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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1918)
BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF S X a.- 7 L ':-:-::-:-y:M-:..x..:..x..:..:..xx:...:. AP TAfrv -T.X iif. Y v nci i ui.ii 1 1 u ":":"M:::..:..m:mm-:":::-m:": Harry Routs has leturned from Den ver iMis. M Fountain is a Ginnd lslanl visitor. Dr. Robert Dfltncrcll visited tilde Rock, Sunday. Mrs. C Z Wood worth was a HaS lugs visitor Monday. Clins. SclmltK was over to Burr Oak Tuesday on buslnts. Will Cruuner of Blue Hill, visited lils parents here over Sunday. If you liave headache or want to see more, see Dr. Warrick July 2 1th Delaney Bros chipped a carload of hogs to eastern market Tuesday. Roy Sattley sold a fine new Cable plnyer-piano to the Carl Rudd family. Fmuiers Union Cooperative Co, have shipped two carloads of wheat this week. Harness repairing and half-soloing, in basement under Ego's store. 1'. L. IIani:n. 20tt' George I'ope and family entertained Mrs U. H. (irecnhalgh. of Cowles. le oontly. t CKcar Hi-own nud wife of Keati-ioe. woie guests at the W. H. Thomas liomc Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Tnrnure and in fant are visiting at Denver iciitl other points in Colorado. If you would bo happy and forget your troubles arrango to attend the Chautauqua next week. Lester Mercer of (Jlbbon, brother of Marlon Metcer of this city, is to go in to training camp on $he 22nd Marshall Homier took Vernon ZeUs to Lebanon last Friday, where he was met by oflleers from Camp Fnnston. Marlon Slawson, at Camp Fuuston, who was hero not long sinco in poor health, is reported as much improved Dr. Holes, the osteopath, vliose health has been poorly for sqme time is reported improving and able to be up. Messrs Dave Kaley and F. W. Cow den.inade a business trip to Riverton Saturday. Mrs. Kaley accompanied them. The surgical dressings class will meet at the court house next Tuesday evening, 8 to 10 o'clock. Hring thim bles. All attend. Dr. Warrick the Specialist, will meet eye, ear, nose and throat pa tients, and those needing glasses, at Dr. Damerell's Wednesday,"- July 24 hours 2 to 0. ...... Mr. and Mrs. N.Frohnea of Hast ings', were the guests of their daugh ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Bradford, Sunday. C.nt this udv out and send to us with a r$U of film and we will develop and make one print of each.good exposure, free of charge. Not good after July 23 -Williams Studio, Beatrice, Neb. , John and Gaylord Armstrong, from Lemmert, Ohio, visited with Ed Kel logg recently. The young men are following the harvest through this sec tion. Their father and Mr. Kellogg were former chums. Twenty-five thousand women are wanted to enroll in the United States student nurse reserve. Age It) to oVi, good education and sound health are rcqutrments. Enrollment begins July 29th. W. E. Shoemaker, of Riverton, had Ills left aim badly crushed and torn Monday evening. Ho was adjusting a belt on a threshing machine when tho accident occurred It is thought) the arm can bo saved, Dr. Mitchell took an X-Ray photo of the nrm. Tho troo) train on which Roy Toel passed through Sallnn, Kan., enrouto from California to Georgia last Fri day, wos eight hours ahead of sche dule. Message to this effect falfed to reach thorn, so Mr. and Mrs O. C Teel aud Mrs. Frederick Wells, who an toed to Sal in a to sco Roy, were sadly disappointed. Attorney II. S. Foe, who went to Lincoln last week in tnu Interests of the Independent Telephone o., was taken sick while thore and Is now In the hospital but expects to return hero the latter part of tho week, (ileun Eoe, of Lincoln, is here temporarily looking after his brother's Chautauqua duties. As evidence- of prosperity in tho Farmer's Union; J. A. MoArthur re ports the arrival on his farm of a pair of twin oxen. Ho is undecided wheth er to namo them Tom and 'Jerry or Bill and Jake. Since tho 'Mrys" came In, Mr. McArthur, tho former title Is rather out of date, and considering all tho conditions wc would suggest the latter. The long argued price question as regards wheat has lieon hettlod by Congress and the Preshlent, and went into effect Monday. Basic price on No. 1 wheat it Khiimis City and Oma lm,'S2l3;iiitcrnwimtaln basis, f o. 1). outgoing cur. $2 00. A premium of 2 to 7 cents 1-. allowed on specified grain giadlug high and u discount charged in tho same scale for wheat grading low. Rat aud drink at Powell & Pope's Cafe tf Mr. Henry I'hares has returned to Central cy. Eyes tested, glasses fitted. J. C. Mitchell, tho Jeweler. LOST Medal and ores oif amethyst rotary, Leave at tills office. Mr-. ,1. II. Biiiley