M- '431 Si w RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF ; 'I ; tip Louisa Goes Over the Top Dy GIDEON HOB of 77m ViitUantes Louisa Is tlio school scrub woman. She litis been connected with tlio school for years. She has been there with her brooms, her palls, her mops tuul her eternal thoroughness. Louisa was German. She spoke German. She thought German. She dreamed Germany. She was In America only because she could not "earn so much as here." She had come here n generation ago with a young married sister. The sister had gono back to Germany, leaving her baby with Louisa. IIo grew up as most boys do whoso mothers tire not about and whose supporting mints linvo to go out to work. Ilo was stoop-shouldered, ho smoked. TIo spent his wages .ns ho wished. Louisa would look nt him grimly nnd mutter: "Ach, If only I had you In Chermnny." It was for the boy that sho worked. It was of him and the Faderland" that sho talked as sho rubbed, rubbed, rubbed. "Ach, what think? That boy ho lends five dolars to n man on the block nnd he move nwny and wo can't And him. "Not so It Is In Chermnny. There ho could not do this. Make bills nnd hide himself. There you hnvo a llttlo book. From school yet you hnvo It. In It stands your name, your nge, your hair, your eyes, and till whnt you do for a living. "First thing you do If you move, you must go to the police nnd show your book, then ngnln when you arrive you Bhow your book to the police. "No, no, In Chermnny you cannot run nwny. There they have It much bet ter. You are all bosses. Nelnl You hnvo not tho discipline. Ilrrpt Rrrpl Forward march 1" and "Louisa shoulder ing her brooms nnd mops marched down tho corridor to tho npplause nnd Inughtcr of the little children inarching Into school. " Loulsn liked to mingle with the teachers. At the bcfdiinlng of the wnr, when the teachers gathered In their llt tlo knots discussing tho possibilities nnd speculating on tho outcome of It nil, Loulsn made her contribution: "Ach, tho discipline. Von Illndenburg, Von Illndenburg. IIo is for discipline, lie Is tho soldier. Such n fine one iievor lived. You will see ho will Win. IIo Is n Gottllko mnn." "Oh, Loulsn, have a heart. Don't scare us so early In tho morning," Bcolted Boy Tenchcrrrcachlng for the brief case thnt rested nt his feet. But Louisa was before him nnd plnccd It In his hands. "Oh, .thnnk you, Loulsn, but you mustn't do that. You'll spoil me. I'm not used to It." "I should hope not," sniffed nnother young teacher, "I should hope not In deed. The Idea of n woman wnltlng on n perfectly healthy, strong young mnn. I bet I wouldn't do It." ' "Ach, no? In Chermnny you would bo better disciplined. You would save the mnn nil." "Why? "Why?" stnmped tho young teacher. "Why should a womnn snvo n mnn anything?" "Becnuse," Louisa bondescended. "Becnuso ho Is n soldier. IIo fights far tho Faderland. "Without the mnn whut tiro you? Nothing. It Is" for you to mnrry n fine soldier, mother n lino soldier, rnlso up n ftno soldier. That Is your duty. Thnt you wcro placed In the world for. Now he," pointing to tho Boy Tenchcr, "would make n fine " But tho young tenchcr had fled. The teachers began to grumble. "Germany, Germany. Loulsn Is al ways cheering for Germany. Why don't theso people go back nnd fight for the Fatherland? No. They Btny hero nnd root for Gormnny." The Lusltanlr Was Sunk. " Then enmo tho news of tho sinking of tho Lusltnnln. The teachers gath ered nnd discussed the news angrily. "Tho devils. Our people. Hundreds of them. Frohmnn, Archlo Butts, Hubbard. It's awful. It was full .of women und llttlo children. Shame ful." Wondering, Louisa poked her head Insldo tho door. "What Is? Is some one dead you cry so?" "Yes, they'ro dend," and n toncher sprang forward and pushed tho head lined paper'full In Louisa's face. "Your lovely Germnns killed them." "Killed? What Is?" "Tho Lusltnnln was sunk by tho Germnns. Sho was carrying many Americans." "Sol" enld Louisa coolly. "Well, they was told to stny ofT that boat. Tho fools. Served themselfs well right." "Keep still," screnmed tho young teacher. We'll nsk your precious