The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 25, 1918, Image 2
SMNMaiMMpMUMVM WU cm NHKukJUMiiMiii 'vi rnnKiimitpftt Jr r rti tt,.t ,w s nLawftfE - -Ttntnrwa ii-- W.WW.J. J-, ,,,,,s.V RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF T""'' ' "' - ' ll a. iSWV&fittt&S wwwwrwMtwwrH'" ijwwiki w.W F ti .- M .K f ; if K If I: i ; M j U ! Hi i RAINBOW'S END ' fr T"C"V" TT1 A TJ Author of "The Iron Trail," "The y tXlJV X JUuML-i JL Spoilers," "Heart of the Sunset," Etc. 'Copyright, by Ilirpcr and Brothers) Vvvvatitiittvv CHAPTER XV Continued. 13 Estebnn raised himself to his elbow, 'you think it's n myth, n Joke. Well, It's not. I know whero It 1b. I found 'ur Norlno gasped ; Johnnie spoke sooth Ingly: "Don't get excited, old man; you'vo talked too much todny." "Hn!" Estcbnn fell buck upon his pillow. "I Imven't nny fever. I'm na ,nano ns over I wns. Thnt treasure exists, iturt thnt doubloon gtivo mo tho cluo to Its whereabouts. Don Estcbnn, 'my father, wns cunning; ho could hldo 'things better than n mngple. It re mained for mo to discover his trick." "Ho Is raving," O'Reilly declared, iwlth n shnrp stare nt his friend. The girl turned loyally to her pa tient. "I'll believe you, Mr. Vnronn. I nlwnys believe everything about burled IlilF WM 1 if A' yA. m "I Know Whero It Is. I Found Itl" jtrensure. Tho bigger the trensuro tho more Implicitly I believe In It. I sim ply adore pirates and such things; If I were a mnn I'd bo one. Do you know, I'vo nlwnys been tempted to bury my money nnd then go look for It." "Thcro Is no doubt thnt my father lind n grent deal of money nt one time," iSstelmn began; "ho wns tho richest innn In tho richest city of Cuba." O'Reilly shook his head dubiously nnd brnccd his buck against n trco jtrunk ; there wns n look of mild dlsnp probation on his fnco as he Ilstcued o jtho familiar story of Don Estcbnn nnd the sinvo, Sebnstlan. When Estebnn had finished, Norlno drew n deep brenth. "Oh I That Inys over nny Rtory I over heur.d. To think thnt tho deeds !nnd tho Jewels and everything nro In tho well at this minute l Suppnso some body finds It?" Norlno wns nghnst nt tho thought. ' "Not much chance of that. Tho trensuro hns lnln there for n gonern 'tlon, and the story Itself Is almost for gotten." Estebnn turned triumphantly to O'Reilly, saying, "Now, then, do you think I'm so crazy?" O'Reilly didn't hnve It In his heart to nny exactly what ho renlly thought. jWhnt ho more than half suspected wns thnt some favored fancy had formed lodgment In Estelmn's brnln. "It's nn Interesting theory," ho ad mitted. "Anyhow, there is no danger 'of tho trensuro being uncovered very 'Boon. Cueto hnd n good look and nindu himself ridiculous. You'll hnve nmplo Ichnnco to do likewise when tho war Is on n looking-glass. Goodness I Dow I hnte n sneering skeptic, a wet blanket." O'Reilly rose with ono arm shielding his fnco. "In tho Interest of friend ship, I wlthdrnw. A curse on tlieso burled trensurcs, anyhow. Wo ehnll yet come to blows." As ho wnlkcd away ho henrd Norlne Any: "Don't pny any nttentlon to him. We'll go nnd dig It up ourselves, nnd we won't wnlt until tho war Is over." An hour Inter Estebnn nnd his nurse still hnd their hends together. They wcro still tnlklng of golden Ingots and pearls from tho Caribbean tho size of plums when they looked up to see O'Reilly running townrd them. Ho wns visibly excited ; ho wnved nnd shouted nt them. IIo wns pnutlng when ho nr rlvcd. v "News I From Mntanznsl" ho cried. "Gomez' mnn has arrived." Estcbnn struggled to rise, but No rlno restrained him. "Rosa? What does he sny? Quick 1" "Good news I Sho left tho Pan do Matanzns with tho two negroes'. Sho went Into tho city beforo Cobo's raid." Estcbnn collapsed limply. lie closed his eyes his face was very white. He crossed himself weakly. "The letter Is definite. It seems they wen starving. They obeyed Weyler's hando. They're In Mutnnzus now." "Do