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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1918)
"POO a nr A NE11ASKA, RED CLOUD, OKIES' 1 : r i s "it' f V v j M V It COUNTY TREASURER'S SEMI-ANNUAL COLLECTIONS To Ca-h on hand., VJ06 Tax collected . 1907 Tax collected too Tax collected l DO Tax counted ll Tax collected L3CI Tax collected Tax collected Mi Tax collected !14 Tax collected. '015 Tax collected 1016 Tax collected 1917 Tax collected School land Interest ..W4l.3-S 7.55 2.84 2.87 MM fr.42 f.OI . 23.72 SfS.Tfl . 270.78 329.37 . 780.21 .157281.73 . lOMS . lia.55 chool land lease Cniverrity land principal.. University land interest... I'niverslty land lease January apportionment . . li. coll. Co. Gen Mise. coll. Co. Bridge . . . . Finos and license Foot farm coll Interest on Co. deposits... 1800.00 B13.1S 229.03 421)3.80 1120.18 836.63 318.00 2102.00 976.30 Comr. (list, coll 33.70. Redemptions 3231.07 Motor vehicle coll 1051.10 j Inheritance coll. 352.42 502.42 Hail coll Fees 25.25 S2GG0S4.1S lo I. C. D. Robinson, beinc first duly and correct statement of funds collected ami disbursed by me as county treasurer irom uanuarj i, mio io oune :oth, . 1P1S. inclusive, as I verily Xieve. c a R0BINS0X. Countv Treasurer. (SClKU.) ... .. , p t i 10,Q (SEAL.) HON. LESL'E M SHAW, CX-vSCRETARY U. S. TREASURY. GREATEST STU'-'P SPEAKER IN COUNTRY NOW ON CHAUTAUQUA .t good story 1 told on os-Serretnry "I decltire. Guv. Shaw, n'-st to Abra- f the L. S. Trea-sury Hon. l.efclle M. hum Lincoln you are the haptiiest m:r haw, who is recognised as one of I ever heard in il!ustrnt. ns. or the hest cainpuln speakers In the 'oiirsi .un are a littt.-r lo.,iins man eonntry nnd who will appear on our ilmn Lincoln." Tlion looking at him Chniitnuqun program. he added: "Not much either." While he was Governor of Iowa, a Governor Shaw Is said to be the lady came In and asked him to Intro- most Lincoln-like In clearness of duce her to the Governor. He Intro- thought of any man living and more duced her to his messenger, who in Llncolnosque in expression than any turn again Introduced her to the Gov- man .since Lincoln. Anyone who hears srnor and he asked: "Be you the this great American and falls to think governor?" After looking hlui all must he Incapable of thinking, orer without seeing anything humor- Governor Shaw teaches, as did Soc- ous In the situation nhe added: "Well, rates, by lnplrlng thought. He Is 1 wouldn't have thought It." keen. Incisive, logical, und always slm- At another lime a man said to him : pie and clear. Summer Tours 1918 The public is advised that Colorado Smunisr resorts, such a Uocky M un', tain National-Kstes Park, Colorido Sp lugs. Manitou and hundredso other places will he open for patronage as us j it. Accomodations lu Estes Bark are ory extensive and cau take care of th jus.inds. The usual resorts of the Black Hills are open; likewise the ranches iu the Sherman-Big Horn Mouutaln locality; aUo the ranches aloag the Cody Ro:d id tha Abiarulca Mointaius. The Yellowstone Park hotels will not be opened, but the Park Per a ioeut Camps will be opirat'ed via the Gardiner gateway (SLAUEil NATIONAL PARK will be under full operation for toar s-. Choose your locality; ask Us for printed nutter aud costs; let us ivi v- y.u iflffflfflErffl: :hih i frrc !n EKii3asaEacjBauraaaaHESBaim ixsssraexzzszusaasszsassxAzzmis i alk Ulith Us About I IillfllBEK i HWalone-Gellatly DISBURSEMENTS Pa hi. State Treasurer " Co. On. warrants . 