The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 27, 1918, Image 7

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ar . "Trivv
America Aroused and
United Is Following the
Shining Figures of the
Leaders of 76
IIIlINn tho FmrlriL' nf 11)17 rwrnln trrnims
D of patriots in the Hast, particularly in
I New York and Boston, did a Brent donl
I of worrying about the Mlddlo mid West-
I cm suites. These Easterners would
come together ut luncheons and commit
tee meetings, und after getting Into
a condition of collective depression about
the apathy of the country, they would
appoint one of their number to act as an oratorical
commission. "Itudlger, go out there," they would suy
to him. "Itudlger, for God's sake, go out there and
rouse the middle West!" And Itudlger would go
out on his rousing expedition and make speeches be
fore commercial clubs, and ut larger meetings, and
then go buck homo without having noticed that the
Middle and Western states were already passing their
quotas for enlistments of lighting men, whereas ttudi
ger's own state, at that time, hud tilled Just about
pniod to poison gns or liquid lire, felt Unit It Imposed
n reputation for patriotism to nmko virulent oratori
cal attacks on these "swlvel-ehnlr warriors" who wero
remaining out of the rone of Hit remaining In Wash
ington, with the congressmen. And so, some of tho
departments, yielding t oratory and other pressure,
threw out many men who hud learned their Jobs
nnd were working more hours a day than any union
would have allowed; mid then other men, some of
them far less competent, and all of them beginners,
were put Into the swivel chairs, and the work of
tho war was thereby Just so much disarranged nnd
Just so much delayed nil of which means something
in the casualty lists.
Wo had to learn that criticism must know Its
own Job thoroughly; it mustn't be merely "blowing
off steam." And enthusiasm Is useful only when It
never takes Its eye off the ball. Thousands of unfit
men were themselves III u'sed and mnde a useless ex
pense to Uncle Sam by too much Indlscrlmlnnte en-
Chloroforms Wife and Children
Then Seriously Slashes
Them With Razor.
London. Tho Heultli association re
cently discovered one of tho queerest
cases of Insanity In Canadian medical
annals. As a result, Frank Helton, n
former regimental baudman, now Is in
nn asylum for the insane, while his
wife and two children are In a hos
pital, recovering from starvation and
wounds lutllcteil upon them by the In
Hime man.
Bolton's Ins , manifested Itself In
n novel form, lie tailored under tho
delusion that lie was a famous British
a third of Its own enlistment quota.
However, tho Itudlgers were not
all Easterners. About 100.000,000
people seemed to feel that the United
States did not realize that it wiu at
war. Rudlger'8 name was not legion, but populace; and vet he believed
that he wus almost the only person in America who "comprehended the
full seriousness of the situation." He got n somber satisfaction out of
his forebodings. "They'll seel" he would predict. "They'll wake up and
find out what they're In for. some day when It's too lute maybe; but 1 tell
you they won't know whnt it menus I They're at war with the greatest
military power in tho world, and they're sound asleep I 1 tell you It
drives a man almost crazy to see, as I do, what this wur means, and then
look nbout him at all these millions of people behuvlng ns If there weren't
any war nt ull 1"
East, West, North nnd South, Itudlger got the habit of scolding. He
felt thnt he hud the whole war on bis one pair of shoulders. For a dny
ho might forget it a little, nnd go out nud piny golf. Then another dny
would come, when tho weight of the wur would lie heavily on him, and
lie'd see Bomo other Itudlger pluylng golf, and Itudlger would wntch him
from the clubhouse vernnda, and groan and scold. "The big dunderheads l"
lie would sputter. "They just can't realize It I Nobody doing anythlugl
Nobody even worrying I"
Yes; almost nil of us had a touch of Rudiger In those days. We Imag
ined that we felt the war more than our neighbors did; the thought made
us Irritable, nnd there was n vast scolding. We produced many tliousunds
of editorials nnd posters founded on the YOU theme. The kaiser will
0t YOU if YOU don't enlist, or if YOU don't subscribe to the Red Cross,
or If YOU don't buy Liberty Bonds. Are YOU doing your duty? If not
"YOU will be painted yellow.
