RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF f WW. I N. A. PLATT PHONE-- IND, 65 J. Our Mo'io Cleanliness, Quality, Service, Price STAPLE FANCY GROCERIES Folgers Coffees, Teas, Extracts and Spices ' Frontier and Acropolis Canned Goods Itens Crackers and Cookies KiLTc1 Lowneys Chocolates Hastings Bread Fresh Daily Highest Prices Paid for Your Produce Cash or Trade Give us a chance to supply your want. Your trade appreciated. Courteous treatment to all. Rest room in store come in and make yourself at home. ,..".' x-x'XMM:w:":M":"X":t. AS TOLD TO US .. , : ..:..;..:..:..:..:..:..:..x..:..:..:..:xx::"Xi::' Read tlio Orpheum h 1 on pogc s. Clyde Fitney was here from limvnle Saturday. Earl McICliumoy visited Denver, Col., river Snnday. Irvin Springer left for Camp Cody Tuesday night. Archie Potter came home from Omaha Saturday night Mr Donald Cloud, of Inavale, was in the city yesterday. Salmon Upson has returned to his home at Kenosha, Wis. Carl Jernuerg is reported arrived safely somewhere in France. Turn to page eight, read the Orph. cum ad. It will interest you. Eat and drink at Powell &, Pope's Cafe. tf Mrs. F A. Hilderbrandt is home ,from a visit with relatives at Alma. Mr and Mrs. .James P.urden, and Uernard, nre home from CbIIro, Mo. Faruieis' Union meeting at Kellogg Hall every Thursday night at Si.lo. tf Misses lllimclio and Mildred Pope spent the week end with relatives at Cow lei Mrs. Geoiyla Long has gone to Den ver, and will keep lioue for hor brother. Chas. Hunter and son came over from Inavale Saturday to attend the Koontz sale. Harness repahing and lmlf-soleing, in basement under Egc's store. P. U. Hanrkn. 8011 Harry Waller and family from Cowlcs spent Saturday and Sunday with their relatives in Red Cloud Mr. and Mrs. R. L Avery, who have been visiting friends here, returned to their home at Lincoln, Friday. See the gie&t western drama in live hc's at the Orpheum (Thursday). The show starts at 8..10. Admission (ic-llc Thlity-flveof the latest modol M-'lo lilies for the Homo Uuurds wore ordered Saturday from St. Louis by G. W. Trine. Our enterpiising hardware merchant Oeo. V. Trine has installed in Ids store one ot the new Detroit Automatio Counter Scales. Join the War Savings Society Mrs V. A. Sherwood and .Mrs. J. II, llailey wore in llladen and llltio Hill Wednesday giving instructions to the Chapter's in Red Cross wotk. I Col.J.lI.Ellinger handled the Koontz administratrix sale last Saturday in his customary successful style. Every thing was sold, and sold well. The First Methodist Church hold a well attended open air service Sunday evening. This will lie repeated next Sunday. Come out and worship under the blue sky. Word has been received that Everett Stroup, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stroup oflled Cloud, and a member of Company K of Camp Cody, New Me. is on his way to Prance. The Al lieois family have shipped their household goods to Scotts Hluif, where Mr. Beers Is engaged In the same line of work that he followed here, Mrs. J. P. Gi lines wont to (irtind Island Saturday to see her soldier son John, who was to pass tluough there Sunday onroute to a training eatrp. Mr, and Mrs E. I. Grimes went out by auto Sunday morning The Nuwho'.isc ami I'liaies f unities enjoyed a pli-n-int luiimmi at the Iioiiih of Cliis. I'liaies in th country., Sunday, Mrs. Uailmra i'liaies' on Henry, fiom I'ontiul City' being the guest of honor His wife and child aroexpej'.o 1 here tli'j llrst of the week for a brief visit. Miss Hazel I'.uiden is home from Missouri. Jack Waller, of Cowles, was in the city Saturday. Cecil Urtrrett was home ironi Super, ior over Sunday. Al Holdredge. of Itiverton, was a Saturday visitor here. Eyes tested, glosses fitted. J. C. Mitchell, the Jeweler. A. H. Hoffman, of Hluo Hill, was in the city Tuesday evening. Henry Clauson has gone to Denvor, Col., where he has employment. