The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 27, 1918, Image 6

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Co-operation of Washington Is Asked
by British Officers Now In
This Country
Washington Establishment of an
air route to Europo from I ho United
States in order to bring tho full forco
of American effort in tho air to boar
acalnHt Germany Is n definite project
Tjy tho British air council. Thin Is
disclosed by Major Oencrnl William
'Brnnckor, controller of employment on
tho council, who i In Washington.
Plans for an Initial flight ncross tho
Atlantic this fall aro already well ad
vanced. American cooperation Is
sought and General Ilrancker hopes
that the flrflt machine to make tho
crossing will carry both English nnd
American pilots. At least three Drlt
lflh pilots, regarded as qualified for tho
trip aro now horo and sovoral stylos
of machines produced In England linvo
amplo fuol capacity for tho forty bourn
of flying, it is estimated tho trip would
Tho attitude of tho American gov
eminent toward tho project has not
been disclosed, although General
,Branckor laid stress on tho fact that
tho solo purposo of tho trip was to
iblazo n now trail to Europo ovor which
American aircraft can bo delivered
ext year without taxing shipping. Pro
'umably tho plan nrlsos from tho pur
iposo of tho British ministry to carry
i the bombing warfaro into Germany on
a steadily increasing scale.
Russell Followers Found Guilty
Now York Violation of tho law Is
ot excused by tho fact that it wad
dono in serving God, declared Judgo
IIowo In federal court horo In charg
ing tho Jury considering tho evidence
againBt followers of tho late Pastor
Russell In tho International Dlblo
Students' association on trial for vio
lation of tho osptonago law. Tho de
fendants woro accused of preaching
sedition in Pastor Russell's book,
"Tho Finished Mystery," nnd with ad
vising roslstanco to tho draft. Whon
tho jury nnnounced that tho defend
ants had been found guilty on nil
counts, Judge Howo's comment was
that tho verdlpt was "thoroughly
right." Tho maximum ponalty which
can bo imposed on each defendant is
lorty years' imprisonment.
Violating Postal Regulations
Washington Transmission of night
letter tolegrnms by train messenger
Instead of by wlro between eastern
cities is a practlco of long standing It
was learned nfrer tho postolllco de
partment had taken action to stop tho
traffic by arresting flvo train ngontB of
tho Wostorn Union company who had
brief cases filled with night messages
w Ich they woro carrying between
Now York, Boston, Philadelphia, Haiti
moro and Washington. Postal inspect
ors who made tho seizures had pre
viously gathered evidence that thous
ands of night-lettergrams have been
carried by train between tho eastern
cities and dollvercd to their destina
tions with nil tho earmarks ot having
been sent by wlro.
O'Leary Pleads Mental Stress
New YorkWhllo shielding his
brother, John J. O'Leary, from charges
of criminally aiding his escapo from
trial for alleged violation of tho ecplon
ago act, Jeremiah A. O'Leary, tho Sinn
Fein leader, pictured himself ns on tho
verge of nervous collapso whon ho
Ced to tho west Moy 7. Ho was labor
ing under tho obsession, ho indicated,
that government agents had entorod in
to a conspiracy to havo him sent -to
Gompers Again Leads Labor
St. Paul After ro-elccting most ot
its officers, tho American Federation of
Labor concluded its session horo nnd
adjourned to meet next year at At
lantic City, N. J. President Samuel
Gompers, Washington; Sccrotary
Frank Morrison, Washington, nnd
Treasurer Daniel J. Tobln, Indian
apolis, wero ro-oloctod without oppo-.
Los Angeles. Complaint that Swift
& Co., packers, woro discriminating
againBt union omployos at their plnnt
at Los Angeles, caused tho department
of labor to order Charles T. Connoll,
federal conciliator, thoro to mako an
"Washington. Health conditions in
the army camps and enntonmonts In
this country for tho we6k ending Juno
14 continued "very satisfactory," said
tho weekly report by Surgeon Goneral
Slacker Commits Suicide
Sioux Falls Ono man is dead nnd
six who failed to register aro In the
hands of tho pollco ns a result ot a
"work or fight" raid by tho homo
guard's. In addition, an enemy alien
who bad not registered was taken in
charge. Thodoad man is Melvln Lundy
of Sioux Falls. Whon asked to show
bis registration card Lundy said ho
"nevor had a card and never would."