you hear, Esteban?" Norlno shook her patient by tho shoulder. "She's nllve. Oh, can't you seo that It always pays to bellcvo tho best?" "Alive 1 Safol" Esteban whispered. Ills eyes, when ho opened them, were swimming; ho clutched Norlno's hnnd tightly ; his other hnnd ho extended to O'Reilly. "A reconcentradol In Mu tanzasl Well, that's good. Wo hnvo friends there they'll not lot her stnrve. This mnkes a new mnn of me. Sec l I'm strong ngnln. I'll go to her." "You'll go?" quickly cried Miss Evnns. "You'll go 1 You'ro not strong enough. It would bo suicide. You, with n price upon your .head l Every body knows you there. Mntnnzns Is virtually a walled city. There's sick ness, too yellow fever, typhus " "Exactly. And hunger, nlso. I sup pose no ono has taken Rosa In? Thoso concentration camps aren't nlco places for a girl." "Rut wnlt I I hnvo friends In Wash-, lngton. Thcy'ro Influential. They will cablo tho American consul to look nftcr her. Anyhow, you mustn't think of re turning to Mntnnzns," Norlno f altered ; her voice caught unexpectedly and sho turned her fuco away. O'Reilly nodded shortly. "You're a sick man," ho agreed. "There's no need for both of us to go." Estebnn looked up. "Then you" "I leavo at once. Tho Old Man hn3 given mo n commission to General Bo tnncourt, and I'll bo on my wny In nn hour. Tho moon Is young; I must cross the trocha before " "That trochnl" Estcbnn wns up on his elbow ngnln. "Re enrcful there, O'Reilly. They keep n" sharp lookout, and It's guarded with bnrbed wire. Bo sure you cut every strand. Yes, nnd niufllo your horse's hoofs, too, In cross ing tho railroad track. That's how wo wero detected. Pablo's horso struck n rail, nnd they fired nt tho sound. IIo fell nt tho first volley, riddled. Oh, I know that trochnl" "D tho trocha I" O'Reilly ex- clnlmcd. "At last I'vo got a chanco to do soinothlng. God I How long I've wnltcd." Esteban drew O'Reilly's tenso form down and embraced his friend, after the fashion of his people. "Sho hns been waiting, too," ho snld, huskily. "We Varonas nro good wnlters, O'Reil ly. Rosa will never ceaso waiting un til you come. Tell her, for me " Norlno wltlulrow softly out of ear shot. There wero a lump In her throat nnd a pain In her breast. "Sho had ac quired n peculiar nnd affectionate- in terest In this unhnppy girl whom she hud never seen, nnd sho hnd learned to respect O'Reilly's love. Tho yenrnlng CHAPTER XVI. Tho Trocha. Of nil tho mllltnry measures em ployed by tho Spnnlnrds In their wnrs ngnlnst Cuban Independence, pcrhnps the most unique wns tho trocha trench or traverse. Martinez Campos during tho Ten Years' war built tho first trochn Just west of the Cubltns mountains where tho wnlst of tho Island Is narrowest. Not until Wey ler's time wcro tho two method) of pacification, the trocha and tl.j concen tration enmp, developed to their fullest extent. Although his trochns hindered the free movement of Cubnn troops nnd his prison enmps declmntcd tho peaceful populntlon of eevcrnl prov inces, the Spanish cnuso gnlned little. Both trenches nnd prison enmpa be came Spanish graveyards. At tho time Johnnie O'Reilly set out for Mntnnzns tho wnr a wnr without bnttle, without victory, without defent hnd settled into a grim contest of en durance. In the cast, whero tho Ihsur rectos wcro prnctlcnlly supreme, there wns food of n sort, but beyond tho Ju-cnro-Moron trocha the old ono of Campos' building tho country was sick. Immediately west of It, In that district which the Cubans cnlled Las Villas, tho land lay dying, while tho entire provinces of Matanzns, Hnbnna und Pinnr del Rio were -prnctlcnlly dend. These three wero skeletons, picked bnro of flesh by Weyler's beak. Tho Jucaro-Moron trochn bad been greatly strengthened since Campos' dny. It followed tho lino of tho trans Insular railway. Dotted at every quar ter of n mile nlong tho grade wero lit tle forts connected by telephono nnd telegraph