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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1918)
r 1 4 i RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEr i I . .$ w it1 w i4 : r M n T i i & 4t Henry P. Davison Says: "It Is Impossible for mo to convoy to you my appreciation of your co operation with tiio find my associates In the prcnt work of thu lied Cross In this groat crisis. You certainly should njuy the satisfaction of contributing to a degree which few If any can con tribute, and at a time when It Is of Tltnl Importance to our people and the onntry. "You have a very great responsibil ity, and are certainly acquitting your self In a way which should give you satisfaction all your lives." From an Address I'.efore the Inter J antlonnl Lyceum and Chautauqua Association. Threshermen's Attention Koity-sevcn thicslieunen have sign ed up the thrcshei nun's pledge. Every. Hue German threshing: in this county should sign up to nioid future trouble. Throhcimen lmi-t report this year at tin- end of eu-iy vwk the number of bushels of Whrat threshed by them. This lcquiroment is made by the Bureau of Markets- of the United States Donartment of Agriculture under thu Food Control" Act. -The ie sults will be available to the Food Ad ministration and the Federal Trade Commission as a guide in regulatory work, and alfo serve ns an accurate check on the advance wheat figures of the Uuieau of Crop Estimates. Each tin overman that signs up will be sup plied with n liocket memorandum book to keep a recoid of bushels and acres threshed. This book is to be turned in at the end of the tlneshing season. Each thieshcrman -will also be supplied with report cards. Thoic to bo turned in at the end of every week. We have recently received a number of plans for various farm buildings from the Agricultural Engineering dc- The Law Prohibits Itrticeotdattec with an order tvcMvid this wi'L'lt from tlie chief liiitdYn'H.a- Bladen Brieflets i Prairie Dogs ' A. 11. Lurriek, I. V. Negley and A number of inquiries have come Howard Grubb went to Lincoln the from farmers in togard to the laws tWni exnnihtdv.nt Nt LonK the Btuwui. , firot of tc week and pin chased a and methods of exterminating prairia nVnt to tlHtJnntuiHllziitioii Uw up ' Minncapoji thicshing outfit. dogs. The following four sections arc iu mv,.(1 May t'. ll'H. lot-bids the ls-u- L. 13. Spoji'C and J. A. Donton inade taken from the Statutes of Nebraska: In f liist paper thirty ilnv piiei a business trip to Clinppcll lust week, i "Piairin Dogs a Nuisance:The pre--to i ln prmi'try election or tiny gei.em 0- !' 1'eivy was down visiting his t once of prairie dog? upon lands in No- uh'Mon. Thutftliire. no ifiicr w n iwmiw uie pain wees, linking a lay manna is neicoy ueciareu 10 e a com- oil fioin his job as bmkoitian on the inon nuisance, and the owner of lamu K, C. ft 0. becausd of an injured whet eon such nuisances thereafter foot. j chnll infect or occupy is hereby do .diss Isla Gtandstair has been tnk- claied to bo a maintainor of such ""J. in-'' in fc her father's place on It. F. D. No. nuisance. be 1-mjihI trottj".fiily 'J 1st Until iifn tin primary UM November Mb thu gtmurifl el in tli.n Mil bu held. All imuiiMiizntiii.. tint Ik the lllliip of dec'ttiintion of in ti-i.tlon, and thu Ilmil heiirlng on pnti 2 this week thereby laying oil' one man ' "Extermination: It U heteby made liens for mitiiriiliziiHoti, ,l.s probibiti d ' for the harvest season. j the imperative duty of any land ownn In law, uiidr this iiiueiidinuiit. dttrii if O. L). Sanncl and J. A. Dennis have to totally exterminate such piainc I i,o thirty days preceding sitld gi-iUMiil .hern shocking wheat after office hours dogs upon any lands owned by him by iMotion the past week. Vl'heso gentlemen have November 1st of eac'year, and if not In Wobbler entity this fact will bi ! et up oyer a hundred acres of wheat j done on or before that date it is hero regretted til tlie' next rule day f..i i in the ise;cinl .evenings that they la- by made the duty of the overseer of lit'iirliiif D?tltloii3 is set for Outobei l.Uh. Otherwise there would be ten peti tions for hearing Nlue of these up plluunti) botug Uuruiiinb or Atistrbuis but coming under the provlslou for the bent lug of "hnemy Allons" peti tions, if .supported by proper declara tions, bud been reported to the do- partmetit under the rule of the above bored. highways of the district wherein such Miss