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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1918)
1 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF kv... zf p MY Good Model, Anyhow. Myrt I cnn't understand why you cnre so much for Mr. Hewrul. Lie fjeenis old-fashioned to me. Iinirilnn n lntin coming to see you niul going home nt ten o'clock. Oert Well, he mny seem like nn old model, hut you Rot to give him credit for having n self-starter. Don't envy the other fellow so much. The chances arc tlmt his wife Beta Just ns peeved ns yours. There's n great dirferencc between being good and doing good. L&A Meat Must Be Sold Fresh meat is perishable. It must be sold within about two weeks for whatever it will bring. A certain amount of beef is frozen for foreign shipment, but domestic markets demand fresh, chilled, unfrozen beef. Swift & Company can not increase prices by withholding meat, be cause it will not keep fresh and salable for more than a few days after it reaches the market. Swift & Company cannot tell at the time of purchasing cattle, what price fresh meat will bring when put on sale. If between purchase and sale, market con ditions change, the price of meat must also change. The Food Administration limits our profit to 9 per' cent on capital invested in the meat departments. This is about 2 cents per dollar of sales. No profit is guaranteed, and the risk of loss is not eliminated As a matter of fact, meat is often sold at a loss because of the need of selling it before it spoils. Swift & Company, U.S.A. Birds Use Their Brains. The English thrush Jirlngs. Its snails to n certain convenient stone on which It will crack their bhells by" heating them upon It. Some sea birds carry shellfish to a height and drop them on the rock to break their shells. The man who Is nnxlous to acquire knowledge Is never ashamed to con fess his Ignorance. Ml farmers (scores of them from the U. S.) single crop. Such an opportunity for 100 is worth investigation. ' Canada extends to you a hearty Invitation to settle on her . Free Homestead Lands of 160 Acres Each or secure some of the low priced lands in Manitoba, Saakatcbewaa or Alberta. Think what you can make with wheat at $2 a bushel and land so easy to get. Wonderful yields also of Oats, Barley and Flax. Mixed faming and cattle raising. The climate is healthful and agreeable; railway fa cillties excellent; good schools and churches convenient Write for literature and particulars as to reduced railway ratea to Supt Immigration, uitawa, canaoa. or to W. V. BENNETT Raom 4, Dee Bldfj., Onaha. Neb. Canadlnn Oovernmtnt Artnt Ford Owners Attention I A rOStTTTE CURE FOR OIL PUMTERS Evt;Tyte Ford SPECIAL PISTON RINGS stop nil carbon 'dopoMts and fouled spark plugs. Increaio compression and speed wonderfully. FAT rOB TIIH8UTM II SIX M01TOJ UT (UTISO II (MBOLMI AXD OIL Guaranteed to do tbo work or your money book. $8.00 PER SET OF 8 RINGS IIVku-Tvteb mndo In all sIim for anto. tractor and ganollno oriRlnoa. Aak ronr oeanwt dealer or write TEC ETtXTKHT PISTON UKQ COMPART Dirttr. ST.LOOU.Ha Imagination, Not Romance. She Do you think tlmt people are less romnntic and Imaginative after they are married? lie I don't know nhnut the rninnn tic part of It, "but If they are going to try to explain everything they've got to be more Imaginative. All men are born without wisdom and some never outgrow It. IN wv Pi & 1PM .' Where in Western Canada you can buv at from $15 to $30 per acre good farm land that will raise 20 to 45 bushels to the acre of $2 wheat its easy to figure the nrofits. Manv Western Canadian have nald for their land from a profit on labor and investment 25?j9EHQBKnn3Vn ill TURKEYLflGKSFBCTS SEIZURE OF AMERICAN CONSUL ATE NOT REPORTED INVESTIGATION IS PROMISED Ottoman Government Is Having Diffi culty In Communicating Wllh Persia Washington Turkey has Informed the. United States through the Swed Ish foreign ofllco that so far tho true facts of the seizure of tho American consulate and sacking of an American hospital at Tabriz, Persia, by Turkish Boldlcrs, have not been ascertained, but that It will bo done nt tho earliest