lines. Between thoso fortl nns were sentry stations of logs or rail road ties. Eyes wero keen, rifles wero ready, challenges wcro shnrp, nnd coun tersigns wero quickly given on tho Ju-euro-Moron trocha. In O'Reilly's pnrty thcro wcro three men besides himself tho cver-fnlthful Jacket, a wrinkled old Camagueyan who knew tho brldlo trails of his prov Inco as a fox knows tho tracks to Its lair, and a silent gunjlro from farther west, detailed to accompany tho expe dition becauso of his wide acquaintance with tho devastated districts. Both guides, having crossed tho trochn moro than once, affected to scorn Us ter rors, nnd their easy confldenco reas sured O'Reilly In splto of Estcban's parting admonition. Tho American had not dreamed of taking Jncket along, but when ho camo to announce his departure tho boy had flatly refused to bo left behind. Fifty miles of hnrd riding brought tho pnrty to tho trocha; they nenred It on tho second morning after leaving Cubltns, nnd sought a secluded enmp Ing spot Later In tho dny Hllnrlo, tho old Camagueyan, slipped nway to rc connoltor. IIo returned nt twilight, but volunteered no report of what ho had discovered. After nn Insistent cross-examination O'Reilly wrung from him the reluctant admission that ev- JKPP.' t "You must help Tno And It" said Jh"1 hn,a P,lt8ici1 ln ,Ws volco a moment ttstol.nn. "Wr, .imii nil iinro ilm for- beforo hnd stirred her deeply; It nwoko "iuno equally, you two, Rosn and I." "Wo? Why should wo shnro In It?" iNorlno asked. - Towe It to you. Didn't O'Reilly rcscuo mo from a dungeon? llnvcn't you nursed mo bnck to health? Don't I owo my Hfo to you both?" "Nonsense t I, for one, shn'n't tnko to dollnr of It." "Oh, but you must. I Insist. Nurs ing is a poorly pnld profession. .Wouldn't you like to bo rich?" "Profession l Foorly pnld?" Norlno sputtered, nngrlly. "As If I'd tuko "As If I would accept a great scrvlco ;and forget It, llko somo mlsernblo beg jgarl" Esteban replied stiffly. O'Reilly laughed out. "Don't let's 'quarrel over tho Bpoll until wo get It," said ho. "Thnt's tho wny with nil treasure-hunters. They Invariably fall out and go to fighting. To avoid blood shed, I'll agree to sell my Interest cheap, for cash. My sharo of the fa mous Varona fortuno going for a dol lar " "Thorol Ho doesn't bellovo a word of it," Esteban said. ( Norlno gavo an impatient shrug. "Somo peoplo wouldn't bellovo they wero nllvo unless thoy saw their breath I ly out of sight. a throb In her own bosom, for O'Reilly was dear to her. Tho pnclllcos, accord ing to all reports, wcro dying llko files In tho prison camps. Norlno wondered If there might not be a terrlblo heart acho at tho end of O'Reilly's quest? Ilcr fnco wns grnvo and worried when, henrlng him spenk to her, sho turned to tnko Ids outstretched hnnd. "You will bo careful, won't you?" sho Implored. "And you'll bo stout of heart, no matter what occurs?" IIo nodded, j'lt's a long. wny bnck hero to Cubltns. You may not see or hear from mo agnln." "I understnnd." Sho choked miser ably. "You inenn you may not como back. Oh, Johnnlol" "Tut, tut I Wo O'Reillys hnvo more lives thnn a litter of cnts. I mean I may not seo you until tho war is over nnd wo meet in New York. Well, wo'vo been good pals, and I'm glad you camo to Cuba." His grasp upon her two hands was painful. "You must go, I know, and I wouldn't try to keep you, but" Norlno faltered, then impulsively sho drew him down nnd kissed him full upon tho lips. "For Rosa I" sho whispered. Her eyes wcro shining as sho watched him pass swift- Mf "i wwmm&. kw wm w m&etfi & '3 .ftZi 0 . Hard Rldlno Brought tho Party to the Trocha. crythlng seemed fnvorahlo for a cross ing somo tlmo that night, ami that ho had selected a promising point. Bo yond thnt tho old man would sny nothing. Supper, a slmplo meal, was quickly disposed of. Then followed u long, dispiriting wait, for a gibbous moon rodo high In tho sky and