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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1918)
k L :! AAAAAAAAAAAAA ''-"""- X 'j' AS TOLD TO US Guuit Tilni'ire U on the siek list. Mrs. A. P, McMnvry is vMi'n li'tlColll. nt I Hat and drink at 1'pwell A Pope' If Urtlf. Ml Xollio Derrick position nl Sup&rlor. tins accepted jv Mr. Samuel Fair und ehllilfen linve relumed to Hastings. Mr. mid Mr. Ed MeCuno wre Hm!. lugs visitors Saturday. James Stlvey uf.tho lumber line nt Inavale, spent the holiday bore. Mr. J, C. Tulleys of Denver, visited til the Henry Glllan home lau Week Postmaster HurgeM, of Itmvale. grac ed our celebration with tils presence. Wal lor Marshall, of the Stat shall Paper Co , Uinnhu, was hottio for the Fourth. Harness repahlug and half-soleing, In basement under Kge's store. I'. L. Uan.-i:.v. 20tf f Miss Hazel Harvey cante In from Hastings to spend the Fourth and the week-end here. M. A. Albright and wife, Mrs. John (larbcr and Miss lone Albright, were in Cowles Sutuluy. John Ghant, together with his wife and daughter, of Hivcrton, were Red Cloud visitors July 4th. Attorneys liertiard McN'eny and II, S. Foe go to Lincoln Friday to attend the Telephone hearing. Miss Leuora Hurkott, of Lincoln, is visiting tit thoO.' C. Teel home. She returns to Lincoln today.' E. V. Stevens was in Guide Flock Friday and Saturday eugaged In in Btalling a heating plant. Dr. and Mrs. Creihtou returned from their vacation tilp. Just in time to juln in- the colebratioti. Editor Mathews or the Uiverton He view, was hero for the celebration. Ills sifc accompanied him. The Junior lied Cross will presint a play aud hold an ice cream social at District 27 next Saturday evening. The Cash Scrlvncr house bejjln- to look attractive. ThCwnter wouldn't minil hvlug in just that sort of a home The music of the thresher Is heaid in the land and the golden grain hp gins to roll toward tho mart-, of the world. Mrs. Jeo. I'ieice has returned to her home at San Marcos, Cal. She left Suuday evening accompanied bv her father, Han Lludsey. , Mr. and Mrs. Orris Fearn of Hast high, and Mr. and Mrs. ltoy Fearn of Guide Hock, were among the Fourth of July homecoineis. Helen Harris, daughter of Charles Harris, who was operated on for tonsil trouble and aduolds last Tuesday morning, is getting on nicely. - Judge llannoy performed a marriage "ceremony the day beforo tho 4th. James II. Miller aud Myrtle Ilrown, both of Chester, were the happy oucs. Mrs Henry" I'hares and baby are visiting relatives and friends here. She Is the wife of Henry I'hares of Central City, who visited hero not long bluce. Kvery olio knows what lied Cross is doing for our boys, Heinembor that every membership helps to carry on this work. Do your bit by joining now. i July lu'th is the day. When our boys ooino homo and tell wnat the lied Cioss meant to them "over there" you will bo glad you had a part in it. Have jou j-iltied or ic nuwed your in 'inbershlp for 10 IS? Subject selected for the 1-Muiute Men "The Meaning of America." At the Orpheum Fiiday, July I'-JHi, It. W. Stewart: Saturday. 13th, K. J- Ovei- lug; Friday, HUli, 1. M. Whitehead; Saturday, ','uth, llev. J. L. Iteebe. Tho surgical dressings loom at tic Court House will bo open for woik .. next Tuesday evening, S to id o'clock Work on surgical dressings will also bo dono on Mondaja, Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week. Everybody welcome. Mr. aud Mrs. Hoy H. Harper, w' o have been visiting their relatives in this section for several weeks past, re- ' turned to their home at St Joe this morning. Mr. Harper Is in tho draft fiom St Joe and will loave for camp