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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1918)
kfl I P I1" Iff- 1ft h .B2ZKSS K y t l'.(; IV I? !1 U: i- ? Iff ;v P if i. j,,, ,, an i mi imuHumBWiumtwmunimMmmmjmiMtMiJUMmmtm rBBmnB iwaoim ji man aw jp .fwr-tifitf.r .ft r iiFwiiwiwimTij.u ji see, irine RED CLOUD Wo believe that it pays fro g?,'2 ul customers oervice and satisfaction; that is vhy we want to soil you a rHE RED CLOUD CHIEF Hod Cloud, Nobrnakow t'UlilifsHBD fcVhKY TIIUityDAY internet In the; nt It Ml ( loud, N'eb us cccmil (.law Mutter1 QU1CLCY fa OHOVINE, lUi.teri imd PubUhtti Ik. O.N'l.Y 1'I.MoCKAllC I'AflUl Wkl.sIUt.(t.NTV IN CREAM SEPARATOR The NEW Dc Laval has mode a big hit with cow owners from Maine to Mexico. The reason is not far to seek. It is the gilt-cdgc service the NEW Dc Laval is giving service never before equalled. Every user of a NEW Dc Laval is an enthusiastic booster. Satisfied users from coast to coast arc telling their friends of this splendid new separator. The NEW Dc Laval has four big advantages over any other separator : It skims closer. It has greater capacity. It's the simplest cream separator ever made. r It is equipped with a Bell Speed-Indicator, which insures proper speed and thus prevents cream losses. We'll fell you a NEW De Ln1 on Mich caiy term that it will pur for iuclf out of Hi own savins. We want to tea you the next Umr you're In town. "Anierictmimn" is nptly doflnsd as "growth and the ritflit to grow." t gency moio clearly and refused to concur. The house action resulted in sustaining influences that caused the impending strike to be called off mid left unimpaiied a 8jvtfm of rapid communication itl to Vtar-timo de mand. If sonic of those penntors guessed they would smooth the ques tion over until their campaign for re election was under way, they have another guess coming. Let "A Victory Congress" bo -th" watchword in the coming campaign. .A l'ouith without a Firccrackor; :i Celebintion without a Casualty; an Assembly without an Accident, i."Red Cloud's record. Talking of the coining corn cni, you should go out in the fields somr early morning when the dew is due and listen to the corn's talk. ROY SATTLEY , I I I ILL ! I I -HIM I 111 II III ! ! II I I I II I I ' Undertaking n Licensed Embalmer in Kansas and Nebraska c fr.-VA Horse Hearse A it to Hearse It isienortcd that the Germans do not like the title "Hun." It was the Kaiser who gave it to them in a pre war speech which he delivered in 1000. And they have lived right up to the recorded reputation of the name ever since. CompletelLine of Up-to-date Furniture, Rugs, Etc. By unanimous agreement of di rectors the Western League baseball season was closed with the games of July 7th. Thus docs the spirit of pat riotism, by means of power highoi than man-made law, claim the allegi ance of its subjects and enforce its rights. ThoNgieat political question of th" hour: "Is he an American?" Demo crat and Republican are but sub titles. Pitch your political ,tcnt in the camp that suits you best, but h "ine your candidate is an American. If at heait a true American ho is in basic principle a true democrat irre spective of his divisionary title. "The blinded rulers of Tviwia havi .roused forces they knew little of ferees which, onco roused, can nvo' be crushed to earth again; for the have at then hoart an inspiration am1 purpose which are deathless and of the very stuff of triumph."-- President Wilson in an address at Mt. Vernor, July 4th, boforo un assembly at th home and tomb of. V.'aihington. Reunite of the sinking of the ex cursion steamer "Columbia" near I'ekin Inst Friday niirht estimate as high as two bundled lives lost. It re calls the "Eastland ", disaster of three years ago in which 1000 were drowned and the Iroqois theatre fiie where so many were' burned and trampled to death. Desolate homos and weeping mothers are assured that rigid inquiry will be conducted to fix tho blame; that prosecutions, will be instituted to punish, tho guilty. As a matter of colli, heartless fact a coat of white wash labelled "unavoidable accident" will be the outcome nnd the tragedy, insofar as tho general public is con cerned, will be relegated to forgctful ncss until another