With that he fell over a desk and died
ten minutes later. Ho had taken a
mixture of several kinds of poison.
Not Opposing Extending of Draft Age
.. , Ml.
Limits to rorty-i-ive
Washington While Provost Marshal
General Crowdcr was at tho cnpltol
again urging immodlato extension, ot
tho draft ago limits to eighteen nnd
forly-flvo years as a mcasuro essen
tial to early achievement of n maxi
mum military effort, Secretary of War
linker exhibited further signs of yield
ing to tho proposal, Mr. Maker said
ho would recommend such an amend
ment to tho draft law If submitted by
the senate or house. Democratic lead
ers In congress said that tho amend
ment would bo proscntcd and adopted,
If proposed by Secretary Uakor. It
transpired that General Crowdor Is
urging tho action for the purposo not
only of obtaining fighting men before
invndlng tho deferred classifications
of tho prosont draft, but of extending
tho application of tho "work or fight"
order so ns virtually to affect labor
conscription for war Industries.
Secretary Raker admitted that tho
extension of draft age limits would ex
tend automatically the "work or fight"
prlnclplo to men of the larger class
brought within tho draft.
"This will ho Its collateral effect
and not Its primary object," Secrntnry
Baker oxplalned. The result will bo,
however, to tako practically all able
bodied men from non-essential employ
ment and place them under military
orders where they can bo required
either to tako employment In Indus
tries which the governmont considers
essential to the nation at war or shoul
der n gun.
"My own hesitancy," ho said, "has
been duo to an attempt on my part
to discover, If I can, the extent to
which the Incrcnso In the ago limit
will affect Industry. Tho problem of
raising an nrmy In this country Is not
merely tho problem of getting enough
soldiers, but of getting those soldiers
from Industry in such a way as not to
cause confusion in the country nnd
tend automatically ho "work or light"
about it."
As the Kaiser Sees It
Amsterdam Emperor William de
clared at tho celebration of tho anni
versary of his ncccsslon that "either
German principles of right, freedom,
honor and morality must bo upheld, or
Anglo-Saxon principles, with their
Idolatry of mammon, must bo victor
ious." Tho Anglo-Saxons, ha nsscrtcd,
aimed at making tho peoples ot tho
worlij work as slaves for tho Anglo
Saxon ruling rnco and emphasized tho
fact that from tho first ho had realized
that tho trials of war would L-3 great.
Ho said ho vtaa thnnkful that Hln
donburg and Ludendorft had boon
placed at his side as counsellors.
Drinking to tho health of tho army and
Its leaders, tho emperor snld: "Tho
Gorman people and nrmy Indeed are
now ono nnd tho snmo, nnd look tip to
you with gratitude. Every man out
thoro knows whnt ho Is fighting for.
Tho enemy himself admits that, and In
consequonco wo shall gain victory
tho victory of tho Gorman standpoint."
War Exhibit at Nebraska Fair
Washington Tho Nebraska stntt
fair has been plnced on Hie circuit ot
stnto fairs at which tho big govern
ment war exhibit will bo displayed.
Assurances to this effect wero given to
tho Nobraska delegation In congress
by Professor Lnmson Scrlbnor of tho
department of ngrlculturo. Secretary
Danlolson ot tho stnto fair board sent
a telegram to ovory member of the dol
ogatlon explaining that unless thoy
intervened in tho matter Nobraska
might bo left off. Beginning with Con
gressman Kinknld, dean of tho dele
gation, ovory member of tho houso and
senato delegation from tho stato urged
that Nebraska stato fair be accorded
a display of the exhibit nnd tho ro
quest was granted.
