The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 11, 1918, Image 1

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    2r g-gJBgt5
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fl ' f iiiwi iim w Tim i rl Iw i i ,, i m n r" r "W aM.!!
w S-"i5irI, " ir $ ;-J 4( S 1 " P--i I I'll f-L4lf,- fft . v' " "": f
4 Ncwsiiaiicr That (lives The New Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For S1.50.
M30 CLOUD, NKULIAKA, ,11'LY 11, 1 IMS.
1 UM15ER Utf
i Was a Model Fourth of July, To Camp Dodge July 22nd' &'iiBB3saxmx!BwB!Bsatuiwia3iBMi
. ' i P.
IFinamcial Reserve
There is hardly a day passes but moft
of us are called upon to draw upon our
reserve, either physical or financial.
Have you some in store?
This bank is a good place to start a
financial reserve, and it cannot help but
be of service to you.
: DEPOSITS in this bank are PROTECTED by the
',' Depositors Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska
I Websler County Bank
For years the older and v ier hc"ads , , '1
have boon calling for n "safe and so
sane" Fourth.
I Not until latt
Capital and Surplus $35,000
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
For a good well made
House Press
Mouse Presses and Aprons.. v OT lj
JAW? MM!K Hts. NVn. x 1 1
Thursday has the No
ideal come anywhere near realization. 0'
Red Cloud mot the requhement 1)9. '
per cent perfect the one point off be- o-'
ing a solitary case of slight over-cx-liilciation.
The hon's tcinpemturc,
was too high or something likoH
Our city, celebrating under the
auspices ol the Home iitiMo, did it
self pioud. There have been larger
crowds here, there have been many
celebrations with gi eater noise and
excitement, but never one that was
moie c"arnot, or cuuully patriotic.
A new glory attached to this Fourth
because of Amoiica'rf active pait in.
the pioscnl stiuggle for world-freo-dom.
It goes on lccoid as the fujl Fourth
to be celebrated in all allied counllic.
Fiom early morn until the big
hours of tho night had molted into
tiny ones; from the fhtituin of tha
giant Ferris wheel until the hibt turn
of the midnight dancers, the new pptr
it of patriotism was in evidence. i iio city council met l riday even
The colors were cveiy where, flags, Jang, the legular meeting not having
banners, bunting, even the showers of been hold July 2 on account of the tcl-
loial registration board ha,
wl twenty-three men to go to
V Podge, Iowa, leaving here on
IT Monday, July 22, going via 0':
. Tho following is the libt:
1 Millard Fentress, Red Cloud
J i iionvv A. Socman, nine mil
2'7 C. M. Sherwood, Hod Cloud
I'M Ceo. Milcsch, Red Cloud
.'!' Fied Lnmmnan, Ro-semont
ni Uov Rutledge, Inavalu
.'lit Lloyd Riireins, Bladen
34i! AlReit L. Heinrichs, Campbell
tt-V) Many H. Uaikor, Inavalo
'" Tied C. Uangeit, Guide Rock
li't Joe Rose Uluc Hill
4M drover Cary, Red Cloud
f)i' llowaul M. Cottier, Uladcn
r- J 1 vie Jones, Rladen
r - IMunrd J. Hansen, Paulino
0T Finest Streit, Rladon
7i ' John P. Seng, Roaontont
V C.'Stutnnonhor-t. Hluo Hill
M'J lit'inard L. llenderson, Ronemont
.'' licit Ross Fickel, Cowlos
8 7." Joseph Nollelte, Guide Rock
" " '.ny 1j. Dickson, RiMuloir
f'" Fiank A. King, Inavalo
'k :. Huppeit, RIup Hill
i. Seheidmg, Cov.les
City Council Regular Session
confetto, made an ensemble of red,
white and blue.
Of street music theie was a regret
able deal lit. The home bund., because
of war and labor conditions, is badly
disoiganizcd, and the Guide Rock boys
I sent late notice that the haivost
ephone hearing.
The Mayor icappointed Roy Sattloy,
I'. M. Whitehead and Mrs. Mary Mc
Call on the libiary boaid for a term
of thice yeais, fiom July 1, 1918. This
appointment was confirmed by "the
There is a Difference in
Just na there is between u piece of pum gold mid thnl
containing alloy. The lenses used by tne utu the lineal
Unit can bo had. These, coino in the rough and tire
gtuuiid until they exactly meet tlieu'ipiliviucuts nf your
piutieular eye I rouble. One cannot b too eaieful about
the eyes The matter of a dolliu or o sliould not enter
into the e.ilenlutlon. This stoie refuses to iibk lor your
p.itiontiKo by pileo alone the cure is .tho tiling dcslied
ity tne or well us youiself. liven bo, you will Hud the
eliiirtfo iiniihiiiilly low, tulclug into eousidir.Uloii the
re lc to the Interest of) our
eyes to lu ve them examined here
Jeweler and Optometrist
VSC. D. & Q. Watch Inspector
fields demanded their attention. WnST An estimate oftepenre for the year
11)15 was approved "and after third j
leading pn-ed.
The matter regarding tho lease held
by Wobi4i i County Hank on tho city's
building, after a lepoit by the Com
mittee" in cliai go of the matter, was
b True Worth Dress
For sate by
iafhara Phages
;: Ex-CSiancellor Oscliger of .Cotner
:; Will Speak
is left of tho home band did its bebt;
the "Merry-go-round chipped in at
tho four corners, and blind Connois,
of McCook, fiddled and sang Inavelj.