Of courso this going after YOU In such on obstreperous wny wus con
fildered by advertising experts to be the most effective form of rousing, but
In the light of later events one may venture to express n doubt nnd to ex
press also an opinion that the YOU campaign was inspired mainly by
its congeniality with the uervons irritability of the time. It was Itudlger
Ism. Whereas, what has really made things happen on the grcnt scale Is
neither the attack on YOU nor YOUR susceptibility to scolding, but tho
WE, US nnd OUR spirit.
When a poster shouts nt me, "YOU aren't In the trenches," I am apt
to feel n little antagonized, and my thought mny be: "Whnt business Is
St of yours, you poster mnn, or advertising specialist? YOU aren't fn tho
trccchcs, either. YOU are us safely at home as anybody, nnd YOU haven't
.the right to be screaming reproaches and warnings at me. YOU don't
know whnt I'm doing or trying to do for our cause. YOU seem to think
It's more your wnr than it Is mine, nnd YOU think YOU have to wako me
up, and YOU make mo tired I" Or, If I'm n selfish and gnat-brained person,
the kind ut whom the YOU shooting is chlclly alined, my emotional process
may take this form: "Cut out the bull I Yelling 'YOU' Isn't going to get
mo to do nnyUiIng I don't wnnt to do. You cun't work ME, bol"
Of course there were Individuals who had to be shamed Into war efforts,
and no doubt tho YOU work helped to get them Into line, but tho rcnlly Im
portant American pronouns have proved to be those of tho first person
plural. It was WE, US and OUR that renched those citizens whom wo
formerly cnlled "Germnn-Amerlcnns." It was WE, US and OUR thnt
left nothing of the hyphen nnd the hyphen hnd only smnrte'd the redder
under the mustard plaster pronoun YOU. When tho "German-Americans,"
ns wo cnlled them, found thnt OUR country wns at wur, they erased tho
hyphen. They might linve Yemulned ,,Qo.,mnn-Amcrlcans" If we had gono
to war with any country except Germany, nnd this Is one great benefit
that Germany coufcrrcd upon us when sho attacked us: she killed the
hyphen. Sho counted on killing It, und so far her calculations were cor
rect. But sho Is not pleased with her success In the mutter, for sho nindo
mistake In an important detail: she thought the "Germnn-Amerlcnns"
Suld drop the American side of the hyphen; sho thought they wero really
Germnns. They weren't. The hyphen Is gone forever, and there aren't
any "German-American" citizens uuy more in our country; thero nro only
American citizens. From August, 1DM, until April, 1017, tho "Germnn
Amerlcnns" often snid YOU to tho rest of us und the rest of us often said
YOU to them ; but now nil of us sny WE, US und OUR.