Virginia Wegmann made a laml is situated, and which is occupied visit with her grandparents, Dr. and or infested by such prairie dogs to Mrs. W'cgmann of Blue Hill the past! proceed forthwith at any date there- week. One of the victims of the Excur- after, when notified by nny person or when ho shall discover that any lands partmont at Lincoln. The following amendment, as having been tiled In plans are available at the office o,f the ! time for the full ninety days uotiee ri sT' m) I v rl'Iy county agent: General Purpose Jarns Fnnn Itcsidences Sheep Yards Sheep Grain Bunks Pump and Hydrant connections Granaries and corn cribs Food Itacks Self Feeders for Swine Tankage Feeders The Nebraska Hog house Geneitd Purpose Farmsteads One and one-half story. Bungalows Sheep Shearing Pens Sheep Hay and Grain Racks Septic Tanks The Iowa Farm Kitchen Frost-proof Stock watering troughs Icc-houscs ond Coolers Ico houses and Coolers Machine sheds Hay Barns Dairy Barns required. Unions iome special pro vision should be made none of these petitions cau be heard until the- first reifiilar day in 1011). sion steamer, Columbia, which sunk are infested or inhabited or occupied in tlie Illinois river last week, a Miss .by pVairie, dogs, to destroy such Addio Sapp, was a cousin of I., Chas., 'animals in the most expeditious man and Will McNair of this place. nor appropriate for such purposes. Howard Meyer made a visit with "Duties and Salary of Overseer: relatives and friends at limning last Said overseer shall ho paid for such Slipped a Cog STRICKLAND GILLILAN, FA MOUS AMERICAN HUMORIST, LOVES THE KAISER Says So Himself, and Docs Not Ge Lynched for It, Either. Vice . President Marshall Says: "I have great coull'dciicu that a large majority of people want to do light, and, In their relations to the government, they will rtn right when ever put In possession of the facts. "There is no plaio where more good nn be dime to the government and to Hie cause than upon the Chautauqua plntform. Tho pivple jWhu need In formation will bi there, iiud, nmiv and moiv as the years go by, persons who can get It are availing themselves of that avenue." :- . tr :w-x wi W-v V' "f '! .Hi -4 V' -. ' ism -i.-'Vi , iXliI i7 , W'f'Ov. rRi nimA 4 I amok L .--v7r, '- WSr2ssSm week. Howard is called in the next draft. Fred Baker left for Madrid last week to assist J. E. Eashtham during harvest. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kichondifer arc services in the carrying out oti the provisions of this article at the rate of three dollars per day, together with all expenses necessarily incurred by him for poison or other suitable material and apparatus for such pur v W i. sT .- 'J-iSlUt, v W , - -.- -': When the Firemerv Appeixr the insured man'i fust thought ii one of tliankfuln-n that he n ao How abou our lliougSt it a fmeman should ap pear at your home? The Dak.y Before the Fire is the day to iniute. A that day may be to-morrow (or all you can know or do, it fellows that prudence would im pell you to stop in our bflice lo day and have us issue you a policy, O. C. TEEL R-eliixble Insurance the proud parents of a bouncing baby poses used. He shall keep a correct One of the old-day good scout9 who, to give hlui due credit, has voted the dry ticket several times dropped iu at the Chief otllee recently atirt iu the cour.seof conversation waxed confiden tial and spat In our ear tluuly: "Do you know, sometimes I Just hunger for the social daysor was It night?? that ate gone".1 Sometime, before this whokcountry gets on the water-wagon. I'm going up to Kansas City and get in to one of them swell joints whele Bacchus still holds sway and have 'i little social time Flit the V. and '. with me hi my nilnd-and sit up to one of those little round tables ami have one good old jol ly social hoi-. I'll say 'Waiter, bring bottles am glasses for three" and fill them up and drink them down -you know thpre' only two per cent intoxication in beer nowadays -and then Y will order up in his turn, ami we'll repeat, and Z. will set 'em up and we'll repeat again Say, won't we have one-meat old j-rni-boiee? Won't tho house sil up and take notice when I t.illc to the vaeafit chairs on either side of the tame? While I empty the bottles and lid myself V Only", and hem his voice faltered with a note of sadness la it, "Y. won't really be there, 7. wbn't really be there, th old times Won't really be there, utid Kansas City Is so far