The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 27, 1918, Image 2

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(iiy nnv. i a fit.watiou. d. d..
Teacher of English Hlblo In the
Moody Utble ltiHtltute of Chlcngo.)
CCopvrlKht. 19U Wratrrn Newipapsr Union.)
Author of "The Iron Trail," "The
Spoilers," "Heart of the Sunset," Etc.
'Copyright, by Htrptr and Brother)
Synopsis, Don Estcbnn Voronn, rich Cubnn planter, hides Ills
money nnd Jewels nnd tho Becrct of tho hiding pluco Is lost when ho
nnd tho only other person who knows It aro killed. D nnn Isabel, step
mother of tho Vnrona twins Kstebnn und Rosn searches vainly for
years for tho hidden treasure. Johnny O'ltellly, un American, loves
nnd Is loved by Itosn. Donna Isabel fulls to her death In an .pld well
while wulklng In her sleep. Estebun'B connection with tho Cuban
lnsurrectos Is discovered und ho and Hosa are forced to flee. O'ltellly,
In Now York on business, gets a letter from Uosa telling of her peril
nnd ho starts for Cuba. Poncho Cueto, faithless manuger of the Vnrona
estates, betrays Estcbnn nnd Rosa, leading Colonel Cobo, notorious
Spanish guerrilla, to their hiding plnce. Estcbun, who is absent, returns
Just In tlmo to rescuo Itosn. O'llcllly's efforts to reach Rosa aro fruit
less nnd ho Is compelled by tho Spanish authorities to leuve Cuba.
Esteban wreaks a tcrriblo vengeance on Pancho Cueto. A florco fight
with Spanish soldiers ensues. Estcbnn escapes, but, badly wounded
und half conscious, he & uunblo to find his way bnck to his camp.
CHAPTER XI Continued.
Dut tho tlmo enmo when ho could
walk no farther. Ho tried repeatedly
and failed, nnd mennwhllo tho earth
spun oven more rapidly, threatening to
whirl him off Into space. It wus n tcr
riblo sensation; ho lay down and
hugged tho ground, clinging to roots
and sobbing weakly. Rosa, ho knew,
was Just around tho next bend In tho
trail ; ho called to her, but sho did not
answer, and ho dared not attempt to
creep forward because his grip was
fulling. Ho could feel his lingers slip
ping slipping. Ills last thought, as ho
went whirling end over end through
pace, was of his sister. Sho would
never know how hard ho had tried to
Ircach her.
Late on tho second day after tho bat-
tlo Asenslo returned to his bohlo. Rosa
nnd Evnngclina, already frantic at the
delay, heard him crying to them whllo
ho wns still hidden in the woods, and
know that tho worst had happened.
There was little need for him to tell
his story, for ho was weaponless,
stained, and bloody.- Ho had crossed
the hills on foot nftcr a miraculous cs-
capo from that ravine of death. Of his
companions ho knew nothing what
ever; tho mention of Estounn's numo
caused him to beat his breast and cry
leloud. Ho wns weak and feverish, and
jhlo Incoherent story of tho midnight
encounter was so highly colored that
Itosa nearly swooned with horror.
Tho girl stood swaying whllo ho told
jhow tho night hnd betrayed them, how
po had wcought Incredible feats of
Sraior beforo tho shifting tido of bnttle
had spewed him out tho end of tho
nunken road and left him half dead In
tho grass. Asenslo hnd lain there un
til, finding himself growing stronger,
ho hud burrowed Into n tangio of vines
nt tho foot of n wall, where ho had re
mained until tho fighting ceased. When
tho Spaniards hnd finally discovered
their mistake and hnd censed riding
one nnother down, when lights enme
and ho heard Colonel Cobo cursing
them Uko ono Insane, ho had wriggled
nway, crossed tho cnlzada, and hidden
In tho woods until dawn. Ho had been
walking ever sluco; he had come homo
to die.