on the 10th. Therefore could not remain to attend tho Patterson funeral. Drop In. at tho Schiiitz & Schaal !or First class portraiture enlarging, copying, new work, amateur finishing, etc. YOVK PATRONAGE APPRECIATED : nmnranani Henew your Hcd Cross membetshlp fjrlPlS O mt DoudiiH, of Guide Ibvk, Is sit ing .u r. ivi. unruer, Uajmoud Koon'z returned to Louli l.tmt Friday morning. Eyes etd, glasses fitted. J. C. Mitchell, the Jtwelor. Con Hair, of MeCook.wus nm6iig our Fiurth of July visitor. Let's put Hed Cloud "over the top" in Ued C't'ofs membership for 10W Farmers' Union meeting al KvilogK Hall very Thursday night nt Ss30. tf Mr. and Mi". Ira Trueblood, of Ken asaw, N'eb., were here the llh and Sth. Mr. and Ml. 11. C Uellatly are home from a visit with relatives itl Denver City. Ho. J, M. Hates of Hnwe church, ts e i joying s. summer th'chIIoh lu Cherry ounty. Ilttxl Moore of McCook. v.Mted her grandparents, Mr. and ..Mrs. T. Clm-lfe, lint week H.'S. Ilalley and Jalco Kincher of Guide Hoc!:, were in the city Wednes d ly on business. Hanker McCrary of the luavale State Dink, found time to participate in Rnd Cloud's celebration. The Webster street fiont of the Turnure block has been improved by a new coat of paint. Harry Cramer and wife visited with his brother, Claude Cramer and family nt Hluden over Sunday. Mrs. Katherine Ticruey, of Chicago, is here attending to probate matters of her brother's estate. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harniilll and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lewis were here from lllverton Thursday. Getting shaved and dolled up before dug on a night's lhhlng trip Is a new one on yo eastern editor. LOST Coat, dark color, Initials 1). II. Finder return to Lawrence Thomas, Hell phone:! lied CIoul. 18 Mrs. John Haikley entertained her brother Curt Hatllold ami liM son riiouuis, from Jamestown, Kan., over the Fourth. Miss Ethel Waller returned to hei homo at Cowles Saturday morning, hiving spent the Fourth hore with relatives. Al Ensign and wife of Iturr Oak, Kan,, and Mis. John McCammon and two chlldi en, of Kausas City, Mo.. wercguestsattheJ.ll. Ilalley home Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mis. Grant Christy enter tained a house full of guests on the Fourth. And, by tho way, Uko no tice that Grant has tossed his hat into the political ring. You'll llnd. bim on the list. News has been received here of th'o marriage of Mrs. F. Valentine to J. C. Dlrdsjll, at Hot Springs, S. D. The lady was formerly Miss Fnuikie Peter son of lied Cloud. Mr. Uirdsell was also well known hero In earlier days. Their home will be at Edge Mount, Nob. S. II Johnson, of Inavale, was a re (jut nleiisiiut caller at this otllco. He cported that word had been received of the safe arrival In France of his son Charles, who also Informed him that ho "slept comfortably under an npplo troa that night and thought tho noise of guns might kocp dad awake" but they didn't bother him u bit. City superintendent Bradford states that tho new engine and generator at tho light and power plant are com pletelv installed and ready for business They await the arrival of uu expert to examine all dctallsand give tho maehin cry its trial statt. lie should have bion here before this but sends no ex planation for tho delay. Ex-ChaucoUor 0hgpn. of Cotnei Univeisity, li'avbeen engaged to give an lllustratod lecture on "Mormonlsm" Xt'xt Sunday ovonini: at 8:30 is tho date. He como3 uhdor the auspices of the Chi istian church, and Uev. lioebe assures the public of a most, instinct ivo and Interesting address. Mr. Osh ghcr has spent ten years in collecting the infoiinat'on