ltnlscr whether wo mny sail over his ocean when ho isn't using It, I sup pose. Well, wo won't." Then taking fresh umbrago nt tho other's stolid composure, sho burst out: "Whnt do you think you would bo doing If you were In Germany now? Going nbout n building llko this one, dressed ns you nro, mingling with tho sort of pcoplo you meet hero? Not for n min ute. You'd bo dressed In nigs, your " feet in wooden shoes, and you would bo pulling u plow llko an ox for your precious kaiser." Louisa lo For Uncle Sam. Loulsn went out shaking her bend. At Inst war was declared. Wo were "In It." Loulsn paddled by tho offlco with her palls und brushes. "Hurrah, Fran von IllndenburgJ We're going to Berlin to get your precious knlser." "Yn, yn," snld Loulsn sndly. "Such things must be. It stands In the Bible. Purification by fire. If It's God's will we light, then wo fight." When tho teachers had gone to their rooms Loulsn appeared In the olllce. "Hark," she whispered to the head teacher. "My boy has volunteered for the wnr. What you think nf thnt? Isn't thnt fine? He says: 'Mother Loulsn, I must go,' and I tell him : 'Go. Wo live in America, we are Ameri cans.' " One morning when tho teachers had gathered for the morning chut, Loulsn enme In, her face shining. "Look," sho snld to the young tenchcr, ''here Is my boy's picture. He is n soldier now. How grand he looks. He Is n sergeant already." Louisa gnzed lovingly nt the post enrd picture of n fine looking soldier boy. "Hn, hn, my fine fellow. Now you don't turn over nnd sleep again while I call you live times more. Tn tntn, Tn tnta, Ta tn tn. Forward mnrch. That is fine for you," sho chuckled. Tho Liberty Lonn posters enme. Tho big loan drive was on. Loulsn fell in love with one of tho posters. "Such n beautiful young lady. How strong sho Is waving tho flag nnd leading the army. She Is schoen, yn, yn, she cnlls for money for the soldiers. She shnll have It. Yn, ya." Glancing nbout to be sure she wnB not noticed. She slipped Into the offlco. Once Insldo sho drew from her pocket tin cnvclopo with tho red trlnnglo in the corner nnd Inld it before the bend teacher. "Look. This money my boy sends. It is tho money they give him for being n good soldier. That money I never spend. Tnke.it and buy n Liberty Bond." So Louisa went over the top for Uncle Sam. THE TEST By JOHN BROWN JEWETT of the Vigilantes. Thli Is your crisis, this your hour; Earth's oceans and its shores Hold but one placo of portent power, Ono duty It Is yours. Think not to.hldo amid tho crowd Thnt covers land and sea; Tho volco of Fato is calling loud; "Lock to him. world-'tis hcr Tcs, you no other. Nono aro bom To do what you must do; No beaten captain -waits such scorn For failure, as must you. It Is tho test, tho flno ono: Shall ltlnfr or people rclfin? "Who aro the'peoplo? There aro nono If ono Is called tn vain. On you tlio sorrow, blood nnd cost, Tho Blory or tho shamo. If frecdom'H causo today is lost, You only aro to blamo. THOSE WHO CANNOT GO "By EDWARD A. Q. HERMANN of the Vigilantes. Are yon sorry? Or nre you glnd? Perhaps you would go If you could, but you must stny nt home. You ennnot be n hero nt the bnttle front, but you can live heroically wher ever you nre. It tnkes five men nt homo to keep one man in tho trenches. YOU belong to one of those groups of five men. Tho five men nt homo must stand to gether nnd do the things thntcount most for ono mnn nt tho front. For nny ono mnn to fall is to piny fnlso to tho cause for which we work and they flKht. You cannot fight, but you can work and pray; you can love nnd serve; you enn snvo 'carefully and give sncrl flclally. Above all else you ought to worship In times of wnr. Wo believe our cause is righteous. Our faith Is justified. Our human in stincts nre not lying to us. The lofty Ideals for which our bravo boys nro fighting nre tho ideals for which pure Christianity hns stood for 1,000 years. When tho church has been blind to tho vision of tho Ideals she hns grown weak nnd un worthy of the great Lender. We stand with him today for the sanctity of womnuhood nnd the protection of chil dren ; for justice