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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1918)
r tt t n tj h' RD CLOUD, ITEJRA8KA, CHIEF n n w j M ! :M 4 r'. m iki yt i 1 1 I If Pi ,1 J1 & ,' i . i ! US . v-r i t i. i t . ' I r -s. XV Geo, , -:, " iffr? RED 4- We believe that it pays to give our customers service and satisfaction; that is why we want to sell you a ri AC REAM SEPARATOR No matter what anyone may tell you, there is only one speed nt which you can turn a separator crank and get all the cream and cream of uniform thickness, and that's the speed indicated on the crank. t of turns of the crank handle per I' BELL SPEEDIND1CATOR The "warning linal" that insuies operation at the proper speed. Mi l ROY SATTLEY Undertaking Licensed Embalvier in Kansas and Nebraska Horse Hearse Auto Hearse, x 9 biW MTA ; CompIeteLine of Up-to-date Furniture, Rugs, Etc. Electric Wiring TF you want your home Store or garage wired let me furnish you an estimate on the job, complete. Everything : Electrical Our prices are right, workmanship jhe best and material guaranteed. We order any special fixtures you want and install them satisfactorily. Let us figure on your next job. E. W. STEVENS The Live Wire -The Chief Trine S r , CLOUD minute plainly indicated upon the cranK nanaic. rvcry separator, oi whatever make, will do better work nt the proper and indicated speed than at any other. Every one of the NEW Dc Lavah has a Bell Speed-Indicator. When you slow down, the bell rings. It warns you every time the handle goes around too slowly. You can't be mistaken about it. The Bell Speed-Indicator adds nothing to the price but much to the value of the NEW Dc Laval. Come in nnd tee how tlio Bell Speed-Indicator works. - i ,.. 1'HE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud. Nebraska Published every Thursday intend In the l'ostolT.ce nt llcil Cloud, Neb as Second Claw Matter' QUIGLEY tt ERCAVNE, Editcn nd PuII.iIimi ;JU ONLY KKMOCKATIU PAI'CK IN A question of today "Did yott join the Rod Cross?" Taking prtfss reports and the state ments of numerous correspondents from the front as a basis it is evident that the German empire has many squat c miles but few .square meals. There is a marked increase in cattle production with reported prospect of reduced prices. This, together with no diminution in the pork supply, will be cheering news to everybody except his "nibs" the Kaiser. July 14th is an anniversary eolo biatod by the French as wo celebrate the Fourth. Satin day and Sunday the tricolors of France floated against blue skies in lied Cloud, an appro priate testimonial to the union of tho two countries in the struggle for wot Id libctty. ., r Bible students who delight in apply ing scriptural' quotations to modern conditions ma'y find something in that line by reading 2nd Timothy, 3: "Tho chariots shall lago in the streets; they shall jostle one against another in tho broad way; they shall seem liko great toichcs; tltey shall run like the lightning." Labor is king. Inexperienced men go out on the farms right hero in Webster county and command ftom forty to fifty cents an hour for their services. Nothing equalling this was ever known. There was a time when that amount would have ncaily cov ered tho laborer's hire for a week, but that was long, long ago when wheat was about eighteen cents per bushel and motor troubles unknown. Official repoits go to gieat length in reviewing the coffee maikets. The result, simmeicd down into one set of figures is that there arc thirty millioli sacks of coffee in sight and that the world-consumption of the fragrant "berry is twenty million sacks per annum. But this fails to make it clear why in the ding busted blazes coffee prices should go up. It sug gests a profiteer's pockctbook some where in the shuffle. There is nothing like enthusiasm although in this case it was peihaus a little overdone. "Yes sir," said the man from out west, "we have some farms out in Nebraska that are quite sizeable. I've seen a man on one of our big farms start out in the spring and plow a straight furrow till fall Then he harvested back. Indeed it is quite usual to send out young married couples to round up and milk the cows. Their