A young friend of mine, of German descent, told mo how It wus with
him. Until April, 1017, he hnd been pro-Germun, und ut times critical
of our government's attitude toward Germany. Only a week or so after
wnr wns declared I met him nnd ho wns In uniform n fighting man's uni
form. "Of course I nml" ho snld. "Oh, yes; everything wns different
until my country went to wnr. I loved Germnny, nnd I naturally thought
thut Germnny wns right In her struggle with other foreign countries. Don't
you tnko your old nnd admired friend's side when ho gets Into n contro
versy with people who are strangers to you? Well, I think I wus nil
right to have felt that wny nnd to huvo taken that attitude up to tho tlmo
the United Stntes went to wur, nnd I can't bo nshnmed of It, even though
I mny huvo been mistaken. But Germany is no friend of mine now. No,
filrl Not from the moment when she became the recognized enemy of
my country.- My country's enemy is my enemy nud I'm going to flglrt
this enemy of my country If it costs my life. Germnny Is my enemy I I'm
out to help get the knlser, nnd we're going to do It I"
. . . Tho "Germnii-Anieiicnns" encountered skepticism from people
who found It dilllcult to see how n viewpoint enn chnngo with changed cir
cumstances; und tho doubt wns gulling und unhelpful us suspicious doubts
nearly always nro. A greut many gnol Americans who couldn't get Into
uniform nnd fight Germnns felt the need of nttncklng somebody they could
get ut nnd muko wince. They suffered from the natural and Just linger
ngnlnst Germnny, but Germnny wns to) fnr uwny, and too sheltered behind
Hlndenburg, to bo directly affected, nnd n lot of us Just couldn't contain
ourselves; wo wero so hot wo had to let out and give something or some
body within our rench n "good cussing." Wo cussed the "Germnn-Amerl
cnns," nnd mudo It a Uttle harder for them to declnro their loyalty, but tho
vnst majority of them behaved so well under the stress that after a while
wo hnd to ahnndon this means of blowing off our steam. So wo picked
tjp tho British word "slacker" nnd used It to vent our lrrltntlon; nnd per
haps wo did a llttlo good, hero and there, with our "slacker" talk; nnd
certnlnly wo did some harm. We were very freo with tho word, wo editors,
writers and spenkcrs, who wero not in uniform ourselves. Wo wero espe
cially bitter ngnlnst what wo liked to cull tho "swlvel-chalr wnrrlors" In
Washington. Thero were men of draft nge, It appears, serving In somo of
tho departments In Washington, and without pausing to Inqulro how many
of these wero physically unfit for sorvlco in tho field, or how many had be
come Indlspcnsablo In tho positions they wero filling, wo raged ngnlnst them.
Virtuous congressmen, Mho themselves had no Intention of over being ex-
thuslusm on the part of boards that
packed them off to training camps.
And too often certain drafted men
were sent to the camps In sullen
moods, when tuet nnd r.n eye on the
bnll would huve sent them not In n mood nt all, but nt least beginning to
glow with that sternly lire of patriotism which no normul mnn cun lnck
when he feels und knows, understiindliigly, that his country needs him.
No doubt the word "slacker" bus hnd Its uses; but it is possible that wo
should hnvo done better not to adopt It; nnd one thing Is certain ; those
of us who huve never worn u uniform nre not well entitled to use "slacker,"
In Its military sense, ns n condemnation of any other man who Is not In
uniform. We enn use the word "traitor" when wo can muko it good by
proof, but we should lenve "slticker" to soldiers nnd those who have been
soldiers. We must Judge not, lest we be Judged. Let us save our bitter
ness for our enemy.
To u tuition wur comes ns n grent trouble comes to n fnmlly. When n
grout trouble comes to n family tho members of thut fumily draw closer; they
depend upon one another us never before; nnd they nro Wilder to one nn
other than they have been In happier times. They forget differences thnt
huve come among them, nnd they muko sncrlflces to help one another. They
tlnd ninny goodnesses nnd nobilities in ono nnotlier thnt they huve not dis
covered before. Tlmlr strength to moot their trouble comes from their
unity: they cunnot meet It If they bicker und fnll upnrt. If ono does not do
his shure, the others will get less from him by scolding than If they sny:
"Come, brother!"