nnd mercy, truth nnd rTghteousness ; for industrial, political and soclnl democracy; for Internation al law and universal brotherhood; for tho establishment of tho kingdom of God on earth. These are tho great ideals which carry with them freedom, peace and happiness for nil tho future. After all, truo religion Is the renl conservntor of civilization nnd tho ill tlmnto unifier of humanity. The fu turo of democracy and civilization Is bound up with Christianity. THE FLAG SPEAKS By THEODOSIA GARRISON of the Vlailantcs. Great minds planned mo, High hearts mado me, Strong arms raised me To fly whllo Ufa endures; Flno souls wrought for mp, I3ravo mon fought for me, Hound und broken sought for rae, Now I am yours. Tho wldo world sees me, Tho wild seas know mo, Tho four. winds lift mo A signal and u flame; ' Your youth nnd your ngo, Your hope and heritage, Your father's father's pago That bears your name. Your hands uphold mo. Your strength sustains me, Your service honors me With every task It gives. Hold mo your word and wrth, Hold mo your nword nnd hearth, Hold mo your Rtgn to earth That Freedom llvs. HAVE QUEER PETS Lonely Men in Signal Tower Welcome All Sorts. Cockroach That Likes Tobacco and Drinks Ink Is One Visitor Toad Camo Regularly for Its Feast of Files. A Boston nnd Mnlne railroad slgnn towcrmau tells this story nf pets ht has made in ids lonely perch above the tracks: At midnight nine months ngo n cock roach crept out from under the tele graph desk and begun to drink out of tho Inkwell; Just nbout thnt time I laid my clgnr down on the desk und begun to work tho telegraph key. The cockroach v.tlkcd over to my cigar nnd sucked nt the moist end for n second or so, then ran to the ink well again nnd took n drink, then camo back to tho clgnr; he repeated this performance several times nnd stag gered away drunk ns n lord. Every night around midnight for tho past nine months this cockroach hns drank from the inkwell on my desk nnd either sucked the moist end of my clgnr or some moistened tobacco I place near the Inkwell for him. Ono of the boys found n tiny musk rat In tho marsh buck of the slgnnl tower one dny, nnd be brought It into the tower. The muskrnt became very tnmo nnd proved u most affectionate pet. He slept on the desk near tho telegraph Instruments for over two years. Although he went out very often, he wouldn't Btny .long, nnd would scratch nt the door until .some of us would run downstairs nnd let hlra in. Unfortunately our pet was killed by n freight train while cross luff the tracks near tho tower one dny. After the muskrat died we brought in n tiny woodehuck thnt n trainman had captured out on the line, nnd he beenme very much nttnehed tonll of us, and, like the muskrat, he became n very clover nnd amusing pet. "Shuck" stnyed with us two years, nnd finally ho disappeared ono day. Pos sibly some dog got him, or he may have been crushed by n train. For the past 20 years an English spnrrow hns nested In tho caves of the tower, nnd this sparrow files In and out of tho tower nt will, picks up bread crumbs on tho floor and catches an oo easlonnl cockroach. What worries the tower men is that our pet sparrow mny some day eat our pet cockroach. Lnst year n toad hopped up on to tho doorstep of the tower and sat thero blinking. One of tho boys fed him n fly nnd the tond gobbled It in nn instant, nnd every nfternoon nil sum mer long that tond hopped up ou to the stop and nte files ns fast ns tho railroad men would feed them to him. The boys took turns nnd fed him in relays; tho ynrdraastcr snld the boys were neglecting their work to feed tho toad; but he becamo so fascinated watching tho pcrformnncc thnt ho caught flics for an hour one dny and fed tho toad. I'm nfrald the toad will go hungry this summer if ho shows up, for wo'ro too busy moving war supplies to both er with feeding pets around n railroad ynrd. Every stray dog that ever wandered into the ward has found n haven 1ps tho tower, nnd several litters of puppies have been born there. We've had cats gulorc; ono cnt in particular was a snnko cntcher, nnO sho brought in n suake nearly ever