and photo vIowh, some of which. will be entirely new to the public Paul Story, formerly county comuiis sionor, aim for many years engnneu in tho clothing business in this city, is visiting his family hero. Mr. Story is now traveling representative of a Land and Cattle Loan Confputiy with head quarters in Sioux City. His territory Includes North and South Dakota, Moat ma, Wyomiug and northern Ne braska Ho says that the crop pros puds In the Dukotas nro most excel lent, also in Montana with tho excop Hon of tho northwest portion of tho state. On July 10 an ell'.rt will be made to make ns nnny homes as possible, in Hed Cloud, 100 p'r cent in lied Cross Membership for 1IH8. Tho Junior Hed Cross is largely educational and it ac tivities will bo carried on, entirely In tho hehools lis a part miI thn school woik. Junior lied Crosi niemboislilp does not count on loo per cent in tho Sonlor Hed diive. Honew jour Hod Crosi membership for lUlS All annual meinberf, or tho3o who paid ' iiii'inberhhlp fee of ?1 C ill l!H7 should reuovv their mcmbeiKlilp for 1UIS, July 10th is the day. RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, OHIEP William Wallace of Hidden, visited here Thursday. Mr O. W Olmstead wen to lua vnlo this morning. LOST Medal nud crosolf nmethyst iwiry. Leave at this olllje. L L. Yost went to Hasting Wed usduy fr medical treat moot Good meals good service moderate prices Powell A 1'opo's cafe. Mrs. Fied Walker of Pauline spent Hie fourth with relatives here. John Yost enjoyed n week'd "trip ihrough western Nebraska recently. Cotigresftimiu Andtew, of HiislIiifS whs a H-d Cloud visitor Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Clnm. llulfer, of Ax tell, were among tho Fourth r July visitors. Mr. and Mrs. II. SDurrott. or Iba' uoii, Kan., "pent the Fourth with rela tives here. Mrs. Margaret Leonurrt from lllver ton. was tho iruo-l of the U. W. Olm stead family Wedne-day. Chris Stai ke, .1. K Elliott, ,T. A. Mo Arthur and M. K. Mllcy nuide a auto trip to Guide Hock Sunday. . Mrs. Filth and children have return- -ud to their homo at Sharonville. Her sister, Mrs 11. F Oatmati accompanied them. Dr. and Mrs. Mcltrido are entertain ing Mrs. J. Hlackman and son James, who arrived here from Heaver City, Neb., yesterday. Mrs. Okla Mertz and daughter, Dorothy and sou Donald, of Pueblo, Colo., are the guestt of Mrs. F. L. Smith, the lady's aunt. Douglas Cathcr, who has been here for some time visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Cuthor, left Saturday ovenlng. A, G. Hauserman lias returned to ills home nt Alma. Ho was hero assisting Mr. Ketv.mnn with tho picture show dnrlng tho celebration. J Foil SALE-Soft coal heating stove, nearly new; oak dining table and a bras-, bed. Mrs. U. V. woodward, Hell phono tod 172, Hed Cloud. 'lH-'i Mrs. Win. Hamilton, daughter Edna and son Will, from Dallas Texas, spent the Fourth at Wilber Hamilton's. They are en route to California via auto. County Trcasuror, C. I) Hoblnsoii and wife expect to leave Saturday via auto, for a visit with their son and friends in Cheyenne and othei western towns Mrs. Louis J. Potter ai.d two sons, Leroy and Aithur of Chicago, arrived here Siiturdav nlirht for a visit witli her mother, Mrs L. J.Pope and broth er Paul Pope and family. Dt tiling openulons at the oil well are still In suspense pending tho ar rival of a proper tool to fish up a caso ing lost in the deop hole. Another GuO-foot drive is contemplated. Don't let it escape your mind that, the greatest patriotic Chautauqua over put under n telit Is coming to Hed Cloud this month. Presidont Wilson says the peoplo should support the Chuutnmiuas. The