Asenslo recovered, but ho was sadly
changed. Thero was no longer any
martial spirit In him; ho feared tho
Spaniards, and tales of their atrocities
Icowed him.
Then Cobo came Into tho Yumurl.
fTho valley, already well-nigh deserted,
Svns filled to tho brim with smoko from
burning fields nnd houses, nnd through
It tho sun showed Uko a copper shield.
Refugees passed tho bohlo, bound
farther Into the hills, and Asenslo told
tho two women that ho and they must
also go. So tho thrco gathered up
what few things they could carry on
their backs nnd fled.
They did not stop until they hnd
indued tho fnstnesses of the Pan do
lutanzns. Hero they built n Bhelter
nnd again took up tho problem of llv-
ng, which was now moro difficult thnn
I Tho Pan do Mntnnzns, so cnllcd be
cause of its rcsemhlnnco to n mighty
loaf of bread, became n mockery to
ntho hungry people cowering In its ehel
jtor. Bread! Itosa Vuroun could not
remember when sho had last tasted
fiiich n luxury. Raw cane, coconuts,
)q tasteless frulta boniba, roots, tho
pith from palm tops, these wero her
(articles of diet, nnd sho did not thrive
upon them. Sho wns nlwnys moro or
Jess hungry. Sho wns ragged, too, and
fihe shivered miserably through tho
ong, chill nigms. itosn could mensuro
he change In her appearance only by
tudylng her reflection from tho sur-
'ace of tho spring whero sho drew wn
er, but she could sco that she had be-
'come very thin, nnd sho Judged that
Itho color had entirely gono from her
checks. It saddened her, for O'Reilly's
Time camo when Asenslo spoke of
'.giving up tho struggle ami going in.
fThey wero gradually starving, ho said,
land Rosa was 111 ; tho risk of discovery
Jwas over present. It wns hotter to go
fwhilo they had tho strcugth than slow
jly but surely to perish here. Ho had
jheard that thero wero twenty thousand
roconcentrados In Matnnzas ; In such a
'crowd they could easily manage to
hldo themselves; they would nt least
be fed along with tho others.
No one had told Asenslo thnt the
government wns leaving its prisoners
to shift for themselves, supplying them
with not n pound of food nor n squaro
Inch of shelter.
Misery bred desperation nt last;
Evangellnn's courage failed her, and
she allowed herself to be won over.
She began her preparations by disguis
ing Rosn. Gathering herbs nnd berries,
sho made a stnln with which she col
ored the girl's face and body, then she
sewed n bundle of leaves Into tho back
of Rosa's wnlst so that when tho lat
ter stooped her shoulders and walked
with a stick her nppenranco of de
formity wns complete.
On the night before their departure
Rosn Varonn prayed fbng nnd earnest
ly, nsklng little for herself, but much
for the two black peoplo who hnd suf
fered so much for her. She prayed
also that O'Reilly would come before
It was too lnte.
A Woman With a Minion.
Within n few hours after O'Reilly's
return to New York he telephoned to
Felipe Alvnrado, explaining briefly the
disastrous failure of his Cuban trip.
'I feared as much," tho doctor told
him. "You wero lucky to escape with
your life."
"Well, I'm going bnck. Won't you In
tercede for me with tho Junta? They're
constantly sending parties."
"Um-m I not qulto so often as that."
Alvarado was silent for a moment;
then ho said : "Dine with mo tonight
nnd we'll talk It over. I'm eager for
news of my brothers nnd thero Is
somo ono I wish you to meet. Sho Is
Interested In our cnuse."
"'She'? A woman?"
"Yes, and nn unusual woman. She
has contributed liberally to out cause.
I would like you to meet her."
"Very well ; but I've only one suit of
clothes, and It lookB as If I'd slept In
"Oh, bother the clothes 1" laughed
tho physician. "I've given most of my
own to my dcstltuto countrymen.