"Dining the middle of tho day tli
V-irtis otiitiiiw n r.n,ic?flnlfllf lnfllrif'i
desnito wihch a larire neicentage of i ia, ovo.1'
the crowd continued to make the
rounds. Some in the Ferris wheel,
some on the merry-go-horscs, and
some just plain round the block and
back again.
The various booths did a continuous
business day and night. Powell &
Pope led in the inside trade, with Ego,
Neuerberg, and Ludlow close seconds.
A Rood hearty "square" in addition
to the light refreshments, gave odds
to the first-named firm.
Good patronage was also extended
to tho church societies dispensing
substantial sustenance.
Judge Perry's oration was really
the only item that suffered on account
of the rain, and tho learned gentle
man, with tho wisdom of his profes
sion, doubtlesiS consoled himself with
thoughts of how many extra bushels
of corn would accrue to his large con
stituency of friends, therefrom. People
would move around in the rain soit
of dodge the little drops but y -u
couldn't get them to sit still in oro
place and take it as it came.
The Homo Guaids drill was tl
feature of tho program; most pnl
lont and interesting. Inavalo. Rii
ton, nnd Guide Roc entered the com
petitive drillH, Red Cloud, as a mat' r.Chas. Etheiton
C'of courtesv to their Kiiosts. not t. - Hartfoid Ins. Co.
J ticipating. Tho two first nnmed h
l coived 1st nnd 2nd awauls in the '
tier named. High ciedit was ea-i
duo all of them.
j Honors wont to tho homo team
,tho Eshon-Rcri Cloud basobalL
tofet, tho score standing 11 to 0.
An evening dance on tho pnven. '
proved a great success. That t1 .
kept it up until a wee little, hou'
evidence sufficient of its attract
In this event tho sniiit of nali "
Permission fiom tho government
for General Electric Co. to get out tho
city's switchboard in thirty or forty
days was read'and filed.
Steam boiler insurance policy was
presented and ordered filed.
City Marshal Boner was made
Street Overseer in connection with
his duty as marshal, he to act in con
junction with street and alloy com
A number of questionable claims
were presented nnd Clerk was in
structed to secure duplicate bills.
The following claims were allowed:
J. A. Biadfoid ?. 125.00
W. A. Patten 100.00
A. Claik 90.00
B. B. Buidcn 34.00
Lee McAithur 34.G5
S. R. Floienco, Treas 1183.10
O. C. Tool, Clcik 40.G0
Mayer Coal Co 430.33
C. F. McKcighan 127.52
P. II. Boner G5.80
C. F.Evans ..'. 70.00
Ed McCunc 3.00
Frank Seibcrt 24.G5
Howard S. Foe 120.00
Frank Clauson 7-4.40
4 - Wflm
il 1 ri I
6. Jfki-'j
"i-?V X 0 &
X?-fft ?
.liX&J'KFX.x-T,-1 aaa-fc
a most SArufAcroKf ib?5
n ums
S. II. Bogart
B. A. Sutton 12.50
Natl. Sunnlv Co 158.00
) Korsmoyer Co
Mid West Electric Co
j M. McConkoy
C. R. Lewis
We cater to the class of shoppers that is accustom
ed to securing satisfaction and who know
when they secure it.
That is why our customers are so ready to rec
commend us as a place to trade.
i J
1 1 :00 A. M. Men and Millions Movement. -
8:30 P. M. Illustrated Lecture on Mormonism.
Threat. Hear Shese Great Messages.
France is Pleased
Franco H Hue iir with the wnplt of
tho Ainorluan Ilud Ciom4, writes Mrs'
Holmont Till'nny of Niw York, to Red
Cross oillolals in Aniericn. '"1 only
wish Amnion could roiilizu tho f .stent
of work as woll us Franco does," she
lidded. Mrs. TUV.iny has been ciijaucl
tism, before mentioned, broke loo- In i est station-, tor Amorl.
,;., , ... '..., can tioon.-Satruilwny btntlonsin l rancu
;. nn mcKoa over ino traces wncn torn. when you join the Red Cros you
i. one discovered that corn meal had. not only heln niiiintiiln Red Cross lios-
; been lightly sprinlcled over mo ptuus wnero me wouiuieu itro enreu
.'.'slippery pavement to afmtd a good, Jor but holp equip tho -w CrotH cuij.
, -- j. ,, ,, '. , , ,,, , ... i teona Tho soldier boys come bnck
' j foothold for dancing. Phis ''"ffifrom tho tronohes worn out, homoslclc
Open Day and Night
Chief Ads Pay You
would not down until it was explain''! nfter
"there was no sand available and
corn meal waa from a si1
that by weather
hard dui'n work. Tim Bed
them u bit of liniun in Its
spoiled and was condomnod
fit for chicken feed.
il t!ir, Cross L'lve them u bit
,tli C(,, it'eiuitceu liosiiltul iiiniiK', filondly us
mUll M 'M .11., .....l ,..,f...,lil n.,l.,.lln.
accident had ben mmi. ,tl iin,i.. nml mlmi. TliucuntuPin.
-not even
Powell & Pope
hie Heil Cro-H hospltiilb for tho spirit,
tilwiijs ojien, always cheering.
Show the "Chief" to Your Neighbor
bl. '
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