dates arc July 21 to 30th. Tho Natlonal'Drivo which was made for Hod Cross membership nt Christ mis time was not carried on here but July 10 has been set aside to mako the cmvassherc Is it too much to ask each and every one to become u mem ber" or renew membership for 10 W, when you consider all that the lied Cross is doing for our boy-? Carl McAithur while doing line woik at Inavale last week had the misfor tune to diivo tho point of a "climbei" into ills right foot in other words he stepped on himself. In many ensee such an injury might develop serious results, but in this instance we me gl.ul that it can bo treated lightly. He was slightly disabled for a few days. Word has been received that Hoy Teel is being transferred from Camp Fre mont, California, to the Machine Gun Dopartinent at Augusta, Georgia. His father, Oscar C Teel, received n mes sage Wodnesday morning from Colfaxi California, stating that Hoy Is enroute and will pass through Sallua, Kansas, Friday forenoon Tho family are leaving here today, for Saliua, in ordci to see their soldier boy ns he passes through the Kansas town. Transferred to Class 1 Tho District Hoard at Lincoln lias transferred to Class l the six men whose names follow. Figure at end ot each name indicates former class: Claude S. Francis, Cowles, .'J. I)us A. Kranare, Blue Hill, 11 Ivan Stout, Bluden, :i. Herbert Koforke, B'uo Hill, 3. Herbert Lainbrccht, Inavale, I. Hddy Olmstede, Guldejlook, 1. Hankers and successful Husines.s Men employ tho graduates of tho well known Grand Island Business College of; Grand Island, Neb., bocauso they are qualified to immediately give ser vice that will merit good salary. Tho school has been a leader in business education for m6ro than thirty years and cannot supply tho demand for its graduates. It was tho first western school to prove that pos itions could bo guaranteed nnd se cured for graduates. Write for free catalogue. i. Office Closed Mr McUiHo wi take a tni'iil.on next week Ho expects to leivo on Tiles lay hihI hw denial oi'.lce will , closed for ton .day. New Arrivals To Mr. and Mr. Moiidty, a boy. To N'r rud Mri Thomas Sauuder. Venell Vavtieki'i Sun Ihv, h girl. To Mr. and Mis. 'I'll. ilny, a boy A r.,liy (ful OrtllM Howard W IKtiii Sunday to Dan Garber t It .hMH" if Mr. an 1 Mis, Flng Raising .M well 11.-. i PM' hr, Kii. tar S'.'l ICil I "A. IS'tm i ,iy evening David II Ka'ny, uioivn and popular resident of ' ind, sfH'gnd n bit of praiseworthy ' siit by lloatiug a "iieii;hlir lur to the btei-z". Alioiit ilfiy were pu-ent who ueie unter- rtith uppropriale program and I with lefreshmeiits. A clioins Mrs. II. C (iellatli niiilciid UM," and Hie "'star SpiingKil .i ' Attorney E. G laUlwoll .i'i oration. Miss Lena llurkett ii'oln, sang two solos. Miss .clla ir assisted Mr. Knley with the which was swung to the breeze e top of a Ho. foot pole. ga. of L Tin , at i Webster County Teachers' Service Flag A servlce Flag is to be dedicated at the t ine if tho Webster County Teach ers' Institute, August l'i-ll. bearing a star for each Webster County teacher who has entered the service Complete information can be ob Inined only by n volunteer response from everyone who knows tho where abouts of any of tho boys. This means YOl'. Please send to the County Sap. iiiitendent, Gertrude L. Coon, Hed i load. The name, address and braii'-h of si i vice of any teacher whom you :,u.)w is in the service. Gi;ktuihk L. Coos. Gave Two Addresses l'u W. E Andrews of Hastings aiiii well known in this eity, visited Hel Cloud Sunday and gave two very tine addresses in tin Christian church "l.o.l ai Individual Life aud the hi tlue'ieeof the Church