. . . One dny last April we had a "Liberty Loan" parudo In Indianapo
lis. Some 40.000 of us murched un the rest looked on nnd helped to
cheer, and perhaps tried not to cry when the flags went down tho street
with the people who curried them singing "Glory I Glory I Hallelujah I"
Thero wero soldiers Infnntry und artillery In tho purnde, and hospital
units, nnd lines nnd lines of surgeons and nurses, und thero were stnto
nnd city oftlcluls, and governors and senators nnd ex-nmbnssndors ; but tho
grent pnrt of tho mnrchers were Just the peoplo of n city nt wur. Factory
owners murched with their men; labor lenders marched with mllllonnlres,
nnd unless you knew them you couldn't tell which wns which. Tho raer
cliunts, the bankers, the lawyers, the doctors, tho dentists, tho clerks, tho
railroad men, the bnrbers, tho brlckluyers, the steel workers, tho dinners,
the carpenters, the plumbers they all marched and they nil sung when
tho bnnds played und when tho bands didn't. Tho Catholic orgnnlzntlons
murched, nnd tho Protestnut organizations mnrcneu. unousunus or. ne
groes murched In their church orders, singing nnd freo nnd In the war, llko
the rest. And there were great clubs unil orgnnlzntloiiB that had been
cnlled German, but would no longer bo culled Germun, they murched and
sung nnd were most nbsolutely nnd violently a pnrt of the wnr on Ger
inuny. There wero Bulgnrlnns, shouting the allied bnttlo cull, singing "Tho
Bnttlo Cry of Freedom," nnd there were Itoumnnluns, and Serblaus nnd
Greeks nnd Russluns, all Amcrlcuns and all In this wnr. Thero wero Chi
nese nnd there wns n bund of Jnpuncse, dressed ns antique bowmen. No
whero In the city wns thero anything thnt wasn't nt wnr with tho Germuns.
And overhend sailed the airplanes. But It wns not so with Indlnnnpolls
alone, or with nil tho cities and towns nnd villages and countrysides of
Indiana nlone. The snme manifestation was visible all over America where
thero aro 100,000,000 people I
So wo snld: "If thut Rosenkrnnz nnd Gullderstern pair of worthies In
Germnny, Hlndcndorff nnd Ludenburgh, could only get a blrd's-eyo view of
what Is showing forth todny, If they could got but n gllmpso of this America
roused, they might also get a gllmpso of what Is coming to theml"
. . . America not only roused, but America united. Our trouble
has taught us our unity. Wo have snld: "Come, brother!" nnd wo stand
together, stendfust. We nro nt war with militarism. Tho kaiser, knowing
that ho Is tho front nnd symbol of militarism, snld : "Those who wish to do
stroy us are digging their own graves." He knows well enough what wo
mean to destroy, nnd In his rage ho talks graveyard to frighten us. HIb
worst mistake bus been his thinking that "terrorlzntlon" terrifies; that
murdering a man's child subdues tho mnn and keeps him quiet 1 Zeppelins,
submarines, 70-mlle guns, poison gas, rape, hotting peaceful towns on fire,
turning machine guns on women, children, priests nnd old men theso aro
the ruw head nnd bloody bones he uses, hoping through fear to make nil
the wide world his own pr!vutoi ogre's cnstle. But America will not hnvo
It so. Let him wave his ruw 'head nnd bloody bones; let him threaten
us with graves, nnd let lilm mnko the German peoplo bcllcv? thnt It Is
Germnny we mean to destroy; he knows what this republic menns to do;
ho knows whnt the united democmcy of the world means to do nnd It Is
ho thnt Is nfruld, nnd proves his fenr, like n cownrtl talking big In tho dark.
America Is marching. Leaders go before us, mighty and lmplncnblo
for America nnd for the freedom of mnn, nnd we see them not In dimness,
but ns shining figures, nllve todny nnd alive forever, nt the bend of the na
tion: Washington und Franklin nud IIumiltin nnd Adams und Jefferson
nnd Patrick Henry nnd Francis Marlon nnd I'nul Jones nnd Light Horso
Hurry Leo; nnd Decutur and Madison nnd iv'tt, nnd William Henry Har
rison and Zuqhnry Tuylor. . And tho solemn, grwit figure of Lincoln mnrches
there, nt our head, with Grunt und Shermuit ai I Sheridan und Robert 13. Leo
nnd Stonewall Jackson. We know whnt tin men said to us: that tho
word to us was nlwnys tho same, yesterday nd today und tomorrow al-
ways their word to us Is "Forward 1" And wo '"How them.
