The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 04, 1918, Image 2

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America Officially Announces That All
Branches of Race Shnl.l Escape
Teuton Control
Washington. Tlmt all branches of
tho Slav raco Bhoulil bo completely
freed of the German ami Austrian rulo
Is (ho declaration of the United States
government, nindo through Secretary
Lansing. Lansing's Btatoment says:
"Since tho Jamie by this government
May 29 of tho Btatoment regarding tho
nationalistic aspirations for freedom
of the Czccho-Slovncs and Jugoslavs,
German and Austrian olllclals and sym
pathizers linvo sought to mlslntcrprot
and distort Its manifest Interpretation.
In order that there may be no misun
derstanding concerning tho meaning of
tho statcmont, tho secrotnry of stnto
further announces tho position of tho
United Statos to bu that all branches
of tho Slav race should bo completely
freed of German and Austrian rule."
Von Kuelhmnnn Angers Kaiser
Washington. According to an Am
tordam dispatch to tho Central Nows
tho German emperor has sent tho lm
perlal Chancellor Count von Hcrtllng
"a furious telegram" concerning von
Kuehlmann's speech. At Washington
tho Serbian nilnlstor has declared that
tho address betrays for tho flrs.t tlmo
tho fact that Germany no longer bo
llovcs In victory by force of arms nnd
consequently tries to obtain It 'by
, other means. For this reason the na
tions fighting tho central powers
should havo greater faith than ov'ei
In their final victory by forco.
Austria Further Subjugated
Washington. Comploto control of
tho Austrian armies is demanded by
Germany as a result of tho Austrian
defeat along tho Plnvo. Tho attitude
of tho German press nnd tho German
pooplo toward Austria as n result of
hor failure to overwholm tho Italians
Is declared to bo blttor. Tho Germans
Intimated that tho Austrians wcro ma
terially aided by their allies in ad
vanco of tho proposed Austrian of
fensive with reserves, guns and sup
plies. Preserving Peace In Panama
Washington. Secretary Hakcr has
Instructed Major General Ulatchford,
commanding tho dopartmont of Pana
ma, to tuko over tho policing of tho
cities of Pnnama and Colon for tho
purposo of maintaining public ordor.
Tho action resulted from information
received at tho state dopartmont from
tho government of Panama that gravo
disorders wero expected becauso of
tho postponement of the national elec
tions sot for Juno 30.
Two Thousand Condemned
London. Tho British government
has received reports from unotnclal
eources that Hungarian soldiers had
mutinied in Pecs and Gyor, intorior
cltlos, und that 2,000 of tho mutlneora
had been condemned to death. Tho
government attaches great importanco
to thoBo roports, as coming from re
liable sources. It waB furthor reported
that citizens havo staged violent dem
onstrations in Tarious Hungarian
Mechanical Arson Device
Pittsburgh. A high power airgun
and mechanical arson device designed
to dostroy buildings without leaving a
trace, wore found in tho offects of Fer
nando Roberto Edurado Ludlolcke,
Gorman alien enemy, nrrcstod on
charges of falling to register. Lud
lelcko, who apeaks five languages, told
officials he waB born in Germany nnd
formerly wbb a German army officer.
Non-Partisan League Wins
Bismarck. Primary election returns
Indicate that tho national non-partisan
league ngain has captured tho stato
administration. Returns from flty out
of flfty-thrco countieB showed Gov
ernor Lynn Frazlcr, leaguer, leading
by 12,000 votos. Leaguo ofllclals claim
tho nomination or throe Republican
candidates for congress, Including Rep
resentative John Bacr.
Money Left To Charity
Chicago. Tho lato Goorgo 11. Harris,
formerly president of tho C. B. & Q.
railroad, loft his estato of nearly two
millions mostly to Chicago chnrltlos.
Relatives aro loft trust fundB which
revert to charity on their death. A
Blstor, Mrs. Colia Harwood, nnd a
brothor, Chnrlos L. Harris, both of Lin
coln, Nobr., woro left $70,000 in trust
New York. Elwood Banfleld of this
city and Mrs. Helon L.' Smith of Whlto
Plains woro arrested bore on tho
charge of buying postage and war-saving
stamps from ofllco boys which thoy
knew wero stolen.
