The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 27, 1918, Image 3

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OINCE first our
And fired the
Has come to pass
When to the April breeze tl ir. flag unfurled.
HPODAY, where floats the Stars and Stripes, we deem
" Each star defiance at the tyrant hurled;
Each stripe a bar 'gainst despots, too, would seem
To interpose for human rights imperiled.
'"TOD AY, in foreign lands, the flag is flung
Against a crimson sky across the sea,
Where' battle's bane from out the land has wrung
Its dreadful toll. It promises to free
Each nation, and to number each among
All peoples in a worldwide liberty.
11 iBii IHCSiBpQVmHIwCc f xJJx..fT0r'5y vJKrlf -wwcitTcuJj! w li dTJf?rya LTJffi jjh 1
North Carolina
Led Colonies in
IT Is popularly supposed thnt the
Independence of the United States
began on n Fourth of July in Phil
adelphia, but down In the Old
North State Is a community that
threw off the British yoke nioro than
,n year before the
Tumult In tho city,
In tlio quaint old Quaker town
announced the first general step to
ward the freedom of the colonies.
In 1705 the British parliament passed
the stamp net. When the first sloop of
,wnr arrived off Cnpe Fear from Eng
land carrying stamped puper the peo
ple terrorized tho captain until he wns
afraid to lnnd his stuff, and then they
captured tho stamp officer from the
governor and
made tho ofTlcer
take oath that ho
would not at
tempt to enforce
the uso ol
stumps. A year
later tho stamp
net wns repealed.
But North Cnro
llnn had found
that she had n
power when tho
peoplo arose, and
the English
crown wns never
ngnln sure of ltq
ground In the col
ony. Tho people ns
sorted the right
of free assem
blage after that,
nnd the assump
tion led to numer
ous clashes with
tho governor un
til in May, 1771,
&2 z
the governor, with soldiers, proceeded
ngalnst a band of men culling them
selves Regulators; nnd a few miles
north of Southern Tines n bnttlo was
fought it. which more than 100 casual
ties occurred on both sides, nearly two
score being killed. This was the first
bloodshed In tho Revolution. The In
judicious governor, whose force wns
.victorious, aroused further hntred on
tho part of tho peoplo by hanging a
number of his prisoners. Herman
iHusbnnds, the lender of the Regain
tors, escaped and went to Pittsburgh,
where ho settled, dying later nt Phila
delphia. , Tho feeling wns funned by the. ex
treme nets of each side, until a stato
jJPw J 5
sires stood beside the stream,
shot that echoed 'round the world,
the epoch of their dream
convention was held at Newborn In Au
gust, 177-1. The meeting of the cplonlnl
legislature, which followed, practically
endorsed the radical views of tho con
vention, which wns proclaimed by the
governor to he nnnrcliy. The result was
that the legislature was dissolved nnd
the governor took refuge on u ship of
war in Cape Fear river.
In May, 1775, the people of Mecklen
burg county had n convention, and
they took occasion, nearly 14 months
before the Declaration of Independence
wns Issued at Philadelphia, to say
Ringing Declaration.
"We declare ourselves n free nnd
Independent people; nro and of right
ought to be n sovereign and Indepen
dent self-governing association, under
no power than thnt of. our God nnd
the general government of congress.
To the mnlnte
nnnco of which In
dependence wo
J I to ench other our
j I Jl mutual co-opera-
uon, our hvl-h,
our fortunes nnd
our most sacred
Tho convention
thnt ndopted such
startling resolu
tions of Indepen
dence undertook
to lny the founda
tion for n govern
ment for North
Carolina until n
suitable nnd sta
ble form could bo
provided by con
gress, nnd from
that dny the au
thority of the British crown wns exhib
ited only during thoso few times when
Cornwnllls made his ventures with
more or less varying success on the
territory of the colony.