'VCo. Bridge warrant. M Co. Poor warrant . H Inheritance order . $.37271.80 I 13989.82 I , 13700.18 f 2(U 1.23 '1647.60 I 4102.33 " Road orders ,aa.M " RoaLdrtt prders ... Gll-lfi School order r 728'?A " Sch. bonds A coupons 2o28.49 " Polls 8.00 " Bladen Trear 030.00 " Blue Hill Treae l8M " R-d Cloud Treas 5001.84 " Guide Rock Treat.... 8.53 " Blad'n bonds & qoap'n 250.00 " Blue Hill Mi. ft coop. 825.00 M Ilml CI. bds. ft coup. 1140.30 " Redemptions 2 3300.42 " Refund Uni. land int. 60.00 pitN 1000.00 i79nn5fit v,""".""- sworn accoidine to law on oath depo?e SuogcnDea am, som b. L. W. Wakeley, General Passenger Agent l"nl lariiumsit. Omaha. NeOr N. B. Bush, Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Neb. Go. ! ---------Wl ( STATEMENT BALANCES State Funds State Auto F-"3 State . s-hool land Stat Univ land . .$ 114&S 42.60 2.15 . l<M . $132.70 6390.99 . 10ML40 . 1347.J0 ; 37.82 . 4341.16 . 10632.96 County general ., County Bridge i county roaa Cituntv ttoor i Coun'.y sowmes nami County roajl dra . . . County commissioners TnViHtanr ....... 1547.07 School districts 10581.15 School bond 11150.04 Fines ft licenses Redemptions Bladen village . Blue Hill village Cobles village . Guide Rock ... Red Cloud city Red Cloud bonds 313.00 44.00 104S.S4 33.00 181.73 1223.40 25.43 15S6.20 Ft laden honds 1110.57 Blue Hill bonds 2390.2 1 State Hail In? 592.42 Fee & commissions 4183.21 Total Balance joou.iu.u, flOCi.A . .; t .i t .. ...i ami say tnac ine nooe w a iuii F. PERUY. County Clerk. Death of Inavale Resident Clnrenee Patterson, who settled a' Inavale not long since, died at, jliikS Wedmsdny eretiinc, having sul t tulttad to un oporatiou for npprml -' eitls on duturday last. Mr. Patterson va formerly u rci deut of near Riverton where he mar. ' rlud a daughter of Mr. and Mrs We-s Cordle. therefore a granddaughter 'if R'-v. V. M Harpr, pastor of the Hup ti-t church of thW elfj. i The wiiiow 1-. leJt with an infant chid. t motim the loss of a pood hn,- Oanl an! father A lartftt circle of old friends ill 'h- Rirerton re ion and many iiew on- 'at Imivale. ii.cerely -ympathize . rr thi -.tiilileti brareuut. j If is p?rtim d the a I h hll tim'rr'i'.v Ir will be tit V j ; ni-r, Kan., former home of the U?ju'- ed. ROMANCE OF THE VIOLIN, "THE EMPEROR" ? i i i 1 m si. 4. i:V&'ik . . . - , i'.U . 'Slwv .' 'h "-SiKftsSt afmlMxK Four or Theobalcll's violins Tho s)C ond trom the rlsht Is tht famous "Ein fror." valued at J2j,(Xe.u0. On the loth of October. 1375, Ole Bull sat at a banquet at Christiana with his slim lingers stroking the enrly locks of Ole Theobnldl, who was to be his successor nnd told hi. friends the story of his greatest vio lin, the "Casparo-da Salo." which he called 'The Emperor" because of the sculptured face of Emperor Titus on the scroll. It was at this banquet that the violin was promised to Die Theo bald!, but the presentation wns not made until lsOO. when Tl.i'olmldl re turned from his tlrst wor' 1 four. Dr. Theohatdl will use this v.. n among others during hN concert h- re at the Chant.) 