Don't expect too much to cat, either;
every extra dollar, you know, goes
tho same way ns my extra trou
sers. It will bo a sort of patriotic
'poverty party.' Come at seven,
That evening O'Reilly anticipated
his dinner engagement by n few mo
ments in order to have a word alone
with Alvnrado.
"This lady who Is coming hero to
night has Influenco with Enrlquez," Al
vnrado told him. "You remember I
told you that sho has contributed lib
erally. Sho might help you."
O'Reilly hnd met women with ideals,
with purposes, with nvocntlons, nnd
his opinion of them wns low. Women
who had "missions" wero nlwnys tire
some, ho had discovered. This one, It
appeared, was unusual only In thnt she
had adopted n particularly exacting
form of charitable work. Nursing,
oven ns u rich woman s diversion,
must bo anything hut ugrccnble.
O'Reilly pictured this Evans person In
his mind a large, plain, elderly crea
ture, obsessed with impractical Ideas
of uplifting tho masses I She would
undoubtedly bore him stilt with stories
of her work; she would reproach him
with neglect of his duties to the suf
fering. Johnulo was too poor to bo
charitable and too deeply engrossed
at the moment with his own troubles
to care anything whatever about tho
"masses." And she was a "miss."
That meant that she wore thick glasses
and probably kept cats.
A ringing laugh from tho cramped
hallway Interrupted these reflections;
then n moment Inter Doctor Alvarado
was Introducing O'Reilly to a young
woman so completely out of tho pic
ture, so utterly the opposlto of his
preconceived notions, that he was mo
mentarily nt a loss. Johnnie fouud
himself looking Into u pair of frank
gray eyes, and felt his hand seized by
a Ann, almost mnscullno grasp. Miss
Evans, according to his first dazzling
Impression, wus ubout the most fetch
ing creature ho had ever seen and
ubout tho last person by whom any
young man could bo bored. The girl
I and she was u girl liud brought Into
the room un electric vitality, n brcczl
ncss hard to describe. Altogether she
was Biich n vision of healthy, unaffect
ed and smartly gottcn-up young worn
nnhood thnt O'Reilly could only stam
mer his acknowledgment of tho Intro
duction, Inwardly berating himself for
his awkwardness.
Alvnrado plnced nn nffcctlonnto
hand upon Bliss Evans shoulder.
"O'Reilly, this girl has done more for
Cuba thnn nny of us. Sho has spent
n smnll fortuno for medical supplies,"
said he.
"Those poor men must live on qui
nine," tho girl exclaimed. "Anyone
who enn bear to tnko the stuff ought
to have all ho wants. I've n perfect
pnsslon for giving pills."
O'Reilly liked this girl, no had liked
her tho Instant sho favored him with
her friendly smile, nnd so, trusting
fatuously to his muscullno powers of
observation, ho tried to nnalyze her.
Ho could not guess her nge, for nn ex
pensive ladles' tailor can baflle tho
most discriminating eye. Certainly,
however, she wns not old ho had an
Idea that she would tell him her exact
ago If ho asked her. Whllo ho could
not call her beautiful, sho was some
thing Immensely better sho wns nllvo,
human, Interesting, nnd Interested.
Tho fact that sho did not take her
"mission" over-scrlously proved that
she was nlso sensible beyond most
women. Yes, thnt was It. Miss No
rlno Evnns was a perfectly sensible,
unspoiled young person, who Bhowed
tho admirable effects of clean Mvlng
4ind clean thinking coupled with a nor
mal, sturdy constitution. O'Reilly told
himself that hero was a girl who could
pour tea, nurso a sick man, or throw
a baseball.
And she wns as good ns her promise.
Sho did not Interrupt when, during
dinner, Alvarado led Johnnie to talk
about his latest experience In Cuba,
but, on tho contrary, her unflagging In
terest Induced O'Reilly to nddress his
talk more often to her thnn to the doc
tor. Ho soon discovered fhat sho un
derstood tho Cuban situation as well
as or better than he, and that ler sym-
?? I3 iUK
- i
"I'm Going
to the
pnthlcs were keen. She wns genuinely
moved by the gullaut struggle of tho
Cuban people, and when the dinner
was over she exploded n surprlso
which left both men speechless.