possible moment. Through Spanish and Swedish dip lomats tho United States asked for an explanation of this incident, which! II regular Ottoman troops wore involved, might mean n declaration of war. Tho attack was reported June 19 by tho Spwilsh consul. Minister Morris nt Stockholm ro ports that tho foreign olllco had In formed him tho inquiry of tho United States did not rench tho dttomnn gov ernment until July D. Then the mat; ter was presented with n request for a telegraphic reply, which now lifts como In tho form of tho stntomont thnt an Investigation Is proceeding. It is assumed that tho Turkish gov ernment Is having great dlfllcultles In communicating with Its forces In Per sla. Equalizing Price of Sugar Washington. To equalize the prlco of sugar to tho consumer In tho fnco of prospects for an Increase, and to secure better distribution, President Wilson has created the sugar equali zation board. Tho board will be in corporated nt.?n,000,000, capital to bo furnished by tho president from his special war fund, and will hnvo auth ority to acquire, even nt n loss, thq production of beet sugar factorlos that cannot, under the present prlco of beets, be sold to tho public at a rea sonable prlco. This will bo resold In tho common lot at the stabilized price, thus saving considerable to the con- sumcr- .iaa Railroad Travel on Decline Washington That American peopln are spending moro for amusements and less for travel as tho war progresses1 Is revealed by tho May receipts of taxoS Ivy tho Internal revenuo bureau, War taxes from all sources In May amounted to $123,300,104. Tho 10 per cent charge on admissions to theatres, concerts, cabarets and like places .amounted to $4,524,990 In May. In Februnry taxes from these same, sources totalled $3,708,000.' The eight; .per cent tax on passenger fares during May yielded $3,723,000. During Febru ary tho same tax raised for the treaB lry $4,4Gri,200. Coal Production Heavy New York. Coal production dur ing tho fortnight ending June 15 was tho largest In tho country's his tory, according to a statement mado by A. II. Smith, regionnl director of eastern railroads, but thoro has slnco been a rapid decline, "duo to decreased car supply caused by sluggish move ment of coal cars, both loaded and empty." Bulgarian Troops Deserting London Desertions from tho Bul garian army on tho Macedonian front aro Increasing greatly. All tho do sorters say thnt conditions In Bulgaria have become unbenrablo and that hopes of victory havo vanished. In subordination hns Increased and many units recently have refused to obey orders to nttack. Cholera Rages in Petrograd London Hundreds of persons aro dying dally of cholera In Potrogrnd, says a wireless dispatch received from that city. It Is impossible to chock tho epidemic, which Is said to ho tho result of tho grave food shortage. Tho bread ration averages less than a quar ter of a pound to a person dally. No Coal for Breweries Washington. Breweries aro notl. fled by Fuel Administrator Garfield they could not count on coal boyond that needed to use up tho materiuls in process of manufacture, including mnlt nlrpnrlv ninnnfnnf iirnil 'IM.Iu nntlni I ii'na tnlrn.i lifiAniinn nF ll.n n...... transportation and other shortages. Iowa Preacher Gets Sentence Dubuque Hov. Wllholm Schumni. of Pomeroy, convicted recently nt Fort Dodge of violation of tho esplon-j ago act, was denied a now trial In fcdi oral court horo and sentenced by. Judge Henry Reed to Jlvo years In tho Leavonworth penitentiary, and fined $2D0. Dragnet Out for Slackers Chicago. It is estimated that mort than G.000 men of draft ngo wero de tained in Chicago in a dragnet manip ulated by tho pollco and government operatives In n search for slackors and unregistered aliens. Tho work con tinued Into tho evening and covered tho downtown district, ns well as out lying soctlons. Draft registrants with proper credentials wero Instnntly re leased. Those who neglected to carry their cardB were helped to Identify thomsehroB. Hundreds wero dotainod in the absence of sufficient credentials. IMPROVED UNIFOHM INTERNATIONAL SJaWSQTOOL Lesson (By Itnv. 1 