in National Life" Wore tlie great themes discussed Mr. Andrews Is an ordained minister as well as a statesman and politician. Mr Andrews belongs to Hint school of priliueians that believe character Is fundamental and only ns the public men of our nation re II eel christian thought in the varied social and po litical relations will they lead this nation to tho laud ot promised free dom. Mr. Andrews' visit to tho city was greatly appreciated and gave him it little opportunity to renew old nc (piuintaiiccs. Flecks from the Fourth Homing the Harvest Held Hundreds Business at the merry. go-round was just whirling. At the Ferris wheel patonage wetit up and down. "Send the powder to Pershing" frustrated tho fancy for fireworks. Itetzmiin's 'bally" for the picture show, "just starting, runs all day,'' kept some patrons out. They desired t spend put of. tho day in seeing ii.her attractions. The postollico did a regular, mail unlet" business for an hour or two and ilion had to shut up shop. Ur. CooU Miys "After yon go once ijum! on the Ferris wheel voii don't mind it'at all. ' Large tiinhs of water were placed " i tho streets at dilFerent points in i io business district for tho use of the thirsty. "Have ono on mu" was an t asy proposition. The niorry-go-round wits loaded so heavy on tho start that its old gas con. suaier refused to pull the machine. A motor with more mule-ergs had to be requisitioned nud substituted. Webstcir street at Fourth avenue was tlje cantor of attraction. The Chautauqua decorations added brilliancy to tho color scheme. The day's program startod with Hos anil linlshod with Krcbus. TaUIug the place of tho usual noisy demonstration was a spirit of sociiibiL ily, ns in u "homecoming" assembly. Pleasures wore heaitfolt rather than hilarious. Thore was an entrancing display of ihu finest articles as ever scon in ladies hosiery at the Ferris Hmporiuni. Hush in the restaurants forced short o.dcrs Into torso yo'iibulury. In re- ponse to tho request for u plate of hot t ikes the waiter called for "A stack;' Two ovoi" brought fried eggs turned; Ham aud" produced u slice of poll: u. Hi them; ".Soft in the water" scut them out with tho sholls on; "One straw" resuUiid in n. dish of Ice cream islth strawberry syrup. And so on through the list. Two shows going a. I day gavo the pieturc'fans their IP). Fourth of July, 1018, was all there. Youcpuldn't hear it as of yore, but if you looked you could sco i. And with your eyes shut you could feel it; wwes- MsP tt jp' 3wfr si. ii ja. Jal 6w .a & MMV W II.J ,E Jl, tEr3 O i ny?rTcTVrTT.aMvirtrt'carrTnr'T'K'rivw You always get the very best at our store because QUALITY goods are the only kind we sell. The brands we carry in stock are recognized by the housewife as the VERY BEST of their kind. Everything Fresh and Pure Chase & Sanborns Coffees 4 Itens Crackers and Cookies Batavia Jams and Spices Sunflower Canned Goods AA9 AjkMadSL gagratfgaaa vjesews: S Lincoln T gfe aed Telegraph Co. GEO. J. WARREN. Manager The Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Co. is a Nebraska Institution, owned, operated and under direct controll of Nebraska People. We have nearly 2000 stockholders re siding in Nebraska. No other corporation has one dollar of voting stock in this Company. It is under the same control as it has been under since its organization in 1903 and will follow the same conservative policy that has always been in force. :&&&: RED CROSS MEMBERSHIP DRIVE JULY 16th IF NOT A MEMBER IF A MEMBER Tr n rnBJBanxxavTJiJv w wfMwnrg ?j n mzzmEZxmBcsKsmt IMbSHBTjJ elepliosie 3ZBSEX JI11JI 1. M, I Jl i ) l'1 I". w fl Jty MfeASJMJjt jjj wi-sawm ftittft