I 5 is f f tftW"v' . s. TrP',, " sa'gOgglg1 grjjr-s:ri i.':stsrr ' -1 "wy lt AIsSM 13rrv!TB-. . a i mi I I I l I "' r I y,immmwmm- ZtVi ' I' 1irrT-"-f --T r ! - ir" - -er-csi4 : -ist j - ..r - -. - - - 3 o'-- - -B..rr- . - t -wttz" ,. . . "j- .- r-rrTnr r l - srjsaK T!-3S; A Newsnancr That Gives Tho News Flfiy-tno Weeks Eacli Year For $1.50 VOLUME .17 HED CLOUD, XEBBASICA, JL'LV 1, 11)18 NUMBER li' This Bank will Pay, Free of Charge, LIBERTY BOND Interest Coupons, at Maturity or Fifteen Days Prior Thereto Wait a Minute S- Interest Paid on Time Deposits DEPOSITS in this bank are PROTECTED by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of jhe State of Nebraska -S- Web&er County Bank Each , oar about this tiuu' wo wall That crops uic almost mho to tall ' ' I'or want of rain nii'l falling dew. , We my the oititli Is ilry clour thru, !' Ami all tlio neighbors liear us swear, l ' A ! umi lint ftxiuttic mix ff.tito ti'ittiH nun att im iu'na ii im.-j nvnii Then after nil our stew and fiet j It ltilns until the earth Is not, ! And evorywheie about Is soon Now llfo In pasttues glad and giceu. At the Library Ioiyonc who diivcs a Henry .T. 1 oid will enjoy nn ntticlc by the maker in tho May Atlantic Monthly It tells his views on dictatorship in oui government at Washington. i Miss Willu Collier's story "Ardessn" in tho May Century is one of her best. '11 o National Tribune has a depait-) nmnt evciy weoic ot Washington news Tho tree-leaves in tho sutitlKlit glow, h"l"vl1 yoU wm cnJO-V" Anil fli.lil porn-vnii nn li.vir It mnv C. J. Piatt left a War atlas lit the " - - " ''. . .... .. I i. ni ary that has unusually good nips Our voices then in uiptiuo chime "Nebraska's nil light all tho tb.no " AW : For a good well made ' Mouse Dress House Dresses and -Apron). V -$( Jj 1 1 11 TRADE nBK Rt. T VVxV I 111' fwi fir War Savings Day ' The people of Webster county as sembled at various points last Friday and oiganized over one bundled Way Savings societies, the members there of pledging therselvcs.to the saving of essentials; to pin chase only the things as are needed and only when needed; and to invest in War Savings Stamps. In shoit, to aid tho govern ment in every possible way. Practial patiiotism is evident in this action and again our people up hold tlio enviable leputation of local and statewide loyalty. At Red Cloud the meeting was held in the Oipheum and laigclyattondod. County Cliaiiman, II. S. Foe piesided,, Rev. V. M. Haiper gave the invoca-1 tion, Rev. Fitzgerald let in singing, Miss Hazel Salndcn presided at tfic piano. Upon E. J. 0 voting, Secictory of-thc Rorifl'Gi'oss 'organization TtZy the duty of explaining the piupose of Buy a True Worth Dress For sale by m Hfs. BaftoPDaresj XTyirfi-miMiiwn iiwi irw imin iiwipjimiu iimimwui wwiwdiiiiii nmn mm in -i xwwwnwn muhQT Geiman advance on Russia The Journal of Oatotvor life which I . been given to the Lihiaiy by the I'. R. O. has a gieat deal of help in tho Juno number for those who have t'f caio of children or sick people. I When the Germans swept over IMgium one hetoic man stood out aSoe the tertiblc flood unswerving, b ave and s6icno Catdinal Mcrcier of Malincs His pastotate included t 10 patishes in tho hcatt of tho ti'ckcn count) y. The aiticlc "Car dinal Moicicr an Undaunted Soul," by Ida M. Taibulo will bo found in tho Juno number of tho Red Cioss tragar.inc, tho official otgan oi tho National Red Ciqss. This magazine is Keened rcgulnily at tho Libiaiy'and i- one evoty American should icad. Librarian's Ropoil for Juno Cuculation: Adult books dtawn G07 Juvenile books dtawn 719 .A'olal ;.132G Daily avetago reading loom attend-' jgW3BlVtm3fcftSMEl There is a Difference in Lenses Just us tlieto is between a piece of purn gold and that containing alloy. Tho lousus used by mo are tho llnest that (Mil bo had. These oomo in the roiiKh nnd are gioiind until thov exactly moot the K(pihiinctitx of your prtitlculnr eye tioitblo. One cannot bo too e.uoful about tlio eyes The matter of n dollar or so should not enter into the calculation. This store lofmes to aslc for your pationnKM by ptleo alone tbo euro is ktho (hlng tloslrcd by mo or well as jourielf. Even o, jon will Hud the charge tinustially low, taking into consideration tlio hlghqunlity. , It xv ill be to the interest of your tyes to hove them examined here E. H. NEMHOUSE Jeweler and Optometrist C5TC. B. &. Q. Wotch Innpcctor , il T1TT1 T TT"ar"inrT li il li"iilil . 