u way and parlor coach fares are so high that t am afraid I won't teully be theie mvself." boy which arrived at their home Sat unlay, July Gth. Miss Nettie Mattson who is attend ing Business College at Hastings was down on a visit the past week. Mrs. Ed Northway of Arlington vis ited at tho home of Ed Bath and fam ily last week. Misses ttrace Hakestraw and Lucille Easterly spent most of the (wcek visit ing Hastings friends. Win. Wallace was in Hastings the last of tho week. " A. It. Larrick, P. H. Larrick and I. V. Negley wore in Hastings Friday. Notice ol Administration. In tho 1'ouiiiy fourt ot Webster county. Nebraska. In the nuitter of thu istnto ot David A, Llewellyn, iltctaseil. To all persons Interested tu said estate. Notice Is hereby elven that Mnry K. Llewcl- Poisoned Food Secretary of War Baker Says: "1 urn constantly facing the splen did results of tho work done by the Cliautauiiuas In this country In creat ing nnrt sustaining a sound patriotic public feeling, and In carrying for ward the great national enterprises which the government Is necessarily bringing to the 'attention of our peo-VK-; and I want you to know that ns Vn officer of the government 1 not only appreciate the Importance of the lec ture platform as a means of coiiinim nlcntlnn and expansion, but nlso appro elate the work wlihh you and your as sociation are dolus as a contribution to our national cause." -Li ii he the Killer! M:i. lie lte until the world has crushed him and his system completely and given him a liberal dose of his own nasty meill elne 1 "I love Bill llohcnznllcrn as a hrother as the brother ol a inurdeied or worso-tlinn-murdorod girl loves the guilty brute. "1 love the Kaiser as a father as a father of a umlnied and enslaved child loves the muster and enslaver. "1 love the Kaiser as a u ther as a mother whose home has in-en burned, whose husband butchered ! deported, whoso tamlly have all been scattered o (nid uil knows where and to what fate, loves the one gullt. ot the ruin. 'i lue the Kaiser as a man as a uuvj who wants tl.o woild to be free ror other men 16vos the one who threntens the freedom of all the pres ent nuil subsequent races of the earth. "That's how I love him 1" The above Is a sample of (jlllllnu's benediction on the reigning head of iTiissianlsm. lie Is devoting much of his talk this summer to the war, while not abating his humor a particle. He will be funnier and wiser than ever. Tho most efficient method of CX' termination is poisoned giain. The animals may be destroyed at a cost of 10 or 15 cents per acre. Sulphate of j,trychnino is probably the best and most satisfactory poison now known for tho destruction of prairie do?. Care should be taken to procure stiyennia suipnaie, since the stiychnino usually sold by drugg ists is insoluble in water; Expciiments lunc shown that 11 ounces of strychnia sulphate to a bushel of grain is . uirieient. The strychnine should bo dnsohed in 23 gallons of water by heating in a cocred receptacle. When tho'.oughly dissolved add the- grainand alL v to simmer in a clo.-nl vessel ttliiing occasionally, until tlie mois tuie is taken up by the grain., or tho mixtuio may he allowed to stand over night to ab.soib the free moisture. Ono ga Ion of sorghum should be added to the mixture. ' In distributing tho poisoned grain a half teaspoonful for each burrow. Poison should bo distributed in the evening. Tho county agent will gladly co-op-erato with farmers in exterminating prairie dogs. Kansas Klippings Bcv. Father I'ielly held an interest ing and largely attended meeting at Jams Doyle's Sunday. W. M. Belihar visited at Jim Golildic's Saturday. Most of the farmers of this section are laying by their corn. Mrs. James Gouldic and son, James, were visiting at the W. A. Smith homo Tuesday. Miss Lizzie Leadabi and Mina and Verla Gouldie were visiting at the Steve Gouldie home Sunday. Misses Viola and Beitiia Gouldie are helping to lay by the crops and trotting to be expert farmers. Mrs. Everett Meyers has boon on the sick list for almost four weeks and isfno better at this writings Chailes Barrett and iamily , have moved back to town. Thomas Gouldie is at present em ployed at Frank Byan's. Miss Zada Ilyan is ono of our suc cessful faimeiotte.s. Kansas is doing her bit toward win ning tho war. Mr. and Mrs-. Melino were visitors at tho Earl Crawford home Sunday. G minima Wondorly was visiting at tho homes