Fit For Human Consumption
Now York Sovoral experts called
Vy tho governmont nt tho hearing hold
horo by Special Examiner Edward P.
Pattorson, appointed by tho federal
trado commission to sift charges that
Wilson & Company, a Chicago pack
ing houso, filled a governmont meat
contract by shipping hoof that was not
In good condition. They testified that
whllo thero was "molsturo" on somo of
tho ment, It was (It for human con
sumption. London Tho contral oxccutlvo com
mlttco of tho Russian soviet took a
drastic stop in deciding to oxpcl thoso
of Its members representing the social
revolutionists, the right, tho contcr
and tho Menshovlkl.
St. Paul. Tho American Federation
of Lnbor pnssed resolutions calling
upon tho president and governor of
California to obtain a new trial for
Thomas J. Mooney.
London. Tho British food minister
nnnouncod that Herbert C. Hoover,
American Food administrator, will bo
tho guest ot tho nation whon ho visits
Stopped Traffic on River Volga
Moscow Tho CzohoSlavok movo
ment against the bolshevik govern
ment not only has cut oft communi
cation with Siberia by way of tho Si
berian railway but also has Btoppod
traffic on tho river Volgn.
Washington President Wilson In a
proclamation fixed tho period between
7 n. m July 2, and 9 p. m September
3, for tho registration for military duty
of men In Alaska who havo roachod
their majority since September 2,
Governor Neville Requests Non-Partisan
Organization to Ceaso
Operations in Nebraska.
Governor Neville, In reply to n peti
tion of the Non-partisan League that
it be protected In Its right to orgnnl.e
nnd hold meetings In Nebraska, re
fused to ueeedc to the request and
asked the organization to leave the
state nt least during the period of tho
war. He mticJv known ho Is In nceor 1
with the state council of defense on
that proposition. The governor snld
charged that political light, was be
ing iiiiiiIo on the league through the
state council of defense were "a ma- J
lleioiiM misstatement of fnets." He also
refused to remove It. L. Metcalfe as j
Member of the defence council ns re
quested In u petition of league mem
bers from Pierce county. In his state
ment tho governor licenses the or
ganization of circulating "editions
literature and tiellng In a manner nil
culntel to mouse "class hatred, mill
American sentiment, and to Interfere
with the successful prosecution of the
A. E. Anderson, Nebraska Held
agent, federal bureau of crop esti
mates, declares that the government's
estimate of -1:1,000,000
for Nebraska this year wus based
upon reports from 2,000 crop corre
spondents mid traveling Held ngt nH
uiul not upon guess work as charged
by State Publicity Director Muupln.
Mr. Anderson does not agree with Mr.
Mnupln's estimate of more thiiti TO,
000.000 bushels or wheat for Ncbnis-
l.-n tills: viir. 1 1 ili'i'liirnil Hint tln
'- - " -
state director exaggerated the pros-
peels, misquoted conditions and un
justly criticized the government.
An attempt to get a ruling of the
attorney general's office at Lincoln that
might modify the holding of the dis
trict court of Dodge county barring a
German Catholic priest of Snyder
from teaching and preaching, because
be admitted a divided allegiance, has
The state food administration has
cut the sugar allowances. The new or
der provides that In cities and towns
tho purchase of sugar for tublu use
shall be only two pounds, while in
rural districts the purchase may not
be for more than five pounds for the
same purpose.
Two affidavits have been Hied with
the state attorney general nnd tho
United States district attorney nt Lin
coln by leaders of the Non-partisan or
ganization In Nebraska, demanding
redress from the state and federal
authorities for difficulties the league
has experienced In Nebrnskn.
The stnte supreme court has affirm
ed n Judgment of $1,875 In fuvur of
John Shlmcrdii, Saline county farmer,
against tho Nebraska Serum company,
Lincoln, for the loss of 202 hogs,
dying from n cholera vaccine treat
ment. The "surrender clnuse" of an Insur
ance policy Is void under Nebrnskn
Inws according to the Nebraska su
premo court, which dismissed the ull
of u Saline county man, to recover
5072 on a matured A. O. U. W. policy.