children come back with the milk." But the listener had fled. Now we are promised a tax that will make somebody sit up and take notice. An excess-profit tax with 80 per cent as the amount suggested. This will ring the bell good and pi op en Let the men who are making big money pay big percentages. We take this occasion to call the attention of our country contemporaries to the fact that it will bo unwise for them to expand beyond oidinnry limits. By a little careful attention they will be able to avoid the excess, without being disloyal. Tho Grand' Island Independent (Re publican) comes oat strongly in sup port of Congressman Ashton C Shallcnberger (Democrat) for re election on a "Win the War" platform, theieby putting patriotism before party. The Independent is to bo com mended for its stand. Congressman Shallcnberger has, in addition to his other services, won distinction as a prominent member of tho house com mittee on military affairs and should be retained in these times when changes of efficient officers are de trimental if not dangerous. Local in- t-ipsts nnd purely paitisan interests should, n the Independent puts it, bo secondarv considerations. To bo an outcast among nations is a terrible punishment. American pcoplo mo to he ar.ked to sign a pledge to refuse to buy goods in Germany. Franco is circulating literature bid ding its people never to forget tho Hun and his works. British Mamcn nro pledging thcmsolvcs never to carry goods to Geimany. A woild boycott is growing. Tho trade of the world and tho hearts of its peoples will bo locked against those who have mndo themselves partners in the crimes ofn wicko(l and reckless gov ernment. When tho wages'-of sin nrq duo and collectable the misguided ha-' tion will find itself in worse stialts than those imposed bysthc n'gors of war. i Up to the front and over the top is lied Cloud's lecord for the lied Cro?s. M He who cuts prices for tho lack of i business will sooner or later cut busi ness for tho lack of prices. In other, words, it is impossible to sell goods nt less than cost and make a howling success out of the long run. I One of the most barbarous edicts of history is added to the long list for which Gorman misgovernment is dir ectly and indiicctly responsible, in an order which tosses tho laws of church and state to the winds, breaks the sacied bonds of family life, and assails the very foundations of civilization, by decreing- that all women except mothers of at least five children, are to became communistic property. Bring the thought home for a moment. Imagine such presumption in control here in the Union, in Nebraska, in Rod Cloud and then you will realize why we are in this war, and why we m ist stay in it without compromise until the brutal Hun is conquered. Mormonism in all its shame of by gone days is gentility in comparison. Political Announcements v let of S-j.CO will iii'cliargdd Icrnil inrtiis inii'uiirlnt: tliclr candidacy for r HU i In tills o 'uinii, whether n publican or ilemcrrat. and will be run until the Primary hacllon lu llUSt. For County Treasurer. I hereby anuouncu myself ns a oniiriiduto for the ollien nf County Tieusurer of Webster County subject U the wishes of Dctnotrntlc voters nt the August primaries. Al.IlEhT V Dt'CKKIt For County Treasurer. I hereby announce myself as n candidate for the otHce of County Treasurer of Webster County, subject to the npprovnl of the Itepublican voters at the primaiy election in August. Fiiank ST.nn. Candidate for County Judge I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the otllee of County Judge, nt the primary election to be held Aug. '20th, 1018, subject to the will of the electors of Weoster County. A 1). Rannky For County Treasurer I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the otllee of County Treas urer of Webster County. subject to the wishes of the Democratic voters at the August primaries. 0. A. Arnold. For County Clerk I hereby announce myself as a candl date for the oftice of County Clerk of Webster County subject to the wishes of the Democratic voteis at the Au gust primaries B. F. PKitnv. For County Assessor I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the oflice of County Assessor of Webster county subject to the ap proval of the Republican voters at the primary election to be held in August. 