'IM'i 'Wn'lnlln ii iliiii1 'II'M'WW the meeting, which he accomplished anc0 in his usual manner. eloquent nnd oifectivo -02. Christ a iait Church Not A Soft Snap Many people me under the iinpris0 ion that the Food AdmitiistiaUoii duties are a -ofl snap; that some one occupies a chair, gives out oidois an 1 dmw-n fat-alHr thercfoie. Taking o u conntv agent, Mr. Mcltrlde, lnciolj n one example to tho contraiy: Hois n reality an ollloer of the government, woiking stiiotly under Inductions i. docs any other olllcer of the law. 1! it unlike elected nfllcei-, draws no salai Hcjglres bis time free of clinic . p-iys ids own expenses for otlicel uriilsh lugs, rent, nuto hire, and other Iim. dentals Ills is a volunlnry patri ' o duty, audit is tlio sumo with thm-. nudsof others working at home to w u the war. The volume of business is mioIi as to lequiic day-, nights and own Sund.i -to keep up with its demand. Rvery merchant nnd citizen sb a ' nhl him ns inueh as possible by c i pljing witli the tales, making all quliud tepuits, uud Slicing that !..' lations aro enforced If we do not do this as an act f patiiotism we thio'v tho burden on i . Mclirldo who in hi-, otllclal onpnet hay no choice but to see that gon meul lobulations ate enforced. CM if J In Railroad Service Readers ent oiled dining month- Total numbei now emollcd GS2. Books dded fiom A. C. McCluig 4G. Gift 2. Now accessioned 1338. YOLA SWARTZ, Librarian Baptist Church Notes l'reichmg a'. 11 a m - Sunday hehool at lo a ui. If then Ve be Ul-en with Unist, toek tho-o things which aie above The Red Cloud HiiptUt cbuich was represented at tbo meeting of the Uap list Asmudat Inn held at (llenvillo, b, Elder V M ihirior, Mis. Oreon nnd j. M Howltt Tliey it-port a hplondid meeting with cheeilng reports from most pints of the Held. Rniollmoiit 118. A fnrinor resident of Red Cloud, 1. y. Rdsou, was chosen moderator Near the olnso of the mooting 13io" Rdson gave a shoit talk concerning the meetings of the Northern Itaptist Convention held nt Atlantic Uiti, N J in May, which he attended With oth er things' bo uinde reference to tue gieetiug!? of Lo.d Cleoige t- the Hup lists of Ameiic'i, that the Allies aio flulitlni: for tho Diineinlcs loi winch tho Baptists hud foi contniles been w contondllii;, nolilical and lelhdoiis 2: libotfy- lie a!h'i releiied to the fact that on last count tliero weie lsj.loo Baptists in the Ameiiean Ajiny, piov ina their loyalty to Cluist and their government. rn?'?m0r u acc, rofjftop: mMSSfm - ' Mil- f" i j ni i mm h wm ikh m-mr. pmi : ' v r v 7--TsfiKH3ssa , j&r i(&' & wmmmm '. -,ZMSSD-iE&sa! We cater to the class of shoppers that is accustom ed to securing satisfaction and who know when they secure it. That is why our customers are so- ready to rec commend us as a place to trade. FF YOU APPRECIATE SATISFACTORY SERVICE COME TO US. i xst - Watch This Space :j for Announcements ; v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.vv.v.v.v.v.v.w Thoilillioads are now iulor Gum meiit control and are conftonteJ w heavy jind most exacting duties R . road oflicets, wpllo reall.lng that hit ii j ii inborn iiem.uiu in an tines 01 pi . dilution, must point to the Inut that tt . production ii to bo eJl'eotlve, tho la ! roads must be operated to their utm t capacity. In older to accomplish tin-' men aro needed. WHY NOT UBT A RAILROAD ,IOL , Tho O. 11. &(J. pajs good wages .n , iiiiTiueii, uriiKfllloil, bwuciiuien nun c.n j Congregational Church Rev. Com go Mitchell of rrnnklin, supplied the pilpll last buiuliiy. Ho 1 delivered two most interesting and lu 1 struetlvo eruions. Ho also explained tlio new tlbbons and stirfe on tin) ser ' vice Hag. A silver star was plucod on 'the Hag, in honor of Voilln'Tajlor who was wounded during tho capture and subsequent defense of Cintiguy Mattery C of the fith Field Attillory of which hois n member, bay been Jited SliwliMim Chief Ads Pay You ropilrersand will pay jou for your ,b? tho Kcneul commanding tholtroops time learning. Would you RUo t , for consplouous gallantry in .action know nil nbout those good jobJ follows: "The poisonuel of this bat- A party of railroad oillcers will a.-il0, beno(1 l,,eLr IU1B coimuuiuisij rive at tho "Q" depot, RED CLOL D Jwithgieiit bklll while biibjected to ii 10 51 A. M.,JUJjYtllh, for the pm pose "tUe gas bombardment, thus con of meeting all person interested , tlluutlng in Inigo measure to the sue They wlH tell you how to got one of .C8S ot ll, opotaUons." these positions, how jou nre taught j TJio regular business mootlng'.for tho nnd get paid while u student and all quarter will bo held Friday J July oth, about the work, pay, eto. Meot tisjat Pj30 In the evening. Admlnlstra nnd talk It over. tlon of the Lords Supper by Rev, Mwry Chicago, Buillngton &Qulnoy R. R.Co Mitchell Sabbath morntug. CT3 W wwiihiiiwiiiiiiw wimaiiiwimwMf" M'ii i 1 1 1 www mw wh Open Day aed Night ( AT OUR CAFE Powell & Pope Show the "Chief" to Your Neighbor EM V JH JJ j-irtjtff'vw'vwt?f.s