disaster occurs. There were 500 passengers reported on board the "Columbia." There are a million Americans at the war fronts doing aiduous, hazardous and heroic work for the world. The same day's papers under heading "High Casualty List," report 117 dead, wounded or missing. If the latter is "high" what may the former bo termed? Yet there are many people who actually sec red over the "terrible risks of war." Political Announcements Many people who saw "The Kaiser' at the Orphcum say that they did not like it, unwittingly perhaps, thercbj paying the highest possible compli ment. From tltosc who could like It "Good Lord deliver us.". It-was not built for liking purposes. As a vivid portrayal of the master of Prussian militaryism of tho 20th century Hun, his characteristics, his methods, and his inevitable, vanquishment it was tremendous. vs3sssissaiW7Sswss3SEiszsmss?STtTf rs?? Electric HHF0 Some one drifts in with a complaint about the high prices of. matches. Lord bless you, my dear sir, the writer remembers when, in Civil war times, matches weie twenty-five cents a box not very much of a match, at that. Right now London is out note this out of matches and, as in days of early hibtory, forced to keep flies or lights burning for ignition puipo-scs. We have no kick coming cm tho match question. A Ice of j.00 u III lie clmruccl lor all parties 'lUnouiK'liii; tlnlr ciutilldnry lor olllco In this luiuiiin, u'hctlicr republican or democrat, .mil will tie rim until the i'limary l'.lcctlon in Aumitil. For County Treasurer. I hcicby announce myself its a mcUilutu .for the otllce of County rietiMircr of Webster Comity bubjeci llie wishes of lK'tnotiatiO volets at 'he August piinmrlis. Ai.iir.M V I)rcKi:i: For County Treasurer. 1 bete-by announce n.y-clf ns andidute for tlio oftW of County treasurer of Webster County, Mttjet o me nppioviu oi mi: jvpiiiiiii-Hu cit'is nt the piimuiy clei'iion in tig ust. Fkaxk TAItn. Candidate for County Judge I hereby announce myself as a cuudi lute for tho ofilco of County Judge, m the. primary election to bo held Aug. iuth.lOltf, subject to the will of the electors of Wobhter County. A I). Uannkv. For County Treasurer 1 hereby announce myself ns a cun liilnto for the oillee of County Treas urer of Webster County subject i the wishes of tho Democratic voters nt the August primaries. O. A. Arnold. IF you h want your nome Store or garage wired let me furnish you an estimate on the job, complete. Everything : Electrical Our prices are right, workmanship the best and material guaranteed. We order any special fixtures you want and install them satisfactorily. Let us figure on your next job The weight of "Uncle SnmV hand i-. beginning to bo really felt on the war fronts. Suggestions of off. naive instead of sttictly defensive opera tions begin to come actoss. America has madw this possible. With Itussia hanging as a deadweight on her neck; with Austria going to pieces at her back; with tho Allies striking hard on tho western fiont, it is not sur prising that Germany's chancellor squeals and suggests the cud of the war may be near. Hrutal fighters are loud squealers when cornered. For County Clerk I hereby announce myself a a cundi -late for the orllco of County Clerk of Webster County subject to tho wishes of the Democrat!.: voters at the Au gust primal ica I). V. Pi:i:m For County Assessor I hereby announce myself as a can lldate for the olllco of County Assessor f Webster county subject to the up provul of the Ki'publluiiti voters at the piim.iry election to be held in Angtiit. (). A IlKitituii. For Sheriff l hereby "nnnimncn myself as a eun lidnto for te-election to the otllee of Slieiifl' of Webster County, subject to the appiovul of I he Demociaiic voter at the August primaries. I'RANK HriTEIi. jQmjl BlTflBtflNH VflKXIli Ufl tYv CnKS4l vsflL V9 JftJMP Not so long ago tho Central Power smashed heavily into Italy, creating dire foibotling among allied nations. The plucky Italiuns have come back, are routing their foes, and aiding strongly in the struggle for world liberty. It is high timcx to drop the title "Dago," which has long been ap plied to theso bravo people in much tho same sense as "nigger" was for merly ti!