North Carolina was the first of tho
colonies to hnvo nn English settlement,
tho first to shed blood In the war for
Independence, and tho first to give ut
ternnco in explicit form to that Inde
pendence. Nor wns the declaration of
the peoplo of Mecklenburg the sole
manifestation of the sentiment in the
mntter. At Fnyettevllle, on Cnpe Fear
river below Southern Pines, another
Declaration of Independence unte
dnted that of Philadelphia. Tho peo
ple In Cumberland county, of which
Fnyettevllle is the capital, Issued their
statement In Juno of 1775, insisting
that resort to nrms wns Justified, and
pledging ench other to sacrifice life
and fortune to tho freedom nnd safety
of nn oppressed peopled In April, 177(1,
still before the Philadelphia Declara
tion of Independence, the provlnelnl
congress of North Curollnn appointed
wsM:Mr i
a committee to prepare n civil consti
tution, nnd It was done so well that
the document served some CO yenrs as
tho organic law of the stnte. And m
It wns that North Carolina opened the
road that led up to the creation of the
most progressive nation on the face of
tho eartb, and the one whose Influence
has" done most for the advancement of
Some Tory Sentiment.
All of this section of North Cnrollnr.
wns not enthusiastic in the Declaration
of Independence. A portion of the set
tlers were ardent Tories so ardent.
In fact, thnt It wns not until the war
of 1812 that tho Scotch of Cape Fear
vnlley finally turned nwny absolutely
from the royal standard.
The story Is one of slngulnr misfor
tune. The Cnpe Fear vnlley wns set
tled largely by
the adherents of
the Stuart family,
which met with
such disaster nt
Cullodcn that
many of the fol
lowers of the Pre
tender were ban
ished to America
for taking up
nrms ngnlnst tho
British crown. Be
fore these peoplo
were permitted to
snll they were
cu'irn rr it littnl.
i i i k l ,nB on,h to li0
"I rJ ,nynl henceforth
king. When the
Fettlers around
them in North
Cnrollnn wcro ris
ing ngnlnst the
declaring Indepen
royal governor,
dence, refusing to pay stamp taxes,
making new constitutions nnd fighting
ngalnst the king, the Scotch settlers
were In nrms under the British tint'
Their oath nnd their hitter exporlenco
before migrating to America prompted
them to keep nwny from uny further
rebellious ucts.
Greene's Memory Worthy of Honor.
Next to Washington, Nnthnnnel
Greene wns the most tiotent force in
our struggle for nntlonul independence, i
He was born on May 27, 1712, In u lit-1
tlo fnrmhouso In Rhode Island. IIM .
boyhood was spent llko thnt of tho
other youth of tho neighborhood. Prob
ably It wns n little less exciting, for
his fnther was a strict Quaker ami j
pastor of a church at East Greenwich I
Ho wns also n "captain of Industry" at '
thnt period. With his flv brothers, ha
owned u forge, a grist mill, a sawmill,
us well as a store for tho salo of gen
eral merchandise
p ?
Too Much to Ask.
The I.iuly Citii I Imu' llil.H gent on
npprnt ul?
Clerk -Yes. iiiiulam. Iiil you'll hne
in return It In M'in tltiy.s
Tin' I.iuly- C JtMMlu. griii'lou! How
-mi I tiuiki' up my mlml In veveii tlii?
Hod Cross Unll JHlue, yea. Nothing
rise will do. Ucil Cross Unll Illuo
iniiltea my rlothon n beautiful clenr
white, not the dingy yellow gioon
tlngo of liquid blue. Hcd Ilnll
Uluo for mo. Ycb bIpo, Hob. Adv.
"Then' Is one thing I cnu't under
Hind," lie Htnrted to iiy.
1 "Only one?" she naked, without wait
' tug for 1 1 1 in to finish.
"There was one. Now there lire two.
The second Is, why some glrlrt never
learn that It Is only the pretty ones
who can nfl'oril to be Impertinent."
Cutlcura for Sore Hands.
Sonk hntu'.s on retiring In the hot suds
of Cutlcura Sonp, dry nnd rub In Cu
tlcura Ointment. Remove surplui
Ointment with soft tissue pnper. For
free snmples nddress, "Cutlcura, Dept.
X. Hoston." At druggists nnd by mall.
Soap 25, Ointment 25 nnd 50. Adv.