It. riTZWATKH, d. d., Tonchrr of Kngllsli lllblti In tho Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) (Copyright, 101?, Western Newspnpei Union.) LESSON FOR JULY 21 PRAYING TO GOD. . LESSON' TKXT-I'ealms 145:18, 39; Luko 11:1-13. aOI.nn.V TKXT-Lct us thercforo come, boldly unto tho throne of Krnce, Hint wp mny obtain mercy, nml nnd grnco to help In tlmo of need. Hebrews 4:10. DEVOTIONAL, HMADINcJ-I.uUo 11:5-13. ADU1TIONAI, MATKKIAL, KOIt TEACH IlUS-rsalmB 37:MI: Matthew 7:7 11; 11 Orinthltins 12:S-9; JanioH 4:3-S. PHIMAltY MEMOUY VEHSE-Jeliovnll Is nlgli onto nil them that cnll upon him. Psnlms 113. IS. STOItY MATEIUAL-Mntthew 14:23-25; Acts 12 :-12. 1NTT.HMKDIATE. SENIOll AND ADULT TOPIC-Why and how to pray and tlio rostilts. Prayer ought to be n matter of great concern to every believer (Psalms 145: 18). Prayer Is n mntter but little under stood by Christians; In fact, only ns divine aid Is given can vu really pray. Tho range of prayer Is from tho depths of the soul to tho very thoughts of God. There was some thing about the praying of Jesus that so Impressed the dlsclplqs that they requested him to teach them to pray (Luke 11:1). Wo nowhere read of them asking him to teach them how to preach. Praying Is moro important than preaching. No ono Is lit to teach or preach who does not know how to prny. May each one enroll nt onco In the school of prayer with Christ uh our teacher. He Is n most wining and capable teacher. In response to tho disciples' request he outlines tho fol lowing principles of prayer: I. The Right Relationship of the One Praying (Luke 11:2). 1. Filial "Futher." In order to prny to God, the sup pliant must be n child of God. God Is n father; his gifts and blessings nro for his children. This relationship can only be entered into through re generation. Not nil men have n right to say, "Our Father" when address ing God. Only those who are children of God by fnlth In Jesus Christ can so nddress him. It is not only profess ing to be children, but living like God's children. Children have' rights and privileges which nro denied to others. 2. Fraternal "Our Father." God has more than ono child. Ills children nro bound up together lrr na ture and Interests. Even In our se cret prayer we should address him ns Our Father, which Is n recognition of the interests of others, alongside of ours. II. The Right Attitude in Prayer (Luke 11:2). 1. Reverent adoration. As children we have certain priv ileges, nnd yet holy reverence becomes us. Wo shbuld hallow his name; wo should ndorc him as the ctcrnnl God, 2. Loyalty. When praying to God wo should come with tho spirit of loynlty which cries out "Thy kingdom come." H. Submission "Thy will bo done." ' We should have no will of our own regarding the rule of God. Wo should let htm direct us In nil things. III. The Right Spirit (Luko 11:8-8) 1. Dependent Fnlth "Glvo us our dally bread" (v. 3). We should realize that not only what wo have, but life Itself is ours to enjoy becnuso of Mm, and thnt ho Is nblo to do for us exceedingly noun diuitly nbovo all that wo ask or think. 2. Penltenco and Love "Forglvo US' our debts" (v. fl). We should como to 1dm rcnllrfng that we havo tinned, and cry unto him for forgiveness. Our henrts should be so filled with love for others that we will forglvo those who sinned iigidnst us ns God la willing to for glvo us. it. Holiness nnd Caution "Lead us not into temptation" (v. 4). Bicauso wo nro God's children nnd realizing the depravity of our Matures, nnd tho consequent tendency to prac tice that which displeases him, wo should shrink from that which, If in dulged In, would dishonor him. 4. Intercessory (vv. 5, 0). The man who asked for bread did not ask for himself, but for a friend. Prayer which pleases God Is unselfish in Its requests. fi. Perseverance (vv. 7, 8). Prayer which pleases God and got rcsniH Is Importunate, perseveres un ttll t'.e object Is achieved. IV. Encouragement to Pray (Luko Jl:iM.). 1. tJud'a promlso (vv. 0, 10). 'J tu" prnyer cannot fall of an nn- swer, becnuso God definitely promises that every ono that usketh rccelvcth, ' ho tiiut sccketh findcth, nnd to htm thnt Miockcth ft shall be .opened. 