Amundsen Away to North
Christiana. Roald Amundsen's ship
Maude, In which tho famous oxploror
will attempt to reach tho north polo,
has loft for tho north. Captain Amund
sen himself will board tho vossol when
one reaches Tromsoo.
Indiana Dry Law Is Upheld ,
Indianapolis. Tho Indiana's stato
Wide prohibition law is uphold by tho
etato supremo court. Tho doclslon was
four to ono, Judge John W. Spencer of
Evansvillo, casting the only dissenting
America's Aircraft Program Falls to
Come Up to Expectations
Washington. Continued falluro in
aircraft production, despite former ex
posures, reorganizations nnd promlsos
of greater olllcloncy, Is rovcalcd by tho
report of tho subcommittee on alrcrnft
production of tho Honnto military nffalra
committee which has vlsltod all tho
importnnt nlrcraft plants of tho coun
try and Is now concluding Its inquiry
with tho examination of witnesses.
Aircraft production remains tho weak
est point In tho nation's war activities.
No production adequate to tho needs
of tho rapidly growing army or com
mensurate with the plans of air con
trol which tho allies have formed Is
being contributed by this nation. Only
at Dayton, Ohio, where tho Do Havl
land typo of mnchlno equipped with
tho liberty motor Is being mado, Is
production proceeding with either cer
tainty or rapidity.
Thoro Is still confusion among the
authorities respecting tho typo of ma
chine to he manufactured, still endless
experimentation nnd constant changes
of plans, with tho result, It Is declared
that no heavy bombing plancv, tho
planes needed to aid in any ndvunco
by tho allies, will bo produced in this
country for several mouths and pos
sibly not for a yoar.
Tho committee has learned nlso that
much of tho same dllllcultlcs havo
boon mot with In connection with tho
production in this country of tho Cap
roni bombing plane, tho design for
which was furnished by tho Italians
and to aid in the production of which
D'Annunzio, tho Inventor, came to this
July Call Totals 243,436
Washington. As a furthor step in
carrying out the war department's
plan to have three million men under
arms August first, Provost Marshal
General Crowder has called on tho
governors of nil the stntes except
Arizona and Illinois for the mobiliza
tion between July 22 and 25 of 220,000
whlto draft registrants for general
military service This call Is expected
to exhaust tho number of men in class
1, and when added to school requi
sitions of 23,436 men, brings tho total
calls bo far announced for July to
243.-136. To complete Its program tho
department will havo to depend on tho
400,000 clnss 1 registrants expected
from the Juno 5 enrollment and tho
250,000 or 300,000 to bo obtained thru
tho reclassification now in progress.
For Conquest of Palestine
Pittsburg. That tho proscnt Jewish
legion of 8,000 men now fighting with
tho British for tho complete conquest
of 1'alestlno, is but tho nucleus of- a
forco ten tlmoa as great which will
form tho national standing nrmy of
tho coming Jewish republic, was ono
of tho most Important points devolopcd
during a session of tho Zionist conven
tion hero. Every Jew, who baa en
listed In tho logion from tho United
States, has pledged to remain in Palos
tino for tho remainder of his llfo, ac
cording to Dr. A. A. Newman of Phila
delphia, who discussed plana for the
formation of an army.
Texas on the Water Wagon
Austin. TexaB is a "bono dry" stato.
Approximately 7C0 saloonB closod un
der a stato-wldo prohibition act.
Eighteen hundred saloons had prev
iously been closed by legislative act
To-establishing a ten-mllo "dry" zone
around military camps and ship-building
plants. Under tho ton-mllo law,
which became effective AprI 15, tho
salo of intoxicants ceased in tho prin
cipal cities. Saloons Just closed wcrq
located in tho less populous districts.
Poole Heads Rotary Club
Kansas City. John Poole of Wash
ington, "dark horso" candidate, was
eloctcd president of tho International
association of Rotary clubs on tho sec
ond ballot. Ho received 273 votes, but
his election lator wns mado unani
mous. Other ofllcers elected aro: Al
bert F. Adams, Atlanta, first vice presi
dent; Edward R. Kclsey, Tolodo, sec
ond vico president; Willard I. Lansing,
Providence, third vico president; Ru
fU8 F. Chnpln, Chicago, treasurer.