Cut Price.
"Is It n genuine cut glass she has?"
"Yes; cut from $1 to 75 cents, most
of It."
Are Here Told the Best Remedy
for Their Troubles.
Freemont, O. "I was passing through tho critical
period of life, being forty-six years of ago and had nil
the symptoms incident, to tuatcnango neat uasncB, (
nervousness, and was In a general rundown condition,
bo it TTiia hard for mo to do xnv work. Lvdla E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound was
the best remedy zor my trouoics.wnicu it sureiy proveu
to be. I xoel b
ettor and stronger in every way Binco
taking it, am
ir It. and tho annovlnir
carctU" Jura. Ai. uoddkn, Via
I..'-- .. --.M.
North Haven, Conn. "Lydla E. Tlnkham's Vejjeta
Mo Compound restored my health after everything eho
had failed when passing through change of life. Thcra
is nothing like It to overcome tho trying symptoms."
Mrs. Exocexcs IflimBox 107, North Ilavcn, Conn.
fa&8 the greatest
Improved Searchlight.
From the pocket Hash lamp operat
ed by two or three dry cells of minute
size tho battery searchlight lias been
steadily Improved until today remark
able results nro obtained. A bnttery
searchlight hiiH been introduced with n
range of i.000 feet up to half a mile,
operated on six volts. Equipped with
n 7-Inch udjustablc focus, single
shell rellector, on u recent photom
eter test one of these scnrchllghts gave
450,000 candlo power. The combina
tion of a nltrogen-flllod tungsten lamp
and a correctly designed rellector has
worked wonders for tho buttery-operated
Thousands upon thousands of women
lave kidney nnd bladder trouble nnd
lever suspect it.
Women's complaints often prove to be
nothing else but kidney trouble, or the
rcbult of kidney or bladder disease.
If the kidneys are not in a healthy
condition, they mny cause tho other or
gans to become dUcatcd.
Tain in the back, headache, loss of am
bition, nervousness, nro often tunes pymp- i
toms of kidney trouble.
Don't delay starting treatment. Dr.
Kilmers' Swaiiip-ltoot, a physician's pre-1
cription, obtained at any drug store, may ,
be just the remedy needed to ovcrcomo
iuch conditions.
Get a medium or large sizo bottle im
mediately from any drug store.
However, if you wish first to test this
peat preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binnhamton, N. Y., for a
lample bottle When writing bo suro and
mention this paper. Adv.
Just Like People.
"MlcrobeH nro not nil of one kind."
"No, indeed; there nro romantic mi
crobes that live In kisses nnd mercen
ary microbes thnt live on dollar bills."
Boston Transcript.
n Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottlo of
DASTORIA, that famous old remedy
for Infants and cblldron, and sco that It
Ttnnra 4Vin
Blgnaturo otLxirrSkl
In Uso for Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
The Canadian government has
passed a law to flno or Imprison per
sons who refuso to work.
Moro than 4,000 Jows nro enrolled In
tho United Stntes navy.
9 A j
i f1f I wM
THE tenderness of Libby's SUccJ
Dried Beef, will delight you -but
you will find the greatest difference
in the flavor! '
Have Libby's Sliced Beef with creamed
sauce today. Sec how much more tender,
more delicate it is than any other you
have ever tried.
Ubby, McNeill Libby, Chicago
recommondedto mo as
svmntoma ns
iavo dlsop-
m.r - r..
napoieon au, iircmoni,
Ik Smsh. Cases
ir tftba
What Hard Worker Needs for Food, i
The man who works hard needs In
n dny II! ounces of one or of n coinbl-1
nntlon of tho following: Meat, poul
try, cheese, dried vegetables, fish or
eggs. To vary the above he may count
every glnss of milk drunk equul to an
ounce of any one of the others. The
soldiers, either In homo or military
life, must have four pounds of fresh I
fruit nnd vegetables In order to keep
tho bony structure in good condition.