Their wny lies straight upward over emp rs nnd kings. For n while,
In our prosperity, It seemed Unit wo hnd forgotten our lenders, that wo hnd
forgotten that the power of the spirit Is great' r than the power of dollars,
thut we hud even forgotten to keep ourselves nation, one und Indivisible,
und hnd become n collection of grubbers, llvim. on fut und laughing nt cor?
ruptlon awl shame and It wus thus tho GerniMi thought of us. Never wus
there so fulso n lie! The tlmo lias come thnt brings us our test. Aiacrlcn
woke and woke in arms. Not one true son of America doubts tho future.
Some Interesting Facts
m WX
Commissioner of Mediation and Concil.
Utlon Board Trie EATONIC, the
Wonderful Stomach Remedy,
and Endorse It.
Jmlee William I.. (Ihara.
tiers, who lines KATONIO as
n ri.tnftv fnr tnmm nf hn.
lite ami Imllgcsilrm, Is a
Commissioner ot the U 8.
Ilnncl of Mediation and
Conciliation. It Is natural
fnr lilm in ,rnii hltnill
J In KUnntetl language, ret
uicio in no neimiuton in ins
t'tniinunrcmcnt recanting
me vauia of KATONIU.
Writing from Washington.
D.O., to the Katonlo Hem-
. JV,t .IV Rfl,
jT "
.BkSK "
"KATONIO promotes nppetlto anrl
benonclal results.'
, aids ingestion. 1 have used It nlltj
Office workers and others who sit much are
martyrs to dyspepsia, belching, had hrcath.
heartburn, poor appetite, hlnat, ami Impair
ment ol general health. Are you, jiiuraell, a
sudererT KATONIO will relieve rmi lust as
surely ns It has benefited Judge Chambers an)
thousands nf others,
Here's tho secret: KATONIO ilrWss the gas
out of tho body-and tho lllnat Hop With HI
It Is guaranteed to bring relief or you get your
money backl Costa only a cent or two a day to
use It. act a box today from your druggist.
Operated on Hie Wife.
mirgeon, nnd his ninnin led him to
"keep his hand In practice" by operat
ing on his wlfo nnd children.
Bolton obtained n bottle of chloro
form nnd, mounting an Ironing bonrd
on tho bucks of chairs, ho put his wife
to sleep for the purposo of operating
for tho removal of an Imagined can
cerous growth. Tho womnn did not
explain why she submitted, but when
found by Investigating nurses sho wns
suffering from Incisions mudo In threo
places. A dangerous wound hnd been
Inflicted In her abdomen, another In
her hip and tho third In her right leg.
Bolton, after cutting his wife, hnd
taken his eight-year-old daughter and
had operated upon her, making numer
ous Incisions with u crudo collection ot
old razors.
"Why did you do It?" ho was asked
in court.
"I urn a noted surgeon,'' ho replied,
"I operated to scrape tho hones."
A younger child, a boy of four years,
was Just recovering from nn anesthet
ic when the nurses nrrlvcd. He, too,
had been operated upon.
Itching Rashes
With Cuticura
Soap 20c. Olntmant 20 od OOo.
Every Woman Wants
Dissolved la water for douches atop
pelvic catarrh, ulceration and lafhua
maUoau Recommended by Lydla E,
Plnkham Med. Co, for tea year.
A sealing wonder for nasal catarrh,
era throat and sore aye. Economical.
Has ratraadaass daaanna and ecnnSddal power.
SasaflafrM. 30c. all dnwi. of mtnid by
lsaA TUrVttaaTtJ Company. Portal. Mul
Ar icrlcan Patrol Leader Strung It on
Wire In Front of German
Pnrls. Americans who hnd been
trying to draw the flro of certain Ger
man batteries used an alarm clock to
fool Fritz nnd caused tho Germans
useless expenditure of large quantities
of machlno gun and rifle ammunition.
In order to fool tho Germans an Amer
ican patrol leader tucked an alarm
clock under his arm and crept Into
"No Man's Lnnd" In tho darkness,
fastening tho clock to a wire.