Increased freight rates will not less
en Nebraska farmers' profits on their
wheat, us the government price Is to
be Increased In proportion, according
to Information received by State Food
Administrator Wattles.
Tho state Insurance board has ruled
that Insurance companies doing busi
ness with the Nebraska body must
print their policies and keep their
books and other records In the English
Governor Nevlllo received from tho
Omaha Chamber of Commerce n res
olution expressing approval of tho
work of the Nebraska state council of
defense and pledging Its hearty sup
port. Erection of factories for making
starch from potatoes Is contemplated
nt Alliance and Ileiiiingford. There Is
jilso considerable talk of u potato
Hour factory In u western Nebrnskn
The school district of Goring has
registered $30,000 bonds with the ,
Ftato nudltor nt Lincoln, the proceeds j
of which will bo used for erecting n
A large number of hogs have died I
In Brown county during the past few j
nays irom n peculiar aiuiient. Mi i"'
vestlgatlon Is being made.
Ernest Sundberg, the Snyder car
penter who was found guilty by a
jury at Fremont of violating the
state sedition law, was sentenced to
from one to live years In the peniten
tiary. The directors of the consolidated
school at Virginia, Gage county, have
decided to build a modern $10,000
school building.
About 2,500 persons ntUmded the
Stnto Sunday School convention at
Hnstlngs. York was chosen for the
1017 convention.
Ten thousand war savings stamp
Boclctles must bo in actlvo operation
In Nebrnskn by June 28. That Is the
quotn set for tho state. Nebraska 1ms
been completely circularized with 40
000 pamphlets, sent to ministers. Sun
day school teachers, bankers nnd busi
ness men, preparing them for tho ono
day drive, June 28,
Rush noy, Nanco county farmer,
was instantly killed whllo mowing nl
falfu. The team with the second
mowing machine following him be
came frightened nnd ran over blm
with tho machine.
The Buffalo County Council of De
fense has recorded Itself as favoring
tho assessment plan for raising future
Liberty loan and Bed Cross apportion
ments hi the county mid also other
war work funds, taking tho attitude
that too many men of big caliber
financially weru hiding behind a $u0
dollur Liberty bond or a mere lied
Cross membership. I
The Superior chapter of the Daugh-,
ters of the American Revolution as
sisted In the dedication of a monu
ment on the famous Oregon trail near
Oak. This monument is located about
one tulle from Oak on the exact loca
tion where Nuckolls county was first
organized and It also murks tho spot
of the last Indian massacre In the
Private car lines operating In Ne
braska will pay an additional $10,000
In tuxes over 1017, according to com
pilations by Secretary Bernecker of
the state board of equalization. Tho
Increase Is due to an Increased levy
of 58 mills for state, county, town
ship, school nnd municipal purposes
as compared with 4." mills last year.
The Nebraska supreme court has
ruled that the word "cordial" on u
bottle doesn't mean that the bottle
'oiitnlus strong drink, mid dismisses
a pure food commission appeal from
a dismissal In the district court of a
charge of misbranding against n Lin
coln merchant.
Parents of boys who have gone to
war marched In a monster Bed Cross
parado at David City. Homo litinnN
from David City, Rising City, Sur
prise nnd Brnlmifcl, took part in Hie
festivities. The day was n great suc
cess, over $20,000 being raised for the
Bed Cross.
Emerson It. Piircell, prominent Ne
braska newspaper niiiu mid editor of
the Custer County Chief, published
nt Broken Bow, has entered the
field for the state legislature, hav
ing Hied on the democratic ticket for
representatives from Custer county.
A consolidated school district of
Hock county, embracing the town of
Newport and three rural districts, Is
preparing to build a new schoolhouse
and has voted $11,400 of bonds for
that purpose. The bonds have been
registered with the state auditor.
One of tho Bernstorff endorsed
checks, representing German Bed
Cross money collected in Dodge coun
ty and sent to the German ambassa
dor who used It to spread German
propaganda In this country, has turn
ed up nt n bank In Hooper.