doy. Stole Sugar by Bucketfuls. Sngnr thieves employed nn lngenloui method the other dny at Launceston Australia. A quantity, sugar had been bought for export but, ships not being Jmmedlntcly available. It wns de cided to store tho stuff at the port. Ac cordingly huts wero built on tho wharves, but its tho decking had shrunk somewhat, tnrpnullns were first lnid down, and then tho sugar bags placed on this. Tho doors wero locked, nnd n watchman placed In charge. When tho time enme to empty tho sheds the bottom tier of bags were found flat nnd empty, with n slit in the 'under side. Each silt corre sponded with ono In the tarpaulin di rectly over spaces in tho planking. Tho method of tho sugar thlovcs was sim ple. When tho tide was nbout half way up tho plies, a boat was taken under tho wharves as near as posslblo to the stores, and then It wns only n matter of crawling over tho ties, knlfo and bucket In hand, until the right spot wns reached. Brave Act Rewarded. Arthur G. Palmer, n water tender nttnehed to tho United Stntes ship O'Brien wns overboard nnd strug gling In tho water. A strong ebb tldo was running nnd Palmer hnd nil ho could do to keep from going down. At tho moment when ho was near ex haustion David Goldman, n machin ist's mate, second clnss. Jumped over board nnd, beating his way through tho rough water, reached the mnn nnd brought him to safety. He hns been commended by tho secretary of tho navy for this nctlon. Goldmnn enlist ed in tho navy In 1011 nt Snn Fran cisco. , Concrete 8hlp In Norway. Commercial Agent Norman L.' And erson reports tho launching of a 000 ton concrete ship from tho Fouguer ynrds nt Moss, Norway. Tho ship has four water-tight compartments; tho engine, n 220 horsepower Bollndcr mo tor, Is placed aft. Tho boat bus two largo holds nnd two hatches, each equipped with u two-ton motor wluch. ADVANCEMENT WESTERN CANADA FARM LAND PRICES Stories of phenomenal mlvnuccmeiit j tul prosperity In Western Canada !'tie been told the reading public for Miine years past. The stories wero told whi'ii there were hundreds of Minus v mis of acres of splendid land ndjii nt to railways mid projected lines, vwiirh could he had on the payment of a mere $10 entry fee, and under culti vation and living conditions. As was l""llicsled then, the day bus cotiiu wIhmi these tire few. There nro still in tillable thousands of these; they nro "lue distance now from the railways. Tin' land Is as good ns ever, but ploi tilling conditions will have changed. A great ninny nre still taking advan tage of this free offer from the govern ii itt. The story wns told when good hn. ls near lines of railway could bo bought for from $8 to $10 per nere tml the prophecy made tliti t the.se pii. os would double In a few years, for thi- Intrinsic value was far more than it' 't. Tbal day has come more quickly tl'iHi expected! The linmenso crops of Poll that could be raised has brought m1. nut the change, nnd tho demand for l priced lands with maximum re turns has prompted tho keen pur chaser as well as the owner of higher priced hunt from which no greater re turn iculd bo looked for. Prices of land In Wet tern Canada are still ad viineini;. nud will continue to advance until, of course, tho limit Is reached uhen returns will warrant no further Increase. Thnt day Is not far distant. Hut. In the meantime, there nro largo traels of hind owned by land cotnpii rle.s nnd private individuals that hnvo not felt thu advance that has been shown in other districts. Tho oppor tunity to purchase theso should not be lost sight of, and If there nro thoso amongst the readers of this nrtlcle, wlnh Is authorized by tho Canadian government, who wish cheap land, such lands as produce from 25 to 40 bushels per ncre, nnd will pay for themselves out of ono year's crop, ad vantage should bo taken of tho present opportunity. Coming to Albortn with his family thirteen years ngo, his ussets consist ing of u small outfit and $20 In cash, Mr. O. F. Malinberg has accumulated by farming nnd live stock raising as sets to the value of moro than ?:?00, 000, and has n personal credit, worth on