2. Tho cxnmplo of nn enrthly fa ther (vv. 11-13). No father will glvo n stone to his son who nBkcth for bread, or n serpent Instead of n fish, nor n scorpion In stead of nn egg. God Is Infinitely more willing to answer the prayers of his children than earthly parents nro to glvo good gifts to their chil dren. V. The Truo Gpal of All Prayer (Luko 11:10). God's gift Ik himself in the person of his lloly Spirit. All those who practice tho principles which Jesus taught In this model prayer shall bo blessed with tho gift of tho lloly Spir it, God's best gift to man. IN Success Has Followed All Their Efforts. On the train from Edmonton to Win nipeg the writer took a seat beside n soldier who had returned from tho front. On his breast he wore the beautiful distinguished service medal. Ono coat sleeve was urmless, nnd on his left cheek ho bore a sent thnt bo would carry to his grave. He had served his country faithfully and well. At the first call for Boldlers In August, 1014, ho hastened to the recruiting ofllco, leaving his 320-ncro farm, with Its crop ready for harvest, n full equipment of farm implements, plenty of horses, ami a wife. The wlfo should not he Inst on tho lint for she proved the mnster of the situation, and loy ally took hold of the question of pro duction, while her husband wns on his wny to tight the Hun. And she suc ceeded. In linn she succeeded, and again In 11)1(1, and when her husband returned In 1017 she wus ublu to show some contemplated farm buildings completed, the Indebtedness of the farm paid off, a considerable addition to thu stock, nnd the land ready for a 1017 crop. This was the story told by tho soldier, and wasn't he a proud mnnl He was now ready to do what ho could to keep up the period of prosperity nnd provide food for the allies. The women of Canada have done nobly during the struggle. Among tho most successful fnrmers of the Oak Lake district, Manitoba, are the Misses Clnrn and Heatrlce For ward, who, for the past fourteen years, have fanned their own land, doing all tho regular work on the farm, such nn plowing, seeding, summer fallowing nnd reaping. They havo been espe cially successful with stock, and have n splendid herd of shorthorns, both purebred and grade. Ar the recent lirnudon Pale they purchased n new purebred stock bull for $700. Their herd was last year Increased by 23 calves. Miss It. M. Hlllmnn of Keeler, Sas katchewan, Is nnother successful woman fnrmor. She has gone In ex- "nslvely for grain growing, nnd farms 1,120 acres. She also owns some of tho finest Pereberon horses. In Sas katchewan. The prairie now boasts of ninny women who hnve had more or less suc cess, though few are farming on the same large scale as Miss Hlllman and the Misses Forward. These women have demonstrated, and aro still dem onstrntlng, that a versatile woman may be Just as good and successful n farmer us her brother. There, are other women, too, on the Canadian prairies, who, though they have not had thrown upon them the re sponsibilities of "running a farm," have been decided factors In making tho farm n success. They assist their husbands by keeping the fan. ac counts, reducing the grocer's bills by their mnnngement of the poultry nnd butter, taking care of the house, and, very often, proving good ndvlsers In the economic management of the men nnd genernl conduct of the farm work. The man who moves to Canada car ries with him. n wonderful nsset In n good managing wife. Advertisement. A Graveyard. nishop Waterhouse saltl at n Los Angeles wedding breakfast: "I counsel every girl to bo enreful not to murry n selfish mnn. A selfish liusband what unhapplness ! "Selfishness," the bishop ended sol emnly, "Is n grnveyard. It takes In nil It enn get, and never gives anything back." Important to (Vtothora Examlnu carefully every bottle of CASTOUIA, that famous old remedy for infants and children, and see that It Tlnnra Mirt fif Signature rtQLA&ffirfu&UL In Uso for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletclier'e Castoria Money still talks, hut Its voice Is get ting weaker and weaker. Nothing matters but victory. MB FARMING