunners of fall styles. It Is un
likely that anything very different will
follow them for they nro tastefully de
signed. School outfits may be got un
derway now with success assured since
all straws. that show which way the
winds of fashion blow, point toward
simplicity of design as. a dominant fea
ture of coming styles.
Furthermore, it Ts the pnrt of pa
triotism to make UVcr and use again
nil woolen clothes. Dresses that can
not bo remodeled for grown people will
servo In place of mw goods for mak
ing children's frocks and this con
servation of woolen mnterlals Is some
thing to be proud of. At the right of
the plcturo abovo there is a dark -serge
frock for n girl of eight years or more
which hns every requirement of a suc
cessful school dress nnd suggests n
model for n mndc-ovcr dress. It hns
a plain bodice nnd plnlted skirt. It
Is brightened with white braid nnd
has two very practical pockets. Hut
what will delight its wearer more are
Its soldierly touches In the shoulder
strops nnd nnrrow strap that extends
A.. "
y--jlB-s v$ s 5
Hand-Sewing on Undermuslin
Women who sew well find needle
work among tho plcnsantest of occu
pations during the long, warm days of
midsummer. It is a good time In
which to mnko up undcrmusllns nnd
grnco the sheer soft mnterlals that nre
used theso days for underclothes with
hnnd sewing nnd fnncy stitches. Theso
harmonize with tho dainty fabrics
used better than machine work.
Only lightweight nnd sheer wenves
of cotton nnd silk concern tho maker
of underwenr In these times. The
choice lies among soft, wnsbnblo silks
nnd satins, including much crepo do
chine and other wash silks, and
batiste, cotton crepo nnd nainsook. In
silks, crepo do chine is tho favorlto and
in cottons, batiste.- Both these nro
liked In light pink nnd flesh color as
well ns they nro In white, nnd it is
likely that tho number of garments
mado In pink exceeds that made In
white. The favorite finish for crepo
de chine is Val or cluny lace, French
knots, hemstitching, flno tucks and u
llttlo embroidery. Recently consider
able filet has been used In night
dresses. Tho long-sleeved nightdress nppenrs
to be n thing of the past. Of tho two
models shown In tho picture one has
very short kimono sleuves nnd the oth
er Is sleeveless. The gown nt tho left
Is of white batiste with n short yoke
fiom the belt over the right shouldei
to the belt again. Any of the (In lie
colors In wool dress goods will look
well made In this way.
The frock at the left Is successful In
either wool or cotton. It Is pictured
made of plain chambray with bandings
and collar of white pique. Its now
features appear In the band on one
sleeve In the management of tjie col
lar nnd In the silt pocket at tho right
side of the skirt.
Serge and Georgette. -Very
effective nre dresses of n com
bination of navy blue serge and georg
ette. A brand-new model In this
combination Is made with a nnrrow
skirt and a sleeveless Jacket of tho
serge, having n full-length pnnel In
the back. Georgette makes the sleeves
and fills In the front In u sort of apron
effect, nnd this section Is beaded In
brilliant colors, n fringe of bends
across the front of the apron, which
reaches to the knees, repenting tho
color of tho embroidery motif.
In Dyeing Anything.
Remember, In dyeing anything, that
to get the best results tho things that,
you dye must be irco from dirt. Boljj
them clean In n boiler of water nntl
then rinse them thoroughly In clear
cold wnter.
mndo of filet lnco and swiss emhroid
cry. The body Is hemstitched to a
piece of plain bending. The fullness
in tho skirt is nrrnnged In tucks, ery
fine and run Jn by hnnd nnd the skirt
nlso hemstitched to the bending. No
sort of undcrmusllns may bo called
finished without n touch of color In
ribbon that, Is fnshloncd Into rosettes
or bows nnd ends. Pink sntln ribbon
Is threaded through tho beading In
this slip-over gown nnd tied In n
rosetto with knotted loops nnd ends
nt the front. Small bows of It aro
perched on ench sleeve.
Crepo do chine in flesh color with
flno Vnl cdglngnnd insertion makes
tho slmplo gown shown on "tho seat
ed figure. Pnrnllcl groups of very
narrow tucks In clusters of four shapo
the gnrment above the waistline.. Tho
neck nnd sleeves nro" finished with a
wide edging nnd n narrower insertion
Is let In nt tho bust ns shown In tho
picture. An envelope chemise to
match engages the attention of its
wenrer. Theso garments of crepe do
chlno nre fnvQrod by mnny women be
cnuso they launder so cnslly. Cotton
crepes nre liked on this nccount nnd
do not requlro ironing.
Two Processes Said to Havo Been
Worked Out by Milling Company
of Kansas City.
A niL'tluid of tiiiikl-v; biend with
neither sugar nor mult Iiiih been
winked out by n, milling company of
KiuixiiH City, according to tbi Baker's
Helper. This process use germ mid
dllng, which nro ordinarily sold for
live Mock food, Seven pounds of
germ middling are weighed out for
uo with UK) pounds of Hour, placed
In u vessel nnd scalded with water.