-ed in our country. The plnoo those peoples have taken, and aro holding, in the world-war entitles them to honor, lloth of the slang titles bhould be relegated to oblivion. For County Treasurer I liorfby nnnoutice myself as n can didato for the oillee of County Treas urer of Webster County hubjoct to the wishes of the Domociatic volei.s at the August primartcH. C. It. Kakks'ikaw, llliulen For County Superintendent I hereby announce that I am a can didate for nomination as County Su perintendent on tho non-partisan tick et nt tho primary election August 20. I will appreciate your support 13STELLE DUCKER E.W. The Live Wire -The Chief For County Superintendent I hereby announce myself ab u can didate for tho olllco of County Super intendent at the piiiniiry olecttnu to be held AuiMist 'Joth, 11)18, siit-ject to the will of the, voters nt wobbfr cottnti. Ji ssii. Ki 1.1.000. Last week tho Senate voted 20 to 27 In favor of a lecesn. That was action of the fame stripe a tied the president's hands when tho question of arming merchant "ships for defense against suhmarino attack was up, Has tho Senate so soon forgotten the dras tic (hupping received ftom an indig nant public? In tho present case there was a strlko ordeied among telegraph operators and a bill was up empowering tho president to order government control ofj tho wires. Forr tunatcly the House saw the omcj For State Representative 46th District Hmreby announce myself as a candi date for reelection to tho olllce of Stato llppmcntntlye, lVh District, Nebraska, subject to tho wishes of the Republican voters at tho August pri maries. M l KICK Alt D Saflfe IsF 119 St t Wh A VO itAjT titfj AT THE 1 H& U & j U mJ For Information, Programs, Tickets, Etc., see H. Foe, Local Manager. JUNIORS-Get Free War Bonnets from the Local Manager, NOW. S. 1 st Day Varallo-Gross Orchestra The Bfg Hare, Cello, Violin Combination. Six years gether. Wonderful Ensemble and Solos. J. Walter Wilson Reader, Characterlst, Novelty Musician. Strickland Gillilan America's Favorite Humorist. War Facts Camoliaged Laughter to rn Over Seas Military Quartet Four Returned Soldiers Messines, Vimy, Lens Trench Songs Story of Their Fights Private Harry C. Bull of N. Y. Wounded J J Times at Lens, Will Tell the Quartet's Battle Front Experiences. WAR PICTURES - Official - First Showing- Latest- Best rd J Day M 1 TrDay Oorthy Halstcad-Htr "Suifraget" Satire is a Hit Costumed SoniJs Stories Monalogurs Lorenzo Zwloho 'Swiss Canadian Philosopher-Artist Mario VanGastcl Native Belgian Red Cross Nurse. Witness of Hun Atrocities and Frightlulnef Before Antwerp. Most Thrilling' War Story. Ols Titsobstdl Consort Co. Greatest Norwegian Violinist -Wonderful Pianist-Grea Soprano S'J5,O0O Violin. HON. LESLIE R7. SHA W Ex-Secretary U- S. Treasury - Keen Observer Keener Thinker-Great Speaker -Lincoinllkc Stories 5 til Day AMERICAN LAD IHS QUARTET Patriotic Program in Costume. ERNEST J. POWELL A Government Message DR. R. O. MATTHEWS Orator -Official Red Cross Observer. JUST BACK FROM FRANCE. 6 th Day The Oxford Company GREAT COVIIC OPERA, "THE DOLL" WITH SCENERY AND IN COSTUME. DR. HENRY C. RISNER "The Greatest Work on Earth" Great Speaker Great Subject Great Day. 7 th Day CHAS. B. BOOTH Charming Personality Dead in Earnest About "Life Stories from Prison-Shadowed Homes S. U. I. MILITARY BAND 21 Specialists Sifted from 400 Wcod Wind Sextet-Sliding Trio Vocal Soloist Singing Band Mostly Uni. Reserve Officers' Training Corps Men . 2 Big Unusual Programs Chautauqua Junior Town Meeting! Senior Programs-Buttons Page ant, "Liberty's Torch" Wienie Roast Games-Story Hour Drills Contests Good Times Supervised. Inclusive SEASON TICKETS: Adults $2, Children SI. if bought before opening day. Admits t all sessions. i Auto Hearse - Horse Hearse ED. AMACK UNDERTAKING Wl i (LADY ASSISTANT) Phone, Ind. Store 1 58, Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB. W1 WSmSByB330BXSSSSasr2&msXSiiXSS2K We solicit a share of your patronage during ipi8 For Sheriff 1 hereby luuioimeo myself as a can didate for the oflloe of Sheriir of Web stor County subject to tho wishes of tho Domocrntlo voters nt the AukuM. prltnarlen. GRANT CHHISTV. PLATT&PRBES ;' .3 '3 V ., -.-.-. !s-l N X 1 II "W! ISt- "V. ; rivwn"-;wiwa 'JSimiz2ZXzW?3Sz?HWi7"'''',''" "