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McCracken are visiting relatives and friends in Denver Questlonaires are now bolng sent to the young men who registered Jtiuo nth. Mrs. V. A. Sherwood is home after an extended, visit at Atlantic coast points. ,. Jas. Mclutosh bought the jack sold at the Koontz sale, paying S1,000 for the animal.1 Mrs. P. II. Hotter is entertaining her bister Mrs. It. H. Wilson and Opal Iter daughter, from Kansas City. Rev. V. M. Harper, J. M. Hewitt and Mrs. N. M.tireen attended the Uaptist District Association at Olenville this week. H E. tuicf, until icceiitly of the Urtce iV Chimes IJuig Co , left for his tin in home in Colorado last Thursday evening. Join the War Savings Society Dr. and Mrs. Creighton left Red Cloud Sunday morning on n vacation trip to Chicago and other eastern points. Miss Clara Warren who is attending Hastings College, spent the week eud here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Warren. rt Mr. and Mrs. Paul Capper, of Leba non, Kan., were visiting relatives here over Sunday. Mr. Capper left Tuesday for Camp Punston. County Attorney and Mrs. P.J. Mini day are entertaining relatives Mrs. M. J. Munday of Edison, Neb., and Mrs J. C. Dicks of Cordon, Neb. Cards have been received announc ing that Emil.1. Polnieky, son of Mrs. Mary Polnieky, of Red Cloud, lias ar rived safely soniowheto in Prance. Rev. J. L, lieebe nttended a large picnic of the Partnots Union at Wil liams Grove, near Culdc Rock, Ptiday, where lie otliclated as orator of the day. Rev. John E.unst, who underwent an oputation for appendicitis last week, is repotted a tfcoveiing very nicHy. He Is convinced that the opi-rMiou saved his life Master Austin Ci timer, of Red Cloud, returned homo dining tho week, after spending n couple of weeks at the homo of his grandmother ,Mrs. W. 1$. Cramer. Blnden Enterprise. Stray mule came on my farm, ! miles south and 7 miles cist of Red Cloud, June 7th. Owner can have s'line by ptoving propei ty and pajing expense, Including this notice. (Jmi.ii Chow i:u. -J Mr Last hatiuday William Unves pur chased the Kont Uroi. bus and bag gage lino and consolidates It with his own. This is a good move for all who are interested. One bus line is ample for all demands of the travelling public. Tho 1-Minute Men. C. II. .Miner, chairman, Attorney Howard S, Foe, ditcctor. will hold a special mooting at the Court House tills evening to arrange for their wot it in tho War .stamp Savings Snelt'lifH ol the county. Itopintsaiv being ilictilated that tho government, will tj broom com and other crop $'i per acre. Tins isolllelally denied at Washington, County .gonr' are leijtiehlcd to aid in lncnliii the souicu of thcMt icpoi is which hid un. dottbtudly spiead for the puiposuof discouraging agriculture. Their Country's Call The '-f men lat lalled for setvoe. left Rid Cloud tins motnlmr for Ft 11 ley and Ciitnp Punston A batujitet wif seived them at the Powell A Pope lestHiitii'it last tught. with color deco. raMnns and a dainty and complete menu Aftetwmd Mayor Daineiell tip. propi lately Introduced llev. P.tthet Fitzgerald who gave an iinptcsive and eloiiuent address regarding the duties and conduct which the new life they weie entering would demand Mi's Hettha Doyle went to Hardy Friday. licit Leonard was lieie fiom Inavate Tuesday. II Keeney. of Cowles, was in the city Saturday, Mrs W. V. Deal has gone to her new homo at Alliance. l.ood mealsgood service model ate prices Powell .V; Pope's cafe. Mr. and Mis John Heed, of Superior, were lied Cloud visitors Saturday. Mts. C. Cearrow, of St. Joe. is visit ing the Nelson mid Clauson families. Chaiincy McDowell has gone to Ax tell where he will assist in the harvest. Mr and Mrs, C A. Ilttffer, were here visiting relatives Saturday and Sun day. Mrs. E. M. Ego took her Sunday School cltis to Amboy for a picnic Friday. Mrs. Ilernice Sandersou of Lincoln, is in the city visiting her parents, Chas. l'jttcr and wife. C. A. Heriiek made a trip to Cow les Wednesday to look after the adjust ment of Mate Hail Insurance loss. Miss ISortliH Potter returned homo from Lincoln Tuesday night, whete she had been visiting her sister for some time. Join tho War Savings Society Owing to tho advancing cost of every thing required in the business the bus tare will hereafter be l.r cents each way. W.m. Hayks, Dus Lino Tho Auld Public Library will be open on July 4th from - to !i:.J0 and 7 to Up. m. You are welcome- to go in and rest if you desire. Louie Sennit, returned Tuesday evening from McMinnville, Teun., where he has just completed a course in photography at the Southern School of Photography. Mrs R. F. Godfrey will go to Davan na the llrst of next week, where her husband is now