of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wondor ly and Mr. and Mrs. II. Wondorly last week and is at present visiting at Inavalc. People in this vicinity who attended tho Bed Cloud celebration thought it a very lino allair. itemized statement of his fees and ex penses for services performed on each tract of land, and by September 1st, iyil i,ns this day nied a petition initio county of each year thereafter, certify under court, prnylm; that administration ot mild oath the expense incurred and services I tnto-may bernuted to M,,ry i:. Mewellyii , , , . . r , ! , as administratrix and that said petition will rendered upon each tract of land to b0 iIoardt,Cforc the court on the wh day of the county clerk of the county where- August, tins, m tho hour of io o'clock, a. in such lands are situated. m.. at tlie county court room in the city of "Expenses of Overseer Entered, "odt loud, in said county, when u persona . . . T ,T. ., - Interested In said matter limy appear niul Against Land-Lien: lhc county snmv cum. vVhv ,,. Jirnyur , Y Mttouer clerk of said county shall enter the 'should not be urantcihniul that imtice of tho . . . . . i ..I. sum so ccrtincrt uv said overseer "i " pennon nimijioiit-niiiii: incrc- against tho land upon which such ex- ponsos wore incurred and services ren dered, and enter the same upon the tax list of said county, which shall be collected by the county treasurer as other taxes, and tho said sum shall be a lion upon said land on and after the delivery of said tax list to said treasurer the same as other taxes." Hog Cholera Hagenbcck - Wol'acc Circus There Is a demand for more food to feed our .Allies and our-elvo. That means bigger crop and more live stock than 'we have ever raised be fore. The farmer can raise more live stock by preventing and curing dls eases in those animals which he has. Hog cholera lias caused the loss of millions of animals each year, at a cost of many millions, of dollars and It. therefore becomes our patriotic duty to stop this awful waste. According to the reports from the County Assessors in W'ebstw County hist year. l'J.SOll hot's died. Some farmeiH claim that the serum treat, nient for cholera bus been tho ciuso of the lartre uiiiontit of cholera lions in the late vear. A few figures and facts along that line. What is believed to'be nn indication of tho efiic.ioiioy of the serum treat ment in preventing losses of hogs thru the ravages of cholera is shown by the low death ratu of 12 1 to the l(Vo among hogs in the L'nited ritatos In the year ending April 1, BUS. Tills Is the lowest death rate ninonir swine recorded in this eountln .'5.1 yenrs," The reason for believing that the' low death rate was duo to the use of serum Is that 00 per cent of thu hog losses are caused iy cholera. Some of the heavy losses iu tlie past vears were lUll.s ner cent pur lOou in oT, lie uheii by puhlWhtni: u t'i. ot this order tu the I ted flood i lilc-f. n IcjziiI weekly iiewspnpir pi luted and ot itencrnl circulation lusald cuiiiiO, for four ruuictiilc weeks prior to said day of hi-arlut;. I ttc-.t llilt tilth day ot luv. VMS. 1-k vi. ,. 1). It VNVPV, .'I ( (unity .Itul'jc. Noilco to Creditors. In the v'onnty Court of Webster County, Nebraska In the matter of the estate of .lotin'W, Tleriii-y, Pectascd. Creditor of said estate will take uutlcu that the nine limited for presentation and flllni.' of claims uiralust said estate Is Novum hcruth, IMS. and for the payment ot debts Is December 1st, 1W8, that I will sit at tho county court room In said county on the "Jtli day of Aut,'iisst, lilts, to examine, hear and allow all claims duly 11 led which ara Mrstor second lieu upon said estate, and on tho 11th day of Novembermis. to examine, hear, allow and adjust all claims and objections of general credltoMduly tllid. Dated this Uth daj of .Inly. A. I) . UUtf. iseal) A. D. K nni;v, IS-j (Vnmtv Jndi;e. Notice of Administration. In a bulletin reo nlly put out by tho Nebiaska State Board of Airricttlture it is definitely stared that the Hagcn-hfls?, Ill per lOou In IsOT, and llsO per beck-Wallace Ciicus which last year' looO in lsll, veats in which severe out sbowtd before the grand stand at the! breaks of cholora occurred. Even in Stute Fair has again been secured and years when cholera was least preva In the County Court of Webster County, Nebraska. In the niallti of. the estate of Alfred II. Ilrli-lu. deceived. To nil persons Interested In said estate. Notice