returned home from Cowles Saturday night. Kalph Slawon and family of Alma, were Red Cloud visitors Sunday. Farmers' Union meeting at Kellogg Hall every Thursday night at S:.'l0. tf Mrs. H. Pate and children have ie tinned to their heme at Woodruff. Kan. J. H. Bailey went to Omaha Tuesday to visit his sons W. R. and 0. L. Bailey. MUs Ruth Chapman Is here from Sterling, "Col.," visiting the I. H Holmes family. NOTICE I'sers of light and water miut pay promptly or be shut oil'. By order of the Mayor. Chas. Steffon, who hns been ill for a long time was taken to Hastings for medical treatment last wek J. L. ileobe. well-known in tins community ha- added his name to the political announcement column. D.irrell Burden and wife left Sunday morning for I'loii-anton. Kan., and other points on a visltluir auto trip. Mrs (Jen. VuuCiimp and daughter, who have bem guests at the Mayor Daniel ell home, returned to Lincoln Saturday. Harry tiilhani and family, of. Lang don, Hie here visiting Attorney and Mrs. James (illham, and the Judge llanney family. CarJs have been received announc ing the safe arrival somewhere in France, of Charles Powell, Jack Stetlln, and Ernest, Ilines. Miss Jennie Smith aud Miss Lola Kelly who have been visiting at the Roats homo for some time have return ed to their home at Detroit. Owing to the advancing cost of every thing required in the business the bus fare will hereafter be 15 cents each way. Wm. Hayks, Bus Lino The rain caught a number of autos at the end of the line opposite to where their mud chains were safely stored. Several stalls were the result. Mrs. W. II. Thomas nud daughters are preparing to join Mr. Thomas at Longmont, Colo. Elsewhere in this paper are particular of a sale they will hold. Wm. Gilliam, who has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gil ham, returned to Spenser, Iowa, Sun day, and goes from there to a training camp, -soon. The new firm Scbultz & Schaal have their photograph studio completely renovated and are ''rapidly, making friends and patrons In the Red Cloud ano) Guide Jtock. territory. Our old friends, Stevens Bros., who recently sold out to Schultz & Schaal here, are now established In tho photo graph business and own studio at Smith Center and Lebanon. "Steve" was here Saturday night and Sunday. F. J. Meier, Chautauqua representa tive, was n visitor at the Chief office Saturday. Ho was reviewing prepara tions for the big entertainment com ing next week, and reports everything progressing nicely. The coming Chau tauqua will be one of the best. Jas. Morey threshed throe acres of wheat this week which yellded 30 bushels per Here. This whoat was grown on alfalfa ground nnd demon strates tho fertilizing power of alfalfa since tho balance of the field where no alfalfa had been grown yioldod but 10 bushels per acre Bladen Enter prise "A "helping win the war by produc ing more food" campaign has been launched by the Nebraska State Fair, says a bulletin of the Nebraska State Board of Agriculture, and. every farm er in the state is urged not only to at tond the State Fair but to exhibit- the best of his products. This movement should result in unequalled exhibits and heightened enthusiasm for this most important work. WhcMior it was the intrinsic merit and llnvor of the pie; whether it was tho attractive look and size of tho pie; whether It was a case of previous lauk of pie; or whether it was a prepara tion for futuro shortage of pie, wo know not. But it is a fact that a stranger dropped into a nearby restau rant a few days ago and calling for pio obtainod and ate a whole piu at one sitting. Just pie alone. If you doubt It ask Pope. Speaking of the sturdy pioneers who have seen and nided Nebraska's growth from wild prairies to fertile farms, from Indian camps to prosperous ham lets and cities, and as a living example of tho results of dwelling in Nebraska's healthful climate, our friend and neigh bor. I. A MoArthur is will worthy of notice. Well past threescore years of ago, ho Is halo ami hearty Is typical of eueigy. Every day you may ton him out on tits farm at work', mid this season he Is getting along with very little help. McArthur is Jolng his bit" all right, all right! ' Mr John Everett has gone toTracy, California, Mrs. E Legcett of I-Mion Kuu , v.slted hero Saturday Mrs Frank Nolan ami children. at O'Nell this week. . Mr and Mrs Glenn Fearn were week-end visitors at Hastings. Good meals good service moderate prices Powell & Pope's cafe. Rev Tlieo, Seylor. of Alma, visited the ReUuiHti family this week. The baseball game ot Blue Hill Sun day resulted in a defeat for Red Cloud. Score S to 15 The Red Cross Social at District 27 Saturday night was very successful. Over S:M was taken in. Mrs. Oliver Powell has charge of the office during the absence of County Treasurer C. D. Robinson LOST Coat, dark color, Initials I). It. Finder return to Lawrence Thomas, Bell phone .1. Red Cloud. 