1 j" FROM HELL WITH A SONG" i Ski . . dT J-... " 1" . I isssssssssssJMlaTjAj JJass-a'--!. rUkkHllllH i nnm v vfj - .s '.fi5-- z t; - xnnrn ii iii i in "-i 9SSS& I "' 1 U ' ' ' ' ' ' - "BACK Returned Canadian Veterans In Scnj! and Story at Ojt Ch?' tauqua. I rsTerT ",., !i ntcr."t.cgi:in..i!ng ultra. ...a on Chauiuuuui this sumiiiHr i 111 he Over Setu Military Quartet- .isJ "i I . "i ,.rfc.aWlt.. iH'S . rVii.'JL!, wrSBBBBJVrwlKn -" -" TiMkl U ' irW?.B OVERSEAS MILITAR. I . .h s t'a i f Inavale. Items M ss Pearl Hnd Etsie Wilcot ot ' He&r- Nfb . nre here visiting friemU and relative-, tins week. Mrs DKi'hy Wiism tfie we- .th hV vter -n-laa. Mi.C 11 Burse i LjieSJautid-tsU ranhitigtheereaiM ,r, th week f ,e Mr. W. C. ilemu , ef boaday. rMutahti to ttmiwg itttr4y l200 WM ,, to be drawn!, Rotland Kp19a reHt-oed last toek ..rtlBf ... rrau,1 on for ppV nAri. . frm inttorop, Arlr. where h. tpnt ,. . r. 4 ' Mbtionbr Thwvus tad Robatica t ' Ulm: Ul uacXCh,. w i ?" T er ' " ffltr Arent be alkwed f 13 per fP,lM "a '" . 'JT1 , . 'M,,r " f W " WP' was car. V. Davl am! fatally attd to ClaDhlvy. , BHm. EHU Sundny. John BtttMMs Is btlpin? Mr. E'l t, foUwrtof cR,ms allowed: j VUst Anna nod r,urll ltroaer of Lksy with hi farm work tb.s wek , L McKIglui ....... 188.19! Ila-tlnr, rUited Mrs. Ok-y Ireion M Buhear fmud to her hoiv :j ui, c,,.i ' isas'i'titarduT and Suti)!v. 1 1 Rirttrton aftera week's vf-it lth a itr irieau,- .arss Nellie KutiedM. Mr1. Wm Mitcnel nail children sront week with h-r mother. Mrs. Gu Wltiess of KeU Cloud. Doris Srtiinders peut Tuesday at-t-rnoou with Btheldu Farley. Harry Barker. Roy Rutledce aud Prtink Kin were the bovs from Iua , vate who bar to v to L'ttmp Uodge. the iie.t eiill from L'oele Sum 1 MM IU-lep Marrow of Riverton, 1 sut Tuesduy with her brother, Mr. Goo Marrow. The Clou 1 Bros commenced to thresh Tuesuuy aftevnuou. Clias. Hunter aud .vife were -hop pint: in Hastings one'day this week. If you want to make the Ir.nv.ile Home Guurds smile jut te'.l them how well they did In the drill July the Fourth. Tney sure were a proud hunch when they received the first priz-i. Mrs. .lame? Sllvey caReti on Mrs Uhas. Kthride Tuesday er-ninjr. Charicv Siunders stays in the north pirt of 'town quite a i;ood deal of late. I wonder why? Ij P Johnson hud the misfortune to overturn his cir. while eoHiin.' down a hMl Sunday eroltijr, ou his way home. Mr. ntid Mrs. John Mitchell wtre Red C'oud callers Suturday. Rveryboly seemed to h-ve a nee time ut Re I t oul Ju'y Uli lu spite of the Mioiver. But we really thiuk fiat thjnnney tb it wa pn,l for eonfettrv shmld Ii.-iyeijeeu,pentJoi'warstiiiiiP A confetfo-liaerr Quite a gonri m my are liavin' their lal houses filled this week. caa C If. Burgess is assisting K Bean w.tli his harvest thi week I Ch'is. Hunter will have his elevator , conplcted this week to take care of the ne.v wheat crop. Mr. ;unl Hr-. Isidor BreauU. Mr and Mrs. Ueo .f;r?rer.ou. Mr. and Mrs C II. B.ue sand Mrs. Dorthy Wilson I v sted with Mrs. Jnne Farley Suiida.; vniing. Art Kitly of Phlllipsbiir.', Ku , U iK-re H.