Ho will need the three-quarters of a
cupful of fat (this Includes butter, oil,
the fat of meat eaten or any other
fnt In the dally diet) to keep him
warm, and to this group ho must udd
V,i pounds of brend or cereal," nnd
finnlly, In order to complete tho neces
sary amount of driving power, he must
hnve two ounces of sugar or one-third
of a cupful of sirup.
Now It (lie Tims to Gtt Rid of These Ugly Spots
Tber'i no longrr the alUhtrnt nffd of fetllng
liamrd of jour frccklm, at Ottilnr double
strrnGlb-U guttantctd to rcmoTO tbtao homely
Simply get an ounco of Othlne doable
strength from jour druggtut, unit apply a little
of It night and morning and you should Nocn co
that frcn the worst freckles ba?o begun to dl
appear, while tbn lighter ones have Tanlnhed en
tirely. It Is seldom that 'mora than one ounco
la needed to completely rlear tho skin and gain
beautiful clear rompleilon.
Ite aura to tak for the double strength Othlc.
as this Is sold under guarantee of money back
If It falls to remove freckles. Adr.
"Too Late, Sir Good-By."
A. brlKudler Rcncrnl Just buck from
tho front after tho flerco buttle which
opened with the German uttiick In
I'lcardy, tells tho fallowing story of
nn English officer: Ho was at one
end of the telephone and a young
captain In commnnd of n hulf-com-pony
nt a redoubt wns nt the other.
Tho captain wns rung up nt least
every qunrtcr of nn hour to report.
Tho light grew hotter, und ho reported,
"Things getting hotter, general. Think
wo can mnnnge," nnd described wluit
he wns doing. "(Jetting very bnil now,
sir." Then "They're ell over us." Tho
general Bald: "Destroy your stuff nnd
cut through ns best you cnn. You're a
glorious fellow." Then tho votco said :
"Too lnte, sir good-by."
Grossly Material.
"What Is your favorite perfume?"
"Well," replied Mr. Cumrox, "in tho
evening It's mint; but in the morning
It's hum nnd eggs."
Most men nro polished by bumping
j against the passing years.
s- '
Such Flavory
Sliced Beef!
tfraefttest cjdl
Surgical Department
Entirely new nnd isolated from
other departments.
Obstetrical Department
Purnibhlng an unexcelled bcrvlce
for tho care of mother and child.
Located on our promises and
usod in tho
Natural Mineral Waler Balhs
14th and M St. Lincoln, Nek.
mill - IIV7 UlStAbt
PIaMwI anhif Halnuriu w in.BiHi...jLitu
A" Oit, NcaU,clrornmoUltoonifinlent and cliMrt.
rmm Bit sMaaB n0
metal. cu' mtAtt a
r ttp ov will bo aoll
tataid affaruv. Aak fiav
Dalav Flv Killer
&JtlA Ihi rfuUn m m
bf aipraM, irapwo, tl.00.
. pAhkitfe'i
A toilet prpaxa.tlon of miit
Help to eradicate dandruff.
For Raitorin Calor and
toa and (L6 at Urantata.
Startles automobile; world. Oats RnsoUne cost
IS to 40 per cent. Eliminates carbon. Money
back guarantee. Brer motorist, eTery truck
owner and every tractor owner buys on alghtl
0 oz. package retails tl.00, enough to treat 100
gallons gasoline. Nearly 100 per cent profit.
IllK business In protected territory avralta yon.
Answer quick. CM-IOI-UI CO, t1M0tt.tlacolk.Mtk.
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 26-1918.
Place Carbons Horizontally.
A group of European electricians de
cided, nfter experimenting, thnt better
results were obtained by plnclng tho
carbons In arc lamps horizontally and
ono slightly above tho other.
Florida contains nbout 4,000,000
acres of lnnd waiting to bo reclaimed
by drnlnnge.
A fixed price is not Improved by of
fering nn excuse.
When Your Eyes Need Care
Try Murine Eye Remedy
Mo Smarting JnttHrs Comfort. (0 cents
Droaalau or mall. Writs for Vrcs Bro Uook.
jsvr rn P JaSLW
afll sataT1TaiitTarfrTWr