"This settles It with me, sho nn
nounccd. I'm going right to the fcsur
rcctos with you."
"With mo I" O'Reilly could not con
ceal his lack of enthusiasm. "J don't
know that tho Junta will take me."
"They will If I nsk them. You say
tho rebels have uo hospitals, no
nurses "
"Wo do the best wo can, with our
"Well, I'll supply better equipment,
nnd I'll handle It myself. I'm In ear
nest. You shn'n't stop me."
Tho physician stirred uneasily. "It's
utterly absurd," ho expostulated.
"Some women might do It, but you're
not tho sort. You art panlou me a
most attractive young person. You'd
be thrown among rough men."
"Mr. O'Reilly will look out for me.
Rut, for that matter, I can tnko caro
of myself. Oh, It's of no use trying
to. discourage me. I nlwnys have my
own way; I'm completely spoiled."
"Your family will never consent,"
O'Reilly ventured; whereupon Miss
Evnns laughed.
"I hnvon't such n thing. I'm nlono
nnd unincumbered. No girl wns ever
so fortunate But wait I'll scttlo this
whole thing In n minute." She quitted
tho table, ran to Alvarudo's telephone,
nud culled a number.
"She's nfter Enrlquez," groaned tho
physlnn. "no's weak; ho can't ro
fuso her nnythlng."
"I don't want n woman on my
hands," O'Reilly whispered, fiercely.
"Suppose sho got sick? Good Lord I
I'd huve to nurse her." He wiped a
sudden moisture from his brow.
"Oh, sho won't get sick. She'll prob
ably nurso you nnd all the other men.
You'll like It, too, and you will all foil
In lovo with her everybody does and
start fighting nmoiitf yourselves.
There I Sho has Enrlquez. Listen."
Johnnie shivered npprehenslvely at
tho directness with which MIrs Evans
put her request. "You understand, I
want to go nnd see for myself," she
wus saying. "If you need medicines
I'll give them bushels of the mistiest
stuff I can buy. I'll organize n field
hospital. . . . Oh, very well, call
It a bribe, If you like. Anyhow, I've
fully determined to go, nnd Mr. O'Reil
ly has volunteered to tuke care of me.
He's charmed with the Men." Miss
Evans giggled. "That means you'll
have to take him along, too."
Thero followed n pause during which
tho two, men exchanged dismayed
"She doesn't seem to enre whnt she
says," O'Reilly murmured. "Rut I'll
put n Sea In Enrlquez' enr."
"Put It In writing, please." Thero
was a wait. "Now read re to me. . . .
Good I" Miss Evans .fairly purred
over tho telephone. "Send It to me by
messenger right away; that's a dear.
I'm at Doctor Alvarado's house, and
he's beside himself with Joy. Thnnks,
awfully. You'ro so nice." A moment,
and sho was back In the dining room
facing her two friends n picture of
triumph. "You hnvo nothing moro to
sny about It," she gloated. " The pro
visional government of Cuba, through
Its Now York representatives, extends
to Miss Norlne Evnns nn Invitation to
visit Its temporary headquarters In the
Sierra do somethlng-or-other, nnd
deems It an honor to have her ns Its
guest so Tbng ns sho wishes to remain
there. Now then, let's celebrate."
Sho executed n dance step, pirou
etted around the room, then plumped
herself down Into her chnlr. She rat
tled her cup and saucer noisily, cry
ing, "Fill them up, Doctor Gloom.
Let's drink to Cuba Libre."
Johnnie managed to smile as ho
raised his deml-tnsse. "Here's to my
success ns a chaperon," said he. "I'm
disliked By the Spaniards, and now
tho Cubans will hate me. I can sec
happy days abend."