tho guides refused to stir so long as it remained thcro. It was a still night; in tho Jungle uo air was stirring, and dark ness brought forth a torment of mos quitoes. As day died tho woods nwoko to sounds of bird nnd insect life; strango, raucous calls pealed forth, somo familiar, others strango and un accustomed. Sitting thero in tho dark, bedeviled by u pest of Insects, mocked nt by these "mysterious voices; nnd looking forwnrd to a hnznrdoUs enter prise, O'Reilly began to curse his vivid Imagination and to envy tho impas slvencss of his companions. Even Jncket, ho noted, endured tho strain better; tho boy wns cheerful, philo sophical, qui to unimpressed by his surroundings. When tho mosquitoes became unbearable ho put on his trou sers, with some rcluctuncc and much ceremony. Midnight brought a moist, warm breeze nnd a few formless clouds which served nt times to dimly ob scure the moon. Watching the clouds, O'Reilly hoped thnt they might prbve to be the heralds of a storm. None came. When tho moon had finally crept down into tho treetops old Hl lnrlo stepped upon his cigarette, then began silently to saddle up. The oth ers followed with nlucrlty, and fell in behind him as ho led the wny Into the forest. When they hnd covered n couple of miles Hllnrlo reined In nnd tho others crowded close. Ahead, dimly discern ible ngnlnst tho night sky, thero up penrcd to bo u thinning of tho woods. After listening for a moment or two, Hllnrlo dismounted nnd slipped nwny; the three riders sat their saddles with ears strained. Hllnrlo returned with word thnt nil wns well, and ench mnn dismounted to mufllo tho feet of his horse with rngs and strips of gunnysack provided for the purpose. Then, ono by one, they moved forwnrd to tho edgo of the clenrlng. Tho trocha lny beforo them. O'Reilly felt a pnlr of reins thrust Into his hnnd nnd found Hllnrlo exam ining a lnrgo pnlr of tinner's shears. "Do you wish mo to go with you?" he Inquired of tho guide. Tho latter shook his head. "Antonio will go; ho wlll-"keep' watch whllo I clear n pnth. If anything goes wrong, wait here. Don't ride away until we have time " "Never fear. I won't desert you," the American reassured htm. Tho two white-clod figures slipped nwny, became indistinct, nnd then dis appeared. The night wns hot, tho mos quitoes hummed dlsmnlly and settled in clouds upon tho waiting pair, mad dening them with their poison. A hnlf hour pnssed, then tho two ghostly fig ures materialized once moro. "DIosl" grumbled Hllarlo. "Theic nro many strings to this Spnnlsh gul tnr. What a row when they discover that I havo played a Cuban danzon upon It." Tho old man seemed less surly thnn beforo. "Is tho way clear?" O'Reilly in quired. "As fnr as tho railroad, yes. Wo henrd voices there, nnd camo bnck. Wo will hnvo to cut our wny forwu:d nftcr wo cross the track. Now, then, ifollow mo without n sound." Leading ills horso by tho bit ring, Hllnrlo moved out into tho clenrlng, followed onco more-by his three com panions. In splto of nil precnutlons tho animals mado a tremendous-racket, or so it seemed, and, despite Hllarlo's twisting nnd turnings, It wns Impos sible to nvold nn occnslonnl loop of barbed wire, therefore' flesh and cloth ing suffered grievously. But nt length tho pnrty brought up under the railroad embankment nnd paused. As carefully, ns might bo the four men ascended the slope, crossed tho rails nnd descended Into the ditch on tho other side. An other moment nnd they encountered a taut strand of barbed wire. Tho metal lic snip of Hllarlo's shears sounded llko n pistol shot to O'Reilly. Into tho maze of strands they penetrated, yard by yard, clipping and carefully laying back tho wire ns they wont. Progress wns slow ; they had to feel their way ; the sharp barbs brought blood nnd muttered profanity ut every step. Nono of tho four ever knew what gave tho alarm. Their first Intimation of discovery camo with a startling "Qulcn vlve?" hurled nt them from somewhere at their bncks. An Instant and tho chnllcngo wns followed by a Mauser shot. Other ro ports rang out us tho sentry emptied his rlllo In their direction. "Sol They nro shooting bats I" Hl lnrlo grunted. Antonio swung about nnd cocked his Remington, but the-other spoko sharp ly. "Fool ! If you shoot they will seo the flro and riddle us. A curso on tho spider thnt spun this web I" It wns n test of courage to crouch nmong tho charred stumps, enmeshed In thnt cruel tnnglo of wire, whllo tho night wns stubbed by dnggers of flro nnd whllo tho trocha nwoko to tho wild ulnrm. From somewhere In tho distance camo n shouted command nnd tho sound of running feet, suddenly putting nn end to further Inaction. An tonio began to hack viciously with his machete, in an effort to aid Hllarlo's labors. Tho sound of his Bturdy blows betrayed tho party's whorenbouts so clearly thnt flnnlly tho older man could restrain himself no longer. "Glvo it to them, compadrcsf it is a game that wo can plnyl" O'Reilly had been gripping his riflo tensely, his heart in his throat, his pulses pounding. As near a panic bb ho had over been, bo found, oddly enough, that tho moro act of throwing his weapon to his Bhoulder and flrlns it calmed him. The kick of the gun subdued his excitement nnd cleared his brain. Ho surprised himself by di recting Jacket in a cool, authoritative' voice, to Rhoot low. When he hod emp tied tho mngazlno ho led two of tho horses forward. Then, grasping his own machete, he Joined in clearing a pathway. It seemed nn Intcrmlnnblo time cro they hnd cxtrlcntcd themselves from the trap, but Anally they succeeded and gnlned the welcomo shelter of tho woods, pnuslng Inside lis shelter to cut tho muffles from their horses' feet.' By this time tho defenders of tho tro; cha were pouring volley after volley at random into the night. i Now thnt tho skirmish wns over, Jncket begun to boast of his part In It. "Hal Perhaps they'll know better fibmSmu ret 35ISI SANITARIUM SULPHO SALINE SPRINGS Surgical Department Entirely now and Isolated from other departments. Obstetrical Department Furnishing an unexcelled Bervlco for tho enro ol mother anu cnuu. SULPHO SALINE SPRINGS Located on our premises and tisod in tho Natural Mineral Wafer Baths DH.O.W. EVERETT. Mgr. , 1 4th and M Stt. Lincoln, Nek. Every Woman Wants , FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE Dissolved in water for -douches atopt pelric catarrh, ulceration and Inflam mation. Recommended by Lydia E. Pinkham Med. Co. for ten yean. A healing wonder for natal catarrh, ore throat and tore eyes. Economical. Hu eitraonliniry deurina and stnnicicUl power. Sample Fr. 50c all drugiuu. or putraid by .nuM. The PailonToilrt Company, Doilon, Mua, Kill All Flies! "M!0 PUcedanyttboro. Daisy Fly Killer attract! and kills all file. hMttClcanmametithlfConTenlentandohfap. , lAti all an. Madt 1 f nicUl, ran pin t tip ortri Hll tKt VOllM RTXXraSHPSfe mKEjtSS9BKF Ininr ftnvthlnar. Udffcilv Aakfor jar an? thin. Guano- Daisy Fly Klllor Cold by Uetlara. r I ml r lprM. frtptlu. 11.00. HAROLD SOMEDS, 1(0 Dt KALB AVE., BROOKLYN, K. T. Newark, N. J., eliminates German from public schools. ' Cutlcura Stops Itching. The Soap to elennso nnd Ointment to soothe nnd heal most forms of itching, burning skin nnd sculp affections. Ideal for toilet use. For free snmpleB address, "Cutlcura, Dept. X, Boston." Sold by druggists nnd by mall. Soap 25, Ointment 25 nnd 50. Adv. In Japan ns well as In tho United States tho demand for camphor has increased enormously. Coal Flows Like Water. In n great steel works at Pittsburgh powdered coal flows llko water through l,5i)0 feet of four-Inch pipe under a pressute of 40 pounds to thu squnro inch, nnd flows so rapidly thnt four tony havo been put through n 550-foot line, in flvo ni'.urtes. ' Into tho Maze of Strands They Pene-trated. than to show themselves the next