2S-2 Dr. Cook has on exhibition a very nifty fan operated by a kerosene lamp nnd Intended for use whore electricity is'not available. The surgical dressings room at the Court House will ho open for woik next Titos lav evening, S to 10 o'clock. Work on surgical 'dressing will also lie done on Mondays.. Tuesdays and Thuisdays of each week. Mr. and Mr- S t Ellis went to Denver Tnoduy night ami will return to lay. Miss Helen Lmnnti and Miss A 1 vena Reufro accompanied them The latter will lemain for a visit Mass Convention A mass convention of the votersof tho Democratic party of Webster county is hereby called to mpet at the court house tit Red Cloud, Nebraska, Satur day, July 27. 1S1H, at two o'clock, p m , for tho purpose of electing ten delegates to the State Democratic Con vention to be held at Hastings on July 30th and for such other business as may properly come before the con vention. GEORGE W. TRINE. 29 2 County Chairman. Unfinished Business Those not being able to finish solicit ing for Red Cross membership will be given an opportunity to turn in blanks and proceeds toUhe Secretary or Treas urer of tho Auxiliary nt the surgical dressing room Tuesday afternoon, the 23 rd. Saturday, the 20 th is the date for collecting the monthly subscriptions. Collectors will plenso pay the same to some member of tho finance oominiuee at the surgical dressing room Tuesday afternoon the 23rd. m m Notice We, the undersigned, wish to call .the attention of the farmers and thresh ers of Webster County, to the giving and taking of Bonuses. It is unlawful to offer or give n bonus, or to seek or receive a bonus, direotly or Indirectly, for any special privilege In threshing. If there has been any violations of this rule such violations fib. mid be ad justed at once. Wo appeal to the Threshermen nnd the farmers to sup port the government in this particular. In order to avoid complaint we urge nil threshermen to complete all jobs In their neighborhood, big and little, s'igned, D. Fitzgerald, Chin. Council of Defense. R. E. McBrido, Federal Food Admin. E. S Fitz, Master Thrcsherinan. Henry Fausch, County Agent. ins tructions to Knitters Webster County Chapter issues the following suggestions for sock knit ters: 1. Casting on and binding of must ho loose. 2. Regulate the nunihnr of stitches for socks accouling to yarn and size of needles used bo the ctilT or ribbed part will measure not less than 3 in ches or more than GJ inches. Lay sock level and measure, with a metal or wood vulcr not a tape line. C. Make cuff three inches long. 4. Do not narrow log. 5. Width of leg below cuff not less than 4 or more than & inches lay level to measure. 0. Knit plain till length of leg is 11 inches including cuff. 7. Make single lieel. 8. Length of leg including heel about 14 inches. 0. Length of finished foot not less than 101 or over 12. 10. When making tho second sock of a pair always count tho rows in the first to insure tho sizo of second sock. 11. Socks should always ho washed, when finished according to Red Cross instructions. 12. When ready to turn in for ship ment tie pnirs together loosely'at top in such a way that the hand can ha inserted for inspection. 13. Ciicumfercnco of cuff stretched to fullest extent 13J inches. 14; Other directions need not ho abandoned if thoy produce scrlveablo comfoi table pocks. Tho above sugges tions are made simply in an effort to have pocks made as uniform in sizo as possible. 15. Instruction usually call fr No. 1 Red Cross needles, steel needles No. lfl sold in tho local stores corres pond in size with Red Cross No. 1. At the Orpheum ff Dm ng the past week patrons Oi-i)hi"im now running mult management of u ,j Warren r t - tii lm been t-v.iu-d to a nightly showing . -very high grade moving picture-. Mi Wnrien who has" had previous . pot cuee u the business here, has pare no ell'oit to give Ills patrons tho bes that emild bo obtained. His p! ms fui tho future include some of the .ending featuie plays the big ones in addi tlon to an exceptionally fine lino in the rtvu'ar -ervloo Moil Clerk Examinations Exa miiatiotis for railway mall clerks (men ,-rls) will be held in the follow ing eit ,-, Aug. 20th, 1'JIS: Alliance Beatrice Coiiiinhiis Chadnor Grin d Island Fremont Llt.culn Holdredge Net i-,,s,i City McC'ook No. tli Piatt Norfolk ONi..: , Omaha Br '.. n Row Vai m.