O'Reilly arose early the next morn
ing nnd hurried down to the offlco of
tho Junta, hoping that ho could con
vlnco Mr. Enrlquez of tho folly of al
lowing Norlno Evans to huve her way.
But his respect for Miss Evans' energy
and Initiative deepened when, on arriv
ing nt CO New street, he discovered
that she had forestalled him nnd wns
even then closeted with tho man ho
had como to see. Johnnie wnlted un
easily; he was dismayed when tho girl
Anally appeared, with Enrlquez in tow,
for tho man's fnco was radiant.
"It's nil sottled," sho announced, nt
sight of O'Reilly. "I've speeded them
"You'ro nn early riser," tho latter re
marked. "I hardly expected "
Enrlquez broke In. "Such enthusi
asm 1 Such ardor I Sho whirls a per
son off his feet."
"It seems thnt tho Junta lacks
money for another expedition, so I'vo
made up the deficit We'll bo off In
a week."
"Really? Then you're actually
"Of course. Don't be hateful, and
argumentative, or I'll begin to think
you'ro a born chaperon," Miss Evans
exclaimed. "Come I Make up your
mind to endure me. And now you're
going to help me buy my tropical out
fit." With n smtle nnd n nod nt Enrlquez
sho took O'Reilly's una and bore him
Tho days of Idle waiting Uint fol
lowed were trying, even to one of
O'Reilly's philosophical habit of mind.
Ho could lenrn nothing about tho Jun
ta's plans, and, owing to his complete
uncertainty, ho wns unable to get
At last thero came n message which
brought them great Joy. Enrlquez di
rected them to bo In readiness to reave
Jersey City nt seven o'clock the follow
ing morning. Neither Johunle nor Les
lie Branch slept much that night.
As they wnlted In tho huge, bnrnllke
station Enrlquez appeared with Norlno
Evans upon his arm, The girl's color
was high ; she was tremulous with ex
citement. Leslie Branch, who saw her
for tho llrst time, emitted n low whistle
of surprise.
"Glory be I That goddess I" he cried.
When Norlno took his bony, blood
less hand In her warm tfrnsp nnd
Unshed him hei frank, friendly smile,
ho capitulated Instantly.
Enrlquez wns Introducing a new
comer now, ono Major Ramos, a
square-Jawed forceful Cuban, who, it
seemed, wns to bo In command of the
"My duties end here," Enrlquez ex
plained. "Major Ramos will tnko
charge of you, nnd you must do ex
actly as he directs Ask no questions,
for ho won't answer them. Good-by
and good luck."
When ho had gone the three Ameri
cans followed their uow guluo through
Iron gates.
JaJor Ramos proved that ho knew
how to obey orders even though he
other members of his party did not.
Ho remained utterly deaf to Miss Ev
ans' entreaties that he let her know
something nbout the plans of the ex
pedition; ho would not even tell her
whero he wns tnklng her, where the
other filibusters had assembled, or
from what port their ship would sull.
When Philadelphia, Washington, then
Baltimore, nnd finally Richmond were
left behind, Miss Evans was, In truth,
rendy to explode, nnd her two compan
ions were In n similar frame of mind.
It wns not until the train wns ap
proaching Charleston that Major Ra
mos finally announced: "This is the
end of our Journey; the other mem
bers of the expedition, nrc here. But I
must nsk you not to talk with them
or with any strangers, for our friends
ure being watched by detectives In the
employ of the Spanish minister nt
Washington nnd by United States dep
uty marshals. One little Indiscretion
might ruin everything."
The hotel to which Major Ramos
led his guests appeared to be well
filled ; thero were many Cubans In the
lobby, nnd the nlr was heavy with tho
aroma of their strong, black cigarettes.
As tho major entered they turned In
terested nnd expectnnt fnces townrd
him nnd they eyed his companions with
frank curiosity. Miss Evans became
the target for more than one warmly
admiring glnnce.