win rub) ui en that snrah K. Iirlmit hastiiisday tiled u petition in thecoiintv court praylui: that administration of said esUto' may lie yrauted tolurs(flf us ndmlnl-lralrlx, nud that said petition will be heard before the court on the imli day of July, I'JlB.'at , the hour of IU o'clock, n. m., at tho county court room. In the cltr of Ited Cloud, iu said county, when all persons Intensted In said nuitter may appear and show cause why tho prayer of petitioner should not be mauled: mid that uotlro of lllln',' of salil nellllou. and theheailni; iheieof. be wlven by pulillslilm; u copy of this order In the Ited cloud i hlef a leniH wctisly newspaper prlntid and ot general elrcoliitlou Iu said county, for four consecutive weeks prior to the said day of hearlmj. . A. D. HANNEY. (seal) Uil-I i t ounty JuiUc. Dated tb k 21 tli day of June. luS, "THE D0LL"-0LD COMIC OPERA Full o,f Funny Situatlonc, to Dc Pre scntcd at the Chautauqua by Oxford Company. Adjustment to Environment. Tho great problem of every life Is one of adjustment to environment. Resistance creates friction which mentis Inharuiony ami waste ot foice. You cannot conquer environ ment by blind, unreasoning, sullen ie slstance. Such a course only chains, you more firmly right where vmi are. If you would bo free from your present environment, first learn to. fo cus your forces on making good right ivliero you are. This will give you tho nomr which will make you fro It win open the way for you to outgrow your present environment. William E. Towne in Nautilus. Pi & P r eJi& . v iwsS&SS a s? WfM V, A. s JTtA .rttTSft FiP v IJtimA H-'.iJfJ. HKWf A U ' fl.lWI I THE OXFORD COMPANY I i Parents who have children to edu cate will do well to write for circu lars of the Grand Island Business College of Grand Island, Neb. 1t is one of the largest and most prosperous Business Colleges in the United States and is making a spe cial offer to a limited number of young peoiile of good character who will en ter and prepare themselves- for busln ne s and Civil Service positions. Good positions aro positively guaranteed tp graduate. Tho Hamilton - Cathor Clothing Co. Evorytlilng a Man or Boy Wears Kmd Cloud ' Nebraska will present an entirely now program the last four days of tho Fair, Sep tember 3 to G. It will bo remembere'd that early in the summer the Hngcnbock-Wallaco Circus suffered a disastrous wreck with tho loss of a great many lives. At first it was' feared that tho loss of life among members whoso services could not bo replaced; Definite assur ance lias been sent tho State Board of Agriculture, howocr, that tho circus will fulfill its engagement, tho loss ot life being largely among the laborers rather than among tho skilled acts.) Thus the circus will come to tliQ State Fair with a good sharo of its equip ment now and with an entire change; from tho program of the proceeding year. Besides the ciicus, it is stated, there will bo enough othr" attractions to require several days t. tako them all in. Among those may ho men tioned the Bico-Wortham Carnival, tho largest carnival in tho business, the Ilagonbock- Wallace Sides Shows with their world-famou- menagerie, tho iMid-Way Shows, Aito Bacqs om Labor Day and Horse Paces nil othor dnvs. This is the most costly and! pretentious amusement progiam ever presented at tho Fair and shouhLdraw forth a record breaking attendance. lent tho not nml death rate among hogs in the past was about !i0 per 1000, iu the lust ear meant a loss of about U.OOo.OOO head of hogs, equivalent to tlie cons i.nption of pork and pork products by the entire population of the United States In 1017 for 23 days In 1014 the -total loss of hogs wns 7.000,000 or the equivalent of national pork consumption in that year for :V7 days. Ur.sitv B Fauscii Drop In. E. S. Gsxrber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures LMI. Minor ' Ur. 8. 8. Penrtlorf M.D.O. Manager Veterinary In Charge C. H. Miner Serum Co. Anti at tho Schult'z & Schaal STUDIO for First class portraiture enlarging, copying, new work, amateur finishing, etc. YOUR PATRONAGE APPRECIATED -PrtODUCKItS- Hog Cholera Serum Red Cloud, Nebraska Wire or Phone at Our Expense U, S. Veterinary License Mo. 45 Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED J35"Ofi'ice Oveu Ai.nuioiiT'3 Stork Dr.W.H.McBride DENTIST Successor to Dr. Cross OVEH STATE DANK RED CLOUD NEBRASKA Mw V v i to J tr- bV--., r?- r.7MMM''w''li . .twyT',' t "-? nyJffrWWT'