-in at tvork ou the elet-tric licht line. Mbjuj we will ocn huve ights now. (To Late for Last Week) Inez and Sylvia Strlcklin of Red Cloud visited over Sunday with Miss Ethel Stickney. Bessie and Jessie Rutledge attended the dance at Riverton last Wednesday evening. After a three-weeks visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Jorgen son, Mrs. Mabel Marlow, returned Wednesday to her home at Des Moines. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rankel were Red Cloud shoppers Monday after noon. Mrs. Geo. Matkins was an after noon caller at the home of Mrs. Isa dor Breault Monday. A large number of friends weie en tertained at tne nome ot .Mr. and .Mrs. .Geo. Jorgenson last Wednesday even- !.- , . , ... , ins, in nonor ot jirs. .uanow. ice cream and cake were sered. Nellie Lanning, of Butte, Mont., is Florence Cure making an extended visit at Mrs. JaneiF. W. Endorf Farlev', Mr. and Mrs. Dunn left Saturday evening for their new home in Wyom ing. .Mrs. Uerald Leonard spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Jane Farley. C. II. Burgess is helping John Peterson with his harvest this week. Elmer Gates and Frank King made a business trip to Red Cloud Wednes day afternoon. O. W. Patterson, was stricken with an acuto attack of appendicitis Tues- !day evening. Mr. and Mi?. Chas. Huntor were out on an auto trip Monday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Huntor spent Sunday- evening at the home of Mr. anl Mrs. T. Saunders. Mrs. Mitchell ami family spent! Wednesday in'Red Cloud. Mrs. C. A. Waldo has bean on i'k list the pat few days. the. I Mrs. Minnie Smith, Miw? Lena Rathien and Mr. McPherson and fam ilv spent Sunday at II. Coleson's. ' o TerelyToId - In the early Wednesday morning dawn, two automobiles met on North One west straight up and t "is3 .,,.,!' the other went straight on The one ., v -.i t-.L i i. ...,uii:t 0r,"Uwon5 ruijju u,, uus iw , the and the one going straight on, is still going. Ex 1 County Commissioners Meet ' County Commissioners assembled in regular n-otmg Tuesday afrrnoon jwhh all mpmbcis present. ,r; r- r e'"' on br.a!f of the I ounty Council of I iH.ivn, predated petinon xor aj ..,. ., ,,. A .n,,. ,.OrvtUe Ichtoart wet lu Caiopletl 'vIMIWC IW WtS) .ww l L. E. Spence 17.00 Co Council of Defsnse . . 50.00 . J. A. Burden . . 73.28 R. S. Proudftt 26.55 Smith & McKimmsy ...... 57.15 Argus 140.70 Red Cloud Chief 138.S5 Remington Typewriter Co. . . ' 15.4S C. A. Herrick 12.00 j C. L. Cottinjc ... Agri. Ex. Servfce 6 00 1 Adams Co J. V. McCiaeken . R. P. Weesner Co The.. A. Friend Heniy R. Fausch js aj C. A. Schults ... 5.2S Horace .1. oung Harrv Tonham . 45.00 S" o Edith L. McKeiehan 103.4 A. D. Ranney 23.70 Hi Dunn 39.32 Gertrude L. Coon 130.72 Grice Drug Co 50.95 F. E. Maurer a2.00 Dr. Dnmrell 27.00 Frank McCoy 4.00 Saml Carotin 4.00 O. C. Teel 00.70 Dr. Damerell .; S.'X) F. E. Maurer .. C. F. Peas Co, 3.00 ..