0. A. Hekiuck. For Sheriff I hereby announce myself ns a Can dida to for re-election to the ortiee of Sheriff of Webster County, subject to the approval of the Democratic voter at the August primaries. FltAXK HtFrEII. For County Treasurer I hereby announce my-elf as a can didate for the otllee of County Treas urer of Webster County subject to the wishes of the Doniociatie voters at the August primaries, C. It. Rakemuau, Ilbtdcn For County Superintendent I hereby announce that I am a can didate for nomination as County Su perintendent on the non-partisan ticket-, .it iht nrimnw eleetion Anrmfc 9.0. I will appreciate your support ESTELLE DUCKER For County Superintendent l horeby announce myself as a can didate for tho ofllco of County Super intendent at tho ptlmnry election to be held Amtust 20th, 19l8, suhject to the wll of the voteis of Webster count1,. Jr.sii:, For State Representative 46th District 1 hereby nnnounco myself n a eatidi- date for le-oleotion to tho otllee of State Representative, Kith District, Nobiaslm, subject to the wishes of the Republican voters at th August pri maries. M F. RICKARD For Sheriff I hereby announce invself as a can didate for the olllce of MiurllT of Web stor County subject to the wiihes of the Democratic voters at the August primaries GRAXT CHRISTY. i For State Representative 46th District I hereby announce myself iib a can didate for election to the olllce of State Roptesontatlro, lOth District, Nebnislta, subject to the wishes of the Democratic voters at the August pri maries. J. L. UKKBE. PUBLIC SALE of Household Goods Intending to move to Lotigmont, Colo., I will oiler at Public Siilu at my residence, 5 blocks we-.t of the Independent Central oflloe, in lied Cloud, Xeb , beginning nt Q p m. sharp, on ' Saturday, July 2Qth Poole Piano, good as new: Good Singer Sewing Machine Library Table: Dining Table: 3 Rocking Chairs: 9 Chairs Chiffonnier: Mirror. 24x46: Office Desk: Typewriter: Dish Cupboard; Kitchen Cabinet; 2 Dressers: Commode: 4 Iron Bed-steads, Springs and Mattresses; Dress Form; Heating Stove; Range; 3-burner Oil Stove and Oven; Oil Heater 3 Rugs, 9x12; Sswing Table; Washing Machine; Bicycle Dishes; Fruit Jars; 2 dozen Buff Orphington Hens; 4 dozen Young Chickens; Wire Chicken .Fencing; Garden Vege tables; Potatoes and other articles. I TERMS: 5 months time at JO per cent Mrs. W. H. Thomas J. II. Kr.LIOUIt, Auctioneer " w.v.v.v.v.vv.v.v.v.v.vv.v.v.vv.v.v.vv.v.v.v.v.w I Talk Olitb Us About IiUfllBEH V JHalone-Gellatly Go. ?VAV.VV.V.V.V.V-V.V.VV.-AV.V.V.,V-V.V-VVJVJwf . Auto Hearse - ED. AMACK j UNDERTAKING f (lDY ASSISTANT) 5 $ Phone, Ind. Store 158, Res, 93 We solicit a share of your patronage during ipi8 PL ATT & FREES Another Good Chance For an Irrigated Farm Write me soon about your chances of.gettlng hold of a Government-irrigated farm this Autumn in the new l'.00()-aore irrigated tract near" Denver, Wyo along the Burlington's main line through the Big Horn Riisin. The wholo tract is right next to tho prosperous (Jovernment-irrigated locality at Powell, Wyo. All a candidate needs to do is to look at tho Powell locality with its S-JOO-por-acro farms to got an idea of the values ahead of him if he is successful in securing one of those new Government farms. These lands when opened will bo taken at once, but I consider it my duty to get this early word to the earnest candidate for an irrigated falm. iiMMlJ Tha Hamilton - Cathw Clothing Go. Everything a Man or Boy Waara md Clomtt Nabraka B S. CiARBMi.Cleik Horse Hearse : RED CLOUD, NEB. S. B. Howard, Immigration Agt C. B. & Q. Ry 1001 Farnuui St. Omaha. Nobr. v N. B. Bush, Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Neb. How Many Errors Following Is an exnet reprint from cine of our exchanges. Job had noth ing on the country editor in the mat ter of patience Ruth Butt asks any one who has old vara to please bring it to the Red Cross Fiidry, tho girls are going to Unit it into flocks and inako shawls for tho wouud soldl)ns. , Wo are sure Ruth deser ves being praised- for this goob idea, so dont forget tho yarn. hi F cniiw -pt ., ii