$1,500,000,000 From Income Tax
Washington. Moro than fl.500.000,
000 tax certificates of Indebtedness,
Issued during tho last six months, bo
camo duo for payment Juno 25. but
nearly two-thirds of tho amount al
roady has been turned In to rovenuo
collectors In payment of taxes. Taxes
not paid on that date will bo subject
to Imposition of tho penalty of 5 per
cont and 1 por cont a month additional.
Copenhagen Russian Red guards
havo broken Into tho rosldonco of
Nicholas Romanoff, tho former em
poror, at Ekaterinburg and murdered
him, according to tho Russian nows
papor Vija, says a Stockholm dispatch
to tho Natlonla Tldonde.
Paris Tho much bombarded city of
Nancy will eclebrato tho Fourth of
July. Tho city hall and public build
ings will bo decorated with tho Amer
ican colors and appropriate exercises
will bo hold.
Was Asleep at tho Throttle
Hammond. Alonzo Sargont, on
glncor of tho Michigan Contral train
which collided with tho roar end of a
Hagonbock-Wallaco fclrcus train near
Gary, wns ordored held incommunicado
tonight by Acting Coronor II. C. Greon.
Gustavo Klauss, ilroman.on tho equip,
mont train, also was ordorod hold.
No reason was given for tho order.
Lewis Johnson, conductor of tho equip
ment train, told tho Btory that Sargent
admitted to him aftqr tho wreck that
ho had been "dozing" Just boforo tho
crash occurred.
News oi Nebraska Told In
Condensed Form
Somo furnicrs In tho vicinity of
Llsco estimate their wheat fields will
yield closu to -15 bushels to tho acre.
Three sorghum mills nre to bo estab
lished In Seward .county. It Is ex
pected that sorghum will be extensive
ly used us n substitute for sugar.
Niurly 500,000 pounds of wool lmvo
boen shipped from Nobrnsku during
the past three weeks, us the result of
tho government's call for tho product.
Fanners of Sheridan county have
planned n corporation for tho pur
pose of building u potato- starch fac
tory lit liordon. Its capital stock la
to bo SsiU.OOO.
Nemaha county tabulations of the
assessor's reports show tin lucreuSu of
nearly $'AUUO,(XA) In thu value of tho
personal property of the county
ubovu 1017.
Many country school districts In
Colfax county aro raising tho salaries
of rural teachers from $15 to $80 a
mouth, and good teachers ure suld to
bu scarce at $80.
The tinge county defense- council at
n meeting at Beatrice passed resolu
tions against the use of the German
language In any town In Gagu county
on the .streets, or ut any meeting.
According to unofficial ndUces from
Washington, Nebraska will be culled
upon to furnish -1,000 men In the July
draft call. In June 4,000 selects from
this state were Inducted luto military
County .Agricultural Agent L. C.
Christie of Fremont has established
labor agencies In every town and com
iniinlty center In Dodge county in au
effort to solve the labor problems that
confront the farmer.
Prof. U. V. Pugsley, for the pnst
seven years director of the extension
Bcrvlco of tho University Agricultural
College at Lincoln, has taken over tho
editorship of tho Nebraska Farmer,
published In tho Capital City.
Preaching in foreign languages has
been forbidden In Madison county by
tho council of defense. Religious lib
erty will be mnlntulned by giving prl
vato Instructions to thoso who do not
understand tho English language.
According to tabulation compiled by
n good ronds publication of New York,
closo to $5100,000,000 will bo expended
on the mrnl roads of tho United
Stntes during 1018. Of this amount,
$-1,500,000 will -bo spent In Nebraska.
Regents of tho Stato university de
manded tho resignations of Profes
sors C. E. Perslnger, G. W. Luckey
nnd Ervln Hopt, following chnrges by
the stato council of defenso tlmt their
nttltudo toward tho wnr was decidedly
Improper. Prof. F. M. Fling and Mrs.
MInuto T. England wcro branded as
trouble-mnkcrs and asked to make an
adequnto explanation or their connec
tion with tho university would termi
nate. Six other Instructors accused
of un-Amcrlcanlsm wero exonerated.