After It lias stood for u short
the resltlluui N strained out. mid the
water Is used In making tip the
dough, milling ni much witter as N
neeesviiry. Sponge made In this way
without tho use of sugar or mult
shows an Increased expansion, with a
loaf of line texture and exceptional
flavor, n trifle whiter than when
sugar Is used In baking. The process
lias been perfected In the milling
company's laboratory, and Is now be
ing applied commercially. Another
process consists in taking f per cent
of the Hour to be used In the hteml
batch and let It stand for several
hours In live times Its volume of wa
ter, ut a uniform temperature of lf0
degrees. This makes sugar unnoc
cssury, but does not dispense with
the desirability of using mult.
Army Makes Record Meat Purchase.
Chicago. The largest single order
for bacon anil canned meats In the
history of the world IW.riliO.UOO
pounds of bacon and III 1,000.000 pounds
of canned meat has Just been placed
by the Quartermaster's Department.
t S. A., for the Ameilcnn Army over
seas. I.ouls F. Swift, In commenting on
this today, said the order will take
the bacon from approximately 1,000,
000 hogs, and If other work were
dropped to produce It, would bo equiv
alent to the total bacon production of
the five largest Chicago packers for
nearly five, weeks. However, six months
111 elapse before deli cry Is to bo com
peted. Mr. Swift said:
"At the current prices on the day,
last week, when the purchase was
made, the packers would pa: the live
stock producers nbout ?S0,000,000 for
the necessary hogs and over $50,000,000
for about 1100,000 cattle required. The
cattle will cost us twice as much, and
the hogs two nnd one-half times as
much as In the pre-war period.
The whole order will bo mndo up be
fore the first of the year, despite the
fact that, even before this purchase,
one-fourth of the packers' facilities
have been devoted to filling mllltnry
demnnds. in order to get out the
canned goods the packers will llnd It
necessary to employ night nnd day
shifts of dinners. Notwithstanding
tho fact that tho products are being
rushed forward thus hurriedly, not n
single complaint hns been received on
meats delivered to tho armies abroad.
Tho five pnekers nre now killing
nbout 800,000 hogs weekly to keep
nbrenst of martial and domestic needs."
Categorical Denial.
"But, madam, If you don't want this
set of Shakespeare's works, maybe
your husband thero would like to havo
tho books."
"Umphl" replied the strong-minded
female, with a sniff. "Maybe he'd like
to have an automobile and a big roll
of money and n night off occasionally
to run around with the chickens, but n
fat chance he hns to see his dreams
come true I Good day."
"When a man tells u woman a joke
ho usunll has to follow It up with an
Some men can't screw their courage
up without n corkscrew.
Mr Wm-tUiJWLu',
PNct r.nntenttl5HuidDraori
uf-fMamm mm, i
i J.jai3 '?-?. t
ww,n .Alle
"..VnimT.-.TPEIt OBNT.
Thereby ftomoUn$DKH
neither Opldm,Morphtaenor,
Mineral. Not wakuu i i
. . .. i...inovfnr
1 nnd Wrlshncss ana
BreGnrcAOT Company
Xxact Copy of Wrtppvt
She Is Very Likely to Tell You That
Little Sammy Squlfflns Wao
Pretty Nearly Correct.
"Now, children." said tho teacher of
the class In mental arithmetic, "work
this problem: A man enters n grocery
store nml put chases, at the prices
which I have marked here on the
blackboard, one peck of potatoes, three
mid a half pounds of butter, one mid
threo-quaiters pounds of sugar, -IS
eggs, n pound and a quarter of cheese
three quarts of straw berries, live
pounds of beans and two dozen or
anges. hi orders them delivered to
bis home and tenders the clerk n
twenty-dollar bill. What has he left?"
(I'nliso of one eighth of a seerml un
til Sammy Squlllltis. the bilghtest lit
tle lightning calculator of the class,
can raise his hand.)
"Well, Sainniy, ou may answer
What does the man have left?"
"Car fare," says Sammy, who has
heard father discuss the high cost of
Wnsli dtiv is smile day If you tie lte1
Croon llnll llluc, American made, therefore
tho best made. Adv.
(las masks for United .States horses
In Franco aro being manufactured at
the rate of 5.000 per day.
When you're fifty, your body begins to
creak a little nt the lunge. Motion in
inoio Flow nml deliberate. "Not co oung
ns I ii".ed to he" in n ficqticnt nnd unwel
come, thought. Certain bodily functions
upon which good health nnd good fpirits
ko much ikpcuil, nic inquired. The weak
ciiot in generally the bhdilcr. Unpleanant
n niptniiiM fliow thcmuivcA. Painful nnd
nnnoyitiK complication1 in other organs
nrie. This is partictilirly true with el
ilerlv people." If ou only knqw how, this
trouble can be obviated.
Tor over 200 cara GOLD MEDAL
Haarlem Oil has been relieving the in
convenience nnd pain duo to udvancing
j ears. It is n standard, old-time home
remedy, nnd needs no introduction. It ia
now put up in odorlc", tnctelcss ciqiHules,
Tlicc nro eanicr nnd more pleasant to tnko
than the oil in bottles.
