RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, OHIEP X I iAA....AAAAAA. ' tjt . j : ; AS TOLD TO US :::: ? c'.:..m Nowa is on tlic wires tltls afternoon (liat the Allies havo won n irrent vie (oryj 150,000 prisoners captured. :::;::: Cut tlii' weeds nnd stop the oeds. Mis1? j. Hunsieker spent I'tidny in Hustings. A. A. Walker was a Hustings visitor Wednesday. Kiit Wilson went out to 111 nsli.Colo , over Sunday. WMlss Myrtle Smith visited tit Guide Hocl: Saturday. Mrs. W 1). Eilson visited fi lends in Hustings yesterday. Mrs.C. A. Waldo of Inavale. visited Red Cloud Fiiday. Mrs. Bessie Cain and daughter visit ed Hastings Fiiday. Byes tested, glasses fitted. J. C. Mitchell, the.Jewcler. Miss Bernlee Saunders was here fiom Inavale Monday. Miss Nellie Herrick was heic from Superior over Sunday. Fred Ound of Blue Hill was in the city on business Saturday LOST .Medal and croisolf amethyst rosary. Lea vis at tun oiu 'e. Miss Emma Bargeman was among the Wolnesduy visitors at Hasting. niton Pope. Hveiett Stioup and Schuyler Hayes are enroute overseas. Mrs. T. McArthur and Mrs Sam Moutford were Tuesday visitors at Hastings. Charles Ii eland went to Grand Is land Tuesday for the purpose of join ing the navy. Harness repairing and half-soleing, In basement under Ege's store. P. L. Hansi:k. 20tf Mrs. Roy Matktns and ohildren re turned to their home in South Dakota last week. Rev. Eshelman, pastor of the United Church, has been reengaged for the ensuing year. Miss Lela Barrett entertained Misses Williams of Inavale and Crozler of Guide Rock, Monday. Charles Mountford, of Yuma, Colo., is the guest of relatives and friends in Red Cloud and vicinity. Mrs. Lucena White has gone to Omaha where she will spend the sum mer months with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Barker rejolco over the arrival of a baby girl which came to thelrhonie Wednesday. Mrs. No'aii McDowallTand Mrs. 11 0. SchulU visited at the Art Robinson home in Guide Rock Wednesday. C. A. Schultz accompanied by hie wife and children visited at Hasting Friday.- They-inade the. trip by auta James, Tauquary left for, Hampton Friday, where he has employment for a time with the Lincoln Telephone people. Mrs. Roy Palmer and sister Miss Itlanchc llarker, visited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs J. W. llarker, of this city, Monday, Owing to the advauclng cost of every thing required In the business the bus fare will hereafter be 15 cents each way. Wm. Hayes, Bus Lino The Ludlow restaurant served a banquet last Thursday evening to the vountr men called to the colors. Coun ty Attorney F. J Muuday was the pist-prandial orator. Clins. Sfierer went to Lincoln Wed nesday to tako an examination pre paratory to enter olllcers training camp. He is a graduate of the State University and is well qualified, The community dryer, built by Cash Scrivnor, is completed and at present btored in the Fire Hull. It is a nice piece of work, and of capacity to handle a large amount of fruit or vegetables. J. W. Wonderly, of Inavale, was In the city Saturday, and wo might also add that he made the Chief u very planiant call and enrolled on Its list of Subscribers. Yes, "Dear Reader," they como to see us as well as others Dave Kaley, a member of the com mittee on g 'od roads, demonstrated the need of impnvoment by breaking au auto spring while out boosting for the work yesterday. Dave Is In deiul earliest about It. Miss Alison Cowdeu, wlio was operat ed on for appendicitis at Hastings, Monday, Is reported getting along as well as could be expected. Dr Crcigh ton and her parents accompanied her there, Mrs F. W. Cowden remaining, to bo with hor daughter. Wm huubeiry was a Sunday visitor at MeCojk Blue Hill has a newly oiganied HomeUuaul. A. J. Topham and w,lfo visited at Lebanon Sunday. Miss Minnie Christian is homo fiom Oklahoma Cily. Miss Opal Wec&ncr Is home fiom a visit at Frankliu. Eut uud drink at Powell it Pope's Cafe. tf Mis. Dan Barber has returned to ht'i' home at Gibbon. Mi. R. D. Shepherd was a Sunday visitor fiom MeCook. Mrs. W II. Cloud was In the city from luiivulo Friday. J 11. Bailey letnrned home from Omaha Saturday night. Miss Anna Gilliam visited with friends iu Cowles Tuesday. Mr uud Mrs. Jacob Petersen visited lelatlves in Hastings Sunday. John Barkley anil family visited i datives jn Mludcn Sunday. Good meals good service moderate prices Powell A: Pope's cafe. Mrs. Birl Dlekersou visited lolatives In