The Beatrice gas company plant
which closed down because. It was re
fused a 20 per cent Increase In rates,
resumed operation following an agree
ment between officials of the linn and
city authorities. Demands of the
company wero granted.
Members of thu Lancaster county
medical association passed a resolu
tion at n meeting ut Lincoln, pledging
every member of thu organization to
otter his services to the government In
the medical corps nnd to accept a call
If It came.
Local draft boards in Nebraska aro
ordered to reclassify nil registrants
given deferred classification on ac
count of mnrrlagcs contracted after
May 18, 1017, placing them In class 1
unless they hnvo created "dependen
cies." Secretary Bourko of tho Omaha
Board of Education has received ud
vice from Washington that the $1,000,
000 school bond Issue voted by cit
izens of the metropolis last April, has
not been approved by the government.
From returns of the assessments by
the Platte county assessors, the per
sonal property valuation for taxutlon
purposes will go about 10 per cent
over Inst year's figures.
Preparations nro being mnde to be
gin harvesting In southern Nebraska.
Tho grain Is ripening fast and will
hnvo to be cut soon.
An nrmy of three hundred lawyers,
doctors mid other professional men Is
being organized at Lincoln to work on
farms this summer.
Fred W. Anheuser of Omnhn has
purchased the Beaver City Sun. Tho
paper was established about six
month ngo.
Three new buildings to cost approx
imately $50,000, are to be constructed
at the Fort Omaha balloon school.
Tho registration of boys for the war
service resulted In thirty-three being
added to the rolls In Brown county.
Preparations are being made for u
home guard military congress at Nor
folk somo time Into this summer.
Deputy State Superintendent Wood
aril Is urging school boards In Ne
braska to scan text books during tho
summer and purge those of pro-German
Tho state tournament of tho Ne
braska Women's Stnte Golf associa
tion will be held at Omaha August 20.
A company has Incorporated for tho
purpose of publishing a new dally pa
per In Omaha,
Omnhn has n population of 2111,000,
according to tho now city directory
Just Issued.
The noose wns put n little tighter
about the German language In Buf
falo county, when the council of de
fense Issued orders forbidding Its use
In public places, nt gatherings or over
the phone.
Registration of ull moles from six
teen ycurs upwards will start In Madi
son county soon In order thnt farmers
will bo assured of plenty of help dur
ing harvest season.
According to official figures Oma
ha's contribution to tho recent lied
Cross drive amounted to nearly $2
per capita.
Acts of Aggression May Cause War
Declaration by United
Washington Attack by Turkish
troops on the American consulate nt
Tabriz, Persia, and the looting ot an
American missionary hospital In that
city, reported to the state dopartmont,
was believed to prcsago tho long an
ticipated declaration of tho exlBtenco
of a Btato of war between the United
States and tho Ottoman empire. Dip
lomatic relations botwoan tho two gov
ernments havo been suspended since
April 20, 1917, when Turkey withdrew
Abdul link Hussein Bey, who had
been nctlng as charge of tho Turkish
embnssy hero since the compulsory re
tirement of tho regular ambassador,
which followed his open criticism of
tho United States government. Neces
sarily American Ambassador Morgon
thau was obliged to leavo Constnntl
noplo nnd slnco thnt time tho relntlons
between tho two governments hnvo
boon Just short of nctual formal en
mity. Recently there have boon vigorous
demands In congress for a declaration
of a stato of war between tho United
States and Turkey and Bulgaria, but
President Wilson nnd the stato depart
ment have not regarded this stop as
necessary or desirable, slnco there has
been no nctual collision between Amer
ican and Turkish and Bulgarian troops.
On tho face of tho reports from
American Minister Caldwell at Te
heran, officials were Inclined to be
Hovo that the sacking of tho Amer
ican hospitnl, n Presbyterian Institu
tion, over tho protest of tho Spanish
consul in chargo as representative ol
American interests, furnished tho nec
essary provocation for open hostilities
between America and Turkey.