demand, $100,000. Ho has not specu lated in land, but bought only to furni. Near Ulncklc. Alberta, ho operates Sl, 100 acres ot whent land. Ho hns Just purchased an additional 11,500 ncres near Cnrdston, In Southern Alberta. His personal credit enabled him to flnnnco this deal In Calgary In a llttlo i over three hours. The ranch Just pur chased Is a fully equipped stock and grain much. At the present time It carries n thousand bead, of cnttlo nnd several hundred horses, nnd Is fully equipped with buildings, machinery, corrals, sheep sheds, dipping vats, etc. Thnt Is a story from ono district. Let us select one from n district some hun dred or more miles from that. "Peter A. Klassen, who recently moved to Herbert, Husk,, from Kansas, has purchased n action of prnlrio hind lit the Illllblioro district, about 2-1 miles northwest of Herbert, for which lii paid $12,000 cash. lie Is erecting tem porary buildings to live In whllo put ting tho place In cultivation, and, this summer plans to erect good buildings on the farm nnd equip it for n home. Mr. Klnssen recently sold his 80-ncro farm in Kansas for $15,000 and Is In vesting the proceeds In Canndo." With tho proceeds of the salo of his land in Kansas, this farmer purchased In Saskatchewan a piece eight times us lnrgo ns he had previously been fnrm lng, nnd bad a bnlanco with which to v&t nV LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE CCMPOUN purchase equipment, slock, etc., of $.V 000. Moreover ns land In Saskatche wan may be expected to yield twice as much grain per acre, he will be ably to produce sixteen times as much ns formerly. The average Millie of farm laud for the whole of Canada, Including laud Improved and unimproved, together with dwelling houses, barns, stables and other farm buildings, Is upprnvl mutely $11 per acre as compared with $11 in 1010, according to the latest re port of the 'Census and Statistics brunch nt Ottawa. The average value of laud In the Prairie Provinces Is ns follows: Manitoba $;51.(M) Saskatchewan 20.00 Alberta vo.70 It Is the low prices at which hind can he obtained In Western Canada which Is rendering this country such an Important factor In the production of foodstuffs at the present time. It Is enabling men who have been farm ing small areas-ln older districts to take up and farm with the. same capi tal ureas not only many times ns great, but which are also capable of produc ing considerably larger crops to tho acre. Advertisement. That Second Thought. Head of the House (ronrlng with rage) Who told you to put. that pa per on the wnll? Decorator Your wife, sir. Head of the House (subsiding) Pretty, Isn't It? To Some Extent. "Mrs. Cuddy claims that she made, her husband." "So she did; she made a fool of hltn." Olrl students In New Ilrunswlek nro gathering sphagnum moss for use In surgical dressings. Save the Babies INFANT MORTALITY is something rightful. Wo can hnrdly realize that of all the children born in civilized countries, twenty-two per cent, or nearly ono-qunrter, dio boforo they reach ono year; thirty-seven per cent, or moro than one-third, beforo they are five, and ono-half bofora thoy aro fifteen I Wo do not hooltate to nay that a timely uso of Costorta would says many of theso precious lives. Neither do wo hesitato to say that many of these infantile deaths aro occasioned by tho uso of narcotic preparations. Drops, tinctures and soothing- syrups sold for children's complaints contain moro or less opium or morphine. Thoy are, in considerable quantities, deadly poisons. In nny quantity, they ntupofy, retard circulation and lend to congestions, sickness, death. Thoro can bo no danger in tho uso of Caa- toria if it bears the signature of Chas. ns u comuinB no opiui.es or nurcouca Genuine Cnstorla always benrs tho Hot Weather Hits Us Hardest in Stomach Keop a close watch on yourstom nch this Bummer. Wo need nil our fighting Btrcngth. Wnr work change of diet will make us till easier proy to stomach and bowel trouble than over beforo. It is so easy to becomo overheated on tf blazing hot day, especially after eating a hearty meal. And then tlio oxcessivo heat