Hastings last of the week. Orvilie lliukurd was a Sunday even ing visitor fiom Guide Rock Mis. T A Hellinani dnugiitei weio Red Cloud shoppers Wednesday. Farmers' Union meeting at Kellogg Hall every Thmsday night at S:3o. tf O. It. Lenlev. father of Mrs. J. Peteisen, returned to Hastings Tues day. Miss Edith McKeighau, Clerk of the District Court, was u Hastings vlbltor Monday. Lester Yost has gone to McCook and accepted a position as fireman on the C. 11. & Q. Mrs. S. West Is homo from Napouee, where she has been the guest of her son and hU family. Mrs. R. B. Leggett was called to St, Francis, Kan., by the illness of her sister, Mrs John Wolf. NOTICE Users of light and water must pay promptly or be shut Off. By order oMhe Mayor. Mrs. Bert Hatfield was at Hastings Friday visiting her nephew. Earl Robinson who Is in a hospital there Walter Marshall, salesman for the Marshall Paner Co., of Omaha, spent Sunday with his mother in this city. The Wm. Sunberry family havebecu entertaining Miss Blanche McQulstin of Republican City. The two ladies are, Bisters. jJnR. Flurradv Btkrtcfti for theeaBt Mondav morning. He- oanle here f rom I Butte City, Montana, and has heen the guest of the Patrick Kellet family. Paul Story has hisuon6ehold goods packed for shlpmpnttoNorfolk,' Neb., where his family will reside. This location Is'tndre centrally located In the territory Mr. Story covers. Messrs J. Rose and W. II. Seeman, of Blue Hill, were among the Monday visitors here. They came in with their sons, Joe Rose and Henry Seeman, who entrained that evening for Camp Dodge, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Clias. Christian, en route from St. Joseph, Mo., to Colorado Springs, and Mr. and Mrs. Wade Tate and children, of Tokio, Mo., and Mrs. C. McDanlels, Oklahoma City, are the guests of the John Christian family. Two sons of Wm. Anderson, of Franklin, have harvested from their farm just across the Kansas line, COO a?res of wheat which will avcrnge 2.r. bushels to the acre (estimated). Doti't you think you'd like to be the Andersons? New Switchboard The Faimeii Indeicmient Tele phone Cj. have received notice that their new switehboaid was hipped frqm the factoiy on the .12' h of this month. Union Meeting Sunday Arrangement me under wnv for n great Union mooting under the big Chautauqua tent Sunday at 11 o'clock. At the time of going to pres it had not been decided who is to preach hut In any event these will bo lnteiestlnir set vices Called by Death S. C Ellis was called to Des Molne. Iowa, by the death of his niece, Miss Leuoie Fancher which occurred Sat urday morning. He lemalued to at tend the funeral Monday. Miss Fan cher visited here about two years ago uud will be remembered by many New Guns Arrive After a long delay, which it is evident ly up to the expiess company to t-- plain, the new :!0:iu Spriuglleld lilies for the Home Guards have ariived. l'licy were oidereil by our genial haul- wine man. George Trine early last month and havo been "somowheie on the road" since June 2lfh x Red Cross Notes The Women's Auxiliary wishes to thank Miss Iue. Bonner and the girls taking nnrt in the Operetta for their most generous donation of the pro ceeds The Auxiliary gratefully acknow ledges the donation of twelve dollars given them by the ladles of the Bap tist church. The Women of the Auxiliary appre ciate the Bell telephone recently in stalled in their hospital garment work room In the court house. The Woman's Auxiliary will not meet for work during Chautauqua. !""" ' " ' """'-. .iiibw i mwi wiw iimii , rnMMWimmninjiimij.ii fWL Stock Company ' i H&ii Orpheum f. yM 1-JHW IBS '"i U 3l M ijmBmMl Thursday - Friday - Saturday JBBml AUGUST 1-2-3 BanList Church Notes SHSEWHHSSuSfflDnE! ..... , . .. ... fi J ' "' "" 'l UI l ' ,l '" fi iHTa&v 08 I" tit k The i .ris n by ill" a.lns f tin, n fck "Sfc tfEj& 'Wf STm tfY frU&k fa Wf chiiri s utH a iiKviss u- t"po- w m m KT m m wLm n n (i "hi h a? m w" r ceedi i i Mi.