A movement Is under way In Ne
braska to havo tho stato constitution
amended so tlmt rovenuo from motor
vehicle licenses and tnxes will bo put
into a fund for tho maintenance of
public highways. As matters now
stand the money received from tho
taxation of motor vehicles, cstlmnted
at $2,000,000 annually, goes to the
stato and county funds. The proposi
tion Is that tho money of each coun
ty bo used for tho roads in that
county. Automobllo clubs nnd own
ers nnd mnny of tho commercial clubs
nnd like organizations over tho stato
aro pushing tho proposition.
Continued uso of tho Germnn lun
gungo In church nnd Sunday school
services is nn nffront to tho patriotic
sentiment of tho fitnte nnd will un
doubtedly lend to tho ennctment of a
law prohibiting It, Attorney General
Reed advised Rev. J. J. Meyer of
North Loup, who had Inquired of the
nttomey whether tho stnto council of
defense hndnuthorIty to prohibit tho
uso of tho German langungo In tho
Sundny school nnd In church. Mr.
Reed plainly Indicates tlmt thrn Is no
lnw-on tho stntuto books which would
prohibit the uso of the Germnn lan
guage In the churches. He said thnt
by continuing tho uo of aermnn In
religious services nnd Sunday school
tho churches employing It nro helping
to discredit their own professions of
According to O. W. Wntson, head of
tho Junior department of tho Univer
sity agricultural college, moro thnn
0,000 boys and girls nro raising chick
ens nnd moro than 1,500 boys and
girls nro raising pigs In Nebraska. They
will produce, ho estimates, T.'O.OOO
pounds of pork nnd tho snmo amount
of chickens this yenr.
Deputy Stato Superintendent Wood
nrd Is urging school boards In Ne
braska to scan text "books during tho
summer nnd purge thoso of pro-Ger-ninn
Thirty thousnnd school children of
Omnhn will stnrt n campaign as soon
as school begins In tho fall to gather
bottles, proceeds from which will bo
given tq tho Red Cross. Citizens of
tho metropolis aro asked to snvo nil
old bottles for the youngsters. Ono
city In tho enst rnlscd $25,000 by this
Cnlls nro being mado throughout
Nebraska for hnrvesL hnnds. Any
mnn or boy who 1ms hnd farm expo
rlenco will bo rendering his country
vnluablo servlco by holplng In tho
Stnnton county wns llrst In tho
stnto to go "over tho top" on Its Wur
Snvlngs Stnmp drive.
Business men of Wymoro are ns
slstlng farmers In tho community im
linrvesting their wheat crop.
Colfax county will votu upon tlio
proposition of erecting a new court
Iihuso at the election this fall.
A largo percentage of Lincoln's
business nnd professional men huvo
volunteered to go on tho farm during
the harvest season.
Moro hind Is being broken up this
season" in Klmhall -county lor 1013
fall wheat than in the past four or
live years put together.
Twenty cattle wero killed by light
ning ut the Vj. A. Cunuu ranch, near
Mitchell, when u severe electrlcul
Sturm passed -over tho district.
At u meeting of tliresheriueii nod
fanners at Fremont a price of seven
cents for threshing wheat and four
cents for outs und barley were agreed
"Take the sugar bowl oft tho ta
ble," is tho order that-is being deliv
ered to the hotel und restaurant men
of Lincoln by the county food admin
istrator. A load of extra heavy pulp fed cat
tle from tho Great Western Sugar
company ut ScotsblufT, sold for $18
per 100 pounds on the South Omaha
Wonccl Mlklns, 10, und Miss Adella
Clinic, 17, of Dodge, were drowned In
Worth-man hike, near Wlsncr, when
a boat In which they were rowing,
Tho congregation of St. Paul's
Evangelical Lutheran church, near
Stella, bought $1! 1,500 worth of lib
erty bonds nnd $7,000 worth of War
Savings Stamps.
Fishermen havo caught some un
usually lnrge cntflsh In the Platte
near Fremont lntcly. Two fifty
pounders were enptured last week by
Leshara sportsmen.