Japan to be a Competitor
Washington That Japan will bo n
permanent competitor of the United
States and Great Britain for Latin
Amerlcnn trado was Indicated with
the announcement of the opening ot
a Japanese bank at Buonos Aires.
Tho bank is a branch of tho Yokohomn
8pccio bank and will receive assist
anco from tho Imperial bank of Jnpan.
Dispatches from Argentina lndlcato
that tho Institution will deal In Inter
national exchange nnd that its general
purposo will bo to foster reciprocal
commerce. Tho announcement fol
lows tho recent report of plans for tho
establishment of steamship service be
tween Yokohoma nnd Buenos Aires bj
way of Calcutta and Capo Town.
Accused of Stealing Papers
Now York Three men nnd a woman
havo been taken In custody and
charged with stealing from munitions
plants throughout tho country plnns
nnd blueprints vnluablo to the Amort
can and allied governments. They
wero charged with violating tho es
pionage net. Gus L. Llndcqulst, n i
draughtsman. Leo Burt, a stationary j
engineer, nnd Franz Strohmler, Bald
to bo an enemy alien, woro tho names I
of tho three men ns given by tho nuth-
orltles. Governmont officials would
aot identify tho woman.
Farm Loans Show Loss
Washington Governmont farm loans
'ocreaso In May amounting to $9,530,
iV'U to 4,300 farmers as compared with
past monthly averages of about $12,
000,000, a report by the federal loan
bank shows. Tho Spokane land bank
mado tho highest record with $1,511,
000 loans closed. Tho nggregato of
loans closed by districts follows: St.
Paul, $15,798,000; Spokane, $15,730,
755; Omaha, $12,459,190; Wichita,
$11,720,300; Berkley, $C,230,200.
Borglum's Property on Block
Atlanta Property at Stone Moun
tain, Gn., of Gutzon Borglum, tho
sculptor, who recently mndo sensa
tional chargos In connection with tho
aircraft production program, is adver
tised for sale at public auction to
satisfy a claim of C. G. Baxter, for
mer secretary ot tho sculptor, for $700
back salary. The property consists of
oqulpment used by Borglum In tho
work of carving a memorial to tho
southern confederacy on tho face of
Stono Mountain.
National Guard Division in Alsace
Washington Tho war department
authorizes formally tho announcement
that tho Thirty-second division (Na
tional Guards) composed of Michigan
nnd Wisconsin troopB, is now fighting
In Alsaco on Germnn territory. Slnco
tho division has been in action its
presenco has been identled by tho
Germans, permitting tho fact to bo dis
closed. Captain Spang Dismissed
Washington Dismissal of Captain
Frederick C. Spang of tho quarter
master corps after trial by court
martial for selling ompty flour sacks
to civilian denlers, at Camp Travis,
Tex., was announced by tho war do
partmont. Permission to increase steamship,
passenger rates between Soattlo and
San Francisco to mako thorn throe
cents a mile and oqual to rail chargos
Js asked ot tho Intorstato commerce
Manufacturers of War Supplies Are li
Trouble With Government.
Washington A natlon-wldo conspir
acy between manufacturers' and con
tractors' agents In Washington to so
licit government war orders under an
agreement to pay commissions Illegal
ly to tho agents, has been disclosed
by tho department of Justice. Simul
taneously with tho announcement,
raids were made on hundreds of man
ufacturers' business offices throughout
the "United Stntes In search of pnpers
showing the scope of tho illegal prac
tice, nnd four Boston business men
wero Indicted In Washington on
charges of acting as contingent fee
npents. Even before tho results of tho
rnld wero fully reported hero, officials
Indicated they had evidence that
scores, perhaps hundreds, of contracts
havo been made with manufacturers
who wero under pledge to turn ovor
to contract commission agents in
Washington, New York and e'.ise when
a porcontnge of their profits.