As for O'Reilly, the familiar odor of
thoso Cuban cigarettes, the snatches of
Spanish conversation which he over
heard, awoke In him n great excite
ment; he realized with nn odd thrill
thnt these eager, dark-visaged men
wero now his friends nnd comrades,
and that those Americans loitering
wntchfully among them were his ene
mies the spies of whom Ramos had
spoken. There were at least a score of
tho hitter, and nil were plnlnly
stamped with the distinctive marks of
their calling. That they, too, were in
terested In tho latest urrlvals was soon
made evident by their efforts to get
On tho next afternoon word was qui
etly passed to get ready, and the fili
busters, carrying their scant hand
baggage, began to lenvo the hotel In
groups, followed, oi course, Dy tne
watchful spies.
As the three Americans prepared for
departure Norlne whispered: "Listen I
Everything is nil right. We're not go
ing aboard tho Dauntless at all ; she's
here ns n blind."
"Aro you sure?" O'Reilly shot her
a quick glance.
"Major Ramos himself gave that
story to the nowBpnpers ; It's all a part
of his plan. I promised anot to tell,
but I Jnst can't help myself. Gee I
I'm having a good time."
Leslie Branch shook his hend mourn
fully. "You may enjoy It, but I don't,"
ho grumbled. "Weil end It by being
pinched, and thnt will finish me. One
week In a dnmp cell, with my lungs"
O'Reilly, whose spirits had risen
magically, clapped him heartily on the
back, crying: "Congratulations I You're
feeling better."
"I never felt worse l" tho other com
plained. "Nonsense 1 That's tho first kick
you've made since we hit cold weather.
By the time wo reach Cuba you'll bo
nlco nnd melancholy and your cough
will bo nil gone."
Ramos led his three charges to the
railroad station and Into the rear
coach of a south-bound train, whero
the other members of the expedition
hud already found sents. As they
climbed aboard n secret service agent
essayed to follow them, but he wns
stopped by n brakemnn, who said:
"You can't ride in hero; this Is a
special car. Some sort of a picnic
pnrty. Thoy're 'wops' or Greeks or
O'Reilly finds himself back in
Cuba only to have his hopes of
finding Rosa and Esteban re
ceive another crushing blow.
Still he refuses to give up the
search. Read about these devel
opments In tho next Installment
Valuable Australian Wood.
Figured blackwood is mentioned by
n consular report as perhaps the most
beautiful of Australia's many orna
mental hardwoods. Tho "flddlelmck"
and "mottled" grains are most sought,
tho grain of tho former being not un
like that of tho North American curly
maple. The color, however, Is differ
ent, being n rich golden brown. Tho
pnnel effects nre obtained by combin
ing tho figuro with tho plain black-wood.
Chesterfield and Voltaire.
Tho fourth earl of Chesterfield was
on ono occasion nt n grand assembly
In France whero Voltaire was ono of
tho guests. Suddenly tho French
writer accosted his lordship with tho
words: "My lord, I know you are a
Judge. Which aro tho more beautiful,
tho English or tho French ladles?"
"Upon my word," replied Chesterfield,
with Ills usunl presence of mind. "I
J am no judge of painting" Argonaut
dOLDEN TEXT-For God so loved th
world, that he gave IiIh only begotten Son,
that whosoever bcllevcth In him should not
perish, but havs everlasting life. John 3:
Thou art the Christ, the 8on of the
living God. Matthew 15:10.
I am not ashamed of the Gospel of
Christ, for It Is the power of Qod unto
salvation to everyone that belloveth.
Romans 1:16.
Tho method of review must largely
be determined by the Individual tench
er. For Junior nnd Intermediate
classes a good way will be by tho uso
of n good map of Palestine, to trace tho
Journeys of Jesus from ills birth to his
ascension, giving emphasis to some of
his vital teachings, deeds of mercy
nnd power, atoning death, triumphant
resurrection nnd glorious coming
ngnln. The following day may be
suggestive of the latter method:
Lesson I. As Jesus wns passing
through the consts of Tyre and Sldon.
he wns besought by n Syrophoenlclnn
woman to henl her daughter, who was
grievously possessed with a demon.