Soon the alarm rang, whereupon the
Germans opened fire. The alarm had
been so arranged that tho clock cut
looso Intermittently, and each time
drew a violent flro from tho enemy.
Meanwhile tho Americans rested la
their trenches and enjoyed a hearty
Forceful Expression Frequently Heard
From Prominent Personagea In
the Public Eye.
Ezra Pound Go out and defy opln
on. John Gnlsworthy We nro awaken
ing to tho dnngcrs of Gndnsenlng.
General Foch A battle Ib never lost
until Its loss Is acknowledged.
Glnrenco Ilex It Is all right for a
girl to marry for money If she Is worth
tho money.
Iludynrd Kipling Nino-tenths of the
atrocities thnt Germany has committed
hnve not been made public.
Billy Sunday Germany lost out
when sho turned from Christ to Krupp
and from tho cross of Calvary to the
Iron cross.
Lloyd George Thero Is no tlmo for
ease, delay ar dobnto. Tho call Is Im
perative, tho choice Is clear. It Is for
each freo citizen to do his pnrt.
T. C. O'Donnell A stanza or two
from "Amertcn" sung whenever oppor
tunity nnd time permit, will bring oxy
gen Into your lungs nnd strengthen tho
muscles of Uie ubdomon and brents,
Now York Independent
A gnsollno engine driven dynamo
that Is entirely automatic In Us nctton
Is ntjrnctlng nttentlon In Englnnd.
Frequent nnd modernto rain Is tho
most effective of all snnltnry agen
cies. Sixty men n thouBnnd aro now be
ing killed In tho wnr, nnd about 150
men out of ench thousnnd are wound
ed. Almost automatic In Its operations
For liiuno consumption Grent Brit
nln Imports nbout 30,000,000 pounds of
coffeo annually.
Wlscoi.-ln must Increnso her wheat
acreugo !S0 per cent over lust year If
sho Is to produco her shnro In 1018.
Over SOO.000 londs of sawdust nnd
other mill wnsto wero used during last
year In the United States for making
paper pulp.
Four working parties building a. ra.U-
Glrl'a Love Changea and 8ho Now
Finds Tattooing la Embar
rassing. Oakland, Cal. A pretty Oakland
maiden who thought her romanco with
a soldier would bo a lifelong lovo af
fair had his Initials tattooed across her
Instep. Sho Is now In grave distress.
Tho bathing season Is here. Sho
has forgotten her first lovo In splto of
constant reminder and Is now Infatu
ated with a sailor whoso Initials un
fortunately nro different. Wurdell
Martin, Onklnnd tuttoolst, litis been ap
pealed to In nn effort to remove tho
tcll-talo Initials. Mnrtln snys ho will
try to cover them by working In two
flags on a blue ground.
Jewtlry or Munitions.
A high ofHclul In tho British min
istry of munitions soys thut thoro are
sovernl reasons why peoplo should not
buy platinum Jewelry. In tho first
place, It Is very expensive; then tho
world supply hus almost been exhaust
ed, and also tho men at tho front need
more munitions, and platinum Is re
quired for tho manufacture of explo
sives wherewith to win tho wnr.
Remember, Uio spirit of sacrifice la
an glorious ns It Is Inconvenient
Offers to Buy Powder
for Own Execution
Memphis, Tenn. Otto Dohr
mnnn, n German arrested as a
dangerous enemy alien, asked
tho Jailor to shoot him. Tho
Jnllcr told him ho was not worth
tho powder and lead that would
bo necessary to kill lilm. "Ilcre,"
said Dohrmnnn, as ho extended
a dollar bill through tho bars of
tho cell, "tnko this. Shoot me.
That will pay for tho ammunition."
Conservation means
the use of foods re
quiring less sugar,
less fuel, and the
minimum of wheat
(requires No SUGAR,
iKOTUEL Jess milk
.or cream than e
other cereals, and
is part BARLEY.
It's a concentrated,
nourishing, eco
momical and deli
cious food.TRVrr!
II " - n1 m