loented. Mr. Codfrey was a valued employe at tho Powell A Pope restaurant. Mr ami Mis. s.'c. Ellis,assisisted by Mr. and Mis. N. U. Bush entertained with a musical lawn parly at the Ell'ii home Tuchduy evonitig. Mrs. Diamond of Otis, Colo was the guest if honoi Light lel'reshiuents weio served and tlio large assembly of friends had a most enjoyable time. Those who missed seeing tlio "Heart of n Slacker," photo play at the Oiphe mil Saturday, lost a treat in tho pictutc line. We have seen many, and this ranks with tiic best. Roth as a picture production and a strong lesson in pat riotism it is exceptionally good. Mau uger Retzman deserves commendation for tho class of "silent drnma" he is presenting here. Someone left a bottle somewhere and someone else called at the Chief ofllce inquiring for it. Nothing doing here. Wo do not say or imply anything re garding tills particular bottle, for wo don't know anything about it other than as nbovo stated. On general principles wo meroly remark that, it is unsafe to leave bottles around, nlthough the degroo of "unsafety" vaiies greatly with the contents thercot. F. M Cochrane, of Inavale, was a pleasant caller nt this onleo Saturday. Mr. Cochtano Is a pioneer resident ot this section of the country, arriving here ahead ot the railroads and when there was but one storo In what is now this city of Red Cloud Ho climbed tho Chief t airway, down ami up, with agility truly surprising when one thinks of tlio fact that on Juno 1th, just past, he celebrated his olglity-fniirfli birth day unniversiiry Louisa Haiiey, fot many years n staunch subscriber to tlio Chlei, who for some time past 1ms been staying at the homo of Alfred Drown in t lie Inn vale country, has returned to Red Cloud for n wliilo. About a year ago she had tlio tnisfoi trine to fall and break her right arm at. tho wrist and although glvon the best of tieatinent it still troubles her. Sho has, in com mon with the old settlers, many inter. e.stmg reminiscences of Red Cloud's early history. Among other incidents bolng the production of the heading which distinguishes Tho Red Cloud Chief from hosts of other newspaper throughout the country, an artist at that time stopping at her ho.ise. Several young pcoulc from this county arc planning to attend tlio well known Giantl Island Htibincss College at Gtand Island, Nehr. It is ono of Mio latgest and oldest commercial schools in tlio We.-t and positively guarantees positions to its graduates. An a patriotic duty on ac count of tho shottago of office help, tho school has decided to extend a splendid offer to a limited number.' Send for free catalogue. Attention Threshermen Pi 'sr it,t to ,,. i st 0f tl ,, Pi Food i inn n ..pp, nt liter titig of nil ') i.-sbi I'toitMi of W .. i in r Wl'l ' v ! 1 at ttlt oiliitl lit 1,011 In !! it ( mud, S itni lay .luie'i fs at ! o ! k. i) m . f"f the nun ie ..I net ft,' l' a coMirv ntt.Mii . it i n .in,! detenu mug the prl e feu tlueshing fi the seas .i ,,f JplS, find for Hileh .itliet lltattei-. innv come befile the org'in I'K'ii. Public Interest dem itels your .i"i nt on l: E. M(I3i:,'iL Foul Ailtnini.ti.iti, Webster Co Important Meeting RirC To tit. People of Red Cloud: You and the members of yourliouse hold ti li"tehy notified to attend a mectii .it the Oipheitm Theatre Fri day, .1 n. 2Sth, promptly at tlnce o'clock p ni., for the purpose of or ganif g War Saving Societies. The Govom i.nt expects every loyal cit izen, o mg and old, to join a Savin.- Society. A lrcord will he kept of th pi cent and thoso absent. WARD M. BURGESS, Nel .i-ka War Savings Ditcctor Undo Authority of United States Treas . Sugar Sales Limited Sal - of sugar to consumers living in cit" ..nd towns, are now limited to two p .tuN, while five pounds arc the most '.it may bo sold to those who live in ' nal communities. Announce ment "i -hoso now regulations by Fed eial 1 hi 1 Administrator Wattles come? a .i result of tho losses in sub marine attacks and big demnnds for canning and preserving. Tho now rules aie now effective. The new order hns no effect on tho sugar that can be bought for canning and ptf-erving. Housewives may buy 25 pounds providing they sign a cer tificate that tho sugar will ho used for canning and preserving. I Donald I. Pope Dead Donal 1 I. Pope, son of Mrs. Laura J. Pope of tills city