-i.tble time (a R&g& vagrf' WkJr &S itiM w Ntuii vfiL &ia& J5, Jjrt & The '-iu taken' fnnn tin N'e- fs fi braMui ,..i-,t Convention we think ?j 'WTk P "3 If3 Wi "W 'ffl'! & S is op wc sliowel urn mUos j M SP M M0 Bea MW M Rua l B ullve . !.intle City, that us a pto M " B mW WM 1 9 BJl I pie we ie a deepened, spiiituul eon 2 Jl JL fci W JLhhI JRa i Jb JLaH medr E Robbery at the Depot While the employes were absent Sunday afternoon the depot was on tercd and 802 taken from the till. En try was effected through a freight ro:m window. Mouday morning, Fred Parsons, a parole, was apprended by the author ities, and later he confessed guilt and turned over hulf of the amount stolen. He Implicates Murvel Fentress, but the latter denies complicity. -Parsons had his preliminary exami nation Wednesday and was bound over tO, the' District Court. The state authorities have sent instrnctions that he be turned over to them if not held here. At a hearing this afternoon Fentress waived examination and was bound Over to the District Courts Financial Statement EXPENSES Music S 13 Printed Bills (Chief Oillce) 1 r0 Tickets (Advertiser) 1 2r. Programs (Ad vertlber) 2 CO PhotoPrlnt 1 SO Incidental Expense 2 25 Orpheum Theatre, (G. J. Warren . 8 r.O Total ' S21 CI RECEIPTS GntaReceipts $71-10 Soliciting Receipts 10 75 Public Sale of Thoroughbred Scotch Collie pups at the 4 corners of Red Cloud, on Saturday, July 27th at 2 p. m., sharp. Mrs. Roy Harper is here from St Joseph, Mo., the guest of her futher, Rev. V. M. Harper and her hister. Her hiiBbaml was called to war service last week. She will bpend fomc time with rolntlvos and filendb In this city and violnlty. Tuesday the Fanners Cooperative Uulou riilsed the price of cream 15 cents and now pay 4l cents The stockhold ers held a well-attended meeting Sat urday evening transacting Important business and Undlng the reports of over-increasing patronage and active business most satisfactory. Prof. P. M. Whitehead made u 1 mlnuto address at the Orpheum last Saturday evening and ho put more in to that short talk than some profes sional speakers wo have heard eluci date In au hour. If the Professor was not already engaged iu work vital to the community and nation super intending public sohool work wo would suggest he got on the Chautau qua platform. ' ' ' Chautauqua Here Tho Chautauqua oponed Its sovcti. day season yesterday under poit aus picious conditions, with a largo attend Hiiro both aftornoon and oveninir. Tho Varallo-tJross Company gave a most charming musical progiam and J. Walter Wilson's impersonations moty with Imitaut appiovul Strickland Gllllhiu is so well remembered from last yeir that coinmenj Is suptMfuous. Ho is ono of those "live wlie" lectur ers who can make his hcuteis think an hour Is only fifteen minutes. Total SI 18 l.'j Balance 607 52 Balance is for benefit of Red Cros Auxiliary. Tho following Red Cloud men do. nated their cars to the Operetta gills t ) Guide Rock Thursday evening: Mr. Starr, Ovoimim, Beozley, Carpenter, .Turnure, Saladen and Holl'man. Also Les,tr Yost as tar, as lic got, Tho Operetta drew a good attendance and ropoated their home success, which is high tributo to their abilities. For Good Roads A llvo bunch of boosters assembled at the Chamber of Commerce rooms Tuesday aftornoon and dlsoussed the subject of Good Roads. Messrs Haryey, Hodgos, Baird and Meyers wero here as delegates from Nuckolls county and gave interesting talks which wore supplemented by Messrs Fred Muurer and F. W. Cowden. A good road from Nebraska City to Oxford, touching the Republican Vol ley towns along Its lino is tho object of this movement. ' Committee was appointed to carry tiie preliminary organization work westward from hero. Wednesday Messrs Frank Cowden, Dave Kaley, Fred Maurer. and W. Hamilton went out on this mlsblon, visiting Inavale, Rivcrton, Frankliu and Blonmlugtnn, delegations joining thorn at each town. Rev. J. L. Becbe was also on the committee but other duties prevented his going out. Mr. Fred Maurer was solected as a delegate to attend the good roads btate convention which meets at Beat rice tomorrow, July 2(Uh tli. NV ;ii'--t Convention we think tine, we sliowe 1 intimites Vlmitlc City, that ns a ntu pie we I ie a deepened, spiiituul con sclouM.i-xs, a new sense of unity uud power, and a vision of a large mission in the pi cent hour ot sobering mil thrill. u; events In the world's history. The N..i thorn Baptist Convention is ten s old rind never before probab ly was it more committed to the great fundamentals of the gospel and uioic serlouly facing Its task iu promoting the K nglom of God. This was man! fest iu the great Layman diivo pro ceding the convention, by which SI.000, 000 was mlsed. The large number of Layman wero present at Atlantic City, and In the words of the president Cole man, when he said in his opening ad dress, 'The Baptists the world over are united in their adherence to six great cardinal