Officials said tho manufacturer
were led into tho agreements by assur
ances of agents that thoy had special
influence with army officers or others.
j In chargo of letting contracts and
j under threat to use that inlluenco
uguinsi mo mnnuiaciurcrs. Kvutonco
was said to havo been socured that
some of the agents alreidy havo mndo "
thousands In commission toea.
To Develop Indian Lands
Washington A bill by Senator
Ashurst of Arizona, opening about thir
ty million ncres of wcBtern Indian
reservation lands to prlvato develop
ment1, upon n royalty basis, for min
erals needed In tho war has passed
tho senate. This legislation opens to
mining Indian lands heretofore unde
veloped because tho Indians lacked
capital for mining operations. A leas
ing system provided in tho bill would tho Indians royalties of not less
than 5 per cent of tho net value ot
tho minerals extracted. Lands to bo
opened under this legislation aro Ari
zona, 19,551,000 acres; CnlitVnln 43G,
000; Montana, 4,313,000; Nov.Vda 687,
000; New Mexico 1,889,000; Washing
ton 3,150,000 nnd Wyoming C08.000
acres. Slyty-thrce Ships on Fourth
Philadelphia According to reporti
made to emergency licet corporation,
at least sixty-three ships will bo
launched on ho Fourth of July In ro
sponso to the appeal mado by Charlos
M. Schwab, director general of tho cor
poration, that Independence day bo
celebrated by such a big Bplash of
ships that It will reach tho cars ot
tho German emperor. It will bo tho
largest number of ships over sent into
tho wnter In any country in ono day.
Shipyards on tho Atlantic and Pacific
coasts, tho gulf coast and great lakes
nro in tho raco to get ships ready for
their Initial plunge.
Camp for Engineer Officers
Washington Tho engineer officers'
training camp which Is to open about
August 1, will bo located ac Camp
Humphreys, where somo 17,000 en
gineer replacement troops now aro in
training. Two thousand candidates for
commissions ns captalna and first
lieutenants aro expected to enroll. Can
didates for lieutenancies should bo
between thirty-two and forty-six years
of age, and thoso for captaincies be
tween thirty-six nnd forty-two. A
traveling board, headed by Major E. H.
Williams, will visit several of tho
larger cities and cxnmino conditions.
Nineteen Years for Grace Lusk
Waukesha Tho final eplsodo in tho
trial of Grace Lusk, convicted of tho
murder of Mrs. Mary Nowman Roberts,
wifo of tho former Wisconsin stato
veterinarian, was enacted when Judgo
Martin Lueck sentenced tho form
school mistress to nineteen years' Im
prisonment at hard labor. In tho Donl.
tontlary at Waupun. Sentence was
npnnniinnflil nffn. n , nn 11
j'.uuuu.isvu unui u buitlllllliuu Ul UI1UU-
Ists appointed by tho court had ex.- JS
amtneu .Miss Lusk and pronounced
her sane. Sho will bo taken to prison
tomorrow. ,
Huge Profits In Contracts
Washington Investigation of hug
profits nllcged to havo boon taken
from tho government under "cost
plus" contracts for construction and
was supplies, was ordered by tho sen
ate Judiciary committee A sub-coin-mltteo
was authorized to consider a
bill by Senntor King of Utah which
would abolish tho "cost plus" system
nnd prohibit tho payment of commis
sions In tho securing of war contracts.
Washington Attorney Gcnornl Greg
ory has refused to approvo tho form
of contract between tho railroad ad
ministration and tho now consolidated
express company without somo pro
vision for restoration of competition
after tho war.
Gen. Wood Goes Back to Funston
Washington Invocation of ordorsN
nsBlgnlng Major General Leonard w
Wood to command tho western dopart
mont and ro-nsslgnmont of tho goneral
to Camp Funston, Kansas, is an
nounced by tho war dopartmont. Whon
Genoral Wood was withdrawn from tho
division that ho had trained at Camp
Funston on tho ovo of its doparturo
for Franco ho urged Btrongly that ho
bo given moro actlvo duty than ho
would find as a departmental commander.