After npparent Indifference, In order
to lend her Into nn Intelligent faith,
ho henlcd her dnughter. As ho further
Journeyed through Decnpolls, a denf
and dumb mnn besought him for heal
ing. Lesvjn II. As his earthly career was
approaching Its end, Jesus began to
take account of his ministry. ne
wnnted the disciples to have definite
and personnl knowledge ns to his per
son, ne knew thnt the opinions of
others would not sufllce them In tho
hours of darkness which were Immedi
ately before them.
Lesson III. Jesus was transfigured
beforo Peter, Jnmes and John, to show
them his triumph over denth In his
glorious kingdom. This occurred nt a
tlmo when the disciples wero sorely
tried. Jesus' rebuke nppnrently
estranged them. He was transfigured
"beforo them," showing thnt the chief
object of the transfiguration wns to
prepare the disciples for the ordeal be
fore them. An Inspired commentary
upon this translation Is found In n
Peter 1 :10-19..
Lesson IV. As Jesus wns endeavor
ing to show his disciples how he must
bo crucified, they were disputing ns to
who should be tho grentest In tho
kingdom. Jesus taught them that
humble, self-denying service Is tho
sign of true greatness. This Is a les
son which needs to be lenrned by most
of us todny, as despite our best efforts
we note Insidious self-seeking making
itself known.
Lesson V. A certnln rich man In
quired of the Lord as to whnt he must
do in order to Inherit eternnl life.
This young man wns of an nmlnble
disposition nnd enrnest and sincere,
but ho hnd wrong notions ns to snlvn
tlon. Jesus showed him that his su
premo need was not doing something
to be saved, hut io be willing to sur
render nil things for him.
Lesson VI. While the Lord wns
consciously facing the cross, the disci
ples were concerned nbout positions of
pre-eminence. Jesus tnught them thnt
those w'ho would follow him must not
seek for greatness or position, but to
render lowly sen Ice. In this Christ
Is the grand exnmple. In due time he
will exalt thoso who In lowliness of
heart serve him.
Lesson VII. Jesus drove out the
money chnngcrs from the temple, nnd
dcclnred that tho house of God should
bo n house of prayer Instead of a
house of merchandise. This lesson
needs to be learned by many churches
Lesson VI II. The scribes sought to
entrap Jesus by asking captious ques
tions. To the question ns to what wan
the greatest commandment, he replied
thnt It wns love to God with nil one's
heart, soul, mind and strength. Since
this Is tho first nnd great command
ment, to vlolnto this commandment Is
to be guilty of tho greatest sin.
Lesson IX. While Jesus snt at
meat, a certain woman nnnolnted him
with precious ointment In anticipation
of his burlnl. Tho Lord was pleased
with this act, for It was out of a heurt
of fervent lovo thnt sho lavished upon
him her best.
Lesoon X. In connection with tho
last Passover, nt which Judas betrayed
Jesus, the symbols which represent
the body nnd blood of Jesus wero In
troduced. In the emblems of the com
munion we appropriate tho very llfo
nnd blessings of Christ.
Lesson XI. Jesus died between two
malefactors to make atonement for
tho world's sin. He gnvc his llfo a
ransom for many. Whllo on tho cross,
they mockingly snld ho saved others,
himself lie could not snve.
Ho could not save both himself and
others, so he choso to save others and
give himself to die.
Laison XII. Jesus nrose from the
gravo and demonstrated his resurrec
tion with Infnlllblo proofs. In this
God declared him to be his Son, and
set his stamp of approval upon his
work. Tho disciples ought to havo
rejoiced that the tomb wns empty.
Had ho not arisen, his entire work
would have been proven a failure. Tho
resurrection of Jesus Christ, and tho
bodily resurrection of those who nre
Christ's, U central to the Christian