Kearney Is laying nn additional -10
odd blocks of street pnvlng this yenr,
grading being completed on about half
of the districts nnd asphalt already
being laid on seven blocks.
Despite the dry, hot wenther of the
past few days, Nebrnskn will have a
splendid wheat crop this yenr, accord
lug to Prof W. W. Burr of the ugron
omy department of the University of
A number of Gngo county fnrmers
begnn cutting whent Inst week. -Wldle
tho grain hns been slightly dnmaged
by the heat It Is estimated that It will
yield from 15 to 25 bushels to the
According to a ruling given by Dep
uty Attoj-ney General Roe, men who
deslro to become candidates for po
lltlcnl honors at tho statewide pri
mary on August 20 must file on or
before July 20.
Threo thousnnd flvo hundred dol
lars willed to relatives In Germany,
was ordered by tho court nt Fulls
City to bo sent to tho nllen property
custodian nt Washington In tho flnnl
hearing of the estato of Mrs. Dorothy
In the counties of Nuckolls, Furnes,
Gosper, Frontier, Perkins, Keith, Mor
rill, Banner, Box Butte, Cherry, Grant
anif ScottsblufT, school land valuations
under snle appraisements have been
Increased $32,000 over tho old lense
Boyd county hns n womnn nsplrnnt
for the ofllco of sheriff. She Is Mrs.
Chrlstlnnson of Monowl, nnd hns filed
for tho republlcnn nomlnntlon. She
hns only ono hand, but It Is reported
8ho enn hnndlp n gun with fnlr ac
curacy dcsplto this hnndlcnp.
Whllo sleeping nt her homo nt
Plnttsmouth, Ilnzel O'Brien, 12, wns
shorn of her benutlfnl bend of linlr
In a very mysterious mnnner. The
preceding nfternoon tho girl was ap
proached by a stranger who appeared
to bo ah Egyptian, In the streets of
Weeping Water.
Attorney General- Reed has ruled
thnt no person of nllen enemy nation
nllty, who Is n non-resident of Ne
braska, Is eligible to receive a permit
from tho courts of this stnto entitling
him to tench, preneh, lecture, edit or
publlRli n newspnper, nnd no permit
mny be Issued under the stnte sedi
tion Jaws.
Tho Nonpnrtlsnn leaguo hns not
oven got n ehnnce for a look-In In
Boyd county, neeordlng to Representa
tive Christ Andersen, who visited
Governor Neville nt Lincoln recently.
"Tho people of Boyd county nro too
busy raising crops nnd helping wnr
activities to clvo It nny time or niton
tlon," ho snld.
As the, result of the unite shortage
of sugar people of Nebraska aro cull
ed upon by tho stato food administra
tion to limit their consumption to two
pounds per person jior month. Here
tofore tho allowance wns three
pounds monthly for ench person. Tho
sugar shortnge is caused by ship
sinkings and the poor crop In Cuba.
According to J. II. Kohler of Fre
mont, bugs can be kept from cucumber
vines by tho simple method of plant
ing nnsturlums In tho encumber
In n statement explaining Its nc
tlon In demanding tho resignation of
Professors Hopt, Perslnger nnd
Luckey, the bonrd of regents of tho
stato university said tho position and
public utterances of tho Inst two hnd
been Indiscreet, and said that Profes
sor Hopt held conscientious scruples
against wnr.
The Union Pacific hns taken off six
teen trains on its branch" lines In Ne
braska. Permission for discontin
uance of tho service was granted by
tho stnto railway commission and is
considered a war mova
(By REV. V. U. MTZWATISn, D. D.,
Teacher of English DIblo in tho Moody
Bible Institute, of Chlcngo.)
(Copyright, 1918, Western Newspapei
LESSON TEXT-Acta 10:13-31.
GOLDEN TEXT-Whosocvor will, lot
him tnlto tho water ot llfo freely. Hovola
tlon 22:17.
TEACHERS Acts 2:37-47; 8:20-10; Roman!
PRIMARY TOPIC-Lovlng and trusting
Jesus. John 1:3j-M.
MEMORY VERSE Wo lovo becauso h
first loved us. I John 4:19.