died in Omaha Tuesday morning, Uright's disense be lug the immediate cause. Mr. P.ipe was born in Oak Creek township, Webster county, in 187."), where his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. A A Pope settled at an early dato in the history of Nebraska His .father was for many years Siipeiinten dent of schools, mil was the founder of tho .niplenieiir and haidware busi ness nirv conducted heieliy Pope Ilios ItesM'", histued mother, two hi others Mvin uid Punt, and it sister. Luis are us imtilfilinn relativi s miivhuiu lissr CiWV nl. Jay ami Cemge Pot ato utleles of the .huv ised. l'h) mortal clay will he Iiioii;1ii heie Friday morning, and funeral seiv oes lield from the mother's hnino at ten o'clock. m Food Rules for the Fourth Merchants are prohibited from sell ing sugar to be used for lemonade stands at picnics, celebrations, and other social occasions unless purchaser surrenders certificates Issued by the Federal Pood Administration. Sinkings by sub-mari-.o-s has caused an ueute shortage of sugar for tempo rary use, and lias resulted In drastic regulations, A family is only per mitted two to live pounds for house hold 'ise, and a maximum of tvventv live p ninds for canning purposes, un less ly special permit. Merchants shou i not sell more than two pounds per i i son per month. P.e pattiotic, help if soldiers, save sugar. Ho ver asks for beef conservation Whj Our soldiois need it Putyoiir patti Usui to tlio test. Let us forego tile tie of bt"t on the Fouith of July, an I i unserve moat at all times. Re buke the "food slacker'' who oilers' to serve htcf nn the anniveisary of out X-it.iiil Indepoiidatiee. Uno instead pork egg.f "weenies," roosteis, livei, pigs tiet, ham, canned goods mid lish, Hav beef for our boys at the front and In Ipllck the Kaiser. Tin tlour supply is nearly exhausted and l liters inform us that tlioy can siippK a very limited amount of bread for P nth of July. Pies nud cakes slioul 1 not be niado with wheat Hour Do yi ir own baking and see that youi bread has a good pattiotic color. Ever.v no is watching you. Put con sciein and heart into your "service bchl n ! tiie lines " lie eveiy day 100 per e ut American Translate the song Keep tlio Home Flies Hurtling ' into a I ving reality by guarding the food mpply of our brave soldiers in forolgi. hinds. Very tespect fully, U. E McilHIIlK. I'edeial Pood Adtnliilstiatoi For Webster County Wicycmie County. Uart., Improvni Farm WW a ipb,:W) acies under plow, 'J 10 III past io. All tillable A finely tin pioveo fin rn, uj miles from Saint Pranei '. miles front heeler, 3 miles from Fronds. Goodland graded road, .ent shaio crop goes with miIo. It' snlil at onco. A tine bargain at S17.0U) id, Can give terms. Write or come quickly. 'No trades. Tiuvis W. JIl'.N.I.VMIN,, 25.,., Saint Francis, Kansas. Dependable wwiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiwwiiijMiiijtraiTaCTWiiiiiiiiJiiiMkwjiiuuiiji.jMM nin mmi You always get the very best at our store because QUALITY goods are the only kind we sell. The brands we carry in stock are recognized . by the housewife as the VERY BEST of their kind. Everything Fresh and Pure Chase & Sanborns Coffees Itens Crackers and Cookies Batavia Jams and Spices Sunflower Canned Goods M. A. ALBRIGHT if Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Co. GEO. J. WARREN, Manager RaEsrs: You Receive the Greatest Value from The Telephosiie Theic is no commercial service or home necessity where so great a value is given as in the telephone service. A telephone costs a few cents a day. The SERVICE it renders could not be duplicated for many dollars and in some cases hundreds of dollars. The daily cost of this valuable service is measured in a few cents and is easily within the reach of everyone. A telephone installed at once will pro duce a maximum of results. Visiting anp shopping may be enjoyed without leaving your own fireside. JULY FOURTH At RED CLOUD Elll&llilllllltllllllll MnKo Our Store Your Headquarters . Cur Rest Rooms aro at Your Disposal KCET YOUR FRIRNDS AT OUR STORE We invite you to inspect our line m , of Dry Goods ami Ladies Fur- mm uiitiugs. In our Grocery De pot I in (tut your find good things EfiflfeM to tat and our prices are right. ibitllllllllllllUIiJliilllilllillliiltllliiliSSSiEa THE R. P. WEESNER COMPANY k.K