-ius in the railway mall ser vice i "m entrance salary of Si. loo will i - t L.,i fr0H this cvimimition II c I.ITson, p. M. Dr. Oschger's Lecture D--I ! the fact that It was a rainy even- Miete wits a large attendance at tl. hiistian church Sunday to hear i:-Cliaticcllor O-ohgei's lecture on 'M MihuiiUm." Those who brined the w it her prospects wore well re paid. Tin- sjn-ahor's clen,r aud forceful de. borlpli'ins were greatly enhanced ly the in in v good nud exclusive picture b, ted therewith. His wonderful messago covered personal experiences of ten years and ten Ihniivitid miles of travel, and it is not saying too much to speak of it ns one of the greatest historic lectin es on the Anieiicati platform. Congregational Church The pulpit was filled last Sunday by Rev. Geo M. Mitchell, who gave an Interesting nud appropriate talk at the morning service, on the Indepen dence Day of France, which was ob served in many places in the United State-, this year. Resolutions were passed by the church that we join witli patriotic Americans in sympathy for and in appreciation of the significance of, Bastile Day to France. The Womuu's Society will meet with Mrs. Len Aultz, Friday, tho ltlth, at three o'clock, P. M. Sunday School lit ten o'clock, morn ing service at eleven, evening at eight o'clock. The public is cordially in viied to all services. 1 Baptist Church Notes Prbachingat 11 a m. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8:30 p. m , followed by choir prac tlce. Rev. P. C. Silvern delivered a very able Bcrmon Friday evening, on the subject "The Church and the War," to a very appreciative audience. Effi cient Democracy Is the need and do maud of the civilized world today and the church that possosses these charac teristics will be the best able to meet the demands of the hour. The Willing Workers of tho Baptist i-liurch will give a social at tho church Prlil'ty evening Ice cream and cake will bo served from 8 p in. until 10 p in Net proceeds to go to the Red i toss work. Christian Church Notes The pastor has been aiding Robert Mcliridc, food administrator., iu solv ing some of the probloms of his oltlcc; Mr. Mcliridc t a caieful food student and is making an excellent record and -cms to have the good will of tl o people. Morhart Rros. installed olectiic fans in the church last week. These fans gave good service Sunday. No one ii'iw needs to worry about getting too warm In church. These fans will help tn keep you cool. The pnBtor preached last Sunday morning ut Lost Crook school hoiuo. More than a year ago a Sunday School organized and Mr. Mann was elected1 superintendent Mr. Chits. Mies Is now superintendent and the vrk Is holding fast. These good poo p e believe In the moral vuluo of the Sunday School work. Dr. Win. Osuhgcr preached on 'Mis -i mi" last Sunday morning. Ills mes .ige was greatly appreciated. Next Sunday morning will bo com munion services ami in tho evening a tmv matters of Interest will bo con. hi lerou. ah memuers suouiu oo pie sent. Chautauqua Sunday no service will be held in the church. It is hop ed u big iinlou service will be arranged !"! that day. Tuesday evening and during ft larger portion of Wednesday a gontlo nnd continuous rain brought joy to tho hearts of the farmers In this section. Nearly 3 Inches Is reported for Red (.'loud, vicinity. i , July Clearing Sale Mens and Young Mens DRESS STRAW HATS Mens Panamas 20 Discount Mens Fancy Straw 33J6 Discount Mens Sailors One Half Price 20 Discount Mens and Young Mens Cool Cloth and Palm Beach Suits Boys Sport Mens Sport Shirts 75c Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co, "ALWAYS RELIABLE" ssssixsssfnmxsm Dependable GROCERIES You always get the very best at our store because QUALITY goods are the only kind we sell. The brands we carry in stock - are recognized by the housewife as the VERY BEST of their kind. Everything Fresh and Pure s; Chase & Sanborns Coffees Itens Crackers and Cookies Batavia Jams and Spices Sunflower Canned Goods M. A. ALBRIGHT r S Lincoln 3b an(l Telegraph Co. GEO. J. WARREN. Manager Our Telephone Policy Here is the Policy that is the 1 Guiding Principal of the Company To five the best possible service that we know how to produce. ' j To charge the lowest possible rates con sistent with prompt, efficient service, To treat every patron with the utmost courtesy and consideration. , To win and merit a reputation for integ rity, efficiency and decency. To install these principals in the minds of every one of our employes, from the oldest to the youngest, and to have these employes proud of the company proud to serve itt patrons and jealous of their own and the company's good name. - B Shirts SOc I I Teleohone !: I .1 H xl vl I t .1 i I