I. How Lydla Began the Christian
Life (vv. i:M5).
Lydla was the llrst convert to
Christ In Europe. Hers wns a typical
conversion. Note the steps therein:
1. Attendauce at the place of pray
er (v. 13).
Tho accustomed place here wns at
the river side. The accustomed placo
todny is in church. God cnn,nnd docs
savo men -and women , without any
seeming connection with places of es
tablished worship, but ho appears to
most people at such places. The very
fact that ho lias established and eus-
tnlns churches here and thcro Is an
urgent call to all men nnd women to
plnce themselves in thowny of salva
tion. While no one can save himself,
yet all can put themselves In the way
of salvation by ntteudlng church, rend
ing the Bible, etc.
2. Listening to the preaching of the
Word of God (vv. 13, 14).
Pnul took advantage of tho oppor
tunity which wns given him by the
assemblage of this group of devoted
women to preach Christ to them, lie
was alert for nnd prized highly the op
portunity to tell the people about
Christ. Ho knew nlso how perilous
It wns to neglect to witness for Chris!
it a tlmo when unsnved people arc
together. Tho opportunity Is God'i
call to preach Christ.
3. Her heart was opened by the
Lord (v. 14).
Tho Individual mny plncc himself
In tho wny of salvation by coming
near to the means of grace, and the
'preacher may preach the Word of God,
but there Is no hope of salvation until
the heart is opened by the Lord (John
8:44, 45). While the salvation of
every ono is dependent upon this sov
ereign act of the Lord, yet wo can bo
euro that he Is willing at all times to
do this for those who, like Lydla,
place themselves In tho way of his
saving grace. ""
4. She was baptized, (v. 15).
This ordinance follows belief In
Chlrst. Tho invariable rulo In tho
early church was for believers to bo
baptized. Whllo there Is no salvation
In tho wnter of baptism, yet hearty
obedience should be rendered in this
respect (Acts 2:38-41; 8:12; Mark 10:
16). Lydla brought-her household to
Christ. This Is as It should be. Sho
Bhowed signs of tho new life, In that
she expressed gratltudo toward thoso
who hnd been instrumental In her con
version (v. 15) by constraining them
to shnro the hospitality of her home.
II. How the Phlllpplan Jailer Be
gan the Christian Life (vv. 25-34).
1. The occnslon (vv. 25, 20).
The cnstlng out of tho spirit of di
vination from the damsel landed Paul
and Silas In prison. The pnin of bleed
ing backs, and of feet In stocks, kept
them from sleeping; but not "from
praying and singing. Tho Lord heard
their prayers and sent an' earthquako
w"hlch shook the Jail, opened tho doors
of the prison, nnd loosed tho bonds
from tho prisoners' hands.
2. The method (w. 27-34).
(1) Visitation of tho supernatural
(vv. 27-29). The Jailer was awakened
from his sleep by tho earthquake. This
enrthquako was unusual In that It
loosed the bonds from the prisoners'
hands. In his desperation the jailer
was about to commit suicide. This
waB averted by Paul's nssurnnce that
all were safe. Tho fact that tho doors
wero opened- and the prisoners free
and yet no ono escaped, showed him
thnt something unusual had occurred.
Therefore, ho camo trembling nnd
prostrated himself before Pnul nud
(2) Tho grent question (. 80). In
the presence of the supernatural ho
cried out, "What must 1 do to bo sav
ed?" One's snlvntlon Is not far oft
when he utters this cry with sincerity.
- (3) Tho vital answer (vv. 81, 32).
"Believe on tho Lord Jesus Christ,"
is tho only wny to bo saved.
(Acts 4:12). Though tho wny
of salvation Is restricted, it Is simple
and easy. No ono who has believed
on Christ has failed to receive It. Tho
Jailer's faith was not blind faith, foe
they spaker unto him tho word of tho
Lord, nnd to all thnt were In his house.
They wcro taught tho mennlng of, be
lief In Christ.
(4) Tho evidence of a transformed
llfo (vv. 83, 84).
(a) Ho waB baptized (v. 83). As
Boon as ono believes on Christ ho
wants to bo baptized.