conditions, Jesu-, Christ as our Lord and Master, the Bible as the Rule of Faith and Conduct, a re generated church membership, tho right of pilvato judgment, civil and religious liberty and immersion as the true form of Baptism. It is only u church that has u passionate belief In Its own principles and is thoroughly in ,eatnest about their application tha,t can hope to evangelize the world. Its,6uccess depends on the character of the Christianity that it reaches. Paul White Wins Honors Fiom u very interesting letter writ ten by Paul White to his father, T. W. White, who is a farmer near this city, wc make the following extracts: I am in Philadelphia again tonight and am sure tired. We were out on the rifle range today and had an of ficial firing contest with 30-30 rifles. The targets arc out of sight and come up for 30 seconds. A bulls eye counts 5; the first circle 4; second cir cle 3; and so on down to nothing. In rapid filing I scoied 74 pointfi filing five shots laying down, five squatting, five kneeling, and five standing. All from the 200-yard lange and using the peep sights. At slow firing I scoied 92 points out of a possible 100. This was for mark manship, in which I qualified, and for which I have $1 per month added to my pay. Tlieio were only four of the eighty contestants who did better. This aftci noon, those who qualified in marksmanship tried out in shaip--hooting. I was the only ono making tin' requited scoic. At fiOO yards I ha I thiity seconds In which to fne ii c shots, then ninety seconds to run the -100-yaid lino set my sights and load. Fired fivo times squatting, Kin to the 300-yard lino nnd fired five times kneeling, lan to the 200-yard line and fired five times standing. I pot G8 points out of a possible 100 in this tost, nnd then scored 82 in twenty hhots fired from the 500-yard lino. I am supposed to get an additional raise of $5 for making good in tho sharpstootors class. i Some of tho fellows did not get their five shots out before tho target disappeared and of course lost. I signed to go over to Fiance as an interpreter of German. Somo of tho boys signed for French and somo for Italian. If I get this appointment it will probably pay a good salary. I am gun pointer on va 7-Inch gun now and when wo go to sea again I w ill try out for marksmanship with it. Will firo twenty rounds and if I qualify that will add 8 per month to You always get the very best at our store because QUALITY goods are the only kind we sell. The brands we carry in stock are recognized by the housewife as the VERY BEST of their kind. Everything Fresh and Pure u Chase & Sanborns Coffees Itens Crackers and Cookies Batavia Jams and Spices Sunflower Canned Goods M. A. ALBRIGHT i Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Co. GEO. J. WARREN. Manager We Owe You Good Telephone Service You deserve telephone service that is tick, accurate and country-wide in its tensions. By giving you such service at reason able rates we feel that we should ex pect your business and your Hearty co operation. 5 To give the best service this company is constantly improving its equipment and standardizing operating methods. Your assistance and co-operation en ables us to give you intercommunication of national scope and of the highest obtainable efficiency. tpy Mass Convention A mass convention of thevotersof tho my salary. Have made good with tho Democratic party of Webster county 30-30 rifle and was anxious to toll you is hereby called to meet tit the court about it. Your son Paul, house at lied Cloud, Nebraska, Satur- . jduy, Jly27, 1018, at two o'clock, p II. B. Howell, ot Omiihn, has (lied as in , for tho purposo of electing ten Republican ciindidiito for governor delegates to WieStato Democratic Con His platform includes co-operation, ' vuntlon to bo hold at Hastings on July, stiitc reputation or municipal owner- 30th and for such other business as ship of public utilities, and rigid In- mny properly 'come beforo the con speott'on or controll of stockyards, vention, GEORGE W. THINK, nHoUiriclio'iiSDh nnd terminal elevators. ' BO 8 County Chairman. hi Advertised Letter List The following is tho list of unclaim ed letters at the post oillce iu this city for the week ondififr July 25, 1018: Fred II. Qorden O. V. Mires Charlotte MoKey Mrs. Ethel Niblaoh Cues. Orr Ii. 0. I'etorson Ollle Spoor Uay Tracy If not called for before Aug. S, 1018, they will bo sent to the dead letter oillce. II. C LKTbOJf, P.M. HI M Ml '! ii