$ W.H.Thomas 21.40 Fred Arnold 35.00 a Dr. Damerell 12.00 C. A. Herrick 282.00 E, McBride 3.75 S. F. Greene 3.75 4.50 C. K. Vau?han O. C. Teel 'Floenc Cure F. W. Endorf , pin HutTer , Dr. O. Wilson F. B. Tiiinbhy t:;.m ; j; , 5toX: It t cL.t.. J j Floyd McMurdy 7.20 ' - r Spanogle 252?1'! 'C. r. Evans 6.10, A. m kJktiUUr;ii J. F. Rischke 9.40 Walter Taylor 10.20 Walter Thomas CIO 5.S0 Geo. Perry Geo. Fentress ... S.U 4.10 3.10 3.10 4.10 4.10 0.10 5.20 S.10 2.05 7.00 4.10 4.10 G.10 4.70 2.10 2.10 H. G. Diedcrich . Frank Barr Wm. Reese? Albert Hummel . Mrs. A. Hummel E. A. Creighton B. F. Hudson ... Wm. Hayes . . . . . F:ar.k Pfieiderer Foktr NichoUon J. Soltzman Frank Gainer . . . I. A. McArthur . ! I I ;H. H. Crowell .. R. C. Schultz Mrs. G W. Hummel I. W. Crary Mer. Co. 31.61 Fred Hurd : 60.71 W. R. Brooks 34.00 89.22 W. C. Cox A. Guy C. Schaefer Alex Bentley . . . A. B. Peirce . . . . W. E. Patterson Adolph Sidlo O. C. Crochrane . R. H. Allen Frank Stokes . . . 176.00 123.Q0 54.00 120.00 04.00 108.45 135.20 130.60 108.00 Frank Amack 105.00 Seth Greene 160.20 C. J. Reddon 200.77 J. B. France -. 95.90 G. V. Hutchison 180.00 E. J. Cox 107.00 P. W. Duffy 5.75 C. E. Vauchan 3.25 IE. McBride 4.00 1.25 1.25 2.25 25 6.00 s F. Greene J. R. Horn n c. " " ""'" X' A' Jrir .50 1.00 .75 T. A. Friend Total ; 54170.35 Bridge A. E. Strong S J. A. Silvoy Lbr. Co S. N. Potter 14.60 nnni i Citizens Lbr. Co. Camp 05.00, Chicago Lbr. Co. B. II S4.S0 53.40 613.00 241.95 405.1o Boom Bros i Lawrence Lbr. Co Chicago Lbr. Co. Roemont Chicaco Co R. U . . .' ; o " o J r 01 l 'Hilt - m m -I1IBI W--ST T TtTTSi ; ' wi v rv ksEiilSaK!.: :::;::::::: i&K'C. H. Miner Serum Co. Farmrs Ind. Tel. Co 9.75 -I'Uodcckrs STSk r .! m .. a . ' r;nu-nru'mtlj0r'LO TUoo - 92.00 WU T HKVIl MWi ?2905.70 Total Claim of Dr. J. B. Dierkur of Law nce, for $12.50, 'aa rejected. Board adjourned to July 11th, 191S. A Serious Fire Loss The farm residence of H. S. Palley, who resides northeast of Guide Reck, was burned to the ground Sunday morning. A defective Hue is supposed to nave ueen me cause .ur uam-y i wis away from home at the time nnd i the entire contents of the house were destroyed, Including a library valued at 52,000 arid all thegentleniaris private I papers. Mr. Billey is unmarried and is u brother ot J. II. Bailey of this eity. Bladen Brieflets Mr and Mrs. Usn-v Cramer of Red cloud pent Suhdaj wi'h (J If Cramer ntid fnmii-. . Mrand Mrs ftiat.t Davis were in R1 Cloud t'!iur..ay Htro:d Spns.. Orville Uoddell nod - CUreuce Atider?on Autoed to Hint- ins Sunday, Mr. and Mrs Olev Ivenon, Mr. W. B Cramer, Howard Cramer pent the Fourth In Red Cloud. Lloyd P.Iugius was a Red Cloud visit or the last of the week. I. V. Negley end Artie Lwtok made .. U... t .1 ... I I 1 . uu,l"e, l,1I lu luooiu .Moniiiiy. .50 Claude Crampr and family were iu 17.00 Re,, C'oud the Hi -t of I he week. 13.00 Threshing has started in several 24-79 , sections about towu. A few farmers o.