mukes us flood our stomachs with all kinds of cold drinks. That's bad at any time; much worso even dangcr oub when thero is tho slightest feeling of stomach trouble. Keop tho stomach sweet and cool and free from too much acid that's about all that is neces sary. It's not so much the diet ns to keop tho poison from start ing trouble You can easily do this if you will just take a tablet or two of EATONIO after your meals. Nervous Mothers Should Profit by the Experience of These Two Women 'Buffalo, N. Y. "I am tho mother of four children, -and for ueuny uirco years j. suuereu irom m my Dacii and Biue, ana a general weakness. I had pro- icssionai attonuanco mosc ot get well. As a last resort I decided to try Lydia E. Pinkhain'a Vegolablo Compound "which I had seen, advertised in tho newspapers, and in two weeks noticed a marireu improvement, l now freo from pain and woric"-- Mrs. a. u. zieunska, 202 Weiss Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Portland, Ind. "I had a displacement and suffered so badly from it at times I could not bo on my feet nt all. I was all run down and so weak I could nob fid mv liniiqnwnrlr rrna nnmiio ntwl nnnlrl nnf 15 " "V "w7 "T " w" " uuwii ub iujjiib. x bums, but thoy did not help yuia iiu l'mKuanva v egotaoio uompouna. itnca ft and now I am strong and well again and do iny own work and I givo Lydia E. Pinkham'a Compound tho credit." Mrs. Josisfxiixb Kimble, 035 West llaco Street, Portland, lud. Every Sick Woman Should Try LYDIA E.PINKHAM KIDNEY TROUBLE OFTEN CAUSES SERIOUS BACKACHE When your back nehes, nnd your blad der nnd kidney mjciii to be dinardcred, go to your nearest drug store nnd get hot tic of Dr. Kilmer's Swnmp-Hoot. It iic n plijnlcian'8 prescription for ailments of the kidney nnd bladder. it lias stood the tnd of yenrs nnd has n r?putalion for qulcl.iy nnd effectively giunR results in thousands ul cncs. This piep-irntion so very effective, baa j Keen u.iceu on en io everywhere. Uct a uonir, minium or large sue, nt your near est drupnist. However, if ou v(li first to test thli preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., ltinRlnmtoa, N. Y., for n wimple bottle. Wlicn writing be sure nnd mem lion this paper. Adv. Somewhere. Mrs. I'lalliiish So your husband la , "soiiiewlieie In Trance? Mrs. Peiisonliuist- So l believe. Mrs. I'latbtish- Hut don't jou know where? Mrs. Iteiisonhurst No. Mis. Klatbush Don't you feel somo what concerned? Mrs. Hensouhiirst Why, no. When he was here I knew he was somewhero in Ameilca, hut half of thu time I didn't know where. MILLIONS USE RED CROS8. Millions of good housewives uso nod Cross Unll llluo. Knch year Its saloa Increase. Tlio old friends uso it and toll others. Ited Cross Hall llluo will make your old clothes look llko now. Ask your grocer. Adv. One difference between n mnn nnd u woman Is that a man grows to bo fond of nn old hat. Kxpcrlmc'hts hnvo shown thnt good paper can be jiiudu of grapevine. H. Fletcher oi nny Kinu. fa .SV2 j ,'-, slgnnturo of &zSrZ 6&UU?- EATONIC is tho wonderful new compound thut absorbs tho harm ful gases and juices and almost instantly drives away stomach misery. Instead of sudden and painful attacks of indigestion, after you begin using EATONIC you'll for got you hnvo a stomach. And thero will bo no moro heartburn, food repealing, sour stomach, gas pains, or tlintlumpy, bloated feeling you have so often experienced after eating. Then your appetite you know how uard it is to satisfy in hot weather cat ono or two EATONIO Tablets n half hour be foro meals nnd you will enjoy the ro sults and feel better in every way. Theso nro a few reasona why yon Bhould htart using EATONIO today and fortify your stomach against thochanco troublu this summer. It costs onlyGOo for a big package Your druggist wnora you know and can trust, will promptly refund your money if you are not moro than satisfied. a iomato trouuio witu pains tunc tuno but Ola not seem to continued Its uso and am nblo to do all my houso- w WU w.v Wuiu tuu uw mo. ily Aunt recommended treatments iroin a puysicinn MEDICINE CO. LYNN. MASS. iV i f M II sKM - 4 yyirarsaEgftS3a!