W Cold Drinks Bad for Your How to Avoid the Digestive Miseries That Hot Weather Brings Cold drinks in hot weather nro bad enough foranyiitoinach but doubly bo, In fact, dangerous when tho Btomach is out of fix and vou Buffer from indi- estton, acidity, iooa-repeating, henrt urn. sour Btomach. and that awful w - - b nuffod-up. bloated condition after eat ing. In tact, nil Btomach and bowel miBoriea aro greatly aggravated to hot weather. You can't bo too careful. Sunstroke can bo traced in many cases to poor digestion. Everyono should watch their Btomach in hot weather. Keep it eweet and cool, nereis an easy and pleasant way to correct Btom ach ills. A compound has been dis covered which surely takes up tho leaving it eweet, clean, cool and comfortable. Yon won't know you have a stomach if yon take one or two DOCTOR URGED AN OPERATION Instead I took Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound and Was Cured. IlnHimoro, Md. "Nearly fouryenra I suffered from organic troubles, ner vousness and head aches and ovory month would havo to Btny in bed most of tho time. Treat mentft would rcliova mo for n timo but my doctor was al wnva iirtrinrr m fn 'uJinvo an operation. My sister asked ma totrvLvdiaE.Pink- h a m'a Vetretabla y Compound before 7 consenting to a a yf operation. I took fivo bottles of it and it has completely cured mo and mo work is n pleasure. I toll all my friends who havo any troublo of this kind what Lydia E. Pinkham'o Vegotnblo Com pound has done for mo.'' Nellib B. BlirrriNOHAM, 609 CulvcrtonRd., Balti more, Md. It is only natural for any woman to dread Uio thought of nn operation. So many women havo been restored to health by this famous remedy, Lydia E. Pinkhnm's Vecctablo Compound, after nn operation lias been advised that it will pay any womnn who suffers from such ailments to consider trying it be fore submitting to such a trying ordoaL SANITARIUM SULPH0 SALINE SPRINGS Located on our own promises and used in tho Natural Mineral Water Baths Unsurpassed in tho treatment of RHEUMATISM Heart, Stomach, Kidney and Liver Diseases. Moderate charges. Address DR. O.W.EVERETT. Mor. 14th and M SU. Lincoln, Nab. DAISY FLY KILLER 'l!!" -?: nllflloi. ru.i,chu, ornim.nUt. convinlanl, !ltp. LUU .11 IM.0B. Mill, it n.Lt.e.n'tiplU or lip oi.ri will u.t toll or Injun injllilof. Qui Dlrnl .S.ctlt.. SoMtrj dttliti, or 6 itnlfcr prtii, pr.ptli. for II.0CL HAROLD aOMini, IIO OB KALS AVI., DROOKLTN, M. V. Clear Your Skin Save Your Hair With Ciitlnura Snap. Olnk.'J.lcum Jo. tch. Hampls Mch of "Catlrcr, Dipt, I, BoiUn." KODAKS DEVELOPING PRINTING and ENLARGING LINCOLN PHOTO SUPPLY CO. (KASXMAN KODAK 00.) Dept. K, 1217 O St. Lincoln. Nek. niWUTD WntionK.Coleman.VTuk. M IPMIN lnglon. I) U. UooU free. Ulik I I Sail I 9 eit raUrences. Beitmnlta. THEPAXTON HOTEL Omaha, Nabraiks EUROPEAN PUN Rooms from $1.00 up'alugle, 75 cents up double. cafe: prices reasonable W. N. U.r LINCOLN, NO. 29-1018. Too Mucn Thought of Self. "Sometimes," said Uncle Ebon, "a man thinks ho much about his own comfort dat he makes hlssc'f pufllckly miserable." TTnppy the home wlicro Red Crow ftnll lilue it used. Sure to plcaie. All grocers. Adv. ., It mny be up to the lowly potato to savo our bacon. Ono nnlmatcd stntute Is better than n dozen dead-letter lnws. EATONIO tablets alter your meal, bo light and pain-freo you will feel. , Thoro is not a harmful thing In EATONIO tablet. They tnsto tine! Buch quick nml wondorf ul results; you can iusuro yourself a good, cool, eweet Btomach, you can eat what you like, and always hnvo tho nppetito to eat it. EATONIO is absolutely guaranteed. Get n box from you; druggist today. Ubo it to get rid of and prevent the Btomach and bowel troubles that are bound to como in hot weather. If EATONIO fails, return to your drug gist and get your fifty centa back.' If you cannot obtain EATONIO where you livo drop a card toEatonio Remedy Co., Chicago, 111. They wlU mail yon a box at once. Mill Mil ml "N-vHoVr " K.X u Qfama h uiiHsimocaiing canny. uruggiBta wIIJ toll you that EATONIO users Bay they HOVOr flrimmrxl nnvflilnn nr.ii 1.1 nt.,n y X i H it ft i II Ml l -A r i, Ml ifVM w