-5!i,.,.,. i.,uu. . .., , , . . ""'- '"'- ii'iietner ar.u nonlll maenuies in several ioenuries. Spray Potatoes If the potatoes are to be sprayed for potato bugs only, use arsenate of lead and water or Paris green, and water according to the Dcpartmenof Entomology of the University of Ne braska. Arsenate of lead comes in two forms, paste and powder. If tho pr.ste form is used, one pound of the poi-on should be used to ten gallons of wuJer; if the powdered form is used only one-half pound to ten gal lons of water is necessary. The lead arsenate should be- mixed with a littlo warm water and then stirred thoroly into the full amount .if water. When Paris green is u?ed instead of ait.or.ate ot lead tiiit-e ounces aIiouM be used l.'x un gallons of water, unless tho pod beetles are veiy numerous, n 'us sticngth should be doubled. id' isable o add quick lime of at .1ithe woight of the poison when rijctrreen is used. -,-r Roller, to Creditors. I:. vntj I'n-irt WcbiUr .iv ty. Nebraska !.. the ru.-itit-r it thv estate of Jvha W. riern.-.-. Deceased. Creditors ot said. estate will talte notice that the ttmu limited (or presentation and Ulr.4 ot claim rualwt tld estate l- N'uvetn br th. 1913, and tur the payment of debt u Dicembor Ut. 19IS. that l wilt sit at tho county court room In said eoanty on the tli l-iy ot Ai'iusst. t'.iu.- to examine hear and allow :ill elnlms duly filed which are a first or second Hen upon said estate, and on the lull d-iy u( Noveinbt.'r.'.lui-1. to naiutne. In ar, allow and admt all claims aud 6'Jtcu)ii ot enfcral creitltiTduir rtlrd.y Dated this 3th Uv -)f luly. A. I)., lrfis. (S-.-al) A. D. lt.N-vfc. -i- ountv Jul.-. Notice of Administration. In the County Court of Webster County. Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Alfred If. lirljht. deceafted. To all persons Interested In nald estate. Notice H hereby iflven that Sarah K. Iirlsnt haihlsday tiled a petition In the countv court praylnt; that administration of said cstnto may be -ranted to herself as administratrix, acd that Hald petition will be heard before the court on the lath day of July, 191S. at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m., at the county court room, In the city of Ited Cloud, In said county, when all persons Interested In said utatitT may appear aud show cause why tho prayer of petitioner should not bo granted: and that notice of tiling of said petition, and the hearing thereof, be ijlven by publishing a copy of this order In the Ked Cloud Chief a legal weekly newspaper printed and of general circulation In said county, for four consecutive weeks prior to the said day of hearing. A. D. It.VNXCY (beali 2iM County Judge. Dated th s 21th day of June, lUls. E. S. Gatrber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING I Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wir Your Hoiisp Anrl ! Furnish You the Fixtures O. II. Miner .Manager Dr S. S. Dcardorf .M.D. t Veterinary In Charge iAnti Hog Cholera W Asa w " iU5 ""ictu uuium " ! Red Cloud, Nebraska i wire or Phcnc at Our E.xnense U. S. Veterinary License. Mo.-Ja Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED EcTOmcE Oveii At.n'iinirr's Store Dr.W.H. McBride DCNTIST t Successor to Dr. Crohs OVKK STATU BANK RED CLOUD NEBRASKA w" 1- 4 v ? Zyfrsrur!i, .TSS-r-x- 4.-m.ZV, .rxe:Jummnjs. , .J.ii.-.TT.r5a --"wJSi..A!?Htj'.'