(b) Ho tenderly 'washed Ihe stripes
of Paul and Silas, showing that ho
was no longer tho brutal Jailer (v. 84),
(c) He rejoiced (v. 84). Tlio one
who really accepts Christ Is filled with
(d) A transformed homo (v. 84),
Ho believed on Christ and was bap
tized, and his household.
Told by Herself. Her Sin
cerity Should Con
vince Others.
Christopher, 111. "For four years I
Buffered from irregularities, weakness.
nervousness, and
was in a run down
condition. Two or
our best doctors
failed to do mo any
good. I heard so
much about what
Vogotnblo Com
pound had dono for
others, I tried it
and was cured. I
am no longer ner
vous, am regular,
nnd In rfllnfc
health. I believe tho Compound will
euro any female trouble." Mrs. AUGB
Heller, Christopher, 111.
Nervousness is often a symptom of
weakness or some-functional derange
ment, which may bo overcome by this
famous root and herb remedy, Lydla
E. Pinkham's Vegctablo Compound, as
thousands of women bavo found by
If complications exist write Lydla E.
Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for
suggestions in regard to your ailment.
Tho result of its long experience U
at your servlco.
A defective stomach keeps moro peo
ple awake than u guilty conscience.
Time tells on n man but ho doesn't
enre providing it doesn't telMils wife.
Always sure to please, Red Crosa Ball
Blue. All Rroceu eejl it. Adr.
Relative Hardships.
"Well, Pete,".snld Meandering Mike,
"I guess we'll hnvc to go to work."
"I s'pose we will-," answered Plod
ding Pete. "Wld all dese untl-loalln'
lnws under wny, It's harder work
dodgln' work dnn It is workln'."
Cutlcura Is So Soothlno
To Itching, burning skins. It not only;
6oothes but henls. Buthe with Cutl
cura Sonp nnd hot wnter, dry gently;
and apply Cutlcura Ointment For
free samples pddress, "Cutlcura, Dept
X, Boston." At druggists and by mall.
Soap 25, Omtmcnt 25 and 50. Adv.
Figures Wanted.
Plain Heiress I'd give u good deal
to find a man who would lovo me Just
for myself.
Impecunc H'm, yes I Well, about
how much? Boston Transcript.
Beats Hun Glass.
Tho United States bureau of stand
ards hns Just Issued n report on Its
tests ot American-made glass for
chemical use, which Bhows nil the new
American brands to bo superior to tho
Knvaller and equal or superior to the
Jenn, both German glass that was al
most universally used before tho war.
Brazil Filling Up.
The number of Immigrants entering
Brazil during the period of 1003 to
1010 totuled 020,282. Their national
ity was principally ns follows: Ger
muns, 33,578; .Austrlnns, 21,848;
French, 0,207; Spnnlnrds, 100,707;
Italians, 153,050; Japanese, 15,773;
Portuguese, 354,820; Hussions, 40,477,
nnd Turco-Arnbs, 481,534.
Right You Are.
Mrs. Flatbush I sec that Chile's till
able soli is held by seven per cent of
tho populntlon. "
Mrs. Bensonhurst Thut's. pretty
low. '
"Why so?"
"Becauso In this country tho per
centage of men who carry soil nround
on their boots Is very considerably
higher thnn thnt."
Old Grist Mill to Norrlstown.
The Montgomery County (Pn.) Hls
torlcul society hns uppolntcd n com
mittee to arrange for tho removal ot
un nnclent grist nnd snwmlll In Hors-hnm,-bullt
In 1731, to Elmwood park,
Norrlstown. Tho old mill, not operat
ed for mnny yours, hns been offered
to tho society by Miss Mnry Iredell.
It wns nn old relic and the town coun
cil of Norrlstown has slgnflcd thnt If
It Is accepted by the historical so
ciety and placed In Elmwood park
along Stony creek, It would bo taken
care of by tho borough In order that
futuro generations mny seo how flour
wns ground und lumber snwed In pi
oneer dnys. It Is the Intention to
bring to Norrlstown, If possible, tho
largo driving wheel, turblno wheel nnd
cob crusher.
(Made 0p Corn)
MDod says -i
Eat bm up Bob
YQurc saving
wheat for
the boys in
' i "i ,