tlmo I como thls,wny," said he. "You saw me, didn't you? Well, I made a few Spulilsh widows tonight." When no ono disputed his assertion Jacket proceeded further In prnlso of himself, only to break off with n word less cry of dismay. "What's tho matter?" Johnnlo In quired. "Look! Behold me!" walled tho hero. "I hnvo left the half of my beau tiful trousers on thnt barbed wlrel" Antonio swung a leg over his saddle, saying: "Como along, nmlgos; wo havo fifty leagues ahead of us. Tho war will bo over while wo stand hero gos siping." O'Reilly's adventures on his swift rldo through Las Villas have no part in this story. It Is only necessary to Buy that they wero numerous nnd va ried, that O'ltellly experienced excite ment n-plerity, nnd that upon more thnu ono occasion ho wns forced to think nnd to net quickly In order to avoid a clash with somo roving guerrilla band. Food beenmo a problem lmmedlatc iv nftor tho travelers hnd crossed tho trochn. Such apprehensive families us j Htlll lurked In tho woods wero liberal enough Antonio, by the wny, know nil of them but they had little to give, and, in consequence, O'Reilly's party learned the taste of wild fruits, ber ries and palmetto hearts. Onco they mnnnged to kill n small pig, tho solo Mirvlvor of some obscuro country trag edy, but tho rest of tho tlmo their meat, when thcro was any, consisted of iguanas thoso big, repulslvo liz ardsand Jutins, tho Cuban field rats. Fortunately thero wns no shortago of food for tho horses, and so, desplto the necessity of numerous detours, tho party inndo good time. Thoy crossed Into Matanzns, pushed on over rolling hills, through sweeping savannas, past empty clearings and deserted villages, to their Journey's end. A fortunato encounter with a rebel pnrtlda from General Betnncourt's army enabled them to reach hendquartors without loss of time, and ono nftornnon, worn, I haggard nnd hungry, they dismounted i In front of thnt gallant ofllcer's hut. Gcnernl Betancourt read tho letter which O'Reilly handed him, then, looked up with a smile. "So l You nro ono of Gomez Amcri-j cans, cur wen, 1 wouiu never imvu known it, to look at you; tho sun and tho wind hnvo inndo you into a very good Cubnn. And your clothes Ono' might almost mistake you for a Cuban cabinet ofllcer." (TO BB CONTINUED.) A Cinch. "Into each Hfo somo rain must fall," said tho philosopher. "Yep. Especially If ho lives in this territory, during tho month of AprlU" Church Mice Get Fat. Even tho devout New York mice nro waxing fnt on tho wnr. That old say ing nbout being "ns poor as a church mouse" Is surely passe thesq days be causo thero Isn't nny bitch animal In any of tho houses of worship. They nro all rich, fat and well fed. Tho cause Is that most of tho churches are offering free "feed" every Sunday night, to tho boys In 'khaki. And these young men, try to be ntf careful us they may, always lot a few crumbs fall from the wholesome sand wiches and tasty llttlo cukes with their rich icing. Thnt Is where tho transformation of tho church mouse comes in. A woman reporter dropped into tho chapel of tho Fifth Avcnuo Presby terian church tho other evening ex pecting to attend prayer meeting, but sho got a gllmpso of n mouse npd from that moment until she reached tho street she forgot all about religion. She, however, got n good gllmpso of tho mouse. Never, sho declared, had sho seen so largo, so healthy, so pros porous a looking mouso In a church. All of which proves that the war has n silver lining even for tho poor church mouse. r "t? fi ' Vifi'-W" That's what is done jnmakMGropeMts food barley and other grains are used with wheat. This adds to food value and flavor, and the sum total ' requires less wheat. Be malted barley inGrape-NutSalso helps .digestother foods'. For arieconomicah nourishing and delicious"', food ivy A 1 I - , V k - fern nisrmt, j7 -y xtssx rppiiliwp,!$ ...J, ffX (4 MPfZirv ,(" v.f. Ave- - -,aKfc