Each capsule contains nbout one dose of
five drops. Take them just like jon would
any pill, with n small swallow of wnter.
They soak into the system; nnd throw off
tlu notions which aiu inakiiiL! m old be-
IUIU JUUl kialiW -1.4.v;j TWll juiv,ivjjr iliiviv
oT..w. anM tlllin '.PI It U til nllil1i-ll VAltntril
Watch Your Stomach
In the Summer Time
Hot summer days upset tho
strong stomachs as well as weak
Your vital forces reach their
lowest lovel when tho weather is
tho hottest. Then tho danger is
tho greatest.
You can't guard your stomach
and bowels too carefully through
tho long, hot season. Don't tako
any chunco. Indigestion, sour
stomach, that wretched, bloated
fcoling, belching, food repeating,
pains that claw at stomach and
bowels and an endless train ofi
Btomach ills that mako lifo mis
erable aro greatly aggravated in
tho hot weather.
This year of all othersit is
vital that wo keep our strength
nnd full power at work. Tho ex
tra war work, chango of diet all
must bo looked after because they
hit us in the stomach. And now
Costoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium,
Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee.
For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for tho
relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea;
allaying Feverlshness arising therefrom, and by regulating the
Stomach and Bowels, olds the assimilation of Food; giving
healthy and natural sleep. The Childrea'e Panacea The
Mother's Friend.
i Bears the
In Use For, Over 30 Years
Th Kind You Havo Always Bought
Ford Owners Attention f
Ever-Tyt Ford
top oil carbon deponltt and
fouled (park plug.
Increaio compression noil gpeed
fit fob TiusmtEt ix six worna
nr Bimu i a msoLiii aid oil
Guars nt ceil to do tho work or
your money buck.
lIVEK-TtTrfl mndo In all Iim for
auto, trnrlor on1 jrntollnn engine.
Aiknnr nearest dealt f or write
Dtfutatstr. ST. LOUIS, R&
In m
In W
i I
Use Cuticura Soap
To Clear Your Skin
All drugglrtn. Hoap . Ointment A rATalcram Ml
IMCifln mrli rrrn or "Cttlcsra, Itjv z, Btiua "
DAISY FLY KILLER p'"oed an'h!i
uiiriiuiBuriu mil
nllfllOS. HMtebub
I Hi JiWvSLl!tvl'fv4W '"tl,l,1nll. eonttnlMt
tStlti. Lull til IIIM.
SUli et raiUl, ofi'tlftQ
or tip will not Ml
or Injur, tnilhlni. Our-tftt-wt
.ff.tllt. BoM If, or 0 t.nt by OS
ptMi. rtp't!. for 11.00.
OPPRP Alfnlf.iH.SwretCloTfTllX Farm
l"p fiirnnlixinil ronton cron tmymonu.
VL.ILLr'O ,. MUI.1IAL.I., 800 t'ltjr, lima
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 311918.
tlioc stiffened joints, that bickachc, rheu
matism, lumbago, cciuticu, call Monet,
gr,icl, "brick dust," etc. lacy nre an
effect ie remedy for all disease of th
bl older, kidney, liver, stomach und allied
GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Cansuler
clt'iue-c the kidneys and purify tho blood.
They frequently ward off attacks of tho
dangerous and fatal diseases of tho kid
nejH. They havo n beneficial effect, and
often completely euro tho iliscni-cs of tlia
limlily org ins, allied with the bladder and
kidney s.
If you arc troubled with sorcncsi ncron
the loins or with "simplu" ntiies and paini
in the hick tnl.n warning, it may be ths
prrlitniuiry indications of some dreadful
mnhdy which can bo warded off or cured
if taken in time.
Go to vour dnifruUt today nnd get a box
of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules.
Money refunded if tliev do not help you.
Three h'wc. GOLD MEDAL nre the pure,
original unpolled Haarlem Oil Capsule,
Accept No Substitutes. Adv.
it iB good newB to tell you that
tons of thousands nro now using
EATONIC for all stomach and
bowel ailments caused by too
much acidity with such truly won
derful results that every ono
should always havo it in tho house.
13ATONIC Tablets stop tho causoof
indigcativo nnd dyspeptic nilments by
neutralizing tho poisonous, fluids, ncidi
nnd gases lnrgcly tho result of eupcr
ncidity. This makca the stomach
pnin-froo nnd ready to perform its
proper work.
on can have n good nppctito in hot
wonthcr to cnt tno things you liko
when you wnnt them if you tnko ono
or two ISATONIO Tnblcts after ench
meal. Such quick, wonderful relief
would seem unbelievnblo but for tho
fact that thousands of sufferers every
where havo received marvelous resulta
from EATONIC. Obtain a largo box
of KATONIO Tablets from your own
druggibt who you know nnd can trust.
If they fail, go back to him and ho will
gladly refund 'your monoy. Do this
today. You will then know whnt real
Btomach comfort meansin hot wcathor.
Cry For
Signature of